绿色贸易壁垒 Green Trade Barrier trade organizations: striving for fair benefits from trade in non-wood forest productsK. Dürbeck Klaus Dürbeck is a consultant based in Raubling, sampling of organizations and alliances that bring together producers and traders committed to ecological, economic and social sustainability. Green trade organizations aim to secure sustainable supply systems and to ensure benefits to local people from national, regional and international trade. These organizations promote trade practices that adhere to the principles of sustainable development in all its facets: ecological sustainability (use and conservation), economic sustainability (productivity) and social sustainability (equity). The main handicap of those involved in production and trade of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). from indigenous peoples' associations to private-sector enterprises, is the lack of market information and market access and the difficulty of obtaining information on appropriate processing technologies for their products. Green trade organizations can help improve access to national and/or international markets for NWFP producers, especially those in developing countries, and at the same time provide guidance on increasing added value for their agricultural and forest products. In addition, they can assist in the export of products, thus helping to provide foreign exchange for the home country. Green trade organizations are united in various alliances according to their main focus (ecological, social or economic): • The International Federation for Alternative Trade (IFAT) () brings together producers of handicrafts and food products from developing countries with buyers and managers of "alternative" trading organizations to do business in a way that is beneficial and fair, avoiding traditional intermediaries. • The Fair Trade Federation (FTF) () is an association of wholesalers, retailers and producers committed to providing fair wages and good employment opportunities to economically disadvantaged artisans and farmers worldwide. It links low-income producers with consumer markets and educates consumers about the importance of purchasing fairly traded products which support living wages and safe and healthy conditions for workers in developing countries. FTF also acts as a clearinghouse for information on fair trade and provides resources and networking opportunities for its members. • The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) () is an alliance of companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and trade union organizations working to promote correct implementation of codes of labour practice. Its activities include the monitoring and independent verification of the observance of code WITH AN EMPHASIS ON NWFPs In recent years green trade organizations have been established for NWFP marketing all around the globe. EcoMarket