Differences Between Chinese Marriage Custom and Western Marriage Custom 中西方婚俗的差异AbstractThere are many procedures in Chinese marriage custom. The book propriety and ceremony, which records earliest wedding ceremony, says that marriage includes six etiquettes, namely, proposing, asking the name, asking for fortune, sending betrothal presents to the girl's family, discussing the date of marriage and meeting the bride. In western marriage, there are four procedures. They are proposal, changing surnames, choosing the day and holding the wedding. As the different religions, cultural origins, marriage concepts and geographies, there are many differences existing in the two kinds of marriage customs. In Chinese marriage custom, the matchmaker functions almost all the time and youths have no right to choose and women are not on an equal footing with men. By contrast, in western marriage custom, the priest functions and the youths have legal right to choose whom they want to marry and men and women are equal. There also exist common things in the two sides. They have been maintained for thousands of years. But in recent years (especially after the founding of modern China), people have tended to discard some of the details and advocate simplified marriage procedures and wedding WordsMarriage custom; differences; reasons摘 要中国婚俗有着许多的仪式。最早记载婚礼习俗的《仪礼》云:“婚有六礼,纳采、问名、 纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。”而在西方国家主要有4个程序,即建议,改姓,选期和举行婚礼。由于宗教、文化根源、婚姻观念以及地理环境的不同在一定程度上导致了中西方婚俗的不同。在中国婚俗中,媒人起着决定性的作用,而作为婚姻当事人的青年男女却没有选择的自由和权力,而且男女在婚姻中的不平等现象也屡有出现。 在西方,是牧师在婚姻中起作用,并且青年男女有合法的权力去选择自己的夫婿或妻子。当然中西方的婚俗也存在相同的地方。它们存在了上千年之久。近年来(特别是新中国成立之后),中西结合的婚姻屡有出现。关键词婚俗;差异;原因IntroductionMarriage is formed in a long historical evolution of the marriage custom in a nation. It is the regularity of the activities that restrains people's awareness of marriage and marriage. Marriage custom’s binding does not depend on the law, and it can not rely on science tests neither, but on the force of habit, traditional culture and national psychology. During the development of human history, the institution of marriage and family system has experienced different processes of development. Human have experienced group marriage, the dual system of marriage and individual marriage system (monogamy).As a union of a man and a woman and a family formation stage, marriage includes not only marriage, but also the preparation phase for the marriage and the performance stage after the festivities. It runs through the whole process of life. These customs, as a national symbol and cultural development, plays a very important role in ethnic studies and the history of is a country with an ancient civilization and a long history, and many customs. Among so many customs, there is a particular marriage custom. This custom goes through various and long stages of development from ancient simple wedding ceremony to later complex ceremony, from feudal marriage custom to the modern free marriage custom. During these courses, people’s ideas are progressing, though we can not say that their ideas are up to the top of mankind’s ideas in all over the world at all over the time because there are still backward ideas existing in many places, in many people’s mind and they maybe will still exist for a long time. However, they are up to the top of mankind’s ideas in a certain stage of the uninterrupted development of civilization is the base of western culture. Britain plays an important role in western history and western culture, and of course marriage with each