TPS,即丰田生产方式 Toyota Production System� TPS,即丰田生产方式 TPS的特点总结起来有以下四个方面: 1、 拉动式准时化生产 要求以最终用户的需求为生产起点,强调物流平衡,追求零库存,要求上一道工序加工完的零件立即进入下一道工序。生产线依靠看板传递信息。生产节拍由人工干预、控制,重在保证生产中的物流平衡(对于每一道工序来说,均要保证对后道工序供应的准时化)。由于采用拉动式生产,生产中的计划与调度实质上是由各个生产单元来完成,在形式上不采用集中计划,但操作过程中生产单元之间的协调则极为重要。 2、 全面质量管理 强调质量是生产出来而非检验出来的,由生产中的质量管理来保证产品的最终质量。在每道工序进行时均注意质量的检测与控制,保证及时发现质量问题,培养每位员工的质量意识。如果发现问题,立即停止生产,直至解决,从而保证不出现对不合格产品的失效加工。 3、 团队工作方法(Team Work) 每位员工在工作中不仅仅是执行上级的命令,更重要的是积极地参与,起到决策与辅助决策的作用。组织团队的原则并不完全按行政组织来划分,而主要根据业务的关系来划分。团队成员强调一专多能,工作的氛围是信任,以一种长期的监督控制为主,而避免对每一步工作的稽核,提高工作效率。团队的组织是变动的,针对不同的事物,建立不同的团队,同一个人可能属于不同的团队。 4、 并行工程(Concurrent Engineering) 在产品设计开发期间,将概念设计、结构设计、工艺设计、最终需求等结合起来,保证以最快的速度按要求的质量完成。TPS的另一大理念--零库存,就是随时反馈订货信息,实现生产与销售的并行化。 TPS最终目标是企业利润的最大化。管理中的具体目标是通过消灭一切生产中的浪费来实现成本的最低化。TPS通过准时化生产、全面质量管理、并行工程等一系列方法来消除一切浪费,实现利润最大化。TPS最具特色的方法是,在组织生产时对消灭物流浪费的无限追求,即对物流环境的需求和内部的分权决策。 综上所述,基于内部的团队式工作方式,在外部企业密切合作的环境下,无限追求物流的平衡是精益生产的核心所在,即TPS的精髓之所在! TPS不仅仅是准时生产与看板管理。Just in time(在必要时间生产必要数量的必要产品)是TPS核心问题之一。拉动式生产是Just in time的主要手段,但不能脱离人员自主化和改善而独立存在的。TPS的开发必然是企业整体的长期的行为。它是一个系统管理,是一个全员参加的、思想统一的、不断改进的系统过程。 推行丰田生产方式的条件 改善是TPS理论的基础与条件,推行TPS首先应从连续改善入手。其次,TPS的实行需要有较高水平的管理基础。如:先进的操作方法,合理的物流系统,科学的定额标准,员工素质与设备完好率高等。所有这些条件必须具备才能实行TPS生产。 质量管理不是独立存在的体系,它必须溶于生产过程。质量管理是不能脱离生产现场的加工操作、包装、运输的全部过程的,它们必须融为一体。 关于工业工程(IE) 丰田生产方式就是工业工程在丰田公司现代管理中的应用。工业工程是丰田生产方式实现的生产支撑体系,同时也是欧美各种现代管理模式(例如:CIMS、MPPⅡ)的技术支撑体系。因而,我国企业要推行TPS,特别是建立适合国情、厂情的TPS,就一定要从推行工业工程入手,否则很难成功。 3.关于整体化问题 我国许多企业在推行质量管理、工业工程、技术改造、市场研究、CIMS工程等,甚至成立专门的领导机构,各搞一套,这是不正确的。上述工作应集成一体,形成全厂行为,确立本企业的模式,以IE为支撑技术,经过连续不断的改善和努力,最终求得企业整体化效益。 