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Teenagers are growing more anxious and depressed Could they hold the culprit in their hands? Nov 23rd 2017 | LOS ANGELES THE final bell rings at a high school in downtown Los Angeles, and nearly every pupil spilling onto the pavement either clutches a smartphone or studies a screen, head bowed. A group of boys strolls down the street laughing at a YouTube video, while a girl waiting for her lift home catches up with the Kardashian sisters on Instagram.Since 2007, when Apple released the first iPhone, such scenes have become the norm in America. The Pew Research Centre found that three-quarters of teens have access to a smartphone. According to one Facebook executive, millennials look at their phones on average more than 150 times a day. Over the past decade, the number of American children and teenagers admitted to children’s hospitals for reporting suicidal thoughts has more than doubled. Some have not received help in time; after declining for years, the suicide rate for15-to-19-year-olds shot up between 2007 and 2015, increasing by 31% for boys and more than doubling for girls. Psychologists are striving to understand whether this increase merely coincides with the rise of social media, or whether something causative is happening. clutch: to hold onto (someone or something) tightly with your hand coincide: to happen at the same time as something else causative: making something happen or exist: causing something 千禧一代每天看向手机屏幕150次,过去十年来,青少年自杀率提高了很多,心理学家在努力研究,社交媒体的崛起与自杀率之间有没有联系 There may be plenty of analogue reasons for it. “A number of things are pretty unique to young people today. They were born around when the Columbine shooting happened, they were kids for 9/11, they were kids during one of the worst recessions in modern history,” says Nicole Green, the executive director of Counselling and Psychological Services at the University of California, Los Angeles, who has seen demand for her office’s services from college undergraduates surge. A big new study suggests a different explanation for teenage melancholy—the many hours young people spend staring at their phone screens. That might be having serious effects, especially on young girls, according to the study’s author, Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University and author of  “iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy”. 千禧一代的成长环境是很特殊的,Columbine 枪击案,911恐怖袭击,现代最大的金融危机,都是发生在他们还是孩子的时候。大学里心理咨询需求大幅增长。 为什么千禧一代不反叛了,更容忍了,却也更不幸福了 By scrutinising national surveys, with data collected from over 500,000 American teenagers, MsTwenge found that adolescents who spent more time on new media—using Snapchat, Facebook, or Instagram on a smartphone, for instance—were more likely to agree with remarks such as: “The future often seems hopeless,” or “I feel that I can’t do anything right.” Those who used screens less, spending time playing sport, doing homework, or socialising with friends in person, were less likely to report mental troubles. As Ms Twenge herself concedes, the study does not prove causality. It is possible that another force is behind the increased diagnosis of depression among adolescents, and that sad teenagers are more likely than their happy peers to seek refuge in their phones. But a growing body of scientific evidence supports the idea that social media can inspire malaise. One study published in 2016 asked a randomly selected group of adults to quit Facebook for a week; a control group continued browsing the site as usual. Those who gave up Facebook reported feeling less depressed at the end of the week than those who continued using it. Another experiment published in 2013 found that the more participants used Facebook, the gloomier they felt about their lives. Additionally, it showed that feeling blue did not lead people to increase their Facebook use. malaise: a slight or general feeling of not being healthy or happy 那些花更多时间在社交媒体上的青少年比那些花时间在运动,作业,和社交上的 更容易出现精神问题。 有个实验随机选取一部分人在一个星期内不用facebook,另外一部分人继续使用,结果发现,不用的人感觉比另外一组人更开朗,更少抑郁一些 Not all studies are so damning. Past research suggests that social-networking sites can promote happiness if used to engage directly with other users, rather than just to covet glossy photos of someone else’s exotic holiday or lavish wedding. This distinction is a reminder that social media is what users bring to it—their attitudes shape their experiences, both on and offline. “It’s pretty easy to romanticise someone’s life based on their Snapchat or Instagram,” reflects Sarah, a junior at a high school in Los Angeles. “I try to remind myself that it’s filtered. People only post what they want you to see, so it can seem like their life is better than yours.” Nicole, another junior, agrees. But when asked if she has ever considered deleting her social-media accounts, she looks perplexed. “No. I would feel lost.” 如果我们用社交媒体去和别人交流,这样是好的;如果你只是羡慕妒忌别人美好假期和绚丽的婚礼的照片,那真的很容易产生不平衡 社交媒体上展现的都是光鲜亮丽的一面,有一定的欺性,毕竟不是每个人都把喜怒哀乐放在上面和大家分享的... 总结:过好自己的日子最重要,别人再怎么炫,那也是别人的生活,与你无关 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Results Lexile®Measure: 1200L - 1300L Mean Sentence Length: 18.59 Mean Log Word Frequency: 3.27 Word Count: 688 这篇文章的蓝思值是在1200-1300L, 适合英语专业大三的水平学习,应该是经济学人里属于普通难度,英语专业八级第二篇阅读也差不多这个级别使用kindle断断续续地读《经济学人》三年,发现从一开始磕磕碰碰到现在比较顺畅地读完,进步很大,推荐购买! 点击这里可以去亚马逊官网购买~

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THIS WAS supposed to be the quarter that Kraft Heinz showed America's huge, struggling food companies a new model for success. A merger in 2015 had joined two of the world's most iconic food makers. Backed by 3G Capital, a private-equity firm, the new group slashed costs at a pace that made rivals shudder and investors swoon. After a failed bid in 2017 for Unilever, an Anglo-Dutch giant, Kraft Heinz set out to prove it could not just cut fat but boost sales on its own. Bernardo Hees, the company's boss, pointed cheerfully to new products, including Heinz Mayochup and something called Just Crack an Egg. The company was on the path to "sustainable, profitable growth", he declared in November. Unfortunately, it wasn't.  On February 21st Kraft Heinz announced a staggering $15bn impairment, a dividend cut of more than 3o% and an inquiry into its procurement by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Earnings calls are often sleepy affairs. This one was a nightmare. Some of 3G's long-time critics are now clucking with satisfaction. Others fear 3G is tarnishing American treasures such as Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and Warren Buffett, who partnered with 3G to combine Heinz and Kraft and last year lost nearly $3bn on the deal. Yet dramatic as Kraft Heinz's decline may seem, 3G's impact and the food industry's problems extend far beyond it.  While its founders are Brazilian, 3G's buyout business is based in Manhattan.