
五六千你也想的出来啊,发的不能发了.建议根据作者的简介,内容结合现实该如何写吧.下面可考 《巴黎圣母院是雨果第一部大型浪漫主义小说。它以离奇和对比手法写了一个发生在15世纪法国的故事:巴黎圣母院副主教克洛德道貌岸然、蛇蝎心肠,先爱后恨,迫害吉卜赛女郎爱丝美拉达。面目丑陋、心地善良的敲钟人卡西莫多为救女郎舍身。小说揭露了宗教的虚伪,宣告禁欲主义的破产,歌颂了下层劳动人民的善良、友爱、舍己为人,反映了雨果的人道主义思想。 这部书的遭禁是在沙皇尼古拉一世统治时期的俄国.因为雨果思想活跃,既有资产阶级自由主义倾向,又同情刚刚兴起的无产阶级的革命,因此保守顽固的沙皇下令在俄国禁止出版雨果的所有的作品.1482年,法王路易十一统治下的巴黎城沉浸在“愚人节”的狂欢的气氛中。巴黎圣母院前面的广场上,来自埃及的吉卜赛少女爱丝美拉达以动人的美貌和婀娜的舞姿博得了人们热烈地喝彩。她把人们给她的赏钱,分给穷苦的孩子们,并对他们说:“把这些钱全部拿去,你们去过节吧!”孩子们问她:“那你怎么办?”她说:“别管我,我天天都在过节。”在众多的观众中,一个面色苍白的中年人,穿着黑色的教袍,躲在玻璃窗后面,也在偷看爱丝美拉达翩翩起舞。他就是巴黎圣母院的副主教、炼金术士克洛德·弗罗洛。当他看到色艺双全的吉卜赛女郎边唱边跳,她那轻快的舞步,绝妙的舞姿,把他埋藏在心底十多年的欲念突然唤醒了。他无法自控,无法把俘虏了他的灵魂的魔鬼赶走。为了排遣心中的烦闷,他到广场上驱赶正在叫卖的摊贩,声言不准在教堂前面胡闹。这些小贩哪里把他放在眼里,群起而攻之。正在这时,从教堂内冲出来一个相貌齐丑、身材高大、力大无比的男子,他推开众人,救回了神甫。此人名叫卡西莫多。原来他是一个被父母遗弃在巴黎圣母院门前的畸形儿,弗罗洛出于怜悯把他抚养成人,因终日敲钟而震聋了耳朵。狂欢的人们正在物色“愚人教皇”,爱丝美拉达一眼看中了又聋又丑的钟楼怪人卡西莫多。人们给他戴上王冠,披上袍子,还给了他一支口哨,让他坐在高高的轿子上沿街游行。卡西莫多正高兴地吹着哨子,忽然看见脸色阴沉的弗罗洛站在轿前。神甫打掉他的王冠,把他拉回圣母院。可是,弗罗洛在欲火中烧无法入睡,因为牵着小山羊的爱丝美拉达还在教堂门前的广场上唱歌。他高声对自己说:“在人世间我只有痛苦。她长得那么美,难道是我的过错?她舞跳得那么好,难道是我的过错?她能够使人发疯,难道是我的过错?”他实在无法自制,“去!”他命令卡西莫多,“去把她抓来!”钟楼怪人快步跑向爱丝美拉达,把她抱起来就向圣母院跑去。爱丝美拉达拼力抵抗并高喊“救命啊!”恰巧侍卫队长浮比斯正在巡逻,听到喊声骑马率众赶到,救下吉卜赛女郎,抓住了卡西莫多。菲比斯把爱斯美拉达带到一家旅店,要了一个房间,正要对她非礼,机警的姑娘摆脱了他的纠缠,跑回巴黎流浪人和乞丐们聚集的“奇迹王朝”。在这“奇迹王朝”统治下的“黑话王国”里,乞丐王克劳班正在审理不懂切口而误入“王国领地”的穷诗人干果阿。按照王朝的规矩,他只有两种选择:要么跟绞索配对,要么跟王国中的女人攀亲。可是几个老女人都嫌他过于单薄,没一个人肯要他。这样,干果阿只能被吊死。在这千钧一发之际,爱丝美拉达挺身而出,高喊“我要他”。这样,两人当场举行婚礼。善良的少女同意与他结为夫妻,只是为了救他一命,把他带回家中,供以食宿,但不与他同房。犯了强抢民女罪的卡西莫多,在被草草审理后,被带到广场上当众鞭笞。跪在烈日下代人受过的钟楼怪人口渴难熬,他向士兵和围观的人群高喊要水,回答他的却是一片戏弄和辱骂。这时,美丽的爱丝美拉达拨开众人,把水送到卡西莫多的嘴边。心中充满感激之情的卡西莫多饱含热泪,不住地说:“美……美……美”大致评价: 在阅读这本书的过程中可以感受到了强烈的“美丑对比”。书中的人物和事件,即使源于现实生活,也被大大夸张和强化了,在作家的浓墨重彩之下,构成了一幅幅绚丽而奇异的画面,形成尖锐的、甚至是难以置信的善与恶、美与丑的对比。 《巴黎圣母院》的情节始终围绕三个人展开:善良美丽的少女爱斯美拉达,残忍虚伪的圣母院副主教克洛德�6�1弗罗洛和外表丑陋、内心崇高的敲钟人阿西莫多。
巴黎圣母院》最集中最典型地反映了雨果的浪漫主义文艺观。其鲜明的浪漫主义特色表现在: 1.离奇的情节 这部小说情节曲折离奇,富有戏剧性,充满了现实生活中不可能有的巧合,夸张和怪诞。如:"奇迹王朝"对诗人奇特的审判;加西莫多的劫法场,抵御千军万马的进攻;母女重逢;加西莫多的尸骨一被分开就化为灰尘等。 这些曲折多变,但在本质上又是真实的情节,大大加强了小说的戏剧性,从而增强了小说的感染力。 2.非凡的人物 小说的人物是浪漫主义的典型人物:爱斯梅哈尔达的美貌和人格力量是非凡的:加西莫多的非凡则表现在他可怕的外貌,奇特的举动,巨人般的体力,以及对爱斯梅哈尔达高尚而充满自我牺牲的爱情及表达方式;克罗德的禁欲和纵欲的矛盾等。这些人物的特点,表现了雨果独具的浪漫主义特征,即追求夸张,想象而不求细节的真实,不求酷似现实。 3.强烈的对比 作为一种美学理想,对比原则是雨果浪漫主义最重要的特征,贯穿着小说的始终。 首先是巴黎城市和圣母院和谐美丽的自然环境与人民阴暗不幸的生活构成鲜明对比,这样更突出暴露了封建暴政的黑暗。 其次是草菅人命,任意诬陷的封建王朝与尊重人权,公正廉明的"奇迹王朝"的对比; 最主要的是人物形象的对比: 正面与反面人物的对比--爱斯梅哈尔达和加西莫多是善良,真诚和美好的人性的代表,克罗德、法比则是自私、冷酷和丑恶的人性的代表、善与恶十分鲜明地分别体现在这两组人物身上,产生强烈的对照。 还有正面与正面,反面与反面人物之间的对比以及人物自身对比,如加西莫多外貌与心灵的对比等。对比原则的运用 使得小说的情节和人物显得更奇特,主题更鲜明,突出。 此外,作者以浓烈的色彩描绘了中世纪特征鲜明而绚丽的城市图景,给读者展现了一个充满绚烂和奇特声响的世界。 