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下面这篇是中国科技论文网上的: 新型冷却肉保鲜方法的研究进展 张海峰1 金文刚1 白杰1,2*(1.宁夏大学 农学院,宁夏 银川 750021;2.宁夏食品检测中心,宁夏 银川 750021) 摘 要:冷却肉保鲜就是运用各种手段抑制或杀灭各种有害微生物,从而保持冷却肉的品质并使之达到一定的保藏期。本文对目前冷却肉的保鲜方法及其研究机理做了较为系统的论述,为今后冷却肉保鲜技术的研究与开发提供了理论依据。关键词:冷却肉;保鲜方法;机理 Study on New Preserving Method of Chilled meat Zhang Haifeng1,Jing Wengang1, Bai Jie1,2*(1. School of Agricultural,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China; Testing and Analytical Center of food Yinchuan 750021,China) Abstract: Protection of chilled meat is to make use of various measures to repress or kill various harmful microorganism, thus keeping the quality of chilled meat and making it can be hide for a long period. This article introduced the current freshing measures and its mechanism of chilled meat, in order to provide theories for the research and developments in : Chilled meat,Preservation,Mechanism 前言 冷却肉(chilled meat)是指严格执行兽医卫生检疫制度,屠宰后的胴体迅速进行冷却处理,使胴体温度( 以后腿肉中心为测量点)在 24h内降为0~4℃,并在后续加工、流通、包装和销售过程中始终保持0~4 ℃范围内的生鲜肉。冷却肉作为一种全新的肉类产品与传统的热鲜肉和冷冻肉相比具有:安全卫生、质地柔软、富有弹性、口感细嫩、滋味鲜美、汁液流失少、营养价值高等优点[1]。随着人民生活水平不断提高和市场肉品供应的丰富,人们对消费的肉品要求新鲜、安全、卫生,因此,近年来冷却肉逐渐成为市场的新宠。冷却肉虽然在生产、销售中要求始终处于在0-4℃条件下,此时大多数微生物的生长繁殖被抑制,肉毒梭菌和金黄色葡萄球菌等致病菌已不分泌毒素,可以确保肉的安全卫生,但并不能完全抑制微生物的生长繁殖,特别在贮存和销售过程中由于外界各种环境因素的影响常会出现表面褪色现象,严重影响其外观及可接受性。冷却肉的货架期成为限制冷却肉快速发展的主要瓶颈,降低冷却肉初始菌数和抑制残留微生物的生长繁殖是延长冷却肉保质期的关键问题[2],为此国内外的食品专家进行了大量的科学研究。目前冷却肉保鲜除了传统的气调保鲜和保鲜剂保鲜外许多新的肉类保鲜技术诸如涂膜保鲜、辐射保鲜、超声波保鲜等研究成果不断出现。 一 涂膜保鲜 涂膜保鲜是将肉浸渍于涂膜液中,或将涂膜液喷涂于肉表面,在肉表面形成一层膜,从而改变了表面气体环境,有效地防止汁液流失,并能影响细胞内物质的通透性,损伤细胞,从而抑制微生物生长,以达到防腐保鲜目的。应用较多的成膜物质有壳聚糖、海藻酸钠、梭甲基纤维素、淀粉和蜂胶等。壳聚糖是由甲壳素经脱乙酞基化反应得到的一种多糖类有机聚合物,是自然界中存在的唯一的碱性多糖。它是性能稳定、无毒,具有很好的成膜性,对冷却肉有明显抑菌作用。酸溶性壳聚糖的保鲜效果好于水溶性壳聚糖。段静芸等人在壳聚糖在冷却鲜猪肉保鲜中的应用研究中得出,壳聚糖在鲜猪肉中有明显的保鲜作用,且脱乙酰度越高,壳聚糖的保鲜效果越好;的水溶性壳聚糖能使冷却肉保质期达到5d左右,而的壳聚糖醋酸溶液(醋酸浓度)能使保质期达到6d,但酸溶性壳聚糖会使肉样产生酸味,影响感官,而水溶性壳聚糖保鲜液无此缺陷。海藻酸钠本身也是一种食物纤维,具有减肥、降低血脂、清除体内有毒物质和抗肿瘤等生理保健功能。蜂胶具有抑制和杀死细菌、真菌、病毒,原生虫,增强免疫功能的作用,对某些细菌外毒素有中和作用,蜂胶还具有抗氧化作用并能在产品表面能形成涂膜,对人体无毒无害。国外有利用此膜保鲜冷却肉的报道[3-6]。 二 超声波保鲜 超声波对微生物有破坏作用是使微生物细胞内容物受到强烈的震荡而使细胞破坏。一般认为在水溶液内,由于超声波的作用,能产生过氧化氢,具有杀菌能力。朱秋劲等在超声波和气调贮藏对冷却牛肉保鲜效果的影响的实验中证明新鲜牛肉通过超声波处理,可以很好地促进了牛肉中蛋白质分解酶的游离和分泌,使游离氨基酸量得到增加,促进组织结构变化,从而达到改善肉质的嫩度[7]。 三 辐射保鲜 用于杀菌的辐射可以分为二类,一类是非电离辐射(如紫外线、红外线和微波);另一类是电离辐射(γ射线)。微波和红外线能使物质分子产生转动或振动而发热,从而起到杀菌作用;γ射线能量很高,能引起有机物分子的激发或电离,因而具有杀菌作用。辐射杀菌的基本原理可概括起来有三点:1干扰微生物代谢;2破坏细胞内膜,引起酶系统紊乱;3水分经辐射离子化,促进微生物死亡。微生物对辐射的敏感性受以下因素影响:1射线种类;2照射剂量;3分次照射与一次照射;4温度。辐射处理可明显抑制冷却肉上的腐败菌,延长产品保质期。此技术具有应用范围广、节能、高效、可连续操作、易实现自动化和辐射后不会留下任何残留物的优点。但冷却肉经辐射后随着辐射剂量的增加有轻微辐射味产生[8,9]。 四 高压保鲜 随着人们对低温处理与不加防腐剂新鲜食品的崇尚,高压处理鲜肉,特别是在冷鲜肉保鲜上具有十分重要的意义。高压能破坏氢键之类弱的结合键,使微生物基本物质变异,产生蛋白质压力凝固及酶失活,还能造成菌体内成分泄漏和细胞膜破裂,导致细胞死亡。高压作用也可使肌球蛋白结构松弛,降低肉的剪切力值,有利于肉的嫩化和加速肉的成熟;同时,高压还可以提高脂肪的熔点,从而防止脂质氧化及由此引起的货架期的缩短。一般压强越高效果越好,贮藏越长。由于高压对食品的加工和贮藏并没有也不会产生什么不良的影响,从长远看是一项很有发展前途和实际应用价值的贮藏技术。有研究表明,高温(35℃或50℃)或低温4℃能增强压力效果。20℃下对要加工的鲜肉施200-300 Mpa的压力20 min,然后贮存于3℃( MAP或VSP包装),微生物的生长可延缓6d;经100-600 MPa高压处理5-10 min可使一般细菌、酵母、霉菌数减少,直至被杀灭;高压处理的肉3个月后,其新鲜度仍能保持完好[10-14]。 五 减压冷藏保鲜 这是目前一种先进的冷藏保鲜技术。利用减压冷藏法对冷却肉进行批量冷藏,在我国还未见到这方面的具体报道,美国和西欧的一些国家利用减压冷藏技术对冷却肉进行冷藏和运输早已获得成功。在减压系统中,冷藏环境压力从760毫米汞柱降至10毫米汞柱时,氧的含量也会随着降到以下,这时的低氧环境也可有力的抑制细菌和霉菌对肉类的侵染。当控制温度在-1℃,相对湿度在95%以上,冷却后的肉类可贮藏50天左右,质量仍然很好。同时,在减压冷藏期间,由于酶的作用可使肉进一步成熟,能大大改善冷却肉的风味和嫩度[15-17]。 六 冰温冷藏保鲜 冰温冷藏保鲜是依靠物理和生化手段,使冷却肉在低于其冰点以下的一定温度范围内,不使冷却肉冻结,汁液不生成冰结晶的低温环境中冷藏,以延长冷却肉的保鲜期。