Everyone has been horrified by the increasing number of food scandals and we all know that eating food from unregulated street vendors is fraught with dangers, yet we keep doing it. The risks have done little to diminish the allure of a spiced yangrouchuan.Street food is more than just a way to fill one’s stomach in China; it is an integral part of the food culture. Amidst towering skyscrapers and roaring traffic, a bite into a steaming hot fritter from a street stall is a sure way to be transported back into an era where bus conductors dispensed change and allowed boarding and alighting almost anywhere. And so street food vendors continue despite Chengguan, food scandals and ever tighter restrictions getting in their way.
英语教育中的文化教育_英语教学论文 语言是文化的载体,是文化的主要表现形式。语言是随着民族的发展而发展的,语言是社会民族文化的一个组成部分。不同民族有着不同的文化、历史、风俗习惯和风土人情等,各民族的文化和社会风俗又都在该民族的语言中表现出来。语言离不开文化,文化依靠语言,英语教学是语言教学,当然离不开文化教育。 一、为什么进行文化教育 1.文化差异是跨文化交际的障碍 现代化的进程加速了精神和物质产品的流通,将各个民族纳入到一个共同的“地球村”中,跨文化交际成为每个民族生活中不可缺少的部分。然而,文化差异是跨文化交际的障碍,克服文化差异造成的交际障碍已经成为整个世界共同面临的问题。 2.文化教育是实现运用语言进行交际的关键 语言能力是交际能力的基础,然而具备了语言能力并不意味着具备了交际能力。越来越多的人已达成共识,即交际能力应包括五个方面:四种技能(听、说、读、写)加上社会能力。但英语教学中,教师往往比较重视语言的语法结构,而忽视了语言的社会环境,即语言中的文化教育,致使学生难以知道什么场合该说什么话。在此,语言的文化差异在英语教学中的作用作为一个重要问题被提了出来。 字串2二、文化教育的内容 在英语教学实践中,文化差异及其对学生带来的干扰主要表现在以下几个方面: 1.介绍 在教材中"What’s your name?”出现的频率相当高,但对于它在何种情况下使用却鲜有解释。实际上,英语国家的人在谈话时一般先介绍自己的名字,如“I am..."对方自然会即刻说出自己的姓名。即使在填写表格、面谈等场合需要问及姓名时,一般也只说“ Your name, please?”或“May I know your name?”如果使用“What’s your name?”,他们将有一种被审问的感觉。 2.打招呼 中国人日常打招呼习惯于问:"你吃饭了吗?"(Have you had your dinner?)如果你跟英语国家的人这样说,他们认为你是想请他们吃饭。英语国家人打招呼通常以兴趣爱好为话题如天气、健康状况、交通、体育等等。 3.称呼语 例如“comrade"是社会主义国家所特有的称呼,在英语国家称呼不知其名的陌生人常用Sir和Madam。如果我们和英语国家的人以comrade相称,他们将会感到莫明其妙。 我们在教材出现称呼一位工人为"Uncle Wang"的情况,这也是中文思维套用英语的现象。汉语中的亲属称谓有泛化使用的倾向,常用于非亲属之间:年轻人对长辈称"叔叔"、"阿姨";对平辈称"大哥"、"大姐"。但在英语中,亲属称谓不广泛地用于社交。如果我们对母语是英语的长辈称"Uncle Smith"、"Aunt Brown",对方听了会觉得不太顺耳。 字串2 又如学生知道teacher的含义是"老师",也就相应地把"王老师"称为Teacher Wang。其实,英语中teacher只是一种职业;汉语有尊师的传统,"教师"已不仅仅是一种职业,而成为一种对人的尊称。由于这种文化上的差异,造成学生的简单理解:王老师=Teacher Wang。同样还把汉语中习惯上称呼的"张医生"、"王护士"称为Doctor Zhang, Nurse Wang,英语国家的人听起来感觉不可思议。英语中称呼人一般用Mr., Miss, Mrs.等。 4.感谢 一般来说,我们中国人在家庭成员之间很少用"谢谢"。如果用了,听起来会很怪,或相互关系上有了距离。而在英语国家"Thank you."几乎用于一切场合,所有人之间,即使父母与子女,兄弟姐妹之间也不例外。送上一瓶饮料,准备一桌美餐,对方都会说一声"Thank you."公共场合,不管别人帮你什么忙,你都要道一声"Thank you."。这是最起码的礼节。 当别人问是否要吃点或喝点什么时(Would you like something to eat/drink?),我们通常习惯于客气一番,回答:"不用了"、"别麻烦了"等。按照英语国家的习惯,你若想要,就不必推辞,说声"Yes, please."若不想要,只要说"No, thanks."就行了。这也充分体现了中国人含蓄和英语国家人坦荡直率的不同风格。 字串7 5.称赞 在英语国家,赞美也常用来作为交谈的引子。赞美的内容主要有个人的外貌、外表、新买的东西、个人财物、个人在某方面的出色的工作等。通常称赞别人的外表时只称赞她努力(打扮)的结果,而不是她的天生丽质。对别人的赞美,最普通的回答是:"Thank you."如, A:Your coat looks nice. B:Thank you. 6.隐私 中国人初次见面问及年龄、婚姻、收入表示关心,而英语国家人却对此比较反感,认为这些都涉及个人隐私。如在JEFCBook 1 Lesson 16中有这样的对话:"How old are you, Mrs Read? ""Ah, it’s a secret!"为什么Mrs Read不肯说出自己的年龄呢?因为英语国家人都希望自己在对方眼中显得精力充沛,青春永驻,对自己实际年龄秘而不宣,妇女更是如此。再如中国人表示关心的"你去哪儿?"(Where are you going?)和"你在干什么?"(What are you doing?)在英语中就成为刺探别人隐私的审问监视别人的话语而不受欢迎。.........
论广告英语的语言特色[摘要] 英语广告语言作为现代语言的重要组成部分,有其独特的词汇特色和修辞特色,这些特色体现了英语广告语言的独特语言魅力,使广告英语成为语言艺术魅力与商业推销的有机结合体。[关键词] 广告 词汇 修辞 艺术魅力 商业推销随着社会经济的发展,广告已渗入社会生活的各个方面,成为人们日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。广告的魁力很大程度源于广告语言。日常语言在广告设计者的手里可以妙笔生花,为商品做生动的宣传,激发消费者的兴趣,促使他们采取购买行动。而英语广告的日益流行,为我们把握、分析现代英语应用的特点与趋势提供了又一条途径。对于喜爱英语的人,也可以通过阅读欣赏精彩的英语广告、学习简洁的英语来提高英语水平,达到事半功倍的效果。一、广告标题特征标题是广告中最重要的组成部分,广告效果主要来自标题的力量。标题无论在字体、字型和位置等方面都会呈现出其视觉化和艺术化的特色,因而最能引起人们的注意,所以在广告界流传着这样一句话:“好的标题,等于广告成功了一半。”如:“Saturday Night on Sunday Morning.”.. 这是一则推销录相机的广告的标题,读者读到此标题时肯定会产生疑问,星期六的晚上怎么会发生在星期日的早上呢?时间关系颠倒看起来是违反常理的,可仔细往下一读,看完广告正文才恍然大悟,录相机可以在周六晚上把精彩的节目录下来,在周日早上一一重播。此则标题便充分激起了读者探究其何以违反常理的兴趣,或者探究其如何能自圆其说,这样便很好地吸引了读者的注意力。二、广告文字创作的重要特征1、文字新颖醒目,刺激记忆,促进销售。2、重复—成功广告之秘诀(不论是广告重复出现,还是广告文字中运用重复修辞手段)。3、文字简单—有时人们并不一定想阅读广告,因此,广告则必须迅即表述其信息内容,不可浪费语言文字。字词、句子、段落的简短有助于阐明信息,使之易于阅读,接受。4、文字通俗易懂,涵义明确—如果读者迟疑在某一不认识字前,该广告自然失去了应有的注意力。因此,广告文字语言须通俗易懂,涵义明确,不可用深奥难解,涵义模糊之词。三、广告英语的特色1、广告英语的词汇特点广告英语的词汇丰富多彩,但每一个词的选择与使用都服务于“推销商品”这一最终目的,因此它们往往具备鼓动性和感染力。归纳起来主要表现如下:●形容词及其比较级、最高级的使用。例如:Famous world-wide gourmet cuisine. Excellent daily specials and mouthwatering desserts. (世界著名的美食烹调。精美的美日特色饭菜和令人垂涎的点心。)Tasters richer…… mellower……more satisfying. (口味更浓……更醇……更令人满意。)●创造新词、怪词以引起新奇感,突出产品的新、奇、特,满足消费者追求新潮、标榜个性的心理。例如:For twogether� the ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday. (两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假日,一切费用均包括在单人价格之内。) twogether取自together之音,又取“两人”之意比together更形象,倍添情趣。●词汇的重复。词汇的重复是一种常用的技巧,可以起强调、渲染的作用,而这恰恰是广告语言所要追求的效果。例如:Easy to use� easy to clean� easy to assemble. 日光牌简便烧烤架广告�●使用缩略词和复合词以节省广告篇幅。广告写作中常尽可能缩短篇幅,以降低成本。缩略词和复合词的使用比比皆是。例如:Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL. �乘坐日航班机,一路无忧。�JAL是Japan Airlines的缩写形式。●“雅”语、“俗”语平分天下,色彩缤纷。例如:The home of your dreams awaits you behind this door. Whether your taste be a country manor estate or a penthouse in the sky� you will find the following pages filled with the worlds’ most elegant residences. (打开门,等着您的就是梦寐以求的家。无论您想要一座乡间宅第,或者是一间摩天大楼的顶屋,翻开下面几页就可以看到世界上最美的住宅,供您挑选。)广告中的await,be,manor elegant,residence都是正是场合下才使用的“雅”语词汇,它们在这里代替了“俗语”的wait, is,house,nice,place2、广告英语的句法特点●简单短句多,醒目易懂。例:Fresh Up with Seven-up.(请饮七喜,倍添精神)。●并列句多,简洁明了,易于理解;平行结构,加深印象。例如:Introducing FITNESS magazine. It’s about health� it’s about exercise� it’s about your image� your energy and your outlook.