摘要 明显的副作用相关膀胱术。最近,小肠结膜(SIS)已被推荐为临床应用提供依据。SIS膀胱的疗效进行了分析,研究了一个猪再生实验模型。40-60%行膀胱部分切除术(膀胱壁)进行的,代之而起的是SIS贪污。被杀的动物被计划在2个星期,5周和3个月。在40岁cmH2O膀胱容量压力、宏观形貌进行了评估移植前后SIS的负荷。组织学检查进行了计算机辅助测量分析胶原平滑肌的比例。学生的t检验采用统计分析。两个仔猪死在9号,10号术后一天由于泌尿腹膜炎。剩下的小猪腹部术后在事故中丧生在5周时期(两只动物)和3个月(两只动物)。膀胱容量下降的要糟糕些(- 18%)在5周随访和非常相似的改变量(+ 2.5%)在3个月的控制。没有diverticular形成、膀胱结石,粘液和尿路感染被发现。没有明显的SIS移植物导致简约。组织学显示在10天内通过过渡上皮内衬SIS膜的岛屿,有一些毛细血管。在5周、过渡上皮完全覆盖了;新血管移植物与平滑肌细胞和成纤维细胞进行了观察。在3个月,SIS并不明显。定义了两层:内部过渡上皮细胞,成纤维细胞外胶原蛋白与及肌束。计算机辅助形态测量学的分析表明,胶原蛋白/肌肉比70/30%(正常膀胱= 56/44%,P < 0.05)。SIS是有效的为膀胱壁作为支架在六分之四的再生的动物。长期的研究需要确认的疗效和对新开发的墙最终临床使用的。
研究领域或方向1、昆虫分类学:主要进行中国木蠹蛾科分类、长翅目昆虫分类和生物地理学研究。2、进化生物学:主要进行桃蛀果蛾复合体滞育的进化和同域物种分化机制研究。3、害虫综合治理:主要进行石榴害虫综合防治研究,侧重诱集植物研究。工作学习简历1978.9-1982.6 河南农业大学植保系,获学士学位;1982.9-1985.7 西北农业大学植保系,获硕士学位,并留校任教;1990.8~1991.10 英国自然历史博物馆进修;1996.7 西北农业大学,获理学博士学位;2003.8~2004.2 美国Kansas大学合作研究。学术及科研项目、成果情况主持国家自然科学基金4项、省级课题3项、横向课题1项。主要进行系统昆虫学、进化昆虫学和害虫综合治理研究。主编出版专著1本,参编专著6本,发表学术论文40篇。1、中国鳞翅目木蠹蛾科昆虫分类研究:发表数篇论文并出版一本专著——《中国木蠹蛾志》。2、长翅目昆虫分类和生物地理学研究:主持2项国家自然科学基金,主要进行长翅目的分类、生物学、细胞生物学、胚胎学、生物多样性等研究。3、桃蛀果蛾复合体物种分化机制研究:主持完成2项国家自然科学基金。发现桃蛀果蛾是一个正在经历物种分化的复合体,在寄主植物的选择压力下,通过改变幼虫进入滞育的临界光周期和调整滞育后发育期的发育起点温度和有效积温,使昆虫生活史与寄主物候期保持同步,导致不同寄主植物上昆虫生殖时间的季节隔离,使基因交流降低,最终出现同域物种分化。4、害虫综合防治:主要进行石榴害虫综合防治研究,主持省攻关课题和临潼区横行课题各1项,以种植诱集植物、使用性诱芯等技术,达到了石榴病虫害的无公害治理。花保祯,男,1962年5月出生,理学博士,昆虫学教授、博士生导师。陕西省教学名师。一、主要学历与工作简历1982年7月 毕业于河南农业大学植保系,获农学学士学位;1985年7月 毕业于西北农业大学植保系,获硕士学位;同年留校任教;1990年8月~1991年10月 英国自然历史博物馆合作研究;1993年12月 晋升副教授职称;1994年8月 担任昆虫学教研组主任;1996年7月 获理学博士学位;1998年12月 晋升教授职称;1999年9月获得博士生导师任职资格;2000年-- 教育部植保资源与病虫害治理重点实验室副主任;2003年8月—2004年2月 美国Kansas大学高级访问学者。二、承担的主要教学工作本科生:普通昆虫学、昆虫分类学、专业外语。研究生:昆虫分类学、昆虫形态学、专业外语。其中昆虫分类学在1989年被评为校A级优秀课程获一等奖;1994年被评为省级重点课程; 1996年在校 课程建设评估中又被评为重点课程。三、承担的主要科研工作:课 题 名 称编号课题来源经费(元)角 色起止时间完成情况桃蛀果蛾复合体的寄主生物型和物种分化机制研究39200017国家自然科学基金5.5主持人1993.1-1995.12完成桃蛀果蛾复合体滞育的进化与物种形成机制研究39570095国家自然科学基金9.0主持人1996.1-1998.12完成陕西省烟仓害虫综合防治技术研究98KN-4陕西省课题6.0主持人1998.-12000.12完成小麦吸浆虫成灾规律及控制策略与防治方法研究39770499国家自然科学基金20.0副主持人1998.1-2001.12完成陕西省烟草昆虫调查研究陕西省课题8.0主要参加者1992.6—1996.12完成石榴病虫害综合防治技术研究G2001横向课题3.0主持人2000.1-2002.12完成石榴病虫害无公害防治技术研究2001K01-G11-04陕西省科技攻关2.00主持人2001-2002正在进行中国蝎蛉科昆虫系统发育与生物地理学研究30070101国家自然科学基金15.0主持人2001.1-2003.12正在进行中国蚊蝎蛉科昆虫分类与行为生物学研究30370179国家自然科学基金12.0主持人2004.1-2006.12正在进行无公害优质苹果生产关键技术研究农业部农业结构调整重大技术研究专项50主要参加人2002.6—2004.6正在进行四、学术论文和专著:1.周尧,花保祯. 1986 中国线角蠹蛾属三新种.昆虫分类学报,8(1-2):67-732.花保祯 ,1986中国木蠹蛾科二新记录种.昆虫分类学报,8(3):1783.花保祯 ,1986芳香木蠹蛾中国亚种应提升为种.昆虫分类学报,8(1-2):43-444.周尧,花保祯 1988 木蠹蛾一新属一新种.昆虫分类学报,10(3-4):225-2285.花保祯,周尧,方德齐,陈树良. 1990 中国木蠹蛾志. 天则出版社,132页7图版.6.花保祯 1992 桃蛀果蛾学名的更正 昆虫分类学报 14(4):313-3147.花保祯,袁锋,胡小平. 1994. 烤烟留种田棉铃虫幼虫分布型与抽样技术研究.中国烟草学报,2(1):14-16.8.花蕾,花保祯. 1995 桃小食心虫寄主生物型的初步研究.植物保护学报,22(2):165-170.9.花保祯,花蕾,宋金东. 1995 桃蛀果蛾寄主间生活史与杂交研究.西北农业大学学报,23(5):6-10.10.花保祯 ,1995从桃蛀果蛾看同域物种形成机制. 全国昆虫分类区系学术讨论会论文摘要集,14页.11.花蕾,花保祯,黄卫利. 1995杏桃小食心虫的初步研究. 全国落叶果树病虫害防治技术研讨会论文集,152-154页.12.