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2023-02-16 00:33 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知


Charles Dickens The Haunted House
Thomas Hardy The Fiddler of the Reels
Anthony Trollope The Parson's Daughter of Oxney Colne
D. H. Lawrence The Prussian Officer
Rudyard Kipling The Phantom Rickshaw
H. G. Wells Under the Knife
Wilkie Collins The Dead Hand
Saki Tobermory
Robert Louis Stevenson A Lodging for the Night
M. R. James Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad
John Galsworthy The Broken Boot
Gissing The House of Cobwebs
Eliot The Lifted Veil



Catherine's dilemma between love and marriage in Wuthering Heights
——The Psychoanalysis of love triangle relationship with Freud’s theory of personality

Wuthering Heights tells a story of superhuman love and revenge enacted on the English moors. In this thesis, an attempt is made to analyze the love triangle relationship which leads to Catherine's dilemma between love and marriage in Wuthering Heights by virtue of Freud’s theory of personality.

Key words:
Wuthering Heights Freud’s theory of personality love triangle relationship

In Catherine's heart she knows what is right, but chooses what is wrong. It is her wrong decision that pushes her into the inextricable [LunWenJia.Com]dilemma between her love and marriage; it is her wrong choice that plunges the two families into chaos. In the mind, she is truly out of her way.

According to Sigmund Freud(1856—1939), the structure of the mind or personality consists three portions: the id, the ego, and the superego.“The id, which is the reservoir of biological impulses, constitutes the entire personality of the infant at birth. Its principle of operation, to guard the person from painful tension, is termed the pleasure principle. Inevitable frustrations of the id, together with what the child learns from his encounters with external reality, generate the ego, which is essentially a mechanism to minimize frustrations of the biological drives in the long run. It operates according to the reality principle … [LunWenNet.Com]The superego comprises the conscience, a partly conscious system of introjected moral inhibitions, and the ego-ideal, the source of the individual's standards for his own behavior. Like external reality, from which it derives, the superego often presents obstacles to the satisfaction of biological drives.”“In the mentally healthy person, these three systems form a unified and harmon
ious organization. Conversely, when the three systems of personality are at odds with one another the person is said to be maladjusted.” Here Catherine's tragic psychological process may be well illustrated by Freudian psychoanalysis.

“I cannot express it; but surely you and everybody have a notion that there is, or should be, an existence of yours beyond you. What were the use of my creation, if I were entirely contained here?” Catherine's strange words reflect that the intelligent Emily Bronte had been earlier pondering over a same question in her work. What on earth is“the existence of Catherine's beyond Catherine”?

Here we may believe that Heathcliff stands for Catherine's instinctual nature and the strongest desire—her “id” in the depths of her soul; Edgar, her ideal “superego”, represents another part of her personality: the well-bred gracefulness and the superiority of a wealthy family; and she, herself is the “ego” tortured by the friction between the two in the disharmonious situation.

In the light of Freud's theory of personality, “the superego is the representation in the personality of the traditional values and ideals of society as they are handed down from parents to children.” Catherine's choice of Edgar as her husband is to satisfy her ideal “superego” to get wealth and high social position, which are the symbol of her class, on the basis of the education by her family and reality from her early childhood. She is a Miss of a noble family with a long history of about three hundred years. Only the marriage well-matched in social and economic status could be a satisfaction for all: her family, the society and even her practical self. “It would degrade me to many Heathcliff now ... if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars?” This is her actual worry for her future. Catherine yields to the pressure from her brother, and alike, in truth, she is yielding to the moral rules of society, without the approval and identification of which, she could not live a better life or even exist i
n it at all.

However, Catherine underestimates what her other more intrinsic self would have effect on her. The most remarkable claim by Catherine herself may be the best convincing evidence to distinguish the different roles of Heathcliff and Edgar—her “id” and her “superego”:

“My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else perished, and he was annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like foliage in the woods: time will change it. I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I'm Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure and more than I am always a pleasure to me, but as my own being. So don't talk of our separation again: it is impracticable.”

It was a happy thought to make her love the kind, wealthy, weak, elegant Edgar, yet in submission to her superego to oppose against her id, she would fall into a loss of the self. Since the id is the most primitive basis of personality, and the ego is formed out of the id, Catherine's life depends wholly on Heathcliff, as the whole connotation and truth of her life in the cosmic world, for its existence and further more for the significance of her existence. Heathcliff is the most necessary part of her being. She marries Edgar, but Heathcliff still clutches her soul in his passionate embrace. Although she is a bit ashamed of her early playmate, she loves him with a passionate abandonment that sets culture, education, the world at defiance. Catherine's wrong choice for marriage violates her inner desires. The choice is a victory for self-indulgence—a sacrifice of primary to secondary things. And she pays for it.

