Freeze–thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of alkali-activated slag concrete''''
Thank you for your invitation and warm hospitality.
“Freeze–thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of alkali-activated slag concrete” I would like to thank Professor Cui ,for inviting me to deliver this“Freeze-thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of alkali-activated slag concrete”. The plentiful studies on a new green binding material—alkali-activated concrete . The effect of freeze-thaw cycles on in concrete was studied by experiment, I shall explore a possible agenda for analysis to enable understanding of the alkali-activated slag concrete.
“new green binding material—alkali-activated cement” the introduction of Freeze–thaw cycle test and damage mechanics models of alkali-activated slag concrete. Now let's look at the ppt In recent years, there are plentiful studies on a new green binding material—alkali-activated cement, it can be prepared by wastes containing kaolinite (原文introduction第一句) The binding materials with three-dimensional network structure are yield by shrinking and polymerization reaction. With the arriving of low carbon economy time, international governments attach more importance to energy saving, emission reducing and cycled economics.(原文第二段)a genuine low carbon cement.(ppt第3页) –I'd like to talk is the materials we can see clear that the Slag used in this study was metallurgy blast furnace slag, was supplied by Jiangxi Building Materials Plant, PR China, its specific surface is 410 m2/kg. chemical compositions of slag are listed in .(ppt第4页)
NaOH and Na2SiO3 sodium silicate multiplex solution was used as alkali activator, module of sodium silicate is . Sand with fineness modulus of was used as fine aggregate. Limestone were used as crushed rock aggregate (5–20 mm:20–40 mm = 45:55).(引用原文Materials第二段结论) Mix proportion and specimen preparation , . Mix proportion and specimen proportion, workability and compressive strength at 28 d of ASC are listed in . It was prepared by a single decubital axis compellent beater with content of 60 L. the samples were demoulded and cured
