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nternet作为电子商务的载体,已成为企业必不可少的信息采集、传输和交换的工具,网络(信息)时代的到来为基于Internet的IT服务业注入了新的活力, Internet is electronic vehicle for business on line, it turns to be unsplit tool for company for the purpose of collection, transferring and exchange for information, with the net work ( information) age availability, which input new vigor into IT service industry based on internet. 其中电子商务(Electronic Commerce, EC)更是备受瞩目,已被公认为是影响21世纪世界经济格局的新型经济模式和催化剂。 Whereby, Electronic Commerce is the focus of attention, and regarded as new economic mode and activator for global economics in 21st centrury. 在它经历了三个艰难的发展历程(电子零售、电子贸易和网上交易市场)之后,逐渐成熟起来,它的核心是运用现代计算机通讯技术, after it passed 3 difficult stages (electronic retail sales, electronic trading and sales market on line), it is mature step by step, it lies in his core tech. from modern computer communication system. 尤其是网络技术为企业进行社会生产经营活动服务,使企业提高生产效益、降低经营成本、优化资源配置,从而实现社会财富的最大化。 Especially net work technology serves for social production operation of companies so as to improve the production output and benefit, to decrease the operation costing, to optimize resource , so that maximum social property can be realised. 特别是对于中小企业来说电子商务通过良好地运用,更能出现一些惊喜的结果。 The most surprising target is achieved by small and medium size enterprises who make good use of electronic business. 本文共分为四章,通过研究电子商务对中小企业的影响和重要性来阐述中小企业在面临这个电子化、网络化的时代所可以采取的一些策略和办法来提高企业的核心竞争力。 The article is drafted in 4 chapters, with the study on the influence and importance of electronic business for small and medium sized companies, it set forth some strategies and actions can be taken in order to improve the company core competency of competition in the net work age.

Managing Channels of Distribution Under the Environment of Electronic Commerce【英文篇名】 Managing Channels of Distribution Under the Environment of Electronic Commerce 【作者英文名】 ZHENG Bing~1 FENG Yixiong~2 1.College of Economics & Management; Dalian University; Dalian 116622; China 2.State Key Laboratory of CAD&CG; Zhejiang University; Hangzhou 310027; China; 【文献出处】 武汉理工大学学报, Journal of WuhanUniversity of Technology, 编辑部邮箱 2006年 S2期 【英文关键词】 marketing channels; distribution strategy; customer demand; electronic commerce; Fair E-Payment Protocol Based on Simple Partially Blind Signature Scheme【英文篇名】 Fair E-Payment Protocol Based on Simple Partially Blind Signature Scheme 【作者英文名】 LIU Jingwei; SUN Rong; KOU Weidong State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks; Xidian University; Xi’an 710071; Shaanxi; China; 【文献出处】 Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 武汉大学自然科学学报(英文版), 编辑部邮箱 2007年 01期 【英文关键词】 electronic commerce; e-payment; Schnorr signature; partial blind signature; 【英文摘要】 This paper presents a simple partially blind signature scheme with low computation. By converse using the partially blind signature scheme, we build a simple fair e-payment protocol. In the protocol, two participants achieve the goals of exchanging their digital signatures from each other in a simple way. An ad- vantage of this scheme is that this approach does not require the intervention of the third party in any case. The low-computation property makes our scheme very attractive for mobile client and sma...

