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Welding Automation Research in the engineering school is largely focused on problems involving sensing, modeling, and control of welding processes, i.e., welding automation. Faculty and students from electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and material science are involved in the welding automation research. The overall objective of this research is to provide both greater productivity and enhanced quality for welding in the manufacturing environment.http://eecs.vanderbilt.edu/researchgroups/weldingautomation

Control of Parallel Inverters in Distributed AC Power Systems with Consideration of Line Impedance Effect在分布式交流电力系统中考虑连线阻抗影响时的并联逆变器控制 论文发到你的邮箱了

电气工程:1Electrical Engineering My decision to pursue graduate study in the United States is underscored by my desire to be a part of the graduate program at your institution. Purdue University offers the flexibility needed for such a vast and rapidly changing field. The research facilities and the faculty at the university are par excellent. Communications is an industry that has changed our lives. In a very short period it has changed the way we have looked at things since centuries. It is one industry that is going to shape our future for centuries to come. Hence my desire to do masters in electrical engineering with communications as my major. My interest in electronics blossomed during my high school years. It was the time when technology had begun to make an impact on the lives of people in India. Hence engineering with electronics as my major was the first choice for my undergraduate studies. Right since the beginning of my undergraduate study electronics is a subject that has fascinated me with its power of applications. The subjects that I have studied include Linear Electronics, Digital Electronics. These laid the foundation for my courses in Electronic Communication & Communication Systems at a later stage. My undergraduate studies already focus on the communications aspect of electronics. A masters degree in electrical engineering with communications as major field is the next logical step. For the past four months I have been working as a project trainee at the Indian Institute for Advanced Electronics. I am working on the design and development of a "PC Controlled Digital Serial Data Generator". This short stint has given me invaluable practical experience. It has given me the confidence to pursue a masters degree and also kindled a desire to do research. During the course of my work at IIAE, I have come across several scientists. Most of them work in different areas of communications. Interactions with them have made me realize the vastness and the scope of communications. My discussions with them convinced me that specializing in communications will suit me very well. The subject of research which interests me very much is spread spectrum communication systems. Coding theory and combinations is another research subject which arouses my curiosity. The subject Communication Theory which I am studying at present introduces these topics in theory. I am eager to find out more about the applications of coding theory to spread spectrum communication systems. In addition I have been a student member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) for the past three years. Through its workshops/seminars and publications like the 'The Spectrum' it has exposed me to a lot of emerging technologies in the field of communications. It is a strong belief in my family that the American education system has the best to offer in the whole world. This belief arises out of the experience that my parents had when they did their Masters of Science in the University of Pennsylvania during the years 1967-69. If I can get an opportunity to be a part of that intellectually stimulating environment, I am sure my talents will be put to optimal use. India is a developing country with an enormous potential in the information technology business. To serve the needs of this developing industry and more important its vast population, communications is going to become of utmost importance. Thus conditions here are very conducive to supplement my aspirations when I return after completing my graduate studies. 2Electrical Engineering As a graduate student, I will undertake research and coursework in Electrical Engineering to enhance my competencies in this field. I intend to complete my master's degree in order to pursue my doctorate. The research that I am most interested in pursuing at Northeastern University surrounds the optical properties of MEMS devices, and the development of substrate-based fast electro-optical interfaces. My interest in this area stems from my undergraduate study in MEMs development for tri-axial accelerometers. Engineering has been a key interest of mine since childhood. While still in grade school I enjoyed listening to my father, an electrical engineer, teach me about advances in technology, and was always eager to hear more. I was introduced to my first computer at the age of five, and have loved interacting with them ever since. My decision to study engineering as a career was no surprise to those who knew me. In college I found that I was always studying something I enjoyed. I believe it is because I enjoy my life and my work that I have been successful. Spending hours in the laboratory is not something that I dread, but instead I take pride in my work and its successful completion. One example of this that is still fresh in my mind is the successful design of a fully functional microprocessor in the Xilinx environment. All told, the project took over 150 hours of each design-team member's time. However, I did not look on it as a drain, but an experience for learning and a focus for my professional and technical development. When we finished the project we felt the sense of worth and pride in completion of a task that was once above our level of knowledge. Pursuing a graduate degree in the research field I have chosen also feels like a challenge, and I know that study will frustrate me at times. However, I feel that my commitment to learning will not be swayed. I feel confident in my ability to be creative in my perspective, and to persevere. My ultimate goal is to be an innovator in the field I have chosen to study. Professionalism and creativity are my most valued strengths. At the heart of my interest is the advancement of man in concert with his environment. My personal philosophy of life will matter greatly during my study and after its completion. That is why I devote time to reflection on my goals and their implications. Money has never been a motivator for my work, nor do I think it will be in the future. However, as a professional