2004年7月 学 术 交 流 Jul., 2004总第124期 第7期 Academic Exchange Serial ·企业改革与发展研究·中小企业会计规范化问题探讨牟远健1,丁玲玲2,王 静1(1.黑龙江省畜产公司,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;2.黑龙江省林业科学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001)[摘 要]中小企业会计核算存在会计核算主体界限不清,企业产权与个人财产界限不清;所有者自身素质及逃避纳税心理,制约会计核算规范化;会计机构设置不符合相关规定;会计核算违规操作等问题,对此,必须采取相关措施,使会计核算规范化。[关键词]中小企业;会计规范化;会计核算[中图分类号]F270 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1000-8284(2004)07-0049-03中小企业在完善我国市场机制、推动国民经济的发展、增加劳动就业、保持社会稳定等方面发挥着重要的作用。但在发展中也存在着许多问题,特别是会计核算的不规范,是制约中小企业进一步发展的瓶颈。 一、中小企业会计核算存在的问题1.会计核算主体界限不清,企业产权与个人财产界限不清。中小企业的经营权与所有权的分离远不如大企业那么明显,尤其中小企业中的民营企业,投资者就是经营者,企业财产与个人家庭财产经常发生相互占用的情况,给会计核算工作带来困难。2.所有者自身的素质低及逃避纳税的心理,制约着中小企业会计核算的规范化。中小企业在经营过程中,为了自身利益,往往有通过逃避纳税的方式增加财富的想法,经营状况不好时,逃避纳税的愿望就更强烈。当外部监管力度不够时,这种现象会普遍存在。3.会计机构的设置不符合相关规定。很多中小企业,特别是民营企业,为了节约核算成本,不按规定设置会计机构。有的企业即使设置了会计机构,也层次不清、分工不明。4.会计人员的业务素质低下。由于中小企业一般经营品种繁杂、行业各异,经营规模差距较大,所聘用的财务人员素质参差不齐,从而导致了会计核算的不规范。在会计人员任用上,小企业最常见的做法是用自己的亲属当出纳,外聘“高手”作兼职会计,这些人员有在税务部门工作的,有国有企业财务管理人员,有会计师事务所的人员等,一般定期来做账。有些中小企业企业管理者也愿意聘请能力强的会计人员做专职会计,但是由于其发展前景及社会上得到人们认识程度较低,再加上较差的工作保障,使得其对优秀会计人员的吸引力不强。会计从业人员资格认定及规范考核的问题也很多,会[收稿日期]2004-04-18[作者简介]牟远健(1978-),女,黑龙江庆安人,黑龙江省畜产公司会计师,从事会计理论与实践研究;丁玲玲(1973-),女,黑龙江密山人,黑龙江省林业科学院会计师,从事会计理论与实践研究;王静(1972-),女,江苏丰县人,黑龙江省林业科学院会计师,从事会计理论与实践研究。·49·计无证上岗现象严重,会计主管不具备专业技术资格的现象不胜枚举,会计人员的后续教育培养工作几乎没有进行。5.建账不规范或不依法建账,会计核算常有违规操作。中小企业有些根本不设账,以票代账;或者设账,但账目混乱。还有相当一部分中小企业设两套账或多套账,使会计信息严重失真。在会计核算方面,待摊费用、预提费用不按规定摊提,人为操纵利润,采用倒轧账的方式记账等。有些会计人员知识结构老化与专业知识较低,使得许多理论上完善的会计方法与复杂的会计技术无法实施,或在实施时大打折扣。6.内部会计监督职能没有发挥出来。内部会计监督要求会计人员对本企业内部的经济活动进行会计监督,但是中小企业的管理者常干预会计工作,会计人员受制于管理者或受利益驱使,往往按管理者的意图行事,使会计的监督职能几乎无法发挥。7.原始凭证付出成本大,或者难以获得。原始凭证的获取要付出成本,是因为企业在购买商品时要不要发票存在着不同的价格,若要发票,就要加价,价格较高;不要发票价格较低,两者的差价是税款。还有的企业发生费用后无法取得发票,只能用不合法的收据,在上级主管部门摊派的费用中支出。企业只好不做此账,或相互之间调剂票据。8.企业内部控制制度不够健全,也阻碍了中小企业会计规范化的发展。由于部分中小企业现有的人员素质和管理水平较低,无法建立健全诸如内部稽核、定额管理、计量验收、成本核算等制度,阻碍了中小企业会计规范化的进程,造成了企业资产流失、浪费严重、经营管理混乱等。 二、规范中小企业会计核算的建议1.加强相关法律法规的建设和执行,促进中小企业的全面健康发展。要解决中小企业会计规范化问题,靠一两家企业自我完善和会计人员努力是很难实现的。只有促进中小企业的健康发展,解决企业融资困难,实现科学化管理,克服自身的弱点才能从根本上解决会计规范化的问题。解决这一问题的根本办法就是执行好现有的相关法律法规,并根据经济发展的需要,适时制定、修改有关中小企业的法律法规,这样才能既促进中小企业会计规范化建设,加强中小企业的管理,又能为中小企业的全面发展保驾护航。2.建立与我国中小企业相适应的会计制度。在过去很长一段时间里,国家在制定会计规范体系的过程中,很少考虑到中小企业会计需求与大企业和上市公司的差别,随着中小企业在我国经济发展中的作用越来越重要,会计理论界对中小企业会计规范化问题日趋关注。中小企业会计制度的制订应遵循以下原则:(1)适应中小企业的特点。在会计制度设计中要考虑企业经营管理组织体系的设置,并与此保持一致。由于中小型企业业务量较少,会计核算只能采用集中核算方式,即由会计机构统一办理。部分中小企业交易类型有限,经营活动比较简单,一般只需要简单的数据,没有对数据产生深层次分析的需要,因此应允许一些企业不设会计机构。会计人员一般以2~3人为宜,并指派一人担任财务主管,在职责划分上要注意不相容职责的分离,如出纳、总账与稽核,出纳与总账、明细账的分离等。有些企业的会计工作也可由社会中介机构代理。中小企业行业涉及面广,会计科目设置上应考虑通用性,针对采用独资和合伙形式的中小企业所要承担的无限责任,应考虑对会计制度的影响;对于企业财产和个人家庭支出相互占用的情况,应设置往来账户加以核算;适当放宽凭证的认定,以解决中小企业难以获得合法凭据的问题等。总之,中小企业会计准则的制定一定要充分考虑中小企·50·业的特点。(2)重要性原则,要求提供的信息重点突出。与大型企业相比,会计信息需求者在中小企业中发生了变化。