(Its most famous founder, Jorge Paulo Lemann, lives in Switzerland.) Unlike many big private-equity firms, 3G's main investors are not pension funds but family offices and individuals, including its partners. It does not have a wide portfolio, but backs just two companies: Kraft Heinz and Restaurant Brands International (RBI). Blackstone, a private-equity firm based a few blocks away, has nearly 2,5oo staff.3G's New York office has fewer than two dozen. Yet 3G's leaders have rocked the consumer industry like few investors in history.  All buyout firms are thirsty for deals, but 3G is uniquely parched. Before starting 3G, the firm's founders went on a beer-buying spree that culminated in 2o16 with Anheuser-Busch InBev's purchase of SAB Miller for more than $100bn. AB InBev, in which 3G's partners have a large stake, now brews more than one in four of the world's beers. Kraft Heinz counts Kraft cheese, Heinz Ketchup, Jell-0, Philadelphia Cream Cheese and Oscar Mayer among its holdings. RBI includes Burger King, Popeyes, a fried-chicken restaurant, and Tim Hortons, a popular Canadian chain. The way 3G runs companies is as notable as its appetite for buying them. In a practice called zero-based budgeting, managers must justify their expenses anew each year. The idea is to expand margins continuously. Overseeing this are managers chosen for their talent and work ethic, rather than mere experience. Daniel Schwartz, a 3G partner, became the chief executive of Burger King at 32. Mr Hees, a 3G partner who spent more than a decade working for a Latin American railroad, became Kraft Heinz's boss at 45. David Knopf, its chief financial officer, assumed his position in 2017 at 29.  To 3G's detractors, this all seems a bit mad. The company's strategy can be caricatured as follows: buy a big business, cut costs, repeat. This is not entirely fair. RBI has invested in marketing Burger King, winning prizes for its ads. AB InBev is working to boost its sales, for instance by pushing  higher-priced beers and deploying best practices across its vast geography.  But buying big companies and slashing costs remain 3G's speciality. The risks of that strategy have become clear. RBI struggled to integrate franchisees at Tim Hortons. AB InBev last year said it would slash its dividend by half.  Nowhere has 3G's approach played out more tumultuously than at Kraft Heinz. America's food industry seemed the perfect target, with flabby companies and powerful brands. Rare is the American who has not slurped Kool-Aid or downed an Oscar Mayer hot dog smothered in Heinz Ketchup.3G reckoned the brands were strong enough to withstand large cuts. As it turns out, they were not.  This was not the same for AB InBev, which despite abysmal results in America, has little beer competition from in-store brands, is rarely sold online and faces ample growth abroad. Kraft Heinz's business, by comparison, is concentrated in America, where the food industry is being turned on its head. Its brands may be familiar, but that does not make them popular. Small firms are offering healthier options, taking advantage of cheap digital marketing and nimble contract manufacturers. The smallest 20,000 packaged goods players account for about half the industry's growth, according to Nielsen, a research firm.  Meanwhile, the rise of e-commerce and European discount grocers has put pressure on food retailers, which are in turn squeezing food companies. Stores led by Walmart are using extensive data to launch their own, increasingly sophisticated, low-cost private label goods, all the while pushing companies to lower their prices.  Things started well for Kraft Heinz. Its operating profit margin surged from 15% in 2014 to 24% in 2017. The first big setback came that year when Paul Polman, then Unilever's boss, rebuffed the company's $143bn courtship.(Unilever, wisely, has devoted growing attention not to food but to beauty and household products.) Without his megadeal, Mr Hees turned to the basic work of lifting sales by pouring more money into advertising, product innovation and Kraft Heinz's sales force, but that ate into profits.  Equally striking is the company's new $15bn impairment, a recognition that the value of giant brands has shrivelled. Mr Buffett says that he misjudged the worth of Kraft's stable of products. "The management team entered into this merger with the assumption they could cut the spending needed to maintain brands, let alone help them grow," says Robert Moskow of Credit Suisse, a bank. "The world changed on them-retailers changed and consumers changed." Flawed though 3G's approach may seem, few food companies offer a successful alternative. Companies have tried to evolve by buying smaller firms, often at lofty prices and with mixed results. For instance Campbell Soup bought Bolthouse Farms, a maker of fruity drinks, in 2o12, but is now trying to sell it. Last year it bought Snyder's-Lance, a pretzel and popcorn company, to boost its snacks business. Its debt level has risen accordingly. Indeed, shopping sprees at Campbell, ConAgra and General Mills have made those companies more levered than Kraft Heinz, according to Sanford C Bernstein, a research firm.  Kraft Heinz now wants to shrink to grow: it plans divestments over the next 18 months to improve its balance sheet so it can make other, big deals. But the SEC's subpoena suggests that some internal processes might be unravelling as managers struggle to meet bold goals. The notion that big deals will save American food firms looks increasingly dubious. In 2014, before Heinz bought Kraft, the combined gross operating profits of the companies were about $6.5bn. Now, due in part to some problems beyond its control, Kraft Heinz expects its 2019 profits to be about the same.卡夫亨氏《Kraft Heinz)本应在这个季度向美国规模巨大但陷入困境的食品公司展示一种通往成功的新模式。2015年,两家全球最具标志性的食品制造商合二为一。在私募股权公司G资本的支持下,新集团以令竞争对手战栗、令投资者狂喜的速度削减成本。2017年收购英荷巨头联合利华失败后,卡夫亨氏开始想办法证明自己不但会减肥,还能凭自身提高销焦额。公司老板贝尔纳多·希斯(Bernardo Hees)兴高采烈地搬出新产品作例证,包括亨氏的蛋黄番茄酱(Mayochup)和一种叫“打个蛋”(just Crack an Egg)的食品。去年11月他查布公司正走在遇往可持续、有盈利的增长“的道路上。遗憾的是,并没有。 上月21日,卡夫亨氏披露了150亿美元的巨额减记、削减超过30%的股息,以及美国证券交易委员会(SEC)调查其采购部门的事宜。财报电话会议通常让人昏昏欲题,这一次却是一场露梦。一些长期批评3G资本的人现在难掩得意之情。另一些人则担心,3G资本正在玷污像卡夫亨氏通心粉和巴菲特这样的美国瑰宝。之前正是巴非特与3G资本联手促成了亨氏和卡夫的合井,去年他因这笔交易亏损近30亿美元。不过,尽管卡夫亨氏的业绩下滑看起来很惊人,3G资本的影响和食品行业的问题却远不止于此。 3G资本的几位创始人都是巴西人,但收购业务的总部设在曼哈顿。(公司最知名的创始人豪尔赫·保罗·雷曼[Jorge Paulo Lemann]住在瑞士。)与许多大型私募股权公司不同,3G资本的主要投资者不是养老基金,而是家族办公空和个人,包括它的合伙人。它的投资组合并不广泛,只支持两家公司:卡夫亨氏和国际餐饮品牌公司(Restaurant Brands International,RBJ)。私募股权公司需石(Blackstone)的总卸离3G资本只有几个街区,有近2500名员工,而3G资本纽约办事处的员工还不到24人。不过,3G贸本的领导者却震憾了整个消费行业,极少有投资者曾做到这一点。 所有的投资收购公司都渴望达成交易,但3G资本在这方面的热望独一无二。在成立3G资本之前,该公司的创始人掀起了一场啤酒业收购狂湖,在2016年百威英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)以逾1000亿美元收购SAB米勒(SAB Miller)时达到顶峰。如今,由G资本的合伙人大量持股的百威英博酿造了超过全球四分之一的啤酒。卡夫亨氏的产品包括卡夫奶酪、亨氏番茄、Jell-O果冻、菲力奶油奶酪和Oscar Mayer肉制品。RBI旗下有汉堡王、炸鸡店Popeyes和颇受欢迎的加拿大连锁店Tim Hortons。 3G资本运营所持有公司的方式和收购它们的劲头一样引人注目。