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医学英文词汇(内科) 一些医学术语用英语怎么说?下面我就给大家准备了一些常见的内科医学英文词汇,大家可以来参考一下。 Extraocular Muscle 眼外肌 Ophthalmologist 眼科医师 Diplopia 复视 Myopia 近视 Blepharoptosis 眼睑下垂 Corneitis 角膜炎 Pupil Size Anisocoria瞳孔大小不等 Retinopexy 视网膜固定术 Retinal Detachment 视网膜剥落 Visual field 视野 Vocal nodular 声带结节 Dermatologist 皮肤科医师 Dermatitis皮肤炎 Cataract白内障 Glaucoma青光眼 综合性字汇 Contraceptive避孕的 Contraindication 禁忌症 Biology 生物学 Hyperemesis 剧吐 Polydipsia剧渴 Homosexual 同性的 Heterosexual 异性的` Inject 注射 Lipoma 脂肪瘤 Lipoid 脂肪样的 Lipomatosis 脂肪过多症 Malformaiton 畸形 Malaise 不适 Necrosis坏死 Nocturia 夜尿症 Ployuria 多尿 Hyperplasia 增殖 Dysplasia 发育不良 Dyspepsia 消化不良 Prognosis 预後 Antipyretic 解热剂 Hydrophobia 恐水症 Photophobia 畏光 Antibiotic 抗生素 Syndrome 症候群 Hydrotherapy 水疗法 Perforation 穿孔 Percussion叩诊 Visceralgia脏器痛 Genital 生殖的 Gynecology 妇科 Menstruation 月经 Menopause 更年期 Menorrhagia经血过多 Amenorrhea 无月经 Dysmenorrhea经痛 Menarche初经 Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌 Cervical Erosion子宫颈糜烂 Cervicitis子宫颈炎 Perineum会阴 Endometriosis子宫内膜异位 Ovary 卵巢 Ovarian Cyst 卵巢囊肿 Ovulation排卵 Vaginitis阴道炎 Colposcopy 阴道镜检法 Galactocele乳腺囊肿 Mammography 乳房X光摄影术 Infertility 不孕症 InVitro Fertilization 体外受精 Amnion 羊膜 Amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术 Amniotic Fluid Embolism 羊水栓塞 Hydramnion 羊水过多 Anterpartal 产前的 Antepartum 分娩前 Chorionic Villi Sampling 绒毛膜绒毛取样 Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion 胎头骨盆不对称 Artificial Insemination 人工受精 Engagement 进入产位 Estrogen动情基素 Colostrum 初乳 Termination of Pregnancy 终止怀孕 Corpus Luteum 黄体 Vacuum Extraction Delivery 真空吸出分娩 Venereal Disease 性病 Tubal Ligation 输卵管结扎 Laparoscope 腹腔镜 Embryo 胚胎 Ectopic Gestation 子宫外孕 Primipara 初产妇 Attitude of Fetus 胎儿体位 Dead Detus in Uterus 胎死腹中 Multipara 经产妇 Parity 经产 Placenta Previa前置胎盘 Postpartum 产後 Postpartum hemorrhage产後出血 Toxemia of Pregnancy 妊娠毒血症 Adolescence青春期 Basal Body Temperature 基础体温 Cesarean Section 剖腹产 Expected Date of Confinement 预产期 Fallopian Tube 输卵管 Forceps 产钳 Hydatidiform Mole 水囊状胎块 Labor Pain阵痛 Painless Labor 无痛分娩 Molding胎头变形 Normal Spontaneous Delivery 正常自然生产 Papanicolaou Smear 子宫颈抹片检查 Premature Rupture of Membrance 早期破水 Progesterone黄体素 Stillbrith死产 Suture 缝合 Stump残物 Withdrawal Bleeding 停经出血 Apnea呼吸暂停 Aplastic Anemia再生不良性贫血 Arterio Venous Malformation 动静脉畸形 Bronchial Asthma支气管性气喘 Bronchitis支气管炎 Cephalopematoma头血肿 Erythema红斑 Hypospadia尿道下裂 Dehydration 脱水 Hydrocephalus水脑 Hydrocele 阴囊积水 Polydactylia多指畸形 Pyoderma脓皮症 Sepsis 败血症 Tonsillitis扁桃腺炎 Encephalitis脑炎 Gastroenteritis肠胃炎 Necrotizing Enterocolitis坏死性小肠结肠炎 Malignant恶性的 Congenital Malformation 先天性畸形 Neonatal Asphyxia新生儿窒息 Cleft Palate 颚裂 Diarrhea腹泻 Dental Caries 龋齿 Facial Nerve Paralysis 颜面神经麻痹 Hives Urticaria蕈麻疹 Torticollis斜颈 Vaccine疫苗 Incubator 保温箱 Cleft lip 兔唇 Chicken pox 水痘 Club foot 畸足 Diphtheria白喉 Dengue fever 登革热 Eczema湿疹 Congenital syphilis 先天性梅毒 German Measles/ Rubella德国麻疹 Giant baby巨婴 Gonorrhea 淋病 Hepatitis B B型肝炎 Hand-foot-mouth disease 手足口病 Jaundice 黄疸 Mongolian spots 蒙古斑 Mumps 腮腺炎 Respiratory arrest呼吸停止 Roseola infantum幼儿玫瑰疹 Vomiting呕吐 Mental retardation 智能不足 autism自闭症;

1. po——口服

2. pr——灌肠

3. pro vgain——阴道用

4. inhal——吸入

5. ac——饭前

6. pc——饭后

7. qd——每天一次

8. qn——每晚一次

9. qh——每小时一次

10. bid——每天两次

11. tid——每天三次

12. qid——每天四次

13. qod——隔日一次

14. q6h——每六小时一次

15. NYHA分级——纽约心力功能分级

16. LVEF——左心室射血分数

17. ACEI(普利)——血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂

18. ARB(沙胆)——血管紧张素2受体拮抗剂

19. MRA——醛固酮受体拮抗剂

20. NT-proBNP——N末端B型利钠肽前体,心脏功能生物标志物

21. proBNP——脑钠肽前体

22. CNP——C型利钠肽

23. BNP——B型利钠肽(脑钠肽)是脑啡肽酶的底物,不是心力衰竭合适的标志物

24. ANP——心钠肽

25. PCI——经皮冠状动脉介入治疗

26. ARNI——血管紧张素受体 脑啡肽酶抑制剂

27. ACE——血管紧张素转换酶

28. 心超——心脏彩超,超声心动图检查

29. ECG——心电图

30. SNS——交感神经系统

31. NPS——利钠肽系统

32. RAAS——肾素 血管紧张素 醛固酮系统

33. RASi——肾素 血管紧张素系统抑制剂

34. CA——癌症

35. TB——结核病

36. Flu——流感



常用医学英文缩写g------克, mg-----毫克, ug------微克, ml-------毫升,u-一单位, qd——1日1次, bid——1日2次, tid-----1日3次没, qid_1日4次, qod_隔日1次, qw--------每周1次,biw-----两周1次, qn-------每晚睡前1次, q2h 每2小时1次,q8h每8 小时1次,2~3次/d——每日2~3次。皮下——皮下注射,肌肉——肌肉注射,静注——静脉注射,静滴——静脉滴注(即输液、打吊针、打点滴) 。ac意思是饭前服用, pc是饭后服用, qd是每日1次, qu是每晚1次, bid是每日2次, tid是每日3次, qid是每日4次,AC:饭前(处方)

