曾发表过计算机安全方面的论文60余篇。出版专著《网络多媒体信息安全保密技术—方法与应用》。主编了《信息安全导论》、《信息系统的安全与保密》、《信息隐藏技术与应用》、《信息隐藏技术试验教程》等7部教材。主要发表的期刊论文:(截至2008年底)1. 李松,王丽娜,余荣威,匡波,一种密钥协商协议的自动化设计方法.武汉大学学报(理学版),(1):89-922. 张磊,王丽娜,王德军. 一种网页防篡改的系统模型. 武汉大学学报(理学版),(1):121-1243. 余荣威,王丽娜,匡波.一种面向远程证明的安全协议设计方法.通信学报,2008,29(10):19-244. 王丽娜,赵磊,郭迟,方喆君.一种基于信任理论的路由安全接入与选路模型.武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2008,33(10): 999-10025. 费如纯,王丽娜,张焕国.门限视觉密码方案的组构造方法.通信学报2008,29(10):82-876. 熊琦,王丽娜,刘陶,余荣威.面向容侵系统可生存性量化的随机博弈模型研究.小型微型计算机系统,2008,29(10):1794-17987. 郝彦军,王丽娜,张焕国.基于结构码的安全数字水印方案,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2008,33(10):1070-10728. 王丽娜,岳云涛,刘力,王德军,Oracle数据库备份软件设计与实现.武汉大学学报(理学版),2008,54(1):60-649. 王德军,王丽娜,郝永芳, 裸机备份与恢复技术研究,计算机应用研究,2008,25(12):3735-373810. Jingsong Cui ,Lina Wang ,Rong Peng. A new approach to anti-piracy. Dynamics Of Continuous Discrete And Impulsive Systems-Series B-Applications & Algorithms,2006,13:964-96611. Wang Lina , Guo chi. Building Hot Snapshot Copy based on Windows File System. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,2006,11(6):1503-150612. Wang Dejun, Wang Lina. Efficient multi-resolution compression algorithm for disk-based backup and recovery. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,2006,11(6):1609-161313. 熊琦,王丽娜,基于磁盘和SAN的网络数据备份模型,计算机工程,2006,33(4):233~23514. 彭文灵,王丽娜,基于角色访问控制的入侵容忍机制研究, 电子学报,2005,33(1):91~9515. 李莉,薛锐,张焕国,冯登国,王丽娜,基于口令认证的密钥交换协议的安全性分析. 电子学报, 2005,33(1): 166~17116. Wenling Peng,Lina Wang,Huanguo Zhang,Wei Chen. Building Intrusion Tolerant Software System. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,2005,10(1):47-5017. Min Yang,Lina Wang,Huanguo Zhang,Wei Chen. Masquerade detection using support vector machine. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,2005,10(1):103-10618. Yichun Liu,Lina Wang,Huanguo Zhang. Atomic electronic contract protocol based on convertible signature. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,2005,10(1):227-23019. Ruchun Fei,Lina Wang. Threshold decryption scheme with multiple policies. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,2005,10(1):243-24720. Jianhui Xuan,Lina Wang,Huanguo Zhang,. Wavelet-based denoising attack on image watermarking. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,2005,10(1):279-28321. Guoqing Tu,Huanguo Zhang,Lina Wang,Dandan Yu. Analysis and application for integrity model on trusted platform. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,2005,10(1):35-3822. 彭文灵,张焕国,王丽娜. 基于随机过程的容侵系统可信性量化方法的研究. 计算机工程,2005,31(21)23. 彭文灵,王丽娜,张焕国. 基于有限自动机的网络入侵容忍系统研究. 小型微型计算机系统,2005,26(8):1296~130024. 李晓丽,王丽娜. 网络中的计算机病毒传播模型. 计算机工程,2005,31(18):153-15525. 彭文灵,王丽娜,张焕国. 基于随机过程的容侵系统可信性量化方法. 计算机工程,2005,31(22):7-8,3526. 刘义春,王丽娜,张焕国. 用于P2P交易的离线电子代币系统. 计算机工程,2005,31(16):9-10,1327. 王德军,王丽娜. 容灾系统研究. 计算机工程,2005,31(6): 43~4528. Li Li, Zhang Huanguo and Wang Lina. An improved non-repudiation protocol and its security analysis. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Science,2004,9(3)29. 崔竞松,王丽娜,张焕国,傅建明,一种并行容侵系统研究模型—RC模型, 计算机学报,2004,27(4):500~50630. 王丽娜,费如纯,董晓梅,等级系统中的访问控制方案研究,电子学报,2003,31(2):146~14931. 费如纯,王丽娜, 基于RSA和单向Hash函数防欺诈的(t,n)秘密共享体制,软件学报,2003,14(1),146~15032. 罗敏,王丽娜,张焕国,基于无监督聚类的入侵检测方法,电子学报,2003,31(11),1713~171633. 