这些描写都极强地增加了小说的浪漫主义色彩。还有:用自己的眼睛看《巴黎圣母院》 在拜读雨果的《巴黎圣母院》前,我已经读过他的《悲惨世界》。《悲惨世界》的卓绝,作者在细节描写上的传神,布局谋篇上的巧妙,以及历史评述上的宏大气魄,无不令人叹为观止……像《高老头》、《双城记》、《红楼梦》、《雪国》等等很多作品一样,我读完《悲惨世界》之后好几个月,一直无法从书里的那个世界走出来。 怀着对雨果的无限崇敬之情,怀着与对《悲惨世界》同样的拜服和向往,我接着读他的《巴黎圣母院》。然而,正如一个偶然在月光下、薄雾里、轻纱后、传说中隐约见过的娉婷的影子,经过你用想象雕琢出她轮廓的柔媚,用美梦浸染出她容颜的光辉,用信仰赋予她灵魂的圣洁,使她变得完美无暇的时候,你忽然看到她,而且第一眼就看到了她的瑕疵——尽管那个瑕疵是如此之小——一样,我读《巴黎圣母院》时候的感觉就是这样的。 读到最后我不得不向自己承认,女主人公爱斯美拉达的人格、气质,她的整个人物形象是那么单薄、干瘪的、前后矛盾,这倒不是因为她致死不渝的爱着一个虚有其表的男人和对一个心灵高尚但面目丑恶的人一直害怕和厌恶,而是因为作者对她的前后描写有着惊人的不一致,这种不一致使人疑窦重生,百思不得其解。一个从小生活在乞丐群里,和无数凶恶成性的流氓、无赖、流浪汉、亡命之徒相依为伴的女孩、尽管她还是一个未成年的孩子,天性单纯善良,但常年累月四处漂泊,靠卖艺糊口,再单薄的身体也能磨练出韧性,再脆弱的性格里也渗入了坚强。小说的前面,她在危急当中救出彼埃尔·格兰古瓦,在刑台上喂丑陋的卡西莫多喝水,这些都是符合她的身世和性格的。她受不了酷刑屈认了杀人之罪也是正常的。但在此之后,在她躲进圣母院,在她天缘巧合找到母亲的那些一长串故事里,直到最后,她却只是一味的害怕,仅仅剩下一副手足无措、可怜巴巴、迷迷糊糊的样子。这是无论如何都无法令人信服的。这个形象的不成功,更加说明了美丽和善良是用动词塑造的,而不是形容词。 副主教克洛德,在我读过的所有评论当中,他都被批判成一个穷凶极恶、罪恶滔天的恶棍,一个精神极度扭曲、人格极度分裂的变态狂。然而在整个阅读过程中,我却无法对他产生如此强烈的憎恶感,无法恨他,无法承认他是无耻的、邪恶的、魔鬼的化身。确实,他手段残忍,但不能说他心肠歹毒;他行为乖张,因为他承受着莫大的压力。我们不能因为,仅仅是因为评论家的众口铄金就剥夺掉他爱爱斯美拉达的权利。更不能因为他爱得太深刻、太执拗、太自私、太疯狂就给他定罪。《百年孤独》里有的是这种扭曲的爱情。在《罪与罚》里,斯维德里盖洛夫“把手枪抵住自己右边的太阳穴”的时候,我不相信陀思妥耶夫斯基是在诅咒他,判决他,给他行刑。既然巴尔扎克能赋予一个江洋大盗英雄好汉般的血性和激情,为什么他们就不能表现“恶人”的尊严?诚如巴氏所言:犯罪的动机是一片悲壮的热情,令人觉得法无可恕,情实可悯。在爱斯美拉达第一次被押上刑场的时候,作者用大量的笔墨来描写克洛德的悲痛欲绝,难道不正是要说明他也同样在受刑?在一系列人物的悲剧当中,克洛德的悲剧是最深切的、着墨最多的。不论是爱斯美拉达的还是卡西莫多的都要逊色得多。同他们相比,他不应该获得更少的同情。
"Notre Dame de Paris" is the great French writer Victor Hugo wrote in 1831 in one of the love stories. Although the book's story takes place in 1482, but ownership of the book of love between men and women. it is still very likely written by the 18th-century French love. Just as the heroes of martial arts novels written love story, although the story took place in ancient times. The book of love between men and women are masters of the contemporary. Masters of the book of love between men and women still exist in today's French society? I lack sufficient understanding, but I finished reading the whole book, I discovered that It gives us the masters of love between men and women still exist in our society today, perhaps. This is precisely this novel in the two centuries after the literary classics still one of the reasons for this may well be a bar. Now I would love to talk about the four Andean . Lada and her lover's different views on love. I love love love the Andean . Lada . Lada Slovakia is the 16-year-old beauty who could sing and dance. Roma have been stolen from their homes because of the street performers