哈利波特的创作灵感来源于罗琳在1990年从曼彻斯特到伦敦的一次火车旅行中,罗琳在创作这部小说时,是一个女婴的单身母亲,紧靠着苏格兰爱丁堡的福利金生活,每天等杰西卡睡着后,到一家咖啡馆写作。不久她便名利双收,大获成功。哈利波特继承了英国幻想小说的悠久传统,看上去像一部儿童作品,实际上却是一部表现人类处境的深刻寓言,罗琳说过,她的作品实际上是表现人类的想象力,而施展魔法知识发挥人的全部潜能的一个暗喻。一方面,人们为了发挥故事中罪恶被制止而兴奋,就像《纳尔尼亚纪事》丛书——这些是罗琳小时候的最爱——是关于孩子们如何探索一块陌生的土地,并有所作为。但是《哈利波特》表现了人在成长过程中遇到的磨难经历,长大成人,赢得同龄人的尊敬,学习忠诚,理解可原谅错误与不可饶恕的罪恶之间的区别,信仰比自己更伟大的东西。故事是由一个旁观者的角度去写,贴近故事情节,但是不涉足其中,对所有人物无所不知的叙述者大部分时候站在哈利的视角,因哈利吃惊而吃惊,因哈利害怕而害怕。作为一部儿童文学作品,小说的语气直接,简单,几乎没有纯装饰性成分或艺术象征,很少有隐喻,描写和戏谑的反语,寓言通俗易懂。叙述者从不对书中任何人物进行评价,给读者留下褒贬他们的空间。刚看着要英语。。。。。我倒,好吧。。。。希望我的努力不会白费。。。。harrypotter emerged from the creative mind of jk`rowing on a train ride from Manchester to london in was a single mother of an infant daughter and living on welfare in Edinburgh ,Scotland,when she began the pen to paper in a cafe while her baby ,Jessica,napped,Rowling soon skyrocked to fame and fortune .Harry potter draws on a long tradition of English fantacy works that seem to be for children but are in fact deep allegories of the human herself has stated that her book is really about imagination and that practicing wizardry is only a metaphor for developing one's full potential .Harry potter illustrate the challenges and adventures of grow up .Rowling's books outline every child's ordeal of becoming an individual,winning respect from peers ,learning about loyalty ,discovering the differrence between forgivable vices and unforgivable sins ,and beliving in sonething bigger than story is narrated by a detached third -person observer close to the action ,but not involved in most of the story the narrator,who knows everything about all of the characters ,generally stays close th Harry Potter's point of view,registering surprise when harry is surprised and fear when harry is fitting for a children's book the tone is straightforward and simple ,with few purely decorative elements or artistic features,few metaphora and figures ,and little playful irony .The language is easy to narrator never imposes moral judgements on any charactors ,even the wicked Vordemort,bue allows us full freedom to praise or condemn.