other, they are different in many aspects such as in right aspect and in freedom aspect and there are many reasons that result in these differences such as cultural reason and geographical reason. I. Chinese Marriage CustomLike other folk, marriage custom has the same development and evolving process. In the early days of humanity, the human relationship in a very long period of time still carried the irregular relations like the animal world. There was no marriage at all, if suggest some, the only "arbitrary marriage." In China, marriage has gone through for a long time. As a most grand etiquette, it has always been a high degree of attention. To control the marriage, the family and the whole society, since the beginning of Zhou Dynasty, Chinese marriage should comply with six procedures, which is the so-called "six etiquettes." And Later in Tang and Ming Dynasty in China, marriage also complied with the "six etiquettes". As time goes by, although many wedding customs experienced various changes "Six etiquettes" as the basic pattern has not changed much. It is still essential and core in marriage has changed much today, but in many places, there still remains traditional marriage feudal society, a marriage would be decided not by the youths’ love, but by their parents' desires. Only after a matchmaker's introduction and when parents considered the two family conditions were similar and could be matched, would the marriage procedures went forward. Conditions that should be taken into consideration included wealth and social status. If a boy's family was well-off or an official family, his parents would never permit him to marry a girl from a poor family. Essential to the marriage process were the commonly recognized 'three Letters and six etiquettes'. The three letters were the betrothal letter, the gift letter with a gifts list and the wedding letter used on the day the bridegroom met his bride at her home. The book propriety and ceremony, which records earliest wedding ceremony, says that marriage, usually, involves six necessary procedures, namely, proposing, asking the name, asking for fortune, sending betrothal present to girl's family, discussing date of marriage and meeting the . Proposing:Proposing is the first etiquette in marriage and is the first meet between the members in the two families. Thus, it is very important. Using a common expression, it is making an offer of marriage to another family on behalf of the son or the parents thought that the girl could be the daughter-in-law in old times, they would ask a matchmaker for sending the gifts and bring the son and the girl together. If the girl’s parents also agreed on the marriage, they would accept the gifts. People usually used a wild goose when sending the gifts. Because the wild gooses could fly to the south or the north according to the seasons and they would never change it which implied the woman would be punctual and also because when the wild gooses flied they were in a row and when they stopped they were in a line which implied that woman should comply with the marriage rules and arrange in order that one should not breach . Asking the NameIt aims to ask for girl’s name and ancient times the girl’s name would not be known by other people until the girl was in an age of marriage. First, one must have the matchmaker and inform of the man’s family through a card. And the man’s family would lastly receipt for postal remittance. Thus it can be seen that “asking the name” not only meant that the man’s family wanted to know