grew up there is no hierarchical then the upper strata of society have been recognized and accepted. When she was robbed in the night, the Royal Guard captain was smart and sporty Fubisi heroic rescue. Selections of Falling Love at First Sight trapped love it, but he was captured by her beauty. . Lada penetrating novels like all love the woman, as long as they met their loved ones. they love each other regardless of all grumbling. No matter whether the outcome of this love, really love each other regardless of their own. even love can be clearly aware of this, well aware that the other side does not even love themselves. passion still love each other, remain faithful to this illusion of love. . Lada love is not only a perfect body, there is one good and noble and pure soul. When the poet Grincourt kilowatts will be a crucial moment beggars hanged Kingdom, She did not hesitate to marry him and the willingness to rescue the poet. Poets are shocked by her beauty and noble immediately tied to falling in love with her and hope she can truly become her husband. But the love in her heart to love the Andean . Lada idols, refused to calm him : "I can love a man to be able to protect me. "and told him, and he married just to save his life. Therefore, he maintained, and only nominally the husband and wife. When Claude Gerardi like all kinds of despicable means to the United States and the Andean Lada forced to accept his love, the love, love Andean Ladaning kept from the .. When Claude was in prison for the Andean . Lada love, the love, deception, she said she loved Fubisi have been killed, Let her not to indulge in any fantasy, and promised that as long as he promised to love, it can be rescued from her death sentence. . Lada love the answer : "If he had died. Why do you advise I want to live? "When Claude love before the last in the . gallows Lada choice, Although the United States and the Andean love when Lada Fubisi people already know her love is still alive. She also found the natural mother separated 15 years, she would live, but in the face of Claude woo. She replied : "Let me disgusted gallows far worse to the extent you do. "In the novel" scandals "the personification of Quasimodo. . Lada love of persecution based on the identity of Slovakia, the United States and the Andean Lada love for the first time in the face He was ordered to the United States and Slovakia in the night to rob love Lada. When