呵呵 我可以帮你 【摘要】本文旨在对1999我国城镇年人均收入变动对年人均各种消费变动的影响进行实证分析。首先,我们综合了几种关于收入和消费的主要理论观点;进而我们建立了理论模型。然后,收集了相关的数据,利用EVIEWS软件对计量模型进行了参数估计和检验,并加以修正。最后,我们对所得的分析结果作了经济意义的分析,并相应提出一些政策建议。一.问题的提出随着市场经济的稳定繁荣和改革开放的深入发展,我国人均生活水平有了大幅度提高,其主要表现在人均可支配收入的增长。联系我国“九五”期间的情况看,政府为加快经济发展所使用的扩张性财政政策收效明显,各种金融资产的利率也多次下调,其结果使大量储蓄直接转化为投资,将后期消费转化为当期消费,大大激活了商品市场,使其流动性增强。投资的增加促使了商品的多元化快速发展。90年代中期以来,短缺经济现象在我国基本消失,价格机制在资源配置中开始发挥基础性调节作用,市场供不应求的商品已很少见,供过于求的商品不断增加,价格开始出现持续下降。我国城镇居民收入高,消费量大,商品化程度高,其消费对农村居民有一定的示范作用,在消费结构的研究中占有重要的地位,因而研究分析城镇居民消费结构及特征,对拓宽消费品市场渠道,确定经济发展战略,适时调整和正确引导居民消费方向,促进经济增长具有重大意义。与此同时,改革开放以来的经济在从计划向市场转型的过程中,人民的消费水平、结构都发生了很大变化。在90年代后期我国更是首次出现了有效需求严重不足的状况,影响我国消费的因素就更成了一个热点问题。针对这种现象,本文收集了我国“九五”期间首年和末年各省、市、自治区的相关截面数据,并加以实证分析及比较对比分析,分析我国“九五”政策对我国经济发展的影响。二.经济理论陈述<一>.西方经济学中关于消费与收入决定关系的有关理论假说(一)凯恩斯绝对收入假说对于 有(1) ,即 会随收入的而增长 ,但其增量小于收入增量。(2) ,即 由 可知 有 ,即收入的平均消费倾向递减。绝对收入假说下的消费函数通常采用线性形式 , 此时 ,函数 符合假说 和 (二)杜森贝利相对收入假说1.由于消费的示范效应,消费支出不仅受消费者自身收入影响,而且受他人消费支出和收入影响。2.由于消费的棘轮效应,消费支出不仅受消费者当前收入影响,而且受他过去收入和消费支出影响,尤其受具高峰时期收入和消费支出影响。即 表示过去最高消费水平,对 有 其中 表示过去最高收入水平。(三)弗里德曼持久性收入假说该假说把收入 分解为持久性收入 和暂时性收入 ,把 分解为持久性消费 和暂时性消费 ,有 , 假定:1.从而 2. ,其中 , 是由利息率 ,消费者非人力资本财富 其他因素 决定的,认为 通常是相对稳定的常数。3. 与 , 与 , 与 不相关,即 , , ,从而 ,因此 ,进而有 。所以:消费函数 不清 ,在假设 下,函数形式 成为弗里德曼持久性收入假说消费函数的修正形成或弱形式。〈二〉.有关消费结构对居民消费影响的理论(一)消费结构是消费者为满足不同方面的需要,用于不同方面的消费支出在总消费支出中所占的比例关系。它是居民消费行为的重要内容。消费结构根本上说是由生产力发展水平决定的同时,又反过来对生产力发展水平产生重要影响。研究居民消费结构,对于正确引导消费,实现消费结构合理化,为产业结构调整提供理论依据,以促进经济发展有重要意义。西方经济学家对消费支出的分类,一般有以下3种,(1) 按吃、穿、住、用划分;(2) 按消费对象基本属性划分,分为非耐用消费品、耐用消费品、劳务(3) 按消费的社会功能分为生理消费和社会消费。消费结构变化取决于多方面因素,其中志决定作用的是人均收入水平。恩格尔定律揭示了两者的关系,用恩格尔系数= ,作为衡量个人家庭消费结构,以至一国居民消费结构变化的指标,也成为衡量富国、穷国的标准,一般也随着收入的增加,恩系趋于下降。(二)从整个人类社会发展过程看,消费结构变化一般规律可概括为四个转化(1)从自给性消费为主的消费结构向商品性消费结构转化。(2)在商品性消费结构中,吃为主的消费结构向穿用为主的消费结构转化。还有好多穿不上来 加我qq 532657535请采纳。
The distribution of income in wages exist "income gap" phenomenon (due to the statistics annals of income gap is true, these gap and comprehensive display was not included in the us basically in front of about different income group distribution and gini coefficient of calculation and analysis, and so on, we the income gap, but not separate with statistical data of all aspects of income distribution for the analysis and conclusion mix together, here we call it "the statistics show", the income gap between). Salary income, income and illegal income is monopolistic income distribution gap caused by the main source. From the statistics, the income distribution gap with the lowest earners highest earners income gap, and every year is to expand the growth rate; The highest earners with minimum earners of consumer spending, in every consumer spending is growth expand, According to the distribution of income and wealth gini coefficient is with average annual growth rate to the few who are only in housing distribution, for example, to illustrate the existing "income gap". According to the city residents per household area statistics analysis, 1998, reflect the housing area differences in gini coefficient is relatively modest, the scope, But if the differential rents factors taken into consideration, the housing price calculated gini coefficient is very wide gap (see chart 2).Income distribution rules caused by income gap is not reasonable, even illegal, society has caused concern for society, the serious negative effect, measures should be taken to focus. Of course, the "income gap" has its reasonable factors and inevitable objective factors: one is the senior management personnel, mastering high-tech talent and capital are scarce elements in the market mechanism, basic regulatory function, human capital, technology, capital, the owner of the elements of