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2023-02-27 19:09 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知




The Analysis of the Professional Leon(此文是这个杀手不太冷的影评) The Meaning of Life—Hope The Professional Leon which is directed by Luc Besson is an attractive and affecting movie. It is a story about a professional killer and a 14-year-old girl. In my opinion, this film reflects the influence of hope in people’s lives. Life is a magic thing. It is like a thick forest and when we walk through it, we need hope to lead us. Hope can change one’s mind. Hope can change one’s life.The first reason is the change between the settings from the beginning to the end. The film began with the oppressive cityscapes: roads, streets, alleys and then the screen turned dark. They are the characteristics of Film Noir. Besides, the protagonist Leon appeared from a black shot which is a special close-up. In addition, the following shot are fighting in some rooms. The whole beginning leads to a mood of cold and oppression. However, at the end of the film is a scene of orphanage. The sunshine illuminated the trees and the grass. The scene is bright and warm. Then the shot got far and far. This showed that life was going on and the sunshine brought us hope to live. The world turned peace again, and the mood turned soft and cozy. Therefore, the change of the beginning and the end showed the dark had gone and everyone got their hope. In this film, there is a symbol of hope-Leon’s evergreen. It ran through the whole film. The protagonist Leon, at fist, was a typical killer who was skillful and cold. The evergreen for him is the hope of life. It meant Leon’s valuable memory-the girl he loved. Everyday he cleaned the leaves of the evergreen carefully. He thought the evergreen was quiet and happy, so he took care of it as his most valuable thing. Actually, he lived in his memory and what he must protect is the hope-evergreen. For Leon, there was no meaning of the reality until he met the girl –Mathilda. When the girl implored Leon to open the door, he hesitated. Yes, of course. It was because everything would change since he opened the door. Actually, Leon was a simple, kind and attentive man who was not good at express himself. We can know that from watching old movie and ironing clothes. After accepting the girl, Leon chose the responsibility in his heart. His life changed because his hope changed. His living purpose was to protect the girl and revenge on Stan. Furthermore, his good-side was stimulated by the girl’s love. They were interdependent as a special relationship. I fact, Leon was not a killer any more since he met Mathilda. He was a real man. Another hope is reflected by Mathilda’s attitude of life. Mathilda’s family was inharmonious. She couldn’t feel love in this family, so she became unyielding and mature at an early age. She hated her relatives except her little brother. If she didn’t met Leon, her life would be out of imagination. When Leon opened the door, a light shone on Mathilda. This light of life is a symbol of change. Since she lived with Leon, she felt care from Leon, and she fell in love with him. She wanted to be with him forever. The hope of her life is Leon. She took care of their“home”and took care of him. When Leon ordered her go, she was in agony. She knew that she wouldn’t see him again. She was afraid that the hope of life would disappear. At last, she planted the evergreen near the orphanage, and the evergreen became her hope. She got a new view of this world, and she would cherish the memory of Leon who saved her life and soul. This story is a fairy tale of killer. The killer managed to protect his hope as the expanse of his life, whereas he died in comfort. Maybe, there is another dark world concealed near us. However, it is because the shine of hope has not illuminated it. And the meaning of life is the process of seeking hope.

影评 东成西就


  2006-10-12 14:29:51 来自: 文子 (北京)

  东成西就 / 射雕英雄传之东成西就的评论

  一直记得梁朝伟的香肠嘴,叶玉卿的螃蟹舞,还有那只靴子暗器,那些写有九阴真经的大鼎,以及著名的“双飞燕”和“I love you”,只要说起这部片子,里面的桥段完全不受脑子控制地出现在眼前,用一句很奇怪的话说就是:从来不曾想起,永远不会忘记。
  片中的歌曲也堪称经典之作,无论是“双飞燕”,“I love you”,还是“帅哥你真是帅”或者片尾曲“谁是大英雄”都是那么脍炙人口,让人过耳不忘。而这几个大帅哥唱歌时候的臭样子也总是历历在目,常想常新。


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