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Nature ,6 May 2021,VOL 593,ISSUE 7857
《自然》 2021年5月6日,第593卷,7857期
天文学 Astronomy
Jets from MRC 0600-399 bent by magnetic fields in the cluster Abell 3376
Abell 3376星系团磁场使MRC 0600-399射流弯曲
作者:James O. Chibueze, Haruka Sakemi, Takumi Ohmura, Mami Machida, Hiroki Akamatsu, Takuya Akahori, et al.
众所周知,星系团内部有磁场,但磁场的性质至今仍未明确。在冷稠密等离子体进入热环境等离子体形成的密度接触不连续处可以观察到星系团内部磁场,该不连续处存在于合并星系团Abell3376(红移)中第二亮星系MRC 0600-399附近。
东西方向拉长的X射线发射显示出一个彗星状的结构,达到百万秒差距规模。先前的射电观测发现MRC 0600-399的弯曲喷流,与子星团朝着相同的方向移动,对抗冲压。
研究组报道了MRC 0600-399的射电观测结果,其分辨率和灵敏度分别是先前结果的倍和11倍。与典型射流相比,MRC 0600-399在接触不连续处呈现90度弯曲,准直射流从弯曲点延伸超过100千秒差距。
Galaxy clusters are known to harbour magnetic fields, the nature of which remains unresolved. Intra-cluster magnetic fields can be observed at the density contact discontinuity formed by cool and dense plasma running into hot ambient plasma, and the discontinuity exists near the second-brightest galaxy, MRC 0600-399, in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 3376 (redshift ). Elongated X-ray emission in the east–west direction shows a comet-like structure that reaches the megaparsec scale. Previous radio observations detected the bent jets from MRC 0600-399, moving in same direction as the sub-cluster, against ram pressure. Here we report radio observations of MRC 0600-399 that have and 11 times higher resolution and sensitivity, respectively, than the previous results. In contrast to typical jets, MRC 0600-399 shows a 90-degree bend at the contact discontinuity, and the collimated jets extend over 100 kiloparsecs from the point of the bend. We see diffuse, elongated emission that we name ‘double-scythe’ structures. The spectral index flattens downstream of the bend point, indicating cosmic-ray reacceleration. High-resolution numerical simulations reveal that the ordered magnetic field along the discontinuity has an important role in the change of jet direction. The morphology of the double-scythe jets is consistent with the simulations. Our results provide insights into the effect of magnetic fields on the evolution of the member galaxies and intra-cluster medium of galaxy clusters.
物理学 Physics
Leading hadronic contribution to the muon magnetic moment from lattice QCD
作者:Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, J. N. Guenther, C. Hoelbling, S. D. Katz, L. Lellouch, et al.
The standard model of particle physics describes the vast majority of experiments and observations involving elementary particles. Any deviation from its predictions would be a sign of new, fundamental physics. One long-standing discrepancy concerns the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, a measure of the magnetic field surrounding that particle. Standard-model predictions exhibit disagreement with measurements that is tightly scattered around standard deviations. Today, theoretical and measurement errors are comparable; however, ongoing and planned experiments aim to reduce the measurement error by a factor of four. Theoretically, the dominant source of error is the leading-order hadronic vacuum polarization (LO-HVP) contribution. For the upcoming measurements, it is essential to evaluate the prediction for this contribution with independent methods and to reduce its uncertainties. The most precise, model-independent determinations so far rely on dispersive techniques, combined with measurements of the cross-section of electron–positron annihilation into hadrons. To eliminate our reliance on these experiments, here we use ab initio quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and quantum electrodynamics simulations to compute the LO-HVP contribution. We reach sufficient precision to discriminate between the measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the predictions of dispersive methods. Our result favours the experimentally measured value over those obtained using the dispersion relation. Moreover, the methods used and developed in this work will enable further increased precision as more powerful computers become available.
Rashba valleys and quantum Hall states in few-layer black arsenic
作者:Feng Sheng, Chenqiang Hua, Man Cheng, Jie Hu, Xikang Sun, Qian Tao, et al.