首先,税务部门的纳税管理需求成为最主要的外部需求;其次,投资者的决策需求和管理者的管理需求相统一;最后是银行贷款管理需求,但是此需求因银行提供的贷款很少而相对薄弱。会计信息需求上的变化,决定了中小企业的会计应着眼于这些企业税务上的需要和内部信息的需求。(3)成本效益原则。会计信息的提供是有成本的,企业在提供会计信息的过程中应讲求成本效益原则。(4)简便易行。由于中小企业业务量小、会计人员素质参差不齐,会计制度设计时应充分考虑到操作上的简便易行。3.加强外部监管力度。从目前我国中小企业的现状来看,靠企业自身约束来规范会计工作是不现实的,我们应该更多的借助于外部监管,帮助中小企业实现会计规范化。财政部门首先应指导督促中小企业依《会计基础工作规范》的要求建立健全账簿体系,发现不符合《会计基础工作规范》要求的,应及时严肃处理;其次,财政部门还应督促中小企业建立、健全会计内部控制制度和内部核算制度;最后,财政部门还应切实地做好财务人员的后续教育。税务部门也应改进查核方式,改进税务人员对于中小企业的态度,并建立税务代理人制度,以增加税务申报速度,减轻税务人员的工作负担,以便全心进行查核工作。我们相信,只要充分认识到我国中小企业会计规范化进程中存在的问题,并充分考虑到中小企业在经济发展中的重要性,有关方面齐抓共管、共同努力,定能把这项艰巨的工作做得更好。Probing into the Accounting Standardization of Small andMiddle-sized EnterprisesMUYuan-jian1, DING Ling-ling2, WANG Jing1( Products Corporation,HarbinHeilongjiang150001, China; ofForest Sciences, HarbinHeilongjiang150001, China)Abstract:In accounting operation of small and medium-sized enterprises, there are many prob-lems such as less clear partition toward main bodies of bookkeeping operation, blur limits betweenenterprise’s property and personal property, slow process of operation standardization restrained byowner’s quality and his tax-evasion motive, mismatched accounting institutions with relative provi-sions and disobedient operation process against regulations, etc. In view of such problems we mustadopt related measures to make accounting operation words:small and medium-sized enterprise, accounting standardization, accounting operation〔责任编辑:刘 阳〕·51·
Starting a small businessAccounting - Small BusinessVCE AccountingWhat is a service business? List three examples of small service businesses that you a small small business is a usually owned by one or two owner, these owner manage and controls the business. The business usually consists of 20 or less is the difference between a sole trader and a partnership? What are two advantages and two disadvantages of a sole trader and a partnership?Sole trader is a business owned by the one owner whereas a partnership is where two or more owners own the business and the share is spread among the owners. The advantages of a partnership includes a greater amount of money being used while can help them to increase the quality of services and goods. The flexibility of having one owner and therefore it gives the other owners the chance to take time off, so that he or she won’t have to worry about his or her business as there are other owner helping to look after the business, also the workload is letter Pty Ltd stands for Proprietary Limited, this means that the business is a private company. Starting a small business have many advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages included having full control of the company with mean that your are able to make