摘 要:安东・契诃夫一生短暂,著有大量短篇小说经典之作和《樱桃园》、《凡尼亚舅舅》、《海鸥》等不朽的名作。他幼时家境贫寒,没有快乐的童年,早年时期就需要通过写作来维持家庭的生计,在他的作品中,时而快乐,痛苦,时而希望,遗憾,都是契诃夫本人感情的真实流露。本篇论文分析《海鸥》的人物与契诃夫本人的关系,并研究海鸥怎样表达了契诃夫的愿望。安东・契诃夫,俄国主要剧作家和短篇小说大师,世界短篇小说之王之一。他语言精炼,善于透过生活的表层向内部意义进行探索,将人物的隐蔽心理和动机表达的淋漓尽致。他的小说中没有复杂的情节和清晰的解答,只是集中讲诉一些貌似平凡琐碎的故事,可是却反而创造出了一种特别的,令人难以忘怀的或者是抒情氛围及其浓烈的情境。他采用简洁的写作风格,因此被认为是19世纪俄国现实主义文学流派的杰出代表。他的生命是短暂的,但是他将自己贡献给了文学的发展,他创造了一种新的写作方式,就是通过描写语言来表达人们的内心世界或者是日常生活,同时又没有特定的主要人物。此种写作方式看似无序但是却更贴近我们普通人的现实生活,表达了我们的内心世界。《海鸥》是一部短篇喜剧,主要讲诉了沙皇时代生活在一个大庄园中的年轻人之间的生活和爱。作者将自己写在人物里,每一个人物都与他有着密不可分的关系。Terry Wave Lev是Arlkagina的儿子,他有点才华,他想学一些写作的技能但是周围的环境不利于他写作专研,相反还会制约他取得成绩。于是,他将自己与现实生活和人群隔离,专研写作,但是,他的作品因为脱离现实又不能抓住读者的心理,被他的亲生母亲嘲笑。他妒忌他妈妈的情人,Nina的仰慕者,Terry Groves。Nina是一名有活力的女演员,她对生活和爱情都充满憧憬与向往。Terry Wave Lev向Nina表达了爱意但是被拒绝了,导致了Terry Wave Lev自杀。爱情在这部小说中是个笑话。尽管在这部小说中有许多的爱情关系,但是最终都无疾而终。安东・契诃夫创造出Terry Wave Lev的目的在于指出写作应该围绕真实生活,写作灵感应来源于外面的世界和生活。契诃夫的童年时光暗淡,贫穷。是因为童年,以及童年带来的一生的挣扎,那种深入灵魂的困窘[1],使他的作品有种沉重和忧伤。他住在塔甘罗阁,他不喜欢那个地方,因此他想要离开。如果他不离开,他就不会有他需要的创作灵感。因此他创造出Terry Wave Lev这个悲惨人物暗指作家写作应结合现实生活,在这部作品中,契诃夫还描写了其他的职业,如演员,医生,仆人,他仅仅是描绘他们的生活,不做评论。这些职业都与契诃夫息息相关,在现实生活中他不仅仅是一名作家,他还是一名医生。一方面,他医治了很多病人,解除他们的痛苦,另一方面,他又嘲笑这个令人绝望的世界,因为他知道他无法医治人们面对真实生活时所受的创伤。因此他创造了这个滑稽的角色来表达面对现实生活他内心细微的但是柔软的同时又有些阴暗的态度,这些情感都是他亲身经历过的感受,他深感疲惫,却无能为力。在依莱娜・内米洛夫斯基所著的La vie de Tchekhov并由陈剑所译的《契诃夫的一生》中,提到契诃夫作品中用的句子“混合着玩笑、伤感和平静的失望”,“水晶一般的冷漠”[2]。这些感受都被倾注在他的作品中的人物上,如同Terry Wave Lev一样,他的作品不被人理解,反而被母亲嘲笑,周遭环境也无法让他安心写作,加之他的爱情不顺利,没有人理解他,“即使在最亲近他的人当中,也没有一个人曾真正了解他灵魂深处的全部想法”[3],他感到孤独,契诃夫以及Terry Wave Lev的人生和写作是一样的进程:“开头总是满满当当的许诺……中间变得皱巴巴怯生生,到结尾……烟花一场。”[4]契诃夫喜欢写作,但是有一阶段他是在Galygvche的支持下才得以将写作进行下去,是Galygvche给他一些建议和意见,鼓励他继续写作,他才能写的越来越好。Doorn在《海鸥》中是医生,他在医学领域是个天才,很有才华,喜欢艺术,懂得享受生活。他对自然情有独钟,喜欢亲近自然哪怕自然中最偏僻荒凉的角落,对于他而言,也变化万千,生机盎然,所以心情自然很开朗,很乐观,他喜欢自然界中的各种生命,富有同情心。他喜欢唱歌,这让我们想到了契诃夫的童年,他的父亲总是让他和哥哥们在唱诗班为上帝唱赞美诗,Doorn就是契诃夫,他把自己放到了这部戏剧中来描写,Doorn的很多性格特点都是契诃夫的写照,“很不幸,他的朋友太多了;他们总是打算到他这来,但没有人想到付钱。”[5]后来,契诃夫得了肺结核,但是他仍然带病坚持帮助需要他帮助的朋友们,他热爱生活,也愿意做农活,将自己真正的投入到现实生活中去,这为他的写作灵感奠定了基础。戏剧中的Nina是契诃夫妻子Olga的代表,她很漂亮,高贵,整个人又很热情。她给了契诃夫很多力量和年轻的活力,她对生活积极的态度也深深地影响着契诃夫,就如同《海鸥》中的Nina一样,心中有梦想,并且无论现实生活怎样她都能坚持自己的梦想,始终如一的努力生活。Olga是一个戏剧院中的著名演员,在他们结婚后,她并没有放弃这一职业,仍然在舞台上演出,与契诃夫两地分居。契诃夫在现实生活中找到了他的Nina,又在作品中创造出了他的Olga,尽管他不喜欢Olga做的这个决定,他也尊重了她的选择。Shamlayv是Solin和Arlkagina的管家,他似乎是契诃夫父亲的代表,他喜欢看戏剧,契诃夫的父亲喜欢唱诗,他俩都很爱财。契诃夫的父亲对契诃夫的影响很大,他这样描写父亲,“宽厚的肩膀,茂密的大胡子,粗糙都双手”[6]满满的都是父爱。他为此创造出了这样有趣的一个角色来怀念他的父亲。在这部作品中还有其他的角色,从上面那几个人物的分析上我们不难看出,每一个人物都是独一无二的,哪个角色都不能被代替,他们是契诃夫本人的写照,也是他身边人物的反应。每个人都过着自己独特的人生,正是这样不同的人生构成了这部戏剧。举个例子, Arlkagina和Terry Groves, Terry Groves和Nina, Nina和Terry Wave Lev, Masia和Terry Wave Lev, 以及Masia和Doorn之间的爱情,可笑的是,没有一对恋人是有情人终成眷属的;而Shamlayv呢,通常都是把注意力放在戏剧上,或者是他养的牲畜上,还有就是关注于生活中细微的小事。此时,契诃夫仿佛是一位看客,他站在别处观看别人的故事。他觉得“生活是乏味的”[7]“所有人都活的愁云惨雾……人生不过就是由丑陋,烦恼以及平庸所构成,相互交叠,接连而至……”[8]。这是契诃夫眼里的世界和生活,渐渐转向平庸