the labor and investment by himself to get rich. The salary income distribution within the system, because the average income, furthermore, it is the large gap system has its reasonable ingredient (., a part of the labor compensation system should be included in the system, belong to the reasonable and did not include income; the other part of the system of income and reasonable elements into income and unreasonable or legitimate income is two parts, the unreasonable, illegal income can be divided into the black gray income, income, etc.). Three is due to the surplus labor force in town, and ordinary neutralized low-income income increase. Positive and negative aspects of the role, also can make the urban income distribution gap. To produce "income gap of rational composition, should pass into the system to be solve, For other unreasonable, illegal income, should adopt limit, cancellation, even to industries unreasonable high income problem still outstanding. Because some monopoly industries, 1999, the big industry by sixteen, worker pay the highest level is the lowest 245 times, According to the classification of industry, the highest fine points of worker wage income is the lowest income 240 times of industry worker. In 1994, the monopoly industries and the whole social worker average wage worker of average wage multiples relation is between times to results, In 1999, rise to 138 and times, the gap between the expansion (see chart 3). Here, not including system, such as the income gap, and the system of income. The central and western part of the area and urban residents income level and the growth rate of workers in the rankings for the phenomenon of "low", between regions, including widening income gap, "low" phenomenon in henan province is outstanding, shanxi, hebei, worrying. The development of the western region and to the western economy and urban residents (including rural residents income growth to inject new vitality into the central region, but also cannot ignore, otherwise, will drag the economy is average or distribution of income gap, all is one kind of inequality. All of the socialist market economy and the labor value distribution and income distribution behaviorsOne is the salary pays not standard, Second is the salary is not standard, in the extraction efficiency, unplanned and link the base salary is popular; the extraction of Three is part of enterprise established compensatory endowment insurance exceed total wages standard of 4% higher income into cost, form, Four is enterprise management personnel, lack of arbitrary position reasonable consumption constraints, chi 5 is the institution of regulating income activities without rules, distribution, low and the whole structure is unreasonable income distributionOne is the salary structure unreasonable, within the system, the system of low wage labor remuneration, various projects, high salary; not 2 it is to press the income distribution of various factors, and the central about "to allow and encourage capital, technology and elements in income distribution gap" demands still. 