银行参与中小企业融资:超越关系型贷款(降低贷款条件。) 近年来,中型和小型企业(中小企业)的融资问题,已成为致力于财政与经济发展工作的经济学家们和政策家们的重要议题,备受关注。这种趋势的原因在于,市场经济中,中小型企业占绝大多数,并解决了大份额的就业问题(Hallberg,2001)。此外,多数大型企业通常是由小型企业发展而来,因此,中小型企业的发展投资能力正是经济体进一步繁荣的关键。 同时,许多学者与政策家指出,中小型企业的融资问题在于缺乏合适的融资渠道,并理应得到特殊帮助。如,政府应出台增加贷款金额等相关政策。各类研究数据表明了此看法的正确性。举例来说,一项对10,000家来自80多个不同国家的企业数据(Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt, Laeven, and Maksimovic 2006)分析表明,其中认为企业发展的最大障碍为融资难的企业,小型企业占到39%,中型企业占据38%,而大型企业占29%。此外,与大型企业的对外融资水平相比,小型企业平均融资资金低于大型企业13个百分点。更为重要的是,特别是对于中小型企业来说,对外融资困难是阻碍企业发展的瓶颈。(Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt, and Maksimovic 2005)在政策方面,许多措施与政策的出台,包括政府对给予企业最高贷款的银行单位发放津贴以及提供公共保障金,用以促进各国中小型企业的融资水平。最典型的例子要属中国的FOGAPE(小型企业担保基金)政策,其鼓励银行给予小型企业贷款,使得小型企业可在较低信用额度的情况下获得贷款。该项政策有着众多特点,包括鼓励减少(贷款中)不正当行为,提升银行之间的竞争力以及银行自身的承担力。Bank Involvement with SMEs:Beyond Relationship LendingThe financing of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has attracted much attention in recent years and has become an important topic for economists and policymakers working on financial and economic development. This interest is driven in part by the fact that SMEs account for the majority of firms in an economy and a significant share of employment (Hallberg 2001). Furthermore, most large companies usually start as small enterprises, so the ability of SMEs to develop and invest becomes crucial to any economy wishing to recent attention on SME financing also comes from the perception amongacademics and policymakers that SMEs lack appropriate financing and need to receive special assistance, such as government programs that increase lending. Various studies support this perception. A number of papers find that SMEs are more financially constrained than large firms. For example, using data from 10,000 firms in 80 countries,Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt, Laeven, and Maksimovic (2006) show that the probability that a firm rates financing as a major obstacle is 39% for small firms, 38% for medium-size firms, and 29% for large firms. Furthermore, small firms finance, on average, 13 percentage points less of their investments with external finance when compared to large Importantly, lack of access to external finance is a key obstacle to firm growth, especially for SMEs (Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt, and Maksimovic 2005). On the policy side, there are a large number of initiatives across countries to foster SME financing including government subsidized lines of credit and public guarantee funds. One example that has been deemed as relatively successful is Chile’s Fondo de Garantía para Pequeños Empresarios (FOGAPE), a fund created to encourage bank lending to SMEs through partial credit guarantees. This fund has many features that make it attractive,including some incentives to reduce moral hazard, promote competition among banks, and encourage self sustainability.