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我也正在写毕业论文 我写的是中西方文化差异对广告翻译的影响 材料多 还好编 又有中西方文化差异 又有广告 还有翻译 字数很好凑 题目也不深 贴近生活 研究研究广告案例也挺有趣 文学方向的我决定很难有新颖的了 要么你研究研究名著拍成电影什么的吧 我的意思是纯文学的东西都研究烂了(但很好抄) 只是要新颖就很难了

This article pays attention is "the homosexual has the legal effectthe union" this to receive the hot topic in the recent years which thesociologist, the jurist as well as the anthropologist cared about, onthe one hand obtains from the marital essential attribute, is clearabout the validity and supposes the power certainly is not the maritalessential attribute. Conclude in the process from the marital originand the ceremony in the marriage the function to look that, themarriage is two between union which male shows by the husbands andwives name lives together, the marital essential attribute for male. On the other hand, also the objective reality which progressesaccording to the social development and the humanity, analysismarriage connotation vicissitude elaborated the homogeneous maritalreason, simultaneously, the various countries to this questionlegislation attempt, the union now the world specially is our countrythis special community's present situation, produces entrusts withthis special community legitimate just rights the suggestion and theway. 关键词:同性恋Homosexuality;婚姻的本质:Marital essence同性婚姻:Homogeneous marriage

"Gay marriage" system thinking Abstract : This paper is concerned "homosexuals having legal effect of the combination," by sociologists in recent years, Jurists and anthropologists hot issues of concern, on the one hand, from the nature of marriage attribute start. clear legitimacy and the right to set up sex marriage is not essential attribute. From the origin of marriage and the marriage ceremony concluded the process of view, Marriage is the name of publicity couples living together between the two, the combination of the essential attribute of marriage for formal recognition. But on the other hand, based on social development and human progress, the objective reality. Analysis of changes in the meaning of marriage to same-sex marriage explained the reasons, and on issues related to the legislative attempt, with the contemporary world, especially in China that the status of special groups, is given the special interest groups are legitimate and proper means and the recommendations. Keywords : homosexuality; The essence of marriage; Same-sex marriage

文学批评方法之我见 解读布莱克诗篇《老虎》的象征意义 弥尔顿创作目的和结果的矛盾之我见 华滋华斯诗歌的自然观 简析《秋颂》的美学价值 由《云雀颂》看雪莱的诗歌创作观 论叶芝诗歌中的象征主义 狄金森诗歌的现实意义 论现代诗歌与后现代诗歌的异同 解读《麦克白》的创作意义 由海明威的《杀人者》理解客观叙述法 解读福克纳的《干燥七月》 中外文学作品比较 不同英语文作品比较 英文作品中的人物分析 英文作品的社会意义 最好写关于短篇小说的分析,不要写太多人都写过的,可以写美籍印第安作家,女作家,南方文艺复兴时期作家。诗歌也可以写,因为很多人都不写诗歌。












