Economic, political, or like a disease, mental depression. 家庭纠纷等社会因素是次要的.同样是经济不景气,美国的自杀率却比日本少了一半。 Family disputes and other social factors are secondary. The same economic downturn, the U.S. suicide rate is less than half of Japan. 所以日本的自杀率高有其一定的根源,即日本人独特的生死观。 Therefore, Japan's suicide rate has its roots, that is, the unique Japanese life and death. 毕竟思想观念才是根深蒂固的。 After all, ideology is deeply rooted. 然而文化又影响着人的观念,那么,到底是怎怎样的传统文化和思想形成了日本人这种特有的生死观呢? However, culture and influence people's ideas, then, in the end is how the traditional culture and thought how the formation of a Japanese life and death of this unique view?长期流行于日本社会的武士文化,尤其“轻生死,重然诺”的思想,对日本民族心理产生的影响是深远的。 Long-term popular in Japanese society warrior culture, especially "light of life and death, re-pledge," the thought of the impact of the Japanese national psychology is profound. 而且武士道的熏陶在当今的日本仍然是根深蒂固的。 Nurturing and Bushido in today's Japan is still deeply rooted.自卑的原因诸多,表现在人际交往上就感到内心孤独,从而产生苦闷、绝望、没有自信和无奈等情绪。 Many reasons for low self-esteem, performance on the interpersonal feel lonely heart, resulting in depression, despair, no self-confidence and frustration and other emotions. 而自卑所导致的最终结果,那就是选择自杀以求解脱。 The end result caused by low self-esteem, that is, commit suicide in order to escape. 本人是日语专业应届毕业生,急于翻译毕业论文,导师不给上网在线翻译,希望各位日语专业的翻译能叫强的同学能否帮忙翻译以上的那几段话,因为要求严格,所以准确率不能太低,如果可以得到帮助,不胜感激 I am a Japanese professional graduates, eager to translate thesis, tutors do not give access online translation, professional translation hope that Japanese students can be called the strong can help translate a few paragraphs above that, because of strict, so accuracy can not be too low, if you can help, greatly appreciated 提问者: 李菲菲爱爱 - 一级