On one hand, Catherine doesn't find the heavenly happiness she was longing for. Though as a girl “full of ambition”and “to be the greatest woman of the neighborhood” would be her pride, the enviable marriage could only flatter her vanity for a second. After her marriage, the comfortable and peaceful life in the Grange was just a monotonous and lifeless confinement of her soul. She feels chocked by the artificial and unnatural conditions in the closed Thrushcross Grange— a world in which the mind has hardened and become unalterable.“If I were in heaven, Nelly, I should be extremely miserable. ” Catherine eventually knows that the Lintons' heaven is not her ideal heaven. She and Heathcliff really possess their common heaven. Just as Catherine says,“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same; and Linton's is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire.”

Catherine doesn't want to live in the Lintons' heaven; on the other hand, she has lost her own paradise that she ever had with Heathcliff on the bare hard moor in their childhood. The deepest bent of her nature announces her destiny—a wanderer between the two worlds. When she is alive, she occupies a position midway between the two. She belongs in a sense to both and is constantly drawn first in Heathcliff's direction, then in Edgar's, and then in Heathcliff's again and at last she loses herself completely. Her childish illusion to use her husband's money to aid Heatllcliff to rise out of her brother's power has vanished in thin air. And her constant struggle to reconcile two irreconcilable ways of life is in vain too, which only caused more disorder in the two worlds and in herself as well.

In Freudian principles, should the ego continually fail in its task of satisfying the demands of the id, these three factors together—the painful repression of the id's instinctual desires, the guilt conscience of revolt against the superego's wishes, and the frustration of failure in finding outlets in the external world- would contribute to ever-increasing anxiety. The anxiety piles up and finally overwhelms the person. When this happens, the person is said to leave hallucinatory wish-fulfillment, then a nervous radical breakdown, and in the end may finish the person off. Catherine is destroyed into psychic fragmentation by the friction between the two. At the height of her Edgan-Heathcliff torment, Catherine lies delirious on the floor at the Grange. She dreams that she is back in her own old bed at Wuthering Heights “enclosed in the oak-paneled bed at home, and my heart ached with some great grief…my misery arose from the separation that Hindley had ordered between me and Heathcliff.”Still dreaming, she t
ries to push back the panels of the oak bed, only to find herself touching the table and the carpet at the Grange:“My late anguish was swallowed in a paroxysm of despair. I cannot say why I was so wildly wretched ... and my all in all, as Heathcliff was at that time, and been converted at a stroke into Mrs. Linton...the wife of a stranger: an exile, and outcast.” She attempts to forget the lengthy days of years of life without her soul even in her temporary derangement.“Most strangely, the whole last seven years of my life grew a blank! I did not recall that they had been at all.” Her mental and physical decay rapidly leads to the body's mortal end. She dies and seems to have none into perfect peace.

But even after her death, she is still a wandering ghost. In Chapter 3, Lockwood, the lodger in Catherine's oak-paneled bed at Wuthering Heights dreams about the little wailing ghost:

“The intense horror of nightmare came over me: I tried to draw back my arm, but the hand clung to it, and a most melancholy voice sobbed, ‘Let me in-Let me in’.‘ Who are you?’…‘Catherine Linton’, it replied, shiveringly…‘I'm come home: I'd lost my way on the moor!’…Terror made me cruel; and finding it useless to attempt shaking the creature off, I pulled its wrist on to the broken pane, and rubbed it to and fro till then blood ran down and soaked the bedclothes: still it wailed, ‘Let me in!’…it is twenty years, twenty years. I've been a waif for twenty years!”

Catherine aspires to be back in her heaven even being a spirit. But leer self-deceptive decision has made her fall from her and Heathcliff's heaven full of demonic love and her never docile or submissive nature has drawn her out of her and Edgar's heaven filled with civilized emptiness in the meantime. She pushes herself into her tragedy, the endless dilemma between her love and marriage, which won't end up with her death.