4、应用推广TPS的方法措施 通过案例分析可知,影响企业的发展问题之所在。要想推行TPS,应从以下途径入手: 4.1加快体制改革的步伐 TPS工程不是单纯的管理与技术问题,它是市场经济的产物,它的实现毫无疑问需要与体制改革相适合,同时需要体制改革的支持,这是国有大中型企业推行TPS的关键问题。 4.2坚持以规划入手,试点与系统开发并行 我国企业开发TPS从一开始就应做到整体发展规划,搞清本企业推行TPS的条件,确定改善的对象与目标,以试点入手,充分考虑全系统的开发与推广。重点攻克物流系统设计与制造、信息系统控制(如看板管理)设计等问题,建立适合本企业的TPS模式。 4.3培训既是推行TPS的突破口,又是TPS工程自始自终涵盖的内容 应在全企业范围内培训TPS理论和工业工程的理论与方法。同时要注意研究国内外推行TPS企业的成功经验与失败教训。 5、结语 我国推行TPS,需要注意的问题较多。如果上述几点得到了较好解决,一定会使企业取得较大的收益。毕竟在“时间就是金钱,效率就是生命”的21世纪,掌握TPS的精髓,将会使企业具备更强的竞争力,从而使企业立于不败之地。 中国推行TPS仍处在初级阶段,还有许多需要学习和改进的地方。需要指出的是,如果企业在效仿TPS模式的同时,能够结合自身的特点,走出一条适合自己的路,那将是企业的福音和财富。所以,TPS在中国还有很长的一段路要走。不过,TPS及TPS这种理念,定会在中国有一个光明的未来!
在“中国工业论坛—汽车工业分论坛”上,贾新光从丰田汽车的召回事件角度分析了我国自主品牌的情况。他分析指出,丰田的汽车召回是一件很突出的事件,从国内对此事的评论来看,他觉得有两个失误,一是有人认为丰田属于战术上的失误,如反应迟缓、态度傲慢等,属于公关上失误的问题;另外一个就是潜规则的问题。最典型的就是最近的海南毒豇豆事件,海南方面责备武汉把这一事件曝光出来,认为这是一种潜规则,就不应该这么直接指出来。应该先私下告诉对方,让对方自己来处理。“如果真是这么认为的话,我认为持有这种潜规则的观点就会把中国汽车工业腐蚀掉,而且这样讨论丰田汽车,也不会得到任何的启示。” 贾新光表示,丰田的召回事件,规模如此大,影响如此严重,因此我国需要重新认识丰田模式。他指出丰田模式不是指丰田生产方式,而是指丰田的发展模式。而且他相信丰田是有属于自己的发展核心的,但传统的丰田的生产方式不是丰田企业总结的,是属于美国人帮忙总结的,因此可以这么去理解:美国人写的丰田生产方式不一定都是正确的,因为大家对真正的丰田生产方式都不能真实的去了理解,真正的丰田生产方式是不会被外界所知道的,也不会告诉别人的。 “现在的问题是为什么我们很崇拜的丰田能走到这一步,原来的被认为很不错的丰田模式已经开始暴露出它的弱点?”贾新光分析丰田模式的核心是追随模仿、追求低成本、追求价格,而恰恰这一模式也是我们汽车工业自主品牌发展的模式。这一模式有一个最大的问题,在于追求模仿,原先它一直跟随着通用走,因此一旦它成为了第一、当了老大之后就不行了,就不知道该怎么发展了,这是最大的问题。在丰田模式之后追随的就是现代,现代之后就是我国的奇瑞、吉利等,“但愿我们不要走到它这一发展模式上。” 贾新光指出,当前我们正走在一个最强的增长时期,这时候更应该清醒,不要重复丰田的错误。之所以这么说,成功的企业有三种,规模的、品牌的、创新的,我认为真正成功的企业还要集这三种于一身。现在来看丰田模式,它事实上就是在追赶通用的规模。如1972年,丰田汽车要建立200万辆汽车的体制,1973年要建立300万的体制,1977年,丰田认为自己是世界第一流的公司。 对于丰田来说,它还有消减成本优势会被原材料成本抵消,如它的成本缩减计划,而这些恰恰也为丰田召回埋下了隐患。