这些不寻常的发现源于黑砷的皱褶方形晶格,其中重4p轨道形成了一个以 pz 对称的布里渊区为中心的Γ谷,并在X点的时间反转不变动量附近与 px 起源双重简并D谷共存。
当垂直电场破坏结构反转对称性时,强拉什巴SOC被 px 带激活,产生时间反转对称的自旋谷“味”的 D 谷,而Γ谷的拉什巴劈裂受到 pz 对称性的约束。有趣的是,巨大的斯塔克效应显示了相同的 px 轨道选择性,共同移动 D 拉什巴谷的能带最大值,使其超过Γ拉什巴顶部。
Exciting phenomena may emerge in non-centrosymmetric two-dimensional electronic systems when spin–orbit coupling (SOC) interplays dynamically with Coulomb interactions, band topology and external modulating forces. Here we report synergetic effects between SOC and the Stark effect in centrosymmetric few-layer black arsenic, which manifest as particle–hole asymmetric Rashba valley formation and exotic quantum Hall states that are reversibly controlled by electrostatic gating. The unusual findings are rooted in the puckering square lattice of black arsenic, in which heavy 4p orbitals form a Brillouin zone-centred Γ valley with pz symmetry, coexisting with doubly degenerate D valleys of px origin near the time-reversal-invariant momenta of the X points. When a perpendicular electric field breaks the structure inversion symmetry, strong Rashba SOC is activated for the px bands, which produces spin–valley-flavoured D valleys paired by time-reversal symmetry, whereas Rashba splitting of the Γ valley is constrained by the pz symmetry. Intriguingly, the giant Stark effect shows the same px-orbital selectiveness, collectively shifting the valence band maximum of the D Rashba valleys to exceed the Γ Rashba top. Such an orchestrating effect allows us to realize gate-tunable Rashba valley manipulations for two-dimensional hole gases, hallmarked by unconventional even-to-odd transitions in quantum Hall states due to the formation of a flavour-dependent Landau level spectrum. For two-dimensional electron gases, the quantization of the Γ Rashba valley is characterized by peculiar density-dependent transitions in the band topology from trivial parabolic pockets to helical Dirac fermions.
气候学 Climatology
Projected land ice contributions to twenty-first-century sea level rise
作者:Tamsin L. Edwards, Sophie Nowicki, Ben Marzeion, Regine Hock, Heiko Goelzer, Hélène Seroussi, et al.
陆地冰对全球平均海平面上升的贡献尚未通过最新一组 社会 经济情景的冰盖和冰川模型预测,也未通过由各种计算机模型所产生的不确定性进行的协调 探索 预测。最近的两个国际项目使用多种模型进行了大量预测,但主要使用上一代情景和气候模型,无法充分 探索 已知的不确定性。
研究组使用冰盖和冰川模型的统计模拟来估计新情景下这些预测的概率分布。他们发现,与目前的排放承诺相比,将全球升温限制在 以内,陆地冰融化造成的21世纪海平面上升将减少一半。到2100年,平均海平面当量(SLE)从25 cm降至13 cm,冰川占海平面贡献的一半。
由于在气候变暖过程中冰损失增加和降雪积累的竞争过程存在不确定性,预测的南极贡献并未对排放情景作出明确反应。然而,在风险规避(悲观)的假设下,南极冰损失可能高出5倍,在当前政策和承诺下,陆地冰对SLE的贡献中位数增加到42 cm,即使在 升温的情况下,第95个百分位的预测值也超过半米。
这几乎不可能缓解未来沿海洪水的威胁。考虑到这一大范围(13 cm至42cm SLE),在气候政策和南极应对措施进一步受到限制之前,21世纪海平面上升的适应规划必须考虑到陆地冰贡献的三个不确定性因素。
The land ice contribution to global mean sea level rise has not yet been predicted using ice sheet and glacier models for the latest set of socio-economic scenarios, nor using coordinated exploration of uncertainties arising from the various computer models involved. Two recent international projects generated a large suite of projections using multiple models, but primarily used previous-generation scenarios and climate models, and could not fully explore known uncertainties. Here we estimate probability distributions for these projections under the new scenarios using statistical emulation of the ice sheet and glacier models. We find that limiting global warming to degrees Celsius would halve the land ice contribution to twenty-first-century sea level rise, relative to current emissions pledges. The median decreases from 25 to 13 centimetres sea level equivalent (SLE) by 2100, with glaciers responsible for half the sea level contribution. The projected Antarctic contribution does not show a clear response to the emissions scenario, owing to uncertainties in the competing processes of increasing ice loss and snowfall accumulation in a warming climate. However, under risk-averse (pessimistic) assumptions, Antarctic ice loss could be five times higher, increasing the median land ice contribution to 42 centimetres SLE under current policies and pledges, with the 95th percentile projection exceeding half a metre even under degrees Celsius warming. This would severely limit the possibility of mitigating future coastal flooding. Given this large range (between 13 centimetres SLE using the main projections under degrees Celsius warming and 42 centimetres SLE using risk-averse projections under current pledges), adaptation planning for twenty-first-century sea level rise must account for a factor-of-three uncertainty in the land ice contribution until climate policies and the Antarctic response are further constrained.