它采用一种“零基预算法”的做法,经理们每年都要重新证明他们的支出是合理的。此举是为了持续扩大利润率。而监督这一操作的管理层是因他们的才能和职业道德而不仅仅是经验被选定的。3G资本的合伙人之一丹尼尔·施瓦茨(Daniel Schwartz)出任汉堡王的首席执行官时才32岁。另一位合伙人希斯在一家拉美铁路公司工作了十多年,45岁时成为卡夫亨氏的老板。首席财务官戴维·克诺夫(David Knopf)2017年上任时才29岁。 对于3G资本的抨击者来说,这一切似乎有点疯狂。夸张一点说,该公司的战略就是:收购一家大企业,削减成本,然后再重复。但这么说并不完全公平。RBI在汉堡王的营销上投资,赢得了广告大奖。百威英博正努力提振销售,比如推销价格更高的啤酒,并在公司广阔的版图上应用最佳实践。 但收购大公司和削减成本仍是3G资本的专长。这种策略的风险已经变得很明显。整合Tim Hortons的加盟商让RBI不堪重负。百威英博去年表示将把股息削减一半。 3G资本的这套做法用在卡夫亨氏上时表现得最为混乱。美国的食品产业看起来是个完美的目标,因为该行业里企业臃肿但品牌强大。很少有美国人没喝过速溶饮料Kool-Aid,或是没吃过涂满亨氏番茄酱的Oscar Mayer热狗。3G资本认为这些品牌足够强大,能承受大幅成本削减。事实证明它们并不能。 百威英博的情况就不一样了。尽管在美国的业绩糟糕透顶,但百威英博几乎没有遇到过来自商店自有品牌啤酒的竞争,很少在网上销售,而且海外增长强劲。相比之下,卡夫亨氏的业务集中在美国,而美国的食品行业正在发生翻天覆地的变化。它的各个品牌可能为人熟知,但这并不能让它们大卖。小公司正利用便宜的数字营销和灵活的承包生产商带来的优势,提供给消费者更健康的选择。根据研究公司尼尔森的数据,规模最小的两万家包装食品公司占了整个行业增长的一半左右。 与此同时,电子商务和欧洲折扣杂货商的崛起给食品零售商带来了压力,它们继而又向食品公司施压。以沃尔玛为首的商店正在利用大量数据推出越来越精致且价格低廉的自有品牌商品,并始终在促使食品公司降价。 卡夫亨氏的开局不错。营业利润率从2014年的15%飙升至2017年的24%。2017年,卡夫亨氏遭遇了第一次重大挫折,时任联合利华老板的保罗.波尔曼(Paul Polman)拒绝了该公司1430亿美元的求购。(联合利华明智地将注意力越来越多地放在美容和家用品而非食品上。)巨额收购计划落空,希斯转而专注于提高销售额这项基础工作,将更多资金投在广告、产品创新和卡夫亨氏的销售队伍上,但这侵蚀了利润。 同样惹人注目的是该公司150亿美元的新一轮减记,这等于承认公司各大品牌价值缩水。巴菲特表示他错误地判断了卡夫众多产品的价值。“管理团队设想的是,合并之后他们可以削减品牌维护所必需的开支,更不用说帮助品牌成长了,”瑞信银行的罗伯特·莫斯可(Robert Moskow)说道,“世界在他们那里发生了变化——零售商变了,消费者也变了。” 3G资本的方法似乎存在缺陷,但极少有食品公司能拿出一个成功的替代方案。各大公司尝试通过收购规模较小的公司来自我进化,这些收购交易的价格往往很高,而收效不一。例如,金宝汤(Campbell Soup)于2012年收购了果汁饮料生产商Bolthouse Farms,但现在又想把它卖掉。去年它收购了一家椒盐脆饼和爆米花公司Snyder's-Lance,以扩大零食业务。它的债务水平也相应上升。研究公司盛博称,实际上,金宝汤、康尼格拉(ConAgra)和通用磨坊(General Mills)的疯狂收购使得这些公司的杠杆率比卡夫亨氏还高。 卡夫亨氏现在希望通过收缩规模来实现增长:它计划在未来18个月剥离资产以改善资产负债表,以便能实现其他大规模交易。但美国证交会的传票显示,由于管理层难以达到大胆的目标,一些内部流程可能正在瓦解。大型交易能拯救美国食品公司的想法看起来越来越不可靠了。2014年在亨氏收购卡夫之前,两家公司的总营业利润约为65亿美元。现在,一定程度上由于公司自身无法控制的一些问题,卡夫亨氏预计2019年的利润将与合并前大致相同。





Aerospace Down in flames A tragedy casts doubt on Russia’s civil-aviation renaissance 航空工业 火中坠落 一场悲剧令俄罗斯民航业的复兴蒙上阴影 了解时事的童鞋都知道,俄罗斯本月初发生了一场重大航空事故,造成41人遇难。此篇文章即为经济学人就该事件对俄罗斯飞机制造业发展所进行的梳理。 前两段说到,俄罗斯在UAC身上倾注了很大的期望,但一场事故彻底打破了这种希望。那么在事故之前,UAC有着什么样的目标呢?而它的实际情况又是否能支撑它达成那样的目标? ① Before the accident UAC was aiming to increase its share of global revenues from civilian aircraft, from 17% in 2017 to 40% by 2025. ②The target now looks unreachable. ③Yet even beforehand Sukhoi had been making only slow progress towards it. ④The company has grabbed 20% of the global market for regional jets and secured a similar number of orders as rival aircraft from Bombardier of Canada and Embraer of Brazil, the two firms which have historically dominated the sector. ⑤But although the SuperJet is cheaper to buy, even Russian airlines were already falling out of love with it, says Tom Chruszcz of Fitch, a rating agency. ⑥The lack of a global maintenance network made servicing Sukhois more expensive, and the amount of time not in the air longer, than for the Canadian and Brazilian jets. ⑦Sanctions on Russia have crimped the availability of spare parts outside of Russia. ⑧Alexei Navalny, a former member ofAeroflot’s board turned vocal critic of Mr Putin, has previously deridedSuperJets as “always standing idle” and generating losses for the flag carrier. 第①句给出了UAC在事故之前给自己定下的目标。 本句语言点: Aim 此处是用作动词: I] to try or intend to achieve something力求达到; Share : [singular,单数] the part of something that you own or are responsible for〔某人拥有或应负担的〕一份; 此处即为UAC在全球营收中的所占份额; Revenue :N-UNCOUNT Revenue is money that a company, organization, or government receives from people. (公司、组织或政府的) 收入; civilian aircraft 顾名思义是“民用飞机”,相对应的“军用飞机”则为military aircraft; 本句语法结构: Before the accident(时间状语) UAC(主语) was aiming(谓语) to increase its share of global revenues from civilian aircraft, from 17% in 2017 to 40% by 2025(状语). 主干则为: UAC was aiming toincrease its share. 第②句比较简单,一针见血地指出,该目标现在看来是遥不可及了。 The target now looks unreachable. 第③句进一步指出,UAC在某些方面还是做的不错的。 本句语言点: Beforehand : ADV If you do something beforehand, you do it earlier than a particular event. 事先; 预先; 表达“事情的进展”用 make progress, 常见搭配有: Slow/steady/rapid/good/significant/littleprogress 本句语法结构 Yet(表示转折) even beforehand(状语) Sukhoi (主语)had been making (谓语)only slow progress(宾语)towards it. 主干即为: Sukhoi had beenmaking only slow progress. 第④句紧接第三句,具体描述UAC在此前怎么就进展缓慢了。 本句语言点: Grab 抓取,这里的取义也是相关的: [ VN ] to take sth for yourself, especially in a selfish or greedy way (尤指自私、贪婪地)捞取,赚取,抢占;从释义可以看出,如果采用该词,则后面的市场份额、数额、金额、占比都应该是相对较大的,此处UAC占有全球20%的支线客机市场,是个不小的份额; regional jet : 支线客机(此处建议与前文的civil aircraft统一记忆); 支线客机:支线客机(regional aircraft)通常是指100座以下的小型客机,一般设计座位为35~100座; 干线客机 (trunk-liner):在客流量大的城市之间的干线上飞行的民航客机叫干线客机。我国一般把100座以下航程在3000千米以内的飞机划分为支线客机,而100座以上的飞机算做干线客机。 secure 此处不是安全,而是一个动词,常常与orders搭配: ~ sth (for sb/sth)~ sb sth ( formal ) to obtain or achieve sth, especially when this means using a lot of effort (尤指经过努力)获得,取得,实现, 除了与orders搭配,还常常与deal/contract搭配,表示“订立合同、达成协议”,当然也可以有其它的用法: He secured a place for himself at law school. 他在法学院取得了学籍。 Rival 此处是名词,表示“对手”,但也可以作为修饰成分,比如: a rival bid/claim/offer 竞争投标 rival groups 竞争团体; rival gang 敌对团伙; Dominate : to control or have a lot of influence over sb/sth, especially in an unpleasant way 支配;控制;左右;影响; Sector 代表一个行业:a part of an area of activity, especially of business, trade etc〔尤指商业、贸易等领域的〕部门;行业; 本句语法结构: The company(主语) has grabbed(谓语1) 20% of the global market(宾语1) for regional jets(介词短语做后置定语) and secured(谓语2) a similar number of orders(宾语2) as rival aircraft from Bombardier of Canada and Embraer of Brazil(此处省略了have secured), the two firms(前面2家公司的同位语) which(定从,修饰firms) have historically dominated(定从谓语) the sector(定从宾语). 主干很简单: The company hasgrabbed 20% of the global market and secured a similar number of orders. 第⑤句来了个转折,表示Superjet这个项目发展并不好。 本句语言点: Fall in love with…爱上… “不爱了”就是这里的 fall out of love with… Rating agency 在读外刊的时候会经常碰到,指“评级机构”; 本句语法结构: But although the SuperJet is cheaper to buy(转折状语从句), even Russian airlines(主句主语) were already falling out of love (主句谓语)with it, says Tom Chruszcz of Fitch, a rating agency(Fitch的同位语). 主干: Russian airlineswere already falling out of love with it. 第⑥句紧跟第五句,阐述为什么Superjet会发展受阻。 本句语言点: Maintenance : ~ (of sth) the act of keeping sth in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly 维护;保养; Service 此处也是“维修、维护”的意思: [ usually passive] to examine a vehicle or machine and repair it if necessary so that it continues to work correctly 检修;维护;维修;保养,比如: We need to have the car serviced. 我们得把车送去检修一下了。 这句话主要难点在它的结构: The lack of a global maintenance network(主语) made (谓语)servicing Sukhois (宾语1)more expensive(宾语补足语), and the amount of time not in the air(宾语2) longer(宾语补足语), than(此处省略the amount of time not in the air) for the Canadian and Brazilian jets(比较状语). than for the Canadian and Brazilian jets,此处省略了the amount of time not in the air,即比较的对象是“不在空中的时间”; 除了第六句提到的维修网络问题,第⑦句指出还有美国对俄罗斯的制裁也是原因之一。 本句语言点: Sanctions : [ Cusually pl. ] ~ (against sb) an official order that limits trade, contact, etc. with a particular country, in order to make it do sth, such as obeying international law 制裁; Crimp :( NAmE informal ) to restrict the growth or development of sth 妨碍(或阻止)…的发展,比如: The dollar'srecent strength is crimping overseas sales and profits.  