The old man and the sea "SangDeYa brother character analysis:SangDeYa elder brother, this lonely, failure, but also a strong will and the winner of the old impulses into the sea. Without doubt, this will be the world met with two fight. A lonely and dilapidated, and have their own unique character and spirit of the old world, in the life on earth and the most violent natural unfolding a thrilling fight. Stars and the vast expanse of the sea, constitute a game of space magnificent brilliant background. SangDeYa brother love the sea. Therefore, he will always sea as a woman. In his mind, "ocean's kindness and very beautiful, but on the other hand, he knew the sea" brutal ". So I thought, he will be the woman, there are also regarded as the deeper reason, it is usually to the sea of his desire to conquer men. He and the sea, and the big marlin and shark's bloody battle, this is the concrete embodiment of sea SangDeYa Jericho underlines once again he alone, but never failed to defeat the character and destiny. Like all his life, in the most concentrated in hunting. He in the ocean soliloquize, experiencing the deepest helpless and loneliness. In his battle with the blood flow, scars, collapse with his hunger, weary and injured and cramps body on self fights. But as he said: "a man is not made for defeat to destroy him. You can, but is he", a fisherman, he was born the dry up ". He will all be understanding to undertake the fate. So he himself will eventually kill fish, he failed. In the end, he left the wreckage of fish. But in the spirit, but he still is the winner. He and the big marlin, even by completely, leaving only "destruction" bones, but still has not been "beat". This is the reality of life, Hemingway's failure to convert and sublimate into bitter spirit of triumph, and give praise of the brother indeed like saints. He hung in the shack in the sacred and barzillai starkovs Jesus virgin. He fought in the prayer. His disciples of Jesus and the fishermen in st. Especially in his first endure pain, he landed on the toughness of the mast after carrying up, and his works in the final "pull up blanket cover two shoulder, back, and then wrapped up in arms and legs, stretched straight, palms up the crucifixion of Jesus" image shows a solemn, the writer intentionally shaping the holy temperament. So the researchers SangDeYa saint "of" head almost surrounded the aperture of the holy, so has the works or mystical religions, "meaning", 3) "is a religious poetry". [4]But after all, SangDeYa elder brother and not saints. He even "is not religious". His distinctive temperament of the saints, but maybe just agree with that writer painstakingly. [5] in his world, with so many ordinary but again good things. The world SangDeYa or lonely, but not although autistic. He and the people around him, and the world, even small village and javan, to the modern world wide and be closely bound up. He and the name, and the children get along and manolin deeply loved him. He is in the sea. But his newspaper and radio such modern things, also full of love and curiosity. This is because, with them, he can focus the baseball game. For SangDeYa elder brother, pay attention to children