(向您推荐《健康》杂志:说健康、说锻炼、说形象、说精力、说展望。)●省略句多,语言凝练。例如:You’ll enjoy relaxed sunny days. Warm� crystal clear lagoons. Cool� green foliage. Waterfalls. Flowers. Exotic scents. Bright blue skies. Secluded beaches. Graceful palms. Breathtaking sunsets. Soft evening breezes. And food that simply outstanding. (您会享受这阳光明媚的轻松日子。温暖、清澈的环礁湖,清凉、碧绿的树叶,瀑布,花丛,异样的芬芳,明亮的蓝天,幽静的海滩,优美的棕榈,壮丽的日落,轻柔的晚风。还有那绝妙的食物。)从“温暖、清澈的环礁湖”到“轻柔的晚风”,一连串名词短语代替了You’ll enjoy……的句子。不仅简洁紧凑,而且又鲜明有力。●祈使句多,具有强烈的鼓动色彩。例如:So come into McDonald’s and enjoy big Mac Sandwich. (走进麦当劳,享用大三明治。) 否定句少。即使使用否定句,也是四、英语广告语言的美学探讨?如:.. 某飞机场广告“Buy Buy!”,巧妙地利用了buy 和bye之间的音同,制作出以上的广告,当游客看到此则广告时,不由会想到是否该买点纪念品回家呢?1、压韵是诗歌中的写作技巧,然而在英语广告中却常常加以移植,它使句子语气连贯,韵律顿挫,节奏和谐,感情奔放,将其运用在广告中能体现出一种音韵美,从而增加了表现力。如:“First came, First cut.” (先来先理)此则广告押头韵,结构对仗,让读者看后便有进店一试的想法。 除此以外,拟声美在英语广告的撰写中同样能增强其广告的动感,给人留下深刻的印象。如:Deck the hallsWith Plop plop plop; fizz, plop?Fa la la la la la...Ahhhhh (Alkaseltzer去痛药)这是一则根据圣诞歌曲改编的去痛药的广告,便使用了大量的拟声词,它突出的声音效果,将人们欢度圣诞的快乐场面生动地描绘出来,而这一切,都是在服用了“Alkaseltzer ”。免去肚疼之后才能够尽情享受圣诞的欢乐。2、字体美26个英文字母自有它的美妙之处,据说英文字母也是象形文字,这就赋予了其极其生动的内涵。纵观当代世界CI形象标志,可以看出其中有很大一部分是有文字构成的(纯用文字,不用图形)。如闻名世界的日本丰田汽车公司的TOYOTA,美国视听中心的Vidiom,以及SONY、SANYO、CANON 等等,其CI形象标志就是由纯英文字母创造出来的。3、图案美插图是广告图画形象要素的主题部分,它是用以增强广告文字说服力的重要手段。英语广告中的构图主要是指构图艺术,包括图画和整体广告构图安排,它包括各种广告中视觉构图中的美术图像部分,它往往具有较强的艺术表现力,手法灵活多样,有特色。一副精美的广告插图在英语广告中往往能起到“画龙点睛”的效果,给观众带来的美感便不言而喻了。如:一则麦当劳广告,创意十分巧妙,在一块巨大的红色面板的右下角出现一个“M”.. 形的缺口,非常醒目,活像麦当劳的标志,版面正中几个大字“Hungry?”.. 一下子使人们感到M型是一位饥饿者一口咬下去的杰作。在人们饥饿时,麦当劳的快捷和美味是最理想的食物。这在一定程度上刺激了观众的食欲和消费欲望。广告的画面色彩采用了可见光谱中波长最长的红色,作为全版面的色彩,提高了广告色彩的可视性,而且红色本身也就是麦当劳公司的企业形象辅助色,将麦当劳的形象透过象征欢乐和美味的色彩传递给了受众。这副广告的图案就是美在那个口咬的齿形缺口,它让观众在品尝美味的同时感受到广告美的魅力。4、意境美广告作品中由一种半透明性结构组织而成,既有明确的产品信息,又含有不尽之意的审美境界,就是广告意境。英语广告通过描绘刻画形象创设出情境,使人顿时联想到产品的品质特性与情境的相似之处,激起人们对美好事物的向往和追求。一则广告佳作能受到消费者的高度注意和深深喜爱,不仅能给消费者带来强烈的审美愉悦,更重要的是可以创造出极大的利用价值,即利用美的感染力激起消费者的购买欲望。如:保险公司的广告“Metroplitan life”(大都会),它的艺术符号是独辟蹊径:画面上,西方夕阳灿烂,广阔丰润的原野沐浴在金色的光辉中,一个手捧谷筐的农夫,踏着晚霞缓缓归去,此时,画面配上一句:“当晚霞消逝的时候。”这则广告采用此种画面,确实达到了很高的艺术境界,是一种少见的匠心独运的艺术符号,画面极为新颖,含义极为深远,如同太阳每天的行程,无论早晨和中天多么光辉,总会不可避免地走向夕照。这就含蓄地告诉人们:生命的晚霞既是人生的必然归宿,那么何不早点做准备呢?为自己,或为亲人。5、创意美英语广告的创意美就是要突破常规,是用一种新颖的、与众不同的方式来传达某个意念或信息的理想手段。广告创意是广告人对广告创作对象,进行想象、加工、组合和创造,使商品潜在的优点,升华为消费者能感受到的具体形象,是对被宣传者的主题、形象、文字、图画、表现方法的综合思考,通过创意,使信息的现实美与艺术美得到完美的结合。美国最权威的广告杂志《广告时代》总结出:“广告创意是一种控制工作,广告创意是为别人陪嫁,而非自己出嫁。”6、交际美文化是某一民族与生俱来的心理沉淀,是某一民族区别于其他民族的根本特征。广告作为某一民族文化的组成部分,必然地反映着自己本民族的文化。中西方文化都深深地保存着它们各自的文化特质,而英语广告则恰好起到了衔接两种文化的作用,英语广告将中西文化的碰撞与交融而产生的完美表达得淋漓尽致。如:.. 一则凿刻在路旁岩壁上的可口可乐路牌广告。广告在巨型岩壁上凿刻出可口可乐的企业标准字体Coca-Cola,右上方凿刻有Enjoy 字样,说明消费可口可乐是一种享受。广告通过凿刻手段来表现,具有一种大气、古拙、粗犷乃至原始的风格。它似乎是一块历经久远年代,而且将永远保存下去的悠久性广告石碑,使人一下就联想到可口可乐是经得起历史考验的名牌。石刻是中国历史悠久的文化形式。这则广告将洋味十足的可口可乐字样篆刻在山石上,是一种奇特的创意。可口可乐本是美国广告,却渗透着中国文化表现风格,成为一个文化融合的典范,起着文化交际的作用,给人以美的享受。结束语广告是当代信息社会具有普遍性的文化现象,广告是美的创造性的反映形态,审美理念是广告无法摆脱的情结。现代英语广告的目的不仅仅是推销产品,同时它也在传递着某种艺术价值,起着美化生活的作用,能使人们在广告认知中得到美的熏陶,提升自身的审美意识和对艺术的鉴赏能力。英语广告丰富多彩,新鲜活泼,具有浓郁的生活气息和强大的感染力以及审美价值。认真研究和掌握英语广告的撰写,有助于掌握英美国家的文化、价值观,跟上英语语言发展的步伐,提高英语的理解力和鉴赏力。
其实,生活不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。美食,柴米油盐,处处皆美。一起来看看五分钟美食英文 演讲稿 5篇2020,欢迎查阅!
You are what you eat.;Nutrition experts often use this saying to promote better eating habits.What we put in our mouths does become a part of us.But we can look at this statement another way.What we eat reflects who we are--as people and as a culture.Do you want to understand another culture?Then you ought to find out about its food.Learning about American food can give us a real taste of American culture.
What is American food?At first you might think the answer is easy as pie.To many people,American food means hamburgers,hot dogs,fried chicken and pizza.If you have a sweet tooth,you might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies.It's true that Americans do eat those things.But are those the only kind of vittles you can find in America?
你是你吃什么。,营养专家经常使用这句话来促进更好的饮食习惯。我们把我们的嘴的东西确实成为我们的一部分。但我们可以看看这个语句的另一种 方法 。我们是谁吃的反映出我们自己——不论什么人,如 文化 。你想了解另一种文化吗?然后你应该找出它的食物。学习美国食品可以给我们一个真正的美国文化的味道。
When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently, there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, it introduces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by the delicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now the second part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditional food has been introduced. After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn more about Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food, when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited. 高中 英语 作文
Technology, especially my mother a good cook, there are many of the dishes I like to eat. Of these, my favorite dishes to eat the fish is braised.
Today, her mother burned to eat my favorite braised fish. I witnessed the mother fish fish washing process.
Mother first ready material: carp, onions, ginger, garlic, sugar, soy sauce, coriander, rice wine, salt, cooking oil and green pepper.
These materials are ready, my mother began to wash the fish. She saw a knife to scale, and then remove the fish gills, and fish bubble remain in the belly, to puncture the bubble of fish, the fish maw with black all the debris removed, cleaned the fish, fish evenly in a few designated marks I can spare.