美元最近的坚挺削减了海外的销售和利润。 spare part 指“零部件”; 本句语法结构: Sanctions on Russia(主语) have crimped(谓语) the availability of spare parts(宾语) outside of Russia(地点状语). 要阐述观点,总要找点权威人士说过的话,第⑧句就引用了Alexei Navalny的言论。 本句语言点: Board此处指“董事会”; Vocal 跟声音有关:telling people your opinions or protesting about sth loudly and with confidence 大声表达的;直言不讳的,比如: Foley has beenparticularly vocal in his criticism of the government. 福利批评政府时尤其直言不讳。 Critic “批评者”; Deride : [ VNV speech ] ~ sb/sth (as sth) ( formal ) to treat sb/sth as ridiculous and not worth considering seriously 嘲笑;愚弄;揶揄; Idle : ( of machines, factories, etc. 机器、工厂等 ) not in use 闲置的, 常见搭配有: to lie/stand/remain idle 闲置着; flag 有“国旗”的意思,此处代表俄罗斯; 本句语法结构: Alexei Navalny(主语), a former member of Aeroflot’s board(同位语) turned vocal critic of Mr Putin(过去分词短语后置修饰member), has previously derided(谓语) SuperJets(宾语)as “always standing idle” and generatinglosses for the flag carrier. 主干: Alexei Navalny has previously derided SuperJets. 本段中文:    此次空难发生前,UAC的目标是到2025年将其民用飞机在全球收入中的份额从2017年的17%提高到40%。现在看来这一目标是遥不可及了。然而,即便在这之前,苏霍伊公司朝此目标迈进的速度也很缓慢。苏霍伊公司已经占据了全球支线客机20%的市场份额,并获得了与加拿大庞巴迪公司(Bombardier)和巴西航空工业公司(Embraer)生产的竞争机型差不多数量的订单。后两家公司长期以来处于该领域主导地位。但评级机构惠誉(Fitch)的汤姆·赫鲁什奇(Tom Chruszcz)表示,尽管SuperJet的价格更便宜,但是就连俄罗斯自己的航空公司也已经不再青睐它。由于缺乏全球性的维修网络,SuperJet的维修费用高于加拿大和巴西的客机,维修停飞的时间也更长。对俄罗斯的制裁影响了俄罗斯以外地区的零部件供应。俄航前董事、后来常公开批评普京的阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)此前就曾嘲讽SuperJet“永远闲着”,导致这家国家航空公司亏钱。 本段有不少长句子,只要仔细剖析一下,主干支干都很清晰,所以对长句子不可有畏难情绪哦

接上文: 《经济学人》精读46:How Elon Musk does it (part 1) Lightly Seared on the Reality Grill Of the two goals, colonising Mars and contributing to the greening of the Earth, the second sounds more plausible, not least because it is widely shared. But SpaceX is in much better shape than Tesla. The firm is privately held (Mr Musk, who has a controlling stake, says it will remain so). In 2015 Google and Fidelity invested $1bn, and subsequent filings put the firm’s value at over $21bn. SpaceX has a commitment to modular design, vertical integration and continual improvement not previously seen in the space business. The Falcon Heavy, for example, used 28 Merlin engines, all of them built from scratch at the company’s plant in California, all of them much more powerful than the Merlins that powered the first Falcon 9 in 2012.The firm’s achievements have established it as a satellite launcher and as a logistics company, with its reusable Dragon spacecraft providing supplies to the International Space Station. This business will expand when, probably sometime next year, the Dragon is certified to ferry astronauts up there, too. “殖民火星”和 让世界变得更绿一点这两个目标听起来是第二个比较容易实现,但SpaceX的企业结构比较简单,就是Mr Musk控股最多。 SpaceX的不断改进,不断发展是这个行业里从来没发生过的,它的Falcon Heavy用的是最新的发动机,都是这家公司从零开始研发的! The innovation is continuing—which is just as well, because within a few years it may face serious competition from Blue Origin, a rocket company owned by Mr Bezos which is likely to prove more sprightly, and more ambitious than those SpaceX has faced to date. Treating the Falcon rockets as cash cows, SpaceX is moving its development efforts on to an even larger (and possibly also cheaper) launcher, known as the BFR, and a constellation of thousands of communication satellites, an undertaking that would exploit its ability to get things into space cheaply so as to provide high-speed internet access all around the world. Morgan Stanley, an investment bank, reckons that could bring the company’s value up to $50bn—though it will require mastering a new manufacturing challenge and facing new competitors. Tesla is already worth more than that: roughly $60bn. That is more or less the same value as GM, which makes 80 times as many cars. In 2004 Mr Musk took a big stake in Tesla, founded the year before, and became chairman; in 2008, when the company faced closure, he became CEO. It went public two years later and quickly became the world’s leading electric-car company; last year it produced over 100,000 vehicles. At the Model 3’s launch Mr Musk claimed that, by the end of 2017, it would be churning out 5,000 a week. sprightly: full of life and energy -- used especially to describe an older person-- a sprightly old woman of 80 constellation: a group of people or things that are similar in some way 特斯拉现在的市值大概600亿美元,和通用公司差不多,但是通用每年生产的汽车量特斯拉的80倍... It wasn’t. In fact it was nowhere near it. It made just under 2,500 Model 3s, half that promised week’s worth, in the entire fourth quarter of 2017. It now says it will hit 5,000 a week later this year; a previous claim that it would go on to 10,000 a week by the end of the year has been dropped. Meanwhile, it faces ever stiffer competition. The world’s established carmakers are getting into the electric game. Other new entrants include Alphabet, which owns Waymo, an autonomous-car firm that began as part of Google. Given all this, many think Tesla’s valuation unsustainable. Mr Musk sometimes seems to see their point. “This market cap is higher than we have any right to deserve,” he said when speaking to an audience of state governors in July 2017, soon after the company’s valuation first topped that of Ford. To reassure shareholders of Mr Musk’s commitment, in January Tesla proposed a new pay plan that ties all his earnings to strict milestones for revenues, annual profits (of which, so far, it has made none at all) and market capitalisation. The last of these sets a target of $650bn by 2028. That is roughly the current value of the world’s largest ten carmakers combined. stiff: difficult, strict, or severe-- stiff competition 特斯拉接下来将会面临着巨大的竞争,更多的企业进入电力汽车这块业务,其中最出名的就是Google 母公司的无人驾驶汽车,Waymo 所以连Mr Musk都承认现在的市值有点过高... To accomplish such rapid growth—all but unheard of in a company its size—Tesla has to become more than just the successful mass-market car company it still isn’t. It has to become an industry in and of itself, providing better, battery-powered alternatives to the internal-combustion engine wherever it is found, from lawnmowers to juggernauts, and also selling battery-storage systems to consumers and utilities on a huge scale. Why should anyone believe such hubris?One argument is that electric vehicles, designed and built the Tesla way, are both better and potentially much more profitable than the alternatives. A recent tear-down analysis by McKinsey, a consultancy, concluded that electric cars designed from scratch are much better (for example, on range and interior room) than those that are modified versions of petrol-fired cars and still made on existing production lines. And by keeping a great deal of its cars’ engineering in-house, as SpaceX does with its rockets, Tesla may stand to be much more profitable than its current competitors. Jeffrey Osborne of Cowen, an investment bank, calculates that 80% of the value of a Tesla is created in its manufacturing plant in Fremont, some three to four times the share for a typical passenger car. juggernaut: a very large, heavy truck-- called alson juggernaut lorry hubris: a great or foolish amount of pride or confidence 特斯拉这种生产电力汽车的模式,被认为比其他对手更有潜力,而且能有更大的利润。