The Paris Climate Agreement and future sea-level rise from Antarctica
作者:Robert M. DeConto, David Pollard, Richard B. Alley, Isabella Velicogna, Edward Gasson, Natalya Gomez, et al.
《巴黎协定》旨在将21世纪全球平均升温控制在比工业化前水平高2 以内,并进一步努力控制在 以内。由于海洋热膨胀和陆地冰损失的综合作用,未来几十年的温室气体排放量将对全球平均海平面(GMSL)造成一个世纪甚至更长时间的影响。
研究组使用一个经过观测校准的冰盖-冰架模型来证明,当全球升温被限制在2 以内时,整个21世纪南极冰层的流失速度将与今天类似。然而,与现行政策更为一致的情景(允许升温3 )将在2060年左右使南极冰层融化的速度突然加快,到2100年将导致GMSL每年上升约厘米,比今天快一个数量级。
The Paris Agreement aims to limit global mean warming in the twenty-first century to less than 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, and to promote further efforts to limit warming to degrees Celsius. The amount of greenhouse gas emissions in coming decades will be consequential for global mean sea level (GMSL) on century and longer timescales through a combination of ocean thermal expansion and loss of land ice. The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) is Earth’s largest land ice reservoir, and its ice loss is accelerating. Extensive regions of the AIS are grounded below sea level and susceptible to dynamical instabilities that are capable of producing very rapid retreat. Yet the potential for the implementation of the Paris Agreement temperature targets to slow or stop the onset of these instabilities has not been directly tested with physics-based models. Here we use an observationally calibrated ice sheet–shelf model to show that with global warming limited to 2 degrees Celsius or less, Antarctic ice loss will continue at a pace similar to today’s throughout the twenty-first century. However, scenarios more consistent with current policies (allowing 3 degrees Celsius of warming) give an abrupt jump in the pace of Antarctic ice loss after around 2060, contributing about centimetres GMSL rise per year by 2100—an order of magnitude faster than today. More fossil-fuel-intensive scenarios result in even greater acceleration. Ice-sheet retreat initiated by the thinning and loss of buttressing ice shelves continues for centuries, regardless of bedrock and sea-level feedback mechanisms or geoengineered carbon dioxide reduction. These results demonstrate the possibility that rapid and unstoppable sea-level rise from Antarctica will be triggered if Paris Agreement targets are exceeded.
考古学 Archaeology
Earliest known human burial in Africa
作者:María Martinón-Torres, Francesco d’Errico, Elena Santos, Ana Álvaro Gallo, Noel Amano, William Archer, et al.
研究组在肯尼亚热带高地海岸的Panga ya Saidi(PYS)洞穴遗址MSA层中发现了一具距今万年前的岁幼儿的部分骨骼。最新挖掘揭示了这个坑的特征,里面有一个蜷曲的幼儿。
The origin and evolution of hominin mortuary practices are topics of intense interest and debate. Human burials dated to the Middle Stone Age (MSA) are exceedingly rare in Africa and unknown in East Africa. Here we describe the partial skeleton of a roughly to child dating to thousand years ago, which was recovered in the MSA layers of Panga ya Saidi (PYS), a cave site in the tropical upland coast of Kenya. Recent excavations have revealed a pit feature containing a child in a flexed position. Geochemical, granulometric and micromorphological analyses of the burial pit content and encasing archaeological layers indicate that the pit was deliberately excavated. Taphonomical evidence, such as the strict articulation or good anatomical association of the skeletal elements and histological evidence of putrefaction, support the in-place decomposition of the fresh body. The presence of little or no displacement of the unstable joints during decomposition points to an interment in a filled space (grave earth), making the PYS finding the oldest known human burial in Africa. The morphological assessment of the partial skeleton is consistent with its assignment to Homo sapiens, although the preservation of some primitive features in the dentition supports increasing evidence for non-gradual assembly of modern traits during the emergence of our species. The PYS burial sheds light on how MSA populations interacted with the dead.