花保祯. 1996 鳞翅目、毛翅目、脉翅目、蛇蛉目、广翅目 《昆虫分类学》(袁锋主编)中国农业出版社13.花保祯,曾晓慧,张皓. 1996 不同采果期对桃蛀果蛾幼虫发育及滞育的影响. 西北农业大学学报,24(6):35-38.14.花保祯,雷耀先,赵淑芳等1996陕西烟田蝗虫种类与危害损失调查中国烟草昆虫研究:理论与实践中国农业出版社 109-115页15.花保祯,袁锋,杨从军等. 1996烟青虫和棉铃虫在陕西烟区的地理分布及其成因分析 中国烟草学报 4(2):8-1316.袁锋,花保祯,孙建军等. 1996 短额负蝗为害烟草的经济损失与防治指标研究.植物保护,22(6):15-17.17.花保祯 1997 蝎蛉属Panorpa东北一新种(长翅目:蝎蛉科).昆虫分类学报,19(3):213-21518.花保祯,周尧. 1997 河南省伏牛山蝎蛉记述(长翅目:蝎蛉科).昆虫分类学报,19(4):273-278.19.袁锋,花保祯,杨从军,张雅林,雷耀先,赵淑芳. 1997 陕西省烟田昆虫区系调查与分类体系.西北农业大学学报,25(2):27-36.20.花保祯 1997 桃蛀果蛾复合体滞育后发育在物种分化中的作用. 中国昆虫学会第六次全国代表大会暨学术讨论会论文摘要集,148页.21.花保祯,张皓,曾晓惠. 1997 不同寄主上桃蛀果蛾的滞育研究. 《昆虫学研究进展》(杨星科、吴鸿主编)北京:中国林业出版社,336页22.袁锋,杨从军,花保祯等. 1997 陕北多异瓢虫的空间分布型与抽样技术研究. 昆虫知识,34(5):283-288.23.花保祯 1998 Panorpa in Changbai Mountains with descriptions of four new species (Mecoptera: Panorpidae). Entomotaxonomia, 20(1): 37-4324.花保祯,周尧. 1998 Panorpidae (Mecoptera) in Hainan Island. Entomotaxonomia, 20(2): 133-13925.花保祯,曾晓惠,张皓. 1998 同寄主上桃蛀果蛾的滞育研究. 西北农业大学学报,26(5):25-2926.花保祯,张爱娟,卢湘洲,花蕾. 1998 秦岭杏园桃蛀果蛾的发生规律研究. 西北农业学报,7(4):25-32.27.花保祯、周尧 1998 河南省伏牛山的蚊蝎蛉记述(长翅目:蚊蝎蛉科) 伏牛山区昆虫(一)(申效诚、时振亚主编),北京:中国农业科技出版社 64-67页28.花蕾、花保祯、黄卫利 1998 杏桃小食心虫的研究 植物保护学报 25(2):141-14429.花保祯,周尧. 1999 Panorpidae (Mecoptera) in Xizang, China, with description of three new species of the genus Neopanorpa.Entomologia Sinica, 6(1): 11-17.30.花保祯 1999 鸡公山蝎蛉一新种 《鸡公山区昆虫》(申效诚、邓桂芬主编),北京:中国农业科技出版社。31.周尧,花保祯1999长翅目《昆虫分类》(郑乐怡、归鸿主编),南京:南京师范大学出版社,666-674页32.花保祯 1999长翅目《福建昆虫志》(黄邦侃主编),福州:福建科学技术出版社,396-400页33.彩万志,庞雄飞,花保祯,梁广文,宋敦伦. 2001 普通昆虫学. 北京:中国农业大学出版社34.徐庆刚,花保祯.2001 线粒体DNA在昆虫系统学研究中的应用.西北农林科技大学学报,29(增):79-83.35.花保祯,孙桂华,李淼琳. 2001 Sichuan Panorpidae (Mecoptera) kept in the Tianjin Natural History Museum. 昆虫分类学报,23(2):120-123.36.花保祯. 2002. 木蠹蛾科Cossidae. In 黄邦侃:福建昆虫志,5:6-9,福州:福建科学技术出版社。37.花保祯,周尧. 长翅目:蝎蛉科. 海南森林昆虫(黄复生主编). 北京:科学出版社,2002, p71738.袁锋,仵均祥,花保祯,刘延虹,祝传书.2003. 麦红吸浆虫的灾害与成灾规律研究 I. 灾害出现的空间格局与周期性.西北农林科技大学学报 31(5):96-10039.袁锋,花保祯,仵均祥,贺虹,祝传书.2003. 麦红吸浆虫的灾害与成灾规律研究 II. 灾害出现的影响因子与控制.西北农林科技大学学报,31(6):43-4840.黄蓬英,花保祯,申效诚. 2004. 蝎蛉属Panorpa一新种记述(长翅目:蝎蛉科).昆虫分类学报,2004, 26(1): 29-3141.袁锋,花保祯,仵均祥等.2004.小麦吸浆虫成灾规律与控制.北京:科学出版社42.徐庆刚,花保祯. 桃蛀果蛾寄主生物型分化的PAPD分析. 昆虫学报,2004,47(3): 379-383.近期发表论文1. Ma N, Cai LJ, Hua BZ. 2009. Comparative morphology of the eggs in some Panorpidae (Mecoptera) and their systematic implication. Systematics & Biodiversity 7(4): 403-417 (SCI)2. Liu SY, Hua BZ. 2009. Histology and ultrastructure of the salivary glands and salivary pumps in the scorpionfly Panorpa obtusa (Mecoptera: Panorpidae). Acta Zoologica, 90: 9 pp. doi: 10.1111/j.1463-6395.2009.00436.x (SCI)3. Tan JL, Hua BZ. 2009. Terrobittacus, a new genus of the Chinese Bittacidae (Mecoptera) with descriptions of two new species. Journal of Natural History, 43(47): 2937-2954 (SCI)4. Tan JL, Hua BZ. 2009. Bicaubittacus, a new genus of the Oriental Bittacidae (Mecoptera) with descriptions