1. 关于洛丽塔的英文诗句 关于洛丽塔的英文诗句 1.洛丽塔中关于爱情的句子英文版 Humbert: Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: 亨伯特:洛丽塔,我的生命之光,我的欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵魂。洛丽塔 Humbert: here to that old car that you know so well is a stretch of 25 those 25 steps with me. 亨勃特:洛丽塔,从这里到那个你熟悉的汽车只有25步的距离,走过这25步跟我在一起吧。 Humbert:I looked and looked at her and I knew,as clearly as I know that I will die,that I loved her more than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on was only dead leaf echo of the nymphet from from long ago。but I loved her,this Lolita,pale and polluted and big with another man's could fade and didn't would still go mad with tenderness at the mere sight other face 亨勃特:我看着她,看了又看,我知道就像我知道我必死无疑那样清楚,我是如此的爱她胜过我所看到的所能想象到的地球上的任何事物,她以前是一个妖女,现在却像一片枯叶,但是我爱她,这个洛丽塔苍白、臃肿、俗气、怀着别的男人的孩子,她可以褪色,可以枯萎,我不在乎,但我只要看她一眼,万般柔情,涌上心头。 Humbert:What I heard then was the melody of children at but I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita's absence from my side but the absence other voice from that chorus. 亨勃特:我听到了孩子们的欢声笑语,除此之外,没有别的,让我心灰意冷的并不是洛丽塔不在我身边,而是这里的欢笑声没有她的。 2.洛丽塔中关于爱情的句子英文版 lolita,我的生命之光,我的欲念之火,我的罪恶,我的灵魂,舌尖向上,分三步,从上腭往下轻轻落在牙齿上“洛-丽-塔-”我望着她,望了又望,昔日如花妖冶,现在只剩枯叶还乡。 苍白,臃肿,混俗,腹中有别人的骨肉。但我爱她,他可以褪色,可以萎谢,怎样都可以..但我只要看她一眼,万般柔情涌上心头。 事实上,我们在绕大圈。我心底有个目的地,家我们的家。 目前,我需要不断向前,尽管我们争执,尽管种种琐事,尽管危险,尽管无望,尽管这一切..我都觉得活在天堂,这天堂虽然充满地狱火焰的色调。谢谢。 3.洛丽塔最后一句台词的英语原句 电影中汉伯特最后说的话 I stood listening to that musical vibration from my lofty slope, to those flashes of separate cries with a kind of demure murmur for background, and then I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita's absence from my side, but the absence of her voice from that concord. 4.求《洛丽塔》英文原版书中的一句话 《洛丽塔》(Lolita),又译为《洛莉塔》、《洛丽泰》、《罗莉泰》,是俄裔美国作家弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫创作的长篇小说。 该作绝大部分篇幅是死囚亨伯特的自白,叙述了一个中年男子与一个未成年少女的恋爱故事。小说最初未获准在美国发行,于1955年首次被欧洲巴黎奥林匹亚出版社出版。 1958年终于出版了美国版,作品一路蹿升到《纽约时报》畅销书单的第一位。《洛丽塔》已被改编成电影。 英文原版书中句子(摘抄节选):Despite our tiffs, despite hernastiness, despite the fuss she made, and the danger , helplessness of it all, despite all that, I was in paradise. A paradise whose skies were the color of hell flanes, but a paradise still.尽管我们有争吵,尽管她言语粗鄙,尽管她吹毛求疵,动不动变颜变色,尽管这一切都卑劣、危险、根本无望,我仍然沉醉在我自选的天堂里——天堂的穹空布满地狱之火的颜色——但仍然是天堂。 的英文台词 男主人公的经典对白I looked and looked at her, and I knew as clearly as I know that I will die。 that I loved her more than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on earth. She was only the dead leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago, but I loved her; this Lolita, pale and polluted, and big with another man's child. She would fade and wither, I didn't care. I would still go mad with tenderness。 at the mere sight of her face. Lolita。 6.洛丽塔最后一句台词的英语原句 电影洛丽塔>中汉伯特最后说的话I stood listening to that musical vibration from my lofty slope, to those flashes of separate cries with a kind of demure murmur for background, and then I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita's absence from my side, but the absence of her voice from that concord。 7.《洛丽塔》这段文字的英文原文是什么 My knuckles lay against the child‟s blue jeans. She was barefooted; her toenails showed remnants of cherry-red polish and there was a bit of adhesive tape across her big toe; and, God, what would I not have given to kiss then and there those delicate-boned, long-toed, monkeyish feet Suddenly her hand slipped into mine and without our chaperon‟s seeing, I held, and stroked, and squeezed that little hot paw, all the way to the store.这就是原文。 8.《洛丽塔》中该段文字的英文原文是什么 The widower, a man of exceptional self-control, neither wept nor raved. He staggered a bit, that he did; but he opened his mouth only to impart such information or issue such directions as were strictly necessary in connection with the identification, examination and disposal of a dead woman, the top of her head a porridge of bone, brains, bronze hair and blood。 9.求《洛丽塔》里面的一句台词的原版英文翻译,翻译器别来 I looked and looked at her, and I knew as clearly as I know that I will die。 that I loved her more than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on earth. She was only the dead leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago, but I loved her; this Lolita, pale and polluted, and big with another man's child. She would fade and wither, I didn't care. I would still go mad with tenderness。 at the mere sight of her face. Lolita。