and a graduate, I realize that my earning potential will be significant. That is why I also commit myself to charity and fairness. In the past I have been a member of the Boy Scouts of America, and have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. In the course of my experience in that organization, I learned respect and moral value. Now, as a member of the IEEE, I value my professional standing and its commensurate moral implications. Ethics in engineering is as important as technical skill, and as such I intend to uphold my own ethical obligations to the best of my ability. As a Northeastern University student, I would commit all that I have to offer to my study. I intend to pursue research in MEMS technology. At Rowan University as an undergraduate student I have already conducted some research and development of MEMS sensors for military applications, resulting in publication. An article, written by myself and my project member David Bowen and edited by our advisor Dr. Robert Krchnavek, was published in the NAVSEA Intelligent Ships Symposium Proceedings of 2001. The paper was titled "Designing a 3-Axis, Monolithic, MEMS-Based Accelerometer" and was under review for endorsement by the US Navy's NAVSEA facility in Philadelphia during that year. Building on my past success in MEMs design, I hope to advance my understanding. Through research at the graduate level, it is my hope to become familiar with, and innovate the design of MEMs Optics in hopes of creating a reliable and practical MEMs Electro-Optical Interface for use in consumer electronics. It is my hope, that through my research, optical waveguides for intradevice communication might be realized. Finally, my intent to pursue graduate study is laid plain. Study of MEMs optics is my intended focus, and I am committed to my goal. In pursuing a doctoral degree, I have closely analyzed myself to determine the reasons for my previous successes and my goals for the future. I have found that I do and have always enjoyed engineering, and that I have a strong desire to pursue my study further. I am prepared to commit myself to that study, and achieve what I have set out to do. 3I Wish to Pursue an MS Degree in Electrical Engineering During my senior year at Purdue University, I made a decision that has impacted the entire course of my education. While my classmates were making definite decisions about their career paths, I chose to implement a five-year plan of development and growth for myself. I designed this plan in order to examine various careers that I thought might interest me, as well as to expand upon my abilities at the time. As I was attaining a BS degree in Electrical Engineering, I decided to focus primarily on fields related to the VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integrated) circuits area. My main goals were either to gain work experience or to further my education by pursuing an MS degree in Electrical Engineering (MSEE). I saw an opportunity to both work and learn through employment at Xilinx Inc. Operating as a product engineer at a successful, high-tech semiconductor company has enabled me to utilize my technical and interpersonal skills in new and challenging ways. The position has also allowed me to interact with a multitude of departments including marketing, integrated circuit (IC) design, software/CAD development, manufacturing, reliability, accounting, and sales. I thus have gained an array of experience that extended beyond the parameters of my own responsibilities. In the workplace, I rely heavily upon the interpersonal techniques I developed as a counselor in a Purdue residence hall, as well as the organizational skills I had acquired through holding various leadership positions in cultural and engineering societies. I have also cultivated an interest in high-technology marketing that has continued to grow throughout my career. My experiences with Xilinx have heightened my hunger for knowledge in the VLSI field. Two months after joining the corporation, I applied to several part-time programs in the vicinity that would allow me to acquire an MSEE degree within two to three years. San Jose State seemed an ideal choice, for its evening MSEE courses would allow me to pursue two independent, full-time positions concurrently. The San Jose program has complimented my Xilinx duties well; both demand large levels of energy and enthusiasm while guiding me to my ultimate goal a high degree of education in VLSI sciences. The resources that I poured into both endeavors have reaped many gains. I have been promoted to a Product-Yield Engineering position within Xilinx's Coarse Grain Static Memory (CGSM) Product Engineering division. My extensive coursework plays a key role in my continued success at Xilinx. Relevant classes in advanced digital and analog VLSI design, as well as sub-micron ULSI technology, have allowed me to understand more completely the workings of Xilinx, a fab-less semiconductor company that also functions as a software and hardware design, testing, and marketing center. The gains in knowledge I have made through the combination of work experience and education have indeed been exponential. The academic records of my senior year at Purdue, coupled with my MSEE coursework, are ample proof of my dedication to learning. I feel I have overcome through hard work and dedication the brief "dry phase" I underwent at Purdue during the close of my sophomore and the first semester of my junior years. My performance at that time is in no way indicative of my usual achievements; they are instead the result of urgent family difficulties that required much foreign travel and serious attention to resolve. In May, I shall graduate with an MSEE degree from San Jose well ahead of my original estimates. This early graduation with Dean's Honors is the result of my firm belief in the value of diligence, as well as my renewed determination to strive for perfection in both work and school. I am now embarking on another five-year plan, during which I hope to fulfill several specific career goals. For instance, being part of a very dynamic and results-oriented Yield team at Xilinx calls for continuous development of computational and statistical techniques. The Yield team is divided to focus on specific process/fabrication issues and process (manufacturing) optimization. My own position is an integral part of the optimization group. Speed and cost issues continue to press high technology atmospheres towards optimization, probability and stochastic processes and systems, and rigorous simulations of mathematical models. The MS in EES&OR offered at your university will grant me the statistical knowledge that is crucial for process and production optimization in a fab-less