一篇电子商务英文文献(The development of e-commerce )-A perfect marketMay 13th 2004 From The Economist print editionE-commerce is coming of age, says Paul Markillie, but not in the way predicted in the bubble years WHEN the technology bubble burst in 2000, the crazy valuations for online companies vanished with it, and many businesses folded. The survivors plugged on as best they could, encouraged by the growing number of internet users. Now valuations are rising again and some of the dotcoms are making real profits, but the business world has become much more cautious about the internet’s potential. The funny thing is that the wild predictions made at the height of the boom—namely, that vast chunks of the world economy would move into cyberspace—are, in one way or another, coming true.The raw numbers tell only part of the story. According to America’s Department of Commerce, online retail sales in the world’s biggest market last year rose by 26%, to $55 billion. That sounds a lot of money, but it amounts to only 1.6% of total retail sales. The vast majority of people still buy most things in the good old “bricks-and-mortar” world.But the commerce department’s figures deal with only part of the retail industry. For instance, they exclude online travel services, one of the most successful and fastest-growing sectors of e-commerce. InterActiveCorp (IAC), the owner of expedia.com and hotels.com, alone sold $10 billion-worth of travel last year—and it has plenty of competition, not least from airlines, hotels and car-rental companies, all of which increasingly sell online. Nor do the figures take in things like financial services, ticket-sales agencies, pornography (a $2 billion business in America last year, according to Adult Video News, a trade magazine), online dating and a host of other activities, from tracing ancestors to gambling (worth perhaps $6 billion worldwide). They also leave out purchases in grey markets, such as the online pharmacies that are thought to be responsible for a good proportion of the $700m that Americans spent last year on buying cut-price prescription drugs from across the border in Canada. Tip of the icebergAnd there is more. The commerce department’s figures include the fees earned by internet auction sites, but not the value of goods that are sold: an astonishing $24 billion-worth of trade was done last year on eBay, the biggest online auctioneer. Nor, by definition, do they include the billions of dollars-worth of goods bought and sold by businesses connecting to each other over the internet. Some of these B2B services are proprietary; for example, Wal-Mart tells its suppliers that they must use its own system if they want to be part of its annual turnover of $250 billion.So e-commerce is already very big, and it is going to get much bigger. But the actual value of transactions currently concluded online is dwarfed by the extraordinary influence the internet is exerting over purchases carried out in the offline world. That influence is becoming an integral part of e-commerce. To start with, the internet is profoundly changing consumer behaviour. One in five customers walking into a Sears department store in America to buy an electrical appliance will have researched their purchase online—and most will know down to a dime what they intend to pay. More surprisingly, three out of four Americans start shopping for new cars online, even though most end up buying them from traditional dealers. The difference is that these customers come to the showroom armed with information about the car and the best available deals. Sometimes they even have computer print-outs identifying the particular vehicle from the dealer’s stock that they want to buy.Half of the 60m consumers in Europe who have an internet connection bought products offline after having investigated prices and details online, according to a study by Forrester, a research consultancy (see chart 1). Different countries have different habits. In Italy and Spain, for instance, people are twice as likely to buy offline as online after researching on the internet. But in Britain and Germany, the two most developed internet markets, the numbers are evenly split. Forrester says that people begin to shop online for simple, predictable products, such as DVDs, and then graduate to more complex items. Used-car sales are now one of the biggest online growth areas in America.People seem to enjoy shopping on the internet, if high customer-satisfaction scores are any guide. Websites are doing ever more and cleverer things to serve and entertain their customers, and seem set to take a much bigger share of people’s overall spending in the future.Why websites matterThis has enormous implications for business. A company that neglects its website may be committing commercial suicide. A website is increasingly becoming the gateway to a company’s brand, products and services—even if the firm does not sell online. A useless website suggests a useless company, and a rival is only a mouse-click away. But even the coolest website will be lost in cyberspace if people cannot find it, so companies have to ensure that they appear high up in internet search results. For many users, a search site is now their point of entry to the internet. The best-known search engine has already entered the lexicon: people say they have “Googled” a company, a product or their plumber. The search business has also developed one of the most effective forms of advertising on the internet. And it is already the best way to reach some consumers: teenagers and young men spend more time online than watching television. All this means that search is turning into the internet’s next big battleground as Google defends itself against challenges from Yahoo! and Microsoft.The other way to get noticed online is to offer goods and services through one of the big sites that already get a lot of traffic. Ebay, Yahoo! and Amazon are becoming huge trading platforms for other companies. But to take part, a company’s products have to stand up to intense price competition. People check online prices, compare them with those in their local high street and may well take a peek at what customers in other countries are paying. Even if websites are prevented from shipping their goods abroad, there are plenty of web-based entrepreneurs ready to oblige. What is going on here is arbitrage between different sales channels, says Mohanbir Sawhney, professor of technology at the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago. For instance, someone might use the internet to research digital cameras, but visit a photographic shop for a hands-on demonstration. “I’ll think about it,” they will tell the sales assistant. Back home, they will use a search engine to find the lowest price and buy online. In this way, consumers are “deconstructing the purchasing process”, says Professor Sawhney. They are unbundling product information from the transaction itself.All about meIt is not only price transparency that makes internet consumers so powerful; it is also the way the net makes it easy for them to be fickle. If they do not like a website, they swiftly move on. “The web is the most selfish environment in the world,” says Daniel Rosensweig, chief operating officer of Yahoo! “People want to use the internet whenever they want, how they want and for whatever they want.”Yahoo! is not alone in defining its strategy as working out what its customers (260m unique users every month) are looking for, and then trying to give it to them. The first thing they want is to become better informed about products and prices. “We operate our business on that belief,” says Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s chief executive. Amazon became famous for books, but long ago branched out into selling lots of other things too; among its latest ventures are health products, jewellery and gourmet food. Apart from cheap and bulky items such as garden rakes, Mr Bezos thinks he can sell most things. And so do the millions of people who use eBay.And yet nobody thinks real shops are finished, especially those operating in niche markets. Many bricks-and-mortar bookshops still make a good living, as do flea markets. But many record shops and travel agents could be in for a tougher time. Erik Blachford, the head of IAC’s travel side and boss of Expedia, the biggest internet travel agent, thinks online travel bookings in America could quickly move from 20% of the market to more than half. Mr Bezos reckons online retailers might capture 10-15% of retail sales over the next decade. That would represent a massive shift in spending. How will traditional shops respond? Michael Dell, the founder of Dell, which leads the personal-computer market by selling direct to the customer, has long thought many shops will turn into showrooms. There are already signs of change on the high street. The latest Apple and Sony stores are designed to display products, in the full expectation that many people will buy online. To some extent, the online and offline worlds may merge. Multi-channel selling could involve a combination of traditional shops, a printed catalogue, a home-shopping channel on TV, a phone-in order service and an e-commerce-enabled website. But often it is likely to be the website where customers will be encouraged to place their orders. One of the biggest commercial advantages of the internet is a lowering of transaction costs, which usually translates directly into lower prices for the consumer. So, if the lowest prices can be found on the internet and people like the service they get, why would they buy anywhere else? One reason may be convenience; another, concern about fraud, which poses the biggest threat to online trade. But as long as the internet continues to deliver price and product information quickly, cheaply and securely, e-commerce will continue to grow. Increasingly, companies will have to assume that customers will know exactly where to look for the best buy. This market has the potential to become as perfect as it gets.[1]Singh M P, An Evolutionary Look at E-Commerce, IEEE Internet Computing,2001.5,P77~78[2]Rabinovitch E, The state of E-commerce, IEEE Communications magazine,2001.3,P12~12[3]Amit R, Zott C. Value creation in e-business. Strategic Management Journal 2001;22:493–520