1.Bronte Emily,Wuthering Heights,Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,London:Oxford University Press 1995
2.Freud Sigmund,Interpretation of Dreams,Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2001
3.Travis Trysh,Heathcliff and Cathy,the Dysfunctional Couple,The Chronicle of Higher Education,Washington,2001
4.Steinitz Rebecca,Diaries and Displacement in Wuthering Heights,Studies in the Novel,Denton,2000




我国自1953年开始在高校英语专业学生中开设英美文学课到现在已有近60年的历史,英美文学课作为英语专业学生的高年级主干课程,在整个课程体系中占有重要地位。2000年 教育 部颁发的《高等学校英语专业教学大纲》规定:文学课程的目的在于培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英语文学原著的能力、掌握文学批评的基本知识和方法,通过阅读和分析英美文学作品,促进学生语言基本功和人文素质的提高,增强学生对西方文学及 文化 的了解。由此可见,文学课教学在提高学生的语言功底,全面提升大学生人文素质方面起着重要的作用。然而,英美文学课对于学生的“内在”气质培养是需要花费一定时间的,需要学生在课上积极参与,课下静心研读经典并吸收其中的人文知识财富。然而,随着商品经济的触角不断深入到社会的每个角落及其网络文化的迅速崛起,高校学生越来越重视诸如 英语口语 、 商务英语 、 旅游英语 等实用性课程及其网络上的快餐文化,社会导向使得学生越来越不屑于花时间潜下心来认真研读经典的文学作品。笔者曾在我省六所理工科院校做过一项调查,结果显示,能在课余时间阅读文学经典作品的学生只占被调查学生总数的8%,而62%的学生将诸如 演讲技巧 、交际能力、创业秘诀之类的书放在了课余阅读的首位。在这种背景之下,文学课教学也遇到了诸多困难,甚至一些高校为了迎合社会上的这种趋势竟压缩英美文学课时,使得英美文学课呈现出被边缘化了的趋势。不少著名语言学者感慨:现在的语言专业学生的口语表达能力很好,但内在修养素质欠佳,对所学语言国家的思想观念、价值取向、风俗文化知之甚少,学生几乎成为了一个个语言与翻译的机器。为了有效激发学生对英美文学课的兴趣,充分发挥英美文学的教学及其育人作用,不少学者对高校英美文学的教学现状做出过富有成效的调查,本文结合前期的英美文学教学调查 报告 成果,提出了多元、复合式的英美文学教学方法不仅能够有效提高课堂教学质量,激发学生对英美文学课的热爱,而且能够提高学生的整体素质和思辨能力,并进一步探讨了复合式英美文学教学方法的意义及与传统“四段论”的教学方式作出了比较。




北京大学博士生导师李赋宁说:英美文学课属于人文科学门类,它的目标是培养学习者的人文精神,提高其文化修养和素质,树立社会责任感,造就德才兼备的外语人才。从本质上看,文学作品是作者对人生和社会的体验、感受和思考的记录,读者对文学作品的理解只有靠融入性的交流——将个人经历融入到作者的世界中与作者进行交流时才能实现。因此,文学课教师应该多启发和引导学生,唤起学生的心理感受和参与热情,而不仅仅是用透彻的讲解来主宰课堂并且替代学生的思考。鉴于英美文学教学在 英语学习 中的重要作用,在教学过程中,教师应当用英美文学名著中随处可见的人文思想、智慧和魅力去吸引学生,充分发挥英美文学教学固有的优势和内在的潜力,激活文学课的效力,运用各种灵活多样的教学手法来实现其教学目的。基于以上分析,笔者认为应当将以下元素融入到实际的英美文学教学中去,以实现一种多元复合式的英美文学教学。