费如纯,王丽娜,于戈, 基于离散对数和二次剩余的门限数字签名体制, 通信学报,2002,23(5),65~69主要发表的会议论文:(截至2008年底)1. Chi Guo , Lei Zhao , Li-na Wang , Zhe-jun Secure Network Admission and Routing Model Based on Trust of the 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists (ICYCS 2008),Zhangjiajie,. Chi Guo , Li-na Wang , Fu-rong Zhou , Lai-nv Huang, Zhen Peng. Analysis on the ‘Robust yet fragile' nature of Internet: Load, Capacity and the Cascading failure Avalanche Effect. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists (ICYCS 2008),Zhangjiajie,. Chi Guo, Lina Wang, Lai-nv Huang,Lei Zhao. Study on the Internet Behavior’s Activity Oriented to Network Survivability. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security(CIS 2008),Suzhou,. Mo Yang,Lina Wang,Yuandong Lei. Research on Evaluation of Trust Model. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security(CIS 2008),Suzhou,. Donghui Hu, Lina Wang, Xiaqiu Jiang. Detecting the MB1 with Higher-Order Statistics. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security Workshop(CISW 2008),Suzhou,. Dejun Wang, Lina Wang, Jingbo Song. SEDBRS:A Secure and Efficient Desktop Backup and Recovery System. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Data, Privacy, and E-Commerce (ISDPE 2007),, . 王丽娜,宋静波,郭迟,王德军. 一种基于算法优化的桌面数据备份系统. 第五届中国信息安全和通信安全学术会议(CCICS'07),长沙,. Yanjun Hao,Huanguo Zhang,Lina Wang. Secure spread-spectrum watermark detection based on extended TPM. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Data, Privacy, and E-Commerce (ISDPE 2007),Chengdu, . Lina Wang, Jingli Guo, Min Luo. A More Efficient Voting Scheme based on Blind Signature. Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security(CIS-2006),Guangzhou,. Guojun Peng,Huanguo Zhang,lina Wang. An Improved Worm Preventive System Based on Generic Exploit Blocking. 1st SKLOIS Conference on Information Security and Cryptology(CICS2005),Beijing,. PENG Wenling, ZHANG Huanguo, WANG Lina, CHEN Wei. Building Distributed Intrusion Tolerant Software System for High Performance Grid Computing. In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Application (HPCA2004). LNCSE 2005:409~413, Shanghai China, 200412. CUI Jing-song, PENG Rong,Wang Lina. The Optimized Key Distribution Scheme In Threshold RSA. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Secueiry/Infosecu’04,200413. Fei Yan, Huanguo Zhang, Lina Wang, Min Ya. An improved intrusion detection model based on paraconsistent logic. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical EngineeringThe International Society for Optical Engineering, 200514. Jianhui Xuan,Huanguo Zhang,Lina Wang. Rotation, scaling and translation invariant image watermarking based on Radon transform. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical EngineeringThe International Society for Optical Engineering, 200515. Li Li, Wang Lina and Zhang Huanguo. Attacks on Non-Repudiation Cryptographic Protocol and Its Improvement,Proceeding of 2003 International Workshop on Cryptology and Network Security,Miami,USA,2003主要著作:(截至2008年底)1. 王丽娜,网络多媒体信息安全保密技术方法与应用,武汉大学出版社,20032. 刘玉珍,王丽娜,傅建明译,密码学与网络安全,电子工业出版社,20033. 王丽娜,张焕国,信息隐藏技术与应用,武汉大学出版社,20034. 王丽娜,郭迟,李鹏,信息隐藏技术实验教程,武汉大学出版社,20035. 王丽娜,信息安全综合实验教程. 武汉大学出版社,20056. 王丽娜等,信息安全导论, 武汉大学出版社,2008