your own decisions without having to go through the whole process of having to go though lots of people before making the decision. It is also easier to start with a much lower cost. Disadvantages includes the lack of skills and experiences, a risk of failure as ypou have no idea if the business will be disadvantages included unlimited liabilities, which can cause company failure. Many disagreements concerning the running of the advantages of sole trader included the ability to make your own decisions and therefore giving you all the control and decision-making. This also limits the liabilities. Disadvantages includes the huge amount of responsibilities which the owner holds this enable the owner to have too much PC Repairs Pty Ltd is a local small business that repairs computers. What do the letters Pty Ltd tell you about the business? What are two advantages and two disadvantages of starting your small business as a company?A service business is where you pay and in exchange they provide you with business. Some examples of service business includes hair dressers, lawyers and is a trading business? List three examples of small trading businesses that you trading business is where you pay money in exchange you receive example of small trading business includes, milk bars, clothing shops and is an e-commerce business? List three examples of e-commerce businesses that you e-commerce business is where the trading is done on the internet where you pay by card and receive good. SomeSome examples includes, , CDS and DVDs, also Danoz your knowledge – service and trading : DVDs for sale on the internet, butcher, video rental, newsagent, bakery, school canteen, milk bars, mobile phone dealer, book : lawyer, dentist, cleaning business, local bus company, gardener, doctor, tutoring, sporting does starting a business from scratch mean? In your own words explain a different advantage and a business from scratch means that you start off from nothing, you can develop the business the way you are able to develop your own image and includes having the ability to start the business at your own pace as well, you’re also free to develop your own image as well as are the capability of a business failure and you have no idea if this business is going to does buying an existing business mean? In your own words explain a different advantage and a existing business means buying a business which someone else had previously owned advantages includes having the business in a good location as well you’re able to know how successful the business have having this could also be a disadvantage as the old customers don’t really know you and are not sure if they should continue with the business. Sometimes this business