of two new species. Zootaxa, 2221: 27-40 (SCI)5. Liu SY, Hua BZ. 2009. Ultramorphology of the proventriculus in Panorpidae and Bittacidae (Mecoptera). Micron, 40: 899-905. (SCI)6. Cai LJ, Hua BZ. 2009. Morphology of the immature stages of Panorpa qinlingensis (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) with notes on its biology. Entomologica Fennica, 20(4): 215-224 (SCI)7. Du XL, Yue C, Hua BZ. 2009. Embryonic development of the scorpionfly Panorpa emarginata Cheng with special reference to external morphology (Mecoptera: Panorpidae). Journal of Morphology, 270(8): 984-995 (SCI)8. Ma N, Hua BZ. 2009. Fine structure and formation of the eggshell in scorpionfly Panorpa liui Hua (Mecoptera: Panorpidae). Microscopy Research and Technique, 72(7): 495-500 (SCI)9. Cai LJ, Hua BZ. 2009. A new Neopanorpa (Mecoptera, Panorpidae) from China with notes on its biology. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 56 (1) : 93–99. (SCI)10. Hua BZ, Cai LJ. 2009. A new species of the genus Panorpa (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) from China with notes on its biology. Journal of Natural History, 43(9-10): 545–552. (SCI)11. Tan JL, Hua BZ. 2009. Description of immature stages of Bittacus planus Cheng (Mecoptera: Bittacidae) with notes on its biology. Proceeding of the Entomological Society of Washington, 111(1): 111-121. (SCI)12. 刘书宇,花保祯. 2009. 太白蝎蛉消化道形态学与组织学研究. 昆虫学报,52(7): 808-813.13. 李涛,蔡立君,花保祯. 2009. 南五台蝎蛉成虫复眼的超微结构. 昆虫知识,46(1):86–89.14. 杨宗武,丁升选,花保祯. 2009. 昆虫采集新方法—飞行拦截网. 陕西农业科学,55(4):84–85.15. Tan JL, Hua BZ. 2008. First discovery of Bittacidae (Mecoptera) in Hainan Island, China with description of a new species. Entomological News, 119(5): 497–500. (SCI)16. Cai LJ, Huang PY, Hua BZ. 2008. Sinopanorpa, a new genus of Panorpidae (Mecoptera) from the Oriental China with descriptions of two new species. Zootaxa, 1941: 43–54. (SCI)17. Tan JL, Hua BZ. 2008. Morphology of immature stages of Bittacus choui (Mecoptera: Bittacidae) with notes on its biology. Journal of Natural History, 42(31): 2127–2142. (SCI)18. Tan JL, Hua BZ. 2008. The second species of the Chinese Panorpodidae (Mecoptera), Panorpodes brachypodus sp. nov. Zootaxa 1751: 59–64. (SCI)19. Hua BZ, Tan JL, Huang PY. 2008. Two new species of the genus Bittacus (Mecoptera: Bittacidae) from China, Zootaxa, 1749: 62–68. (SCI)20. Zhang SZ, Hua BZ, Zhang F. 2008. Induction of the activities of antioxidative enzymes and the levels of malondialdehyde in cucumber seedlings as a consequence of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) infestation. Arthropod-Plant Interaction, 2(4): 209–213. (SCI)21. Hou XY, Hua BZ. 2008. Structures of the female reproductive systems in Panorpidae (Mecoptera) with remarks on their taxonomic significance. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 33(3): 427–434.22. Tan JL, Hua BZ. 2008. A new species of the genus Bittacus (Mecoptera, Bittacidae) from Zhejiang, China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 33(3): 487–490.23. Zhang SZ, Zhang F, Hua BZ. 2008. Enhancement of Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase, Polyphenoloxidase, and Peroxidase in Cucumber Seedlings by Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Infestation. Agricultural Sciences in China, 7(1): 82–87.24. 谭江丽,花保祯. 2008. 蚊蝎蛉捕捉足构造. 昆虫学报,51(7): 745–752.25. 陈小华,花保祯. 2008. 谢丽思夜蛾雄性记述,昆虫分类学报,30(2):107-109.26. Li X, Hua BZ, Cai LJ, Huang PY. 2007. Two new species of the genus Panorpa (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) from Shaanxi, China with notes on their biology. Zootaxa, 2007, 1542: 59–67. (SCI)27. Zhang SZ, Zhang F, Hua BZ. 2007. Suitability of various prey types for the development of Propylea japonica (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). European Journal of Entomology, 104: 149–152. (SCI)28. 花保祯, 谭江丽. 2007. 中国大巴山蚊蝎蛉属一新种( 长翅目, 蚊蝎蛉科). 动物分类学报,32(2):455–458.29. 侯小燕,花保祯. 2007. 刘氏蝎蛉雌性生殖系统的构造. 昆虫知识,44(2):238–240.30. Shi H, Zhang LF, Hua BZ et al. 2006. Insecticidal activity of residual Bt protein at the second trophic level. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(8): 946–951. (SCI)31. 张世泽,吴林,许向利,花保祯. 2006. 小花蝽对牛角花齿蓟马的捕食作用. 应用生态学报,17(7):1259–1263.32. 蔡立君,黄蓬英,花保祯. 2006. 米仓山蚊蝎蛉二新种记述. 昆虫分类学报,28(2):127–130.33. 蔡立君,李军,花保祯. 2006. 陕西秦岭蝎蛉的生物学观察. 昆虫知识,43(5): 681–684.34. 谭江丽,花保祯. 2006. 扁蚊蝎蛉的行为学观察. 昆虫知识,43(3):248–251.35. Huang PY, Hua BZ. 2005. Four new species of the Chinese Bittacus Latreille (Mecoptera, Bittacidae). 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Objective: Through the study of animal experiments to observe the United Yishen soup benazepril 5 / 6 nephrectomized rats renal function improved efficacy and reduced TGF-β1 expression in renal tissue and other advantages, and to explore the soup Yishen possible to improve the renal function of mechanism of action. Methods: 1. Select SPF class healthy adult male SD rats with 50 only as the research object, adaptive feeding one weeks later, 10 randomly selected as the sham-operated group (A group), and the remaining 40 with 5 / 6 nephrectomy CRF-made law model. 2. After the success of model selection criteria in line with the study group 32 rats were divided into B: model group, 8; C groups: benazepril group 8; D group: the Chinese Medicines Board 8; E Group : Yishen Decoction United benazepril group referred to as traditional Chinese and western medicine group of eight, together with the A Group of 5 Group. 3. Successful modeling start after delivery, the groups were given corresponding drugs decoction. 