International () has been established on Internet as the European platform for green products, services and information. In the Netherlands, ProFound () has initiated a NWFP exporters database to provide all potential exporters of NWFPs a means of advertising on the Internet. The Natural Resources Institute in the United Kingdom carries out work comparing ethical and conventional trade in NWFPs () and has established the UK Consultative Group on Ethical Trade and Forests (). The following examples of green trade organizations give an idea of some of the different types of organization that place specific emphasis on NWFPs. Green Trade Net The Green Trade Net initiative of the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) offers assistance for the full range of activities from harvesting of the raw material to processing, research and trade contacts. The Green Trade Net office provides detailed company, product and country information for importers, producers and consultants. The information base currently covers more than 650 organic products (including many edible NWFPs) from 27 developing countries. The following services are available: • Green Trade Net provides the opportunity for producers to contact importers and to offer their products through the Web site (); • importers can search for export products via the Green Trade Net office by fax, phone or e-mail; • information is available with regard to different product groups such as essential oils, herbs or tea; • importers are sent information about specifications, availability, certification status and producers; • monthly mailings of current offers in different product groups are sent to importers; • Green Trade Net distributes product samples to interested importers (of which more than 160 are in contact): • direct links are established between registered exporters and importers that have expressed an interest in their registration of producers and product promotion is done on the basis of written consent. Information given by Green Trade Net is free of charge. 这些网站很不错的,由于字太多了,所以不能粘贴,楼主自己去看吧:D hit by foreign 'green' barriers2002-07-24China DailyFarmers in China are being hit by foreign "green" trade barriers which are threatening the prospects for the country to become a major exporter of agricultural products in the wake of its entry to the World Trade Organization. The warning came from foreign trade experts and industrial insiders. "Green" trade barriers refer to technical, safety and hygiene standards introduced for the benefit of environment and public health. The country's agricultural exports have met with a growing number of such barriers in the first half of this year and the trend may continue, said Professor Xue Rongjiu, of the University of International Business and Economics. "It has become a pressing and critical problem for China to strengthen its capability to cross over those barriers