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Theme party is an important form of class activities, classes and effective means of education and moral education work in school is main position.As the network age, people's values and outlook, moral philosophy and attitude to life and existence is changed, the education workers must adjust, advancing with The Times and adapt to the new situation under network environment and development. Currently, the primary class cannot exist with the network environment problems. Therefore, the school must stand in the development, all-round, coordinated and reshape the banner, organization of special training, improve the quality of teacher professional class, improve strategy research, thereby improving pertinence and effectiveness of moral education, cultivate modern moral qualities of youth.Using the method of documentary, questionnaire survey method, the case study and comparison analysis. Firstly, the analysis of the network environment on the effect of class under the network environment, the main characteristics of the class, the main function, commonly used types and theoretical basis and organizational principle. Then for class status surveys, summed up now, class education target, vague existing content from students' practical and creative design, the student participation owed is not high, the emotional interaction such problems, and finally put forward four, improve class strategies, clear goal, the class under the network environment, perfect the juvenile moral system, Network environment characteristics, the breakthrough with banner development bottleneck, Develop school-based training, improve the special class quality, To create a good atmosphere, improve class status.

In this paper, ordinary differential equations courses, to explore how to realize "high-early binding", and mathematics in secondary schools in the basis of ordinary differential equations, as well as ordinary differential equations of the guiding role of mathematics in secondary schools to do some discussion, for systems of ordinary differential equations of high under the mathematical point of view to provide some secondary material.Key words, Ordinary Differential Equations; School Mathematics; combination of high early






字 数


语 言



目的 方法 结果 结论



Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.


This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.


Our text achieved the possibility above.

Theme party is an important form of class activities, classes and effective means of education and moral education work in school is main position.As the network age, people's values and outlook, moral philosophy and attitude to life and existence is changed, the education workers must adjust, advancing with The Times and adapt to the new situation under network environment and development. Currently, the primary class cannot exist with the network environment problems. Therefore, the school must stand in the development, all-round, coordinated and reshape the banner, organization of special training, improve the quality of teacher professional class, improve strategy research, thereby improving pertinence and effectiveness of moral education, cultivate modern moral qualities of youth.Using the method of documentary, questionnaire survey method, the case study and comparison analysis. Firstly, the analysis of the network environment on the effect of class under the network environment, the main characteristics of the class, the main function, commonly used types and theoretical basis and organizational principle. Then for class status surveys, summed up now, class education target, vague existing content from students' practical and creative design, the student participation owed is not high, the emotional interaction such problems, and finally put forward four, improve class strategies, clear goal, the class under the network environment, perfect the juvenile moral system, Network environment characteristics, the breakthrough with banner development bottleneck, Develop school-based training, improve the special class quality, To create a good atmosphere, improve class status..........5分给你翻译....




如果你有论文摘要翻译需求可以选择毕业在线网 人工摘要翻译入口




vt. 消化;吸收;融会贯通

vi. 消化

n. 文摘;摘要


He read rapidly but did not digest anything.



adj. 纯理论的;抽象的;抽象派的

n. 摘要;抽象;抽象的概念;抽象派艺术作品

v. 摘要;提取;抽象化;退出;转移;使心不在焉


His abstracts are held in numerous collections.




abstract 的基本意思是抽象的,观念上的,理论的,可与个别情况相对,也可与具体经验相对。多指品质或特征,而不指物体或事实。有时意味着脱离现实,而且缺乏对实际事物的专门实用性,引申可作难懂的,过于深奥的意思。abstract用于艺术作品时可指抽象派的。



abstract常用于短语in the abstract中,意思是就一般而言,抽象地,在理论上,abstract前的定冠词the不可遗漏。

在2010版的word内就有这个功能。(选中要翻译的文字,点击鼠标右键弹出任务栏中就有“翻译”选项,点击“翻译”,选择英文翻译,再把光标置于要插入文本点点击插入就ok啦。另外还可以下载翻译小工具,直接进行翻译就搞定了。我帮你翻:The relationship between accounting regulation and tax law issues is a complex issue, market-oriented economic development in the course of the difference between the two will gradually have an adverse impact on economic development, how to better deal with the differences between the two has become China's economy reform process of the outstanding issues.。Differences in accounting standards and tax laws, and in the accounting and property tax measures taken by the different accounting and tax law, "the authenticity of the principle of" different, accounting "sound principle" and tax "payments to determine" the difference in accounting "importance of the principles "and tax" legal principle "and the accounting and tax 。differences on the" substance over form "understanding and implementation differen。Differences between accounting and tax accounting exist mainly due to the legislative goals and purposes of various tax, corporate accounting must adhere to the "accrual" basis, the enterprise must consider the International Accounting Standards, and economic globalization. Tax laws should be based on the provisions of this tax adjustmentces.



Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.


This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.


Our text achieved the possibility above.