under scheduled regimes. Thirty samples were tested for freeze–thaw cycle tests. Table 1. Mix proportion, workability and strength of ASC(引用原文第二部分第二小点)(ppt第5页) The Freeze–thaw resistance was tested according to ASTM C666 and GB/T 50082-2009 “Standard for test methods of long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete”. Six samples of each batch were tested, the average value of 6 samples was served as the finial freeze–thaw resistance. Mass and dynamic elasticity modulus were tested once after an interval of 25 times cycles, maximal cycle times (when relative dynamic elasticity modulus was 60% and percentage of mass loss was 5% at lowest) can denote freeze–thaw resistance of ASC. TDR-16V computer controlled concrete fast freeze–thaw cycle testing machine and DT-10W dynamic elasticity modulus testing machine were used to conduct the tests.(原文 /ppt第6页)
–thaw resistance mechanism of ASC –thaw resistance durability of ASC(ppt 第7页)
Results of fast freeze–thaw cycle tests of ASC are listed in Table 3. As can be seen: (1) With the increase of freeze–thaw cycle times, relative dynamic elasticity modulus of ASC are descending slowly, this shows excellent ductility, relative dynamic elasticity modulus of A1–A5 are all about 90% at 300 times cycle(ppt第8页)(2) It is improper to set mass loss of ASC as the evaluation index of freeze–thaw destroy, because mass loss of A1–A5 vary indistinctively in the progress of freeze–thaw, it cannot reflect the destroy degree of concrete exactly, thus it is improper to use it to test and evaluate the freeze–thaw damage of ASC (which is shown in Fig. 1).(ppt第9页)
The first is ASC used industrial waste – slag as raw materials, and it had excellent freeze–thaw resistance with frost-resisting grade of F300 at lowest, relative dynamic elasticity modulus were about 90% after 300 times freeze–thaw cycles, it also had little mass loss, surface freeze–thaw damage layers were very thin, which can effectively restrain freeze–thaw damage of concrete from worsening.(ppt第10页) The second is Different from freeze–thaw cycle damage models of PC, dynamic elasticity modulus attenuation models were superior to accumulative freeze–thaw damage models, and power function models were superior to exponential function models with better precision and relativity. (ppt第10页)
Thank you very much for the privilege of presenting this paper
