With China's accession to the WTO and foreign relations activities have increased, and the restaurant industry to the world are faced with this problem. Therefore, we, as the restaurant industry practitioners, more or less understand the point of eating English, it is very necessary. Food including professional English language daily conversation, cooking technical terms in English and Chinese food menu, and so on, and this is particularly so with a Chinese food menu in English is most common. Chinese food to the menu translated into English, Chinese food dishes on-come to understand the composition and method of naming. Chinese food dishes are normally the name of raw materials, cooking method, the color flavor-shaped dishes, dishes such as birthplace of the founder or form. This reflects the contents and characteristics of the dishes named method called realism of the nomenclature, in addition to reflecting the Enjoyable dishes profound meaning of nomenclature. Due to the differences in Chinese and English major, we have Chinese food dishes in the Chinese translated into English by the time should be used realism of the nomenclature, as far as possible, dishes of raw materials, cooking, dishes, such as the flavor-translated to allow guests clear. One, dubbed the beginning of the translation method 1 � introduced dishes of raw and auxiliary materials: Formula: Hain (shape) + (with) Excipients Example: Almond Chicken Little chicken cubes with almond Beef tofu beef with beancurd Tomato Spread Scrambled egg with to tomato 2 � introduced the ingredient and flavoring dishes: Formula: Hain (shape) + (with, in) parsley Example: mustard pork duck webs with mustard sauce Frying chicken chicken in Scallion oil Rice wine sauce fish rolls with rice wine Second, to the beginning of the cooking method of translation method 1 � introduced dishes and the cooking method dubbed: Formula: Cook method + ingredient (SHAPE) Examples: soft fried cut soft-fried pork fillet Cooked roast suckling pig Speculation eel - Stir-fried eel slices 2 � Act introduced dishes and the cooking ingredient, supplies Formula: Cook method + ingredient (shape) + (with) Excipients Aberdeen ginger chicken, braised chicken fillet with tender ginger 3 � Cook on the dishes, ingredient and flavor: Formula: Cook method + ingredient (shape) + (with, in) parsley Example: stewed beef braised beef with brown sauce Remove pork fried shredded pork with Sweet and sour sauce Boiled pork stewed pig hoof in clean soup Third, shape or taste to the beginning of the translation method 1 � on the shape of dishes (taste) and the ingredient, supplies Formula: shape (taste) + ingredient + (with) Excipients Example: from a sesame crisp chicken with sesame chicken Chenpi rabbit small diced rabbit with orange peel At the center of chicken-Sliced chicken with seasonal vegetables 2 � introduced dishes taste, cooking method and ingredient Formula: Cook method taste + + ingredient Example: fried ribs crisp fried spareribs Soft-boiled fish tender stewed fish Stuffed chicken fragrant fried chicken 3 � on the shape of dishes (taste), the ingredient and flavoring Formula: shape (taste) + ingredient + (with) parsley Example: Chefs fish sliced fish with tomato sauce Law Ma chicken cutlets chicken with hot pepper Crispy shrimp rice wine crisp shrimps with rice wine sauce Fourth, the names or place names beginning with the translation method 1 � introduced dishes founder (birthplace) and the ingredient Formula: names (names) + ingredient Example: Ma Ma Po beancurd Great tofu Sichuan dumplings Sichuan boiled dumpling 2 � introduced dishes founder (birthplace), Cook law and Hain Formula: names (names) + + ingredient cooking method Example: Dongpo far elbow DongPo stewed pork joint Beijing roast duck Roast Beijing Duck Chinese food dishes in the process of translation into English, we can use a variety of different methods, and each dish can start from different angles translation. For example, Sichuan in the "strange" Several features are the following translation: 1. Sauteed chicken cubes with peanuts 2. Gongbao chicken cubes 3. Diced chicken with chilli and peanuts Clearly, the English translation of Chinese food dishes is flexible. As we used in the translation of the final method which can be used according to his or her specific situation and determined.