电影自诞生之日起,就以它独具魅力的艺术表现力赢得了广大观众的青睐。在信息全球化发展的今天,影视作品更是以直观与便捷的优势成为了解异域 文化 与学习外语的重要途径之一。影视翻译因此也得到了空前的发展。字幕翻译(subtitling)较之译制(dubbing),以其制作成本低、周期短的特点成为影视翻译最为常用的 方法 之一。

然而,正如Birgit Nedergaard-Larsen所言,字幕翻译是一种特殊的语言转换,并非单一地从源语言到目 标语 言的转换过程,期间涉及诸多文本以外因素的处理,如声音、图像、画面的融合等因素[1]。由于受到时间和空间的限制,电影字幕翻译通常采用浓缩、删减、添加等方法来尽可能保持画面、声音与字幕的统一,超额与欠额翻译在所难免。同时,超额与欠额翻译一直以来是翻译学术界讨论的 热点 错误类型。因此,如何看待字幕翻译中的超额、欠额翻译便迫在眉睫且具有现实意义。


彼得·纽马克在《翻译问题探讨》(Approaches to Translation)提出了交际翻译(communicative translation)和语义翻译(semantic translation)的概念。交际翻译倾向于流畅、简单、清晰、直接的翻译方法,遵守某一特定的语域,是一种“欠额翻译”;语义翻译则倾向于细致、繁复、晦涩难懂的翻译方法,较之译者的意图,翻译更侧重思维过程的再现,因而是一种“超额翻译”[2]。超额翻译是对所译材料进行补充加工,进行超出翻译范围的改造,而欠额翻译则是在某些方面不符合翻译规范的语言中介类型,是缩写或节译。简言之,超额翻译是指译语文本承载了比源语文本更多的信息量,表述方式相对具体;而欠额翻译是指译语文本承载的信息量小于源语文本,译语文本更加概括[3]。超额与欠额翻译都是在翻译过程中的信息增减,因此可以统称为差额翻译。


Georg-Michael Luyken在Overcoming Language Barriers in Television:Dubbing and Subtitling for the European Audience一书中提出,区别于文学翻译与口译,影视制作的特点使字幕翻译受到来自时间和空间的限制:字幕所占用的屏幕空间;字幕显示时间;字幕间切换的时间及字幕的显示与形式。同时,受文化因素的制约,文化缺省(cultural vacancy)也经常是翻译过程中的拦路虎。译者为了避免以上限制而进行的浓缩、删减和添加等翻译方法,将不可避免地引起差额翻译。请看以下三则示例:

例1.I supervised 5 officers.That’s 5 personalities,5 sets of problems.You could be number 6 if you act right.But I ain’t holding no hand,you understand?I ain’t babysitting you.


例2.Mail has come today and a friend writes this to me:...


在以上示例中,原文 句子 较长,如果逐字翻译,势必会影响画面、声音与字幕的融合。因此,译者对整句进行了改译,删减了斜体部分。

例3.What about your staying longer?


例4.Terrified.Mortified,petrified,stupefied...by you.








例5.Teacher:ahhhh Mike.Can you explain for us the significance of the sea,in Moby Dick?

Mike:Ah,sure,sure.It’s the letter between the I and the K.

这段对话的幽默之处在于“sea”和“c”这对同音异义的双关语,但是中文中没有与之对应的双关语,因此译者必须使用变通的差额译法,保证“列车”的顺利“运行”。以下为可行的中文译本: 老师:啊……迈克,你能否给我们解释一下,《白鲸》这本书里的大海有什么意义。


译者将原文中的双关语转换成中 文的头韵实属无奈之举,但原文的幽默感却保留了下来。如果要忠实地将原文译出,注释和加注必不可少,非但幽默尽失,字幕的空间和时间因素也不容许。相对于注释和加注,同类属性之间,如修辞手法的转换可能更为有效地降低“抖动”和“摇摆”的度。

例5的译本对所译材料进行补充加工,进行超出翻译范围的改造,属于超额翻译。但正是这样的处理达到了源语影片的预期目的,因此,此处的超额翻译是可以接受且行之有效的处理方式。例1中由于受到时间和空间的限制不得不进行缩译,源语文本所传达的信息量减少在所难免。但如果将例1的信息完整译出,势必会影响字幕的可读性与连贯性。所以,由于受到 文学因素和非文学因素的影响时而进行的适度的超额与欠额翻译是可以接受的。

2.字幕翻译中度的掌握应以电影类型为依据。电影类型不同,目的观众不同,预期效果也不同。便于本文的分析,我将电影分为严肃型和娱乐型两种。严肃型电影包括纪录片、科教片等用于提供和传达专业知识信息的电影;娱乐型电影供观众娱乐消遣,陶冶情操,诸如喜剧片、惊悚片、动作片、文艺片等。针对不同电影类型而进行的字幕翻译,所采取的翻译方法也不同。比如上述例5中,《成长的烦恼》是一部喜剧,它的目的就是使观众发笑,双关语就是笑料之一,如果采取直译的方法,观众反倒不知其所然,喜剧效果大打折扣。又如惊悚片和恐怖片,观众会将重点放在画面、声音和剧情的 发展上,如果采取意译的方法,将台词翻译的颇具文采,那么观众也会因为与剧情的格格不入而哭笑不得。