that are posing unprecedented challenges to its exports of farm goods grown in a traditional way," said Xue, a prominent researcher on WTO studies. In 2001, China's exports of farm produce fell by US$7 billion as a result of "green" trade barriers, Xue said. A total of 1,140 shipment batches of farm goods were held up by the US Food and Drug Administration in the first three months of this year allegedly for violation of environment and health standards. Xue said the barriers have greatly affected China's farm goods exports, especially in the coastal areas where most of the country's exports come from. For instance, the volume of exported frozen chickens via Shenzhen port in South China's Guangdong Province declined by 40 percent year-on-year in the first four months of this year as a result of limits from "green" trade barriers. What's worse, the countries that apply "green" trade barriers to Chinese agricultural goods have expanded from developed WTO members such as the United States, Japan and European Union nations to include some other members including South Korea and Singapore. At the same time, the categories of affected farm goods have also increased from tea, honey, frozen chicken to cover all livestock and aquatic products, the professor said. The "green" trade barriers have made it unlikely that China can dominate in the exports of labor-intensive farm products that range from vegetables, nuts and fruit to shrimp or poultry. Xue blamed the worsening problem on poor environmental awareness and lax quality management systems. Influences and Countermeasures of Green Trade Barrier on Export Trade of Chinese Agricultural Products<<东北农业大学学报(英文版) >>2005年02期LI Shuang , GUO Xiang-yu With the worsening of environment, many countries pay more attention to the environmental protection. Green (organic) trade barrier gradually attracts more attention to the non-tariff barrier in the international trade. However, according to the economic levels of different countries, great differences exist in environment standards of these countries which resulted in the appearance of green trade barriers as trade protection. This study classified the connotations and characteristics of green trade barrier, gave the descriptions on the development and type of green trade barrier, and analysed the influences on China's export and put forward some countermeasures which aimed at stimulating the development of our foreign trade.技术贸易壁垒Technical Barriers to Trade很不错的关于技术贸易壁垒的网站哦,很全面的. barriers to tradeTechnical regulations and product standards may vary from country to country. Having many different regulations and standards makes life difficult for producers and exporters. If regulations are set arbitrarily, they could be used as an excuse for protectionism. The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade tries to ensure that regulations, standards, testing and certification procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles. 楼主,你只要去google一下Green Trade Barrier 和Technical Barriers to Trade,就会有很多资料了