而从今天来看,这样的策略已经开始走到头了。如所谓的干毛巾要拧出一把水来,事实上干毛巾可以拧出一滴水来,但要真正拧出一把水那就算是过头了,干毛巾就完了。 从丰田汽车的发展上来看,尽管规模很大,但其品牌却不强。丰田有一年花了近一年的世界来讨论品牌,我当时认为丰田品牌毫无特色,而且其品牌价值也值得去讨论。国内一家调查公司做过一项品牌调查,丰田的品牌动力并不是很好的,品牌特征也不是很好的。再有就是品牌溢价,在国内的高档车上,丰田汽车基本上没有品牌溢价。在品牌认知上,心理占有力、头脑占有力、认知渗透力,丰田也很缺乏心理渗透力。 从美国、欧洲的汽车工业发展来看,这些汽车工业在品牌创新上是非常有优势的,如汽车方面的平台技术、零部件技术等,因此要单一地靠汽车规模是很难有所发展的。从丰田汽车的发展模式来看,因此对中国汽车特别是对自主品牌来说,这些更是值得我们去仔细审视的、需要考虑和讨论的。
JIT(Just In Time)生产方式起源于日本丰田汽车公司,这是一种诞生于日本的低成本,高质量的柔性生产方式。下面是由我整理的丰田jit管理论文,谢谢你的阅读。
摘要:JIT(Just In Time)生产方式起源于日本丰田汽车公司,这是一种诞生于日本的低成本,高质量的柔性生产方式。JIT生产方式的基本理念为:在需要的时间,按需要的量,生产需要的产品。上世纪后半期,制造业迈入一个崭新的时代,以单一品种的大规模生产方式已不能满足新市场的要求,市场需求进入多样化,此阶段迫切需要一种新型的生产方式,即小批量,多品种,低成本,高品质的生产方式。
中图分类号: 文献标识码: A
20世纪80年代以来,随着全球市场需求的多样化,对产品的质量,价格,性能等要求变得更高,产品的开发周期缩短,市场应变更灵活,在此背景下,JIT生产方式的出现大大满足了市场变化的新需求。全球各国,各行各业都对JIT生产经营方式进行探索和研究,并对其实施现场考察,理论联系实践,经过全面提炼 总结 ,得出精益生产方式(Lean Production)。
精益生产,顾名思义,所表达的生产经营理念即为消除浪费,节约资源。将其理论运用于整个供应链过程,即从接受客户订单,安排生产计划,制定原材料采购计划,国内外货物运输,直至货物交付的整个流程。同时,精益生产还运用于企业全面管理。近几年来,我国的汽车工业,电子工业,机械工业,电气工业等生产制造企业中广泛应用JIT管理方式,提高了生产效率,获得了显著效果。JIT生产与管理方式提高了企业的经济效益,企业在降低运营成本的同时,还获得了丰富的生产运营管理 经验 ,JIT生产方式得到了广泛的推广和运用。
1. JIT生产方式的目标
2. JIT采购
3. JIT采购与大批量采购的比较
进入21世纪,由于世界经济发展迅速,市场经济的全球化迫切需要我们采取先进有效的管理方式来保证企业的持续稳定发展,JIT生产管理方式的出现是全球经济发展的产物。JIT先进科学的管理模式广泛应用于国内企业,使企业利润得以最大化,它对于企业融入国际市场,迈向国际化,具有十分重要的意义。JIT生产管理是综合复杂的管理体系,它涉及企业人力资源,技术,研发,生产,销售,物流,供应,质量等各部门,将JIT思想纳入企业整体战略运作,在实践中不断改善和提高,逐渐形成适合企业自身特点的管理模式,减少企业浪费,降低企业成本,实现真正意义上的精益生产。JIT管理模式对我国企业的改革有着借鉴作用,它不但提高了 企业管理 水平,提升企业市场竞争力,而且实现企业效益最大化。JIT所具有的先进性和优越性,在电子商务和信息 网络技术 的支持下,在全球市场上立于不败之地。
3、周小庄.制造企业库存成本控制的JIT 方法 研究[D].同济大学,2007年.