Quasimodo because of the failure of robbery, the Royal Guard was arrested, tied up in the hot sun by whipping the crowd at the hall of shame. He watched the crowd give him some much needed water to drink, no one took any notice. Weighs about seeing him in the past, so he did not think of, under the watchful eyes of the people courageously give him water to drink. The angel is the same love Andean . Lada. . Lada love deeply touched by the kindness of the ugly appearance of deformed Quasimodo. because in his mind like other people have strong feelings and love. Later, he risked his life to rescue Actually Andean . Lada from the shelves out of the death penalty, but his ugly lopsided appearance. Trans-Andean always love him and never be able to cross the divide between the United States and Lada. President Hugo died in a novel way by the end of this finally crossed the divide. I think that this may indeed be the only feasible way. Second, the love Fubisi Fubisi Royal Guard captain is grown another talented, smart and sporty. day dealings between the upper strata of society, is a pretty girl ideal appearance. Fubisi awfully clever use of his resources effectively, he chose the rich dowry cousin Lily done fiancee. Slovakia also went to the United States Lada love chasing the sex. From his body, we see very clearly the society today, those clever men in a hurry, their talents. "Red has not home, foreign flags waving. "Fubisi heinous part is the only and his love of beauty Andean . Lada. Slovakia has the slightest . Lada not cherish the love lives. . Lada Fubisi love for the charge of murder is sentenced to death. But in Fubisi escaped from the hospital after receiving treatment, in order not to expose their misdeeds. not even testify against the real murderer to save the life of love Andean . Lada. This was not the hypocrites and life, although they usually very good at amorousness, himself, sweet. beautiful, but one crucial moment, the love they immediately become one worth, because in the hearts of these people. has never knows what is true love. Third, if Fubisi Claude is the love we love in life should be wary of hypocrites. Then Claude is the love in our lives should be wary of the devil. The 36-year-old Claude Paris church Gerardi, he gave a small church in a church school education. After several decades of efforts, to climb up the powerful position. But dull stereotype inhuman doctrine of the church