1990-1999), urban per capita annual per capita income of the proportion of all income, not only from the relative decrease, but increased percentage points, although it can be attributed to some extent for recent salary welfare salary played a boycott of the proportion of the relative decrease, but also can see, urban residents by various factors are not true, other elements adjust need further increases in allocation proportion (here, we have the statistical data of the system of income, outside the unreasonable income, illegal income, and this will take into consideration as another problem solved).4 and different income group distribution form insufficient ideal, the proportion of low-income peopleIn every different income groups of distribution, the medium income and medium income group is relatively small, only the total , Due to the rapid increase of income level to other top earners minority groups in the relativity of income and low and medium downward, show the relative to income group total aggregate of a different income distribution structure, easy to cause the group of the income gap widening psychological unbalance (due to the group of internal income gaps and the lowest low-income earners, medium slant on earners, therefore, are low-income earners in the highest position. Psychologically, these low-income looked up, they saw a head top earners, and ignored between them and the highest earners between scale less visible, causing the transitional income group is a big contrast). Different income group is not reasonable distribution of our current problems to be solved in income distribution of primary contradictions 希望你能接纳
计量经济学期末实验报告实验名称:大中城市城镇居民人均消费支出与其影响因素的分析姓 名: 学 号: 班 级: 指导教师: 时 间: 23个城市城镇居民人均消费支出与其影响因素的分析一、 经济理论背景近几年来,中国经济保持了快速发展势头,投资、出口、消费形成了拉动经济发展的“三架马车”,这已为各界所取得共识。通过建立计量模型,运用计量分析方法对影响城镇居民人均消费支出的各因素进行相关分析,找出其中关键影响因素,以为政策制定者提供一定参考,最终促使消费需求这架“马车”能成为引领中国经济健康、快速、持续发展的基石。二、 有关人均消费支出及其影响因素的理论我们主要从以下几个方面分析我国居民消费支出的影响因素:①、居民未来支出预期上升,影响了居民即期消费的增长 居民的被动储蓄直接导致购买力的巨大分流, 从而减弱对消费品的即期需求,严重地影响了居民即期消费的增长,进而导致有效需求的不足,最终导致经济增长的乏力。90年代末期以来,我国的医疗、养老、失业保险、教育等一系列改革措施集中出台,原有的体制被打破,而新的体制尚未建立健全,因此目前的医疗、养老、失业保险、教育体制对居民个人支出的压力较大,而且基本上都是硬性支出,支出的不确定性也很大,导致居民目前对未来支出预期的上升。 ②、商品供求结构性矛盾依然突出从消费结构上看,我国消费品市场已发生了新的根本性变化:居民低层次消费已近饱和,而更高水平的消费又未达到。改革开放20多年来,城乡居民经过了一个中档耐用消费品的普及阶段后,目前老百姓的收入消费还不足以形成一个新的、以高档产品为内容的主导性消费热点,如轿车、住房等还远不能纳入大多数人的消费主流,居民现有的购买力不能形成推动主导消费品升级的动力。 ③、物价总水平持续在低水平运行,通货紧缩的压力较大,不利于消费的增长 加入WTO之后,随着关税的降低和进口规模的扩大,国外产品对我国市场的冲击将进一步加大,国际价格紧缩对国内价格变化将产生负面影响。物价的持续下降,不利于居民的消费增长。因为从居民的消费心理上看,买涨不买降是居民购物的习惯心理。由于居民对物价有进一步下降的预期,因此往往推迟消费,不利于居民消费的增长。另外,从统计上分析,由于物价的下降,名义消费增长往往低于实际消费的增长,这在一定程度上也不利于消费增长幅度的提高。④、我国现阶段没有形成大的消费热点,难以带动消费的快速增长经过近几年的培育和发展,我国目前已经形成了住房消费、居民汽车消费、通信及电子产品的消费、节假日消费及旅游消费等一些消费亮点,可以促进消费的稳定增长,但始终未能形成大的消费热点,因此不能带动消费的高速增长。三、 相关数据收集相关数据均来源于2006年《中国统计年鉴》:23个大中城市城镇居民家庭基本情况地区 平均每户就业人口(人) 平均每一就业者负担人数(人) 平均每人实际月收入(元) 人均可支配收入(元) 人均消费支出(元)北京 天津 石家庄 太原 呼和浩特 沈阳 大连 长春 哈尔滨 上海 南京 杭州 宁波 合肥 福州 厦门 南昌 济南 青岛 郑州 武汉 长沙 广州 四、 模型的建立根据数据,我们建立多元线性回归方程的一般模型为: 其中: ——人均消费支出 ——常数项 ——回归方程的参数 ——平均每户就业人口数 ——平均每一就业者负担人口数 ——平均每人实际月收入 ——人均可支配收入 ——随即误差项五、实验过程(一)回归模型参数估计根据数据建立多元线性回归方程: 首先利用Eviews软件对模型进行OLS估计,得样本回归方程。利用Eviews输出结果如下:Dependent Variable: YMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/11/07 Time: 16:08Sample: 1 23Included observations: 23Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C Mean dependent var R-squared . dependent var . of regression Akaike info criterion squared resid Schwarz criterion likelihood F-statistic stat Prob(F-statistic) 根据多元线性回归关于Eviews输出结果可以得到参数的估计值为: , , , , 从而初步得到的回归方程为: Se= () () () () ()T= () () () () () F= df=18模型检验:由于在 的水平下,解释变量 、 、 的检验的P值都大于,所以变量不显著,说明模型中可能存在多重共线性等问题,进而对模型进行修正。