A trade barrier is a general term that describes any government policy or regulation that restricts international trade. The barriers can take many forms, including:Import duties Import licenses Export licenses Import quotas Tariffs Subsidies Non-tariff barriers to trade Voluntary Export Restraints Local Content Requirements Most trade barriers work on the same principle: the imposition of some sort of cost on trade that raises the price of the traded products. If two or more nations repeatedly use trade barriers against each other, then a trade war generally agree that trade barriers are detrimental and decrease overall economic efficiency, this can be explained by the theory of comparative advantage. In theory, free trade involves the removal of all such barriers, except perhaps those considered necessary for health or national security. In practice, however, even those countries promoting free trade heavily subsidize certain industries, such as agriculture and steel. Examples of free trade areas are: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), South Asia Free Trade Agreement(SAFTA), European Free Trade Association, European Union (EU), Union of South American trade barriers include differences in culture, customs, traditions, laws, language and barriers to trade are trade barriers that restrict imports but are not in the usual form of a are criticized as a means to evade free trade rules such as those of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the European Union (EU), or North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that restrict tariffs. Some of the common examples are anti-dumping measures and countervailing duties, which, although they are called "non-tariff" barriers, have the effect of tariffs but are only imposed under certain conditions. Their use has risen sharply after the WTO rules led to a very significant reduction in tariff barriers may also be in the form of manufacturing or production requirements of goods, such as how an animal is caught or a plant is grown, with an import ban imposed on products that don't meet the requirements. Examples are the European Union restrictions on genetically-modified organisms or beef treated with growth non-tariff trade barriers are expressly permitted in very limited circumstances, when they are deemed necessary to protect health, safety, or sanitation, or to protect depletable natural barriers to trade can be:State subsidies, procurement, trading, state ownership Occupational safety and health regulation Employment law Import licenses Export subsidies Product classification Quota shares Foreign exchange controls and multiplicity Over-elaborate or inadequate infrastructure "Buy national" policy. Intellectual property laws (patents, copyrights) Bribery and