Christiane Nord. 1997. Translational as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist ApproachesExplained[M]. Manchester: Publishing. Kristina sivelle. 2005. Bddhists, bohemians and the health conscious----Vegetarianism inChina today. [J].Women of China. Yuqing. 2001. The cultural implication of the Chinese cuisine naming with translation [J]. Journal of Dalian University. : Qingbo. 2003. The skill and principles for the English translation of Chinese dish names. [J].Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal. : and Taber. 2001. The Theory and Practice of Translation [M]. Shanghai: ShanghaiForeign Language Educational Press. Ren Jingsheng. 2001. A further discussion on English translation of Chinese dishes and foods [J]. Chinese Translators Journal. : HISTORIC TOWN----eating in Xitang. Xitang Town Tourism and Culture Development Co.,Ltd.,[ EB/OL]. Congyi,ed. 2004. A Comparative Study of Western and Chinese Cultures [M].Hunan: Hunan People's Publishing House. 黄海翔,1999,中餐菜单英译浅谈 [J].中国科技翻译.第1期:18-21.黄蔷, 王巍萍,2006,谈中式菜名的英译及中国餐饮文化[J].江西科技师范学院学报.第2期:111-114.李郁青,2002,中国菜式命名的文化内涵与翻译[J].江汉大学学报(人文社会科学版).第 1期:102-104.刘宏义,2006,中国菜肴名称中的文化要素分析及翻译[J].怀化学院学报.第6期:60.王宾传,2005,浅谈中餐菜单英译[J].井冈山师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版).第1期:46-48.王宇,2001,英汉烹饪词汇语义对比研究—兼谈英汉饮食文化差异[J].解放军外国语学院学报. 第2期:18-20.熊四智,1992,中国人的饮食奥秘[M].河南:河南人民出版社.30.许力生, ed. 2004,跨文化交际英语教程 [M] .上海:上海外语教育出版社.张恩来,2005, 中国典故菜肴集:汉英对照 [M].外文出版社.赵红群,2006,世界饮食文化 [M].北京:时事出版社.钟安妮,2006,论中国菜名中的文化内涵 [J].厦门大学学报.第1期:79-80.朱晓眉,2002,浅释饮食文化中菜名的翻译技巧 [J].河南职业技术师范学院学报.第1期:72-73.
With China's accession to the WTO and foreign relations activities have increased, and the restaurant industry to the world are faced with this problem. Therefore, we, as the restaurant industry practitioners, more or less understand the point of eating English, it is very necessary. Food including professional English language daily conversation, cooking technical terms in English and Chinese food menu, and so on, and this is particularly so with a Chinese food menu in English is most common. Chinese food to the menu translated into English, Chinese food dishes on-come to understand the composition and method of naming. Chinese food dishes are normally the name of raw materials, cooking method, the color flavor-shaped dishes, dishes such as birthplace of the founder or form. This reflects the contents and characteristics of the dishes named method called realism of the nomenclature, in addition to reflecting the Enjoyable dishes profound meaning of nomenclature. Due to the differences in Chinese and English major, we have Chinese food dishes in the Chinese translated into English by the time should be used realism of the nomenclature, as far as possible, dishes of raw materials, cooking, dishes, such as the flavor-translated to allow guests clear. One, dubbed the beginning of the translation method 1 � introduced dishes of raw and auxiliary materials: Formula: Hain (shape) + (with) Excipients Example: Almond Chicken Little chicken cubes with almond Beef tofu beef with beancurd Tomato Spread Scrambled egg with to tomato 2 � introduced the ingredient and flavoring dishes: Formula: Hain (shape) + (with, in) parsley Example: mustard pork duck webs with mustard sauce Frying chicken chicken in Scallion oil Rice wine sauce fish rolls with rice wine Second, to the beginning of the cooking method of translation method 1 � introduced dishes and the cooking method dubbed: Formula: Cook method + ingredient (SHAPE) Examples: soft fried cut soft-fried pork fillet Cooked roast suckling pig Speculation eel - Stir-fried eel slices 2 � Act introduced dishes and the cooking ingredient, supplies Formula: Cook method + ingredient (shape) + (with) Excipients Aberdeen ginger chicken, braised chicken fillet with tender ginger 3 � Cook on the dishes, ingredient and flavor: Formula: Cook method + ingredient (shape) + (with, in) parsley Example: stewed beef braised beef with brown sauce Remove pork fried shredded pork with Sweet and sour sauce Boiled pork stewed pig hoof in clean soup Third, shape or taste to the beginning of the translation