PC饭后AM:上午 PM:下午BIN:一夜两次(处方) TID:一日三次QD:每日一次 QID:每日四次BID:一日两次(处方) CeLL:细胞ICU:危重病人监护病区 CCU冠心病监护室Ⅳ:静脉滴注 IH:皮下注射IM:肌肉注射 主动脉前壁(超声心动图)医院常用英文缩写用语CRE肌酐 LDH乳酸脱氢酶APO-A载脂蛋白A APO-B载脂蛋白BCHO(TC) 总胆固醇 TG甘油三脂HDL高密度脂蛋白 LDL低密度脂蛋白LDL/HDL比值 Fe铁K;钾 NA钠CL氯 CA钙MG镁 P无机磷IG-A免疫球蛋白AIG-G免疫球蛋白GIG-M免疫球蛋白MC3补体3C4补体4 AMY淀粉酶Fbg纤维蛋白原GLTT CRP血清G反应蛋白


acromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节air bronchogram 支气管影像ankle joint 踝关节ankylosis of joint 关节强直arches of foot 足弓biligrafin 胆影葡胺bone age 骨龄bone canaliculi 骨小管bone cortex 骨皮质bone deformity 骨骼变形bone destruction 骨质破坏bone lacuna 骨陷窝bone lamella 骨板bony articular surface 骨关节面bursa 滑膜囊calcification 钙化carpal bones 腕骨cavity 空洞chondral calcification 软骨钙化compact bone and spongy bone 密质骨和松质骨degeneration of joint 关节退行性变destruction of joint 关节破坏diaphysis 骨干digital subtraction angiography, DSA 数字减影血管造影dislocation of joint 关节脱位dual photon absorptiometry, DPA 双光子吸收法dual X-ray energy absorptiometry, DXA 双能X线吸收法elbow joint 肘关节encapsulated effusion 包裹性积液end plate 终板epiphyseal line 骨骺线epiphyseal plate 骨骺板epiphysis 骨骺exudation 渗出fibrotic lesion 纤维性病变filling defect 充盈缺损free pleural effusion 游离性胸腔积液haemosiderosis 含钱血黄素沉着Hafersian system 哈弗系统haversian lamella 哈氏骨板hilar dance 肺门舞蹈hip joint 髋关节hydropneumothorax 液气胸hydroxyapatite crystal 羟基磷灰石结晶hyperostosis/osteosclerosis 骨质增生硬化intercondyloid eminence 髁间隆起interlobar effusion 叶间积液intermediate lamella 骨间板internal and external circumfereutial lamella 内、外环骨板interstitial pulmonary oedema 间质性肺水肿intervertebral disc 椎间盘intervertebral foramen 椎间孔intervertenral space 椎间隙intra-alveolar pulmonary oedema 肺泡性肺水肿joint 关节joint capsule 关节囊joint cartilage 关节软骨joint cavity 关节腔joint space 关节间隙knee joint 膝关节lamellar bone 层板骨left atrial enlargement 左心房增大left ventricular enlargement 左心室增大ligament 韧带localized pleural effusion 局限性胸腔积液looser zone 假骨折线mass 肿块medullary space 骨髓腔metacarpal bones 掌骨metaphysis 干骺端metatarsal bones 跖骨niche 龛影obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张obstructive emphysema 阻塞性肺气肿oral cholecystography 口服胆囊造影ossifcation 骨化ossification centre 骨化中心osteoblast 成骨细胞osteoclast 破骨细胞osteocyte 骨细胞osteomalacia 骨质软化osteonecrosis 骨质坏死osteoporosis 骨质疏松periosteal proliferation 骨膜增生periosteal reaction 骨膜反应periosteum and intermal periosteum 骨膜和骨内膜phalanges of fingers 指骨phalanges of toes 趾骨pleural thickening,adhesion and calaification 胸膜增厚、粘连及钙化pleural tumor 胸膜肿瘤pneumothorax 气胸proliferative lesion 增殖性病变pulmonary hilar enlargement 肺门增大pulmonary arterial hypertension 肺动脉高压pulmonary arterial pleonaemia 肺充血pulmonary hypertension 肺高压pulmonary oligaemia 肺少血pulmonary venous hypertension 肺静脉高压pulmonary venous pleonaemia 肺淤血quantitative computed tomography, QCT 定量CT法right atrial enlargement 右心房增大right ventricular enlargement 右心室增大sequestrum 死骨shoulder joint 肩关节soft tissue mass 软组织肿胀soft tissue swelling 软组织肿胀subpulmonary effusion 肺下积液swelling of joint 关节肿胀tarsal bones 跗骨tibia tuberosity 胫骨粗隆trabecula 骨小梁Volkmann canal 福尔克曼管woven bone 非层板骨wrist 腕关节abestosis 石棉肺acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS 艾滋病actinomycosis 放线菌病acute military tuberculosis 急性粟粒型肺结核agenesis and hypoplasia of the lung 肺不发育和肺发育不全allergic pneumonia 过敏性肺炎aluminum pneumoconiosis 铝尘肺amyloidosis of lung 肺淀粉样变性angiogram sign 血管造影征anthracosis 炭黑尘肺aspergillosis 曲菌病bronchiectasis 支气管扩张bronchogenic cyst 支气管囊肿bronchopneumonia 支气管肺炎broncho-pulmonary sequestration 支气管肺隔离症butterfly sign 蝶翼征cement pneumoconiosis 水泥尘肺chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎chronic pneumonia 慢性肺炎coalworker pneumoconiosis 煤工尘肺congenital bronchial cysts 先天性支气管囊肿contusion of lung 肺挫伤cryptococcosis 隐球菌病cylindrical bronchiectasis 柱状支扩dermoid cyst 皮样囊肿diaphragmatic eventeration 膈膨升diaphragmatic