corruption Unfair customs procedures Restrictive licences Import bans Seasonal import regimes Trade BarriersExamples of Trade BarriersWhile trade barriers and unfair practices take many forms, the most common examples are listed below:Intellectual property infringement - including copyright, patent and trademarks. Customs procedures that are not uniformly applied Lack of competitive bidding for foreign government tenders. The application of direct or indirect subsidies by a foreign government in favor of domestic suppliers. Burdensome certification and testing requirements that are not required by domestic manufacturers. Influence pedaling - A corporate entity or country is interfering with fair trade practices at your expense. Bribery, corruption and requests for payoffs - When foreign bribery prevents you from competing fairly on the basis of price, quality or a Trade BarrierIf you feel your company’s exports or foreign bids have been, or may be adversely affected by a trade barrier or unfair business practice, you may file a complaint electronically with the Trade Compliance Center within the International Trade Intellectual Property Rights AbroadLearn what constitutes intellectual property and how to protect your rights domestically and internationally. Receive guidance on how to file patents, trademarks and/or copyrights in the . and Access to Foreign ContractsHow can I insure a fair bidding process on a foreign contract? If your company is bidding on a foreign contract the Advocacy Center can help level the playing Technical Barriers to TradeMember countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO) are required under the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement) to report to the WTO all proposed technical regulations that could affect trade with other Member . is a free, web-based e-mail subscription service that offers an opportunity to review and comment on proposed foreign technical regulations that can affect your access to international Trade Agreements (FTA)Learn how Free Trade Agreements can benefit you and your business. Take advantage of our user guides sorted by title, service/goods industry, issue or country on the Free Trade Agreements website.
论述绿色贸易壁垒 摘 要 绿色贸易壁垒由于具有表面上的合理性以及隐蔽性等特点,成为当今国际贸易领域行之有效的贸易保护手段之一。本文从绿色贸易壁垒的概念、成因入手,对绿色贸易壁垒的作用和影响进行了研究,即从国家的角度分析绿色贸易壁垒不仅对一国环境保护、保障人民安全健康、推动新产品开发和技术创造、完善本国环境制度等方面产生的积极作用,而且也对一国外贸发展产生阻碍、对落后国家经济增长产生制约等消极作用,同时综合分析在绿色贸易壁垒的种种因素共同发挥作用的情况下对进口国、出口国可能面临的各种影响。最后,针对我国出口贸易面临绿色贸易壁垒日益增多的现实状况,提出我国对外贸易领域可以采取的对策和建议。 