the girl’s name, but also wrote down the woman’s birthday and Eight-characters (in four pairs denoting the time, date, month and year of a person’s birth, each pair consisting of one Heavenly Stem and one Earthly Branch, used in fortune-telling). If the birthday and Eight-characters were not harm the man, the man’s family would lastly receipt for postal remittance. Sometimes the woman’s parents also wrote down the official position of the woman’s great-grandpa, grandpa and father and the dowry that could be supplied. What’s interesting is that during this progress it was the matchmaker that functioned, not the man’s family or the woman’s family. Matchmaker was also important in the other procedures. In traditional Chinese marriage, people believed “behest of the parents and proposal of a matchmaker”. That’s why many marriages in the past were arranged by parents and matchmakers. Matchmaker’s proposal was the marriage’s valid basis in Tang has been simplified today. Many marriage does not need this . Asking for Fortune After asking the name, the bridegroom’s side had got the woman’s birthday and Eight-Characters and they went to consult a fortune-teller then which was called “asking for fortune”. It included two aspects of contents. One was consult the female virtues. Ancient people regarded female virtues as the most important one in the gospel of three obedience that were obedience to one’s father before marriage, to one’s husband after marriage, and to one’s son after one’s husband’s death and four virtues that was morality, proper speech, modest manner, and diligent work for a woman according to Confucian lichun, Zhuge Liang’s wife (Zhuge Liang was a statesman and strategist in the period of the Three Kingdoms, now a symbol of wisdom in Chinese folklore) was famous for her ugliness, wisdom and high female virtues. A man in old times always had many wives. In order to solidifying and stead in the family, people paid much attention to female virtues. Hence there was the saw “Marry wife is marrying virtues and take a concubine is marrying appearance”.The other one was consult good or bad luck. If they were not fit for each other in Eight-Characters according to the birthday and what’s more, the woman would harm the man, the result was that this marriage would not be held and would be cancelled. If the result was fit for each other and moreover the woman would make the man prosperous, the man’s side would inform the woman’s side through the matchmaker and send the betrothal gifts and exchange cards. Thus the marriage was actually decided to be . Sending Betrothal Presents to the Girl’s FamilyThe book propriety and ceremony wrote by the scholars in Han dynasty regards it as sending money. If there is no receipt of gifts, there is no marriage. Hence whether receipt the gifts or not is the implication of the agreement of the marriage by the woman’s significance of it includes two aspects of meaning. One is the thanks for the woman’s parents because the parents feed up her. The other is help the woman’s family prepare for . Discussing the Date of MarriageIn the past, the bridegroom’s side decided the lucky day and sent the matchmaker to inform of the woman’s family. People paid much attention to the marriage time. They usually had a person looked at the almanac or asked for fortune. They liked having marriage in spring or autumn because spring was the time that everything comes back to life and time when spring was changing into summer and was favor to pregnant with new life; autumn was the season of harvest. After the labor for a year, people had enough money to hold the , it is also an important event. People pay many attentions to . Meeting the BrideThe marriage is finally held after the five procedures. In the past, the bridegroom wore wedding suit, riding on a horse, and guided the bridal sedan chair to marry the bride on the day. And the bride wore a red cheongsam waiting for the bridegroom. Now, the bridegroom wares western suit, and the bride wares wedding dress and usually in a car.待续