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最早的南方古猿(Australopithecus afarensis), 其出现年代少於400万~300万年, 这个物种脑容量很小, 雄性明显远比雌性为大, 被称为"露西"(Lucy)的年轻雌性南方古猿骸骨於1974年在依索比亚出土, 由於骨骼较为完整, 使人能确立古猿的行走形式: 以足直立, 步履蹒跚, 科学家从肩胛骨及臂骨分析发现: 南方古猿仍保持灵长类远祖的攀援的特徵 。之后发现非洲南方古猿 (Australopithecus africanus), 据推测: 身高为145厘米, 雄性平均体重为65千克, 雌性35千克 , 脑容量为现代人的三分之一。 粗壮南方古猿 (Australopithecus robustus) 已有臼齿的产生, 它们开始以硬质及多且纤维的植物为食。它们已经有明显的社会关系, 能制造及使用简单工具, 最早的石器出现於250万年前, 工具亦有明显的分化, 如砍伐器、刮削器和多边器, 此外, 还在古猿遗址中发现兽骨与角器等。在屏障东部成功进化的大量粗壮型南方古猿最终不敌天然的灾害: 300万年前突然爆发的火山把南方古猿葬身在东非大裂谷的火场中, 这是人类进代历史上一场大浩劫。 鲍氏南方古猿(Australopithecus boisei)为称东非人, 被认为是粗壮南方古猿的地理变异种。 纤细型南方古猿最接近人属(Homo)的古猿, 生活於热带和亚热带地区, 以采集植物的块茎和野果为食, 它们可能还会拾取死兽分吃尸肉, 为了保障足够的食物来源, 开始出现了狩猎, 草原中的羚羊、野鹿及毛驴成为了猎杀的对象, 同时为了防止大型肉食动物的侵袭, 它们会有守望相助的义务, 它们经过一系列的自然适应,成功演变向人的发展方向 。距今350万~150万年前, 这种南方古猿以双足行走的稳健演化, 使它们成功地晋身为人类的原形。 能人意即能制造工具的人种, 它为人属的最原始的成员, 脑容量为男: 700~800毫升,; 女500~600毫升, 可能已具语言能力。从他们的遗址中发现大量的石器, 可以联想人类的祖先已经学会敲打石块制造石器及用石器迪敲击兽骨或宰割兽肉。从发掘场地得知: 能人曾与几种不同种类的南方古猿、甚至人属共存於同一场所中, 由於他们有各自的生活习性, 没有战斗的考古被发现, 甚至发现有能人与后代直立人共存的纪录。经过数十万年的演进, 能人最终全为直立人所取代, 成为人类的主流。 当直立人出现时, 人类史己经有漫长的岁月, 他们承继了其先驱的技能, 并加以改良, 那时候人类懂得用火, 也能象现代人般进行奔跑, 依照自己的心思制作石器, 从脑髗骨的结构可以确定他们有语言的能力, 从最丰富的北京直立人遗址中发现近10万件石器制品和用火痕迹, 以及百多种动物化石, 从烧骨而知他们已有熟食的习惯, 狩猎的结果使人类有肉食的倾向, 肉食对人体的影响可分为: 大脑能摄取更多营养, 从而促进咦鞯男 , 更为有效地支配肢体的活动, 人类更为有效地战胜自然的灾害。 到了这时, 人类在动物界基本上获得了绝对的优势, 但是, 称霸地球的, 是他们的后裔 ~ 智人。 智人亦称古人, 最原始的智人为尼安德特人 (尼人, Homo neanderthalensis 或 Homo sapiens neanderthalensis), 1856年最早发现於德国的尼安德特河流域的一个山洞而得名, 从头骨可以看到他们仍有很多原始的特徵: 眉脊发达, 前额较为倾斜, 枕部突出, 鼻部宽大, 颌骨前突等, 就脑容量而言, 有超越1300毫升的纪录, 甚至大於现代人, 其他骨骼和现代人已十分相似。尼人多在洞穴中发现, 伴以大量的精巧的石器制品、薄石片、骨针 、动物化石和用火痕迹等, 他们可能开始穴居或半穴居生活, 以火取暖和以火驱逐野兽, 能用兽皮制衣蔽体等, 尼人发明了葬仪, 年长的成员会将生活经验传授后代, 人类的文明开始萌起。 由於他们兴盛至衰落的漫长岁月, 始终使用固有工具而不思改进技术, 大约3万年前为晚期智人完全取代。
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