means focus on the future, and focus on the baseball game, not only he beat his opponent, the echo of the inner urge to victory, but also used his and broader and more modern spirit of the outside only that, Hemingway portrays the spirit and character SangDeYa world, also very fully show the world with the nature of the world (the big marlin, Marine, seabirds, shark, and stars as small society), the village children), (fishermen, broader modern world (baseball games) and hopeful future world (children), and beyond ordinary divine world (his prayer and his passion of the spirit of the holy image), and such contact, and further enriched and deepen his spirit and personality. The world SangDeYa is so vast, brilliant, broad and profound! I think this is the old man and the sea "this not long, the novel is always the artistic charm of the basic course, the old man and the sea "narrative art undoubtedly is quite outstanding. On the one hand, it is "iceberg theory" Hemingway once again extremely successful. He spoke in the old man and the sea "creation once said:" the old man and the sea "could have written more than a thousand pages long, but he always according to the principle of the iceberg" to write about it. Every part, appeared in the seven eighths. You can avoid you know anything, it will only make your tip. This is not deep, part of the "appeared. [6] in its simple storyline, hidden behind our front of so rich and broad world, On the other hand, it is like a poem, a song sullen, suffering, the enthusiasm and solemn, even not bright and gentleness vision magnificent symphony. It SangDeYa from the loneliness and failure in writing, began to write in the sea with his little boy before the contacts, and his setting sail, he and the big marlin and shark's struggle, he failed to return to his final solemn dreams. Narrative is a waterfall, luxury, pour a solemn lyric passages and rhythm is in its intonation. [7] its colorful language, not only elegant, simple and unadorned and bright colours, powerful, with solemn underfoot art style.

《老人与海》桑地亚哥性格分析 : 桑地亚哥,这个孤独的、失败的,但又有着胜利者冲动和坚强意志的老人进入了大海。毫无疑问,这将是两个世界的相遇与搏斗。一个孤独、破败,而又有着自己独特的性格与精神世界的苍老的生命,在与地球上最为狂暴的自然展开着惊心动魄的较量。日月星辰和浩瀚无边的大海,构成了这场较量壮阔辉煌的空间背景。桑地亚哥热爱着大海。因此,他总将大海视为女人。在他的心目中,“海洋是仁慈并十分美丽的”,但在另一方面,他又深知大海的“残暴”。所以我以为,他将大海视为女人,还有着另外的更深层次的原因,那就是他对大海男性一般的征服欲望。他与大海、与大马林鱼以及鲨鱼的殊死搏斗,正是这种征服的具体体现。 海上的桑地亚哥又一次突显出他的孤独、失败但又决不服输的性格与命运。仿佛他的一生,都在这次捕猎中得到了最为集中的体现。他在大海中自言自语,体验着深切的无助与孤独。他在与大鱼的搏斗中鲜血崩流、伤痕累累,还要与自己的饥饿、困乏,以及受伤与抽筋的肢体进行着自我搏斗。但正如他所说的:“一个人并不是生来就要给打败的。你尽可以毁灭他,可就是打不败他”,做一个渔夫,正是他“生来该干的行当”。他将一切都理解为自己必然承担的宿命。因此他靠自己的意志,最终杀死了大鱼,取得了胜利。 但他还是失败了。他在最后,只剩下了大鱼的残骸。而在精神的层面上,他却仍是胜利者。他和那条大马林鱼一样,即使遭到彻底的“毁灭”,只剩下尸骨,可仍然没有被“打败”。就是这样,海明威把现实人生的失败与苦厄转换与升华成精神的凯旋,并且给予了圣徒般的赞美。 桑地亚哥确实像圣徒。他在窝棚中悬挂的耶稣圣心图和科夫莱圣母图。他在搏斗中的祈祷。他和耶稣的门徒圣彼得所共有的渔夫身份。特别是他自始至终忍受痛楚的坚韧,他在上岸以后扛着桅杆的屡仆屡起,以及他在作品的最后“拉起毯子,盖住两肩,然后裹住了背部和双腿,两臂伸得笔直,手掌向上”这样的耶稣受难般的庄严形象,都显示出作家所刻意塑造的圣者气质。所以有学者指出“圣人般的桑地亚哥”的“头上几乎围绕着圣洁的光圈”,作品也因此具有了“宗教的或神秘的涵义”,〔3〕“是一首宗教诗”。