hermia 膈疝electric welder pneumoconiosis 电焊工尘肺esophageal cyst 食管囊肿foreign body of chest 胸部异物foundry worker pneumoconiosis 铸工尘肺Goodpasture syndrome 肺-肾综合征graphite pneumoconiosis 石墨尘肺halo sign 晕轮征hamartoma 错构瘤hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis 血行播散型肺结核(Ⅱ型)Hodgkin lymphoma 霍奇金淋巴瘤Hodgkin disease, HD 霍奇金病honeycomb lung 蜂窝状肺hydropneumothorax 液气胸inflammatory pseudotumor 炎性假瘤interstitial pneumonia 间质性肺炎intrathoracic goiter 胸内甲状腺kaolin pneumoconiosis 陶工尘肺Kaposi sarcoma 卡波济肉瘤laceration and hematoma of lung 肺撕裂伤与肺血肿laceration of trachea and bronchus 气管及支气管裂伤lipoma 脂肪瘤lobar pneumonia 大叶性肺炎Loffler syndroma 吕弗留综合征lung abscess 肺脓肿lymphangioma 淋巴管瘤lymphoma 淋巴瘤mediastinal emphysema 纵隔气肿mediastinal hematorma 纵隔血肿mediastinal tumor 纵隔肿瘤mediastinitis 纵隔炎mesothelial cyst 间皮囊肿mesothelioma of pleura 胸膜间皮瘤metastatic tumor of pleura 胸膜转移瘤mica pneumoconiosis 云母尘肺neurogenic neoplasms 神经源性肿瘤non Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL 非霍奇金淋巴瘤pleural thickening, adhesion and calcification胸膜肥厚粘连和钙化pleuro-peritoneal hiatus hernia 胸腹裂孔疝pneumocomosis 尘肺pneumomediastinum 纵隔气肿pneumothorax 气胸primary complex 原发综合征primary tuberculosis 原发性肺结核(Ⅰ型)pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis 肺泡微石症pulmonary alveolar proteinosis 肺泡蛋白沉积症pulmonary arterio-venous fistula 肺动静脉瘘pulmonary arterio-venous malformation,PAVM肺动静脉畸形pulmonary connective tissue diseases 肺结缔组织疾病pulmonary edema 肺水肿pulmonary emboli 肺梗塞pulmonary infarcts 肺梗死pulmonary sequestration 肺隔离症pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核pyothorax 化脓性胸膜炎radiation pneumonitis 放射性肺炎rheumatoid disease of the lung 肺类风湿性病saccular bronchiectasis 囊状支扩sarcoidosis 结节病secondary pulmonary tuberculosis 继发性肺结核(Ⅲ型)seminoma 精原细胞瘤silicosis 矽肺staphylococal pneumonia 葡萄球菌肺炎subacute or chronic hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis亚急性或慢性血行播散型肺结核systemic lupus erythomatosis, SLE 系统性红斑狼疮talc pneumoconiosis 滑石尘肺teratoma 畸胎瘤thymoma 胸腺瘤tramline sign 轨道征traumatic diaphragmatic hernia 外伤性隔疝tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes胸内淋巴结结核tuberculosis pleuritis 结核性胸膜炎varicose bronchiectasis 静脉曲张型支扩Wegner granuloma 韦格氏肉芽肿下肢静脉造影:Lower Vein Angiography上肢静脉造影:Upper Vein Angiography下肢动脉造影:Lower Artery Angiography上肢动脉造影:Upper Artery Angiography脑血管造影:Cerebrovascular Angiograhy主动脉弓胸腹主动脉造影:Aorta Angiography肾静脉取血:Kidney Vein Blood Sampling右心、左心造影:Right and Left Ventricular Angiography心肌活检:Myocardiam Centesis and Sampling冠状动脉造影:Coronary Arteriography腔静脉取血:Vena cava sampling心导管检查(微导管同)(进口仪器):Cardiac catheterization经皮球囊扩张:Percutaneous balloon dilatating予激综合症心内膜检测:Endocardial investigation of preexcitation syndrome希氏束电图:Electrocardiogram of bundle of His心脏临时起搏:Cardiac temporary pacing埋置永久心脏起搏器:Cardioc permanent pacemaker implanting体肢动脉系统介入治疗:Transartery interventional therapy支气管动脉介入治疗:Bronchus artery interventional therapy肺动脉介入治疗:Pulmonary artery interventional therapy头臂动脉介入治疗:Brachiocephalic artery interventional therapy静脉介入治疗:Veinous interventional therapy冠状动脉介入治疗(球囊成形):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (balloon angioplasty)冠状动脉介入治疗(腔内旋磨):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (rotablating)冠状动脉介入治疗(腔内支架):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (stent implantaion)主动脉介入治疗:Aorta interventional therapy肾动脉介入治疗:Renal artery interventional therapy心脏瓣膜成形术:Heart valvuloplasty房间隔缺损封堵术:Atrial septal defect closer室间隔缺损封堵术:Ventricular septal defect closer动脉导管封堵术:Patent doctus arteriosus closer冠状动脉瘘封堵术:Coronary artery fistula closer冠状动脉腔内超声:Intracoronary ultrasound非冠状动脉血管内支架置入治疗:Stenting therapy of non-coronary artery经皮清除血管内异物:Transluminal eyewinker clearing经皮放置静脉滤器:Transluminal filter implantaion


acromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节air bronchogram 支气管影像ankle joint 踝关节ankylosis of joint 关节强直arches of foot 足弓biligrafin 胆影葡胺bone age 骨龄bone canaliculi 骨小管bone cortex 骨皮质bone deformity 骨骼变形bone destruction 骨质破坏bone lacuna 骨陷窝bone lamella 骨板bony articular surface 骨关节面bursa 滑膜囊calcification 钙化carpal bones 腕骨cavity 空洞chondral calcification 软骨钙化compact bone and spongy bone 密质骨和松质骨degeneration of joint 关节退行性变destruction of joint 关节破坏diaphysis 骨干digital subtraction angiography, DSA 数字减影血管造影dislocation of joint 关节脱位dual photon absorptiometry, DPA 双光子吸收法dual X-ray energy absorptiometry, DXA 双能X线吸收法elbow joint 肘关节encapsulated effusion 包裹性积液end plate 终板epiphyseal line 骨骺线epiphyseal plate 骨骺板epiphysis 骨骺exudation 渗出fibrotic lesion 纤维性病变filling defect 充盈缺损free pleural effusion 游离性胸腔积液haemosiderosis 含钱血黄素沉着Hafersian system 哈弗系统haversian lamella 哈氏骨板hilar dance 肺门舞蹈hip joint 髋关节hydropneumothorax 液气胸hydroxyapatite crystal 羟基磷灰石结晶hyperostosis/osteosclerosis 骨质增生硬化intercondyloid eminence 髁间隆起interlobar effusion 叶间积液intermediate lamella 骨间板internal and external circumfereutial lamella 内、外环骨板interstitial pulmonary oedema 间质性肺水肿intervertebral disc 椎间盘intervertebral foramen 椎间孔intervertenral space 椎间隙intra-alveolar pulmonary oedema 肺泡性肺水肿joint 关节joint capsule 关节囊joint cartilage 关节软骨joint cavity 关节腔joint space 关节间隙knee joint 膝关节lamellar bone 层板骨left atrial enlargement 左心房增大left ventricular enlargement 左心室增大ligament 韧带localized pleural effusion 局限性胸腔积液looser zone 假骨折线mass 肿块medullary space 骨髓腔metacarpal bones 掌骨metaphysis 干骺端metatarsal bones 跖骨niche 龛影obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张obstructive emphysema 阻塞性肺气肿oral cholecystography 口服胆囊造影ossifcation 骨化ossification centre 骨化中心osteoblast 成骨细胞osteoclast 破骨细胞osteocyte 骨细胞osteomalacia 骨质软化osteonecrosis 骨质坏死osteoporosis 骨质疏松periosteal proliferation 骨膜增生periosteal reaction 骨膜反应periosteum and intermal periosteum 骨膜和骨内膜phalanges of fingers 指骨phalanges of toes 趾骨pleural thickening,adhesion and calaification 胸膜增厚、粘连及钙化pleural tumor 胸膜肿瘤pneumothorax 气胸proliferative lesion 增殖性病变pulmonary hilar enlargement 肺门增大pulmonary arterial hypertension 肺动脉高压pulmonary arterial pleonaemia 肺充血pulmonary hypertension 肺高压pulmonary oligaemia 肺少血pulmonary venous hypertension 肺静脉高压pulmonary venous pleonaemia 肺淤血quantitative computed tomography, QCT 定量CT法right atrial enlargement 右心房增大right ventricular enlargement 右心室增大sequestrum 死骨shoulder joint 肩关节soft tissue mass 软组织肿胀soft tissue swelling 软组织肿胀subpulmonary effusion 肺下积液swelling of joint 关节肿胀tarsal bones 跗骨tibia tuberosity 胫骨粗隆trabecula 骨小梁Volkmann canal 福尔克曼管woven bone 非层板骨wrist 腕关节abestosis 石棉肺acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS 艾滋病actinomycosis 放线菌病acute military tuberculosis 急性粟粒型肺结核agenesis and hypoplasia of the lung 肺不发育和肺发育不全allergic pneumonia 过敏性肺炎aluminum pneumoconiosis 铝尘肺amyloidosis of lung 肺淀粉样变性angiogram sign 血管造影征anthracosis 炭黑尘肺aspergillosis 曲菌病bronchiectasis 支气管扩张bronchogenic cyst 支气管囊肿bronchopneumonia 支气管肺炎broncho-pulmonary sequestration 支气管肺隔离症butterfly sign 蝶翼征cement pneumoconiosis 水泥尘肺chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎chronic pneumonia 慢性肺炎coalworker pneumoconiosis 煤工尘肺congenital bronchial cysts 先天性支气管囊肿contusion of lung 肺挫伤cryptococcosis 隐球菌病cylindrical bronchiectasis 柱状支扩dermoid cyst 皮样囊肿diaphragmatic eventeration 膈膨升diaphragmatic hermia 膈疝electric welder pneumoconiosis 电焊工尘肺esophageal cyst 食管囊肿foreign body of chest 胸部异物foundry worker pneumoconiosis 铸工尘肺Goodpasture syndrome 肺-肾综合征graphite pneumoconiosis 石墨尘肺halo sign 晕轮征hamartoma 错构瘤hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis 血行播散型肺结核(Ⅱ型)Hodgkin lymphoma 霍奇金淋巴瘤Hodgkin disease, HD 霍奇金病honeycomb lung 蜂窝状肺hydropneumothorax 液气胸inflammatory pseudotumor 炎性假瘤interstitial pneumonia 间质性肺炎intrathoracic goiter 胸内甲状腺kaolin pneumoconiosis 陶工尘肺Kaposi sarcoma 卡波济肉瘤laceration and hematoma of lung 肺撕裂伤与肺血肿laceration of trachea and bronchus 气管及支气管裂伤lipoma 脂肪瘤lobar pneumonia 大叶性肺炎Loffler syndroma 吕弗留综合征lung abscess 肺脓肿lymphangioma 淋巴管瘤lymphoma 淋巴瘤mediastinal emphysema 纵隔气肿mediastinal hematorma 纵隔血肿mediastinal tumor 纵隔肿瘤mediastinitis 纵隔炎mesothelial cyst 间皮囊肿mesothelioma of pleura 胸膜间皮瘤metastatic tumor of pleura 胸膜转移瘤mica pneumoconiosis 云母尘肺neurogenic neoplasms 神经源性肿瘤non Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL 非霍奇金淋巴瘤pleural thickening, adhesion and calcification胸膜肥厚粘连和钙化pleuro-peritoneal hiatus hernia 胸腹裂孔疝pneumocomosis 尘肺pneumomediastinum 纵隔气肿pneumothorax 气胸primary complex 原发综合征primary tuberculosis 原发性肺结核(Ⅰ型)pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis 肺泡微石症pulmonary alveolar proteinosis 肺泡蛋白沉积症pulmonary arterio-venous fistula 肺动静脉瘘pulmonary arterio-venous malformation,PAVM肺动静脉畸形pulmonary connective tissue diseases 肺结缔组织疾病pulmonary edema 肺水肿pulmonary emboli 肺梗塞pulmonary infarcts 肺梗死pulmonary sequestration 肺隔离症pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核pyothorax 化脓性胸膜炎radiation pneumonitis 放射性肺炎rheumatoid disease of the lung 肺类风湿性病saccular bronchiectasis 囊状支扩sarcoidosis 结节病secondary pulmonary tuberculosis 继发性肺结核(Ⅲ型)seminoma 精原细胞瘤silicosis 矽肺staphylococal pneumonia 葡萄球菌肺炎subacute or chronic hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis亚急性或慢性血行播散型肺结核systemic lupus erythomatosis, SLE 系统性红斑狼疮talc pneumoconiosis 滑石尘肺teratoma 畸胎瘤thymoma 胸腺瘤tramline sign 轨道征traumatic diaphragmatic hernia 外伤性隔疝tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes胸内淋巴结结核tuberculosis pleuritis 结核性胸膜炎varicose bronchiectasis 静脉曲张型支扩Wegner granuloma 韦格氏肉芽肿下肢静脉造影:Lower Vein Angiography上肢静脉造影:Upper Vein Angiography下肢动脉造影:Lower Artery Angiography上肢动脉造影:Upper Artery Angiography脑血管造影:Cerebrovascular Angiograhy主动脉弓胸腹主动脉造影:Aorta Angiography肾静脉取血:Kidney Vein Blood Sampling右心、左心造影:Right and Left Ventricular Angiography心肌活检:Myocardiam Centesis and Sampling冠状动脉造影:Coronary Arteriography腔静脉取血:Vena cava sampling心导管检查(微导管同)(进口仪器):Cardiac catheterization经皮球囊扩张:Percutaneous balloon dilatating予激综合症心内膜检测:Endocardial investigation of preexcitation syndrome希氏束电图:Electrocardiogram of bundle of His心脏临时起搏:Cardiac temporary pacing埋置永久心脏起搏器:Cardioc permanent pacemaker implanting体肢动脉系统介入治疗:Transartery interventional therapy支气管动脉介入治疗:Bronchus artery interventional therapy肺动脉介入治疗:Pulmonary artery interventional therapy头臂动脉介入治疗:Brachiocephalic artery interventional therapy静脉介入治疗:Veinous interventional therapy冠状动脉介入治疗(球囊成形):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (balloon angioplasty)冠状动脉介入治疗(腔内旋磨):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (rotablating)冠状动脉介入治疗(腔内支架):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (stent implantaion)主动脉介入治疗:Aorta interventional therapy肾动脉介入治疗:Renal artery interventional therapy心脏瓣膜成形术:Heart valvuloplasty房间隔缺损封堵术:Atrial septal defect closer室间隔缺损封堵术:Ventricular septal defect closer动脉导管封堵术:Patent doctus arteriosus closer冠状动脉瘘封堵术:Coronary artery fistula closer冠状动脉腔内超声:Intracoronary ultrasound非冠状动脉血管内支架置入治疗:Stenting therapy of non-coronary artery经皮清除血管内异物:Transluminal eyewinker clearing经皮放置静脉滤器:Transluminal filter implantaion