Mother heated the pot, when smoking pot when the oil poured into a little, let the pot coated with a layer of oil, then add a small amount of cooking oil, fry after a good wash pot Add the fish and then release into some rice wine, so you can remove the fish smell, adding a teaspoon of sugar, a small amount of soy sauce.fish can be a color, then start adding cold water, let the fish submerged in water, adding green onions, ginger, garlic, pepper and salt, and then after the fire to boil, to low heat, boil 40 minutes, adding parsley, Finally, a pot of tasty braised fish cooking in her mother under the care of.
Smell this fragrance, I salivate. I quickly pick up the chopsticks, a small dip at juice, ah, how good you and incense and soft and slippery, so together with color, flavor and taste a whole food ah!
In Jiangsu cuisine, there is a well-known dish called Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish. And it is universally acknowledged that this dish is the representative of Jiangsu cuisine.
This dish is prepared with more than 9 main ingredients including fish, cooking wine, pine nut, pepper, ketchup, salt and vinegar. First, you should make the fish clean and remove it’s bones and organs. Second the fish should be placed into a wok, with pepper and cooking wine and then fry it until its color changes. Third, make the fish like a squirrel and pour the hot and thick marinade on the fish. Then the last thing is just enjoying this beautiful and delicious “squirrel”. The Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish is suitable for people of all ages. And it not only contains fat and protein but also is rich sources of the beneficial elements. So this dish is worthy of the being called the most bright pearl of Jiangsu cuisine.
Hi,everyone.Today I'd like to introduce a dish that I really like.It's beaf steak.Let me tell you how to cook it.First,get the pieces of steak ready.Remember not to wash them with water.Put some salt on them.Then,heat the pan with big fire,and put in a little olive oil or any cooking oil.Wait till the oil gets hot,put in the steak,wait for half a minute and turn the steak upside down.When the both sides get brown,turn down the gas fire to medium.Fry for one minute or so,and take them out on a plate,put on some sauce or herbs,and you can enjoy the delicious fried beaf steak!I hope you like it.
五分钟美食英文演讲稿5篇2020相关 文章 :
★ 关于美食的英语演讲稿带翻译
★ 2020舌尖上的美食演讲稿集合
★ 家乡的美食演讲稿最新五篇精选
★ 以美食为主题的演讲稿三分钟全新
cooking method:制作方法:1. cleaning the sweet potatos, truncates skins, cut it into slivers in the length 5 centimeters, widely, the thick each 0.5 centimeter long strip, puts in the clear water to rinse repeatedly, except the starch, puts in the bowl, joins the salt, the monosodium glutamate, the cooking wine to pickle 30 minutes, after causing it gets interested, to draining juice which the salt leaves, scatters into the bread flour to mix evenly. 打扫甜土豆、将皮,切成5厘米的裂片妖的长度,广泛的厚每0.5厘米长的条状,摆放在清澈的水里反复冲洗,除了淀粉、放入碗中,加入盐、味精、料酒,腌30分钟,使它很感兴趣,对排水汁,盐叶子,散入面粉混合均匀2. place the owen on strong fire, fill uncooked oil, when burns to 60% heat, gets down enters the fries to explode bails out to the micro yellow; Treats when the oil temperature climbs to 70% heat, puts in the fries to fry several minutes, bails out drainings the drying oil, in Sheng Rupan, on when the table matches the colored spiced salt.把温文的火,填补了未煮过的石油,当烧至60%热,下来进入薯条爆炸捞出微黄色;治疗时,油温攀升到了70%热,放入炒炒几分钟,捞出干燥油,盛盘,之后放盐。
The whole meal will be more enjoyable if you knows a little of the ancient traditions and beliefs that place the meal in a 5,000-year-old culinary heritage.
As a visitor or guest in either a Chinese home or restaurant you will find that table manners are essential and the distinctive courtesies displayed will invariably add to the enjoyment of your meals and keep you in high spirits!
1.Though customs and the kinds of food eaten vary according to region,it is most common for Chinese families to gather for three meals a day.
2.An individual place setting for an everyday meal includes a bowl of Fan (rice),a pair of chopsticks,a flat-bottomed soup-spoon,and a saucer.Instead of a napkin,a hot towel is often provided at the start as well as the end of the meal for the diner to wipe his hands and mouth.
3.The real difference is that in the West,you have your own plate of food,while in China all the dishes will put on the table for everyone’s share.The meat and vegetable dishes are laid out all at once in the center of the table,and the diners eat directly from the communal plates using their chopsticks.Soup is also eaten from the common bowl.Rather than for serving oneself a separate portion,the saucer is used for bones and shells or as a place to rest a bite taken from a communal plate when it is too large to eat all at once.
4.It is perfectly acceptable to reach across the table to take a morsel from a far-away dish.To facilitate access to all the dishes,Chinese dining tables are more likely to be square or round,rather than elongated like their western counterparts.
5.Maybe one of the things that will surprise a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts would like to put food into the plates of their guests.Usually in formal dinners,there are always “public” chopsticks and spoons for this purpose,but some hosts may still use their own chopsticks.This is a token of genuine friendship and politeness.It is polite to eat the food.If you don’t like to eat it,please just leave the food in the plate.
6.Eating usually begins in order of seniority,with each diner taking the cue to start from his or her immediate superior.
7.In order to cool the soup a bit and to better diffuse the flavor in the mouth,soup is eaten by sipping from the spoon while breathing in.This method,of course,produces the slurping noise that is taboo in the West.
8.Rice,or Fan in Chinese,is the staple food.To eat Fan,a diner raises the bowl to her lips and pushes the grains into her mouth with chopsticks.This is the easiest way to eat it and shows proper enjoyment.The diner must finish the entire bowl of rice,otherwise it is considered bad manners a lack of respect for the labor required to produce it.
9.People in China tend to over-order food,especially at banquets or get-togethers,for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed or not enough.
In England,everybody knows Jamie Oliver.He has his own TV programs.In these programs,he tells how to cook healthy food.Everyone likes Jamie’s programs because his food is easy to make.
Jamie wants people to eat healthily.In some schools in England,the food at lunch time wasn’t healthy.One day,Jamie went to a school to make a TV program about healthy diet.He cooked the food with lots of fruit and vegetables.At first the children didn’t want to eat because they didn’t like fruit or vegetables.But after they tasted the food ,they started to enjoy it.
Now the food for children in schools has become much healthier.
I live in Nanjing.My favouriate thing is to taste all kinds of delicious food every day.
One of them is called Ya Xue Feng Si.The food is good not only in smell but also in colour,but the method of cooking it is very simple.Before starting the fire,you should make preparations for it.
First,you clean some vegetables and the blood of duck and put them in bowls for use.Second,put some proper water in the pot.When the water is hot,put the blood in the hot water.after five minutes,put the vegetables into the water.
Finally,put the food into the bowl,and put some special star anise.You will enjoy it with the whole soul and heart.
In the past five years there have been many changes in people’s diet.From the table listed above,we can find that people consume more milk and meat than they used to.On the other hand,they eat less grain,fruit and vegetables today than in the past.
What has caused these changes? There are mainly two reasons.In the first place,with the development of economy people have more money.The price of meat and milk is much higher than that of grain;therefore,in the old days people couldn’t afford them.But now they have enough money to buy both meat and milk.In the second place,more and more people think that diet is very important to their health.As a result,they change their eating habits eating more nutritious food such as milk and meat.
I think that milk and meat are important to one’s health.But if people eat too much rich food,some problems will be caused.In conclusion,people should keep a balance in their diet.Not only should they consume a lot of meat and milk but they should also eat enough grain,fruit and vegetables for the sake of their health.
Healthy eating habits are very important for our health.We should build healthy eating habits.We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday.They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us.We also should eat less meat everday.
And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at night.Besides,we should focus on abalanced diet,which assures us the necessary nutritions.Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from them.It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the morning.It is very bad for our health.Breakfast is the most important meal for people.
We must eat healthy food because it can bring us happiness but there are many kinds of food so we must know about healthy food now let me tell you.
The vegetables are good for your health why is it? To answer the question there are many nutrients in vegetables.The vitamins are good for your eyes skin and hair they are in vegetables too.Minerals and fiber are good too minerals can make your bones and teeth strong and fiber cleans the inside of your body.Such as carrots cucumbers onions and spinaches.
There are healthy foods I think you know what are healthy food so let’s choose and eat healthy.
I often used to eat a lot of fast food.KFC and Mcdonald‘s are my favorite places.As I eat so much junk food, I become fat.Other children sometimes will play jokes on me and I realize the problem, so I decide to lose weight.My mother cook the healthy food for me.After three months, I lose my weight and look like other guys.I am so happy and decide to keep the healthy diet.
We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food isn’t delicious.So they often go out of school to buy something which they like to eat.But I’m afraid that it’s bad for their health to eat lunch outside the school,because some of the food they buy isn’t healthy enough.In my opinion,if our schools want more students to be back and enjoy lunch inside,they should make the food more delicious,and also they should offer our students a larger choice of food as well.
I’m talking about / Here is my advice about how to keep health/fit? As a middle shool studentfirst you’d better do more exercise such as playing ball games running swimming and jumping rope.Then you should pay attention to your diet or meals Don’t eat too much meat and suger but more vegetables and fruit.Third you need enough sleep or rest.Nextkeep yourself happy.As people often say smiling makes younger.Last you mustn’t drink wine or smoke.They are bad for your health.That is my advice.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life.Thank youbye!
Today,I received the readers letter.I was shocked at it.Personally speaking,I think we should pay more attention to the food safety.