人文学院田洪敏老师在A&HCI期刊《俄罗斯文学》(Русская Литература/ Russian Literature/ Russkaia Literatura)2020年第2期发表学术论文。论文以上海师范大学为独立署名单位,题目是《契诃夫的另一种文学性研究——基于社会史视角》(BehindtheCounter:《OtherLiterature》byAntonChekhovintheContextofSocialHistory ./За прилавком :《Другая литературность 》А.П.Чехова в контексте социальной истории )。《俄罗斯文学》(季刊)创刊于1958年,俄罗斯科学院彼得堡分院负责发行,属于文学历史研究;《俄罗斯文学》是俄语文学研究权威学术刊物,为A&HCI收录,在世界俄语文学研究中保持恒久和严肃的学术地位;期刊影响范围远涉俄罗斯国内外,为世界各高校、图书馆和研究机构收藏和研究。《俄罗斯文学》期刊当下重要任务之一是研究“科学的文学观念”——新阐释,新观点和新成果。特别关注文学与历史关系的再研究,作家传记和文本阐释的新路径,档案史料的发掘等。我国学者曾在该期刊发表书评、会议综述以及译介等论文,田洪敏的《安东·契诃夫另一种文学性研究》是该期刊近年来首次发表中国学者的立论性质长篇论文,论文不仅是契诃夫研究的补充拓展成果,同时也是对1860-1910俄国历史进程研究的有效文章,具有一定的学术影响。论文主体将1880年代契诃夫开始职业写作的十年作为基本档案史料来源,绕过21世纪以来的后现代主义批评视野,回归文学和历史的本体论意识,在科学史料的基础上讨论契诃夫的文学性问题。论文内部逻辑基于百年来契诃夫研究的学术史展开:1 契诃夫的艺术观念;2 契诃夫的宗教观念;3 契诃夫的社会观念。具体来讲,契诃夫是一个自然主义的作家还是现代主义倾向的作家,是一个宗教主义者还是一个怀疑论作家,契诃夫在世界文学进程的研究新方法等。而要解决上述问题首先必须面对的是1861年俄国改革之后至1880年代的历史进程——即俄国地主贵族退却,农民阶层进入历史进程,城市化进程加剧;新阶层形成并且起到主导作用。特别值得一提的是,深受契诃夫传记研究者青睐的用以佐证契诃夫“不幸童年”的史料,比如教堂唱诗班,比如父亲经营的以卖外国进口咖啡等物什的小铺子等都应该重新放诸社会史中进行考察。这在很大程度上可以考察1861改革之后俄国教育风气的转向。农奴出身的父亲对于贵族的羡慕不仅仅是富有,同时因为他们“认字”,可以读书。正是进阶为商人的父亲的坚持,契诃夫在南部港口城市塔甘罗格故乡接受了希腊教育。契诃夫在个体生活和写作中秉持的“平等观念”也是在少年时代已经形成,考入莫斯科大学医学院并且真正行医的经历,导致契诃夫对于自然科学和哲学世界的敏感度居于同时代人前列。同时必须注意到,文学批评在1861年改革之后渐趋职业化,较之19世纪上半叶从事文学批评的人多数是作家的朋友或者是“敌人”,1861年代之后文学批评更加持证,而契诃夫在1880年代开始职业写作的时候就尽可能将自己的作品诉诸所有文学期刊,这也可以解释契诃夫文学批评相对其他作家给后来研究者留下更多的研究空间和史料档案。上述史料的发掘和研究方法都在近年来得到重视。至于契诃夫的市民社会观念(Secular Society)也有更多研究。契诃夫一生经历罗曼王朝最后三代君主,特别是1880-1890年是俄国历史上少有的十年稳定期:没有对外战争,国内经济发展良好,是俄国历史上第一次最大范围打破阶层藩篱的时期,缙绅阶层受到挑战;此间,包括契诃夫的行医实践;1894-1897年期间建立地方委员会;个人出资改造乡村教育;参加1897年全俄人口普查;为饥馑的人和患有霍乱的人募捐。在此背景之下可以思索契诃夫作品中的经济生活描写,虽然这一点历来被研究者所忽略,事实上,俄国商业生活的描写在托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》中已经出现,虽然其背景不同;1861年改革之后,从事脑力劳动的群体显著增加,1863-1913年俄国人口增加了1,3倍。公务人员,律师,医生和工程师,自由职业者,大学生数量明显增加,国家剧院、出版和工业等新行业需要大量专业人才。同一时期神职人员却很难觅得工作。如果研究契诃夫的小说人物会发现上述新兴阶层无一例外成为契诃夫写作的主人公,进一步来讲1861年之后俄国经济生活的变化甚至影响到了契诃夫的文学观念。至1889年书写来自“环境的人”(человек из среды или обыватель )最终成为契诃夫的艺术原则,至于所有的俄国文学主人公都必须“破坏”现实生活规则才能赢得读者的观念受到契诃夫质疑和摒弃,而这一点也是后来学界对契诃夫作品研究的难点和争议之一。考察19世纪俄罗斯文学的宗教性质必须带有附加条件,如果不研究托尔斯泰个体精神转变便不能考察其作品的宗教性;而屠格涅夫作为叔本华主义者从本质上是无神论者,所以如果讨论契诃夫文学的宗教意识必须结合1880年代之后欧洲哲学、物理学的新发现以及人文学科渴望科学性的愿望带给契诃夫的重要影响,特别是德国新康德主义者威廉·温德尔班关于历史学科的科学性新论同样也影响了契诃夫关于“永恒文学”的思考。论文是写作者在2016年之后将“斯拉夫研究”作为整体性研究的成果和思考之一,论文写作起源于2016年,至2019年在德国洪堡大学斯拉夫学院访学时期最终完成并发表,尚有很多学术问题值得进一步深究。论文受到上海师范大学人文学院中文学科资助。РЛ_2_2020俄罗斯文学2020年第2期(1).pdf徐汇校区:上海市徐汇区桂林路100号 | 奉贤校区:上海市奉贤区海思路100号 联系电话:邮政编码:200234 Copyright © 2014 Shanghai Normal University ALL rights reserved沪ICP备05052062 沪公网安备:31009102000050号