麦肯锡的研究分析表明,电力汽车研发从零开始比较好,比在原有的汽油汽车上改动来的更容易... What is more, electric-car factories could be a lot more productive than those for internal-combustion engines; whereas a conventional car has about 2,000 components in its drive chain, a Model S has fewer than 20. Mr Musk says that these advantages mean he can create a “machine that makes machines” qualitatively better than anyone else’s.But the so-far-pitiful production of the Model 3 suggests that, at best, that machine is proving hard to bed in. It also means Tesla is not getting the revenues it based its spending plans on. The “gigafactory”, a battery plant in which Tesla and Panasonic are investing $5bn, also has its problems. The investment is based on the idea that Tesla needs economies of scale in its battery business only achievable in a factory that is highly automated and utterly huge. Mr Musk says the gigafactory—near the town of Sparks, Nevada—will be, by footprint, the biggest building in the world. 传统汽车在驾驶链上有2000个零部件,而Model S 只有20个不到! Mr Musk说他们的优势就是“我们有能制造这些部件的机器”, 但是从他们Model 3的产能来看,那个机器不太好用哦,还有那个他和松下一起投资的“电池工厂” 也有问题...  Romit Shah of Nomura/Instinet, a bank, estimates that in late 2014, when the gigafactory was announced, global battery demand for electric vehicles was about 12 gigawatt-hours a year. Nomura thinks the gigafactory alone will have 40GWh of capacity by the end of this year. In 2016 Tesla bought SolarCity, a solar-power and home-energy-storage firm that Mr Musk had helped two of his cousins set up, for $2.6bn. One of the reasons was to soak up some of this huge supply of batteries. (Another was that SolarCity was drowning in debt; the bail-out of the CEO’s side-gig was controversial, but Tesla shareholders ended up backing it by a large margin.) Storage, not cars, may be the biggest market for batteries long-term: it was not an accident that the company changed its name from Tesla Motors to just Tesla last year. Getting the gigafactory up to its promised speed and scale is vital to Mr Musk’s plans. It has proved frustratingly difficult. A visit to Sparks late last year found J.B. Straubel, a co-founder of Tesla and now its chief technical officer, completely consumed with the automation efforts: “Ramping up such a complicated machine,” he says,“on this unprecedented timescale, has never been done before.” Last October Mr Musk tweeted that the project was in “Production hell, ~8th circle”. "电池工厂“的产能实在过剩,但在2016年特斯拉还把Solar-city买了,一个原因是它巨大的电池供应量,另外一个原因这家公司也负债重重(是Mr Musk帮助他的两个表兄成立的公司) 能量存储应该是将来的一个巨大发展机会,所以这就是为什么特斯拉把名字从"特斯拉汽车”改成了“特斯拉”。 总结: Musk 在下一盘很大的棋,很佩服他的能力! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results Lexile®Measure: 1300L - 1400L Mean Sentence Length: 20.40 Mean Log Word Frequency: 3.27 Word Count: 1200 这篇文章的蓝思值是在1300-1400L, 专八阅读题的难度也就这个,是经济学人里比较难的,不太好读! 使用kindle断断续续地读《经济学人》三年,发现从一开始磕磕碰碰到现在比较顺畅地读完,进步很大,推荐购买! 点击这里可以去亚马逊官网购买~


这篇文章有几个非常有意思的句子和表达,我贴出来,大家一起赏析一下: 佳句篇:   Sentence 1. He helped popularise the idea that some diseases not previously thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which ruffled many scientific feathers when it was first suggested. 解析: Ruffle弄皱的意思 Ruffle one’s feathers惹怒(想想逆毛流撸猫) The idea that ...用的是同位语从句,不太多,常用搭配是the evidence that,the concept that 等。That后从句解释idea, concept或evidence等。 Which的指代问题。Which指代的不是上文任何一个出现的单词或词组,而是Dr. Cochran的这波操作。Sentence 2. Ashkenazim generally do well in IQ tests, scoring 12-15 points above the mean value of 100, and have contributed disproportionately to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the careers of Freud, Einstein and Mahler, pictured above, affirm. disproportionately不成比例地 主干and复合句+非谓语动词scoring+as引导的从句(插入后置定语) 每个部分都不难,集合到一起就对理解产生障碍了。Sentence 3. But in the Middle Ages, success in Christian society tended to be violently aristocratic (warfare and land), rather than peacefully meritocratic (banking and trade). 这个句子不难,为什么拿出来是因为这个violently的用法。简单来讲,这一个单词乍一看是作aristocratic的副词,实则在翻译(以及理解)当中,我们必须单独翻译成一个实意的成分,而且作副词处理。 Aristocratic贵族统治 Meritocratic德治Sentence 4. That small, reproductively isolated groups of people are susceptible to genetic disease is well known. 主语从句,注意that.Sentence 5. Most of the dozen or so disease genes that are common in them belong to one of two types: they are involved either in the storage in nerve cells of special fats called sphingolipids, which form part of the insulating outer sheaths that allow nerve cells to transmit electrical signals, or in DNA repair. 典型长句,如何解析? Most of the dozen or so  disease genes that are common in them  belong to one of two types: Or so大约 斜体作的是disease genes they are involved either in the storage in nerve cells of special fats called sphingolipids, which form part of the insulating outer sheaths that allow nerve cells to transmit electrical signals, or in DNA repair. either or后面是两个in... 第一个in后面的which form part of the insulating outer sheaths解释的是Sphingolipids that allow nerve cells to transmit electrical signals解释的是sheaths。 也就是说,(非限制性)定语从句后面紧接另一个定语从句。 第二个in后面很简单,但!!!文章最后一段有解释,对于 文章结构 至关重要。Sentence 6&7. Thus, the theory goes, the pressure  to keep the sickle-cell gene in the population because of its malaria-protective effects balances the pressure  to drive it out because of its anaemia-causing effects. It therefore persists without becoming ubiquitous. 两句话放一起。 主干已加黑。很有意思的句子,工整、对仗,而又解释非常清楚。 下一句,persist和ubiquitous用词极其精准,整句话像外科手术般,精准简练。作者还是怕读者一下子没读懂,用简单而又高效的句子总结下。写作手法很老练高超,字字玑珠,像极了宝马M3。Sentence 8. Genes that promote intelligence in an individual when present as a single copy create disease when present as a double copy. 乍一看没什么稀奇,再一看,把一个comparison分别放在了主语和谓语的修饰成分中,可谓老辣。 作何解? That promote intelligence对genes做了一个限定,指的是genes的其中一种特征,然后用when说明了适用情况。 Create谓语的主语也是genes,但这时候是没有限定的genes。Create disease做的是限定,其实对应的是promote intelligence。后面同样用一个when来说明范围。 简单来讲,genes的含义做了一个缩小和限定,又在create的时候恢复了genes的双重功能含义。 Promote intelligence和create diseases一个对应,尽管成分差别很大。 两个when的对比。 可谓神句。Sentence 9. An Israeli clinic devoted to treating people with Gaucher's has vastly more engineers, scientists, accountants and lawyers on its books than would be expected by chance. Than (what) would be expected by chance. 省略了what。。。你能理解吗? 还有这个books,这个同语境关联强烈。好的表达: 1. ruffle one’s feather 2. Tremble at the thought 3. Affirm作不及物动词(Ashkenazim generally do well in IQ tests, scoring 12-15 points above the mean value of 100, and have contributed disproportionately to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the careers of Freud, Einstein and Mahler, pictured above, affirm. ) 4. aristocratic v.s. meritocratic 5. Exact a price类似用法 exert influence附原文及翻译: Natural genius? 