我国已经进入老龄化社会。在“未富先老”的社会经济背景之下,面对庞大的老龄人口及迅速的增长,如何解决市家庭照顾功能的弱化与社会养老负担沉重的问题,探索出适合本街道居家养老服务体系,以满足老年人日益增长的日常生活照顾需求,就成为当务之急。现依据延吉街道居家养老服务的现状,剖析其发展过程中存在的问题,并提出切实可行的政策建议【以下是英文China has entered the aging society. In the "old before getting rich" socio-economic background, the face of a huge aging population and rapid growth, how to solve the City, the weakening of family care function of the heavy burden of the Social Security problems, explore the streets for the home care service system to meet the daily life of the elderly to take care of the growing demand to become a top priority. On the basis of home care services in the streets of Yanji situation, analyze the problems in the development process, and propose practical policy recommendations】 【人口老龄化Aging of the population】【街道Street】【未富先老Old before getting rich】【居家养老Home care】悬赏分啊?