The government must make some necessary laws.Whats more,some businessmen shouldnt be only interested in making money.They must care about peoples health.Wed better not eat anything in dirty places though some food is delicious,because eating unhealthy food does harm to our health.
Finally,I hope the family in the accident will get better soon.
Hello everyone.My name is Lucy.Today I want to tell you something about my eating habits.I have some good eating habits.
I like salad best.It's delicious and healthy,but I don't like hamburgers because it can make me fat.
For breakfast,I usually have an egg and a cup of milk.Sometimes I have a piece of bread too.I have rice and fish for lunch.They are good for my health.What about dinner? I often have some vegetables and dumplings.
What about you? What's your eating habit?
My eating habbits
I'm a middle school student.i have good eating habbits.I often drink a cup of milk and eat an egg for breakfast at home.I don't like milk,but my mom thinks it's good for my health.I often eat lunch at school.I usually have some meat and vegetables.I like all kinds of vegeatbles and fruit.I also like juck food ,but I only eat once or twice a month.I usually drink water and juice,and I never drink coffee or coke.As you see,i eat well and I'm very well.
Under the take care of my mother,my eating habit is very regular.I often eat porridge in the morning.Sometimes my mother will prepare some pickles for me.But sometimes I will put an egg into the porridge to have the egg porridge.At noon,I will eat in school canteen.Sometimes I will have noodles.At night,my mother will prepare a big meal for me.After dinner,I will eat a little fruit.
I’m talking about / Here is my advice about how to keep health/fit? As a middle shool studentfirst you’d better do more exercise such as playing ball games running swimming and jumping rope(绳子).Then you should pay attention to your diet or meals Don’t eat too much meat and suger but more vegetables and fruit.Third you need enough sleep or rest.Nextkeep yourself happy.As people often say smiling makes younger.Last you mustn’t drink wine or smoke.They are bad for your health.That is my advice.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life.
Thank youbye!
Last night,I ate a lot of food,such as KTC and ice cream,before I slept,I ate some cold food in the fridge.At midnight,I felt my stomach hurt badly,my family was woke up,they sent me to the hospital.
After seeing the doctor,he told me that I had eaten too much food,what’s more,the food was not healthy,so it hurt my stomach.Since then,I realized that I should not eat the rubbish food often,I should keep the healthy diet.Now my diet is regular,I won’t take in much food before sleeping,my body is becoming healthy.In the morning,I eat an egg and make sure I take in enough vitamins.Even when I see the rubbish food is tempting,I take no hesitation to say no to them.I am so proud of myself.
What is healthy diet? To the most people,healthy diet means more green foods,no junk foods.The green food is those pollution-free,high quality and nutrient food,including the organic vegetables and meats,fruits,eggs and so on.
The meals of healthy diet should be cooked with fewer salt and oil.And the junk food is those low nutrition,high calorie,processed food with much salt or oil,such as the fries,fried chickens,salted eggs and so on.These foods will cause one get weight and increase the risk of many diseases.We should keep a healthy diet,abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy.
Nowadays,there is a growing focus on health care.People are pursuing a healthy lifestyle.A healthy diet is one of the most important parts of it.As the saying goes,bread is the staff of life,eating healthily and deliciously is the goal we pursue.From my point of view,in order to build healthy eating habits,we should eat more vegetables and less fat and sugar.
Vegetable is the best source of s vitamin,because vegetables are rich in vitamins.Among them,vitamin C and vitamin A are the most important.Too much fat and sugar can lead to obesity,which is harmful to health.Besides,eating more fruits and drinking more water is of great help.
To ensure us a robust constitution and a happy life,more and more people pay their attention to the issue about how to eat healthy these years.So I get some information from the Internet.Fist -variety in our diet.We need at least 7 nutrients in our daily diet,that is,carbohydrates,fats,protein,vitamins,minerals,water and fiber are indispensable.The complement of various nutrition can guarantee a banlance of acid-base,and keep metabolism in a good condition.Second,We should eat more frutes and vegetables to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.Third,water is very important in our body for it can accelerate the speed of metabolism,so we also should drink at least 1.5 litres a day.
Today,I received the reader's letter.I was shocked at it.Personally speaking,I think we should pay more attention to the food safety.The government must make some necessary laws.What's more,some businessmen shouldn't be only interested in making money.They must care about people's health.We'd better not eat anything in dirty places though some food is delicious,because eating unhealthy food does harm to our health.
Finally,I hope the family in the accident will get better soon.
Healthy eating habits are very important for our health.We should build healthy eating habits.We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday.They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us.We also should eat less meat everday.And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at night.
Besides,we should focus on abalanced diet,which assures us the necessary nutritions.Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from them.It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the morning.It is very bad for our health.Breakfast is the most important meal for people.
Last night,I ate a lot of food,such as KFC and ice cream,before I slept,I ate some cold food in the fridge.At midnight,I felt my stomach hurt badly,my family was woke up,they sent me to the hospital.After seeing the doctor,he told me that I had eaten too much food,what’s more,the food was not healthy,so it hurt my stomach.Since then,I realized that I should not eat the rubbish food often,I should keep the healthy diet.Now my diet is regular,I won’t take in much food before sleeping,my body is becoming healthy.
In the morning,I eat an egg and make sure I take in enough vitamins.Even when I see the rubbish food is tempting,I take no hesitation to say no to them.I am so proud of myself.
It is known that the experiences we have in childhood relating to consumption of food affect our perspective on food consumption in later life.
From this,we are able to determine ourselves our limits of how much we will eat,as well as foods we will not eat - which can develop into eating disorders,such as anorexia or bulimia This is also true with how we perceive the sizes of the meals or amounts of food we consume daily;people have different interpretations of small and large meals based on upbringing.
What is a good eating habit? In my opinion,a good eating habit is related to eat healthily and regularly.To say it simply,Xiao Ming has breakfast about 7:30a.m.to 9:00a.m.every morning and lunch at noon.He also has dinner about 6:30p.m.to 7:30p.m in the evening.What he eats is healthy food,such as,meat,vegetable,fruit,egg,milk and so on.He would not have some snacks for a meal.He also would not eat and drink too much or eat nothing.Xiao Ming sets a good example to have a good eating habit.
Today'I received the reader's letter.I was shocked at it.Personally speaking'I think we should pay more attention to the food safety.The government must make some necessary laws.What's more'some businessmen shouldn't be only interested in making money.They must care about people's health.We'd better not eat anything in dirty places though some food is delicious'because eating unhealthy food does harm to our health.Finally'I hope the family in the accident will get better soon.