天生我才? The high intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews may be a result of their persecuted past 德系犹太人的高智商或许是因为曾经遭受迫害的后果 THE idea that some ethnic groups may, on average, be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name. But Gregory Cochran, a noted scientific iconoclast, is prepared to say it anyway. He is that rare bird, a scientist who works independently of any institution. He helped popularise the idea that some diseases not previously thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which ruffled many scientific feathers when it was first suggested. And more controversially still, he has suggested that homosexuality is caused by an infection. 某些少数民族的平均智商高于其他民族这一说法,是很多不敢公开的假设之一。不过著名的科学狂人Gregory Cochran 决意要做第一个吃螃蟹的人。他很特别,总是独立工作而不属于任何机构。某些曾被诊断并非病菌引起的疾病,其实病源来自传染病。这一观点因他的推动受到了关注。此观点一经提出,就受到了许多科学家的反对。这还不算,更具争议的是,他认为同性恋也是由传染病引起的。 Even he, however, might tremble at the thought of what he is about to do. Together with Jason Hardy and Henry Harpending, of the University of Utah, he is publishing, in a forthcoming edition of the Journal of Biosocial Science, a paper which not only suggests that one group of humanity is more intelligent than the others, but explains the process that has brought this about. The group in question are Ashkenazi Jews. The process is natural selection. 然而就算是Cochran,也为自己接下来要做的事捏了一把汗。他准备同Utah大学的Jason Hardy与Henry Harpending一同,在最新一期的《生物社会科学杂志发表一篇论文,文中不仅提出了某一少数民族比其他民族更聪明这一观点,还解释了这一结果产生的过程。文中两大主角就是德系犹太人和自然选择。 History before science 不管是否科学,先来看看历史 Ashkenazim generally do well in IQ tests, scoring 12-15 points above the mean value of 100, and have contributed disproportionately to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the careers of Freud, Einstein and Mahler, pictured above, affirm. They also suffer more often than most people from a number of nasty genetic diseases, such as Tay-Sachs and breast cancer. These facts, however, have previously been thought unrelated. The former has been put down to social effects, such as a strong tradition of valuing education. The latter was seen as a consequence of genetic isolation. Even now, Ashkenazim tend to marry among themselves. In the past they did so almost exclusively. 德系犹太人不仅在IQ测试上表现不俗,正常人一般在100分左右,而他们大多都能得个112-115分,而且虽然人数不多,但他们在欧洲知识、文化生活中的地位却举足轻重。想想弗洛伊德、爱因斯坦、马勒,我们就会点头称是了。但同时,他们中患有如泰-萨克斯病、乳腺癌这类严重的遗传疾病的比率明显高于其他种族。这些事实,最初被人们认为是毫无联系的。前者被说成是社会原因引起的,如浓烈的价值观教育的传统;后者则被说成是基因隔离的结果,不过即使是现在,德系犹太人还是愿意同本族人结婚,在过去,就更是如此了。 Dr Cochran, however, suspects that the intelligence and the diseases are intimately linked. His argument is that the unusual history of the Ashkenazim has subjected them to unique evolutionary pressures that have resulted in this paradoxical state of affairs. 但Cochran博士对以上两点表示质疑,并认为德系犹太人的天赋异禀与痛病缠身联系密切。他认为正是异常的历史环境强加给了德系犹太人独有的进化压力,才导致了这些看似奇怪的现象。 Ashkenazi history begins with the Jewish rebellion against Roman rule in the first century AD. When this was crushed, Jewish refugees fled in all directions. The descendants of those who fled to Europe became known as Ashkenazim. 德系犹太人的历史源于公元1世纪。犹太人在反对罗马人的统治失败后,犹太难民四散而逃,逃亡欧洲的犹太后裔就是如今的德系犹太人。 In the Middle Ages, European Jews were subjected to legal discrimination, one effect of which was to drive them into money-related professions such as banking and tax farming which were often disdained by, or forbidden to, Christians. This, along with the low level of intermarriage with their gentile neighbours (which modern genetic analysis confirms was the case), is Dr Cochran's starting point. 在中世纪,欧洲的犹太人在法律上地位很不平等,结果之一就是他们不得不从事与金钱相关的职业,如被人看不起或不准基督徒涉足的银行或征税工作,此外,他们只能与邻居中社会地位较低的非犹太人通婚(这种状况通过现代基因学分析得到了证实)。上述就是Cochran 博士论文的起点。 He argues that the professions occupied by European Jews were all ones that put a premium on intelligence. Of course, it is hard to prove that this intelligence premium existed in the Middle Ages, but it is certainly true that it exists in the modern versions of those occupations. Several studies have shown that intelligence, as measured by IQ tests, is highly correlated with income in jobs such as banking. 他认为欧洲犹太人从事的职业都是些需要一定智商的职业,虽不能证明这些职业在中世纪时就是这样了,但在当代它们确实如此。一些研究表明,智力水平(按智力测试的标准来算)与工资水平(如那些从事银行工作的人)联系密切。 What can, however, be shown from the historical records is that European Jews at the top of their professions in the Middle Ages raised more children to adulthood than those at the bottom. Of course, that was true of successful gentiles as well. But in the Middle Ages, success in Christian society tended to be violently aristocratic (warfare and land), rather than peacefully meritocratic (banking and trade). 这些历史记录证明了,那些在欧洲工作地位较高的犹太家庭子女存活率要高于那些地位较低的犹太家庭。情况对于那些其他种族的也是一样的。但在中世纪,基督教社会中所谓的成功多是贵族通过战争与土地强争豪取,而非通过量才而用(如从事银行或贸易工作)和平地获得。 Put these two things together—a correlation of intelligence and success, and a correlation of success and fecundity—and you have circumstances that favour the spread of genes that enhance intelligence. The questions are, do such genes exist, and what are they if they do? Dr Cochran thinks they do exist, and that they are exactly the genes that cause the inherited diseases which afflict Ashkenazi society. 把智力与成功的关联以及成功与生殖力的关系合二为一,你就具备了有利于智商提高的基因传播的条件。问题是这种智商基因确实存在吗?假如它果真存在的话,那究竟是什么呢?科克伦博士认为它们的确存在,而且正是那种引起折磨德系犹太人遗传疾病的基因。 That small, reproductively isolated groups of people are susceptible to genetic disease is well known. Constant mating with even distant relatives reduces genetic diversity, and some disease genes will thus, randomly, become more common. But the very randomness of this process means there should be no discernible pattern about which disease genes increase in frequency. In the case of Ashkenazim, Dr Cochran argues, this is not the case. Most of the dozen or so disease genes that are common in them belong to one of two types: they are involved either in the storage in nerve cells of special fats called sphingolipids, which form part of the insulating outer sheaths that allow nerve cells to transmit electrical signals, or in DNA repair. The former genes cause neurological diseases, such as Tay- Sachs, Gaucher's and Niemann-Pick. The latter cause cancer. 众所周知,越是人口稀少并且生育范围狭小的种族就越易患遗传疾病。总是于同族人通婚,就算不是近亲,也会较少遗传的多样性,同时也会使某些致病基因没有规律地在该种族内部泛滥起来。而这种无规律性意味着人们不知道何类致病基因会被大量传播。但对德系犹太人来说,Cochran 医生指出,情况却并非如此。他们当中最常见的十几种疾病基因基本上可以归结于两类:一类参与神经细胞中鞘脂类特殊脂肪)的储存。鞘脂组成一部分绝缘外层鞘,允许神经细胞发射电子信号。另一类参与DNA 的修复。前者基因会引发神经性疾病,如泰萨二氏病、脑苷脂沉积病和神经鞘磷脂沉积病;而后者会导致癌症。 That does not look random. And what is even less random is that in several cases the genes for particular diseases come in different varieties, each the result of an independent original mutation. This really does suggest the mutated genes are being preserved by natural selection. But it does not answer the question of how evolution can favour genetic diseases. However, in certain circumstances, evolution can. 上述看起来并非毫无规律。而且更趋于规律的表现就是,在一些病例中,特殊疾病的致病基因来自于不同的变体,而每个变体都是独立的原基因变异的结果。这就印证了变异基因是自然选择保留下来的结果,可它却不能回答自然选择为什么会成了遗传疾病的帮凶,但在一些特殊的条件下,进化能够产生这样的结果。 