一年来,集团公司充分依靠全体员工,紧紧围绕年初工作总体布署和生产经营目标,以提高经济效益、促进企业发展为核心,依靠信息抓经营,坚持制度强管理,注重学习提素质,真抓实干,奋发图强,圆满完成了全年目标任务,促进企业既好又快地向前发展。截止二○○七年十二月二十五日止,销售总额 万元,占年计划 万元的 %,比去年同期 万元上升 %;销售xx吨,完成年计划 吨的 %,比去年同期 吨上升 %;回收xxxxx,完成年计划 的 %,比去年同期 上升 %,自养出槽 头,完成年计划 头的 %,比去年同期 头上升 %,销售 只,占年计划 只的 %。(一)挖掘信息资源,开拓经营,促进企业快速发展信息是企业经营的重要资源。掌握了信息,我们的一切经营活动就会有的放矢,避免盲动,减少失误。各公司通过长期的经验总结,明白了信息的重要性和必要性,同时学会了怎样收集、分析、整理,并通过信息指导经营的科学方法。因此,一年来,各公司在挖掘信息资源,开拓经营工作中,各显神通,广泛收集,消化利用,让信息在我们的经营中发挥了较好的指导作用。 xx公司紧紧抓住xxxx 机遇,抢信息,尽最大努力堵住xxx外流,xxxx数量达到历年最高水平,同时他们还密切关注xxx价格行情,把握市场脉膊,科学预测价格变化趋势,准确判定销售时机,实现了利润最大化。 xxx公司在xx公路建设接近尾声、市场面缩小的关键时刻,及时调整工作思路,把工作的着重点转移到xxxxx,树立了正确的经营理念,主动出击,抢抓信息,并以其快捷、高效的经营方法较快地在xxx打开了销售局面,争取了客户,增加经营总量。先后与xxxxx达成合作协议,取得了较好效果。特别是在xxxxx一路攀升且变化无常的情况下,他们养成了天天上网了解价格及市场行情的良好习惯。因此,不论市场价格如何变化,他们都能站在市场的高度,准确把握购进和销售时机,做好价格差文章,为夺取较好经济效益奠定了坚实的基础。 xxxx公司改变了传统xx观念,学会用信息指导生产和销售,科学掌握xx购进和销售的时机,给企业带来了可观的经济效益。他们还充分发挥农业产业化市级龙头企业的优势,按照公司+基地+农户的模式,成功启动了100万头xxx项目和xxxx项目,积极稳妥地推进了农业产业化发展项目。为了促进养殖业的科学发展,他们一是加大了科学养殖的力度,千方百计增加科学饲养的含量,缩短饲养周期,降低饲养成本,二是坚持不懈地做好疫病防治和消毒杀菌工作,养殖公司经国家环保验收合格,从而最大限度地降低生猪死亡损失,在一定程度上规避了市场风险;三是通过不断的摸索和学习,掌握了母猪科学饲养方法,提高了产仔率和仔猪成活率。(二)规范化管理,创新模式,促进效益明显提高管理是企业永恒的主题,管理是企业挖潜促效的重要举措,规范管理则是企业稳健发展的基础。因此,集团公司十分重视规范化管理工作。一是规范行政管理。为了确保今年各项任务的顺利完成,集团公司不断修改和完善了企业规章制度,使各项管理制度更趋合理,更趋完善,更趋科学。各部门加大执行力度,一视同仁,依章管理,增强了全体员工遵章守制的自觉性。二是规范计划管理。按照计划管理的原则,集团公司做到了年初有计划,月初有安排,月末有检查,从而增强了工作中的预见性,大大减少了工作的失误。三是规范流程管理。按照年初工作安排,我们坚持了遇事讲流程,办事讲原则的管理模式,有效地避免了有事无人管、遇事相互推、出事无责任人的不良习气,提高了工作效率和工作质量。四是规范财务管理。财务实行一只笔审签制度,货物购进及所有开支必须由经办人、保管员、分管领导签字后,再经财务总监审签方能报账,避免了财务混乱给企业带来的损失。五是规范货款回收。xxx公司加大力度,明确专人负责收取外欠货款,对难度较大的赊销款,采取了法律手段进行追收,保证了企业赊销资金的安全。行政部专人管理企业闲置资产,广布信息,做到物尽其用,使企业闲置资产利用率在95%以上,从而增加收入,提高效益。(三) 抓好员工教育,提高素质,促进企业和谐发展教育是提高员工素质和企业整体素质、打造优质团队的关键。我们一以贯之地抓好员工教育,促进企业三个文明建设继续向前发展。抓教育,强素质。今年,我们先后组织员工学习了总体布署,重庆市委市政府一圈两翼战略构架以及xx大精
神。通过学习,员工们一致认为干好本职工作是投身于中国特色社会主义事业的最好实践,从而增强了员工建设中国特色社会主义的自觉性。同时还强化了职业道德和职业技能的学习,强化了现代企业管理知识的学习,在一定程度上提高了企业整体实力和核心竞争力。抓活动,增福利。活动是教育工作的载体和创新,因此工会充分发挥桥梁和纽带的作用,积极开展丰富多彩的活动,今年成功举办了xxx杯乒乓球运动会、十.一庆国庆文体活动,在一定程度上活跃了员工的文化生活。同时,企业始终坚持以人为本的思想,千方百计地搞好员工福利工作,按时发放员工工资,继续做好员工保险工作,切实搞好包括员工休息在内的各种福利待遇,努力做好困难职工的帮扶工作,从而增强了xx大家庭的温暖,增强了企业的亲和力、向心力和凝聚力。各公司员工团结一致,努力拼搏,以主人翁的姿态、百折不挠的毅力,战严寒,斗高温,无怨无悔,全力以赴地投入到艰巨而繁重的工作中,为xxx集团的发展甘当无名英雄,甘当老黄牛的同志比比皆是。抓党建,扬模范。党建工作是教育工作和三个文明建设的灵魂。支部十分重视党的建设,强化党员教育,抓好党员活动,坚定党员的理想信念。共产党员xxx、xxx等许多同志在平凡的工作岗位上,默默无闻,任劳任怨,真正发挥了一个党员一面旗的先锋模范作用。工会通过各种活动在企业与员工之间架起了一座相互理解、相互沟通的桥梁,为xx集团和谐发展营造了一个良好的氛围。另外、我们还一如既往地抓好安全生产和综合治理、爱国卫生、计划生育工作,有力地推动了三个文明建设。