〔4〕 可是毕竟,桑地亚哥并不是圣徒。他甚至“并不笃信宗教”。他的鲜明强烈的圣徒气质也许只是暗合,只是作家所刻意赋予的。〔5〕在他的世界中,有着那么多凡俗而又美好的事物。或者说,桑地亚哥的世界虽然孤独,但却并不自闭。他与人们,与他周围小小的渔村世界,甚至与广阔辽远的现代世界,均都息息相关。他与渔民、与那个名叫马诺林的孩子和睦相处并且深受他的爱戴。他在海上念念不忘的就是孩子。而他对报纸和收音机这样的现代事物,同样充满了喜爱与好奇。这是因为通过它们,他能够关注棒球比赛的信息。对桑地亚哥而言,关注孩子意味着关注未来,而关注棒球比赛,不仅寄托和呼应着他打败对手、渴望胜利的内在冲动,而且还喻示着他与更加广阔和更加现代的外部世界的精神联系。 就是这样,海明威不仅刻画了桑地亚哥的精神与性格世界,还很充分地展现了这样的世界与大自然的世界(海洋、海鸟、大马林鱼、鲨鱼,以及日月星辰)、作为小型社会的渔村世界(渔民、孩子)、更加广阔的现代世界(棒球比赛)和充满希望的未来世界(孩子),以及超越凡俗的神圣世界(他的祈祷和他的受难般的圣者形象)的精神联系,而这样的联系,无疑又进一步丰富和深化了他的精神与性格世界。桑地亚哥的世界,原来是这样的广阔、辉煌、博大与深邃!我想,这正是《老人与海》这部篇幅不长、情节简单的小说具有永远的艺术魅力的基本原因。 当然,《老人与海》的叙事艺术无疑是相当杰出的。一方面,它是海明威“冰山理论”的又一次极为成功的体现。他在谈到《老人与海》的创作时曾经说过:“《老人与海》本来可以写成一千多页那么长”,但他“总是根据冰山的原理去写它。关于显现出来的每一部分,八分之七是在水面的。你可以略去你所知道的任何东西,这只会使你的冰山深厚起来。这是并不显现出来的部分”。〔6〕在它简单的故事情节背后,深藏着我们前面所阐述的那样丰富而又博大的世界;另一方面,它像诗篇,像是一曲交织着沉郁、苦难、昂扬与庄严,甚至也不无明丽与柔情的气魄宏伟的交响曲。它从桑地亚哥的孤独与失败开始写起,依次书写他在出海之前与小男孩的交往、他的扬帆出海、他与大马林鱼及鲨鱼的搏斗、他的失败的返航,最后复归于他庄严的梦境。叙事从容不迫,有着“瀑布般倾泻的豪华、庄严的抒情段落,而节奏正表现在它的抑扬顿挫里”。〔7〕它的语言丰富多彩,不仅雅致冷峻、简洁有力,而且色彩鲜明,具有庄严伟岸的艺术风格。 (翻译) The old man and the sea "SangDeYa brother character analysis:SangDeYa elder brother, this lonely, failure, but also a strong will and the winner of the old impulses into the sea. Without doubt, this will be the world met with two fight. A lonely and dilapidated, and have their own unique character and spirit of the old world, in the life on earth and the most violent natural unfolding a thrilling fight. Stars and the vast expanse of the sea, constitute a game of space magnificent brilliant background. SangDeYa brother love the sea. Therefore, he will always sea as a woman. In his mind, "ocean's kindness and very beautiful, but on the other hand, he knew the sea" brutal ". So I thought, he will be the woman, there are also regarded as the deeper reason, it is usually to the sea of his desire to conquer men. He and the sea, and the big marlin and shark's bloody battle, this is the concrete embodiment of sea SangDeYa Jericho underlines once again he alone, but never failed to defeat the character and destiny. Like all his life, in the most concentrated in hunting. He in the ocean soliloquize, experiencing the deepest helpless and loneliness. In his battle with the blood flow, scars, collapse with his hunger, weary and injured and cramps body on self fights. But as he said: "a man is not made for defeat to destroy him. You can, but is he", a fisherman, he was born the dry up ". He will all be understanding to undertake the fate. So he himself will eventually kill fish, he failed. In the end, he left the wreckage of fish. But in the spirit, but he still is the winner. He and the big marlin, even by completely, leaving only "destruction" bones, but still has not been "beat". This is the reality of life, Hemingway's failure to convert and sublimate into bitter spirit of triumph, and give praise of the brother indeed like saints. He hung in the shack in the sacred and barzillai starkovs Jesus virgin. He fought in the prayer. His disciples