边境旅游部Border department 组团部Grouping department 总部组团中心Headquarters grouping center 国内旅游部Domestic department 出境旅游部Exit department 财务部finance 计调部Plan adjustable department 办公室The office
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If the toy suffer to damage or lose the lacquer? Are all aessory and specifications in readiness?
“不想再等”就请马上采纳,可以放心采用 大学英语1 College English 1 大学英语2 College English 2 大学英语3 College English 3 大学英语4 College English 4 概率论与数理统计 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics 国际经济学 International Economics 华夏文明释疑 Disabuse of Chinese Civilizatrion 考研数学基础Mathematical Basis for Postgraduate Entrance Examination 零售市场营销 Retail Marketing 领导科学 Science of Leadership 旅游酒店营销管理 Touri *** Hotel Marketing Management 媒体策划 Media Planning 农业经济学 Agricultural Economics 区域经济学 Regional Economics 世界风土人情 Global Local Customs 世界市场行情 Global Market Situation 税收检查 Taxation Inspection 税收学 Tax 税务代理 Tax Agency 税务管理 Tax Administration 网页制作(ASP) Active Server Pages (ASP) Making 政治经济学专题 Political Economics Topics
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无菌操作室 aseptic manipulation room 综合实验室 plex laboratory 化验室 laboratory 办公室 office 水处理室 water treatment room 藻类种质储存室 algae idiopla *** storeroom(这个是根据字面理解的,不够准确) 藻类育种室 algae breeding room(这个也是根据字面理解的,不够准确) 海洋生物实验室 marine biological laboratory 仓库 storehouse; warehouse; depository
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is one of the most important languages. is trying to control the weather. are not happy at all, for they have no time to play. are the farmers doing in the field? They are getting in the plants(crops). are researching for the way to change the weather. famous scientist will e to give us a speach this afternoon. will take a lot of pictures over there. are preparing for the adventure activities at the present. look forward to the Spring Festival particularly. travel will be so exciting that we can not wait for. do you separate the salt and sugar? thief won't steal the money. day that human beings live in the outer space will e sooner or later. 我可是很认真地翻译的哦。
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