In the printing process, continuous harmonic images are halftone dots to adjust the spacing to the performance. And by four-color CMYK mixture of dots, you can show unlimited number of colors. Currently in the printing process used in the main, two different network types: AM network (AM) and FM outlets (FM). AM network is currently the most widely used in a network. Its network density is fixed, by adjusting the size of dots to show the depth of color in order to achieve the color transition. In the printing, the AM networks need to consider the use of major network size, network forms, network point of view, factors such as cable precision. Network size is determined by network coverage, also known as reference rate. General habits like to use "as" as a measure of units, such as the network coverage of 10% on referred to as "one into a network," the network coverage of 20% referred to as "the Second into a network," In addition, the network coverage of 0% said as "no net" coverage of 100% of the network referred to as the "field." Tone the print in general is divided into three levels: light transfer, intermediate transfer, dark tune. Liang transfer part of the network coverage of 10% ~ 30%; intermediate transfer part of the network coverage of 40% ~ 60%; dark transfer element is 70% ~ 90%. Not part of networks and the field is a separate division. Network printing in all forms is not only imaginary circle only one reference to the rate of 50% of cases shown by dots to divide the shape can be divided into: square, round, diamond three. Square network coverage of 50 percent in the next, into a chessboard-like. Its relatively sharp particles, the strong level of performance. For lines, graphics, and some hard-tune the performance of the image. Radio network, whether in light or in the middle tune tune, the dots are all independent, the only secret-key connected to that part of the case. Therefore, the adoption of the ability of poor levels of performance, four-color printing in the use of relatively few. Synthesis of diamond-shaped square dots dots dots circular hard to reconcile the transfer characteristics of the soft, natural color transition for the general image, photo performance. Network perspective Printing plate, the dots have the choice of point of view a vital role. Choose the wrong point of view of the network, interference fringes will appear. Common network point of view 90 degrees, 15 degrees, 45 degrees, 75 degrees a few. 45 degrees of the best network performance, stability, and it is not rigid; 15 degrees and 75 degrees to the point of view of the stability of some difference, but the visual effects are not rigid; 90-degree angle is the most stable, but the visual effects too rigid , there is no sense of. Or two sets of two or more networks together, there will be interference in each other, when serious enough to interfere with the impact of image appearance, it appeared the so-called "Moire" the. Generally speaking, the angle difference of two points in 30 degrees and 60 degrees, the overall appearance is still relatively interference fringes; followed by a 45-degree angle of deviation of dots; when the angle difference of two points to 15 degrees and 75 degrees When harmful interference fringes on a beautiful image. Network lines The number of lines determines the size of the fine degree of the image, similar to the resolution. The line number of common applications are as follows: 10-120 lines: low-quality printing, posters of long-distance watch, posters and other printed matter relatively large area, the general use of newsprint, offset paper to print, sometimes the use of low number of sub-gram paper and paper powder. 