bamboo_2006 2位粉丝 2楼The Seagull Chekhov in an 1898 portrait by Osip Seagull (Russian: "Чайка" ("Chayka")), written in 1896, is the first of what are generally considered to be Anton Chekhov's four major plays. It centres on the romantic and artistic conflicts between four theatrical characters: the ingenue Nina, the fading leading lady Irina Arkadina, her son the experimental playwright Konstantin Treplyov, and the famous middlebrow story writer Trigorin. Like the rest of Chekhov's full-length plays, The Seagull relies upon an ensemble cast of diverse, fully developed characters. In opposition to much of the melodramatic theatre of the 19th century, lurid actions (such as Treplyov's suicide attempts) are kept offstage. Characters tend to speak in ways that skirt around issues rather than addressing them directly, a concept known as subtext. The play has a strong intertextual relationship with Shakespeare's Hamlet. Arkadina and Treplyov quote lines from it before the play-within-a-play in the first act (and the play-within-a-play device is itself used in Hamlet). There are many allusions to Shakespearean plot details as well. For instance, Treplyov seeks to win his mother back from the usurping older man Trigorin much as Hamlet tries to win Queen Gertrude back from his uncle Claudius. The opening night of the first production was a famous failure. Vera Komissarzhevskaya, playing Nina, was so intimidated by the hostility of the audience that she lost her voice.[1] Chekhov left the audience and spent the last two acts behind the scenes. When supporters wrote to him that the production later became a success, he assumed they were just trying to be kind. When Konstantin Stanislavski directed it in a later production for the Moscow Art Theatre, the play was a triumph. 2007-9-4 20:10 回复 bamboo_2006 2位粉丝 3楼Characters Madame Arkadina - an actress Konstantin Treplyov - her son, a playwright Sorin - Arkadina's brother Nina - daughter of a rich landowner Shamrayef - retired lieutenant, manager of Sorin's estate Pauline - his wife Masha - their daughter Trigorin - a well-known writer Dorn - a doctor Medviedenko - a schoolmaster Yakov - a laborer Cook 2007-9-4 20:11 回复 bamboo_2006 2位粉丝 4楼Story Act I The play takes place on a country estate owned by Sorin, a former government employee with failing health. He is the brother of the famous actress Arkadina, who has just arrived at the estate with her lover, Trigorin, for a brief vacation. In Act I, the people staying at Sorin's estate gather to see a play that Arkadina's son Konstantin Treplyov has written and