may also have a bad reputation which may cause limited customers as they don’t know what you’re like when running a does buying a franchise business mean? In your own words explain a different advantage and a franchise means that your buying business’s name as well as they method of doing things and also their reputation and of a franchise business includes the image the business has already set to the market and is very successful. Not only did you pay for the business you also pay for advertisement, which means you don’t have to worry about having to plan your own is not having the rights to change what you sell and the way you do do you think are the main advantages of buying a McDonalds franchise?The advantages of buying a McDonalds business are the fame which McDonalds restaurants have already spread around the world everyone knows McDonalds therefore you don’t have to worry about your business not succeeding due to the limited amount of people knowing what you are. By buying the McDonalds franchise you’re eligible to all the ads and promotion for the do you think are the main advantages of buying a Video Ezy franchise?Buying a Video Ezy franchise allows you to have your own territory, which means that you’re the only one of the kind in this area, this will bring better are the benefits of owning a video rental business that you:Start from scratch: You are free free to develop your own idea and as an existing business: It’s in a good location as well as knowing that the business is should be as a franchise: Having your own territory set for you in that area. All the ads are done for your knowledge so far – Jim’s MowingWhat are the two advantages and disadvantages of buying a Jim’s mowing franchise?Advantages: A well-known business, which gives you, the advantage of knowing that this business has very good chance of doing well. Also Jim’s mowing offers new businesses training so they can receive a good start. Disadvantages: Not having the ability to sell the products that you want to sell and must depend on the what the business. Why would you want to start your business on the Internet?Starting a business on the net can bring your many advantages includes the ability to advertise the business online, this helps to spread the information of your business everywhere. Not only that the cost of managing the business is also cheaper than that of other sorts of advertisements.浅析中小企业会计规范化罗伯特.修斯 阿兰.约瑟[摘 要]中小企业会计核算存在会计核算主体界限不清,企业产权与个人财产界限不清;所有者自身素质及逃避纳税心理,制约会计核算规范化;会计机构设置不符合相关规定;会计核算违规操作等问题,对此,必须采取相关措施,使会计核算规范化。[关键词]中小企业;会计规范化;会计核算中小企业在完善我国市场机制、推动国民经济的发展、增加劳动就业、保持社会稳定等方面发挥着重要的作用。但在发展中也存在着许多问题,特别是会计核算的不规范,是制约中小企业进一步发展的瓶颈。一、中小企业会计核算存在的问题1.会计核算主体界限不清,企业产权与个人财产界限不清。