Diet idea the Europeans said that in the world has three big good food, in each edition has China and France, only then actually had different explanations about third, has said that was Italy, also had said that was countries' and so on Turkey, Tunisia or Morocco. Although reaches a stalemate, but everybody has a mutual recognition, the diet often can reflect the different nationality aspect and so on habits and customs and cultural thought differences. one time hosts the banquet in the Chinese restaurant, on the hotel vegetable very slowly, unconscious has passed for nearly two hours, but the vegetable has as if only then gotten up half. Is first time attends the Chinese meal banquet near a place woman, cannot bear asks me, your Chinese treats on these many vegetables? I said that must be many in China, usually is above 10. She is very surprised, including said that China's banquet too has been really rich, China's good food is very no wonder famous. But after a while, she also asks me, has a phenomenon to be very strange: The Chinese eats meal each time on that many vegetables, can be why long so thinly. But France enters the vegetable to be very each time few, but is why fatter than the Chinese? I am at a loss for words for a while, but thought that she asks how many truth a little, because that day shares a table several Chinese appear quite emaciated, but several French are all tall and sturdy. Thinks that spoke an own idea with her: China is a hospitable nationality, only then on a table vegetable had only then thought that has not neglected the visitor. Sometimes moreover the Chinese pays great attention the form, therefore in China's cooking, the vegetable style is ever changing, makes concrete is fastidious about the color fragrance to each vegetable matching. But European as if some, are inferior to China obviously actually in the vegetable variety change high and low free time, what but is fastidious is its nutrition matching and the protection. This is, the French diet idea important difference, how many also reflected the French chemical property standard difference. each people have the color which to color understanding oneself like, a country and the nationality are also same, likes to the different color being possible to reflect a national or the national esthetic appeal and the likes and dislikes tendency overall. has one time bumps into an EU commission's pair of professor husbands and wives, mentions China national dress which in the Shanghai APEC conference various countries' leader puts on, they said are attractive, but has a point to be not too clear, why do the Asian leaders mostly put on red, but the Western leader has chosen the blue color. I said that the color is leader designates. The Asian country has the same cultural context probably, red in the Chinese culture, is also possibly representing lucky, the wealth in the entire Asian culture and propitious pleasant, therefore the Asian leaders as if by prior agreement have chosen red. I ask in reply them, what does the blue color represent in the Western culture? They said the westerner to believe that the blue color represents is calm and is calm. thinks that I also said the East and West cultural difference was really too big, for example the dragon in China was nationality's symbol, but had one in Belgium's Mongolian Si Shize to hit the dragon festival, the dragon is regarded as the devil, has been massacred by fable in protection sacred · Michelle, therefore did specially hits the dragon festival to congratulate that eliminated the disaster shortcoming to thank Michelle. Professor husbands and wives also approves the East and West cultural difference hugeness, and approves the culture to need to exchange. in thinking mode West's cultural difference also displays in many aspects, but simple summarizes is not actually complex: Reflected that to the thinking mode in is abstract and the embodiment difference, reflected that to the life manner in as if may understand is more practical for the westerner, but Chinese how many stresses some mental feeling. For instance compares French word and Chinese writing, this point is very obvious. The Chinese writing makes the word to pay great attention the image much, what but in the French more pays great attention to consider is the use value. Looks like in Chinese the name card, in the French translates literally is the card which the visit uses, but the aircraft carrier calls in the French to carry airplane's warship and so on, is embarks from the actual uses makes the word. But presses the glass plate which likely the picture uses, we are also the words which makes from its use value angle, but the French has been more direct-viewing, the literal translation is “places above the picture”. reflects to the drawing in is so. Everybody knew that the traditional Chinese painting greatly opens big he, splashes ink enjoyably the human body proportion which and optics principle is fastidious with the European oil painting and so on completely belongs to the technical category which two have nothing to do with one another, is as if very difficult to have the common language. Sometimes the European not too can understand that sometimes we too abstract art expression means that we also will think European's artistic skill too practical duty, deficient divine and wonderful spirit. Looked that sometimes in many European drawing history has been presented for the classics religious theme painting, the Chinese while sighs its technique practical exquisite, also will sigh with emotion European master the imagination the deficiency: In order to explain that the angel is flying, must give these lovable young and clevers to add on a pair of wing. But our ancestor has not also drawn several thousand years, how many white clouds adds on nearby these beautiful female celestial, they have not flown? Has the ideal condition, has the imagination space. this is the cultural difference. But, the difference brings not always the difference, it gave culture masters of art to leave behind the broad creation space exactly, if could find an accurate combining site, not only that will give two nationalities, will also give the entire world to bring one kind to have forgives the significance the harmony and beautiful, for instance Zhao Wuji's painting manifested the inexhaustible charm which the culture blended 饮食观念 欧洲人都说世界上有三大美食,每一个版本里都有中国和法国的,只有关于第三家却说法不一,有说是意大利的,也有说是土耳其、突尼斯或摩洛哥等国的。尽管相持不下,但大家都有个共识,饮食常能反映出不同民族的生活习惯和文化思维等方面的差异。 一次在中餐馆举行宴会,饭店菜上得很慢,不知不觉中过去了近两个小时,但菜似乎才上了一半。临座的一位女士是第一次参加中餐宴会,忍不住问我,你们中国人请客都上这么多菜吗?我说,在中国还要多,通常是10道以上。她很惊讶,连说中国的宴会实在太丰富了,难怪中国的美食很有名。但过了一会儿,她又问我,有个现象很奇怪:中国人吃饭每次都上那么多菜,可为什么都长得那么瘦。而法国入每次菜很少,但为什么都比中国人胖呢? 我一时语塞,但又觉得她问得多少有点道理,因为那天同桌的几个中国人都显得比较瘦弱,而几个法国人个个人高马大。想了想,和她讲了自己的一点想法:中国是个好客的民族,只有上了一桌子菜才觉得没怠慢客人。另外中国人有时候更注重形式,所以在中国的烹调里,菜的样式千变万化,具体到每一道菜又非常讲究色香味的搭配。而欧洲人似乎更实际一些,在菜的花色变化上下的工夫显然不如中国,但讲究的是其营养的搭配和保护。这是中、法饮食观念的重要差异,多少也反映出了中法文化性格的不同。 对色彩的认识 每个人都有自己喜欢的颜色,一个国家和民族也一样,对不同颜色的喜好从整体上可以反映出一个民族或者国家的审美情趣与好恶倾向。 有一次碰到欧盟委员会的一对教授夫妇,谈起上海APEC会议上各国领导人穿的中国民族服装,他们都说非常好看,但有一点不太明白,为什么亚洲领导人大多穿红色,而西方领导人则多选择了蓝色。我说颜色都是领导人自己选定的。大概亚洲国家有着相同的文化背景,红色在中国文化里,也可能在整个亚洲文化中都代表着幸运、财富和吉祥如意,所以亚洲领导人都不约而同地选择了红色。我反问他们,蓝色在西方文化里代表什么?他们说西方人认为,蓝色代表冷静和沉着。 想了想,我又补充说东西方文化差异实在是太大了,比如说龙在中国是民族的象征,而在比利时的蒙斯市则有一个打龙节,龙被视作恶魔,被传说中的保护神圣·米歇尔杀掉了,因此特意搞打龙节来庆贺除灾弊感谢米歇尔。教授夫妇也非常认同东西方文化差异的巨大,并认可文化需要交流。 思维方式 中西方的文化差异还表现在诸多方面,但简单加以概括其实并不复杂:反映到思维方式上是抽象和具象的差别,反映到生活态度上则似乎可以理解为西方人更加实用,而中国人则多少更偏重一些精神感受。比如把法语单词和中文文字加以比较,这一点就很明显。中国文字造词多注重形象,而法文里更多地注重考虑的是实用价值。像中文里的名片,法文里直译就是访问用的卡片,而航空母舰在法文里叫载飞机的军舰等等,都是从实际用途出发来造词的。而像压照片用的玻璃板,我们也是从其使用价值角度来造的词,但法国人就更加直观了,直译就是“放在照片上面的”。 反映到绘画上更是如此。大家都知道中国画的大开大阖、泼墨写意和欧洲油画讲究的人体比例和光学原理等完全是属于两个风马牛不相及的技术范畴,似乎很难有共同语言。欧洲人有时不太能够理解我们过于抽象的艺术表现手法,我们有时也会认为欧洲人的艺术技巧过于写实本分,缺乏灵气。看多了欧洲绘画史上被奉为经典的宗教题材画作,中国人有时在感叹其技法写实细腻的同时,也会感慨欧洲大师们想象力的贫乏:为了说明天使在飞,就非得给那些可爱的小精灵们加上一双翅膀。而我们的祖先不也画了几千年了吗,在那些美丽的仙女旁边加上几朵白云,她们不就飞起来了吗?多有意境,多有想象空间啊。 这就是文化的差异。但是,差异带来的并不总是分歧,它恰恰给文化艺术大师们留下了广阔的创作空间,如能从中找到一个准确的结合点,那不仅会给两个民族,而且也会给整个世界带来一种更具包涵意义的和谐与美丽,比如赵无极的画作就体现出了文化交融的无尽魅力。
时间有限,只说一下自己在墨西哥这边儿了解到的食物,自己写的,估计语法有误……仅供参考哈…… - -||||||Mention to Mexico food,three things come up to my mind first:tacos,mole and chile. "Taco"is the typical food of Mexico.If you didn't try tacos,you cannnot say you have been to Mexico.Tacos are something like Chinese cake with all kinds of meat and animal bowels.We can say that tacos are the tranditional fast-food of Mexico. "Mole"is a kind of tranditional sause.It is always made of chile,chocolate and a lot of flavors.Real good mole can give you a very special feeling.You can feel the character of Mexicans through the taste of mole:hot,welcoming and optimistic. There are mainly three kinds of chile in Mexico:green,red and yellow. The green one is the least spicy one and the yellow one is the spiciest.Most of them are very spicy.You feel your tounge is burning and it seems that fire are ready to burst out from your mouth.It really hurts.Mexicans like chile,all most in every dishes,they have spicy taste.For breakfast,"huego mexicano con frijoles"is a typical breakfast."Huego mexicano con frijoles"is spanish,you mix the eggs,chile and tomatos together,and then stir fry them,that is "huego mexicano",and then served with beans paste. After all,Mexican food are various.Cactus,tortia,posori,manudo,gordito,arroz con leche...really too much.You can't know how delicious they are unless you taste them yourself... ^_^
Real Mexican food is quite unlike the dishes found in most Mexican and Tex-Mex restaurants in other countries. In tourist areas you’ll find restaurants with familiar names and gringo menus, though the offerings will often be over-priced and not of a high standard.If you have a taste for adventure you’ll be well rewarded in Mexico; if not stick to a few simple and traditional dishes that are almost always excellent and not too spicy. You’ll find standards much higher than if you search the menus for something familiar.Mexican cuisine has some superb rich or spicy dishes, but we recommend that you take it easy for the first few days until your stomach has grown accustomed to its new environment.Upset stomachs are commonly associated with unpurified water used in ice or used to wash salads and fruit, stressful traveling, or simply bacteria different to those at home. Mexicans also suffer when they travel abroad, and if you stay in Mexico for more than a few weeks you may even experience the same acclimatization disorders when you reach home.Once you’ve settled down, however, do try some of the regional specialties. It’s all part of the experience, and for many people Mexican food is one of the great attractions of a vacation.