of Jesus and the fishermen in st. Especially in his first endure pain, he landed on the toughness of the mast after carrying up, and his works in the final "pull up blanket cover two shoulder, back, and then wrapped up in arms and legs, stretched straight, palms up the crucifixion of Jesus" image shows a solemn, the writer intentionally shaping the holy temperament. So the researchers SangDeYa saint "of" head almost surrounded the aperture of the holy, so has the works or mystical religions, "meaning", 3) "is a religious poetry". [4]But after all, SangDeYa elder brother and not saints. He even "is not religious". His distinctive temperament of the saints, but maybe just agree with that writer painstakingly. [5] in his world, with so many ordinary but again good things. The world SangDeYa or lonely, but not although autistic. He and the people around him, and the world, even small village and javan, to the modern world wide and be closely bound up. He and the name, and the children get along and manolin deeply loved him. He is in the sea. But his newspaper and radio such modern things, also full of love and curiosity. This is because, with them, he can focus the baseball game. For SangDeYa elder brother, pay attention to children means focus on the future, and focus on the baseball game, not only he beat his opponent, the echo of the inner urge to victory, but also used his and broader and more modern spirit of the outside only that, Hemingway portrays the spirit and character SangDeYa world, also very fully show the world with the nature of the world (the big marlin, Marine, seabirds, shark, and stars as small society), the village children), (fishermen, broader modern world (baseball games) and hopeful future world (children), and beyond ordinary divine world (his prayer and his passion of the spirit of the holy image), and such contact, and further enriched and deepen his spirit and personality. The world SangDeYa is so vast, brilliant, broad and profound! I think this is the old man and the sea "this not long, the novel is always the artistic charm of the basic course, the old man and the sea "narrative art undoubtedly is quite outstanding. On the one hand, it is "iceberg theory" Hemingway once again extremely successful. He spoke in the old man and the sea "creation once said:" the old man and the sea "could have written more than a thousand pages long, but he always according to the principle of the iceberg" to write about it. Every part, appeared in the seven eighths. You can avoid you know anything, it will only make your tip. This is not deep, part of the "appeared. [6] in its simple storyline, hidden behind our front of so rich and broad world, On the other hand, it is like a poem, a song sullen, suffering, the enthusiasm and solemn, even not bright and gentleness vision magnificent symphony. It SangDeYa from the loneliness and failure in writing, began to write in the sea with his little boy before the contacts, and his setting sail, he and the big marlin and shark's struggle, he failed to return to his final solemn dreams. Narrative is a waterfall, luxury, pour a solemn lyric passages and rhythm is in its intonation. [7] its colorful language, not only elegant, simple and unadorned and bright colours, powerful, with solemn underfoot art style.

