你好,我帮你找到了英文文档。PDF格式,你发我信箱(),我寄给你吧Every morning when he got up Hat would sit on the banister of his back verandah and shout across,‘What happening there, Bogart?’Bogart would turn in his bed and mumble softly, so that no one heard, ‘What happening there, Hat?’It was something of a mystery why he was called Bogart; but I suspect that it was Hat who gave him thename. I don’t know if you remember the year the film Casablanca was made. That was the year whenBogart’s fame spread like fire through Port of Spain and hundreds of young men began adopting thehardboiled Bogartian attitude.Before they called him Bogart they called him Patience, because he played that game from morn tillnight. Yet he never liked cards.Whenever you went over to Bogart’s little room you found him sitting on his bed with the cards in sevenlines on a small table in front of him.‘What happening there, man?’ he would