关键词:绿色贸易壁垒、绿色壁垒 ABSTRACT Green trade barrier has become one of the most effective means of trade protection in the current international trade realm due to its superficial rationality and concealment. This text is to analyze the nature of green trade barrier from the research of its causes in both positive aspects (such as environmental protection, invention and innovation of new product or new technology, construction of environmental system, etc) and negative aspects(such as hinder of international trade, obstacle of GDP increase, etc). And the text explains the functional mechanism of its nature under several circumstances. In the end, in accordance with the present situation that our export trade more frequently faces the green trade barrier, the text puts forward to the countermeasure and proposal that we should adopt in our foreign trade. Keywords: Green trade barrier 一、 绿色贸易壁垒概述 1、绿色贸易壁垒的概念 在当今国际经济一体化趋势越来越明显的大背景下,国际贸易作为国际经济一体化主要推动力之一,得到了前所未有的发展,各国间的经济贸易往来愈加频繁、关系愈加密切。同时,各国间的贸易竞争也达到了白热化的程度。一些国家为了达到保护本国产业与市场的目的,采取了一系列贸易限制措施,其中绿色贸易壁垒是自20世纪90年代以来,发达国家使用最频繁的一种,也是当今国际贸易领域主要的贸易壁垒之一。 随着技术性贸易壁垒的不断发展,绿色壁垒(Green Barriers , GBs)已经成为技术性贸易壁垒的重要组成部分。实际上,在国际文献中并没有“绿色壁垒”一词,绿色壁垒也称为环境壁垒。“绿色壁垒”可以说是我国自己创造的一个新词。在国际上并没有权威的定义。我国有些学者提出的绿色壁垒概念,大多是从发展中国家的经济利益立场提出的,具有一定的片面性。我认为,绿色壁垒是指那些为了保护生态环境而直接或间接采取的限制甚至禁止贸易的措施。通常,绿色壁垒应由进出口国为保护本国生态环境和公众健康而设置的各种环境保护措施、法规标准等,是对进出口贸易产生影响的一种技术性贸易壁垒。① 2、绿色贸易壁垒的产生背景 绿色壁垒的产生是环境保护的国际需求以及国际贸易发展的必然产物。从国际背景来看,下列因素促进了绿色壁垒的产生和发展。 (1)全球环境问题使环境保护成为全球共同的呼声。世界二次大战后,各国经济在高速增长的同时,全球环境问题也日益加重。在生态环境的承受力达到极限时,开始对人类进行可怕的报复。全世界每分钟有28人死于环境污染,每年有1500万人因此而丧命;有8亿人因饮用污染水而患病,每天有万人因此而死亡。②面对自然环境日益严厉的报复,国际社会掀起了强劲的环保浪潮。人们也逐渐认识到,保护环境是人类共同的责任,必须采取共同的行动。 (2)贸易与环境问题的产生使绿色壁垒的实施找到了合理借口。减少污染,节约能源,合理利用资源已成为新的国际焦点。人们普遍认为,经济增长的代价之一即是环境恶化,特别是自由贸易,则被看作是加速环境恶化的因素。各国因此而制定了一些相应的环境法规和贸易政策,希望通过政府对贸易进行一定的干预,以保护和改善生态环境。事实上环境保护与贸易自由化二者之间本不存在不可调和的分歧甚至冲突,而是可以相互促进、共同发展的。合理的贸易自由化不仅不会对环境造成破坏,相反在环保方面,国际商品和服务贸易的进一步自由化可以发挥关键的作用。同时,一个健康安全的环境可以为经济的可持续发展和不断扩大的贸易市场提供必需的生态环境资源。 (3)GATT和WTO中的有关规定为绿色壁垒的实施提供了合法性。在关贸总协定成立之初,环境污染和环境破坏的问题尚未成为国际社会关注的焦点。随着工业经济的飞速发展,环境污染的日益严惩人们的环保意识才逐渐提高。1972年11月,在GATT中设立了一个“环境措施与国际贸易工作组”。进入1990年代后,随着自由贸易与环境保护之间的矛盾的日渐激化。为了争夺国际市场,保护国内市场,一些国家用国内环境法规或措施作为保护的手段;另一方面,环境污染的加剧,公众对环境保护的强烈呼吁,国家不得不制定涉及生产、加工、运输、销售、包括进出口贸易在内的各个环节的环境标准和措施。1994年4月世界贸易组织决定成立一个贸易与环境委员会,协调贸易措施与环境措施之间的相互关系。 (4)发展中国家与发达国家在科技、经济发展上的差距是绿色壁垒迅速发展的重要因素。由于生产力水平的差异,特别是出于资源保护和经济利益上的考虑,发达国家和发展中国家在环境和贸易问题上存在着许多矛盾,这些矛盾随着国际经济形势的发展和竞争的不断加剧而日趋尖锐化。发达国家利用这种由于经济水平差距造成的不同环境标准,一方面,加紧掠夺发展中国家的资源初级产品,同时把污染企业转移到发展中国家,使得发展中国家的环境更加恶化;另一方面,又极力将环境问题与贸易条约机制紧密挂钩,把环境问题作为新的贸易壁垒,从而抵消发展中国家资源与廉价劳动力方面的比较优势,限制发展中国家的经济发展,以保持其在国际多边经济贸易领域的主导地位。这种以“环境保护”名义在国际贸易中引入所谓“环境条款”,借以歧视乃至限制发展中国家的经济发展及其产品的市场准入的做法使绿色壁垒迅速发展。 3、绿色贸易壁垒的表现形式 目前国际上使用的绿色贸易壁垒主要有以下形式: (1)绿色关税制度。进口国对可能造成环境威胁及破坏的进口产品征收的一种进口附加税。 (2)绿色市场准入制度。进口国以污染环境、危害人类健康以及违反有关国际环境公约或国内环境法律、规章而采取的限制国外产品进口的措施。如1994年美国环保署规定,进口汽油中硫、苯等有害物质必须低于有关标准,否则禁止进口。③ (3)“绿色反补贴”、“绿色反倾销”以及环境贸易制裁。一国怀疑进口产品的低价是由于接受了来自于出口国政府的环境补贴或未将生产过程中的环境成本内在化,对进口商品采取的一种限制措施或给予相应的制裁。 (4)推行国内PPMs标准及其他环保标准。PPMs是'PROCESSING &PRODUCT METHOD',的缩写,是对产品生产和加工过程所制定的特定环境标准。有的国家生产技术水平较高,随着人们对生存环境提出了更高的质量要求,这些国家制定了较为严格的PPMs标准以及其他一些近乎苛刻的环保标准,要求进口商品必须达到。 (5)强制性绿色标志(签)、强制要求ISO 14000认证等。绿色标志(签)、认证制度本身是非强制性的,各类企业可以根据自身的需要而决定是否申请,但是如果进口国政府把通过认证规定作为进口商品的必要条件或国内企业对外合作的必要条件,对于想要出口到对方国家的产品来说,就必须选择通过认证,取得标签这条路。 (6)繁琐的进口检验程序和检验制度。