中文名:这个杀手不太冷别 名:终极追杀令、杀手莱昂、杀手里昂英文片名:leon 国家/地区:美国/法国 区域:欧美 出品:哥伦比亚/欧罗巴发行:哥伦比亚 类型:惊悚 / 剧情 / 犯罪 导演:吕克·贝松 编剧:吕克·贝松上映时间:1994年09月14日主演:让·雷诺娜塔丽·波特曼加里·奥特曼 故事发生在纽约大都会里,由让·雷诺所饰演的职业杀手莱昂,受餐厅老板委托杀人。当他是以杀手的身份出现时,冷静而神秘,杀人手法令人热血沸腾。但当他卸下杀手面具时,则又回归成为平凡的市井小民,简单到连基本身份证、银行帐号也都有,每天至少喝杯鲜奶,喜欢浇花及细心地擦拭心爱盆栽的树叶,是个具有双重身份角色扮演的人。而就在莱昂所住的公寓内,有人暗渡陈仓的进行毒品交易,警方缉毒组伪装黑帮份子,为查缉毒品而入侵,杀了贩毒者一家人却遗漏了小女孩马蒂达。马蒂达为了安全起见而躲进隔壁李昂家,她无意中发现了莱昂的杀手身份,为了保护自己及报灭门之仇,马蒂达以坚定的口气要求李昂训练她成为一位真正的职业杀手……在此同时,警方亦全力搜寻马蒂达并拘禁之……莱昂只身闯入警局大开杀戒,警方大惊慌之余,下令围剿大厦并全力搜捕李昂,双方交战之下引发了一场紧张刺激的终极追杀。 莱昂已经40岁了,他是一名习惯独来独往的职业杀手,并且始终恪守着不杀女人和孩子的原则;而玛蒂达却只是一个普通的12岁的邻家女孩。这样的两个人的生活轨迹本互不相干,原来也不会有任何交集,然而只因后者不幸惨遭灭门之祸才令二人意外的走到了一起,并且在他们之间还产生了一种奇妙的化学反应:爱情。 这乍看起来有些匪夷所思,毕竟两人的年纪相差太大,但细细一想,却又在情理之中。 莱昂虽然已年届中年,而且为人沉默冷酷、机智干练,但在他不苟言笑的外表下,却深藏着一颗温柔善良、天真质朴的赤子之心,多年来离群索居的杀手生活令他倍感孤独与寂寞,生活中唯一的亮色就是那盆龙舌兰。他把它当成自己的生命一样来培育,不知不觉,这盆绿色植物成了他生活中唯一的朋友——在他眼中,它甚至就是另一个自己。而女孩玛蒂达虽然年纪尚小,且看起来是那般的柔弱无依、楚楚可怜,但她的生活经历以及悲惨的特殊遭遇令她的性格变的非常的倔强任性、独立自主,而且还有着与年龄极不相称的成熟。莱昂对于她而言,固然是值得信赖与依靠的对象,而她对于莱昂而言,又何尝不是后者黑色生命中那缕突然出现的金色阳光呢?同是天涯沦落人,再加上长时间的相濡与沫,生死与共,于是这样两个有着同样孤独且渴望温暖的灵魂自然越走越近,最终擦出微妙的火花。 虽然莱昂最后为了救玛蒂达而牺牲了自己的性命,但他一定不会后悔爱上她。因为是她,让他重温了生活的乐趣,感受到了爱情的甜美,并且完成了对自身灵魂的救赎(他最终用自己的血,洗清自己曾犯下的罪孽);而玛蒂达呢,相信亦不会后悔把自己的初恋给了那个叫莱昂的中年男人,因为是他,让她得到保护不受伤害,重温久违的家庭的温暖,并明白了爱情的真谛,且学会了该如何去珍惜。 从不后悔爱上你,走得越久越珍惜。若时光能流转回到过去,我也一定还要与你再共谱恋曲,因为,你就是我今生的唯一。
《这个杀手不太冷》(原题:Léon,美国上映片名:The Professional)是一部1994年的电影,由法国导演吕克·贝松编剧及执导,也是他首部往好莱坞发展拍摄的电影。由让·雷诺、盖瑞·欧德曼及娜塔莉·波特曼主演。本片主要拍摄地点是纽约。中文名: 《这个杀手不太冷》外文名: Leon其它译名: 杀手莱昂 / 终极追杀令 / 杀手里昂出品时间: 1994年9月14日出品公司: 哥伦比亚/欧罗巴制片地区: 法国,美国导演: 吕克·贝松编剧: 吕克·贝松主演: Jean Reno,Gary Oldman,Natalie Portman,Danny Aiello类型: 动作,犯罪片长: 正式版110分钟,加长版133分钟故事[1]发生在纽约大都会里,由让·雷诺所饰 这个杀手不太冷[2]演的职业杀手里昂,受餐厅老板委托杀人。当他是以杀手的身份出现时,冷静而神秘,杀人手法令人热血沸腾。但当他卸下杀手面具时,则又回归成为平凡的市井小民,简单到连基本身份证、银行帐号都没有,每天至少喝杯鲜奶,喜欢浇花及细心地擦拭心爱盆栽的树叶,是个具有双重身份角色扮演的人。而就在里昂所住的公寓内,有人暗渡陈仓的进行毒品交易,小女孩马蒂达的父亲是警方缉毒组的线人,因为贪心,私吞了部分毒品,遭到神经质警官斯坦报复,杀了全家人却遗漏了小女孩马蒂达。马蒂达为了安全起见而躲进隔壁里昂家,她知道了里昂的杀手身份,为了保护自己及报灭门之仇,马蒂达以坚定的口气要求里昂训练她成为一位真正的职业杀手……在此之后,斯坦亦全力搜寻马蒂达以杀人灭口……里昂只身闯入警局解救去复仇的马蒂达,并杀死了警员。警方大惊之余,下令围剿公寓楼并全力搜捕里昂,双方交战之下引发了一场紧张刺激的终极追杀。 里昂撂倒一片警察,再次救出女孩并让她通过通风管道逃生,并嘱咐她他留给她的钱在餐厅老板那里。里昂化装成警察想混出包围圈,但被斯坦识破。最后一刻,里昂引爆了身上的炸弹…… 里昂已经40岁了,他是一名习惯独来独往的职业杀手,并且始终恪守着不杀女人和孩子的原则;而玛蒂达却只是一个普通的12岁的邻家女孩。这样的两个人的生活轨迹本互不相干,原来也不会有任何交集,然而只因后者不幸惨遭灭门之祸才令二人意外的走到了一起,并且在他们之间还产生了一种奇妙的化学反应:爱情。 这乍看起来有些匪夷所思,毕竟两人的年纪相差太大,但细细一想,却又在情理之中。 里昂虽然已年届中年,而且为人沉默冷酷、机智干练,但在他不苟言笑的外表下,却深藏着一颗温柔善良、天真质朴的赤子之心,多年来离群索居的杀手生活令他倍感孤独与寂寞,生活中唯一的亮色就是那盆银皇后。他把它当成自己的生命一样来培育,不知不觉,这盆绿色植物成了他生活中唯一的朋友——在他眼中,它甚至就是另一个自己。而女孩玛蒂达虽然年纪尚小,且看起来是那般的柔弱无依、楚楚可怜,但她的生活经历以及悲惨的特殊遭遇令她的性格变的非常的倔强任性、独立自主,而且还有这个杀手不太冷 正式海报(9张)着与年龄极不相称的成熟。里昂对于她而言,固然是值得信赖与依靠的对象,而她对于里昂而言,又何尝不是后者黑色生命中那缕突然出现的金色阳光呢?同是天涯沦落人,再加上长时间的相濡与沫,生死与共,于是这样两个有着同样孤独且渴望温暖的灵魂自然越走越近,最终擦出微妙的火花。 虽然里昂最后为了救玛蒂达而牺牲了自己的性命,但他一定不会后悔爱上她。因为是她,让他重温了生活的乐趣,感受到了爱情的甜美,并且完成了对自身灵魂的救赎(他最终用自己的血,洗清自己曾犯下的罪孽);而玛蒂达呢,相信亦不会后悔把自己的初恋给了那个叫里昂的中年男人,因为是他,让她得到保护不受伤害,重温久违的家庭的温暖,并明白了爱情的真谛,且学会了该如何去珍惜。