西方的婚礼是属于浪漫型的,整个婚礼从开始到结束到充满了浪漫气息。新娘的礼服一般为白色,新郎是黑色的礼服,使整个婚礼显的庄重严肃.到教堂去举行结婚仪式是整个婚礼最重要的环节.首先,随着婚礼进行曲的节奏,新娘挽她的父亲的手走到新郎面前,由她的父亲将她亲手交到新郎手中.牧师会要求新郎新娘对对方作出一辈子的承诺,这也是整个婚礼的高潮.然后他们会在牧师和众人的祝福下,交换结婚戒指并亲吻对方。而新娘手中的花球也不是一般的装饰用品.在婚礼结束时,新娘就会抛给到场的女宾客,如果谁接到花球,谁就是下一个结婚的人,这就使整个婚礼在欢声笑语中结束了。二.西方人结婚时的很多习俗都是大家所熟悉的,婚庆场面既欢快热闹,又美丽浪漫。由于中国的不断开放和东西方文化交流,我国的婚俗不少方面也在受其影响,例如穿婚纱、戴钻戒等等已经成为都市婚礼不可或缺的重要内容。然而究其渊源和象征意义,并不是所有人都很清楚的。下面就简要介绍一下一些西方婚礼用品和名词的来历和含义。 三.比如以浪漫著称的法国就被称为白色婚姻,白色是浪漫的法国婚礼的住色调;在菲律宾,观礼的嘉宾会轮流与新郎跳舞,并把金钱钉在他们的衣服上,有时后候双方亲戚朋友还会比赛哪方得到的金钱多。韩国的婚礼服装也挺有特色,值得一提――“两点”,新娘韩国新郎会穿上大礼服,新娘的嫁衣则是七彩的丝织服,配以长袖子和黑丝顶冠,这以阿拉伯的婚礼服装我认为是挺相似的,因为阿拉伯的新娘会穿着华丽的土耳其长袖袍子,不同的是视礼的女士会依习俗为新娘出嫁而恸哭,所以阿拉伯的婚礼又称为“恸哭”,当然这与我所谈论的服装无关。 四.而西方的婚礼风俗则是浪漫式的,婚礼重在礼而不在乎排场。婚前礼节也没那么复杂。一切都爱轻松自在的气氛下进行。而结婚在西方国家也是各国有各国的独特的方式。如:法国的白色为婚礼的主色调。无论是布置用的鲜花,还是新娘的服饰。可以看出法国人眼中的婚姻应该是纯洁无暇的,而新人用的杯子,也有特定的名称,名为“Coupdemarriage”,意思为“婚礼之杯”。而德国人的“疯狂”与德国人一直崇高的理智与冷静不同。他们的婚礼更多呈现出疯狂的一面。德国人在婚礼中会举行party(派队),派对中,新人会被戏弄。这类似于我们中国的“闹洞房”,其中重头节目就是兴高采烈地将碟子掷碎……西方给东方人带来的最亮点大概就是举行教 回答者:anonymous首先,是在传统结婚仪式上面。中国的传统婚俗有三书六礼”三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。所谓三书”,就是指聘书、礼书、迎亲书。(聘书订亲之书,男女双方正式缔结婚约。纳吉(过文定)时用。 礼书过礼之书,即礼物清单,详尽列明礼物种类及数量。纳征(过大礼)时用。 迎亲书迎娶新娘之书。结婚当日(亲迎)接新娘过门时用。)而六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。(纳采古时婚礼之首,属意女方时,延请媒人作谋,谓之纳采,今称「提亲」。 问名男方探问女方之姓名及生日时辰,以卜吉兆,谓之问名,今称「合八字」。 纳吉问名若属吉兆,遣媒人致赠薄礼,谓之纳吉,今称「过文定」或「小定」。 纳征奉送礼金、礼饼、礼物及祭品等, 回答者: 缚灵
研究中西方婚俗文化的重要性或者意义是什么?文化是人们经历一代又一代的学习、积累而形成的物质和非物质财富的总和,包括信仰、价值观、风俗、社会体系等。不同历史、不同环境中的民族都有各具特色的文化。 婚礼一直以来被看做是见证男女之间爱情的一种方式,是婚姻最充分的阐释,是每一对新人最难忘的甜蜜回忆。受不同文化和地域的影响,随着时间的推移,中西方形成了各具特色的婚俗文化。 随着社会经济的全球化以及国与国之间的文化交流日益频繁,中国逐渐被世界所了解,同时也经受着外来文化的冲击,其中就包括外来婚俗文化对中国的影响。
普通泰国人的婚庆场面也极为考究。一位在泰国工作的中国人说,她的泰国同事结婚没有一个不大宴宾客的。泰国婚庆行业协会的阿塔波介绍说,在高油价冲击下,“婚庆经济”已经成为泰国一枝独秀的增长型经济产业,预计2006年的营业收入可达300亿泰铢(合人民币65亿元)。据统计,目前泰国城市新人举行婚礼的平均花费为20万铢(约合人民币万元),平均每场婚礼到场宾客为300位。大约30%的婚礼要在四五星级酒店举行,而且会请婚庆公司来主持婚礼。婚礼的一个重要组成部分是拍婚纱照,在专门的影楼拍一套至少要万泰铢(合人民币3300元)以上,如果要拍外景,到海边、公园价钱更高。由于拍照的人多,有名气的地方要至少提前一个月预约。有很多泰国新人专门拍随意的日常生活照,比如女的帮男的刮胡子,或者一起做饭的全过程等。 国内婚礼讲究上午办,而泰国的婚礼,一般都是在下午四五点钟才开始。泰国婚礼有两种,一种是泰式的,一种是西式的,现在,越来越多的人选择泰西合璧。泰式婚礼的主要内容是新郎、新娘着民族服装,坐在那里,由长者轮流给他们施泼水礼,表示祝福,希望他们婚姻幸福,永远快乐,持续约1小时左右。一般都是先举行泰式婚礼,然后开始西式的:放录像介绍新郎新娘认识过程、证婚人主持仪式,新郎新娘互换戒指,亲朋好友致辞等,然后开始吃饭。参加结婚典礼的客人要准备送礼金、礼品。新婚夫妇也要为来参加婚礼的宾客准备小礼品。这是泰国婚礼的传统项目,回赠的礼物要体现新人的品位和内心关爱。因此每当婚礼前,新郎新娘们都绞尽脑汁想送出有品位、有特点的礼物。记者曾参加了几次泰国人的婚礼,拿回来的礼物中有一册《爱情、人生箴言》,这是新郎新娘精心筛选、而后自己编排成册,再请出版社印刷装帧的。新夫妇共用了3个多月博览“泰外群书”、经典名著、电影对白,才选出这100条箴言。 近年来,由于物价上涨,泰国新人的婚礼观念有所改变。今年的曼谷婚庆用品展就添加了不少适合普通百姓选购的婚纱及其他婚庆用品,大走“平民路线”。还有的婚庆公司以节约预算、节省时间作为卖点,为顾客推出10万铢“套餐”。“这么低的价格,以前没有听说过,”在婚庆行业工作多年的阿塔波说。
随着我国经济的发展和全球一体化的加速前进,中西方两种文化开始了更广泛的碰撞和交融,而对婚礼习俗的研究能反映出国家之间文化的异同, 有利于促进两国的文化交流。本文旨在通过对比中国与西方(以英国为例)在婚礼习俗上的不同来研究中西婚礼习俗的差异与文化融合,以此来帮助人们更好地理解中西方的婚俗文化,达到开阔视野的目的。中式 :相传中国最早的婚姻关系和婚礼仪式从伏羲氏制嫁娶、女娲立媒约开始。《通鉴外纪》载:“上古男女无别,太昊始设嫁娶,以俪皮为礼。”从此,俪皮(成双的鹿皮)就成了经典的婚礼聘礼之一。之后,除了“俪皮之礼”之外,还得“必告父母”;到了夏商,又出现了“亲迎于庭”“亲迎于堂”的仪节。周代是礼仪的集大成时代,彼时逐渐形成一套完整的婚姻礼仪,《仪礼》中有详细规制,整套仪式合为“六礼”。六礼婚制作从此为华夏传统婚礼的模板,流传至今。西式: 这个传统始于15世纪,当时奥地利大公麦西米伦以钻戒向玛丽许下海誓山盟。当时,他的亲信呈文献言:“殿下,在订婚时,您必须送一枚有钻石的戒指。”麦西米伦纳言。这个仪式从此流传至今,已有数世纪之久。
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