(含合作)◆ 孙舸:《人体潜能探矿实验阶段报告》,中国地质大学优秀专科毕业论文,1991年.◆ Gaea SUN, A Mid-term Experimental Report upon the Application of Extrasensory Perception in Mineral Prospecting, The Excellent Sub-undergraduate Thesis of China University of Geosciences, 1991.◆ 孙舸:《人体潜能探矿方法初探》,中国地质大学本科毕业论文,1993年.◆ Gaea SUN, A Methodological Research on the Applications of Human Potentialities in Mineral Prospecting, A Bachelor’s Thesis of China University of Geosciences, 1993.◆ 郑锦城、林新多、孙舸(国家教育委员会中国人体科学研究中心中国地质大学人体科学研究所,武汉):《略谈“特异功能找矿”》,北京:《地质科技情报》,第10卷第2期,1991年06月,第63~66页.◆ ZHENG Jin-Cheng, LIN Xin-Duo & SUN Gaea (Research Institute of Somatic Science, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, P.R.China), The Application of Extrasensory Potentialities (PSI/ESP) in Mineral Prospecting, Geological Science and Technology Information, Vol. 10, No. 2, Beijing, June, 1991, pp.63~66.◆ 孙舸:《综合集成的油气勘探系统工程架构》.