对白现场人物简介(为使大家更深入的了解对白之精彩,对两主人公简单介绍): 玛蒂尔达,实际年龄只有12岁的小女孩,刚刚亲眼目睹全家被杀。 里昂,职业杀手,专业技能好,在后来警局抓捕他的时候,单挑特警200人,令这些身经百战的警队精英心惊胆寒。。。 剧情:玛蒂尔达说要里昂把她培养成一个杀手,里昂说玛蒂尔达只是个小女孩,不能胜任杀手这职业,玛蒂尔达神色从容,拿起桌上的枪从阳台向大街连放六枪然后平和的问已经“吓呆”的里昂:“How's that(怎么样)?”为此他们两人不得不搬家,路上里昂走的很快小女孩抱着盆栽和包裹步伐很快有些不稳但勉强跟上,里昂突然转身停住,玛蒂尔达猛一下未停住走回站住的里昂面前抬头看,然后……法国凯撒奖(César) 1995 Best Sound (Meilleur son) (提名) François Groult Best Sound (Meilleur son) (提名) Pierre Excoffier Best Sound (Meilleur son) (提名) Gérard Lamps Best Editing (Meilleur montage) (提名) Sylvie Landra Best Cinematography (Meilleure photographie) (提名) Thierry Arbogast 日本学院奖(Award of the Japanese Academy) 1996 Best Foreign Film (提名) 凯撒奖 1995 最佳导演 (提名) 吕克·贝松 Best Sound (Meilleur son) (提名) Bruno Tarrière Best Music Written for a Film (Meilleure musique) (提名) 艾瑞克·塞拉 Best Film (Meilleur film) (提名) 吕克·贝松 Best Actor (Meilleur acteur) (提名) 让·雷诺 Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA(Golden Reel Award) 1995 Best Sound Editing - Foreign Feature Czech Lions(Czech Lion) 1996 Best Foreign Language Film (Nejlepsí zahranicní film) 吕克·贝松编辑本段电影票房电影预算:$23,000,000 北美票房:$19,501,238 全球票房:$45,284,974 美国票房是2300万美元,全球过亿,作为一部投资不大的电影确实很成功了!
《这个杀手不太冷》(原题:Léon,美国上映片名:The Professional)是一部1994年的电影,由法国导演吕克·贝松编剧及执导,也是他首部往好莱坞发展拍摄的电影。由让·雷诺、盖瑞·欧德曼及娜塔莉·波特曼主演。本片主要拍摄地点是纽约。中文名: 《这个杀手不太冷》 外文名: Leon 其它译名: 杀手莱昂 / 终极追杀令 / 杀手里昂 出品时间: 1994年9月14日 出品公司: 哥伦比亚/欧罗巴 制片地区: 法国,美国
吕克·贝松 导演的经典作品故事发生在纽约大都会里,由让·雷诺所饰演的职业杀手莱昂,受餐厅老板委托杀人。当他是以杀手的身份出现时,冷静而神秘,杀人手法令人热血沸腾。但当他卸下杀手面具时,则又回归成为平凡的市井小民,简单到连基本身份证、银行帐号也都有,每天至少喝杯鲜奶,喜欢浇花及细心地擦拭心爱盆栽的树叶,是个具有双重身份角色扮演的人。而就在莱昂所住的公寓内,有人暗渡陈仓的进行毒品交易,警方缉毒组伪装黑帮份子,为查缉毒品而入侵,杀了贩毒者一家人却遗漏了小女孩马蒂达。马蒂达为了安全起见而躲进隔壁李昂家,她无意中发现了莱昂的杀手身份,为了保护自己及报灭门之仇,马蒂达以坚定的口气要求李昂训练她成为一位真正的职业杀手……在此同时,警方亦全力搜寻马蒂达并拘禁之……莱昂只身闯入警局大开杀戒,警方大惊慌之余,下令围剿大厦并全力搜捕李昂,双方交战之下引发了一场紧张刺激的终极追杀。莱昂已经40岁了,他是一名习惯独来独往的职业杀手,并且始终恪守着不杀女人和孩子的原则;而玛蒂达却只是一个普通的12岁的邻家女孩。这样的两个人的生活轨迹本互不相干,原来也不会有任何交集,然而只因后者不幸惨遭灭门之祸才令二人意外的走到了一起,并且在他们之间还产生了一种奇妙的化学反应:爱情。这乍看起来有些匪夷所思,毕竟两人的年纪相差太大,但细细一想,却又在情理之中。莱昂虽然已年届中年,而且为人沉默冷酷、机智干练,但在他不苟言笑的外表下,却深藏着一颗温柔善良、天真质朴的赤子之心,多年来离群索居的杀手生活令他倍感孤独与寂寞,生活中唯一的亮色就是那盆龙舌兰。他把它当成自己的生命一样来培育,不知不觉,这盆绿色植物成了他生活中唯一的朋友——在他眼中,它甚至就是另一个自己。而女孩玛蒂达虽然年纪尚小,且看起来是那般的柔弱无依、楚楚可怜,但她的生活经历以及悲惨的特殊遭遇令她的性格变的非常的倔强任性、独立自主,而且还有着与年龄极不相称的成熟。莱昂对于她而言,固然是值得信赖与依靠的对象,而她对于莱昂而言,又何尝不是后者黑色生命中那缕突然出现的金色阳光呢?同是天涯沦落人,再加上长时间的相濡与沫,生死与共,于是这样两个有着同样孤独且渴望温暖的灵魂自然越走越近,最终擦出微妙的火花。虽然莱昂最后为了救玛蒂达而牺牲了自己的性命,但他一定不会后悔爱上她。因为是她,让他重温了生活的乐趣,感受到了爱情的甜美,并且完成了对自身灵魂的救赎(他最终用自己的血,洗清自己曾犯下的罪孽);而玛蒂达呢,相信亦不会后悔把自己的初恋给了那个叫莱昂的中年男人,因为是他,让她得到保护不受伤害,重温久违的家庭的温暖,并明白了爱情的真谛,且学会了该如何去珍惜。从不后悔爱上你,走得越久越珍惜。若时光能流转回到过去,我也一定还要与你再共谱恋曲,因为,你就是我今生的唯一。
