不同于以前的作文,靠纯套模板都能拿到客观的分数,读后续写在要求学生的阅读能力的同时,更是对学生的 合理丰富的想象力、创作能力、语言组织运用能力 进行综合考察。最基础的一点仍然是读懂原文,有些埋伏的线索如果没有看出来,或者是纯理解错误,则会影响续写的主题。
但是仍然有很多同学在看懂了原文仍然脑子一片空白,不懂下手的。 这篇文章将会给同学们捋捋读后续写主要的思路。
读后续写的 "道" ,指的是 大方向的思路和情节设计 ,同学们在写作时候一定要秉持一个原则,坚持 “社会主义核心价值观”,倡导“真善美” !
譬如浙江卷里边,一个正直清白的男人涉嫌一宗谋杀案,故事的结尾则是设置成“证人出面作证,还清白者一个正义”;妻子和老公在散步的过程中发生小争吵妻子走丢,故事的结尾设置成“两人相拥而泣”的撒狗粮画面!以夫妻二人这一篇为例,那么这盘狗粮的炮制流程( 情节设计 )是怎么实现的呢?
“术” 则是 词汇句式结构 的应用。
no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again. Scared and helpless, she walked around, trying to find a temporary shelter for the night.(动作、心理描写)
fears were heightened by the whistling wind and howls of animals in the distance , but she still couldn't find a suitable place.(环境描写、心理描写)
3. Physically and mentally exhausted , she finally sat by a tree and held her shoulders in her arms to make herself warmer. (动作、心理描写)
soon as she saw Tom, she ran to him and hugged him, with joy and relief rising up her heart . Tom gently touched her check and apologized to her, and she promised that she would never 1ose her temper again with nothing serious. The smile on her face shone like a diamond . (动作、神态描写)
house seemed quiet as a tomb without the boy living there.(环境,比喻)
flowers nodded . (环境,拟人) Snowflakes danced . Thunder grumbled . Fog crept in . The wind howled . The haunted house seemed to stare at me, beckoning me towards the door.
night sky was as dark as the deepest ocean.(明喻) The stars sparkled like diamonds . The snake moved like a ripple on a pond .
wave of terror washed over him. (暗喻) 拓展:某种情感支配着某人/某人被某种情感情绪所支配控制 be seized by/with + n.(情绪情感类名词) be overwhelmed with/by 同上 be wild with 同上 情绪/情感名词+ take hold of sb.
高中朋友们好好理解消化,有问题可以私信留言Alice。 (本文仅是部分内容,需要获取动作、神态、心理描写高级表达汇总,以及读后续写练习汇总电子版的同学,点赞并关注,私信Alice老师吧~)