中国足球职业联赛“黑哨”现象浅析摘 要:通过对中国足球裁判界现状的分析,指出中国足球裁判界存在着“黑哨”行为,并对如何解决不断出现的黑哨问题,提出本人的参考意见,以期提高裁判员综合素质,树立中国足球裁判员新形象。关键词:中国、足球裁判、黑哨、职业联赛前言:足球作为大众最喜爱的运动,其影响深远,中国足球走了四十四年才如愿以偿地进入世界杯,全国人民都为之鼓舞,这就是足球的魅力所在。然而足球也有它不光彩的一面,“甲B五鼠”的假球违纪行为,“黑哨”的疯狂敛财行为,张帅等人的“泡吧事件”等等,都给足球界带来了一定的负面影响。特别是足球裁判员龚建平的“入狱事件”几乎一夜之间将中国黑哨内幕曝光于全世界人民面前。所以本人觉得很有必要对中国足球裁判的职业道德进行分析,并提出一些改变现状的参考意见。On The“Unfair-Judgment”Phenomenon of the Chinese Soccer professional league tonrnamentAbstract: Through to the Chinese soccerreferee's present situation analysis, seeks the Chinese soccer referee"is so dark" the reason, and unceasingly appears unfair-judgment the question,proposes myself advisory opinion.Key word: Chinese, soccer referee, unfair-judgmentIntroduction: Soccer movement which most likes as the populace, itsinfluence is profound, the Chinese soccer walked for 44 years onlythen fruitfully to enter the World Cup, the whole nation all for ithappy dance, this was the soccer charm is at. However the soccer alsohas it not honored one side, "armor B five mice" false ballindiscipline, " unfair-judgment " crazily amasses money the behavior, person andso on Zhang Shuai "soaks the event" and so on, all gave the soccer tobring the certain negative influence. Specially the soccer reffreeGong Jianping "will be put in prison the event" nearly between a nightthe Chinese unfair-judgment inside story exposure in front of the world people.Therefore myself thought has the necessity to carry on the analysisvery much to the Chinese soccer referee's occupational ethics, andproposes some change present situations advisory opinions.