其方法是在冷却肉肉体内注入冰点下降剂或在配制的冰点下降剂溶液中进行浸渍,使肉体及汁液冰点下降至-5至-8℃而不发生冻结。在这样的低温下微生物不利于生长繁殖,但有利于冷却肉的长期贮藏和品质的保持。冰点下降剂一般是在自然条件下利用天然物质制作的,不会对冷却肉的冷藏和肉的成熟产生不良影响,而且在食用中也没有任何副作用。有些冰点下降剂配方中的物质还能进一步增加肉类的某些营养成分和改善其风味[18-20]。 七 展望 肉类的防腐保鲜自古以来都是人类研究的重要课题,随着现代人生活方式和节奏的改变,传统的肉类保鲜技术已不能满足人们的需求,深入研究肉类的防腐保鲜技术势在必行。国内外学者对肉的保鲜进行了广泛的研究后认为,任何一种保鲜措施都有缺点,必须采用综合保鲜技术,发挥各种保藏方法的优势,达到优势互补、效果相乘的目的。冷却肉在我国起步较晚,但随着人民生活水平的提高以及冷却肉保鲜方法的不断进步和提高,冷却肉将是以后生鲜肉发展的必然趋势。 参考文献[1]孙旺斌.冷却肉——我国肉类消费的新趋势[J].榆林学院学报,2005(15):5-6[2]Fereidoon Shahidi, Janak Kamil Vidana Arachchi. 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嘿嘿,首要发表的论文吧,期刊jama的 不过倒是不知道你能不能看懂了Outbreak of Salmonella Serotype TyphimuriumInfection Associated with Eating Raw GroundBeef\p=m-\Wisconsin,1994MMWR. 1995;U:905-9091 figure omittedDESPITE previously publicized out¬breaks of illness associated with and rec¬ommendations to avoid eating undercookedmeat, some persons continue toeat undercooked or raw meat. This re¬port summarizes the investigation of anoutbreak of Salmonella serotype Typhimuriumgastrointestinal illness inWisconsin associated with eating con¬taminated raw ground beef during the1994 winter holiday December 29, 1994, physicians ina group medical practice in DodgeCounty (1994 estimated population:79 360), Wisconsin, reported to the Pub¬lic Health Unit of the Dodge CountyHuman Services and Health Department(DCHSHD) that during December 27-29 they had treated 17 patients withacute gastrointestinal illness character¬ized by diarrhea and abdominal least 14 patients reported havingeaten raw ground beef that was eitherplain or seasoned with onions and anherb mix during the 72 hours beforeillness onset. Stool samples for culturewere obtained from 11 patients; Salmo¬nella serotype Typhimurium that didnot ferment tartrate was isolated fromseven specimens. Based on these reportsand findings, the DCHSHD issued a phy¬sician alert and press release that en¬couraged affected residents to reporttheir illnesses and physicians to obtainstool cultures from case-patients. In ad¬dition, DCHSHD and the Bureau of Pub¬lic Health, Wisconsin Division of Health(WDOH), initiated an investigation ofthis outbreak. A probable case of Sal¬monella infection was defined as diar¬rhea or abdominal cramps with onsetduring December 22, 1994-January 4,1995, in a resident ofor a visitor to DodgeCounty or any of the four contiguouscounties. A confirmed case was definedas a stool culture positive for tartratenegativeSalmonella and WDOH identified 107confirmed and 51 probable case-patients;ofthese, 17 (16%) were hospitalized. Pre¬dominant manifestations of illness in¬cluded diarrhea (98%), abdominal cramps(88%), chills (77%), body aches (71%),fever (65%), nausea (60%), and bloodystools (43%). The ages of ill personsranged from 2 years to 90 years; 62%were assess potential risk factors forillness, DCHSHD andWDOH conducteda case-control study including 40 casepatientswho were randomly selectedfrom the persons with a stool specimenculture positive for tartrate-negativeSalmonella Typhimurium and 40 con¬trols who were identified by random tele¬phone digit dialing. The mean ages ofcases and controls were similar (43 yearsfor cases; 47 years for controls). Of 40case-patients, 35 (88%) reported