绿色贸易壁垒有很多是针对有毒有害物质的含量而设置的,为了达到限制进口的目的,进口国政府不惜重力研究制定了一整套严密的检验制度和繁琐的检验程序,利用其先进的检验设备和条件对进口货物实施检验,使进口货物难以通过。 (7)要求回收利用、政府采购、押金制度等强制性措施。例如荷兰政府规定啤酒饮料一律采用可以回收利用的包装容器,实际上为进口的同类产品带来了极大的麻烦。 4、绿色贸易壁垒的地位和作用 绿色壁垒除了能超保护生态环境的作用外,在贸易与环境甚至社会经济发展方面扮演越来越重要的角色,主要表现为: (1)绿色壁垒是保护生态环境,促使实现可持续发展的重要途径。保护生态环境,促使全球走上可持续发展道路是国际社会的共识。 (2)绿色壁垒是促进技术进步、调整和优化产业结构的重要手段。绿色壁是技术进步的产生,同时通过不断提高环保技术法规的要求和标准,特别是采取国际标准和合格评定体系也有利于促进技术进步,提高生产效率,鼓励具备较高技术水平和能达到较高标准企业的发展,淘汰低环境标准和不合格产品,促使优胜劣汰,从而有利于调整和优化产业结构。 (3)绿色壁垒是保障人民健康和安全的有效工具。通过运用绿色壁垒,限制甚至有害于人类健康和安全的产品的贸易,从而有利保护人类健康,提高生活质量。 (4)绿色壁垒是维护国家基本安全的重要武器。建立有效的绿色壁垒体系可以帮助一国维护国家基本安全。环境污染与生态破坏损害人类生存与活动所领带的自然支持系统,直接威胁到人类的生命与健康。尤其是全球性环境问题对所有国家的安全都构成现实威胁。因此,环境安全是最根本的安全问题,环境安全与军事安全、政治安全及经济安全等相互联系,互相作用,构成完整的安全概念。 (5)绿色壁垒是调节进出口贸易的重要杠杆。绿色壁垒措施在调节贸易方面起着越来越重要的作用。日趋增多和复杂的绿色壁垒措施正在对国际贸易产生越来越大的影响,成为各方关注的重点。能过建立绿色壁垒体系来调节贸易进出口,已经迫在眉睫。④ 二、 绿色贸易壁垒的现状 1、绿色贸易壁垒在近十年的时间里被使用的频率越来越高,成为继反倾销措施以后的又一重要的贸易措施。在全球4917种产品中,受绿色贸易壁垒影响的3746种产品的贸易额达47320亿美元,占1999年世界进口额的88%,其中直接受影响的达6790亿美元,占13%,共计有137个进口国采用了绿色贸易壁垒措施。据欧盟环保机构的一项调查显示:仅1998年,欧盟国家禁止进口的“非绿色产品”价值就达300亿美元,其中90%来自于发展中国家,涉及纺织、成衣、化妆品、日用品、玩具、家具和家用电器等几千种商品。又据中国首届国际绿色化学高级研讨会提供的资料,1997年我国至少有74亿美元的出口商品因环保因素而受阻。⑤ 2、绿色贸易壁垒措施涉及的领域越来越广泛。一方面绿色贸易壁垒本身也随着社会经济发展的需要在不断调整和补充,出现了层出不穷、变化多端的绿色贸易措施,涉及包括环境保护、人类健康、生物多样性、动植物安全等多个领域;另一方面,绿色贸易壁垒所管辖的对象范围越来越广泛,近年来,它不仅对产品 (消费)本身提出绿色环保要求,还对产品的设计开发、原料投入、生产方式、包装材料、运输、销售、售后服务、甚至工厂的厂房、后勤设施、操作人员医疗卫生条件等整个生命周期的各个环节提出了绿色环保的要求,如美国实施的HACCP计划,其目的是更方便、更有效地实施其绿色贸易壁垒措施。更为严重的是,目前的绿色贸易壁垒不仅表现为环境技术规定、标准,而且这些规定的执行过程也逐渐成为外国商品进入市场的严重障碍,执行过程中的一些争议往往导致旷日持久的调查和取证,导致成本大大增加并延误了良好的商机。例如中国出口到韩国的活鱼,就遭到长达45天的批批检验待遇,致使大量的活鱼死在码头,几乎无法再出口。⑥ 3、绿色贸易壁垒设置的对象国具有一定的针对性。绿色贸易壁垒往往针对那些新兴的发展中国家,因其具备了一定的经济基础,能够利用本国资源及劳动力的优势大量生产并出口资源或劳动密集性的产品,其出口产品具备了一定的竞争优势,容易对进口国国内同类产业形成威胁。所以,这类发展中国家的出口商品最易遭到来自于发达国家的绿色贸易壁垒阻挠。 4、绿色贸易壁垒措施具有动态性的特点。随着形势发展的需要,各国所确定的绿色贸易壁垒措施必将进行不断的调整,包括壁垒设置的内容、方式、手段、目标以及设置壁垒的程度等都在根据需要进行适当变动;另外绿色贸易壁垒的动态性还表现在绿色贸易壁垒的实施往往会产生联动反应,一国实施立即会引起其他国家的纷纷效仿,由一个设限国快速扩散到多个设限国,给出口国造成重大的打击。 从以上分析可以看出,绿色贸易壁垒在当今国际贸易领域的广泛使用,己经严重影响到了国际贸易的正常开展以及各国经济的顺利发展。对于发展中国家、尤其是像我国这样的外向型经济发展中大国来说,绿色贸易壁垒无疑是一把“温柔”的利刃,“温情脉脉”地刺向发展中国家的经济命脉。 三、 绿色贸易壁对国际贸易的影响 1、 对国际贸易发展的影响 绿色壁垒和其他贸易壁垒一样,会对国际贸易的发展起到阻碍作用。设置绿色壁垒之后,受限产品的国际贸易额减少。但是如果在设置绿色壁垒之前,该类产品的国际贸易额有一定的增长速度下降,而并不必然导致国际贸易额绝对量的减少。 2、 对商品结构和地理方向的影响 一般来讲,农产品贸易受到绿色壁垒影响的程度超过工业制成品,劳动密集型产品贸易受到绿色壁垒影响的程度超过技术密集型产品,同时发展中国家对外贸易受到发达国家绿色壁垒影响的程度超过发达国家本身,这种情况在一定程度上影响着国际贸易商品结构和地理方向的变化,阻碍和损害发展中国家对外贸易的发展。 3、 对进口国的影响 绿色壁垒和其他贸易壁垒一样,起到限制进口,引起进口国国内市场价格上涨和保护本国的市场和生产的作用。由于有污染的产品被绿色壁垒阻于国门之外,进口国消费者享受到更加健康、安全、清洁的产品,但由于产品价格上升,进口国的消费者必须以更高的价格购买所需的商品,而有关厂商却从中获得高额利润。 4、 对出口国的影响 绿色壁垒对出口国不同的生产厂商的影响是有所不同的。对于及时改用清洁生产技术、生产绿色产品的生产厂商,其在市场上处于有利的地位,绿色壁垒阻碍了国内许多厂商的出口,竞争对手锐减,出口市场广阔,而且国际市场上绿色产品价格上升,更使得生产绿色产品的厂商能够补偿由于采用清洁生产技术而增加的成本。对于不能及时改用清洁生产技术,依旧采用旧的有污染的生产技术进行生产的厂商,其境况将严重恶化。国内该类产品供给大大多于需求,短期内产品积压,使得价格下跌,产量减少。消费者将得到价格上的实惠,但同时却要承受使用有污染产品所带来的副作用。 5、 对我国的影响 近年来,我国对外贸易正面临越来越多来自于发达国家甚至发展中国家的绿色贸易壁垒的挑战。总体来说,绿色贸易壁垒对我国出口市场份额、贸易机会、企业和商品信誉等方面都产生了不利影响,导致国外消费者对我国部分产品尤其是农产品食品信心下降,对我国出口造成长期的负面影响。具体地说,绿色贸易壁垒对我国对外贸易的影响主要体现在如下几方面:从产品出口的市场范围来看,我国目前的主要出口方向仍然是日本、美国、东南亚、欧盟、韩国等国家,对它们的出口份额占我国外贸出口总额的80%,而这些国家(或地区)多数是环保主义倡导者和拥护者,也是绿色贸易壁垒的发源地。