真实的谎言:"I have yet to decide whether "True Lies" is a better comedy or action film. It contains heavy elements of both and plays them equally well." --James , few films are as wildly entertaining as "True Lies." It's the definitive film of the action-comedy genre. Most films that contain both, sacrifice one at the expense of the other. For example, "Die Hard" had a few good one-liners, but it's main purpose was to send the viewer for one hell of a roller coaster ride. These days, the PG-13 rating is king, so it's the former; action is lessened and neutered and in it's place are jokes and gags. Those can be fun, but James Cameron has pulled out all the stops for his unrecognized masterpiece, "True Lies."Harry Tasker (Arnold Schwartzenegger) is a boring computer salesmen, or at least that's what his wife thinks. The truth, however, is the complete opposite. Harry is a secret agent working for the US Government, doing what Arnold does best: blowing away countless bad guys in the most outlandish way possible. But his two lives are about to collide: it turns out that his time spent saving the world is leaving his wife Helen (Jamie Lee Curtis) alone and bored. To add a little spice to her life, she's getting involved with another secret agent named Simon (Bill Paxton). Also in the mix is a creepy terrorist named Salaam Abu Aziz (Art Malik) and a gorgeous historian/art collector/businesswoman named Juno Skinner (Tia Careere).Movies don't get much more fun than this. The action sequences are thrilling (in a very fun sense) and the comedy is laugh-aloud funny. The film never takes itself too seriously, but it also doesn't become campy. If anything, finding this correct balance is "True Lies'" greatest one is going to associate Arnold Schwartzenegger with the term "classical actor," but this is easily his most accomplished performance. Schwartzenegger has a lot more to do than to shoot down terrorist and make things go boom, and surprisingly, the muscleman is able to hit all the notes. Harry loves his wife, but sometimes his job gets in the way of him showing it (the film has a great one-liner about this, by the way). Likewise, Jamie Lee Curtis became forever known as The Scream Queen after duking it out with Michael Myers twice in late seventies and early eighties. Here, she's not only given a chance to show her comedic talents, but also her dramatic chops. Tom Arnold is great as the divorce-ridden sidekick, who despite his failures in marriage, is on hand to provide Harry with some support about how to show Helen some affection. Bill Paxton is suitably obnoxious as Simon; only a woman as desperate and frustrated as Helen could possibly take anything he says seriously, and that's why he villains equal the heroes, however. Art Malik is suitably psychotic as the lead terrorist, and uses his eyes to great effect. Tia Careere hasn't had much of a career before or since, and I have yet to figure out why. For one thing, she's gorgeous, and she's also talented. She's