West Africans, and people of West African descent, are susceptible to a disease called sickle-cell anaemia that is virtually unknown elsewhere. The anaemia develops in those whose red blood cells contain a particular type of haemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen. But the disease occurs only in those who have two copies of the gene for the disease-causing haemoglobin (one copy from each parent). Those who have only one copy have no symptoms. They are, however, protected against malaria, one of the biggest killers in that part of the world. Thus, the theory goes, the pressure to keep the sickle-cell gene in the population because of its malaria-protective effects balances the pressure to drive it out because of its anaemia-causing effects. It therefore persists without becoming ubiquitous. 如西非人以及他们的后代易患一种叫做镰状细胞性贫血的疾病,这种病在西非之外几乎都没人听说过。贫血症发于那些红血球中含有一种特殊的血红蛋白,其蛋白质中含有氧气的人。但这种镰状细胞性贫血症只会发生在同时有两组这种致病的血红蛋白(父母都有这种血红蛋白)的人身上。而那些只有一组的人不但不会患这种贫血症,也不会患疟疾,该病被称为非洲的头号杀手。因此,我们可以这样说,抵御疟疾的特性使得镰状细胞在得以人体中存活下来,同时这种细胞导致贫血症的特性也会被人体排斥,只有在为保持这两种状态而产生的压力达到平衡时,才不会有任何一个特性占据上风。 Dr Cochran argues that something similar happened to the Ashkenazim. Genes that promote intelligence in an individual when present as a single copy create disease when present as a double copy. His thesis is not as strong as the sickle-cell/malaria theory, because he has not proved that any of his disease genes do actually affect intelligence. But the area of operation of some of them suggests that they might. Cochran博士认为,德系犹太人也面临着同样的情况,他们的某些基因如果以单组出现就可以提高智力,一旦以双组出现就会引起疾病。显然,该理论并不如他的镰状细胞/疟疾理论那样具有说服力,因为他尚未证明任何一种致病基因确实能够影响智力,但是某些基因的活动区域显示它们或许真能影响智力。 The sphingolipid-storage diseases, Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's and Niemann-Pick, all involve extra growth and branching of the protuberances that connect nerve cells together. Too much of this (as caused in those with double copies) is clearly pathological. But it may be that those with single copies experience a more limited, but still enhanced, protuberance growth. That would yield better linkage between brain cells, and might thus lead to increased intelligence. Indeed, in the case of Gaucher's disease, the only one of the three in which people routinely live to adulthood, there is evidence that those with full symptoms are more intelligent than the average. An Israeli clinic devoted to treating people with Gaucher's has vastly more engineers, scientists, accountants and lawyers on its books than would be expected by chance. 鞘脂储存类疾病,如泰萨二氏病、脑苷脂沉积病和神经鞘磷脂沉积病,都涉及到连接神经细胞的凸起的多余生长和分叉。显然,这种生长和分叉太多的话就会引起疾病。但是,也有可能,仅有单份致病基因的人会出现比较有限的、但仍然加强了的凸起生长。这将有助于加强脑细胞之间的连接,或许因此导致智力提高。实际上,在脑苷脂沉积病的例子中,在三分之一能够活到成年的患者中,确实有证据表明完全发病的人拥有高于平均值的智商。根据一家专门治疗脑苷脂沉积病的以色列诊所的医疗记录,患者中的工程师、科学家、会计和律师的比例多于常人。 Why a failure of the DNA-repair system should boost intelligence is unclear—and is, perhaps, the weakest part of the thesis, although evidence is emerging that one of the genes in question is involved in regulating the early growth of the brain. But the thesis also has a strong point: it makes a clear and testable prediction. This is that people with a single copy of the gene for Tay-Sachs, or that for Gaucher's, or that for Niemann-Pick should be more intelligent than average. Dr Cochran and his colleagues predict they will be so by about five IQ points. If that turns out to be the case, it will strengthen the idea that, albeit unwillingly, Ashkenazi Jews have been part of an accidental experiment in eugenics. It has brought them some advantages. But, like the deliberate eugenics experiments of the 20th century, it has also exacted a terrible price. 为什么基因修复系统失灵会提高智力,现在还不清楚原因何在。虽然,陆续有证据表明产生问题的基因之一参与了调节大脑的早期发育,但是这仍是该论题最薄弱的环节。不过,该理论也有令人信服的地方:它对于拥有单份泰萨二氏病或脑苷脂沉积病或神经鞘磷脂沉积病基因的人会比普通人更聪明做出了明确而可检验的预测。Cochran 博士和他的同事认为,这些人的智商因此会比平均水平高出5 个点。尽管有人不愿接受,假如确实如此的话,它将有力地证明,德系犹太人在不经意间经历了优生实验,而这为他们带来了智商上的优势。但是,如同发生在20 世纪的人为的优生实验一样,它同样让他们付出了可怕的代价。

原文链接: 本文选自 The Economist 1月刊文章 Glass Half-Empty As they examine how Mr Baumgartner and others reverse morbid patterns of thought, the authors set out a rule of thumb: “It takes four good things to overcome one bad thing.” 自译:作者们在研究鲍姆加特纳和其他人是如何逆转病态思维模式的过程中,提出了一个拇指法则:“克服一件坏事的影响需要四件好事。” 参考:两位作者开始研究鲍姆加特纳和其他人是如何逆转病态的思维模式的,过程中他们提出了一条经验法则:“克服一件坏事的影响需要四件好事。” Morbid 这个单词,中文解释是“病态的”,看英文更好理解一点:used to describe anyone who spends too much time thinking about death or disease. 那么文中提到的 others 就表示一些花费过多时间思考死亡或疾病的群体。 Morbid 这个单词来源于词根 morbidus,意思是“diseased”或者“sick”,除了形容人外,还可用于形容物,比如,“如果你把墓碑挂在墙上,你的艺术品位也可能被描述为病态”,If you hang tombstones on your walls, your taste in art could also be described asmorbid. 在本段中,运用了一个俚语,Rule of thumb,表示“经验之谈;经验法则”的意思,英文解释:a pratical and approximate way of doing or measuring something,“有个方便实用的估算方法,即两把生米够一人吃的量”,A good rule of thumb is that a portion of rice is two handfuls. 再比如,“如果有人伤心,有个实用方法,给她看电视剧《大主宰》就好了。”If someone is sad, there is a wonderful rule of thumb to show her or him the TV series "The Great Master" starring RoyWang.(亲测有用) Set out 主要有两个意思:【文中采取第一个意思】 To start an activity with a particular aim (怀着特定目的)开始,着手 She set out with the aim of Amwaying TV series "The Great Master" to the people around her.她努力的目标就是向周围人安利超级好看的电视剧《大主宰》。 [ + to do sth. ] Many Doctors set out to discover a cure for the new coronavirus.许多医生开始寻找一种治愈新型冠状病毒的方法。 2. To start a jouney 出发,启程 Accordingly, they are less keen onaccentuatinglife’s positives than on trying tomuffle its negatives.In part that meansreframing adversity, like wounded soldiers who view injury “not as something that shattered their plans but as something that started them on a new path”. 自译:于是,相比较强调生活的积极态度,他们更热衷于尝试消除负面影响。这意味着克服逆境,就像受伤的士兵,将受伤看作是重新开始一段新的路程而不是打乱了他们的计划。 参考:相应地,他们不太热衷于强调生活的积极面,而更注重积极去降低消极面的影响。在某种程度上,这意味着要重新审视逆境,就像受伤的士兵认为负伤“不是打碎了他们的计划,而是推动他们走上了一条新的道路”。 错误点:accordingly 翻译不准确;最后一句引号中内容翻译时没有强调。 Than 为连词,引导比较状语从句,句子有省略;第一个 that 为指示代词,who 为关系代词,引导定语从句,句中含有 not…but… 并列结构,意为“不是……而是……”;第二个 that 为关系代词,引导定语从句。 Accentuate life's positives 与  muffle its negatives 是一对相反的意思,其中 accentuate 意思是“着重,强调;使明显”,英文释义为:to emphasize particular feature of something or to make something more noticeable. 例如,“她的裙子衣袋系得很紧,凸显出苗条的腰身”可以这样说:Her dress was tightly belted, accentuating the slimness of her waist. 后一个动词 muffle 有两层意思,表意是“使(声音)变轻微(或低沉)[to make a sound quieter and less clear]”,例如,“这所房子装有双层玻璃以减弱飞机噪声的干扰”,The house has double-glazed windows to muffle the noise of aircraft. 文中使用的是它的引申义“削弱,使模糊[to make something less strong or clear]”。 因此,语段they are less keen on accentuating life's positives|| than on trying to muffle its negatives. 可以用英文解释为:They are less keen on emphasize life's positives than on trying to make its negatives less strong. 文中用 reframe adversity 表示“重新审视逆境”,用英文解释为:to change the way to consider unlucky situations or events. 积累到一个表示“逆境”的新词:adversity [in the sense of hardship],其同义词还有:hardship, trouble, distress, suffering, trial, disaster, reverse, hard times, sorrow, catastrophe, woe, misfortune, bad luck, deep water, calamity, mishap, affliction, ill-fortune, ill-luck 对于 deep water,我们通常说的“水深火热”可以用到这个词:deep water and scorching fire。 