AMES的全称为Adolescent Measure of Empathy & Sympathy这是一个关于青少年的测量量表,具体如下:For each statement, please indicate how often this occurs...1. I can easily tell how others are feeling.2. I feel sorry for a friend who feels sad.3. I can often understand how people are feeling even before they tell me.4. I feel sorry for someone who is treated unfairly.5. When a friend is angry, I feel angry too.6. I am concerned for animals that are hurt.7. When my friend is sad, I become sad too.8. I can tell when a friend is angry even if he/she tries to hide it.9. When a friend is scared, I feel afraid.10. I can tell when someone acts happy, when they actually are not.11. I feel concerned for other people who are sick.12. When people around me are nervous, I become nervous too