directed. The play-within-a-play stars Nina, a young girl who lives on a neighboring estate, as the "soul of the world." The play is his latest attempt at creating a new theatrical form, and resembles a dense symbolist work. Arkadina laughs at the play, finding it ridiculous and incomprehensible, and Konstantin storms off in disgrace. Act I also sets up the play's many romantic triangles. The schoolteacher Medviedenko loves Masha, the daughter of the estate's steward. Masha, in turn, has an unrequited crush on Konstantin, who is courting Nina. When Masha tells the kindly old Doctor Dorn about her longing, he helplessly blames the moon and the lake for making everybody feel romantic. Act II Act II takes place in the afternoon outside of the estate, a few days later. After reminiscing about happier times, Arkadina engages the house steward Shamrayef in a heated argument, and decides to leave immediately. Nina lingers behind after the group leaves, and Konstantin shows up to give her a seagull that he has shot. Nina is confused and horrified at the gift. Konstantin sees Trigorin approaching, and he leaves in a jealous fit. Trigorin, a famous writer, enters. Nina asks him to tell her about the writer's life. He replies that it is not an easy one. Nina says that she knows the life of an actress is not easy either, but she wants more than anything to be one. Trigorin sees the seagull that Konstantin has shot and muses on how he could use it as a subject for a short story: "A young girl lives all her life on the shore of a lake. She loves the lake, like a seagull, and she's happy and free, like a seagull. But a man arrives by chance, and when he sees her, he destroys her, out of sheer boredom. Like this seagull." Arkadina calls for Trigorin, and he leaves as she tells him that she has changed her mind, and they will not be leaving immediately. Nina lingers behind, enthralled with Trigorin's celebrity and modesty, and she gushes, "My dream!".. 2007-9-4 20:13 回复 bamboo_2006 2位粉丝 5楼Act III Act III takes place inside the estate, on the day when Arkadina and Trigorin have decided to depart for Moscow. Between acts Konstantin attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head, but the bullet only grazed his skull. He spends all of Act III with his scalp heavily bandaged. Nina finds Trigorin eating breakfast and presents him with a medallion that proclaims her devotion to him using a line from one of Trigorin's own books: "If you ever need my life, come and take it." She retreats after begging for one last chance to see Trigorin before he leaves. Arkadina appears, followed by Sorin, whose