一年来,xxx集团公司经过全体员工的精诚团结和努力,取得了可喜的成绩,这些成绩的取得,离不开县委、县府和社会各界的关心和支持,更得益于集团全体员工精诚团结,艰苦奋斗,顽强拼搏。但也要清醒地看到,企业发展过程中一些长期积累的突出矛盾和问题还没有得到根本解决,企业发展战略不明朗,发展后劲不充足,新的经济增长点难以突破;企业管理还明显粗放,尤其是薪酬体系不能体现奖勤罚懒的原则,无法调动员工的积极性和创造性;部份员工的主人翁精神和事业心不强,突出表现在工作上得过且过,打工思想依然存在,做撞钟和尚,工作缺乏主动性和创造性,部分配合不紧密,大局观念较差。为此,我们必须增强忧患意识,居安思危,高度重视并及时化解前进道路上的各种困难和问题,促进企业科学发展。 xx年是全面贯彻落实党的xx大精神的第一年,是实施xxx规划承上启下的关键一年。做好明年各项工作,对于贯彻落实党的xx大精神、保持xxx集团良好发展势头意义十分重大。 xx年工作指导思想:全面贯彻党的xx大精神,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,以构建和谐xx,打造知名企业为主题,坚持稳中求进,保持经济平稳较快发展;坚持好字优先,切实提高经济增长速度;坚持以人为本,继续抓好三个文明建设,以崭新的战斗姿态、崭新的`精神面貌、崭新的工作举措推动企业又好又快发展。 xx年工作奋斗目标:实现购进、销售总额分别为xxxx万元、xxxx万元,实现利润xxxx万元。保持县级精神文明单位、综合治理和卫生先进单位达标,计划生育无超生。 xx年工作主要措施:一、突出产业发展,做强拳头项目经过十二年的发展,公司已成为以xxxx、xxxx、xxxxxx和xxx、xxx经营为支柱的跨行业企业集团,但由于发展方向不明确,发展后劲不足,企业徘徊不前。因此,各公司必须充分利用各自优势,坚持需求导向原则,着力突破制约企业发展的核心问题,提高自主创新能力,提高企业核心竞争力,在经营产业中独树一帜。因此,xx年我们必须坚定不移地抓好xx、xxxx、xxxxxxxxxxxx、xxxx等已经成熟的拳头产为,杜绝盲目投资,单纯追求集团迅速澎涨和突有虚名。 xxxx公司要充分发挥市级龙头企业的优势,利用公司+基地+农户的养殖模式,扩大经营规模;要刻苦钻研兽防技术,坚持不懈地抓好防疫治病和消毒杀菌工作;钻研科学养殖技术,提高科学养殖水平,尽最大努力规避养殖风险。 xxxx公司要转变经营方式,改变营销策略,发扬只争朝夕的精神,抢信息,拓市场,抓客源,打好价格差,在确保企业经济效益稳步增长的同时,尽最大努力扩大市场占有量,保障资金安全。 xxxx公司要认真分析xx年市场行情,充分利用xxxxxx的政策优势,加大与职能部门的合作力度,规范xxxx力度,严厉打击xxxxxx的不法行为。同时要继续做好市场信息的收集、整理和利
用工作,把握市场行情和价格变化的脉膊,尽最大努力提高企业经济效益。物业管理是一项不可忽视的工作,物业管理人员要尽心尽责,做到物尽其用,发挥效益,不让闲置资产处于闲置状态。二、突出经营质量,提高经济效益按照好字优先,切实提高经济增长质量的要求,我们要批判性地继续过去的管理制度。加强行政管理,提高工作效率。既要继续坚持过去行之有效的管理制度,又要及时修正不合理、与现实不相符的规章制度,做到与时俱进,使企业管理制度真正成为适应企业管理的准绳,违者必究,一视同仁,从而逐步形成xxxxx特色的管理体系。对年初制定的目标,月初制定的计划要加大督查督办的力度,实行问责制。要强化人力资源管理工作,特别要加大对中层干部的管理力度,给他们施压力,挑重担,把他们培养成为企业管理的精英和脊梁,为企业培养一批年富力强、有责任感、事业心强的管理人才,以增强企业的核心竞争力。 继续强化财务管理,提高资金使用率。要用财务管理岗位职责制,加强财务管理;要进一步强化财务监督,加大内部审计力度,促进各项财务管理制度的落实;要加大货款的追收力度,加快资金周转;要学会用数据指导管理,提高管理的科学性和预见性。要继续做好挖潜促效工作,增收节支。要从建立节约型、管理型企业出发,严把费用开支关,挖掘产、供、销环节的物耗和能耗潜力,降低成本。要充分挖掘闲置资产的潜力,增加企业收入。三、突出人本管理,搞好三个文明要坚持不懈地强化党建工作。要围绕提高建设社会主义和谐社会的本领,强化党员理论学习和作风建设,充分发挥机关党组织的战斗堡垒作用和党员先锋模范作用。要进一步构建人力资源管理体系,提高企业核心竞争力。要建立科学的岗责体系,引导员工因能择岗,因长择业,增强内部人才竞争机制,有效缓解当前人力资源紧张的矛盾。要进一步完善考核激励机制,全面推行中层管理干部工作绩效量化考核。要重视员工的教育培训,有计划、有针对性地开展分类岗位培训,突出加强综合性、操作性强、技术含量高的岗位技能培训,为员工提供更多的学习机会。要积极试行能级管理制度,探索人尽其能,能岗匹配的有效途径,以实现人力资源的最佳配置,提高企业整体实力,打造企业优秀团队。 要继续探索思想政治工作新模式,构建和谐企业。要用xx大精神、科学发展观和构建和谐社会战略思想武装全体员工头脑,努力推动企业和谐建设。要以学习贯彻《劳动合同法》、《就业促进法》为契机,着力改善员工福利待遇,保持企业和谐。要建立企业员工工资正常增长机制和支付保障机制,继续搞好员工社会保险,坚持抓好困难员工的帮扶工作,切实解决员工的后顾之忧。要加大力度,搞好企业文化建设。要大力宏扬xxx文化,激发员工爱我xx的热情。要深入开展文化实践活动,丰富文化建设的平台和载体;继续开展我是xxx员工、我为xxxx作贡献活动,增强企业主人翁精神;要大力宣传企业工作中涌现出来的典型人物和事迹,宏扬正气;要继续开展各类技能竞赛,营造积极向上、互帮互助、团结友爱、和谐相容的工作氛围;要加大工会等群众组织的工作力度,积极开展健康活泼、丰富多彩的文体活动,增强企业凝聚力。另外,还要坚持不懈地抓好工会工作、安全生产和综合治理、计划生育、物业管理及爱国卫生工作。我们一定要坚定信心,振奋精神,群策群力,开拓进取,扎实工作,努力开创各项工作新局面,以扎实的作风、优异的成绩迎接xxxxx美好的明天。