1 South Korea's kimchi practice :The world-renowned Korean kimchi, Korea has become basically the signs.韩国泡菜的韩国语读音:“听其” South Korea's kimchi Korean pronunciation: "listen to his"配料:大白菜、蒜、盐、鱼露、辣椒粉、糖。 Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, garlic, salt, fish sauce, chili powder, sugar.注意:鱼露是最必不可少的东西,也是为什么中国的酸辣泡菜和韩国泡菜最不同的地方,在韩国几乎家家自己做鱼露,中国人不吃这个东西,不过在大的超市里面有卖的,大约8-10元一瓶,多半是泰国的鱼露。 Note: The sauce is the most essential thing is the reason why the Chinese hot and sour kimchi and Korean kimchi to the greatest difference, almost every family in South Korea to do their own fish sauce, Chinese people do not eat this thing, but in the big supermarkets inside There are sales of about 8-10 yuan a bottle, most of the fish sauce in Thailand.准备材料: To prepare materials:1.白菜 1. Cabbage白菜绿叶多,表皮薄,叶子密实,没有过多需要去除的外层叶子,看起来既干净又新鲜的为上选。 Chinese cabbage leaves, thin sheet, leaf density, there is no need to remove too much of the outer leaves, it looks clean and fresh for the last election. 储藏白菜以有绿叶,看起来新鲜的白菜为宜,新产的白菜越大越好,秋季白菜以大小适中,结球程度好,重量重的为好。 Storage Empoasca have to cabbage, Chinese cabbage fresh look is appropriate, the new production of the better Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage in the fall to size, the degree of cabbage, heavy weight for good. 白菜不仅含有丰富的维生素或矿物质,还含有各种具有多种药理作用的成分。 Chinese cabbage is not only rich in vitamins or minerals, but also contain a variety of pharmacological effects with a variety of ingredients. 据学术论文发表,白菜中含有的methyLmethionine是蛋氨酸的生物活性物质,对动脉硬化症具有疗效,而methyLsysteinsuLfoxid具有强化胆固醇的效果。 According to published academic papers, cabbage contains methyLmethionine the Met is the biological active substance, with effects on atherosclerosis, and methyLsysteinsuLfoxid have to strengthen the effectiveness of cholesterol.2. 萝卜 2. Radish萝卜主要由水分组成,含有丰富的维生素C和消化酶—淀粉糖化酶素,若生吃,则有助于消化。 Radish by water, rich in vitamin C and digestive enzymes - starch-glucoamylase, if raw, it helps digestion. 与萝卜心相比,维生素C主要分布在萝卜皮上,因此最好不要削皮,洗净后食用。 With the heart radish, vitamin C mainly in the Luobu Pi, so best not to peel, wash after eating. 萝卜以粗大而均匀、无疤痕、新鲜、色泽光润、肉质结实柔软、不太辣、有甜味的为上选。 The big carrot in uniform, no scars, fresh color Guangrun, succulent fruit is soft, not too spicy, sweet as the last election.3.辣椒 3. Pepper辣椒除胡萝卜素和维生素C之外,还含有多种成分。 In addition to the chili carotene and vitamin C, also contains a variety of ingredients. 辣椒素具有杀菌及除菌作用,能够促进唾液或胃液的分泌,促进消化。 Capsaicin has a role in sterilization and disinfection, saliva or be able to promote the secretion of gastric juice, and promote digestion. 此外,还具有提高体内各种代谢作用。 In addition, it has to raise all kinds of body metabolism. 腌制泡菜时使用的辣椒面宜选用在阳光底下晒干的色泽鲜红、肉质厚、表皮光润的尖椒。 Kimchi pickled pepper powder used in the selection should be dried in the sun under the bright red color, thick flesh, skin Guangrun Pepper's.4.大蒜 4. Garlic大蒜的源产地是中亚地区,是属于百合科的葱类,蒜头在地下。 Garlic is the source of origin in Central Asia, belongs to the Liliaceae onion category, and garlic in the ground. 蒜头被淡褐色的蒜皮包围,内部有5~6个小蒜瓣。 The garlic was light brown skin surrounded by garlic, there are 5 to 6 small Suanban. 普通农家栽培的代表性的土产品种是作为晚熟品种的六瓣蒜和多瓣蒜,以及长茎蒜。 The General cultivation of farm products represented as a late-maturing varieties are 6 species of garlic and garlic Duoban, as well as the long stems and garlic. 制作泡菜时多使用味道辛辣的多瓣蒜,而制作咸蒜或使用蒜叶时多使用长茎蒜。 Making more use of kimchi, when Duo Ban spicy garlic flavor, and the production of garlic salt or garlic when the leaves to make more use of long-stem garlic. 蒜中的主要刺激成分— 丙亚硫酸盐的杀菌力为碳酸的15倍,具有促进新陈代谢,镇痛、便秘、解毒等各种作用。 Garlic in the main components of stimulus - C sulfite sterilization of the force carbonate for 15 times, with the promotion of metabolism, pain, constipation, such as the role of detoxification.5.葱 5. Onions普通蔬菜是碱性,但葱含有丰富的硫磺,属于酸性食品。 Ordinary vegetables are alkaline, but the onions are rich in sulfur, acidic foods belong to. 葱是难以储藏的蔬菜,含水量为80%左右。 The green is difficult to store vegetables, the water content of 80%. 葱的绿色部分还含有丰富的维生素A和C。 Green onions also part of the rich in vitamins A and C. 因为葱的刺激成分中含有硫磺和丙化合物,具有杀菌、杀虫效果。 Onions because of the stimulating ingredients containing sulfur compounds and C, with sterilization, the effects of pesticides. 大葱挑选根茎粗大而新鲜的,细葱挑选叶子短而新鲜的。 The selection of roots and thick green onions fresh, fine selection of green leaves and fresh short. 两种葱同以葱白部分长而粗,有光泽的为宜。 Two very light blue to green onions with some of the long, thick, shiny appropriate.6.生姜 6. Ginger生姜与食醋、酱油、盐、蜂蜜等相合,不损伤食品固有的味道。 And ginger vinegar, soy sauce, salt, honey, such as consistency, does not damage the natural flavor of food. 水分占80%左右,含有丰富的无机物。 Water accounts for about 80%, rich in inorganic substances. 具有特有的香味和辛辣味道,其中辛辣味出自名为生姜素的物质,具有健胃发汗的特效,还有助于减肥。 Has a unique aroma and taste bitter, pungent flavor from the ginger-known material with Jianwei effects of sweating, but also contribute to weight loss. 瓣粗大、曲折不多,表皮薄而透明,纤维少的生姜不辛辣、水分多而柔软。 Large valve, not many twists and turns, the thin transparent skin, and less fiber of ginger is not hot, water and more soft.7.刺海松 7. Thorn Haisong是寄生在浅海边的绿藻类,整体呈深绿色,触感较光滑,钙和磷的含量比适中。 Is a parasitic in the shallow sea of green algae, and the overall dark green, smooth touch than that of calcium and phosphorus content than moderate. 腌制储藏白菜时使用。 Used to store pickled cabbage.8.盐 8. Salt盐在人类至今所利用的调味品中历史最悠久、最重要的。 Salt in human so far with the use of spices in the oldest, the most important thing. 因为盐不仅调节食品的咸淡,在营养或生理等方面都是其他物质无法代替的。 Salt not only because of the brackish regulation of food, nutrition and physical and so can not be replaced by other substances. 人体吸收的盐转化为钠和氯气,进入血液、消化液、组织液发挥渗透压作用,并参与酸度调节和神经肌肉的兴奋性调节。 The human body to absorb the salt into sodium and chlorine, into the blood, digestive juice, tissue fluid play the role of osmotic pressure, acidity and participate in the regulation of muscle and nerve excitability regulation.9. 鱼虾酱汁 9. Fish sauce是一种储藏发酵食品,储藏期间蛋白质分解为氨基酸,生成固有的味道和香气。 Is a kind of fermented food storage, storage period for the decomposition of protein amino acids to produce the inherent flavor and aroma. 鲜鱼的刺分解为易于吸收的钙,脂肪转化为挥发性脂肪酸,生成酱汁特有的味道和香气。 The fish gill broken down into easy-to-absorption of calcium into volatile fatty acids to produce sauce unique aroma and taste. 鱼虾酱汁作为优质的蛋白质和钙、脂肪质的供应源,是钙含量高的碱性食品,具有中和体液的重要作用。 Fish and shrimp sauce as a high-quality protein and calcium, fat quality of the source of supply is high calcium content of basic foods, and has an important role in the body fluids. 使用最普遍的虾酱,因脂肪少,所以清淡,凤尾鱼酱的脂肪和所需氨基酸的含量和热量最高。 The most common use of shrimp paste, as a result of less fat, so light, anchovy sauce and fat content of the amino acid requirements and the highest heat.步骤: :第一步:买5斤大白菜,分成一片一片的,用适量的盐腌起来,放大约15-24小时,白菜萎缩了以后最初步的的材料就好了。 The first step: 5 to buy Chinese jin, into a piece, with the amount of salted, put about 15-24 hours, cabbage after the initial contraction of the material would be enough.第二步:找一个能翻得转的大锅,把蒜磨细(多一点,五斤大白菜大约3两蒜),辣椒粉(根据自己口味而定),然后放糖,鱼露(就像放酱油那样多),根据自己的口味还可以再放一些盐。 The second step: to find a big turn of a switch, ground garlic (a little more, about 3 Wujin two Chinese garlic), chili powder (according to their tastes may be), then sugar, fish sauce (on the Put as many as soy sauce), according to their own tastes can also add some salt. 把这些调料放在一起掺和搅和,就像和饺子馅一下就可以了。 These blending together seasoning mix, like dumplings and filling about it.第三步:发酵发酵要密封,发酵的时间视温度而定,一般春天4-5天,夏天3天,冬天就需要一个星期了 The third step: to seal fermentation fermentation, the fermentation time as the temperature may be generally 4-5 days in the spring, summer, 3 days a week in winter on the第四步:品尝美味的佳肴,注意的是请不要放得太久,建议单身的朋友做好以后一定要与朋友一起分享,要不然一个人吃不完放坏了就可惜了。 Step four: a taste of delicious food, noted that for too long, please do not put the proposed single friends to do a good job after we must share with friends, or else a person could not finish eating take pity on the bad.2法国鹅肝Traditional French foie gras production methods to make a brief introduction: gras (about 1300 grams) on the surface of the skin divisible, cut open and remove the blood vessels gras, sprinkled salt (12 grams), pepper (amount), Sugar (4 grams), cardamom powder (amount), about half an hour after applying brandy (a spoon), pickled to be about 2 hours later, into Pan, into the oven baking (oven temperature control 140 or so) take about 1 hour later, another home in the Pan-Pan air, the heavier objects will be top-down pressure-foie gras, the to be cooled into the refrigerator freezer, the food section when the mold. 这里需说明的是鹅肝酱并不是将鹅肝制成糊酱类的调味料,法式料理中的“鹅肝酱”是类似于我国的“糕”或“冻”之类,如“猪耳糕”、“水晶肴蹄”在成形上与它有相似之处。 Here take note of the foie gras is not gras will be made of class miso paste sauce, French cuisine in the "foie gras" is similar to China's "cake" or "cold" and the like, such as "fournieri Cake, "" crystal shoe confusion "in the shape it with similar. 一般来说,鹅肝酱用于煎菜最多,也常与面包或土司一起搭配食用。 In general, pan-fried foie gras for most dishes, often with bread or toast along with food. 目前在市场上的鹅肝酱有铁罐装和玻璃装两种,保质期约在2—3年,选择时以鹅肝酱中的块状愈大愈结实的愈好。 In the current market canned foie gras iron and glass mounted two in the shelf-life of about 2-3 years, the choice of foie gras in order to block the more solid the more the better. 需注意的是,市面上有许多产品并非是单纯的鹅肝酱,而是杂有其他成分的“杂肝酱” It must be noted is that there are many products on the market is not a simple foie gras, but there are other miscellaneous components of the "miscellaneous liver sauce"3土耳其烤肉Turkey's popular barbecue, with a special sauce for beef, mutton, pork, chicken marinated for soaking, use a thick iron bar a piece of meat to flee, causing a tower of meat, brush Oil, fire in the barbecue, Mnjikaning taste of life. 经过欧美美食家的独特改良,现今出现了旋转式烤肉机,烤熟的肉从肉塔上一片片削下。 Europe and the United States through the unique gourmet improved, appeared in today's rotary barbecue, Kao Shu meat from the tower on a piece of meat under the cut. 佐以沙拉,配料夹面饼食用。 Accompanied by salad, ingredients of food cake folder. 美味多滋,色泽鲜亮。 Zi and more delicious, bright color.还有什么??