method 1 � on the shape of dishes (taste) and the ingredient, supplies Formula: shape (taste) + ingredient + (with) Excipients Example: from a sesame crisp chicken with sesame chicken Chenpi rabbit small diced rabbit with orange peel At the center of chicken-Sliced chicken with seasonal vegetables 2 � introduced dishes taste, cooking method and ingredient Formula: Cook method taste + + ingredient Example: fried ribs crisp fried spareribs Soft-boiled fish tender stewed fish Stuffed chicken fragrant fried chicken 3 � on the shape of dishes (taste), the ingredient and flavoring Formula: shape (taste) + ingredient + (with) parsley Example: Chefs fish sliced fish with tomato sauce Law Ma chicken cutlets chicken with hot pepper Crispy shrimp rice wine crisp shrimps with rice wine sauce Fourth, the names or place names beginning with the translation method 1 � introduced dishes founder (birthplace) and the ingredient Formula: names (names) + ingredient Example: Ma Ma Po beancurd Great tofu Sichuan dumplings Sichuan boiled dumpling 2 � introduced dishes founder (birthplace), Cook law and Hain Formula: names (names) + + ingredient cooking method Example: Dongpo far elbow DongPo stewed pork joint Beijing roast duck Roast Beijing Duck Chinese food dishes in the process of translation into English, we can use a variety of different methods, and each dish can start from different angles translation. For example, Sichuan in the "strange" Several features are the following translation: 1. Sauteed chicken cubes with peanuts 2. Gongbao chicken cubes 3. Diced chicken with chilli and peanuts Clearly, the English translation of Chinese food dishes is flexible. As we used in the translation of the final method which can be used according to his or her specific situation and 好了上一句不是哦西西
Because the our country joins WTO and associates outward an activity to increase increasingly, the dining industry also faces to head for this problem in the , we are the employees of dining industry, or many or understand 1:00 professional English concerning dining littlely, is very necessary. The dining professional English mainly includes daily conversation terminology, terminology and the menu etc. of Chinese food English of the cooking technique, but this among them particularly with Chinese food English menu use most is widespread. To translate Chinese food menu into English get the understanding Chinese food vegetables first to constitute and assign name to a food vegetables usually from raw material name, the geneses person or source etc. who boil an aroma form machine, food of making the method, food kind of contents and special features of the reflection food assign name to a method to be called a realistic life a method, still having the deep meaning of the reflection food in addition of comfortable life method. Because Chinese language and the difference of English are very big, we should adopt a realistic life a method at the time of translating to°from Chinese a Chinese food vegetables English, as far as possible the raw material of food, boil a flavor type etc. translation of making the method, food to come out, in order to let the guest is clear at a glance. A, anticipate the translation method of beginning by lord1?The lord which introduces a food anticipates and assists to anticipate: Formula:The lord anticipates(shape)(with) to assist to anticipateExample:Almond chicken cube chicken cubes with almondBeef bean curd beef with beancurdTomato scrambled egg Scrambled egg with to tomato2?The lord which introduces a food anticipates with flavor juice:
First, the translation method which begins by the host material 1 introduction cooked food main material and supplementarymaterial: Formula: Main material (shape) + (with) supplementary material Example: Almond diced chicken chicken cubes with almond Beef bean curd beef with beancurd The tomato scrambles eggs Scrambled egg with to tomato 2 introductions cooked foods main material delicious juice: Formula: Main material (shape) + (with, in) taste juice Example: Black mustard duck feet duck webs with mustard sauce Onion oil chicken chicken in Scallion oil The rice acanthocepola krusensternii curls fish rolls withrice wine Second, boils the translation method which the system methodbegins 1 introduction cooked food boils the law and the mainmaterial: Formula: Boils the law + host material (shape) Example: 软炸 fillet soft-fried pork fillet Roasts suckling pig roast suckling pig Fries ricefield eel piece Stir-fried eel slices 2 introductions cooked foods boil the law and the hostmaterial, the supplementary material Formula: Boils the law + host material (shape) + (with) thesupplementary material Young Jiang Shaoji strip braised chicken fillet with tenderginger 3 introductions cooked foods boil the law, the host materialdelicious juice: Formula: Boils the law + host material (shape) + (with, in) the tastejuice Example: Red-roast beef braised beef with brown sauce 鱼香肉丝 fried shredded pork with Sweet and sour sauce Clear cooks pig's feet stewed pig hoof in clean soup Third, the translation method which begins by the shape or thefeeling in the mouth 1 introduction cooked food shape (feeling in the mouth) andhost material, supplementary material Formula: Shape (feeling in the mouth) + host material + (with)supplementary material Example: Sesame seed crisp chicken crisp chicken with sesame Dried orange peel rabbit Ding diced rabbit with orange peel When vegetables chicken piece Sliced chicken with seasonalvegetables 2 introductions cooked foods feeling in the mouth, boils thelaw and the main material Formula: The feeling in the mouth + boils the law + mainmaterial Example: Fragrant crisp spareribs crisp fried spareribs Water 煮嫩 fish tender stewed fish The fragrance fries chicken nugget fragrant fried chicken 3 introductions cooked foods shape (feeling in the mouth),host material delicious juice Formula: Shape (feeling in the mouth) + host material + (with)taste juice Example: Tomato sauce fish fillet sliced fish with tomatosauce Pepper hemp chicken nugget cutlets chicken with hot pepper Yellow wine crisp skin shelled fresh shrimp crisp shrimps withrice wine sauce Fourth, the translation method which begins by the personalname or the geographic name 1 introduction cooked food founder (place of origin) and mainmaterial Formula: Personal name (geographic name) + main material Example: Mapo bean curd Ma Po beancurd Sichuan boiled dumplings Sichuan boiled dumpling 2 introductions cooked foods founder (place of origin), boilsthe law and the main material Formula: The personal name (geographic name) + boils the law +main material Example: Dongpo simmers elbow DongPo stewed pork joint Beijing roast duck Roast Beijing Duck Becomes English in Chinese meal vegetable famous translator inthe process, may use many kinds of different method, moreover eachvegetable all may obtain from the different angle carries on thetranslation. For example, in the Sichuan cuisine "the gongbao chicken"this vegetable has following several kinds to translate the law: chicken cubes with peanuts chicken cubes chicken with chilli and peanuts
你好这是我学校图书馆网站黄忠廉. 变译理论[M] . 中国对外翻译出版公司,2002任津升. 进一步谈谈中国菜的英译[J],中国翻译. 2001 年第6期第56页陈宏微 . 汉英翻译基础[M]:上海外语教育出版社1998年朱虹. 文学翻译:中译英琐谈[J]. 读书,1997年第4期张林 . 旅游资料翻译反映出的文化因素[J],中国翻译. 2000 年第5期饮食文化的翻译我国由于历史和地域的不同,形成众多菜系及佳,代写医学论文在翻译时充分考虑它的中、西文化差异、其原料成份及烹调方法等[7]。(1)、直译:烹饪方法+原料名如:清真桂鱼Steamed Mandarin Fish 、回锅肉Twice-cooked Pork、炖牛肉Stewed Beef 。(2)、音译+释义如:饺子Jiaozi (Chinese-style Ravioli) 、包子Baozi (Stuffed Bun) 、锅贴Guotie (Pot Stickers)。(3)、意译+释义:全家福 Happy Family---A combination of shrimps, pork beef, chicken, lobster and mixed vegetables with brown sauce 、左宗鸡General Tso' Chicken---A mouth watering dish made with large chunks of marinated chicken, sauted with scorched red chili peppers in special, tangy sauce。(4)、音译+意译:稳得福酒楼 Wonderful Restaurant、麻婆豆腐 Bean Curd Sichuan Style、西菀饭店 Xiyuan Hotel。(5)、意译:红烧狮子头Braised Met Ballswith Brawn Sauce、龙虎凤大烩Thick Soup of Snake, Cat and Chicken、红茶Black Tea、棕子Pyramid -shaped Dumpling 、冰糖燕窝 A bird Nest Soup with Rock Sugar。希望对你有帮助 华夏文化与汉英翻译 武汉大学出版社 卢红梅编著2006年5月第一版第六章饮食文化与汉英翻译119页-132页陈小慰.新编实用翻译教程[M] 北京:经济科学出版社2006212页-227页中国烹调方法 刘子孝编著黑龙江科学技术出版社
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