第一、 是价格。价格不能再降了,这是我们保持盈利
第二、 是服务。由于麻将机的制造特性,是需要维修
第三、 是坚持。要从打游击战转到持久战,要从土八
首先,在发言内容上需要:做好充分准备,把论文内容细致分解,理清主线;演讲内容切忌面面具到,要条理清晰、层次清楚;配合必要的公式、图及表格;最后要给出明确结论;其次,在制作投影片中需要:片子结构合理,层次清晰;一般每页一个主题;每页内容不多于8—10行(透明胶片可达12—14行);字体大小适中,公式、图及表格清晰;制作片子时,切忌将论文的整页内容复印到透明胶片或编辑到PowerPoint 中;片子不要准备过多,否则将不易使听众抓住主题,也难于控制发言时间;另外,在演讲过程中还应注意:发言切忌照本宣科,需要思路清楚、逻辑严密;讲演的速度控制在一张片子一分钟左右;控制自己的发言时间,不能挤占他人时间;讨论时认真听取提问(听不懂时可以礼貌地要求对方重复所提问题),针对问题给出准确的回答。发言时要沉稳、有信心,用自己熟悉的词汇,发音清楚。
Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:
At this special time of wonderful August, With a pleasant subtropical climate in Xiamen, Our respectable guests are here getting together , undertaken by XMU , the 2014 10th International Conference on Natural Computation and the 2014 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery , will be open. Now, First of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of
you present, and thank you , for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event.
It is a great honor for us to have all you here to attend this conference, of which the theme is the academic exchange about the advanced technologies on Computer Science. Here I’d be delighted to introduce our conventioneers in brief. Apart from our faculty and students, Most of the delegates and guests are prestigious experts and scientists, who are related in these fields from all over the world. With many significant achievements, they are the most dynamic leaders in the movements of the science and technology.
ICNC-FSKD is a premier international forum for scientists and researchers to present the state of the art of data mining and intelligent methods inspired from nature, particularly biological, linguistic, and physical systems, with applications to computers, circuits, systems, control, communications, and more. This is an exciting and emerging interdisciplinary area in which a wide range of theory and methodologies are being investigated and developed to tackle complex and challenging problems. As the host, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a general introduction about our school..