havingeaten raw ground beef during Decem¬ber 22-January 4, compared with eight(20%) of40 controls (odds ratio [OR]=28;95% confidence interval [CI]=7-117).Among the 35 who ate raw ground beef,34 (97%) had purchased the beef fromone butcher shop, compared with three(37%) of the eight controls (OR=56; 95%CI=4-1881). Knowledge of previous re¬ports of outbreaks related to eating rawor undercooked beef was less among illpersons than among controls (26 [65%]of 40 case-patients compared with 30[75%] of 40 controls [OR=; 95%CI=]). However, 22 (85%) of the26 case-patients who reported beingaware of previous outbreaks associatedwith consumption of raw ground beefcontinued this behavior compared withseven (23%) of the 30 controls with knowl¬edge of previous outbreaks (OR=;95% CI=).DCHSHD and WDOH obtained fromcase-patients six leftover samples ofrawground beef that had been purchased atthe butcher shop on five dates duringDecember 21-29 and served in differenthomes. These samples were cultured forSalmonella sp.; all grew tartrate-negativeSalmonella Typhimurium. On De¬cember 30, 1994, staffofthe Meat Safetyand Inspection Bureau (MSIB), Wiscon¬sin Department of Agriculture, Trade,and Consumer Protection (WDATCP),informed the proprietor of the butchershop of a potential problem with con¬sumption of raw ground beef from theshop and the need to properly label meatproducts. During the winter holiday sea¬son, the butcher shop sold both seasonedand unseasoned raw ground beef thathad a warning label regarding safe han¬dling of poultry. On January 2, 1995,inspectors from MSIB examined sani¬tary conditions in the butcher shop, ob¬tained invoices indicating the origin andthe quantity of the meat used to preparethe ground beef, and inspected the rawground beef production method and sell¬ing practice in the butcher from approximately 35 carcassesobtained from three different suppliershad been ground in the shop from De¬cember 21 through January 4. Leftoverproduct was reported to have been dis¬carded each day and not carried over forsale the next day. All parts of the meatgrinder except for the auger housingwere disassembled and individuallycleaned and sanitized at the end of eachday. This type of grinder allowed easydisassembly of the auger and othersmaller parts; the auger housing wasattached to the grinder with nuts andbolts and required a wrench for , the cleaning staff had not re¬ceived instructions regarding removalof the auger housing and had cleanedonly surfaces of the tunnel-like space forthe auger with a from by guest on November 23, 2009Meat remnants were present in theauger housing when the grinder wasdisassembled. Twenty environmentalswabs of the equipment and the areasrelated to the production of the groundbeefwere obtained for bacterial culture;all were negative for Salmonella specimens obtained from all fivebutchers at the shop were cultured; onewas positive for tartrate-negative Sal¬monella Typhimurium. Although thisbutcher denied illness, he had eaten rawground beef at the shop during the out¬break by: PA Frazak, MPH, Public Health Unit,Dodge County Human Svcs and Health Dept; JJKazmierczak, DVM, ME Proctor, PhD, JP Davis, MD,State Epidemiologist for Communicable Diseases, Burof Public