150 Line: ordinary four-color printing is generally used for this precision, there are various types of paper. Line 175-200: beautiful pictures, pictorial, etc., the majority of the use of printing paper 250-300 Line: album of the highest requirements, etc., most with advanced printing paper and specialty paper. Screen dots is adjusted since the 90's developed a new screening method and the AM network which is different: The network stressed network screen size is fixed, it is through the control network to achieve the intensity of the Tone. Transfer part of the network bright light, the dark part of the network-intensive transfer在印刷过程中,连续调和半色调图像都是由网点的疏密来进行调整表现的。而通过将CMYK四色的网点混合,则可以表现出无穷多的颜色。 目前在印刷工艺中使用的网点主要有两种不同的类型:调幅网点(AM)和调频网点(FM)。 调幅网点是目前使用的最为广泛的一种网点。它的网点密度是固定的,通过调整网点的大小来表现色彩的深浅,从而实现了色调的过渡。在印刷中,调幅网点的使用主要需要考虑网点大小、网点形状、网点角度、网线精度等因素。 网点大小是通过网点的覆盖率决定的,也称着墨率。一般习惯上喜欢用“成”作为衡量单位,比如10%覆盖率的网点就称为“一成网点”、覆盖率20%的网点称为“二成网点”另外,覆盖率0%的网点称为“绝网”,覆盖率100%的网点称为“实地”。 印刷品的阶调一般划分为三个层次:亮调、中间调、暗调。亮调部分的网点覆盖率为10%~30%左右;中间调部分的网点覆盖率为40%~60%左右;暗调部分则为70%~90%。绝网和实地部分是另外划分的。印刷中的网点形状不只是大家想象中的单单圆形一种,以50%着墨率情况下网点所表现出的形状来划分,可以分为:方形、圆形、菱形三种。方形网点在50%覆盖率下,成棋盘状。它的颗粒比较锐利,对于层次的表现能力很强。适合线条、图形和一些硬调图像的表现。 圆形网点无论是在亮调还是在中间调的情况下,网点之间都是独立的,只有暗调的情况下才有部分相连。所以对于的采层次的表现能力不佳,四色印刷中比较少采用。 菱形网点综合了方形网点的硬调和圆形网点的柔调特性,色彩过渡自然,适合一般图像、照片的表现。 网点角度 印刷制版中,网点角度的选择有着至关重要的作用。选择错误的网点角度,将会出现干涉条纹。 常见的网点角度有90度、15度、45度、75度几种。45度的网点表现最佳,稳定而又不显得呆板;15度和75度的的角度稳定性要差一些,不过视觉效果也不呆板;90度的角度是最稳定的,但是视觉效果太呆板,没有美感了。两种或者两种以上的网点套在一起,会有相互的干涉,当干涉严重到影响图像美观时,就出现俗称的“龟纹”了。 一般来说,两种网点的角度差在30度和60度的时候,整体的干涉条纹还比较美观;其次为45度的网点角度差;当两种网点的角度差为15度和75度的时候,干涉条纹就有损图像美观了。网点线数 网线数的大小决定了图像的精细程度,类似于分辨率.常见的线数应用如下: 10-120线: 低品质印刷,远距离观看的海报、招贴等面积比较大的印刷品,一般使用新闻纸、胶版纸来印刷,有时也使用低克数的亚粉纸和铜版纸。 150线: 普通四色印刷一般都采用此精度,各类纸张都有。 175-200线:精美画册、画报等等,多数使用铜版纸印刷 250-300线:最高要求的画册等等,多数用高级铜版纸和特种纸印刷。 调屏网点是90年代以来新发展起来的一种加网方式,它和调幅网点不同之处在于:调屏网点的网点大小是固定的,它是通过控制网点的密集程度来实现阶调。亮调部分的网点稀疏,暗调部分的网点密集。
根据学术堂的了解,参考文献是英语论文的重要组成部分,也是编辑加工和重要内容。接下来就为大家介绍英语论文参考文献格式要求,欢迎阅读。I.文内引用(一)直接引用1.引用中的省略原始资料的引用:在正文中直接引用时,应给出作者、年份,并用带括号的数字标出页码。若有任何资料省略,使用英文时,应用3个省略号在句中标出(…),中文用6个(……);若两句间的资料省略,英文应用4个省略号标出(‥‥),中文用6个(……)。若要在直接引用插入自己的解释,应使用方括号[ ]。若在资料中有什么错误拼写、错误语法或标点错误会使读者糊涂,应在引用后立即插入[sic],中文用[原文如此]。下面是一些示例:例一:The DSM IV defines the disorder [dysthymic] as being in a chronically depressed mood that occurs for "most of the day more days than not for at least two years (Criterion A) .... In children, the mood may be irritable rather than depressed, and the required minimum duration is only one year" (APA, 1994, p. 345).例二:Issac (1995) states that bipolar disorder "is not only uncommon but may be the most diagnostic entity in children and adolescents in similar settings .... and may be the most common diagnosis in adolescents who are court-remanded to such settings" ().2.大段落引用当中文引用超过160字时,不使用引号,而使用“块”的形式(引用起于新的一行,首行缩进4个空格,两端对齐,之后每行都缩进)。当英文引用超过40字时,不使用引号,而使用“块”的形式(引用起于新的一行,首行缩进5个空格,左对齐,之后每行都缩进)。Elkind (1978) states:In general, our findings support Piaget's view that perceptionsas well as intelligence are neither entirely inborn nor entirely innate but are rather progressively constructed through the gradual development of perceptual regulations. The chapter has also attempted to demonstrate the applicability of Piaget's theory to practical issues by summarizing some research growing out of an analysis of beginning reading. ()(二)间接引用1.基本格式同作者在同一段中重复被引用时,第一次必须写出日期,第二次以后则日期可省略。a.英文文献:In a recent study of reaction times, Walker (2000) described the method…Walker also found…。b.中文文献:李福印(2004)提出概念隐喻的重要性,…;李福印同时建议…。2. 单一作者a. 英文文献:姓氏(出版或发表年代)或(姓氏,出版或发表年代)。例如:Porter (2001)…或…(Porter, 2001)。b. 中文文献:姓名(出版或发表年代)或(姓名,出版或发表年代)。例如:杨惠中(2011)…或…(杨惠中,2011)。3.两个作者英文引用时,在圆括号内使用两名作者的姓氏,并使用“&”来连接,在正文中,使用“and”连接两名作者。中文引用时,在圆括号内使用两名作者的姓名,并用顿号“、”来连接,在正文中,使用 “和”、“与”、“及”等字连接两名作者。例如:(Smith & Jones, 1994), or Smith and Jones (1994) found....In 1994 Smith and Jones researched.... Always cite both names in text.陈国华和田兵(2008)认为…或…(陈国华、田兵,2008)4.三至五个作者英文第一次引用参考资料时,列出所有的作者的姓氏,除最后一名作者之前在正文中使用逗号加“and”、在圆括号内使用逗号加“&”连接外,之前的其他作者之间使用逗号“,”;之后引用时,英文用第一个作者的姓随之以“et al.”。中文第一次引用参考资料时,列出所有作者的姓名,除最后两名作者之间用“和”连接外,之前的其他作者之间使用顿号“、”;之后引用时,用第一名作者加“等”字。