符合楼主要求的文献有很多,我给你找到四篇有全文的。如果感兴趣发邮件到我邮箱qingshuixiaobing@.我把全文发给你。口说无凭你看看怎么样再给分文献信息如下:[1] Bussiere, M., Fratzscher M. Towards a new early warning system of financial crises. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2006, 25(6): 953-973.[2] Edison, H. Do indicators of financial crises work? An evaluation of an early warning system. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2003, 8(1): 11-53.[3] Lestano, J., Kuper G. Indicators of financial crises do work! An early-warning system for six Asian countries. crisis, 2001, 1970: 12.[4] Zhuang, J., Dowling J. Causes of the 1997 Asian financial crisis: what can an early warning system model tell us?: Asian Development Bank, 2002.