4、沈梅梅.基于供应链管理的JIT采购的理论与实践.哈尔滨工业大学, 2007
5、赵禹骅,周小庄. JIT供应实现的必要条件.科技管理研究,2006年04期
6、曲昊月,初建环,J1T 模式对供应链采购管理的优化[J]商业经济,
7、李建民,供应链管理环境下的准时化采购 [J]物流技术,
8、杜鹏,王炬香,JIT 环境下供需采购模型的研究[J]运筹与管理,
9、Bruce Ferric, Planning Just-in-time Supply Operations A Multiple case
Analysis [J] Journal of Business Logistics, , , 1994
10、Neil. G, Management control in supply chain JIT, Proceedings of the
Fourth International Conference on JIT Manufacturing 1989
作者:过嘉藻 东南大学经济管理学院工商管理硕士在读就职单位:无锡市欧特姆机械制造厂
Toyota history Toyota is the world's six major brands of its profit last year more than the United States is the GM and Ford twice the sum of the profit, can not but make people their feelings of deep respect rise. In an island country, Toyota is a step-by-step how to do this? Before production car In fact, Toyota's history can be traced back to 1896. That year, the 29-year-old Sakichi Toyoda invented "Toyota-style steam-driven loom." He invented a loom that Taiwan is not only Japan's first ever human not rely on the automatic loom, but different in the past loom, it is operative worker in textile mill at the same time by a caring 3-4 machines, which have greatly increased productivity. Even then world number one纺织机械厂homes - British Prader companies to Sakichi Toyoda issued at the request of the transfer of the franchise, eventually佐吉in 1929 (Showa four years) to 100,000 pounds (of the then 1 million yen ) selling price of the right to use the patent. Enter the automobile field In 1930, 63-year-old Sakichi Toyoda death. He left the child is a possession of nearly 10,000 employees thriving Cotton Mill. Sakichi Toyoda, the eldest son of Toyota Hi Koizumi of Japan interest in the world outside the full. Hi Koizumi told Europe and the United States were investigated, the Industrial Revolution in Europe and America grandeur that he has been badly shaken, and his car more full-blooded. He held that the vehicle must be the next important means of transport. When Toyota Hi Koizumi started to develop vehicles, the United States General Motors Corporation and Ford Motor Company have already become a world-famous large enterprises. In mass production technology and the operation of the market, the two companies strength sufficient for the rest of the world for all vehicle manufacturers incapable of dealing with, respectively, and their respective vehicle assembly plants open to the Japanese. However, the Toyota Hi Koizumi not to the United States two auto giants move too much in our hearts and minds. He threw himself into a mass production basis for the creation of the domestic automobile industry. Toyota Automatic Loom in the production, a brand new car departments - the Ministry was born. 1937 (Showa 12) August 28, the Ministry of cars from Toyota Automatic Loom declared by the independent production, as a possession 12 million yen capital of the new company, "Toyota cars Industry Co., Ltd." Since then embarked on a their new course. In new factories, aa cars started production, the initial monthly output of only 150. One year later, the Japanese automobile industry holding firm confidence Toyota Hi Koizumi had ignored surrounding an objection, decisively decided to invest 45 million yen huge sums of money per month in 2000 to build a production system, and this huge amount of investment is almost the same company capital four times! Japan is a natural resource-poor countries, Toyota Hi Koizumi that the development of high-power fuel consumption, reliable and durable car for the Japanese auto industry is crucial topic. In 1939, the company set up a battery Institute, initiated the development of electric vehicles. In 1940, Toyota produced about l5000 vehicles, of which 98 percent is客货两用车. Toyota Although the vehicles do not have much experience. But strictly adhere to the credo: to create more than simple imitation, if we can imitate the same time to improve, so much the better. Hi Koizumi and his father's idea of the same strain, he knew it must first production safety, solid, economic, traditional cars, rather than innovative products. So in a very long time, all Toyota cars have such characteristics. War-torn In December 1941, the outbreak of the Pacific War, the August 1945 end of World War II, Japan's industrial production facilities almost completely destroyed, Toyota's factories are also subject to a heavy war damage. The first years after the war, Japan's economy is in a mess, quite backward on the original Japanese auto industry, employees are all deeply concerned about their development prospects. In order to develop the automobile industry as a time of peace as a pillar industry to complete its reconstruction, Toyota in 1945 (Showa 20) September decision truck production in the old system on the basis of the formation of a new small car factory. This decision was made taking into account the United States automobile manufacturers not to produce small cars, expected to be with the United States automobile manufacturers to avoid direct competition. In