小学英语 教育 的多元化已成为一种发展趋势,面对初学者低龄时听说能力发展的黄金时期,教师要培养和保持学生对 英语学习 的较浓兴趣,把握良机,渲染英语课堂气氛,引发学生的兴趣和求知欲。下面是我给大家推荐的小学英语教育专业 毕业 论文,希望大家喜欢!小学英语教育专业毕业论文篇一 《小学英语兴趣教育的探索实践》 【摘要】本文作者 总结 自身教学经历,结合小学英语教学中一些具体实践、做法和感受,介绍小学英语兴趣教学的方式 方法 , 文章 采取举例法,分别对字母教学、新单词呈现以及教学临场应变中激发英语学习兴趣的做法进行阐述、说明,强调英语兴趣教学的重要作用和良好效果,对年轻教师的教学实践具有很好的指导作用。 【关键词】英语兴趣教学实践 在小学英语教学中,教学形式重复和教授方法单一的现象仍然普遍存在,造成学生认为英语课程枯燥,学习兴趣不浓。实践证明, 学习英语 ,兴趣是最好的老师。小学生好动、贪玩,但对新鲜事物充满好奇、兴趣,因此,教师在英语教学中不断地创新施教形式和 教学方法 ,可以有效凝聚学生的注意力,激发和保持小学生的学习兴趣。 一、趣味学字母 字母教学是英语基础教学中的一个重要环节,字母学习如果充满乐趣,学得轻松,就为以后的英语学习打下了良而坚实的基础。因此,在学习字母阶段,应利用一切可利用的资源,创设情境,让学生和字母做游戏,交朋友。 新授时,利用幻灯片,如椅子变成小写字母h,哑铃变成大写字母I等,还可以编写一些儿歌帮助学生记忆字母的形状,如:大写M象高山,两座高山肩并肩;大写N三兄弟,手牵手不分离。这个儿歌不仅提示了形状而且还提示了笔画数。(音标教学也可以采用此方法帮助学生记忆发音特点,例如:双元音〔au〕,小胖猪真贪多,大大西瓜摆上桌,嘴张大,啃得多,〔au〕、〔au〕! 操练和练习时,可采用下面的游戏: 1、What’s missing?抽去一张字母卡片,让学生说出什么没有了。 2、左邻右舍。教师出示一个字母,让他的左邻右舍的学生快速上讲台,站在相应的位置上,其余学生一起认读这几个字母。 3、教师或一名学生可用手指、下巴、手肘、脚等身体部位在空中“写”字母,学生猜或教师发指令,学生在课桌上、椅子上、文具盒上、地板上等不同地方练习写字母,或同桌之间相互在手心或脊背上写字母,让对方猜。 4、按发音归类时,可玩“招兵买马”的游戏,找出五个手持元音字母的学生当大将军,其余学生当兵卒去投靠将军。 等等…… 在教学巩固时,一是可以采用儿歌突破难点;二是手势掌握重点。如在教唱“ABC Song”时,可这样结合手语伴唱(图略);三是形象化增加趣味,如出示一张写有“日”字的卡片,让学生观察并说出所含有的大写字母,或找出某些图形中的字母;四是可采用猜 谜语 的方式,1-1不等于0,(H)。1+3不等于4或耳朵一边长,(B)。子弹射出枪,(j)。弹弓没皮筋,(Y)。扎个小辨俏模样,(a)等等。 二、新单词呈现方法 学生对语言材料感知和理解的效果,在很大程度上取决于教师呈现知识的方式、方法和过程,以及教师与学生在认知过程的相互协调。导入和呈现方法的多样性,在英语新授课程中起着十分关键的作用,总结归纳起来有以下几种: 1、直观呈现法。包括实物、卡片、教学挂图、 简笔画 、幻灯片、多媒体课件等,使学生所学知识建立在感性的基础上,从而让学生学得深刻、记得牢固。 2、游戏呈现法。采取 魔术 等游戏方法学习新单词,能够唤起学生思维的积极活动,引发学生的无意注意,变枯燥的教学内容为丰富多彩的游戏活动,让学生在玩中学,可以收到事半功倍的效果。 3、体态语呈现法。采用这种呈现方法,教师教得轻松,学生学得愉快。比如在教jump,walk,sit,stand等动词时,教师可直接做动作,一些名词可参照手语。 4、悬念、谜语呈现法。如在教授水果类单词时,教师先绘画出一个圆圈问学生,“what’s this?”,学生会根据自己的想象回答,“It’s a ball. or It’s a face.”等等。接着教师从不同的角度添加寥寥数笔后,使圆圈变成苹果、梨、橘子等等。 5、以旧带新呈现法。人们在感知事物时,与该事物有关的知识 经验 越丰富,感知就越迅速、越全面。因此,要使学生获新的知识,教师可在热身运动warming-up阶段,通过各种形式的练习来强化旧的知识,在复习旧知识的基础上,进行新知识的教学。 三、应变出精彩 一直以来,通过对课堂教学的预设以取得课堂教学的满堂喝彩是英语教师的孜孜以求。在“目标-过程-结果”的演变序列中,除了预设的精彩,伴随着课堂教学活动的展开,会萌生出许多无法预料的精彩。教师若能善于捕捉,善于利用,那么一个个超越预设,洋溢着弥香的精彩教学瞬间就会随时呈现,下面的教学案例就可以充分反映这一点: 1、在一次公开课前,教师的课件、录音机、投影仪等准备一应俱全,可偏偏这时停电了,教室里顿时弥漫着无奈的气息。尽管辛辛苦苦制作的课件没有派上用场,但教师凭着教学图片、简笔画功底也完成了一个简约、朴素的传统课堂教学,产生了别有一番情趣和效果,可以说教师扎实的基本功同样是成就教学精彩的基本元素。 2、在一次课堂教学中,由于一名学生个子矮小够不到板书,无法完成教学游戏,教师便将其抱起完成了这组教学游戏,学生显得非常兴奋。为此,教师得到灵感,将相关教学游戏拓展为同组队员互助完成的形式,既增进了同学之间的友谊和协作意识,、学生的参与兴趣也更浓了,课堂气氛更加融洽、向上。 3、在一次“传辫子帽子”女孩介绍自己的游戏中,辫子帽子意外的落到一个男生手中,学生们以为老师会换一个女生来介绍,教师却鼓励这个男生用女孩的声音介绍了自己,引起学生的哄堂大笑和高度关注,有效激发了学生的参与和学习语言的热情,锻炼了学生的口语能力和胆量,巩固了记忆效果。 小学阶段英语教学模式应符合少年 儿童 的心理特征和年龄特点,遵循中国小学生学习外语的规律和语境。实践证明,小学英语实施兴趣教学可以为学生营造一个愉快轻松的教学环境,既培养了学生兴趣,又减轻了学生的心理负担,促进了学生学习英语从“要我学”向“我要学”、“我想学”的方向转变,对培养学生英语学习兴趣、克服语言学习的畏难情绪和减轻中学阶段英语学习畏难情绪及压力具有积极的意义。 