(二)处理多重共线性我们采用逐步回归法对模型的多重共线性进行检验和处理:X1:Dependent Variable: YMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/11/07 Time: 16:28Sample: 1 23Included observations: 23Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C Mean dependent var R-squared . dependent var . of regression Akaike info criterion squared resid Schwarz criterion likelihood F-statistic stat Prob(F-statistic) :Dependent Variable: YMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/11/07 Time: 16:29Sample: 1 23Included observations: 23Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C Mean dependent var R-squared . dependent var . of regression Akaike info criterion squared resid 1032515. Schwarz criterion likelihood F-statistic stat Prob(F-statistic) :Dependent Variable: YMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/11/07 Time: 16:29Sample: 1 23Included observations: 23Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C Mean dependent var R-squared . dependent var . of regression Akaike info criterion squared resid Schwarz criterion likelihood F-statistic stat Prob(F-statistic) :Dependent Variable: YMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/11/07 Time: 16:30Sample: 1 23Included observations: 23Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C Mean dependent var R-squared . dependent var . of regression Akaike info criterion squared resid Schwarz criterion likelihood F-statistic stat Prob(F-statistic) 由得出的数据可以看出, 的调整的判定系数最大,因此首先把 引入调整的方程中,然后在分别引入变量 、 、 进行OLS得:X1、X3Dependent Variable: YMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/11/07 Time: 16:32Sample: 1 23Included observations: 23Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C Mean dependent var R-squared . dependent var . of regression Akaike info criterion squared resid Schwarz criterion likelihood F-statistic stat Prob(F-statistic) 、X3Dependent Variable: YMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/11/07 Time: 16:33Sample: 1 23Included observations: 23Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C Mean dependent var R-squared . dependent var . of regression Akaike info criterion squared resid Schwarz criterion likelihood F-statistic stat Prob(F-statistic) 、X4Dependent Variable: YMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/11/07 Time: 16:34Sample: 1 23Included observations: 23Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C Mean dependent var R-squared . dependent var . of regression Akaike info criterion squared resid Schwarz criterion likelihood F-statistic stat Prob(F-statistic) 由数据结果可以看出,引入X4时方程的调整判定系数最大,且解释变量均通过了显著性检验,再分别引入X1、X2进行分析。X1、X3、X4Dependent Variable: YMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/11/07 Time: 16:37Sample: 1 23Included observations: 23Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C Mean dependent var R-squared . dependent var . of regression Akaike info criterion squared resid Schwarz criterion likelihood F-statistic stat Prob(F-statistic) 、X3、X4Dependent Variable: YMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/11/07 Time: 16:38Sample: 1 23Included observations: 23Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C Mean dependent var R-squared . dependent var . of regression Akaike info criterion squared resid Schwarz criterion likelihood F-statistic stat Prob(F-statistic) 由输出结果可以看出,在 的水平下,解释变量 、 的检验的P值都大于,解释变量不能通过显著性检验,因此可以得出结论模型中只能引入X3、X4两个变量。则调整后的多元线性回归方程为: Se= () () () T= () () () F= df=20(三).异方差性的检验对模型 进行怀特检验:White Heteroskedasticity Test:F-statistic Probability *R-squared Probability Test Equation:Dependent Variable: RESID^2Method: Least SquaresDate: 12/11/07 Time: 16:53Sample: 1 23Included observations: 23Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C Mean dependent var R-squared . dependent var . of regression Akaike info criterion squared resid Schwarz criterion likelihood F-statistic stat Prob(F-statistic) 由检验结果可知, ,由White检验知,在 时,查 分布表,得临界值 (20)=,因为 < (5)= ,所以模型中不存在异方差。 (四).自相关的检验由模型的输出结果可知,估计结果都比较满意,无论是回归方程检验,还是参数显著性检验的检验概率,都显著小于,D-W值为,显著性水平 =下查Durbin-Watson表,其中n=23,解释变量的个数为2,得到下限临界值 ,上限临界值 , =
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