我国出口商品的市场销路极易受绿色贸易壁垒的影响。从产品的出口增长速度来看,由于我国的出口市场相对单一、固定,一旦目前的市场销路受到影响,出口的增长速度必然有所下降,尤其是在一些发达国家专门针对我国的某些商品设置绿色贸易壁垒的情况下,该商品的出口会立即出现停滞,如不及时采取对策,就会影响到整个产业的发展。从企业的出口成本和出口效益来看,由于绿色贸易壁垒多数是以环境标准和标志的形式出现,要想实现其环境标准、获取其环境标志,就必须投入大量的资金和人力进行技术改造,改善环境质量;同时还将增加有关的检验、测试、认证和公关等手续以及相关的费用,从而使企业出口产品的成本大幅度上升,价格优势大大削弱,丧失了国际市场竞争力,企业的出口效益日渐下降。从我国的对外贸易关系来看,由于遭遇了越来越多的绿色贸易壁垒,我国与主要贸易伙伴国之间的贸易摩擦不断,稍有处理不当,就会影响到双边或多边贸易关系,因此,必须恰当处理绿色贸易壁垒对我国对外贸易产生的冲击。⑦ 四、 我国应采取的对策 1、坚持可持续发展为主导的工业化模式 我国是世界上最早制定21世纪议程的发展中国家,“走可持续发展之路,是中国在未来和下一个世纪发展的自身需要和必然选择”。在中共中央十五届五中全会通过的《关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》中指出:“实施可持续发展战略,是关系中华民族生产和发展的长远大计”。建议明确提出以可持续发展为主导的工业化模式,体现了可持续发展的内涵。⑧ 2、发展绿色产业,提升我国国际形象 目前,中国的贸易依存度己高于美国、日本、印度和巴西,如果只注重提高开放程度,会因贸易条件的恶化,造成资源外流。因此应该提高我国贸易的质量,优化贸易结构,其中使产品符合环境标准是提高出口产品质量的重要因素。 (1)重视科技投入,发展绿色产业 既然绿色贸易壁垒是我国企业无法回避的贸易问题,那么,利用绿色贸易壁垒带给我们的启示,提高我国产业的环保标准,发展绿色产业,实现体现人性化的生产和管理以及服务过程,就成为未来企业发展的方向,政府应该从宏观上给予企业相应的引导和支持。 (2)以环境标志为引导,提升工业制成品质量 工业制成品质量的提高是突破国际市场环境壁垒的关键。因此应该在有条件的企业和产品中,推广环境标志的认证工作,以环境标志为引导,提升工业制成品质量。 (3)结合IS014000标准,促进环境友好产品出口的贸易 IS014000系列环境标准作为一套科学有效的环境管理标准,其实施已成为国际潮流。但在我国,IS014000管理体系的实施还刚刚起步,需要进一步发展和推进。因此要尽快配置环境管理的硬件设备和完善各种法规,积极推行IS014000,使更多的企业生产符合国际环境标准要求,促进其产品进入国际市场。 3、建立绿色贸易壁垒预警及快速反应机制 (1)收集、跟踪国外的环境壁垒动态,建立有关的信息中心和数据库及咨询机构,加强研究和信息收集工作。主要贸易对象国环境壁垒繁多,对我国出口产品的影响大,应该设置专门的部门负责环境壁垒的信息收集和分析工作,了解主要贸易对象国的法规、技术和标准,同时加强对有关环境问题的公共技术的研究,建立咨询点,便于为企业服务。 (2)加快我国相关产品标准和检验标准的研究制定工作,并与国际先进标准逐步接轨。应该投入必要的资金以完善检测的技术条件,使部分有条件的专业检验机构通过国际认证以获取直接颁发国际绿色通行证的授权,并力争成为相关国际组织的成员。 (3)为确保国家安全、保护人民健康和环境,合理有效地保护国内主导产业和幼稚产业,应参考国际规范,建立自己的环境壁垒体系。坚决禁止环境污染严重的产品(包括危险废弃物和国外淘汰的严重污染环境的产品、技术和设备等)进口,加强进口商品检验和检疫力度,防止危害人民安全的产品进入国内市场。 (4)建立我国绿色贸易壁垒预警及快速反应机制。国际标准、各国政府及其标准化机构经常对其环保法规和标准进行修订,如果企业信息不畅,不能及时掌握变化了的标准和相关信息,就无法及时调整自己的生产和经营对策,无法有效地应对绿色贸易壁垒。因此,政府及相关的行业协会必须高度重视建立绿色贸易壁垒预警机制的重要性,及时搜集、反馈国外贸易壁垒的变化情况,认真研究绿色贸易壁垒对我国主要出口产品的影响,并提出相应的建议,为出口企业创造一个良好的出口环境。⑨ 4、重视环境法规的完善和对外协调 (1)建立健全环境保护的法律、法规,强化环境执法,真正实现环境成本内在化。从环境税收立法入手逐步完善各项环保法规,使之向绿色产业倾斜,鼓励清洁生产;环境立法应以预防为主,强化监督管理、尤其是政府的监督管理职能,对经济活动中的违犯环境法规的行为要依法严惩。要建立一套绿色保障制度体系,在推进清洁生产的过程中,要注意处理好清洁生产工艺技术与成本间的关系,达到环境保护与降低生产成本目标的“双赢”。 (2)应加强对外的公关协调工作。作为最大的发展中国家,我国应联合其他发展中国家,利用各种国际公开场合反对发达国家过于苛刻的环境壁垒要求,要求给予发展中国家相应的优惠政策,同时在制定新标准时应充分考虑发展中国家的实际情况,以保护发展中国家的合法权益。⑩ 5、加强环境宣传教育,广泛树立全社会的环境意识 发达国家之所以能够建立起符合严格环境标准的产业体系,并运用绿色贸易壁垒来阻挠发展中国家的商品出口,一个重要的原因就是日渐高涨的公众环保热情和环保要求。我们就以全民环境教育为基础,逐步树立“诚实、守信、善待生命、善待自然”的伦理道德观,积极倡导绿色消费和绿色生活方式,树立“科学、合理、健康的需求”,摒弃“奢侈浪费、污染环境”的生活方式和消费理念。广泛提高公众的环境意识,为可持续发展奠定坚实的社会基础。 注释: ① 《绿色壁垒与国际贸易》,王金南著,中国环境科学出版社,2002年11月,第一版,第2页 ② 《绿色壁垒与国际贸易》,王金南著,中国环境科学出版社,2002年11月,第一版,第4页 ③ 《全球绿色贸易壁垒与我国对外贸易发展对策》,杜强,外贸经济国际贸易,2003年5月 ④ 《绿色壁垒与国际贸易》,王金南著,中国环境科学出版社,2002年11月,第一版,第7页 ⑤ 《WTO环境议题对全球贸易的影响》,陈军,环境与开发,2001年4月,第10页 ⑥ 《2003中国贸易投资报告》,商务部,2003年6月 ⑦ 《绿色壁垒与国际贸易》,王金南著,中国环境科学出版社,2002年11月,第一版,第137页 ⑧ 《可持续发展概论》,王信领、王孔秀、王希荣著,山东人民出版社,2000年5月,第56页 ⑨ 《建立中国绿色贸易发展模式探析》曹洁著,外贸经济国际贸易, ⑩ 《绿色贸易壁垒对策分析》,王认真、邱凤鸣著,安徽农业科学,
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