does not eliminate the instinctive desire of his heart. Instead, the desire to make this instinct becomes more intense in extremely depressed and crazy. When he Andean . Lada love, the love of his long-term suppression of religious smash, His instinctive desire would explode like a volcano, which can not be controlled and clean up. We can not deny Claude Lada love to love the United States is sincere in Slovakia, is a warm, irreplaceable. He even offered to the United States and the Andean Lada love, the love, to give up his All these, together with his belief in God for a few years. But his love is extremely selfish, and his love : "If I can not have. I will let her! "Therefore, he instructed his first night going to rush the child Quasimodo in the Andean . Lada love, failure, Fubisi assassination wanted, and the blame on the United States and the Andean love Lada. When love Andean . Lada was Quasimodo to the rescue with legitimate asylum Notre Dame de Paris, and conspiracy to use his influence . Lada Slovakia lost love of her asylum Notre Dame de Paris, then in the midst of pursuing sound, threatened with death, forced to accept his love for the so-called Andean . Lada love. Numerous hate into love life, seeking love and the human tragedy, because there are basically Claude such extreme selfishness just to satisfy one's own desires, never gave the slightest consideration to the wishes of other people simply do not understand the love there. So, whenever I saw those energetically advocated "love is not wrong," the declaration of love, not the Fufei not. Because I personally think that by ignoring the wishes of his wife, the other to impose unilateral love is not only utterly wrong. Sometimes it is even evil. Fourth, Grincourt watts love Grincourt Vanuatu is a rotten poet, as in the community today. Poets write poems unable to feed himself, in Paris two years ago, poet unable to write poetry, to feed themselves, So he had to vagrants and beggars who crowd the kingdom going to survive. Regrettably, even when a poet is not able to test the skills of beggars. When the beggar was not qualified as a person who submitted the gallows. See here reminds me of the saying, I could not resist : "100 is used without a scholar! "It seems the French and the Chinese people's view on this issue is basically the same. However, the student is very familiar with the lovable, love loved the Andean Grincourt kilowatts after