Health, Wisconsin Div of Health; J Larson, RLoerke, Meat Safety and Inspection Bur, WisconsinDept of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, National Cen¬ter for Infectious Diseases; Div of Field Epidemiology,Epidemiology Program Office, Editorial Note: The investigationofthis outbreak implicated consumptionof contaminated raw ground beef as thesource of Salmonella infection. Inad¬equate cleaning and sanitization of themeat grinder probably resulted in on¬going contamination ofground beef overmany production days. The outbreak oc¬curred during the winter holiday sea¬son, and some patients reported thatconsumption of raw ground beef duringthese holidays was a practice broughtfrom Europe by their ancestors. Thedecline of cases after the holidays mayhave occurred because ground beeffromthe implicated butcher shop was nolonger consumed raw or because thegrinder was cleaned more thoroughlyafter WDATCP personnel spoke withthe proprietor of the butcher shop onDecember 30. The five persons who be¬came ill but did not report eating rawground beef may not have rememberedeating the raw ground beef, may haveeaten undercooked ground beef or foodthat was contaminated from the rawground beef, or may have become illthrough person-to-person ground beef previously has beenimplicated as a vehicle for transmissionoiSalmonella,12 and undercooked groundbeef is the most frequently recognizedvehicle for Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in¬ The prevalence of Salmonellain beef ranges from 1% for raw beef car¬casses4 to 5%-7% for ground beef ( of Agriculture, Food Safetyand Inspection Service, unpublished data,1994). Prevention measures include warn¬ing consumers of the health risks asso¬ciated with eating raw ground beef andencouraging them to thoroughly cookground beef and to adhere to safefoodhandling guidelines. Safe cooking andhandling labels on raw or partially cookedmeat and poultry are now required bythe . Department of Agriculture(USDA).However, the presence of safefoodhandling labels does not ensure ad¬herence to safe practices. For example,an investigation of risk factors for spo¬radic E. coli 0157:H7 infection indicatedthat of 43 food preparers who reportedreading the safe foodhandling label onmeat packages, 33 (77%) admitted topractices specifically discouraged on investigation in Dodge County un¬derscores that knowledge of health risksis not consistently associated with desir¬able changes in behavior. Despite publichealth warnings and publicity about re¬lated outbreaks, some consumers inDodge County and elsewhere have con¬tinued to eat raw or undercooked foods ofanimal origin. For example, a telephonesurvey of a national sample of adults con¬ducted by the Center for Food Safetyand Applied Nutrition, Food and DrugAdministration (FDA), during December1992-February 1993 indicated that 53%consumed raw eggs; 23%, undercookedhamburgers; 17%, raw clams or oysters;8%, raw sushi or ceviche; and 5%, steaktartare (raw hamburger meat).6Consumer advisories can be more ef¬fective if targeted to specific cultural orethnic groups with such high-risk di¬etary practices, and WDATCP is plan¬ning two press releases this winter holi¬day period to warn consumers of therisks associated