1. po——口服

2. pr——灌肠

3. pro vgain——阴道用

4. inhal——吸入

5. ac——饭前

6. pc——饭后

7. qd——每天一次

8. qn——每晚一次

9. qh——每小时一次

10. bid——每天两次

11. tid——每天三次

12. qid——每天四次

13. qod——隔日一次

14. q6h——每六小时一次

15. NYHA分级——纽约心力功能分级

16. LVEF——左心室射血分数

17. ACEI(普利)——血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂

18. ARB(沙胆)——血管紧张素2受体拮抗剂

19. MRA——醛固酮受体拮抗剂

20. NT-proBNP——N末端B型利钠肽前体,心脏功能生物标志物

21. proBNP——脑钠肽前体

22. CNP——C型利钠肽

23. BNP——B型利钠肽(脑钠肽)是脑啡肽酶的底物,不是心力衰竭合适的标志物

24. ANP——心钠肽

25. PCI——经皮冠状动脉介入治疗

26. ARNI——血管紧张素受体 脑啡肽酶抑制剂

27. ACE——血管紧张素转换酶

28. 心超——心脏彩超,超声心动图检查

29. ECG——心电图

30. SNS——交感神经系统

31. NPS——利钠肽系统

32. RAAS——肾素 血管紧张素 醛固酮系统

33. RASi——肾素 血管紧张素系统抑制剂

34. CA——癌症

35. TB——结核病

36. Flu——流感

医学英文词汇(内科) 一些医学术语用英语怎么说?下面我就给大家准备了一些常见的内科医学英文词汇,大家可以来参考一下。 Extraocular Muscle 眼外肌 Ophthalmologist 眼科医师 Diplopia 复视 Myopia 近视 Blepharoptosis 眼睑下垂 Corneitis 角膜炎 Pupil Size Anisocoria瞳孔大小不等 Retinopexy 视网膜固定术 Retinal Detachment 视网膜剥落 Visual field 视野 Vocal nodular 声带结节 Dermatologist 皮肤科医师 Dermatitis皮肤炎 Cataract白内障 Glaucoma青光眼 综合性字汇 Contraceptive避孕的 Contraindication 禁忌症 Biology 生物学 Hyperemesis 剧吐 Polydipsia剧渴 Homosexual 同性的 Heterosexual 异性的` Inject 注射 Lipoma 脂肪瘤 Lipoid 脂肪样的 Lipomatosis 脂肪过多症 Malformaiton 畸形 Malaise 不适 Necrosis坏死 Nocturia 夜尿症 Ployuria 多尿 Hyperplasia 增殖 Dysplasia 发育不良 Dyspepsia 消化不良 Prognosis 预後 Antipyretic 解热剂 Hydrophobia 恐水症 Photophobia 畏光 Antibiotic 抗生素 Syndrome 症候群 Hydrotherapy 水疗法 Perforation 穿孔 Percussion叩诊 Visceralgia脏器痛 Genital 生殖的 Gynecology 妇科 Menstruation 月经 Menopause 更年期 Menorrhagia经血过多 Amenorrhea 无月经 Dysmenorrhea经痛 Menarche初经 Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌 Cervical Erosion子宫颈糜烂 Cervicitis子宫颈炎 Perineum会阴 Endometriosis子宫内膜异位 Ovary 卵巢 Ovarian Cyst 卵巢囊肿 Ovulation排卵 Vaginitis阴道炎 Colposcopy 阴道镜检法 Galactocele乳腺囊肿 Mammography 乳房X光摄影术 Infertility 不孕症 InVitro Fertilization 体外受精 Amnion 羊膜 Amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术 Amniotic Fluid Embolism 羊水栓塞 Hydramnion 羊水过多 Anterpartal 产前的 Antepartum 分娩前 Chorionic Villi Sampling 绒毛膜绒毛取样 Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion 胎头骨盆不对称 Artificial Insemination 人工受精 Engagement 进入产位 Estrogen动情基素 Colostrum 初乳 Termination of Pregnancy 终止怀孕 Corpus Luteum 黄体 Vacuum Extraction Delivery 真空吸出分娩 Venereal Disease 性病 Tubal Ligation 输卵管结扎 Laparoscope 腹腔镜 Embryo 胚胎 Ectopic Gestation 子宫外孕 Primipara 初产妇 Attitude of Fetus 胎儿体位 Dead Detus in Uterus 胎死腹中 Multipara 经产妇 Parity 经产 Placenta Previa前置胎盘 Postpartum 产後 Postpartum hemorrhage产後出血 Toxemia of Pregnancy 妊娠毒血症 Adolescence青春期 Basal Body Temperature 基础体温 Cesarean Section 剖腹产 Expected Date of Confinement 预产期 Fallopian Tube 输卵管 Forceps 产钳 Hydatidiform Mole 水囊状胎块 Labor Pain阵痛 Painless Labor 无痛分娩 Molding胎头变形 Normal Spontaneous Delivery 正常自然生产 Papanicolaou Smear 子宫颈抹片检查 Premature Rupture of Membrance 早期破水 Progesterone黄体素 Stillbrith死产 Suture 缝合 Stump残物 Withdrawal Bleeding 停经出血 Apnea呼吸暂停 Aplastic Anemia再生不良性贫血 Arterio Venous Malformation 动静脉畸形 Bronchial Asthma支气管性气喘 Bronchitis支气管炎 Cephalopematoma头血肿 Erythema红斑 Hypospadia尿道下裂 Dehydration 脱水 Hydrocephalus水脑 Hydrocele 阴囊积水 Polydactylia多指畸形 Pyoderma脓皮症 Sepsis 败血症 Tonsillitis扁桃腺炎 Encephalitis脑炎 Gastroenteritis肠胃炎 Necrotizing Enterocolitis坏死性小肠结肠炎 Malignant恶性的 Congenital Malformation 先天性畸形 Neonatal Asphyxia新生儿窒息 Cleft Palate 颚裂 Diarrhea腹泻 Dental Caries 龋齿 Facial Nerve Paralysis 颜面神经麻痹 Hives Urticaria蕈麻疹 Torticollis斜颈 Vaccine疫苗 Incubator 保温箱 Cleft lip 兔唇 Chicken pox 水痘 Club foot 畸足 Diphtheria白喉 Dengue fever 登革热 Eczema湿疹 Congenital syphilis 先天性梅毒 German Measles/ Rubella德国麻疹 Giant baby巨婴 Gonorrhea 淋病 Hepatitis B B型肝炎 Hand-foot-mouth disease 手足口病 Jaundice 黄疸 Mongolian spots 蒙古斑 Mumps 腮腺炎 Respiratory arrest呼吸停止 Roseola infantum幼儿玫瑰疹 Vomiting呕吐 Mental retardation 智能不足 autism自闭症;