4. The end of the experiment 24 hours after the detection of urinary protein and blood BUN, Scr, RBC, Hb, and renal histology observation and renal tissue TGF-β1 expression assay. Results: 1. The general situation: during the experiment, sham-operated rats demonstrated alertness, quick reaction, dense fur, clean and shiny, growth, consumption and the activities had no significant abnormalities, weight gain; model group was significant malnutrition, make them apathetic, slow activity, loss of appetite, fluffy fur, haggard Matte, died in the course of treatment at 2, probably because of renal failure due consideration; benazepril rats than sham-operated group spirit apathetic, slow activity, fur, fluffy; medicine the performance of rats with similar benazepril group; WM rats with sham-operated rats without much difference in general performance, but dry dark fur. 2. Of blood BUN, Scr impact: benazepril group, traditional Chinese medicine group, in the WM group significantly decreased BUN, Scr level, compared with the model group has significant difference (P <0.05), but still high in sham-operated group; traditional Chinese and western medicine group and the Chinese medicine group, benazepril group has significant difference (P <0.05); Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group was no significant difference (P> 0.05). 3. Hematology impact: Chinese medicine group and the TCM-WM group was significantly increased blood RBC, Hb, compared with the model group has statistically significant difference (P <0.05), but the difference between the two groups was not significant (P> 0.05); benazepril group compared with the model group was no significant difference (P> 0.05). 5. Pathologic changes, acceptance of renal rat subtotal excision were visible matrix hyperplasia, glomerular sclerosis, but the model group compared to the treatment group significantly lesser degree of glomerular sclerosis, one of traditional Chinese and western medicine to renal small ball for the lightest sclerosis; Immunohistochemistry results showed that the treatment group in renal tissue expression of TGF-β1 were significantly lower than model group (P <0.05), and traditional Chinese and western medicine group can reduce the TGF-B1 in renal tissue Expression, and traditional Chinese medicine group and the benazepril group has statistically significant difference (P <0.05). Conclusion: Yishen soup through Yiqi Jianpi, huoxuehuayu, dampness Xiexin Turbidimetry, CRF can reduce blood BUN, Scr, improve anemia and reduce proteinuria, can be reduced effectively with 5 / 6 nephrectomy-induced CRF rat kidney tissue expression of TGF-β1, thereby reducing the accumulation of ECM, slowing the development of renal fibrosis, and delay the progress of CRF. Fully Yishen soup has a good anti-renal fibrosis, but also after the United benazepril better efficacy.
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