中小企业的经营权与所有权的分离远不如大企业那么明显,尤其中小企业中的民营企业,投资者就是经营者,企业财产与个人家庭财产经常发生相互占用的情况,给会计核算工作带来困难。2.所有者自身的素质低及逃避纳税的心理,制约着中小企业会计核算的规范化。中小企业在经营过程中,为了自身利益,往往有通过逃避纳税的方式增加财富的想法,经营状况不好时,逃避纳税的愿望就更强烈。当外部监管力度不够时,这种现象会普遍存在。3.会计机构的设置不符合相关规定。很多中小企业,特别是民营企业,为了节约核算成本,不按规定设置会计机构。有的企业即使设置了会计机构,也层次不清、分工不明.会计人员的业务素质低下。由于中小企业一般经营品种繁杂、行业各异,经营规模差距较大,所聘用的财务人员素质参差不齐,从而导致了会计核算的不规范在会计人员任用上,小企业最常见的做法是用自己的亲属当出纳,外聘“高手”作兼职会计,这些人员有在税务部门工作的,有国有企业财务管理人员,有会计师事务所的人员等,一般定期来做账。有些中小企业企业管理者也愿意聘请能力强的会计人员做专职会计,但是由于其发展前景及社会上得到人们认识程度较低,再加上较差的工作保障,使得其对优秀会计人员的吸引力不强。会计从业人员资格认定及规范考核的问题也很多,会计无证上岗现象严重,会计主管不具备专业技术资格的现象不胜枚举,会计人员的后续教育培养工作几乎没有进行。5.建账不规范或不依法建账,会计核算常有违规操作。中小企业有些根本不设账,以票代账;或者设账,但账目混乱。还有相当一部分中小企业设两套账或多套账,使会计信息严重失真。在会计核算方面,待摊费用、预提费用不按规定摊提,人为操纵利润,采用倒轧账的方式记账等。有些会计人员知识结构老化与专业知识较低,使得许多理论上完善的会计方法与复杂的会计技术无法实施,或在实施时大打折扣。6.内部会计监督职能没有发挥出来。内部会计监督要求会计人员对本企业内部的经济活动进行会计监督,但是中小企业的管理者常干预会计工作,会计人员受制于管理者或受利益驱使,往往按管理者的意图行事,使会计的监督职能几乎无法挥。7.原始凭证付出成本大,或者难以获得。原始凭证的获取要付出成本,是因为企业在购买商品时要不要发票存在着不同的价格,若要发票,就要加价,价格较高;不要发票价格较低,两者的差价是税款。还有的企业发生费用后无法取得发票,只能用不合法的收据,在上级主管部门摊派的费用中支出。企业只好不做此账,或相互之间调剂票据8.企业内部控制制度不够健全,也阻碍了中小企业会计规范化的发展。由于部分中小企业现有的人员素质和管理水平较低,无法建立健全诸如内部稽核、定额管理、计量验收、成本核算等制度,阻碍了中小企业会计规范化的进程,造成了企业资产流失、浪费严重、经营管理混乱等。二、规范中小企业会计核算的建议1.加强相关法律法规的建设和执行,促进中小企业的全面健康发展。要解决中小企业会计规范化问题,靠一两家企业自我完善和会计人员努力是很难实现的。只有促进中小企业的健康发展,解决企业融资困难,实现科学化管理,克服自身的弱点才能从根本上解决会计规范化的问题。解决这一问题的根本办法就是执行好现有的相关法律法规,并根据经济发展的需要,适时制定、修改有关中小企业的法律法规,这样才能既促进中小企业会计规范化建设,加强中小企业的管理,又能为中小企业的全面发展保驾护航。2.建立与我国中小企业相适应的会计制度。在过去很长一段时间里,国家在制定会计规范体系的过程中,很少考虑到中小企业会计需求与大企业和上市公司的差别,随着中小企业在我国经济发展中的作用越来越重要,会计理论界对中小企业会计规范化问题日趋关注。中小企业会计制度的制订应遵循以下原则:(1)适应中小企业的特点。在会计制度设计中要考虑企业经营管理组织体系的设置,并与此保持一致。由于中小型企业业务量较少,会计核算只能采用集中核算方式,即由会计机构统一办理。部分中小企业交易类型有限,经营活动比较简单,一般只需要简单的数据,没有对数据产生深层次分析的需要,因此应允许一些企业不设会计机构。会计人员一般以2~3人为宜,并指派一人担任财务主管,在职责划分上要注意不相容职责的分离,如出纳、总账与稽核,出纳与总账、明细账的分离等。有些企业的会计工作也可由社会中介 机构代理。中小企业行业涉及面广,会计科目设置上应考虑通用性,针对采用独资和合伙 形式的中小企业所要承担的无限责任,应考虑对会计制度的影响;对于企业财产和个人家 庭支出相互占用的情况,应设置往来账户加以核算;适当放宽凭证的认定以解决中小企 业难以获得合法凭据的问题等。总之,中小企业会计准则的制定一定要充分考虑中小企业的特点。(2)重要性原则,要求提供的信息重点突出。与大型企业相比,会计信息需求者在中小企业中发生了变化。首先,税务部门的纳税管理需求成为最主要的外部需求;其次,投资者的决策需求和管理者的管理需求相统一;最后是银行贷款管理需求,但是此需求因银行提供的贷款很少而相对薄弱。会计信息需求上的变化,决定了中小企业的会计 应着眼于这些企业税务上的需要和内部信息的需求。(3)成本效益原则。会计信息的提是有成本的,企业在提供会计信息的过程中应讲求成本效益原则。(4)简便易行。由于 中小企业业务量小、会计人员素质参差不齐,会计制度设计时应充分考到操作上的简便 易行。加强外部监管力度。从目前我国中小企业的现状来看,靠企业自身约束来规范会 计工作是不现实的,我们应该更多的借助于外部监管,帮助中小企业实现会计规范化。 财政部门首先应指导督促中小企业依《会计基础工作规范》的要求建立健全账簿体 系,发现不符合《会计基础工作规范》要求的,应及时严肃处理;其次,财政部门还应督促中 小企业建立、健全会计内部控制制度和内部核算制度;最后,财政部门还应切实地做好财 务人员的后续教育。税务部门也应改进查核方式,改进税务人员对于中小企业的态度,并 建立税务代理人制度,以增加税务申报速度,减轻税务人员的工作负担,以便全心进行查 核工作。我们相信,只要充分认识到我国中小企业会计规范化进程中存在的问题,并充分考虑 到中小企业在经济发展中的重要性,有关方面齐抓共管、共同努力,定能把这项艰巨的工 作做得更好。觉得怎么样,有5000字吧!!!!累死了
融资约束文献综述_图文_百度文库 这篇综述可以参考一下,大致就是说融资约束产生于不完美市场,在信息不对称的情况下,外部融资成本高于内部融资成本。因此,其基础理论有信息不对称理论和委托代理理论。同时可以看一下MM理论。
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