常用临床医学英文缩写中英文对照 AB 实际碳酸氢盐 ACEI 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 ACT 激活凝血时间 AG 离子间隙 AMI 急性心梗 ANA 抗核抗体 ARDS 急性呼吸窘迫综合征 ASO 抗链球菌溶血素“0” ATP 三磷酸腺苷 AVNRT 房室结折返性心动过速 AVRT 房室折返性心动过速 BB 缓冲碱 BEE 基础能量消耗 BT 出血时间 BuN 尿素氮 C3 补体C3 CBC 血常规 CCU 心血管监护室 CHE 胆碱酯酶 CK 肌酸磷酸激酶 CPAP 持续正压通气 CPR 心肺复苏 CT 凝血时间 CVP 中心静脉压 DBP 舒张压 DCT 双氢克尿噻 DIC 弥散性血管内凝血 DM 舒张期杂音 EF 射血分数 ENT 耳鼻喉科(五官科) FDP 纤维蛋白原降解产物 FUO 不明原因发热 GNS 葡萄糖生理氯化钠溶液 Hb 血红蛋白 HCO3- 碳酸氢根 HCT 红细胞比容 HIV 人类免疫缺陷病毒 Holter 24h动态心电图 IABP 主动脉内气囊反搏术 IHSS 特发性肥厚型主动脉瓣下狭窄 INR 国际标准比率 IU 国际单位 KPTT 部分凝血活酶时间 KUB 腹部平片 LDH 乳酸脱氢酶 NS 生理氯化钠溶液 NTG 硝酸甘油 OB 隐油 P(A-a)O2 肺泡气-动脉血氧分压差 P2 肺动脉第二心音 PaCO2 动脉二氧化碳分压 PAMPA 氨甲苯酸 PaO2 动脉氧分压 PCAP 肺小动脉压 PCWP 肺毛细血管压 PEEP 呼气末正压 pH 酸碱度 PPD 结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物 Prn 必要时 PT 凝血酶原时间 qh 每小时1次 qid 每天4次 qn 每晚1次 qod 隔日1次 RF 类风湿因子 RI 胰岛素 RR 呼吸频率 S3 第3心音 S4 第4心音 SaO2 血氧饱和度 SB 标准碳酸氢盐 SBE 亚急性细菌性心内膜炎 SBP 收缩压 SGOT 血清谷草转氨酶 SGPT 血清谷丙转氨酶 SK 链激酶 SM 收缩期杂音 T3 三碘甲状原氨酸 T4 甲状腺素 TAT 抗蛇毒血清 TIL 短暂脑缺血发作 tid 每天3次 t-PA 组织型纤溶酶原激活物 TPN 全肠道外营养 TSH 促甲状腺激素 UK 尿激酶 V/Q 通气/灌注比 VMA 香草基杏仁酸


acromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节air bronchogram 支气管影像ankle joint 踝关节ankylosis of joint 关节强直arches of foot 足弓biligrafin 胆影葡胺bone age 骨龄bone canaliculi 骨小管bone cortex 骨皮质bone deformity 骨骼变形bone destruction 骨质破坏bone lacuna 骨陷窝bone lamella 骨板bony articular surface 骨关节面bursa 滑膜囊calcification 钙化carpal bones 腕骨cavity 空洞chondral calcification 软骨钙化compact bone and spongy bone 密质骨和松质骨degeneration of joint 关节退行性变destruction of joint 关节破坏diaphysis 骨干digital subtraction angiography, DSA 数字减影血管造影dislocation of joint 关节脱位dual photon absorptiometry, DPA 双光子吸收法dual X-ray energy absorptiometry, DXA 双能X线吸收法elbow joint 肘关节encapsulated effusion 包裹性积液end plate 终板epiphyseal line 骨骺线epiphyseal plate 骨骺板epiphysis 骨骺exudation 渗出fibrotic lesion 纤维性病变filling defect 充盈缺损free pleural effusion 游离性胸腔积液haemosiderosis 含钱血黄素沉着Hafersian system 哈弗系统haversian lamella 哈氏骨板hilar dance 肺门舞蹈hip joint 髋关节hydropneumothorax 液气胸hydroxyapatite crystal 羟基磷灰石结晶hyperostosis/osteosclerosis 骨质增生硬化intercondyloid eminence 髁间隆起interlobar effusion 叶间积液intermediate lamella 骨间板internal and external circumfereutial lamella 内、外环骨板interstitial pulmonary oedema 间质性肺水肿intervertebral disc 椎间盘intervertebral foramen 椎间孔intervertenral space 椎间隙intra-alveolar pulmonary oedema 肺泡性肺水肿joint 关节joint capsule 关节囊joint cartilage 关节软骨joint cavity 关节腔joint space 关节间隙knee joint 膝关节lamellar bone 层板骨left atrial enlargement 左心房增大left ventricular enlargement 左心室增大ligament 韧带localized pleural effusion 局限性胸腔积液looser zone 假骨折线mass 肿块medullary space 骨髓腔metacarpal bones 掌骨metaphysis 干骺端metatarsal bones 跖骨niche 龛影obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张obstructive emphysema 阻塞性肺气肿oral cholecystography 口服胆囊造影ossifcation 骨化ossification centre 骨化中心osteoblast 成骨细胞osteoclast 破骨细胞osteocyte 骨细胞osteomalacia 骨质软化osteonecrosis 骨质坏死osteoporosis 骨质疏松periosteal proliferation 骨膜增生periosteal reaction 骨膜反应periosteum and intermal periosteum 骨膜和骨内膜phalanges of fingers 指骨phalanges of toes 趾骨pleural thickening,adhesion and calaification 胸膜增厚、粘连及钙化pleural tumor 胸膜肿瘤pneumothorax 气胸proliferative lesion 增殖性病变pulmonary hilar enlargement 肺门增大pulmonary arterial hypertension 肺动脉高压pulmonary arterial pleonaemia 肺充血pulmonary hypertension 肺高压pulmonary oligaemia 肺少血pulmonary venous hypertension 肺静脉高压pulmonary venous pleonaemia 肺淤血quantitative computed tomography, QCT 定量CT法right atrial enlargement 右心房增大right ventricular enlargement 右心室增大sequestrum 死骨shoulder joint 肩关节soft tissue mass 软组织肿胀soft tissue swelling 软组织肿胀subpulmonary effusion 肺下积液swelling of joint 关节肿胀tarsal bones 跗骨tibia tuberosity 胫骨粗隆trabecula 骨小梁Volkmann canal 福尔克曼管woven bone 非层板骨wrist 腕关节abestosis 石棉肺acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS 艾滋病actinomycosis 放线菌病acute military tuberculosis 急性粟粒型肺结核agenesis and hypoplasia of the lung 肺不发育和肺发育不全allergic pneumonia 过敏性肺炎aluminum pneumoconiosis 铝尘肺amyloidosis of lung 肺淀粉样变性angiogram sign 血管造影征anthracosis 炭黑尘肺aspergillosis 曲菌病bronchiectasis 支气管扩张bronchogenic cyst 支气管囊肿bronchopneumonia 支气管肺炎broncho-pulmonary sequestration 支气管肺隔离症butterfly sign 蝶翼征cement pneumoconiosis 水泥尘肺chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎chronic pneumonia 慢性肺炎coalworker pneumoconiosis 煤工尘肺congenital bronchial cysts 先天性支气管囊肿contusion of lung 肺挫伤cryptococcosis 隐球菌病cylindrical bronchiectasis 柱状支扩dermoid cyst 皮样囊肿diaphragmatic eventeration 膈膨升diaphragmatic hermia 膈疝electric welder pneumoconiosis 电焊工尘肺esophageal cyst 食管囊肿foreign body of chest 胸部异物foundry worker pneumoconiosis 铸工尘肺Goodpasture syndrome 肺-肾综合征graphite pneumoconiosis 石墨尘肺halo sign 晕轮征hamartoma 错构瘤hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis 血行播散型肺结核(Ⅱ型)Hodgkin lymphoma 霍奇金淋巴瘤Hodgkin disease, HD 霍奇金病honeycomb lung 蜂窝状肺hydropneumothorax 液气胸inflammatory pseudotumor 炎性假瘤interstitial pneumonia 间质性肺炎intrathoracic goiter 胸内甲状腺kaolin pneumoconiosis 陶工尘肺Kaposi sarcoma 卡波济肉瘤laceration and hematoma of lung 肺撕裂伤与肺血肿laceration of trachea and bronchus 气管及支气管裂伤lipoma 脂肪瘤lobar pneumonia 大叶性肺炎Loffler syndroma 吕弗留综合征lung abscess 肺脓肿lymphangioma 淋巴管瘤lymphoma 淋巴瘤mediastinal emphysema 纵隔气肿mediastinal hematorma 纵隔血肿mediastinal tumor 纵隔肿瘤mediastinitis 纵隔炎mesothelial cyst 间皮囊肿mesothelioma of pleura 胸膜间皮瘤metastatic tumor of pleura 胸膜转移瘤mica pneumoconiosis 云母尘肺neurogenic neoplasms 神经源性肿瘤non Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL 非霍奇金淋巴瘤pleural thickening, adhesion and calcification胸膜肥厚粘连和钙化pleuro-peritoneal hiatus hernia 胸腹裂孔疝pneumocomosis 尘肺pneumomediastinum 纵隔气肿pneumothorax 气胸primary complex 原发综合征primary tuberculosis 原发性肺结核(Ⅰ型)pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis 肺泡微石症pulmonary alveolar proteinosis 肺泡蛋白沉积症pulmonary arterio-venous fistula 肺动静脉瘘pulmonary arterio-venous malformation,PAVM肺动静脉畸形pulmonary connective tissue diseases 肺结缔组织疾病pulmonary edema 肺水肿pulmonary emboli 肺梗塞pulmonary infarcts 肺梗死pulmonary sequestration 肺隔离症pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核pyothorax 化脓性胸膜炎radiation pneumonitis 放射性肺炎rheumatoid disease of the lung 肺类风湿性病saccular bronchiectasis 囊状支扩sarcoidosis 结节病secondary pulmonary tuberculosis 继发性肺结核(Ⅲ型)seminoma 精原细胞瘤silicosis 矽肺staphylococal pneumonia 葡萄球菌肺炎subacute or chronic hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis亚急性或慢性血行播散型肺结核systemic lupus erythomatosis, SLE 系统性红斑狼疮talc pneumoconiosis 滑石尘肺teratoma 畸胎瘤thymoma 胸腺瘤tramline sign 轨道征traumatic diaphragmatic hernia 外伤性隔疝tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes胸内淋巴结结核tuberculosis pleuritis 结核性胸膜炎varicose bronchiectasis 静脉曲张型支扩Wegner granuloma 韦格氏肉芽肿下肢静脉造影:Lower Vein Angiography上肢静脉造影:Upper Vein Angiography下肢动脉造影:Lower Artery Angiography上肢动脉造影:Upper Artery Angiography脑血管造影:Cerebrovascular Angiograhy主动脉弓胸腹主动脉造影:Aorta Angiography肾静脉取血:Kidney Vein Blood Sampling右心、左心造影:Right and Left Ventricular Angiography心肌活检:Myocardiam Centesis and Sampling冠状动脉造影:Coronary Arteriography腔静脉取血:Vena cava sampling心导管检查(微导管同)(进口仪器):Cardiac catheterization经皮球囊扩张:Percutaneous balloon dilatating予激综合症心内膜检测:Endocardial investigation of preexcitation syndrome希氏束电图:Electrocardiogram of bundle of His心脏临时起搏:Cardiac temporary pacing埋置永久心脏起搏器:Cardioc permanent pacemaker implanting体肢动脉系统介入治疗:Transartery interventional therapy支气管动脉介入治疗:Bronchus artery interventional therapy肺动脉介入治疗:Pulmonary artery interventional therapy头臂动脉介入治疗:Brachiocephalic artery interventional therapy静脉介入治疗:Veinous interventional therapy冠状动脉介入治疗(球囊成形):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (balloon angioplasty)冠状动脉介入治疗(腔内旋磨):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (rotablating)冠状动脉介入治疗(腔内支架):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (stent implantaion)主动脉介入治疗:Aorta interventional therapy肾动脉介入治疗:Renal artery interventional therapy心脏瓣膜成形术:Heart valvuloplasty房间隔缺损封堵术:Atrial septal defect closer室间隔缺损封堵术:Ventricular septal defect closer动脉导管封堵术:Patent doctus arteriosus closer冠状动脉瘘封堵术:Coronary artery fistula closer冠状动脉腔内超声:Intracoronary ultrasound非冠状动脉血管内支架置入治疗:Stenting therapy of non-coronary artery经皮清除血管内异物:Transluminal eyewinker clearing经皮放置静脉滤器:Transluminal filter implantaion