with eating raw addition to consumer advisories,interventions to reduce the risks asso¬ciated with the consumption of groundbeef include the needs for (1) producersof ground beef to emphasize employeeeducation and training on the recom¬mended methods of cleaning and sani¬tizing meat-grinding equipment; (2)manufacturers to design meat-grindingequipment that is easily accessible forcleaning and sanitization; and (3) stateregulatory and inspection authorities toadopt and enforce FDA's Food Codemodel requirements, which offer spe¬cific recommendations for handling,cooking, and storing raw meat; cleaningand sanitizing equipment and utensils;designing and constructing equipment;and advising consumers about the risksassociated with consumption of raw orundercooked food of animal TheUSDA's Food Safety and Inspection Ser¬vice also has proposed changes in themeat and poultry inspection system toimprove assessment and control of microbialpathogens in raw meat and poul¬ Consumers can obtain more infor¬mation on safe meat handling from theUSDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline (tele¬phone [800] 535-4555).References1. Fontaine RE, Arnon S, Martin WT, et al. Raw hamburger:an interstate common source of human J Epidemiol 1978;107:. CDC. Salmonella Typhimurium\p=m-\Minnesota,Wisconsin,Michigan. MMWR 1972;21:411 . Griffin PM. Escherichia coli O157:H7 and other enterohemorrhagicEscherichia coli. In: Blaser MJ,Smith PD, Ravdin JI, Greenberg HG, Guerrant RL,eds. Infections of the gastrointestinal tract. New York:Raven Press, Ltd, . Food Safety and Inspection Service, US Departmentof Agriculture. Nationwide beef microbiological baseline data collection program: steers and heifers(October 1992-September 1993). Washington, DC: USDepartment of Agriculture, January . Mead PS, Finelli L, Spitalny K, et al. Risk factors forsporadic infection with Escherichia coli O157:H7 [Abstract].In: 44th Annual Epidemic Intelligence ServiceConference, March 27-31, 1995. Atlanta, Georgia: USDepartment of Health and Human Services, PublicHealth Service, CDC, . Klontz KC, Timbo B, Fein S, Levy A. Prevalence ofselected food consumption and preparation behaviorsassociated with increased risks of food-borne of Food Protection 1995;58:. Public Health Service. Food code, 1995. Washington,DC: US Department of Health and Human Services,Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration,. Food Safety and Inspection Service, US Department ofAgriculture. Pathogen reduction: hazard analysis andcritical control point (HACCP) systems; proposed Register 1995;60:: Influenza Activity\p=m-\UnitedStates,1995-96 SeasonMMWR. 1996;U:937-939INFLUENZA activity in the UnitedStates increased steadily from late Oc¬tober through mid-December 1995. Thisreport summarizes influenza surveillancedata from October 1 through December16, October 1-December 16, influ¬enza viruses were isolated in 45 statesand the District of Columbia. Of the 296influenza virus isolates reported by WorldHealth Organization (WHO) collaborat¬ing laboratories in the United States, 293() were type A and three ()were type B. Of the type A isolates, 140Downloaded from by guest on November 23, 2009
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