从上述分析中不难看出,传统“四段论”英美文学教学模式的缺点就是缺少创造性和交互活动,整个教学过程是单向的,仅是由教师指向学生,师生之间很难形成有效互动,所以将“交互式”的教学模式引入英美文学课堂教学中势在必行。交互式教学法最早是在1982年由美国教育学家Palincsar提出的一种富有创意的教学理论和策略。与传统的以教师为中心的教学法不同的是,交互式教学法始终将学生放在学习的中心位置上,让学生参与教学活动的全过程,真正成为教学活动的主体。同时,交互式教学方法还强调将教师放在教学的主导位置上,实现教师与学生、学生与学生、学生与教材之间的双向良性交流与互动。简言之,交互式教学法就是以师生、生生互动为桥梁,摒弃教师“一言堂”所带来的填鸭式教学,使英美文学教学中的教师、学生、教材和媒体几大要素之间形成立体的信息交流和传递。由于课堂教学是以传递知识信息为主,所以使用交互教学法时,切不可为了课堂的活跃而忽略了教学目标。交互式教学法用于英美文学课堂教学中时要遵循以下原则:一是以教学重难点为中心原则。英美文学课作为专业主干课程包含了许多学生理解不了的重点和难点,在教学中要引导学生以教学重点为轴,以解答难点为线,师生、生生合作互动探究教学中的疑难问题,寻求有效的解决途径。教师的作用主要是始终把握课堂沿着既定设计进行,避免因为互动而忽略文学教学中重点和难点的处理。二是构建开放课堂原则。开放式课堂是可持续发展的课堂,教师通过富有策略的引导和兴趣、情感的激发,使学生学习知识成为自身需求的表现,通过组织小组合作探究,体验性学习,个性化学习等学习模式,使学生在融入性的氛围中主动学习,这对学生体验文学名著中作者的世界观和价值观有着重要的意义,可以有效解决学生和作者之间融入性交流不足的问题。三是实践性原则。在教学实践活动中,通过课堂教学实践,设置与教学内容相符合的英语情景,让学生在欣赏与分析英文原著的过程中提高听、说、读、写等基本技能。采用交互式英美文学教学方法能极大发挥学生在学习过程中的主观能动性,引导他们得出自己的结论。一千个人读《哈姆雷特》就会有一千个哈姆雷特,每一部文学作品都是开放性的,学生们不喜欢教师将自己的意志和理解强加在自己头上,他们更喜欢通过阅读得出自己的理解和观点。比如在学习福克纳的短篇小说《致艾米丽的玫瑰花》时,笔者采用如下方式来实践交互式教学法。首先,让学生在课下来准备作家福克纳的相关资料,课上予以展示。教师根据学生准备的相关资料,进一步深入挖掘学生一般不能洞察到的福克纳作品的主题:对罪恶的惩罚总会以某种形式在后代人身上得以呈现。然后教师给出有关情节,人物和主题的几道思考题,让学生带着问题来阅读整篇小说。最后,让学生各抒己见,发表对小说的看法,主要是围绕着为什么艾米丽小姐要杀死自己的情人,及其为什么作者将题目命名为《致艾米丽的玫瑰花》,而全文并无玫瑰意象的出现。最后教师根据学生的发言进一步 总结 该篇小说怎样扣住福克纳小说的一贯主题。在这个师生、生生互动的过程中,学生对小说的理解比教师单独讲解要深刻得多。通过学生主观能动性的发挥,枯燥的文学课堂将变得丰富多彩,学生对文学课的兴趣也将变的愈加浓厚。








由于受到当前社会上“功利主义”和“实用主义”思想的影响,许多英语专业的学生对文学课程的设置怀有排斥态度,认为文学课程毫无实用价值,对自己将来找工作并无帮助,因而否定文学课程的意义。的确,文学教育自身的特点决定了它不可能在短时间内起到立竿见影的效果,它是一种长期的潜移默化式的滋养。正如虞建华教授所言:“文学是一门‘致知’的学科。真正有价值的文学作品,通过语言的艺术反馈 经验 ,提供认识社会和人本身的观察窗口,它的影响力不是直接的,而是深远的;不是物质层面的,而是精神的;不是可以明显感知的,而是潜移默化、无所不在的”。学校如果过分强调英语学习的实用性就会导致学生思想贫乏,心灵闭锁,缺乏 想象力 和创造力,学生的综合素质必然滑坡。


文学教育不同于语言教育,但又跟语言教育互为依托。语言教育的目的是培养学生的语言应用能力,具有很强的工具性特征。英美文学教育是在英语语言能力的基础之上,培养学生的文学鉴赏能力、文学品味与健全的人格。文学具有抚慰心灵、陶冶情操、塑造伟大人格、开拓人类精神空间的内在价值。文学教育为学生提供有“意义”和有“韵味”的语言输入,使学生耳濡目染于优美的英美文学语篇,从而帮助学生塑造独特个性,培养文化宽容精神,提高鉴赏能力、思维能力、想象能力和创新能力。中国科学院院士杨叔子认为,“人文文化具有重要的基础地位,关系到民族的存亡,关系到国家的强弱,关系到社会的进退,关系到人格的高低,关系到涵养的深浅,关系到思维的智弱,关系到事业的成败。”我们对学生进行人文素质教育就是要将人类的优秀文化成果通过知识传授、环境熏陶,使之内化为学生的人格、气质、修养,成为人的相对稳定的内在品格。在文化与文明的传承过程中,文学起到了功不可没的作用。文学涉猎广泛的题材,在表达悟识、 反思 生活方面的价值是任何其他方面的学习难以取代的。就个人的长远发展和民族的长远利益来说,文学教育虽然费时、费力,不容易见成效,却是一项意义深远的旨在提高民族整体素质的人文工程。




随着现代教育技术的发展,传统上依靠教师在课堂上带领学生操练的语言技能课如听力、口语和阅读等课程,现在可以借助计算机和 网络技术 减少课时,采取教师课堂指导、督促、检查和学生自我操练相结合的教学方法,这样就为文学教学腾出了教学时间。可以将文学类课程提前到大学二年级,并贯穿整个大学后三年,这样学生的人文素养和英语基本功一定能有较大的提高。







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