environment. In addition, product engineering requires fundamental research on mathematical models for linear and non-linear programming, as well as the utilization of efficient computer software. I continuously employ the knowledge I gained at Purdue in Operations Research and advanced mathematics courses. Yet despite the value of these classes and my high performance in them, I now require further education to best fulfill my duties. An MS in the EES&OR field, will give me knowledge that is invaluable to a career in product development, project management and strategic planning. The program will allow me to improve decision-making skills in operations, strategy, and policy issues. I will strengthen my theory and application in countless areas:continuous, discrete, numerical optimization; probabilistic and stochastic processes; dynamic systems and simulation; economics, finance, and investment; decision analysis; dynamic programming and planning under uncertainty; operations and service; corporate and individual strategy; and private and public policy issues.Thus, the EES&OR program will not only help me to excel at Xilinx but will also further any future career. My commitment to work and education over the last three years proves that I will pursue this MS with enthusiasm and zeal.The technical edge that the MS would provide is incomparable.Since I will be working while attending Stanford, I shall mingle education with practical application, and bring to the table interesting problems from my experience and past education. Technical challenges encountered through projects in the EES&OR program will provide motivation and opportunity for methodological innovation.The data collection, processing and presentation issues presented are integral to my future goals, and the management challenges raised will provide invaluable experience for professional practice. This will in turn build a solid foundation for a life-long career that can overcome any problem in decision-making. In addition, taking courses in economics, finance, and investment analysis will allow much growth of knowledge in investment issues in different industries. The EES&OR program thus appeals not only to my engineering, economics, science and mathematical background, but will compliment my technical abilities with the conceptual frameworks needed to analyze problems in operations, production, strategic planning, and marketing in the realm of emiconductor/IC/engineering systems. I feel that I am prepared to meet the challenges of the curriculum. My coursework in intermediate microeconomics and macroeconomics, international trade, operations research, linear algebra, and probabilistic methods, along with my extensive calculus background, will allow me to function well within the program. My long-term career goals include a move into marketing and product management. I believe that attaining this MS degree is the cornerstone to achieving my goals. It will give me the academic background necessary to succeed in product development, project management, and strategic planning. It will improve decision-making skills necessary for optimizing performance. The integration of two excellent programs in Economics Systems and Operations Research thus suits my current position and ties in with future goals perfectly by improving decision making in operations, strategy and policy. At present I desire to continue at Xilinx; attending a program that provides the flexibility and convenience of the SITN, is therefore imperative. Hence, being at Stanford as an HCP student alsoattracts me. I believe that Stanford is the best environment for me to achieve my goals while gaining exposure to and experience with a diverse student body and faculty. It is my belief that one continues to learn throughout one's life, and the most effective method of learning is through interaction with others.Stanford's diversity offers an environment for learning, both inside and outside the classroom. I hope to share my varied knowledge with my classmates and to take from them a new understanding of topics that are foreign to me. I believe that no other school provides students with the combination of education and environment offered by Stanford. Its outstanding academic reputation, mingled with its diverse environment and thriving Bay Area location, creates an opportunity for growth that is second to none. I have many ambitions for myself as I embark on this stage of my life. I believe that an education from Stanford will provide invaluable experiences and skills that will allow me to become a successful and innovative business leader in the new millennium. 4Research Department of Biomedical Engineering is designed to research on and solve the bio-electrical and biomagnetic engineering problems in the field of biology and medicine with the aid of engineering principles and methods. Its main task is to explain, from perspective view of engineering, the biological and pathologic processes of the living organisms, especially human beings, and research on and develop the related medical devices and life science devices. Its research directions mainly include the modeling and emulation of the biological system, testing and analysis of biomedical signals, the biomedical imaging and processing , the biological effects of electromagnetic field and the development of artificial organs and medical devices, etc.Electromagnetic Bioengineering With the development and integration of electromagnetism, biology and medicine, biological electromagnetism exercises more and more influence on human life and health, environment protection and biological engineering. The research on electromagnetic bioengineering is a new research direction for IEECAS, mainly including research on rules of mutual influence between electromagnetic field and life matter, biological electromagnetic effect and its application in biology, medicine and medical equipment. At present, the research team has set up labs such as biological electromagnetic environment lab, biological electromagnetic signals & electromagnetic property testing lab, electromagnetic biological effect testing lab and biological electromagnetic simulation lab. It is equipped with various electrical and magnetic fields for experiments of biological electromagnetic effects, simulation software and biochemical experiment equipment. With such equipments, it can do biological electromagnetic experiments on live animals and detached live cells, detect, analyze and process the very weak biological electromagnetic signals, analyze and test live organism or detached cell under electromagnetic interaction with biochemical quantitative methods. The recent research work focuses on the effects 方向对不对,不知你要哪种,告诉我,我再接着找多的话email you