作者简介:汤利利,女,1973年8月生,沈阳师范大学英语专业本科,小学高级教师,从事英语教学17年。 小学英语教育专业毕业论文篇二 《提高小学英语课堂教学效果的实践与探索》 摘要:课堂是学校教育的主阵地,是学生学习 文化 知识、开发智力、提升能力的主要 渠道 ,其教学效果如何直接关系着学生的学习成绩和素质。因此,我们教师要重视课堂教学效果的提高。本文中笔者结合自己的教学经验,主要从精心备课,以保证课堂教学顺利进行;激发兴趣,促使学生主动学习;讲究提问技巧,激活学生的英语思维;多维度整合,优化教学方法和手段四方面就如何提高小学英语课堂教学效果探究一二。 关键词:小学英语 课堂教学 效果 新课程改革的到来,给教师教学带来了一股清新的气息,同时也提出了新的要求,如何将新课程中先进的教育理念更好地落实到英语教学中来,并努力探索出一条适合新课程标准要求的英语教学之路,全面提高英语教学效果,无疑是我们面临的一个重要课题。经过长期的思考与实践,对此,笔者认为可采取以下方法。 一、精心备课,以保证课堂教学顺利进行 精心备课是课堂教学顺利进行的基础。它包括备教材、备学生等。而备课越充分,教案设计得越详细、越科学合理,课堂教学效果才会越高。因此,我们要重视备课。首先,教师要深入钻研教材,熟练掌握教材内容,明确一节课的重点和难点,从而合理安排教学内容;其次,教师要了解学生的英语知识水平、思想动态以及接受能力等方面的情况,以结合学生实际灵活安排教法,做好课堂调控。只有这样,教师上课时才能得心应手,左右逢源。 二、激发兴趣,促使学生主动学习 兴趣是最好的老师。托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教学所需要的不是强制而是激发学生兴趣。”小学英语是入门教学,教师应该把培养学生学习英语的兴趣放在首位。为此,教师在教学过程中要采用各种方法,有意识地培养学生对英语的学习兴趣,使他们处在最佳的学习状态中,好学、乐学、善学。 1.导入激趣。良好的开端是成功的一半。在课堂教学中导入正是起着这样的作用。成功的导入,可以使学生兴趣盎然、精力集中、思维活跃,理解和记忆的质量也会相应提高。导入的方法有很多,如歌曲式导入、提问式导入、多媒体课件导入等,只要教师结合小学生的身心特点,根据教学内容,合理选择导入方法,就一定能使学生产生“欲知而后快”的期待心理,主动进入学习状态。需要注意的是新课导入时教师切忌舍近求远,在谈了一大堆与本课课题风马牛不相及的东西后,才迂回到本课新话题,造成课堂教学时间的严重浪费。 2.游戏激趣。小学生年龄小,爱玩好动,而游戏教学正好符合小学生的这一身心特点,在英语教学中,教师可根据教学内容,安排各种游戏活动,让学生参与其中,从而使之在玩中掌握各种英语知识。这不仅能够强化学生的英语技能,满足他们寻求知识、展示自我的心理需要,还活跃了学生的思维,使学生更加主动地投入到了英语学习之中。 三、讲究提问技巧,激活学生的英语思维 学生的思维过程往往是从问题开始的,成功的提问能够一石激起千层浪,有效激活学生的思维,引发学生思考。教学中教师应讲究提问技巧,从学生实际出发,根据教学内容,采用不同的方法。具体来说,需要注意以下几点:一是提问要明确、清晰。教师要把问题交代清楚,必要时将一些问题口语化,让学生听清楚教师在问什么。二是提问要适时。教师要把握最佳时机提问,即要在学生“心求通而未得,口欲言而不能”的状态下提出相应的问题,从而使学生能化解难点、深化认识。三是提问不宜太多。一堂课如果有太多的问题,让学生长时间地处在思考中,学生就会厌倦、懈怠,学习效果就会明显下降。因此应给学生足够的练习、讨论时间,多设计一些问中有练、练中有问的题型,提问与练习两者互相融合。四是提问要难易适度。教师的课堂提问不能过于简单,仅让学生回答“是”或“不是”,也不能过于有难度,应照顾到大多数学生,保证学生都有机会参与答问。五是要留给学生足够的时间思考。教师提问后不能要求学生立刻给出答案,应提供他们思考的时间,这样才能保证学生对问题的充分理解。 四、多维度整合,优化教学方法和手段 课堂教学方法和手段的选择是能否取得良好教学效果的关键。英语教学中,教师要重视教学方法和手段的选择,其所采用的教学方法和手段既要符合教学内容,又要符合小学生学英语的认识规律和一般教学原则;既要运用传统教学手段,又要合理利用各种现代化教学媒体。 1.分层教学。学生存在个体差异,其 学习态度 、知识基础、接受能力都各不相同,教学中教师只有从学生实际出发,实施分层教学,用符合教育规律和学生身心发展特点的方法对他们进行教育和引导,才能满足不同学生的不同需求,使人人都获得不同程度的发展。具体来说,分层教学包括教学目标分层、教学内容分层、问题分层、作业分层等,不论在哪一个环节,教师都要遵循以下原则:对优秀学生,要严格要求,让他们“吃得好”;对中等学生,要多引导、督促,让他们“吃得饱”;对学困生,要主动亲近,及时补救,让他们“吃得了”。只有这样,才能让每位学生都参与其中,各有所获。 2.多媒体辅助教学。目前,多媒体技术已经进入学校教育,其相较于传统教学手段,不仅听觉效果很好,视觉效果也很好,它不但能展示图文声像,还可以模仿真形象再现,即化抽象为形象,而且妙趣横生,从而降低了认识难度,突破了教学难点。教材中有些重点、难点,若单纯依靠教师的讲解,则过于抽象,且长时的有意注意容易使学生感到疲倦和厌倦。教学中教师可利用多媒体课件将抽象的文字编成生动的画面,吸引学生的无意注意并维持他们的有意注意,以帮助他们很好地掌握教学内容。需要注意的是教学中我们不能一味地追求丰富多彩的视听效果,以至于忽略了教学内容。而应结合学生特点,根据教材内容,将电教媒体与传统教学手段有机结合、互相补充,从而充分发挥电教媒体的优势,达到最佳的教学效果。 总之,提高小学英语课堂教学效率是一个系统工程,绝不是一朝一夕能完成的。我们只有从从素质教育的要求出发,以新《英语课程标准》为指导,不断探索、研究新的教学理念和方法,不断 反思 自身教学行为,才能更好地提高英语教学效果,开创小学英语教学的新篇章。 参考文献: [1]谢婉瑜.如何提高小学英语课堂教学效果[J].成才之路, 2012(15). [2]王娟.新课程背景下加强小学英语课堂教学效果的有效 措施 [J].新课程(小学),2012(01). [3]王晴.教学也要量体裁衣――谈小学英语课堂教学的误区[J].新课程(小学),2012(09). [4]陈典芳.有效:有趣・有用・有效――浅谈小学英语有效性课堂教学[J].教育教学论坛,2010(26). 