health has continued to deteriorate. Trigorin leaves to continue packing. There is a brief argument between Arkadina and Sorin, after which Sorin collapses in grief. He is helped off by Medviedenko. Treplyov enters and asks his mother to change his bandage. As she is doing this, Treplyov disparages Trigorin and there is another argument, after which Treplyov leaves in tears. Trigorin reenters, and asks Arkadina if they can stay at the estate. She flatters and cajoles him until he agrees to return to Moscow. After she has left, Nina comes to say her final goodbye to Trigorin and to inform him that she is running away to become an actress, against her parents' wishes. They kiss passionately and make plans to meet again in Moscow. Act IV Act IV takes place during the winter two years later, in the drawing room that has been converted to Treplyov's study. Masha has finally accepted Medviedenko's marriage proposal, and they have a child together, though Masha still nurses an unrequited love for Konstantin. Various characters discuss what has happened in the two years that have passed: Nina and Trigorin lived together in Moscow for a time until he abandoned her and went back to Arkadina. Nina never achieved any real success as an actress, and is currently on a tour of the provinces with a small theatre group. Konstantin has had some short stories published, but is increasingly depressed. Sorin's health is failing, and the people at the estate have telegraphed for Arkadina to come for his final days. Most of the play's characters go to the drawing room to play bingo. Konstantin does not join them, and spends this time working on a manuscript at his desk. After the group leaves to eat dinner, Nina enters through a back door and tells Konstantin about her life over the last two years. She starts to compare herself to the seagull—the bird Konstantin killed—then rejects that and says "I am an actress." She tells him that she was forced to tour with a second-rate theatre company after the death of the child she had with Trigorin, but she seems to have a newfound confidence. Konstantin pleads with her to stay, but she is in such disarray that his pleading means nothing. She slips out as quietly as she arrived. Despondent, Treplyov spends several minutes tearing up his manuscript before silently leaving the room. The group reenters and returns to the bingo game. There is a sudden gunshot from off-stage, and Dorn goes to investigate. He returns and orders Trigorin to take Arkadina away, and tells him that Treplyov just shot himself.
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