1. Li P, Song AL, Li ZJ, Fan FL, Liang YC. 2011. Silicon ameliorates manganese toxicity by regulating manganese transport and antioxidant reactions in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant and Soil. (Accepted)(通讯作者)(影响因子:)2. Fan FL, Yang QB, Li ZJ, Wei D, Cui XA, Liang YC. 2011. Impacts of organic and inorganic fertilizers on nitrification in a cold climate soil are linked to the bacterial ammonia oxidizer community. Microbial Ecology. 62:982-990(通讯作者)(影响因子:)3. Zhang B, Chu GX, Wei CZ, Ye J, Li ZQ, Liang YC. 2011. The growth and antioxidant defense responses of wheat seedlings to omethoate stress. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 100: 273-279 (通讯作者)(影响因子:)4. Su YH, Liang YC. 2011. Transport via xylem of atrazine, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, and 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene in tomato and wheat seedlings. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 100: 284-288(影响因子:)5. Song AL, Li P, Li ZJ, Fan FL, Nikolic M, Liang YC. 2011. The alleviation of zinc toxicity by silicon is related to zinc transport and antioxidative reactions in rice. Plant and Soil. 344: 319-333. (通讯作者)(影响因子:)6. Li ZJ, Xie XY, Zhang SQ, Liang YC. 2011. Wheat growth and photosynthesis as affected by oxytetracycline as a soil contaminant. Pedosphere. 21(2): 244–250(通讯作者)7. Sun WC, Zhang J, Fan QH, Xue GF, Li ZJ, Liang YC 2010. Silicon-enhanced resistance to rice blast is attributed to silicon-mediated defence resistance and its role as physical barrier. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 128:39-49 (通讯作者)(影响因子:)8. Ge GF, Li ZJ, Fan FL, Chu GX, Hou ZA, Liang YC. 2010. Soil biological activity and their seasonal variations in response to long-term application of organic and inorganic fertilizers. Plant and Soil. 326:31–44(通讯作者)(影响因子:)9. Liang YC, Zhu Y-G, Smith FA, Lambers H. 2010. Soil-plant interactions and sustainability of eco-agriculture in arid region: a crucially important topic to address. Plant and Soil. 326:1–2(通讯作者)(影响因子:)10. Wakelin SA, Chu GX, Lardner R, Liang YC, McLaughlin MJ. 2009. A single application of Cu to field soil has long-term effects on bacterial community structure, diversity, and soil processes. Pedobiologia 53:149-158 (影响因子:)11. Wakelin SA, Chu GX, Broos K, Clarke KR, Liang YC, McLaughlin MJ. 2010. Structural and functional response of soil microbiota across a Cu gradient are moderated by addition of plant substrate. Biology and Fertility of Soils 46:333-342 (影响因子:)12. Song AL, Li ZJ, Zhang J, Xue GF, Fan FL, Liang YC. 2009. Silicon-enhanced resistance to cadmium toxicity in Brassica chinensis L. is attributed to Si-suppressed cadmium uptake and transport and Si-enhanced antioxidant defense capacity. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 172:74-83 (通讯作者)(影响因子:)13. Zhang J, Sun WC, Li ZJ, Liang YC, Song AL. 2009. Cadmium fate and tolerance in rice cultivars. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 29: 483-490 (通讯作者)(影响因子:)14. Chen WP, Hou ZA, Wu LS, Liang YC, Wei CZ. 2009. Effects of salinity and nitrogen on cotton growth in arid environment. Plant and Soil. 326:61–73(通讯作者)(影响因子:)15. Guo B, Liang YC, Li ZJ and Han FX, 2009. Phosphorus adsorption and bio-availability in a paddy soil amended with pig manure compost and decaying rice straw. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis. 40: 2185-2199(通讯作者)(影响因子:)16. Ma YB, Li JM, Li XY, Tang X, Liang YC, Huang SM, Wang BR, Liu H, Yang XY. 2009. Phosphorus accumulation and depletion in soils in wheat-maize cropping systems: modeling and validation. Field Crops Research. 110:207-212 (影响因子:)17. Guo B, Liang YC, Zhu YG. 2009. Does salicylic acid regulate antioxidant defense system, cell death and cadmium uptake and partitioning to acquire cadmium tolerance in rice subjected to cadmium stress? Journal of Plant Physiology, 166: 20-31 (通讯作者)(影响因子:)18. Su YH, Zhu YG and Liang YC. 2009. Interactions of mixed organic contaminants in uptake by rice seedlings, Chemosphere, 74: 890-895(通讯作者)(影响因子:)19. Ge GF, Li ZJ, Zhang J, Wang LG, Xu MG, Zhang JB, Xie XL, Wang JK, Liang YC. 2009. Geographical and climatic differences in long-term effect of organic and inorganic amendments on soil enzymatic activities and respiration in field experimental stations of China. Ecological Complexity. 