我上百度,搜不到。上GOOGLE,也有问类似问题的,NBA data Guys, Hopefully you'll like to help me and answer the q i'm gonna ask you - could you recommend any site with a large data of past NBA results? just as for soccer lets say. Most of the stuff i saw is pretty uncomfortable when it comes to analize it in excel ., and i'm looking for a simple list of games and their results, only enhanced by the date, and regular in home/away split. Thanks in advance for any help Roar 回答他的网友是这么说的, (我用中文翻译过来,好理解。)NBA的数据庞大而具体,网上没有它的数据网,有的只是NBA官网的经过统计后的数据。 NBA的数据属于商业机密,除非内部知情人士告诉你,否则,普通人是无法拿到那些数据的。