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国内核心期刊(EI检索)1.《中国电机工程学报》2. 《电工技术学报》3.《电力系统自动化》4. 《电机与控制学报》5. 《电力自动化设备》国际权威期刊电机领域:《IEEE T MAGN》、《IEEE T ENERGY CONVER》电力电子领域:《IEEE T POWER ELECTRMAGN》、《IEEE T ENERGY CONVER》电力系统领域:《IEEE T POWER SYST》


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电气 自动,化

制造业  自动化。






随着我国的经济和科技的不断发展,电气技术也渐渐地被人们所关注。下面是由我整理的电气技术论文题目,谢谢你的阅读。 电气技术论文题目 1......浅议电气工程的质量控制和安全管理 2......浅议建筑电气工程防雷 3......浅议PLC在机床电气控制系统改造中的应用 4......机电安装工程电气施工关键工序控制与管理 5......浅议电气误操作事故的原因及对策 6......火力发电厂电气控制系统浅探 7......浅述母差保护基本原理 8......建筑电气工程电线管敷设的质量问题及防范 9......浅议高层民用建筑设计中给排水对电气专业提资要求 10.....浅议钳工一体化实习教学 11.....浅议220kV银湖变电站#2主变压器安装施工技术 12.....电气工程施工常见问题及处理 13.....新建黑龙江伊春林都机场防雷改造工程技术方案浅述 14.....浅议提高自备电厂机组利用小时的措施 15.....浅议某垃圾处理厂的电气与自控设计 16.....浅议我国大型水电机组的发展 17.....浅谈电气工程师的作用 18.....浅谈装修工程中电气施工质量控制要点 19.....电气工程及其自动化专业规范研究 20.....浅议变电站设备检修 21.....学习新《安规》的几点初浅体会 22.....电气工程的管理措施研究 23.....浅议汽轮机组的振动故障和处理、保护措施 24.....电气工程与自动化学院介绍(一) 25.....浅议继电保护装置改进后的运行 26.....浅淡10kV配电网建设与改造方案 27.....永磁电机制造关键工艺浅议 电气技术论文 浅谈电气施工技术 摘要:建筑工程的机电安装是施工工程的重要组成部分,并且贯穿于整个建筑工程施工的各个阶段当中。通过介绍电气工程的施工内容,阐述了各个分部公司的施工方法,重点说明了关键工序的主要细节及控制措施。 关键词:电气工程;施工技术;质量措施 在建筑工程当中,机电安装工程是关键的技术环节,其施工主要包括电气工程、空调和暖通工程、建筑消防工程、弱电工程等具体形式的施工。而这些具体的机电施工,都需要从施工的设备和技术材料的统筹、采购、安装、调试、试运行及竣工后的验收活动等几个步骤进行安排。而每个施工的环节,都会牵扯到技术和质量的有效控制。因此,建筑工程机电施工的整体质量,将直接影响到整个建筑工程的质量,对电气工程的施工技术进行总结,用于指导施工很有意义。 1 施工准备工作 在进行建筑工程机电安装施工工程之前,针对此工程施工对象的基本要求和特点,并根据需要,组织与工程有关的相关部门,并按照部门的设置为其选择部门的管理人员,然后根据图纸绘制的设计要求,派技术人员、管理人员进入施工现场进行工作的交接,并根据人员设置和工程的具体情况,进行施工场所的平面布置和平面规划,更有效的管理和监督施工的工作人员严格按照施工计划和施工图纸进行合理施工。 2 电气工程 2.1电气工程技术特征 建筑工程电气工程施工一般包括高压变电系统、低压配电系统、后备供电系统、照明供电系统、消防控制系统设备、应急的出口指示供电系统、停车场等各个单位的强电供电系统和建筑智能控制、防雷接地等弱电系统。 2.2 在电气工程施工之前,需要做好一系列的准备工作,比如技术人员和管理人员分配问题、施工设备和施工材料的合理配置、施工图纸、设计和施工资料等方面。对结构造型及预埋管线完成线面标定,按照预先做好的电气专业管线图预留和预埋电气管线,利用专业的技术和工艺进行开线槽、桥架穿越楼板、剪力墙处开孔洞处理以及防雷设备的接地焊接。在土建中进行底板结构施工、电气工程在连接时,一般会采用镀锌的电线管丝扣进行连接,并在各个环节要严格按照建筑安装工艺技术的标准和要求要求进行安装工作。 