6: 421-431(通讯作者)(影响因子:)20. Zhang J, Li ZJ, Ge GF, Liang YC, Wu LS. 2009. Impacts of soil organic matter, pH and exogenous copper on sorption behavior of norfloxacin in three soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 21: 632–640(通讯作者)(影响因子:)21. Wang LG, Liang YC, Jiang X. 2008. Analysis of eight organophosphorus pesticide residues in fresh vegetables retailed in agricultural product markets of Nanjing, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 81(4):377-382(影响因子:)22. Liang YC, Zhu J, Li ZJ, Chu GX, Ding YF, Zhang J, Sun WC. 2008. Role of silicon in enhancing resistance to freezing stress in two contrasting winter wheat cultivars. Environmental and Experimental Botany,64(3): 286-294 (通讯作者)(影响因子:)23. Sun YH, Li ZJ, Guo B, Chu GX, Wei CZ, Liang YC. 2008. Arsenic mitigates cadmium toxicity in rice seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 64(3): 264-270(通讯作者)(影响因子:)24. Liang YC. 2008. Silicon uptake and transport in higher plants. In: Plant membrane and vacuolar transporters. Jaiwal ., Singh ., and Dhankher . (eds). CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8DE, United Kingdom. pp. . Nikolic M, Nikolic N, Liang YC, Kirkby EA, Römheld V. 2007. Germanium-68 as an adequate tracer for silicon transport in plants: Characterization of silicon uptake in different crop species. Plant Physiology, 143 (1): 495-503(前三位作者同等贡献)(影响因子:)26. Liang YC, Sun WC, Zhu YG, and Christie P. 2007. Mechanisms of silicon- mediated alleviation of abiotic stresses in higher plants: A review. Environmental Pollution, 147: 422-428(影响因子:)(通讯作者)27. Guo B, Liang YC, Zhu YG and Zhao FJ. 2007. Role of salicylic acid in alleviating oxidative damage in rice roots (Oryza sativa) subjected to cadmium stress. Environmental Pollution, 147(3): 743-749(通讯作者)(影响因子:)28. Guo B, Liang YC, Li ZJ, and Guo W. 2007. Role of salicylic acid in alleviating cadmium toxicity in rice roots. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 30(3): 427 - 439(通讯作者)(影响因子:)29. Kong WD, Zhu YG, Liang YC, Zhang J, Smith FA and Yang M. 2007. Uptake of oxytetracycline and its phytotoxicity to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Environmental Pollution, 147:187-193 (影响因子:)30. Guo W, Zhu YG, Liu WJ, Liang YC, Geng CN, Wang SG. 2007. Is the effect of silicon on rice uptake of arsenate (AsV) related to internal silicon concentrations, iron plaque and phosphate nutrition? Environmental Pollution, 148: 251-257 (影响因子:)31. Liang YC, Hua H. Zhu Y-G, Zhang J, Cheng C and Römheld V. 2006. Importance of plant species and external silicon concentration to active silicon uptake and transport. New Phytologist, 172(1):63-72 (影响因子:)32. Liang YC, Zhang WH, Chen Q, Liu YL and Ding RX. 2006. Effect of exogenous silicon (Si) on H+-ATPase activity, phospholipids and fluidity of plasma membrane in leaves of salt-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 57(3): 212-219 (影响因子:)33. Liang YC, Zhu YG , Xia Y, Li ZJ and Ma YB. 2006, Iron plaque enhances phosphorus uptake by rice (Oryza sativa) growing under varying phosphorus and iron concentrations. Annals of Applied Biology, 149(3):305-312(影响因子:)(通讯作者)34. Liang YC, Si J, and Römheld V. 2005. Silicon uptake and transport is an active process in Cucumis sativus L. New Phytologist, 167(3):797-804(影响因子:)35. Liang YC, Sun WC, Si J and Römheld V. 2005. Effect of foliar- and root-applied silicon on the enhancement of induced resistance in Cucumis sativus to powdery mildew. Plant Pathology, 54:678-685(影响因子:)36. Liang YC, Si J, Nikolic M, Peng Y, Chen W and Jiang Y. 2005. Organic manure stimulates biological activity and barley growth in soil subject to secondary salinization. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37: 1185-1195.(影响因子:)37. Liang YC, Wong JWC, and Wei L. 2005. Silicon-mediated enhancement of cadmium tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) grown in cadmium contaminated soil. Chemosphere, 58(4): 475-483. (影响因子:)38. Liang YC, Zhang WH, Chen Q and Ding RX. 2005. Effects of silicon on tonoplast H+-ATPase and H+-PPase activity, fatty acid composition and fluidity in roots of salt-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). 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