terrific as the seductive "other woman," and her dance sequence with Schwartzenegger in their first scene together is priceless (it's also somewhat erotic, although it's got nothing compared to the scene in "Titanic" where Leonardo DiCaprio draws Kate Winslet's nude portrait).Jerry Bruckheimer may be the uber-producer of summer action movies, but when it comes to film-making, James Cameron is king. This guy can do it all, and he knows just what to do with the material. He's open to taking chances, and he knows what the audience really wants. One of the best things about this movie is that it doesn't insult the average movie goers intelligence. To be sure, it's not Rhodes Scholar movie like "Michael Clayton," but it's not "88 Minutes," film is rated R, and that's a injustice. The action is so over-the-top that it's impossible that anyone could take it seriously, and there's no gore to speak of. However, the reason why it was rated R is plainly obvious: Curtis's erotic striptease sequence. She does take her clothes off, and the scene is erotic, but it's also romantic (come on, people! Sade is playing in the background!). Unfortunately, any real sexual activity is a no-no for the MPAA, and thus the film was given an R rating. I've been watching this movie since I was six; trust me, if there's any example of how the MPAA is sex/nudity phobic, this is "Terminator" films. "Aliens." "True Lies." "Titanic." "Avatar." If there's anyone doubt that James Cameron is king, that person has not seen very many movies. ******************这个杀手不太冷:Set in New York, Luc Besson's film tells the story of a young girl who attached herself to a hit man after her family is brutally murdered by a corrupt . officer. On forcing her way into his apartment and convincing him to let her stay, Mathilda attempts to persuade Leon to help her exact revenge on the Reno is perfect as the terse yet mysterious "Leon" of the title (also released as "The Professional"), a master of his craft who features in much of the deadly, stimulating action. Gary Oldman is way over the top as the evil Stansfield, the bent, drugged out, highly charged cop who'll stop at nothing. Young Natalie Portman is most enjoyable as the world weary yet naive and impressionable Mathilda, and Danny Aiello lends support as crime boss Tony ("...nobody steals from old Tony").Luc Besson directs with purpose and manages to create real suspense and tension, while supplying his viewers with enjoyable characters that are infinitely more likable than those in his flawed French thriller "La Femme Nikita". "The Professional" is never inspirational nor groundbreaking, but it is definitely movie's main and most obvious theme is revenge, yet while this remains the driving force of the narrative, Besson does not allow