小学英语教育专业毕业论文篇三 《小学英语教育若干问题》 一、小学英语教育的必要性 小学阶段,是一个人形成习惯的重要阶段,也是学习语言的最佳阶段,在小学教育中,造就小学生养成英语学习的良好习惯是非常重要的,同时也是每一位英语教师的责任"小学英语教育的必要性主要表现在以下几个方面:首先,为后续阶段的英语学习奠定基础"小学阶段的英语教育虽然只是初步涉及相关基础知识,但是其在学生英语学习的整个过程中,起着重要的引导作用,为学生英语学习兴趣的养成与语感的形成产生着重要影响;其次,提高国民整体英语水平"小学时期是普及义务教育的阶段,英语的学习不仅能够培养学生的英语交际能力,还能够在一定程度上提高整个国民英语水平,提高整体素质;最后,面向未来,为今后的就业奠定基础"如今,在社会各个领域都涉及英语,不管是科研工作,还是经济贸易工作都离不开英语" 二、小学英语教育中存在的问题 (一)教育观念与方式落后 在小学英语教育中,部分教师仍在沿用传统落后的教学观念,以教师为中心,忽略了学生的主体地位,对学生进行填鸭式教学,同时受应试教育的影响,部分教师以学生的考试成绩作为评价标准,对英语学习的真正意义产生忽略"在教学方式上,部分教师只是照本宣科,教学方式单一,学生对英语的学习只是死记硬背,严重忽略了英语语言的实践" (二)教师队伍整体素质偏低 部分小学在其发展中,并没有配备专业的英语教师,而是让其他任课教师或非英语专业教师来兼任英语教学"这部分英语教师的英语水平较为有限,英语基础差,发音不准确,词汇量严重不足,对英语知识的把握不够准确,同时其 英语口语 与交际能力较差,在英语教学中难以正确指导学生进行科学!有效的英语学习" (三)英语运用环境较少 新课标对小学英语的听!说!读!写各种能力的全面提升进行了重点强调,在小学实际的英语教学过程中,学生仅仅对老师设置的英语对话进行简单练习,而听!说能力的培养仅靠课堂学习远远不够,英语运用环境的创设对学生各种英语能力的培养与提升是非常重要的,但是由于外籍教师的缺乏,在很大程度上限制了学生英语听!说能力的全面提升" 三、小学英语教育间题的解决对策 (一)创新英语教师的教学理念与教学形式 一方面,在小学英语教育中,英语教师要更新教学理念,通过参加教学讲座及培训,对小学英语课程的改革重点得以充分认识,在英语教学过程中,以学生的学习兴趣为教学出发点,尊重学生的主体地位,面向全体学生教学,提高学生对英语的认识水平,培养学生积极向上的情感态度,树立其跨文化意识,增强学生的对英语课程的自主学习能力;另一方面,创新英语教学形式,掌握现代化的教学技术,提升自身的 网络技术 应用能力,独立制作教学课件,通过运用先进的计算机多媒体教学手段,对网络资源进行充分运用,运用网络进行英语交流与学习,以此提升课堂教学质量与效率" (二)提高英语教师的专业素质 作为英语教师,要对自身存在的不足进行重新审视,增强自身的英语专业能力,完善自身的英语知识结构,同时要强化教学理论进修,与时俱进,掌握英语教育中新型的教学方法与教育原则"在日常生活与教学中,可以通过阅读英语杂志!书刊,听英语广播等形式,不断吸收新知识,对自身掌握的英语知识进行不断更新,以提高自身的专业素质"与此同时,相关教育部门要根据学校教育的不同需求,从教师招聘!课程设置!人事调配以及教师的再教育等各方面进行综合考虑,研究并制定出科学合理的英语教师培训计划,定期组织英语教师进行培训与进修,全面提升英语教师的综合素质" (三)通过英语角或网络拓宽学生的英语运用环境 在英语的学习过程中,交流是最佳 学习方法 ,能够有效培养学生的英语语感,锻炼其英语学习能力,提升英语学习兴趣"因此,在小学英语教学中,老师要充分发挥其组织教学能力,拓宽学生的英语运用环境,为学生提供更多的交流机会,提升学生对英语的综合运用能力"在课余时间,可以通过英语角等各种英语交流活动的组织,鼓励小学生积极参加,进行英语交流,激发其英语学习兴趣,同时锻炼学生的英语听说能力"除此之外,学校可以定期或不定期地邀请外籍英语教师来校开展英语讲座,通过与学生的交流,吸引学生的英语兴趣;还可以运用网络交流,让学生更多地了解学校以外的英语环境,激发学生对英语的求知欲,以更好地提高自身的英语能力" 四、结语 随着时代的进步与社会的发展,英语在人们的日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,而在小学生的基础教育中,英语教育更是重中之重"当前,小学英语的教育问题日益显露,受到越来越多的人重视,在小学英语的教学过程中,英语教师要积极更新教学观念,创新教学模式,丰富教学内容,提高教学水平,为小学生的后续英语学习奠定坚实的基础"作为学校,要对英语教育引起高度重视,为英语教学创造各种条件,促进小学英语教学工作的开展"


学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语专业毕业论文题目供大家进行参考:1. 英语中的性别歧视(Sex Discrimination in English Language )2. 电影《乱世佳人》长期受到青睐的原因(Gone with the Wind – Why This Movie Has the Lasting Popularity)3. 广告英语特点分析(An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement)4. 美国青少年教育问题浅析(An Attempting Study of the Problems of American Adolescents)5. 简爱自我价值的实现(The Realization of Jane Eyre’s Self-Worth )6. 自由贸易与保护主义(Free Trade Versus Protectionism)7. 如何在课堂上调动学生的积极性(How to Promote Motivation in the Classroom)8. 在英语教学中运用“交际法”提高学生的交际能力(Using CLT in English Teaching to Improve Students’ Communicative Competence)9. 文化差异对跨文化交际的影响(The Influence of Cultural Difference Upon Cross-cultural Communication)10. 论基督教对中世纪早期西欧文化的影响(On Christianity’s Influence Upon European Culture in the Early-stage Middle Ages )11. 《哈克贝利费恩历险记》是一部种族主义小说吗?(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn-a Racist Novel?)12. 第二语言学习中的文化学习(Culture Learning in Second Language Learning)13. 试论哈姆雷特的两个主题(On the Two Themes of Hamlet)14. 谚语中的文化差异(Cultural Differences in Proverbs)15. 浅谈电视暴力和儿童的关系(TV Violence and Children)


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