Spicy garlic powder on the production performance of laying hens 摘 要:用正常的7月龄罗曼浅粉壳商品蛋鸡240只随机分成4组,其中设3个试验组和1个对照组,每组设3个重复,每个重复20只,每组试鸡60只,分别在试验组基础饲料中添加不同量的蒜辣粉喂鸡,对蛋鸡进行为期60天的对比试验。 Abstract: 7 months old with normal Roman pale shell 240 commercial layers were randomly divided into 4 groups, which set up three test groups and a control group, each group with 3 replicates, each 20, each group 60 chickens tested were the basis of the experimental group diets with different amount of garlic powder hot chickens, laying hens for a period of 60 days on the comparison test. 结果表明:蒜辣粉对蛋鸡的产蛋率、蛋重、料蛋比等生产性能指标差异显著(p<)。 The results showed that: spicy garlic powder on the layer of egg production, egg weight, feed and other production performance than egg significant difference (p <). 同时,还可提高蛋鸡的抗病能力,在蛋中无药物残留,坚持饲用本品可生产量多质优的无公害鸡蛋。 At the same time, it can also layer the disease and no drug residues in eggs, feed product can adhere to high quality production and more pollution-free eggs. 蒜辣粉的适宜添加量为1%。 Spicy garlic powder suitable dosage of 1%. 关键词 :商品蛋鸡;蒜辣粉;生产性能 Key words: commercial layers; garlic chili powder; production performance