proceedings to become too one-directional as he offers up other topics of interest such as people's need to be needed and a child's need for a sturdy father surprising, not so predictable conclusion also helps this pic's cause about hit men are usually full of a lot of action, not intense and dazzling but just shoot em' up and pull the trigger. There is usually a dark history or a past that catches up with them. Thankfully there are movies that make hit men films fun to watch. Thankfully there is (Jean Reno) is a professional hit-man in New York City. He is the best in town and in such a big city, there is a lot of work for him. The opening job is phenomenal and really sets the tone for the movie. Reno is very intimidating as the skilled assassin. But how a man who never thinks twice about killing a man could show some tenderness? Well all he needed was little Matilda played by a teenage munchkin named Natalie Portman After her family is murdered due to drug reasons, she must take refuge in Leon's apartment or else she will be found and killed as well. Although she hated her family and thought that she would one day do the same to them, she is distraught over the death over her four year old brother who was young and innocent like herself. Now she wants to know how to get redemption and "justice" for the slaying of her number one target is a man by the name of Stansfield (Gary Oldman), a man more vicious than Leon. He doesn't care who the barrel of his gun is pointed at just as long as it hits. With Matilda clinging to Leon day and night, he decides to give into her requests of becoming a "cleaner" like him. Along with Leon's favorite plant that he calls his best friend, the two learn much from each other. Now we have a Karate Kid interaction with Leon teaching her what seems to be useless things, but in the end they all pay is a phenomenal film that takes us on a joy ride through New York City with the best hit-man and his young apprentice. Portman's film debut is a foreshadowing of her career to follow. Her stellar performance is very appropriate for the movie. Her character has had to be tough and smart her whole life and she really opens up to the audience. Reno's character is a complex one and he plays it very well. His foreign dialect and lack thereof charisma create a person that is both likable and mysterious. Oldman's menacing ways make him a despicable character and very powerful. Although he is a lot like Leon there is one difference: is an incredible experience and a great movie to watch anytime. It has action, drama, and comedy. It's not a big blockbuster action film or a depressing drama or a laugh out loud riot. Leon is a key piece to any movie lover's collection. This movie isn't for everyone. Like Leon says, "No women, no