2.3 在墙壁的内部暗敷管线,需要从楼板引上或引下,这是需要处理各种墙壁出现的问题。而在对墙壁进行砌体时,首先要保证终端线盒的定位满足图纸的设计要求,并按照相关规定和业主的要求进行相应操作。在完成砌体后,线盒的位置与尺寸将不能改正,所以砌体钱需要充分统筹,而且最好能一次性准确恰当的完成。接着,由于很多工程环节也会有打孔工作,所以需要作好建筑外部明显的标记,避免其他打孔活动会损坏管线。在安装电气的管线后需要进行整齐排列,管理对支架的牢固程度和管卡的均匀程度,注意线管的弯曲半径、电缆管的半径标准,而且要注意保护关口成喇叭形状,注意关口边缘的光滑程度。在电缆穿管之后 ,要进行密封。 3 电源电路 3.1 在建筑工程的施工过程当中,对于天花的布置和设计,首先应该充分地考虑到灯具所具有的的照明的效果。除了在设计上要符合使用者需要并注重其外观的美观大方外,在进行其相应的安装环节之前,首先应该合理布置和安排照明的灯具、风口、消防的喷头,并且灯具要坚持在风管的下面进行安装。对于一些具有特殊要求等方面的特殊灯具,需要进行密封处理,才能保证灯具功能的发挥。在线路问题上,一般采用镀锌钢管、防水线盒进行敷设。所有建筑场所的开关、插座、疏散等局的安装都需要符合设计高度并保持一致美观。 3.2 线路的检测和调试 电气工程在线路测试与调试包括 :低压配电柜屏、动力设备、照明设备与控制设备的一、二次回路的各项电参数测试 ,有对地绝缘电阻、线路通断、控制器灵敏度调试及继电保护装置检测调试 ,各项检验与调试必须严格按设备安规与使用说明进行。 4 空调电气系统 鉴于暖通空调系统在机电安装施工中的重要性,除了在技术更新上实现节能降耗外,工程建设业主单位还必须加强多方面的综合管理,全面提升建筑电气工程施工的质量。结合自身的施工经验,现提出优化机电安装施工的综合策略。 4.1 优化设计。暖通空调系统是一项复杂性的机电结构,在安装之前必须做好多方面的设计评估,对机电设备的结构形式进行优化改进。设计阶段发现任何异常问题时,都必须对安装施工方案加以改进,这样才能为后期施工创造有利条件。暖通空调系统需对于每个器件的设计给予重视。 4.2 优化功能。施工单位要对建筑物本身质量实施优化处理,不断提高建筑自身的使用性能为机电安装施工带来便利。暖通空调节能效果的实现要借助于建筑内部功能的优化,这是现代暖通空调系统正常运行的保证。建筑功能优化可借助保温技术、节能技术等方面调整,这对于机电安装是很有利的。 4.3 优化产品。机电安装施工技术调整之后,工程建设业主单位必须严格把关机电设备的质量,对暖通空调设备采取严格的质量审核制度。如此一来,不仅能避免因设备质量问题而影响到机电装置的运行,还能防止暖通空调系统出现各种质量问题,保证了机电安装施工的有序开展。 5 弱电系统 弱电系统主要包含综合布线、计算机网络系统、数字有线电视系统、语音程控交换系统、安防系统、背景音乐 / 消防广播系统、多媒体会议系统、前台公共信息发布系统、防雷接地和 UPS 电源系统等建筑智能化系统以及消防自动警报的系统等。 随着科技的发展,业主对软垫系统的功能要求越来越细致和先进,所以,在进行配置的功能主机模块的选择当中中,要坚持选择技术成熟且先进的品牌产品为先导,在进行综合布线施工工作中,要注意线管材质,一般来说,选用 KBG类金属管子,并有效地做好接地防护工作,注意强电线管间的规范间距问题,这在很大程度上能有效地防止回路干扰的影响。 6 结语 综上所述,电气工程非常重要,需加强技术质量管理,重视施工技术的运用与总结,提高质量把控能力,重视施工工序,确保电气工程的整体质量。 参考文献: [1] 叶卫军.建筑工程机电安装施工技术管理浅析[J].科技传播,2011(2). [2] 小军.中小型水电站机电安装工程预埋阶段监理对质量的控制[M].水电站设计,2010(3). [3] 邓怀智,郗艳梅 .设备安装工程与土建工程的施工配合策略浅析[J]河北工程技术高等专科学校学报 [4]庄贤才,蔡蔚,魏晓斌,尧靖秋.浅谈建筑智能化系统工程督导管理[J].智能建筑.2008(4). 作者简介:张利勇(1981.09-),男,身份证号码410727198109065918,从事施工管理。 看了“电气技术论文题目”的人还看: 1. 电气专业论文范文 2. 电气工程前沿技术论文 3. 电气工程方面的论文 4. 电气自动化技术论文范文 5. 电子技术论文题目