Shatter their plans,参考翻译为“打碎他们的计划”,其中 shatter 的意思为:to end or severely damage something,严重破坏某事。“这本书击碎了她对罗马人的一切幻想”The book shattered all her illusions about the Romans. 有时也可用于打破宁静,例如“吵闹的摩托声打破了宁静/平静/静谧”, Noisy motorbikes shattered the peace/calm/stillness. 有时候,我们或许经历着谷底,但换个角度看,生活也就不那么难熬,「人如果一直敷衍地生活,很容易觉得时间飞逝而自己一事无成;如果偶尔经历一些难熬的瞬间,就能稍微抓住些时光的痕迹」(引自《环球人物》专栏《王源说》) Sometimes, we may in the deep water, but from another perspective, life is not so hard. "If people live perfunctorily all the time, it's easy to feel that time flies and they can't achieve anything; if they occasionally experience some adversities and try to muffle its negatives, maybe they can grasp some traces of time".(quoted from the global people column "RoyWang Said") On a more parochial note, they advise that people who have to deal with rude customers finish every encounter, no matter how bruising, with a positive gesture— and that if you are likely to be on the receiving end of reviews, you should get a friend to summarise them, to avoid direct exposure to indelibly hurtful phrases. 自译:在更具体的警示上,他们建议人们在与粗鲁的顾客打交道时都以积极的姿势结束商谈,不管事情有多糟糕——如果你可能是接受评价的一方,你需要找一个朋友去做总结,去避免直接接触不能消灭的会让你受伤的话语。 参考:在一个更具体的情境中,他们建议那些不得不与粗鲁的顾客打交道的人以积极的姿态结束每一次接触,不管刚刚的经历有多么让人受伤——另外,如果你很有可能是要接受评价的一方,那你应该找一个朋友替你来总结评语,从而避免直接接触到那些可能会造成不可磨灭的伤害的恶言恶语。 第一个 that 为连词,引导宾语从句;who 为关系代词,引导定语从句;no matter 引导让步状语从句;to summarize 为不定式,作宾语补足语(或称复合宾语)。 On a more parochial note,“在一个更具体的情境中”,parochial 有两层意思,第一层是“教区的”,parochial boundaries 就是“堂区分界线”的意思;文中采取的是它第二层意思,“showing interest only in a narrow range of matters, especially those that directly affect yourself, your town, or your country,偏狭的,尤其是自己或者地方观念的”,这里翻译成“在一个更狭隘的情境中”就有点别扭,结合上下文,所以翻译成“在一个更具体的情境中”。 通常我们说“打交道”用的都是:to come into contact with 或者 to have dealings,文中用的是:to deal with sb.  这个短语特用于在工作上与某人打交道,后面也可以接 sth,意思是“处理,动手解决 [to take action in order to achieve something or in order to solve a problem]”,例如:General enquiries are dealt with by our head office. (普通的咨询由我们总部来解决。) Indelibly hurtful phrases,不可磨灭的恶言恶语。Indelible 本义是指“洗不掉的[an indelible mark or substance is impossible to remove by washing or in any other way]”,例如,洗不掉的墨水渍,indelible ink. 这里使用的是引申义“(记忆或行为)不可磨灭的[indelible memories or actions are impossible to forget, or have a permanent influence or effect]”,“这一次的疫情给全国人民留下了不可磨灭的印象”, This outbreak of coronavirus makes an indelible impression for our country. A few of the authors’ tips are bland:keep to a minimum your dealings with any colleague who is clearly a bad apple, “make time for nostalgia” and in dark moments try repeating the analgesic phrase, “This too shall pass.” 自译:作者的某些建议很温和:减少与任何事害群之马的同事打交道,“找点时间怀旧”和在黑暗的时刻,尝试反复念叨安慰的话语,“这些都会过去的。” 参考:作者的某些建议平淡无奇:尽量少和任何明显是害群之马的同事打交道;“腾出时间怀旧”;在黑暗时刻试着反复默念能够抚慰伤痛的话语——“都会过去的。” 本段采用一般现在时;Keep 开头为祈使句,to a minimum 为介词短语作状语,被移位到宾语之前;who 为关系代词,引导定语从句。 bland:not having a strong taste or character or not showing any interest or energy 无滋味的;枯燥乏味的,没精打采的,“在枯燥乏味的日子,看看王源主演的电视剧《大主宰》成了我为数不多的乐趣”,On the bland days, watching the TV series "The Great Master" starred by RoyWang become one of my few pleasures. A bad apple,害群之马;a bad apple spoils the barrel 一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅汤(one grain of rat feces ruins the whole pot of porridge.) More often, though, their tone is challenging. They believe that higher education, after decades of enfeeblement by exaggerated anxieties about student well-being, should embrace a policy of “less carrot and more stick”. 自译:但更多时候,他们的论调具有挑战性。他们认为几十年来,高等教育对学生的未来太过焦虑,应采取措施“少给胡萝卜,多些棍棒。” 参考:不过更多时候,他们的论调很挑战人们的认知。他们认为,几十年来,高等教育对学生的福祉焦虑过度,以致自身衰弱无力,如今应采取“少给些胡萝卜,多来些大棒”的政策。 enfeeble:to make someone or something very weak 使衰弱;使无力 Embrace a policy,采取措施。Embrace 在这里是“采纳[to accept something enthusiastically]”的意思,“这样的机会他是求之不得的”,This was an opportunity that he would embrace. Public debate, they argue, tends to be shaped by people whose livelihood depends on amplifying the chances of catastrophe. Thus the commentariat offers rivetingly grim pieces about the risks of opioid pain-relievers, but fails to acknowledge their benefits. 参考:他们指出,有些人的生计就是靠夸大灾难事件发生的概率,而能够影响公共辩论的往往正是这种人。因此,时事评论员的报道都在说阿片类镇痛药物的风险如何之大——而不愿承认这类药物的益处。 To be shaped 为不定式,作宾语,采用被动语态;whose 引导定语从句;offers 为双宾动词作谓语,采用一般现在时,rivetingly 为间接宾语,pieces 为直接宾语;to acknowledge 为不定式作宾语。 Public debate,公开争论。“这个问题早就为大众所争论不休了”,This issue is long overdue for a public debate. Amplify 本意是“to make something louder,扩大(声音)”,例如:amplified music/guitar,经过扩音的音乐/带有扩音设备的电吉他。另一层意思是“to increase the size or effect of something,增强”,“葬礼可以渲染生者痛失亲人的哀悼之情”,A funeral can amplify the feelings of regret and loss for the relatives. At times, such judgments on supposedly overblown negativity may strike readers as a touch blasé (the authors reckon a patient’s risk of addiction to opioids is “probably less than one or two percent”). 自译:有时,过于消极的判断会让读者感到厌倦(作者们认为患者对阿片类药物上瘾的风险“或许少于1%或2%”)。 参考:有时,这种对于“过度消极”的判断可能会让读者感到一丝冷漠(作者认为患者对阿片类药物上瘾的风险“可能不到1%或2%”)。 The pair are at their most bracing when, instead of lambasting the doomsayers,they extol “the upside of bad” and the power of negative experiences “to sharpen the mind and energise the will”. 自译:替代抨击末日预言家,他们赞扬“坏事的积极面”和消极经历“磨砺头脑和激发意志力”的力量。 参考:但当他们选择不去痛斥末日预言家,而是赞美“坏事的积极面”和消极经历“磨砺头脑和激发意志力”的力量时,还是相当让人精神一振。 At their most bracing,相当让人精神一振。其中 bracing 表示“(空气或活动)清新的”,英文释义是:(of weather) cold and perhaps windy; (of an activity) making you feel full of energy because it is done outside when the weather is cold and perhaps windy.例如,“我们在沙滩上散步,感到心旷神怡”,We enjoyed a bracing walk on the beach. It has to be said, though, that some of those upsides come with titanic quantities of downside. At one point, they approvingly cite Samuel Johnson’s macabre observation that “when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” 自译:然而,不得不说的是,他们所说的积极面是从巨大的消极面中获得。在某一点,他们引用了塞缪尔·约翰逊惊人的观察:“当一个人知道他两周内会被绞死,他的思想就集中了。” 参考:然而不得不提的是,他们所说的积极面有些要从极其巨大的消极面中才能获得。在书中某一处,他们赞许地引用了塞缪尔·约翰逊令人恐怖的心得:“当一个人知道他两周内就会被绞死时,他的思想就变得高度集中了。” 错误点:单词太多不认识;语句翻译不通顺。 进入公/众/号:分享给你我生活,查看更多

《经济学人》(英文名:The Economist,中文名又叫:经济学家)于1843年在英国伦敦建刊,以独立和全球化的视角著称。《经济学人》每周四晚上在世界六个地方同步印刷,每周六全球同步出版,同时于当天晚些时候在网上更新最新一期的内容,4-5期/月。《经济学人》是一本完全国际化期刊,其中80%的发行量来自英国之外。 自建刊以来,《经济学人》一直秉承其创建者James Wilson的办刊原则。在创刊计划书中James Wilson写到:“我们真诚的相信,自由贸易和自由交往在全世界传播文明和道德的作用是其他任何现有的媒介无法比拟的” 。但杂志的第三任主编Walter Bagehot才是使《经济学人》杂志发扬光大的人。他使杂志的触角向政治问题延伸。现在,《经济学人》的文章不仅涉及时势、商业、金融和经济,还涉及到科学、技术和艺术。无论主题是什么,《经济学人》的独立、坦率、简练和尊重事实的品质使其与众不同。 《The Economist》字体底色鲜红,客观公正是《经济学家》杂志的的生命所在。公司的构成禁止任何组织或个人获得杂志半数以上的持股权。该杂志所有的文章都不署名,皆由集体创作,就象它的主编们认为的那样:写出什么样的东西,比出自谁的手笔更重要。 《经济学人》文章除了一些我们不熟悉的题材外,其中的大多数文章写得机智、幽默、有力度。这些优点是任何一家英文主流报刊所不能比拟的。只要你有4000左右的词汇量,读起来都不会有太多的不适应感。官方网址为:。另外,最重要的是历年考研英语阅读真题很多文章来自《经济学人》杂志,这点对要参加考研词友而言太关键了。点击下载:2007年07月21日《经济学人》The Economist原版英文杂志下载注意: 1、以上内容每周一定时更新,更多内容请到这里去下载。 2、以上文件都是PDF格式,需要Adobe Reader 7.0以上版本才能打开,如果打不开说明你的版本太低,点击这里下载Adobe Reader 最新版本!