CPR:"Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation" ,也作"Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation "是心肺复苏的英语写法。心肺复苏是抢救心搏、呼吸停止患者生命的急救技术。一般的,狭义上指包括人工呼吸和胸外心脏按压在内的徒手复苏技术。“Artificial Respiration ”是人工呼吸的英语写法,没有规范的缩写,通常就写全称。其中口对口人工呼吸写作“mouth to mouth breathing"。"chest compressions"是胸外心脏按压的英语写法,这个也不用缩写,写全称。最近出现的新名词,Hands-only CPR指的是只做胸外按压,而不做人工呼吸的徒手心肺复苏技术。不是什么词都有缩写的,如果非要用缩写,在前面必须说明缩写指代的原词。但即使是这样,有时候仍然会混淆。

CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 心肺复苏artificial respiration 人工呼吸 (mouth to mouth breath)




全称Bipolar Disorder,中文为双相障碍,属于心境障碍的一种类型,指既有躁狂发作又有抑郁发作的一类疾病。















常用医学名词缩写AFP 甲胎蛋白 ALP ?碱性磷酸酶ALD 酒精性肝病 ALT 丙氨酸转氨酶AST 天门冬氨酸转氨酶 ATP 三磷酸腺苷CIV IV型胶原 DNA-P 乙型肝炎病毒DNA多聚酶EGF 表皮生长因子 ELA 酶免疫分析法ELISA 酶联免疫吸附法 GGT r-谷氨酰转肽酶HA 透明质酸 HAV 甲型肝炎病毒抗-HAV-IgM 甲型肝炎病毒 IgM型抗体 抗-HVA-IgG 甲型肝炎病毒IgG型抗体HVA-RNA 甲型肝炎病毒核糖核酸 HAAg 甲型肝炎病毒抗原抗-HVA 甲型肝炎病毒抗体 HBV 乙型肝炎病毒HBeAg 乙型肝炎e抗原 HBcAg 乙型肝炎核心抗原HBsAg 乙型肝炎表面抗原 Anti-HBc 乙型肝炎核心抗体Anti-Hbe 乙型肝炎e抗体 Anti-HBs 乙型肝炎表面抗体HBxAg 乙型肝炎x抗原 抗-HBx 乙型肝炎x抗体抗-HBc-IgM 乙型肝炎病毒IgM型核心抗体 抗-HBc-IgG 乙型肝炎病毒IgG型核心抗体HBV-DNA 乙型肝炎病毒脱氧核糖核酸 HCC 肝细胞肝癌HCV 丙型肝炎病毒 HCV-RNA 丙型肝炎病毒核糖核酸HCAg 丙型肝炎病毒抗原 抗-HCV 丙型肝炎病毒抗体HDV 丁型肝炎病毒 HDV-IgM 丁型肝炎病毒IgM型抗体抗-HDV-IgG 丁型肝炎病毒IgG型抗体 HDV-RNA牋牋 丁型肝炎病毒核糖核酸HDAg牋牋 丁型肝炎病毒抗原(Delta抗原) 抗-HDV 丁型肝炎病毒抗体HEV 戊型肝炎病毒 HEV-RNA牋牋 戊型肝炎病毒核糖核酸HEAg 戊型肝炎病毒抗原 抗-HEV 戊型肝炎病毒抗体HGF 肝细胞生长因子 HGV 庚型肝炎病毒IFN 干扰素 IG 免疫球蛋白IL 牋 白细胞介素 牋牋 LC 肝硬化LDH 乳酸脱氢酶 牋牋 LN 层粘连蛋白MRI 磁共振成像 牋牋 PBMC 外周血单个核细胞PCⅢ Ⅲ型前胶原 牋牋 PCR 聚合酶链反应PGI 前列环素 PHC 原发性肝癌PIIIP 血清前胶原肽 牋 RIA 放射免疫法TBil 总胆红素 Tcho 总胆固醇TG 甘油三脂 TGFβ1 转化生长因子β1TNF 肿瘤坏死因子 TTV 经血传播病毒

Qid表示为一天4次,Tid表示为一天3次。 Qd表示为一天1次肌注在处方表示为im,静脉注射在处方表示为iv 两天一次;三天一次;一周一次的用法极其少见,处方无约定俗成缩写。