高压软开关充电电源硬件设计自动售货机控制系统的设计PLC控制电磁阀耐久试验系统设计永磁同步电动机矢量控制系统的仿真研究PLC在热交换控制系统设计中的应用颗粒包装机的PLC控制设计输油泵站机泵控制系统设计基于单片机的万年历硬件设计 550KV GIS中隔离开关操作产生的过电压计算时滞网络化控制系统鲁棒控制器设计多路压力变送器采集系统设计直流电机双闭环系统硬件设计 漏磁无损检测磁路优化设计光伏逆变电源设计胶布烘干温度控制系统的设计基于MATLAB的数字滤波器设计与仿真电镀生产线中PLC的应用万年历的程序设计变压器设计步进电机运动控制系统的硬件设计比例电磁阀驱动性能比较220kv变电站设计 600A测量级电流互感器设计自动售货机控制中PLC的应用足球机器人比赛决策子系统与运动轨迹的研究厂区35kV变电所设计基于给定指标的电机设计电梯控制中PLC的应用常用变压器的结构及性能设计六自由度机械臂控制系统软件开发输油泵站热媒炉PLC控制系统设计步进电机驱动控制系统软件设计足球机器人的视觉系统与色标分析的研究自来水厂PLC工控系统控制站设计永磁直流电动机磁场分析永磁同步电动机磁场分析应用EWB的电子表电路设计与仿真电路与电子技术基础》之模拟电子篇CAI课件的设计逻辑无环流直流可逆调速系统的仿真研究机器人足球比赛图像采集与目标识别的研究自来水厂plc工控系统操作站设计PLC结合变频器在风机节能上的应用交流电动机调速系统接口电路的设计直流电动机可逆调速系统设计西门子S7-300PLC在二氧化碳变压吸附中的应用DMC控制器设计电力电子电路的仿真图像处理技术在足球机器人系统中的应用管道缺陷长度对漏磁场分布影响的研究 生化过程优化控制方案设计交流电动机磁场定向控制系统设计开关电磁阀流量控制系统的硬件设计比例电磁阀的驱动电源设计交流电动机SVPWM控制系统设计PLC在恒压供水控制中的应用西门子S7-200系列PLC在搅拌器控制中的应用基于侧抑制增强图像处理方法的研究西门子s7-300系列plc在工业加热炉控制中的应用西门子s7-200系列plc在电梯控制中的应用PLC在恒压供水控制中的应用磁悬浮系统的常规控制方法研究建筑公司施工进度管理系统设计网络销售数据库系统设计生产过程设备信息管理系统的设计与实现

论文选题有意义,写出来的 文章 才有学术价值,如果选定的题目毫无意义或过于偏狭,也毫无价值可言。关于工科方面的论文题目有哪些?下面我给大家带来工科方面的 毕业 论文题目选题方向参考,希望能帮助到大家!
















15、电控及自动化设备可靠性试验 方法 研究






21、电气工程及其自动化存在的问题及解决 措施



























48、水电厂电气工程自动化监控 系统安全 防护探讨






















































































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