the United States refused to calm Rada, He immediately wise up. Because he felt ashamed of himself as a man in love Quasimodo Andean . Lada was robbed when he does not have the courage to come out to save, and his own life, instead of relying on the mercy of love will be saved Andean . Lada, in the face of such a "strong woman" As long as there is the self-esteem of men, they will not expect any of love. So Grincourt Vaag Lada in the United States and the Andean love after marriage, her husband volunteered as a board, Esmeralda light of day to show off the streets. Although the couple did not want to get the name of love, but at least there is a marriage and can survive. From Grincourt watts, we have seen the presence of many of today's Chinese husband. they knew and did not love their wives, their wives apparently eager to know how to love, However, they have no choice but to accept this love without marriage. 5, Quasimodo's love, if not love that only marriage Grincourt Vanuatu they are unfortunate, then, relatively speaking. Quasimodo is regarded as a tragedy. Quasimodo is itself very poor conditions, but the vision of the ideal love the typical very high. Since the appearance of deformed Quasimodo, from becoming abandoned, Claude Gerardi was adopted him. As the young grow up in the church, he has never enjoyed the warmth of a family. After growing up, so stay in the church bell, only two people he loved, is a Claude Gerardi. Life is not a large church bell. However, when the United States and the Andean Lada beautiful kind of love, the awakening of his heart's desire for a better love. But this desire to awaken, and not give him any pleasure. Instead, he deeply felt the mental suffering of the birth defects. Slovakia face . Lada love to a beautiful, he is so inferior to that suffering, he was looking forward to closer love Lada. But their ugly so afraid to love and afraid of the Andean . Lada uncomfortable. Lada and his love for the United States and Slovakia do not have any expectation that he needed to know if she had it in her side. But even this has been a wild dream for killing his adoptive father. Quasimodo angry despair of killing his adoptive Gerardi Claude. He eventually killed himself -- Andean . Lada loving embrace the body into another world. Of course, life is impossible, or very little may Quasimodo so ugly, but in real life, one way or another person who has a lot of flaws, the ideal of perfect love in the face of their hearts target, Quasimodo would like the same kind of inferiority complex and painful. So, if they can be more confident some point or more reduction targets they choose the standard Perhaps some of them will live more happily.
