能得到resubmission的机会,说明楼主的文章还是有新意的,能否按照要求修改文章,令人信服地回答审稿人提的问题是能否被接收的关键, lwiaanngg 有些杂志在审稿人意见时是没有major revision的,用reject and submission来取代。
resubmission 重投怎么写 cover letter?. 重投一个杂志,已经修改好了,现在要写 cover letter,但是编辑又说不用 point-by-point response,那我应该怎么写呢?. 看到论坛很多帖子建议逐条回复,但是这个编辑又说不用,那我是捡重要的修改部分解释吗?. If you decide to resubmit ...
(审稿周期挺长的,整整4个月,是SSCI期刊) I regret to inform you that the reviewers have raised serious concerns, and therefore your paper cannot be accepted for publication in ***. However since the reviewers do find some merit in the paper, I would be willing to reconsider if you wish to undertake major revisions and resubmit, addressing the referees' concerns.
Q: 我第一次看到 Reject - Resubmission Allowed 这个状态,编辑说:Please review the comments below for a more detailed understanding of the manuscript's disposition. If the authors can address the issues raised in the review, we will be willing to review the revision. Please note that at least one of the reviewers from this review ...
期刊 学术期刊 科学引文索引(SCI) IEEE SCI论文写作和发表 Ieee trans期刊一审返回reject and resubmit,重投后中的概率有多大。? 关注者 5 被浏览 2,744 关注问题 ...
resubmission的问题. 作者 kaoyanhit. 来源: 小木虫 300 6 举报帖子. +关注. 投了一个 fuel processing technology, 编辑意见:I suggest that you carefully revise the manuscript according the comments before resubmission。. 我就想问一下,resubmission的时候,怎么体现我的修改情况?. 是在重新提交的 ...
期刊 发现 社区 招聘老师 当前位置: 首页 > 论文投稿 > Resubmission requested Resubmission requested 作者 zhangmin0403 来源: 小木虫 1450 29 举报帖子 +关注 请教各位前辈:之前文章被拒,给编辑发邮件argue,编辑同意重投。但是重投之后 ...
能得到resubmission的机会,说明楼主的文章还是有新意的,能否按照要求修改文章,令人信服地回答审稿人提的问题是能否被接收的关键, lwiaanngg 有些杂志在审稿人意见时是没有major revision的,用reject and submission来取代。
resubmission 重投怎么写 cover letter?. 重投一个杂志,已经修改好了,现在要写 cover letter,但是编辑又说不用 point-by-point response,那我应该怎么写呢?. 看到论坛很多帖子建议逐条回复,但是这个编辑又说不用,那我是捡重要的修改部分解释吗?. If you decide to resubmit ...
(审稿周期挺长的,整整4个月,是SSCI期刊) I regret to inform you that the reviewers have raised serious concerns, and therefore your paper cannot be accepted for publication in ***. However since the reviewers do find some merit in the paper, I would be willing to reconsider if you wish to undertake major revisions and resubmit, addressing the referees' concerns.
Q: 我第一次看到 Reject - Resubmission Allowed 这个状态,编辑说:Please review the comments below for a more detailed understanding of the manuscript's disposition. If the authors can address the issues raised in the review, we will be willing to review the revision. Please note that at least one of the reviewers from this review ...
期刊 学术期刊 科学引文索引(SCI) IEEE SCI论文写作和发表 Ieee trans期刊一审返回reject and resubmit,重投后中的概率有多大。? 关注者 5 被浏览 2,744 关注问题 ...
resubmission的问题. 作者 kaoyanhit. 来源: 小木虫 300 6 举报帖子. +关注. 投了一个 fuel processing technology, 编辑意见:I suggest that you carefully revise the manuscript according the comments before resubmission。. 我就想问一下,resubmission的时候,怎么体现我的修改情况?. 是在重新提交的 ...
期刊 发现 社区 招聘老师 当前位置: 首页 > 论文投稿 > Resubmission requested Resubmission requested 作者 zhangmin0403 来源: 小木虫 1450 29 举报帖子 +关注 请教各位前辈:之前文章被拒,给编辑发邮件argue,编辑同意重投。但是重投之后 ...