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英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学。各个大方向中又可以选择小的方向。最后小编汇总两篇适合发表英语论文的期刊:1.新东方英语《新东方英语》大学版月刊,2003年5月创刊,由新东方教育科技集团与《海外文摘》杂志社联合推出,主要读者对象是在校大学生、部分高中生以及广大的英语爱 好者,是国内英语学习类期刊中品质、内容俱佳的双语杂志。2.时代英语《时代英语》坚持“英汉并进,以人为本”的办刊理念,以培养英语学习兴趣和自主学习能力、提高读者综合语言水平为宗旨。注重突出刊物的时代性、知识性和趣 味性。刊物推行三大行之有效的学习方法:双语互动、情景学习、阶梯记忆,吸引读者参与其中。刊物特色:考试指导性、语言应用性、读者参与性和教学辅导性。
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彭宣维 2000 隐喻学研究 上海外教 束定芳 2000 第二语言习得研究 上海外教 Ellis 2000 第二语言研究方法 上海外教 Selinger 2000 话语与文学 上海外教 Cook 2000 客观语言测试 上海外教 Spolsky 2000 口语语法 上海外教 Brazil 2000 第二语言习得概论 上海外教 Ellis 2000 实用文体学 上海外教 Widdowson 2000 应用语言学的原理与实践 上海外教 Cook 2000 英语教学史 上海外教 Howatt 2000 语言教学交际法 上海外教 Widdowson 2000 语料库、检索与搭配 上海外教 Sindair 2000 语言测试实践 上海外教 Bachman 2000 语言测试要略 上海外教 Bachman 2000 语言教学的基本概念 上海外教 Stern 2000 语言教学面面观 上海外教 Widdowson 2000 语言教学的问题与可选策略 上海外教 Stern 2000 语言教学的环境与文化 上海外教 Kramsch 2000 语言学习认知法 上海外教 Skehan 2000 语言与理解 上海外教 Brown 2000 文学与语言教学 上海外教 Carter 2000 交际法语言教学 上海外教 Johnson 2000 模糊语言 上海外教 Channell 2000 习语与习语特征 上海外教 Fernando 2000 语篇中的词汇模式 上海外教 Hoey 2000 词汇短语与语言教学 上海外教 DeCarrio 2000 语言领域的帝国主义 上海外教 Phillipson 2000 第二语言学习的条件 上海外教 Spolsky 2000 论以语言学习者为中心 上海外教 Yule 2000 英语会话 上海外教 Tzri 2000 语用学 上海外教 Yule 2000 语言与文化 上海外教 Kramsch 2000 语言学 上海外教 Widdowson 2000 第二语言习得 上海外教 Ellis 2000 心理语言学 上海外教 Scovel 2000 社会语言学 上海外教 Spolsky 2000 隐喻的研究与应用 上海外教 Low 2001 对比修辞:第二语言写作的跨文化层面 上海外教 Connor 2001 第二语言教与学的文化因素 上海外教 Hinkel 2001 语言课程评估:理论与实践 上海外教 Lynch 2001 社会语言学与语言教学 上海外教 Hornberger 2001 学习者为中心的课程设置:第二语言教学研究 上海外教 Nunan 2001 语言的迁移:语言学习的语际影响 上海外教 Odlin 2001 第二语言习得的学习策略 上海外教 Chamot 2001 体裁分析:学术与科研英语 上海外教 Swales 2001 第二语言词汇习得 上海外教 Huckin 2001 文化构建——文学翻译论集 上海外教 Lefevere 2001 跨文化交际——翻译理论与对比篇章语言学 上海外教 Hatim 2001 目的性行为——析功能翻译理论 上海外教 Nord 2001 语用学与翻译 上海外教 Hickey 2001 翻译问题探讨 上海外教 Newmark 2001 翻译学——问题与方法 上海外教 Wilss 2001 翻译教程 上海外教 Newmark 2001 通天塔之后——语言与翻译面面观 上海外教 Steiner 2001 语篇与译者 上海外教 Mason 2001 翻译研究:综合法 上海外教 Hornby 2001 描述翻译学及其他 上海外教 Toury 2001 语言与文化:翻译中的语境 上海外教 Nida 2001 翻译的理论建构与文化透视 上海外教 谢天振 2000 翻译文化史论 上海外教 王克非 2000 比较与翻译 上海外教 汪榕培 1997 翻译论丛 上海外教 耿龙明 1998 中国翻译教学研究 上海外教 穆 雷 2000 实用翻译美学 上海外教 傅仲选 2000 语言、文化与翻译 上海外教 奈达 2000 译介学 上海外教 谢天振 2000 语言与文化 上海外教 顾嘉祖 2000 中国译学理论史稿(修订版) 上海外教 陈福康 2000 语法隐喻理论研究 外研社 范文芳 2001 应用语言学研究方法与论文写作 外研社 文秋芳 2001 认知语言学概论——语言的神经认知基础 外研社 程琪龙 2001 语言与语言学:实用手册 外研社 语用与认识--关联理论研究 外研社 2001 第二语言习得研究 外研社 蒋祖康 2000 理论文体学 外研社 胡壮麟 2000 语言文化差异的认识与超越 外研社 高一虹 1999 语言测试和它的方法(修订版) 外研社 刘润清 1991 语言的符号性 外研社 丁尔苏 2000 跨文化非语言交际 外研社 毕继万 2000 跨文化交际学概论 外研社 胡文仲 2000 英语习语与英美文化 外研社 平 洪 2000 跨文化交际面面观 外研社 胡文仲 1999 俄汉语言文化习俗探讨 外研社 刘光准 1999 语言与文化论文集 外研社 二十一世纪大学英语教学改革 外研社 中国辞书学文集 外研社 2000 汉英篇章对比研究 外研社 论新开端:文学与翻译研究集 外研社 文化与交际 外研社 许国璋先生纪念文集 外研社 陶渊明诗歌英译比较研究 外研社 语言与文化 外研社 邓炎昌 2001 中西人际称谓系统 外研社 田惠刚 1998 中国语言学的现状与展望 外研社 许嘉璐 1998 语言要略 外研社 方 立 1999 语言学方法论 外研社 桂诗春 1998 西方语言学流派 外研社 刘润清 1999 文化与语言 外研社 王福祥 2000 许国璋论语言 外研社 功能主义纵横谈 外研社 胡壮麟 2000 洪堡特--人文研究和语言研究 外研社 语言学教程 外研社 2000 当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库: 语言论:言语研究导论 外研社 Sapir 2001 普通语言学教程 外研社 Saussure 2001 语言论 外研社 Bloomfiefd 2001 语言学综览 外研社 Aronoff 2001 语言学理论:对基要原著的语篇研究 外研社 Beaugrande 2001 吉姆林英语语音教程 外研社 Cruttenden 2001 音系学通解 外研社 Gussenhouen 2001 汉语方言的连读变调模式 外研社 Chen 2001 优选论 外研社 kaqer 2001 汉语形态学:语言认知研究法 外研社 Packard 2001 转换生成语法导论:从原则和参数到最简方案 外研社 Ouhalla 2001 当代句法理论通览 外研社 Ballin 2001 乔姆斯基:思想与理想 外研社 Smith 2001 语言知识及其本质、来源和使用 外研社 Chomsky 2001 当代语义理论指南 外研社 Lappin 2001 关联性:交际与认知 外研社 Sperber 2001 语用学引论 外研社 May 2001 语用学 外研社 Leuinsou 2001 言辞用法研究 外研社 Grice 2001 如何以言行事 外研社 Austin 2001 言语行为:语言哲学论 外研社 Searle 2001 表述和意义:言语行为研究 外研社 Searle 2001 言语的萌发:语言起源与进化 外研社 Aitchison 2001 语言学简史 外研社 Robins 2001 英语学习词典史 外研社 Cowie 2001 现代词典学入门 外研社 Bejoint 2001 英诗学习指南:语言学的分析方法 外研社 Leech 2001 小说文体论:英语小说的语言学入门 外研社 Leech 2001 人类语言学入门 外研社 Foley 2001 英语:全球通用语 外研社 Crystal 2001 社会语言学通览 外研社 Coulmas 2001 认知语言学入门 外研社 