China doesn't depend much on its trade surplus for growth any longer, according to a World Bank study, marking a sharp shift in the development model that helped turn China from an economic backwater into the world's second-largest economy.While China's trade surpluses are expected to average around $200 billion in 2011 and 2012, the World Bank said, that is 2.7% of projected gross domestic product, or just 0.2 percentage point of its expected growth, a much smaller percentage than in the past, thus reducing the contribution total trade makes to China's growth.Part of the reason for the diminished role for trade in China is meager demand in the rest of the world, which is struggling to recover from the global financial crisis, said Louis Kuijs, a World Bank senior economist in Beijing. But he also pointed to 'a structural process going on, coming from a strongly growing Chinese economy' that sucks in imports.The World Bank study could make it more difficult for the U.S. to argue for further Chinese action on its currency, especially coming on the heels of a quarter in which China ran a small trade deficit.U.S. political leaders for years have pointed to China's immense trade surpluses as evidence its currency is undervalued, and have pressed Beijing over and over to increase the yuan's value. The two countries are bound to tangle again over China's exchange-rate policy during a meeting of top Chinese economic and political leaders and their U.S. counterparts in Washington on May 9 and 10. Since China let its currency float somewhat in mid-June 2010, it has appreciated 5%据世界银行(World Bank)的一项研究显示,中国不再过多依赖贸易顺差来实现经济增长,标志着发展模式出现了重大转变。过去的发展模式帮助中国从一个经济封闭的国家成长为全球第二大经济体。世界银行说,尽管预计2011年和2012年中国的贸易顺差平均约为2,000亿美元,却只占预计国内生产总值(GDP)的2.7%,对GDP预计增速的贡献只有0.2个百分点,比过去要小的多,这样就减少了总体贸易对中国经济增长的贡献。世界银行驻北京资深经济学家高路易(Louis Kuijs)说,贸易在中国经济增长中作用减小的原因之一是,其他国家和地区在努力从全球金融危机中恢复,贸易需求很小。不过,他也指出,现在正在进行一场由中国强劲增长的经济推动下的结构性调整,对进口商品需求增大。世界银行的研究可能令美国敦促人民币进一步升值的工作更加困难,特别是在过去的一个季度中国出现小额贸易逆差之际。美国政府高层多年来一直说中国的巨额贸易顺差证明人民币被低估了,并一再敦促北京让人民币升值。在5月9日和10日华盛顿召开的中美战略与经济对话上,两国注定要在中国的汇率政策上再次交锋。自2010年6月中旬中国允许人民币汇率在一定程度上浮动以来,人民币已经累计升值5%。