以下全部是PDF文件,请确定你有PDF阅读器,没有也安装一个吧,现在论文基本都这个格式的. Effect of Polyurethane and Organophilic Montmorillonite on Toughening and Reinforcing Epoxy Resin(聚氨酯和蒙脱土协同增韧增强环氧树脂) of Polyurethane-acrylate Hybrid Emulsions (聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯复合乳液的制备方法).硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料本构关系的研究 of biodegradable aqueous polyurethane based on aliphatic polyester diol脂肪族聚酯基可生物降解水性聚氨酯的合成 AND DURABILITY OF ONE-PART POLYURETHANE ADHESIVE BONDS TO WOOD properties of microcracking in polyurethane foams under tensile test, influence of temperature and density EPOXY AND POLYURETHANE COMPOUNDS of Polyurethane Foams: IR of Molecularly Imprinted Polyurethane as anOptical Waveguide for PAH Sensing