Schmid 2001 语言的范畴化:语言学理论中的类典型 外研社 Taylor 2001 英语的衔接 外研社 Halliday 2001 作为社会符号的语言:从社会角度诠释语言与意义 外研社 Halliday 2001 英语的功能分析:韩礼德模式 外研社 Bloor 2001 历史语言学导论 外研社 Lehmamm 2001 英语史:从古代英语到标准英语 外研社 Baugh 2001 翻译与翻译过程:理论与实践 外研社 Bell 2001 儿童语言发展引论 外研社 Cohen 2001 语言学习与运用中的错误:错误分析探索 外研社 James 2001 第二语言教与学 外研社 Nunan 2001 第二语言课堂反思性教学 外研社 Richards 2001 ESL/EFL英语课堂上的学习风格 外研社 Reid 2001 语言学习与教学的原则 外研社 Brown 2001 根据原理教学:交互式语言教学 外研社 Broen 2001 词汇、语义学和语言教育 外研社 Hatch 2001 语言教学大纲要素:课程设计系统法 外研社 Brown 2001 外语学习与教学论 外研社 Johnson 2001 语言测试词典 外研社 Dauies 2001 语言测试指南:发展、评估与研究 外研社 Henning 2001 第二语言习得与语言测试研究的接口 外研社 Bachman 2001 评估与测试:研究综述 外研社 Wood 2001 语言学课题:语言研究实用指南 外研社 Wray 2001 用语料库研究语言 外研社 Thomas 2001 语法化学说 外研社 Hopper 2001 剑桥语言百科全书 外研社 Crystal 2001 应用语言学百科辞典:语言教学手册 外研社 Johnson 2001
谈英文学术论文发表和写作技巧 最近,国内几个同行和我谈及用英文发表学术论文的问题,我想借这个地方谈谈我的经验和看法。国内语言学和应用语言学的学者倾向于在国内用中文发表文章,主要是因为, 一来, 学校要求老师和研究生在核心期刊上发文章;二来,英文毕竟不是母语, 写一篇英文文章的时间可以用来写好几篇中文文章。国情如此,实在无可厚非。但近来有同行抱怨,国内的期刊大多喜欢定量研究型的文章,对于以定性研究为主(如 ethnography research, action research)的文章不是那么欢迎。我没有太多用中文发表学术论文的经验,国内学术论文发表的内情是否如此,我就不得而知了。 写学术文章、参加学术会议,其实是一种学术圈内同行的对话。用中文写,懂中文的同行能读到你的研究,很好。用英文写,懂英文的同行能读到,也不错。如果想将你的研究和全世界的同行分享的话,可能英文比较能够达到这个目的。过去几年,我发了一些英文论文,也应一些英文学术期刊 (应用语言学方面的有TESOL Quarterly, Journal of Second Language Writing, Journal of Language Learning and Technology, World Englishes)的邀请做了审稿的工作。结合我的经验,我想谈谈在英文的应用语言学期刊上发文章应该注意的几点。这种经验之谈,供有兴趣的同行参考,以共同促进我们国际学术交流的水平。 首先,论文综述的目的不仅是发现本领域目前讨论/研究过什么,什么还没有讨论过,更重要的是提出你对已有的研究的批判,以发现值得进一步研究的问题。我发现后面的一步最不容易做到了,我做学生时不容易做到,我现在指导的博士生不容易做到,我审阅的许多投稿也没有将这一步做好。 第二,在论文综述的基础上提出研究问题和研究方案。问题和方案的提出,必须是基于对以往研究 (包括内容与方法) 的批判基础上提出。 我经常发现许多论文的论文综述和后面研究问题和研究方案的提出脱节。 第三,材料的收集和分析过程一定要详细描述。无论是定性还是定量分析,要在论文综述的'基础上先提出你想观察/研究的几个方面,然后详细、具体地描述你的测量方法或分析方法。 第四,根据先前提出的几个想观察的方面,对材料一一分析。分析的过程中,可以比较和讨论前人发表的研究,通过对比, 通过引用别人的已有发现, 来了解或阐述你的新发现。材料分析和讨论的部分一定要紧紧扣住文章前面提出的研究问题,这样才能使本研究的贡献凸现出来,从而体现学术交流的精神。 说了这里,有人可能会说,这几点不是和中文学术论文的要求一样吗?其实这些就是学术文章的最基本要求,如此看来,国内的学术论文规范已经和国际接轨了。最后,说一点可能和国内很多文科学术期刊不一样的要求。 第五,文章可能要修改再投。英文期刊一般会有编辑先筛选一遍, 将研究内容和写作风格适合本刊物的文章寄给两到三个领域的同行匿名审阅。一般而言,文章一投就中的可能性很小。很多时候,编辑会综合文章审阅人的意见,让作者依审阅人的建议(往往是对上面几点做评论)一一修改后再投。这实在是好消息了,因为编辑和审稿人都认为该研究做得不错,论文的内容和写作风格基本符合该期刊的传统。作者应该根据他们的意见,将文章修改再投。如此般地修改一轮或两轮是家常便饭,千万不要放弃。 第六,反复修改,提高论文的逻辑性和表达的准确性。在论文的写作过程中,要反复修改几遍,要反复思考苛刻的读者可能会有的质难。在寄给期刊编辑部之前,一定要让你的一两个同行先“无情”地批判一番,确保没有重大的逻辑和语言表达上的问题。我发表的第一篇英文论文修改了不下十遍!现在在这方面也丝毫不敢松懈。
替你找了两篇1)关于《语言学概论》的一点学习心得《语言学概论》这本书主要介绍语言学的基础理论,了解语言的性质、功能以及它的结构。掌握语言的现状、变化以及一般的发展规律。它是一门多边缘、多层次的立体性学科。它和社会科学、自然科学、思维科学都有着紧密的联系。在交叉科学日益发展的今天,语言学显得越发重要。通过读书,以及自己原有的一些观念,我对语言现在是这样认识的:语言是一种社会现象,它是我们人类特有的。语言与我们的思维有着密切的关系。语言是最重要的交际工具。以前,一直以为语言是与生俱来的,是平常生活中看似最简单不过的现象。通过这本书的学习发现,其实不然,原来越是简单的事越是有大奥妙。说话、写文章都要遵循语法规律。从婴儿时期的呀呀学语,到长大成人规范地使用语言,在不同的场合说不同的语言,人们互相学习各种不同的语言,学习一定的语言学知识,可以更好地帮助我们理性地认识它,并且更好地掌握它,更好地为以后的学习、工作、生活服务。2)《英语语言学概论》学习心得当我第一次翻开《英语语言学概论》的教材书时,心里“咯噔”一下,真的是挺吓人的一本书,满眼都是生疏的单词,还有各种不知所云的图表。当时真的很怀疑自己这么多年的英语是不是白学了。但当我静下心,并结合历年真题试卷细细分析了一下,其实英语语言学概论中的单词只是更偏重于学术性而已,并且有很多的单词我们完全可以通过已经识记的一些词根词缀猜出大概的意思,记忆起来并不是很难。我觉得,首先,我们应该克服对于偏于学术的英语的胆怯心理,这样才能在以后的学习中更有动力在英语语言学概论这门科目的学习中,我特别推荐给我们上课的支老师和王老师主编的苏州大学出版社出版的《英语语言学概论自学指导》。这本书是对于英文教材中的重点知识用中文进行了归纳,方便我们对于课本进行更为透彻的理解。当然,这本书始终只是辅导教材,大家万万不可将其作为重点,而抛弃了英文原教材。这本书只是帮助理解、防止发生理解错误的,我们一定要勇于去阅读全英文的书,这样对于培养英语思维有非常大的益处。 下面就具体讲讲我是怎么准备英语语言学概论的考试的。 起初,对于英语语言学的知识积累不多,开始时接触的知识都是似懂非懂,没有非常切实的体会。于是我采取了一个笨方法,就是“死记硬背”。我的“死记硬背”是通过不断地重复实现的,我将刚才提到的《自学指导》的单元课后练习用铅笔做,做完后对照答案修改,错误的题目擦去,重点记忆后下次再做,再改。就在不断重复中,我不仅记住了生词,还一遍又一遍的加深了对知识的理解。现在看来,这个阶段在我的英语语言学的学习过程中起到了非常重要的基础作用。通过记忆将知识内化,之后再反复揣摩、理解,为以后的学习培养了“语言学的语感”。 在此,我想提醒一下大家,通过我的实践并向老师进行了求证,《自学指导》中的一些练习题由于是选自高校考研真题,对于我们本科段的学生而言偏难,遇到这样的题目大家不用太过沮丧或浪费太多时间,可以适当跳过。 语言学这门课真的没有什么捷径可走,有的要记忆的东西一定要保质保量的准确记忆。例如,第三章中的英语辅音和元音的分类表,是非常重要的知识点,要牢牢记住,并且很多的知识点都可以借助这两张表来掌握。 此外,我建议大家参加第二专业学历教育的课程。语言学这门课相对来说比较学术,和以前我们接受的英语教育相比有很大不同,有了老师的引导可以少走很多弯路。 最后,我有一句话和大家共勉:不要追逐成功,做到卓越,成功自然会在不经意间追上你。在语言学的学习中不要只关注考试分数,试着去体会其中的乐趣,你会发现这也是一门很有趣的课,那分数一定不会和你作对。