《巴黎圣母院》读后感《巴黎圣母院》中让我印象深刻的场景是作者笔下的当时的那些建筑,那些奢华的象征权力的教堂,人们还不知道可以拥有自己的思想,以及为了自己的愿望可以做什么事情,一切都假借神圣的宗教,一切都假借神圣的教堂来展现,展现建筑家的审美观,也就是个人的才华,或者展示自己的能力,我想那时的人们,把人性深深地埋在一件神圣的宗教的外衣下面,典型的人物就是副主教--弗洛罗。从那许多的错综复杂的毫无章法的建筑群,我们不难看出,当时人们的内心是怎样的压抑,怎样狂躁,那些像雨后春笋一般从地下冒出来的教堂的尖顶,正是人们扭曲的灵魂在对着苍天做这无声的哀号! 教堂里面是那么的阴森恐怖,这让人联想到在宗教的遮拦下,当时社会是怎样的肮脏和败坏,真善美的宗教和利用宗教制造血腥事件,形成了强烈的感官刺激。让人的心灵深刻的体会出迷茫,困惑,和不安,如果有一把利剑,你会尽你的全力去刺破那层蒙在社会上空的阴云,那阴云是邪恶的,你对它充满了愤怒和鄙视,就像书里面的那些流浪汉们对待社会的疯狂的报复。印象深刻的是这样的几个人物,代表美丽善良的姑娘--爱斯梅拉达。她不仅有迷人的外貌,更有一颗纯真善良的心灵,从她对待那只山羊,救下那个落魄的诗人,对于伤害过自己的卡齐莫多,送上的水和怜悯,对待爱情的牺牲,等,我们看到她是美丽的,她的身上心灵上没有污垢,她是没有被污染的。可是,这样的天使一样的姑娘,受到的是怎么样的对待呢?流浪,在最肮脏的环境里面生活,被所谓的上流社会排斥和嘲讽,被玩弄,被抛弃,被诬陷,被威胁,最后,作了彻底的牺牲。书中描写了一个那样的社会,和在那个社会生活中的种种人物的状态,麻木的如那个弗比斯,最底层的如老鼠洞里的那个隐修女,疯狂的副主教,还有尽全力反抗的最丑陋的卡齐莫多,副主教和卡齐莫多形成了人性上的鲜明对比,同样爱上了美丽的姑娘,同样的遭到了拒绝,他们的爱都是那么的热烈,那么的诚挚,可是,一个是占有,一个是奉献,已占有为目的的,当目的无法达到的时候,他想到的是毁灭,毁灭别人;以奉献为目的的,当无法奉献的时候,想到的也是毁灭,毁灭自己。我想这也就是这本世界名著的真正魅力所在,他让人看到的不是一个简单的故事,他深刻的揭示了人类内心深处的一些活动,无论放在什么时候,什么社会,人的共性是始终存在的,对美好的向往,对美好的追求,对美好的赞美,人是一个天使和魔鬼的综合体,人和人的经历没有相同的,也就是说,社会本身就不可能让所有人享受到同等的待遇,这种不一样的待遇,让多少人的内心失去了平衡,失去了对美好的追求啊!《巴黎圣母院》内容简介愚人节,巴黎圣母院前面的广场上,来自埃及的吉卜赛少女爱丝美拉达以动人的美貌和婀娜的舞姿博得了人们热烈地喝彩”在众多的观众中,一个面色苍白的中年人,穿着黑色的教袍,躲在玻璃窗后面,也在偷看爱丝美拉达翩翩起舞。他就是巴黎圣母院的副主教、克洛德•弗罗洛。他无法自控,无法把俘虏了他的灵魂的魔鬼赶走。人们让卡西莫多坐在高高的轿子上沿街游行。他是一个被父母遗弃在巴黎圣母院门前的畸形儿,弗罗洛出于怜悯把他抚养成人,因终日敲钟而震聋了耳朵。可是,弗罗洛在欲火中烧无法入睡,因为牵着小山羊的爱丝美拉达还在教堂门前的广场上唱歌。他命令卡西莫多,“去把她抓来!”钟楼怪人快步跑向爱丝美拉达,把她抱起来就向圣母院跑去。恰巧侍卫队长弗比斯正在巡逻,听到喊声骑马率众赶到,救下吉卜赛女郎,抓住了卡西莫多,机警的姑娘摆脱了弗比斯的纠缠,跑回巴黎流浪人和乞丐们聚集的“奇迹王朝”。犯了强抢民女罪的卡西莫多,在被草草审理后,被带到广场上当众鞭笞。跪在烈日下代人受过的钟楼怪人口渴难熬,他向士兵和围观的人群高喊要水,回答他的却是一片戏弄和辱骂。这时,美丽的爱丝美拉达拨开众人,把水送到卡西莫多的嘴。弗比斯和爱斯梅拉达约会,窗外的弗罗洛拾起匕首,从窗外把它刺进了浮比斯的后背。在审判爱丝美拉达的法庭上,在酷刑之下,姑娘屈打成招,法庭判处姑娘绞刑,次日执行。卡西莫多敲钟之后,在塔楼上看到弗罗洛神色紧张地注视着圣母院门前的广场。穿着白色死刑犯袍子的爱丝美拉达站在夜间匆忙搭起的绞刑架下,绞索套在脖子上,平静地等待着行刑的时刻。卡西莫多不顾一切地从门内冲出,把姑娘抢进了巴黎圣母院。行刑的士兵惊魂甫定,目瞪口呆地看着钟楼怪人独自一人劫持了法场。因为圣母院避难权的原因,士兵们不敢擅入。卡西莫多把姑娘藏在自己的住房里,他像守护神一样睡在房门口。他把愚人节得到的哨子交给姑娘,告诉她遇到危难时,一吹哨子,他就能赶来救援。 卡西莫多对爱丝美拉达怀有无限的感激和纯真的爱慕之情。乞丐王率领成千上万的巴黎流浪人和乞丐,前来攻打巴黎圣母院,营救大难临头的姐妹。不明真相的卡西莫多怎容这些人冲入教堂,他从楼顶上扔下巨大的石条石块,翻倒灼热的金属液体,企图驱散众人。但最后爱斯梅拉达还被抓住,卡西莫多站在楼顶上,看着心爱的姑娘又被吊在绞刑架上,痛不欲生。当他发现弗罗洛正在钟楼上对着爱丝美拉达狞笑,他把这个道貌岸然的野兽举过头顶扔了下去。卡西莫多找到她的尸体之后,静静地躺在她身旁。两年之后,人们发现了两具紧紧抱在一起的尸骨。当人们试图分开他们时,尸骨便化为尘土。
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