综上所述,字幕翻译是一项繁复的 工作,受到来自文学因素与技术因素两方面的限制,超额与欠额翻译不可避免。翻译学术界一直将超额与欠额翻译认定为典型的错误类型而争论不休。我认为,在与时间、空间等技术因素相冲突的情况下,适度的超额或是欠额翻译不失为一种折中的处理方法。针对不同的电影类型而采取的适度超额或欠额翻译不仅摆脱了来自技术层面的限制,而且达到了影片的预期目的。



Nationwide, Vocational education has become China's higher education "half of the country." Vocational College enrollment continues to expand the scale expansion in the number of schools has risen sharply. In recent years, and the higher vocational education have also been booming development. But with the rapid development of higher vocational education, increasing the size of the school, some of the problems are gradually exposed: the role of the Government and the absence of offside coexist, and unfair treatment of financial support, students taking system lags behind, survival and development environment difficult; overall social evaluation is not high, students, parents, serious prejudice, some higher vocational institutions sponsoring their own direction unknown, redundant construction, and no personality characteristics, the subject of poor quality graduates employment difficulties, the problem is confusion Wu Duo, but if boils, Root of the Matter究end, and ultimately we can set our sights on one point: the positioning of higher vocational education. Vocational education is the lack of reasonable and accurate positioning, how to properly define its role, and have set up a suitable regional situation, and to protect Vocational Education sustained, healthy and steady development of the positioning system, we need to solve the problems. Some scholars began to higher vocational education should pay close attention to the development of higher vocational some constructive advice. But generally speaking, the academic community for the positioning of Higher Vocational Education Research relatively small, no systematic study on the formation theory. Therefore, this article is intended to higher vocational institutions as the main study, research and comparative literature through the study of a certain amount of investigation and research on the positioning of higher vocational education and the reasons for the problems were analyzed, and foreign successful positioning of the Higher Vocational Education experience, which is based on the correct positioning of Vocational Strategies. Papers in five major part of the study: Introduction to the first part: First, on the positioning of higher vocational education on the origin and significance of this study, and our country is already on the positioning of the Vocational study done a brief introduction. The second part of the positioning of higher vocational education concepts and theories related Overview: Vocational Education is the key position of the related concepts - higher vocational education, positioning, positioning of higher vocational education should be straightened out to define, but also the positioning of the Higher Vocational Education The theory - Colleges and Universities stratification (classification) and location theory, system theory, the personnel structure model theory, the theory of lifelong education, to provide a theoretical basis of this study. The third part of higher vocational education position and the reasons for the deviation Analysis: The major part of the Vocational Education Research positioning errors and attribution analysis, from a macro point of view is that the Government and social awareness of Higher Vocational Education positioning unclear, policies and regulations , the lack of funding support from the micro perspective of the Vocational College is positioning itself not understand the objective of fostering understanding narrow. Positioning the reasons for the deviation caused both traditional understanding of the impact of inertia are the drawbacks of the system. Part IV abroad successful positioning of higher vocational education experience and insight: foreign positioning of higher vocational education to the successful experience of the Enlightenment, "the objective of various high technology-based skills and the training of personnel; level position in the multi-level, open, ; position in the concept of lifelong education, and attach importance to the legislative work of vocational education with vocational education in the legal guarantee of the status of higher education. " Part V accurate positioning of higher vocational education Countermeasures: Higher Vocational Education positioning the problems and causes of higher vocational education abroad positioning the successful experience from the market mechanism and macro-control two aspects of the accurate positioning of Higher Vocational Education strategy.

With the further opening of China's retail industry, foreign retail giants such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour, etc. to speed up the retail market in the Chinese city treetop ring, chain supermarket industry is facing fierce competition. Talent is the business of the country, is the core resource is to obtain and maintain key elements of competitive advantage. Effective management of staff training to enhance the overall quality of the staff competition to win for the supermarket chains play an important role. In this paper, staff training and development of China Resources Vanguard's status as an example a study, and for the enterprise in terms of staff training and development problems such as unreasonable structure of the training organization, training way too simple, lack of training effect evaluation, put forward the corresponding improvements that will give domestic enterprises with similar problems to provide


This papermainly focuses on the research ofsecurity vulnerabilitiesinthenetwork services,mainly forthe followingaspects:the introduction ofthe backgroundandsignificance,define the research objectand the specificenvironment;on several networkservices tospecific applicationenvironment in theworkingprincipleanalysis,carries on the analysis tothe existing security vulnerabilitiesin combination with the specificenvironmental analysis;howto preventthese security vulnerabilities;networkservices for the entirenetwork operationplays a very important role,so thesecurity vulnerabilityof network servicehas very important significance to the analysisand prevention.Keywords:network service;network security;vulnerability analysis;vulnerability prevention




English Abstract of Thesis。









