一、建议多用以复合句为主的复杂句我们常常强调英文论文写作要足够精简,但是精简不是要你大量使用简单句,一旦你这样做了就会暴露你薄弱写作能力,同时还会限制表达效果,导致整篇论文质量不高,没有深度。但是如果你用简单句和复合句表达,高下立判。例如:“由于位置偏僻,交通不便和缺乏信息媒介,农村社会保持着与世隔绝的状态”这个句子很多留学生用简单句写出来就是这样:①Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world is isolated. This isolation hay became more serious because there are not enough information media.但是我们用复合句表达出来效果如下:②The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media.这个由1个谓语动词,9个名词和5个介词的长句其实只有一个主干:Rural world is compounded. 然后用介词短语表达原因。新手在表述复合句时,先写用“什么是什么”、“什么干什么”出主干,再往里填词是一个不错的方法。可以看出第①句变成结构松散的中式英语。留学生刚开始写复合句可能很困难,因此推荐《英语作文高级句式•第二版》,里面的高级句式大家可以背诵下来,活学活用。但是,大量使用复杂句也不行,我们再来看例文:A few days before, I saw a cartoon, in which a student asks his teacher where he can find a book named How to Do Well in School without Studying. The teacher asks him to find it in the fiction section. Apparently, the cartoon ironically demonstrates a truth that there’s no such a thing as a shortcut to studying.It’s the nature of study that requires a solid foundation. Just as we cannot build a castle in the air, neither can we obtain advanced knowledge through a shortcut, for ever a slight shortcut can shatter the whole foundation, For example, students may choose to cheat to acquire a good score. However, the cheaters will wind up in a total ignorance, let alone dishonesty. In addition, although many students are averse to learning by rote, there is no denying that only by rote can one remember and learn basic knowledge, thusachieving the possibility to further study in the future. In this case, shortcuts also do not exist.To sum up, students should come to realize that there exists no shortcut in study. Only by hard work can we form the bedrock of good performance in school.总的来看这篇文章基本摆脱了中式思维,语义衔接还可以,大量使用复杂句且有些表达可圈可点。但是缺点也很明显,你会发现作者的表达很苍白,尤其是shortcut in study 等出现了三四遍。有些地方还有语法错误,读来仍觉生硬。不少的留学生在进行英文论文写作的时候也会出现这样的问题,不过留学生可以按照下面的方法解决此问题:1. 复杂句与短语、词汇搭配使用,不要全文都是一种句式;2. 降低同一个词出现频率,善用同义词替换平;3. 学习范文中的观点以及穿插其中的过渡句。二、常见词汇要活学活用,不要生搬硬套有些词汇很简单,以至于很多人熟视无睹,比如与see有关的搭配可能连见都没见过,更不要说拿来用了。如see through, see over sth., see about sth., see sb. /sth. out 等。而这些我们认为陌生的表达,母语人士可能在文章中大量运用。外教很可能不用every day 而用 on a daily basis, 不用 in a hurry而用at the drop of hat, 不用He took part in the competition. 而说Heentered for the competition. 不说He must be nearly 60 years old. 而说He must be going on for 60. 恰到好处的词语活用所产生的效果有时丝毫不亚于复合句。例如,要表达秋叶满地的场景,下面哪个句子会更好?③There are a number of autumn leaves lying on the ground.④ Dead leaves covered the ground.答案当然是④。第④句让表达简洁;cover与lying一比,不需要a number of 就能表示数量多。具体到日常写作中,我们要学会用好动词,能用动词代替形容词的时候尽量用动词,比如make something complicated可以直接用complicate something来代替。比如下面这个例子:All this helps explain Germans' attitudes towards the euro crisis. German voters are skeptical of transfers to southern Europe not just because of their fear of inflation or their experience with pouring money into former East Germany, but also because the typical German worker feels that he is no better off than the Spaniards he sees driving Audis when he holidays on the Costa Brava. After a decade of scant real wage growth, and given the unusually skewed wealth distribution, that perception is not altogether wrong.“他在布拉瓦海岸度假”,这句话很多留学生可能会写成He goes on holiday on the Costa Brava. 但文中直接写成He holidays on the Costa Brava. 这里直接将holiday当成动词使用,句子变得简洁有力。在平时写作中不仅要意思正确,语法无误,还要尽量用词精准,表达有力。注意:这里的搭配指的是在朗文词典中找到的,带有例句说明的搭配,咱们在课堂上学的搭配不一定在此范围内。中学所学的词组,英美人可能80年都不用一次。我们都学过made from 和made of, 还有die from和die of, 两者的辨析简直让人抓狂。不同的教学理念导致的教育结果必然不同,这就是不少中国学生出国后还要重学英语的原因。三、“三顺”原则贯彻到底这里的“三顺”原则是指:写起来手顺,看起来眼顺,读起来口顺。相信大家在写完论文的时候最后通读文章读到有些句子会发现:“这句话没有语法问题,但怎么看怎么别扭。”这就显然没有做到我们所说的“三顺”原则。想要了解这个现象产生的原因,这里给大家介绍语法的两个种类:规定性语法和描述性语法。规定性语法(prescriptive grammar)明确规定什么正确、什么不正确,主要解决“用的对不对”的问题。违背了这个规则,句子一定是错的。描述性语法(descriptive grammar)着重于描述和解释语言如何被人类使用,而不是规定语言应当如何使用,主要解决“用的好不好”的问题。例如:However, is the phenomenon worthy of such optimism? 就是一个符合规定性语法,但不符合描述性语法的句子,有点中式英语的意思。结合上下文改成However, can we be optimistic that what has worked in the past will work in the future? 就显得流畅许多。留学生们在英文论文写作秉持“三顺”原则,既能检验文章,又能培养语感,真是一举两得。