例如:Strasburger, Jorgensen, and Randles (1996) found differences.... (第一次使用).Strasburger et al. (1996) also created tests.... (在段落中第二次使用).Starsburger et al. found discrepancies.... (在同一段落中再次使用,此时省略年份).卫乃兴、李文中与濮建忠(2005)指出…或…(卫乃兴、李文中、濮建忠,2005)。(第一次使用)卫乃兴等(2005)指出…或…(卫乃兴等,2005)。(第二次使用)5.六个作者及以上使用英文时,只用第一个人的姓氏加“et al.”;使用中文时,只列出第一名作者的姓名,再加上“等”。例如:Pouliquen et al. (2003)……或……(Pouliquen et al., 2003)王洪俊等(2007)…或…(王洪俊等,2007)6.团体作者使用中文时,第一次用全称,比如,(首都师范大学教育科学学院[首师大教科院],2001);之后可以用简称,比如,首师大教科院(2001)的调查表明……。使用英文时,第一次引用时,拼出团体,比如, (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 1996);以后用团体缩写加年份表示,比如,The NIMH (1996) examined....。7.没有作者的文献当一部作品没有作者时,在文中引用参考文献目录单中的前几个字(通常是标题)和年份。比如,一项关于成年人抑郁症的调查(“Study Finds”, 1997)报告……。当某作品的作者列为“Anonymous”、中文使用“匿名”或“无名氏”时,英文引用时用“Anonymous”加逗号及年份,即(Anonymous, 1997),中文用“匿名”加逗号及年份,即(匿名,1997)。8.英文文献作者姓氏相同英文文献作者姓氏相同时,相同姓氏之作者于论文中引用时均引用全名,以避免混淆。例如:R. D. Luce (1995) and G. E. Luce (1988)…。9.多篇文献a. 多篇文献,同一作者若一作者有多篇你想引用的文献,只需用逗号“,”来区隔作品的发表年份(最早到最晚依序排列)。若多篇文献在同一年内发表,请在年份后面加上a、b、c……等标注。(按:abc的使用需与参考文献部分有所对应,而这些文献的编排以标题名称的字母来决定。)例如:1)A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2004, 2005a, 2005b).2)Pauling (2004, 2005a, 2005b) conducted a study that discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholismb.多篇文献,多位作者文献依姓氏字母(笔画)、出版年代等顺序排列,不同作者之间用分号“;”分开,相同作者不同年代之文献用逗号“,” 分开。例如:…(Pautler, 1992; Razik & Swanson, 1993a, 1993b)。例如:…(董伟,2010;周音,2011a,2011b)。
[2] (作者姓名),Near-perfect Token Distribution(论文名称), in Random Structures & Algorithms5(1994)(论文发表在的出版物名称(期刊号)或会议名称).又如,[8] and Less-structured P2P Systems for the Expected High Churn, in IEEE P2P,2005.
Speaking of networks, the network seems to be related to a number of tutorials, but this approach is basically Chris and genuine process of manually paste is very similar to (simply because that comes - b), may be compared to a variety of the kind of network effects more like doing something else then. In this tutorial is in need of special note: the effect of net paste and color as much as possible to distinguish between CG. Of course, this is also related to personal habits and style, Chris personally think that this is the case, if, as the CG wants to play as why these things trouble. (Above / Chris/2001-10-18) First! Ready to paste the network need to base! To clean up the screen Oh, but please try to tune in more poor black and white pure state. Because it is black and white dots to be affixed to the reason, the re-base-color part of the best pre-filled (and also related to personal style that they need to see myself). Is ready to take down the network. The network are talking about here is the same base map, or more than 300dpi high-resolution map. The type of network can have a lot of comparison is commonly used in flat screen and gradual network. Those strangely shaped outlets said no, you can find a package to scan the paper, and here to talk about the flat screen and the gradient in net practice in photoshop. 1, create a new image, resolution 300, attributes gray, as far as possible not less than the size of your papers; 2, to fill in the appropriate image gray (the color the more light, mesh the more casual, more than a few will try to understand); 3, select the filter Pixelate -> Color Halftone; 4, Max Radius will be changed to 4, other parameters unchanged, point OK; 5, this point, the network has finished production, gradually began to fill in the network only when the color gradient fill on OK. You can do several different types of networks at any time keep up with. The original network 300DPI proportion, Chris the most commonly used as a Concentrated dots in their own number 14 To just 14 as an example mesh affixed to the hair part. Base is now the background layer, dots above it, layer properties [transparent]. (The same network as gum paste, take the shape of almostprobably can, even if the lines are not closed also does not matter) (from now on all the layers on the network attributes are
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