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2023-12-09 09:31 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知




Elder-brother Spring is a pure yemer, real man with ironblood. He's people's good brother and father's best son.
China's steel industry was the largest anti-dumping investigations industry. Minmetals Import and Export Chamber of Commerce statistics, last year, China's steel anti-dumping involving a total of 15 cases, involving 1.95 billion yuan, iron and steel industry and color, clothing, footwear, like anti-dumping investigations, one of the key industries. Prior to this, our country there is a lot of steel products export tax rebates, some countries believe that China steel product of government subsidies, in the international market, China's large market share of steel products, export prices low and the dumping of steel products in China suspected heard.
The first half of 2008, involving China's iron and steel industry, a new anti-dumping investigation all-time high, which has a new investigation of 9 cases with final decisions have been made to 7, the anti-dumping cases last year than the total number of more , the European Union, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Indonesia and other countries have taken place in China's iron and steel products for the anti-dumping cases. Taking a panoramic view of the iron and steel industry products, and more anti-dumping cases, the existence of the following three salient features, the following key to the Canadian oil and gas to China seamless pipe brief analysis of anti-dumping as an example:
1. The existence of anti-dumping cases that the problem of non-uniform standards.
Standard anti-dumping cases that the crux of the problem is the fact of dumping and dumping margin found, for dumping the fact that the WTO is by comparing the export price and normal price found that the export price is lower than the normal price dumping, "normal price" is The fact that the existence of dumping of the decisive factors, but the "normal price" of that caliber because of the different statistics, the results are very different.
WTO rules, the normal price is often used to describe conditions in the general trade export of similar products in domestic comparable sales prices, such as the product of the domestic prices under control, often to third-country export prices of similar products to confirm the normal price. As part of the US-led Western countries not to recognize China's market economy status, the fact that the dumping and the dumping margin found on third-party countries often need to export prices, while the third-party countries to the fact that the dumping, how to determine the normal price There are also the standard problem of non-uniform. Such as: Canada Border Trade Department (CBSA) on February 7, 2008 China's exports to Canada of seamless oil casing anti-dumping, countervailing case the final decision to determine China's Tianjin Pipe Group Co., Ltd. and other enterprises involved in the case of six dumping margin of 37% ~ 45%; subsidy of 2% to 7%, other non-respondent enterprises dumping margin was 91%; subsidies for 38 percent; China's steel association that the CBSA in the absence of data to support a third country, to use in February 2008 magazine published a K55, N80 price of normal price, project L80, P110 casing of high-grade steel prices, as a basis for unilateral presumed the existence of dumping and dumping margin calculation is not right.
2. Anti-dumping and countervailing cases together, the specific implementation of double taxation.
Statistics show that took place in 2008 involving the 9 iron and steel industry in anti-dumping investigations, 5 the issue of anti-subsidy cases involving anti-dumping and countervailing cases have been closely together.
International Iron and Steel of China's iron and steel industry to accept the challenge of government subsidies. January 8, the League of the United States research group released a report that a large number of government energy subsidies in China become the world's largest producer and exporter of steel. Reported that in 2007, the Chinese steel industry is about 15.7 billion U.S. dollars of subsidies since 2000, an increase of 3800%. In addition, the CBSA in the casing of our seamless final anti-dumping identified Tianjin Pipe Group Co., Ltd. China, such as the existence of six enterprises involved in the case of 2% ~ 7% subsidy acts.
In the specific implementation of anti-dumping measures, the widespread dumping of international double taxation and subsidies. In today's world trade, anti-dumping anti-subsidy has become the main means of trade, therefore, for most countries to protect their own industry in violation of WTO provisions, the standard of double taxation. Such as: in the above-mentioned case, in Canada on a double standard there is the issue of double taxation, CBSA to determine China's Tianjin Pipe Group Co., Ltd. and other enterprises involved in the case of six-dumping rate of 37% ~ 45%; subsidy of 2% ~ 7 %, and other enterprises involved in the case of non-dumping margin was 91%; 38 percent subsidy. This should cause our government departments and relevant enterprises attach great importance to timely respond to the development of programs, organizations related enterprises to actively appeal and, when necessary, can be brought to WTO Dispute Settlement Body arbitration.
3. Anti-dumping cases is a complicated one, both sides involved in the case of information asymmetry, and lasted for a long time, huge amounts of money involved, covering a wide range of individual enterprises is difficult to take countermeasures, the need for government services, trade associations, guidance, steel enterprises to take measures jointly.
The existing framework of WTO, only governments, anti-dumping measures can be taken. Therefore, a country's trade or industry to pass the Government to initiate anti-dumping procedures. Usually a country's products if it finds that the existence of dumping practices, would be adopted by the Government to start anti-dumping investigations. If the export product under investigation to investigate a member of a member of dissatisfaction with the actions taken to bring the matter before the WTO can be resolved at this time, exporters must pass the national government would be able to take such action. In addition, the United States, the EU anti-dumping investigation procedures usually last for one year to 15 months, lasted for a long time, and the anti-dumping often involves a number of industry enterprises, the amount of up to several hundred million dollars.
Since 2008, China's steel industry experienced a number of anti-dumping investigations, of which, the United States, European Union, Canada, represented by the western countries on China's steel exports a wide range of anti-dumping investigations launched to reduce the domestic steel exports to China has caused great economic losses. While in the "General Agreement on Tariffs and" the issue of anti-dumping made it clear that countries in their own way but still the anti-dumping as a trade war with one of the main instruments of trade protectionism as the rise in the world, iron and steel anti-dumping cases have become worse.





擅长公司法、证券法、中外反倾销、国际融资、外商投资、跨国并购及WTO法律事务。负责市政府经济部门的反倾销、国际融资等工作,代理深圳市许多大型外资引进(如韩国三星电子、深发展对外股权转让)的谈判及谘询工作,也曾多次代表深圳市政府参加重大案件诉讼活动(如中信实业银行诉深圳市政府为某企业贷款担保等)。从事反倾销研究和实务工作达17年之久。1987年在北大读研究生时开始研究反倾销法,硕士毕业论文的题目为《西方反倾销法中有关非市场国家的特殊规定及我国的防范措施》。1997年考取英国外交部 CHEVENING 奖学金进入英国莱斯特大学,师从法学院院长JOHN WOODLIFF专门研究反倾销,硕士毕业论文的题目为《A Critique of the Application to China of the Non-market Economy Rules of Antidumping Legislation and Practice of the European Union》。1999年获得香港大学法学院奖学金,攻读博士学位,专门研究反倾销法,博士论文的题目是《Antidumping in China: Mandarin Orange or Trifoliate Orange?》.2003年9月被商务部“南方反倾销咨询培训中心”聘为专家委员会委员。2003年10月被商务部产业损害调查局聘为课题组专家。

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