Xiamen University(XMU), founded in 1921 ,is the first university in China founded by overseas Chinese. Before 1949, it was named University of Amoy. The school motto: "Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection (自强不息, 止于至善)". Now this university ranked the 13th in China, which is in the front rank in China and maintain the top 20 ranking in china. This university is one of the comprehensive universities directly affiliated with the Education Ministry, is located in the city of Xiamen in Fujian Province. In 1995 it was included in the list of the “211 Project” for the state key construction; in 2000 it became one of China’s higher-level universities designated for the state key construction of the “985 Project”.
For this conference, we are following the agenda here. The meeting is supposed to last for three days,and to be separated into two parts. To begin with , we’ll invite some representatives from our guests to give lectures about their latest researches and reports on the issue, and then we will have some symposiums. During the conference we are pleased to be your guide to this city. If anything needed, don’t hesitate to contact us. We believe by our collaboration we are sure to make this gathering a consummation.
And finally I wish you an unforgettable and prefect experience here.
Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:
At this special time of wonderful March, in this grand hall of the beautiful campus, Our respectable guests are here getting together . Jointly sponsored by China Remote Sensing Association, undertaken by Remote Sensing Institution of NUIST at Nanjing, the first International Conference on Remote Sensing technology , will be open. Now, First of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you , for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event.
It is a great honor for us to have all you here to attend this conference, of which the theme is the academic exchange about the advanced technologies on RS. Here I’d be delighted to introduce our conventioneers in brief. Apart from our faculty and students, Most of the delegates and guests are prestigious experts and scientists, who are related in these fields from all over the world. With many significant achievements, they are the most dynamic leaders in the movements of the science and technology. As the host, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a general introduction about our school. Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST), founded in 1960 and renamed from Nanjing Institute of Meteorology in 2004, was designated in 1978 as one of the key institutions of higher learning in China. The university consists of 24 departments or colleges, 12 scientific research institutions and one international training center. The university, covering an area of 140 hectares with a floor space of 420000 square meters, boasts 42 basic and special laboratories such as Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disasters and Sino-American Remote Sensing Laboratory. With a total collection of over 1,170,000 books, the library was listed as one of the most completed literature libraries in China in terms of atmospheric sciences.
For this conference, we are following the agenda here. The meeting is supposed to last for three days,and to be separated into two parts. To begin with , we’ll invite some representatives from our guests to give lectures about their latest researches and reports on the issue, and then we will have some symposiums. During the conference we are pleased to be your guide to this city. If anything needed, don’t hesitate to contact us. We believe by our collaboration we are sure to make this gathering a consummation.
And finally I wish you an unforgettable and prefect experience here.
Good morning everyone! It is my pleasure to give a presentation here. As a student whose major is safety engineering, I’d like to introduce a safety evaluation method today, the LEC evaluation.
As the PPT shows, my presentation is mainly divided into three parts. Firstly, let me introduce LEC briefly. Maybe some of you have learned about LEC in college, it is used to assess the degree of danger when people work in potentially dangerous environment. It is a half-quantitative safety evaluation method which classifies one certain system and determine if the system is safe enough.
Then, what does each letter mean?D means danger, it shows how dangerous the system is. L means likelihood, it shows the possibility of the accident. E means the extent of exposure, it shows that how often do workers work in dangerous environment. C means consequence, it shows the severity of accidents.
Here ,it is a chart, each part is divided into several levels. Take the likelihood as an example, it has seven levels, the points range from to 10 as the possibility rising. And if the score of D is over 320,itmeans this system is extremely dangerous and cannot continue operating.
Through LEC evaluation, we can make sure if we need to rectify and reform the workplace, so that we can take some measures for safety to avoid accidents. It is easy to use and it is feasible for the situation which is lack of specific evaluation models or data.
The LEC method is widely used in various fields, such as aircraft industry, railway industry, metallurgic industry, coal-mining industry and so on. The usage of LEC doesn’t have many differences. Firstly, we should select the evaluation unit, thenidentify the main danger in the unit. Next , we need to evaluate the danger by using that chart and get a conclusion .
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