January 1947, a small car-like vehicle finally Preparation success. According to hydrodynamic theory,这辆-like vehicle used backbone of a streamlined body and a frame structure, four-wheel independent suspension of virtually constitute a new mechanism of the body, the maximum speed reached 87 kilometers. Samples from the car after two years after the birth of time, a 1949 Toyota to the cause finally switched to the stable development track. Entering the development period of expansion In 1951, as the Japanese police reserve at that time the Japanese automobile plant tender small SUV, Toyota was launched bj series SUV, body using canvas top, as head through the Liuhe climbing Mount Fuji test proved its off-road and Durability, the car not only be welcomed by the police reserve, and after continuous production and growth, and this is today the world-renowned Land Cruiser Series models. Today it has developed to the lc100 type, and which also isolated from the urban bias on the suv - Land Cruiser Prado. All models cruisers have so far produced nearly 3 million. In addition, taking advantage of the rapidly expanding demand for taxi opportunity to accelerate car production, in 1953 to have monthly 50 about previous output has been raised to produce 250 more. This series of results in a Toyota after the completion of this corporate rehabilitation, out of its predicament in the course of struggle of a turning point. By 1955, Toyota introduced a design sophistication, displacement liters of sedans, and named the crown rs. Two years later the name to toyopet its exports to the United States. However, the available was only three years early because cars are not suited crown in Japan that the United States long-distance high-speed unimaginable traveling course conditions Not long after, the United States eliminated on the market. Enter the United States from that setback for the United States to develop a new generation of road conditions Toyota Corona sedan, re-enter the United States market, has spent the whole time Toyota 6 years! 1958 (Showa 33), Toyota officially set up their own research institutes, and started building the first company specializing in the production of Japanese car factories. Until now, the Crown has developed to the 12th generation, the total output over 5 million, and the forthcoming production factory in China the first 12 generation. In 1962, Toyota started to enter Europe. This year, Toyota output for the first time broke the million mark. 1965 of God Expressway (Nagoya and Kobe) and the opening of the Japanese opened the era of high-speed highway traffic prelude. Experienced war, the gap in the post-war Japanese auto industry can be said to be the time of Japan's most industrial industries do not have the international competitiveness of the field. But Toyota is foreseen that a large-scale international trade and capital liberalization will soon swept Japan, to greet the arrival of the new era, Toyota stepped up development of higher performance on the one hand the new car at the same time enhancing productivity, improving quality standards show great efforts. All of these efforts finally bear rich fruit, Toyota in 1965 was awarded a deming Award. The same year, the Japanese government abolished the tariff on imported cars, from Toyota in both performance and price with foreign auto manufacturers start of the real contest! 1966 listing of the corolla (Corolla) as a domestic sedan car favored by the vast number of consumers, thereby setting off a Volkswagen heat. Later, in 1968, exports also have been successful in North America, led sales soaring. Today Corolla has produced nearly 30 million, almost can say is the world's most popular models of cars. Now, it also has production in China. Economic development as the background, the Japanese automobile market has shown unprecedented growth momentum in 1967 total domestic production reached 3 million, exceeding the then West Germany and it became the world's second largest car producing country. In this case, Toyota will be further expanded according to demand forecasts, continued investments in new plant and equipment investment. Japan's rapidly growing auto industry, stimulated the United States government and the Big Three auto giant requested the urgent capital liberalization mood. 1971 (Showa 46), the Japanese government abolished the government for the management of capital investment, then several car manufacturers in Japan and the United States began the three major car companies cooperation. Toyota is not willing to drift with the tide, however, as in any case to stick to its position of domestic auto manufacturers, on the one hand to lower production costs, while speeding up the annual 2 million production system pace of construction. By the end of 1970, Toyota introduced a small sports car celica (赛Huancavelica), in 04 end of the year before the shutdown, which has produced almost 4 million.
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