children..." A strange film blending genres and emotions, made all the more strange because it is widely seen as one of the best films of the 90's. This is deserved as it brings together a talented cast and director with varied characters to a brilliant story about a hit-man who befriends a girl after her family is slaughtered by a local crooked cop. Jean Reno stars as Leon, in his best performance, the hit-man, 100%successful, professional, silent, but lonely. Gary Oldman is the crooked cop, stealing almost every scene he is in. Natalie Portman plays Mathilda, in easily one of the best child performances ever, conveying sadness and loneliness with hope and innocence, and anger and pain. The rest of the cast is also are introduced to Leon, we see his mundane life, occasionally interspersed with acts of violence necessary for his career. His only friend is a pot plant, and his boss who fully respects him, exploits him to a certain degree because Leon is so quiet. He lives alone in a flat. A few doors down is Mathilda who lives with her abusive father, alcoholic mother, and innocent younger brother. They have seen each other occasionally in the corridor. Mathilda's father is in trouble with Oldman's character, and he is killed along with his wife and son when Mathilda is shopping. She arrives home to see what is still happening, knows she will be killed if she shows any emotion, so walks to Leon's door. Leon knows what has happened, and is torn between what to do. He cannot interfere, but eventually does the right thing. Soon the 2 become friends, and Mathilda wants to learn how to kill so she can get revenge. Oldman is looking for her though, and is not film's direction is often beautiful, and it complements the story perfectly, meaning that the tear-jerking scenes, action scenes, and everything else are all the more potent. Although the action is brilliant, it is the scenes between Leon and Mathilda which make the film so good. We watch them grow together, learning off one an another, and they learn that life does not have to be spent on your own. There are many funny parts, most involving the fact that Leon has been outside of society most of his life. The training scenes are good, and it is more a story of love than anything else. Many critics mention a potential sexual relationship between the two, admittedly this may have happened in the future, but by the end the most important thing is that they have found a special person who can give them hope. The ambiguous and touching ending will pull at the heart, but we know that Mathilda can be strong now by herself. Although this is growing in fame it is still relatively unknown, but it is a startling film which everyone should see.
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