Today's society, supermarket chains industry competition has become increasingly fierce. Supermarket chain in the logistics process use of e-business is to promote the development of chain stores an inevitable trend. The article discusses the theory of e-commerce is supermarket chain operating advantages necessary conditions : In practice applications by introducing Ningxia Xinhua Department Store e-commerce applications, From the pros and cons of e-commerce to note the importance of supermarket chains, on the other hand, I supermarket chains area of e-commerce application model, analyze, I probe for the e-commerce model.

Along with the Internet technology and information technology's gradually maturing, the Internet scale expands day by day, network user quantity increases swiftly and violently, the Internet has applied in society's various trades and occupations, with people's routine work and the life relates closely in together. But emerges along with it electronic commerce has had the unprecedented influence to world economics' development. In the electronic commerce winding developing process, emerges is engaged in the electronic commerce in large numbers the new enterprise, some development are quite rapid. Tenable washed the valuable net in 2003 to take the Asian and Pacific biggest network retail merchant circle, was our country biggest auction website and on-line transaction platform. This article take washes the valuable net as an example, studies the website construction the process, makes the people to understand the website construction to the enterprise image demonstration and the promotion, the network servic

电子商务能够给企业带来经营管理和销售方式的改变,使企业能够更及时、准确、充分地掌握市场需求信息,按时、按质地提供给客户所需要的商品或服务,从而加强其市场竞争地位。下面是我带来的关于电子商务论文的摘要的内容,欢迎阅读参考!电子商务论文的摘要(一) 试谈电子商务安全审计 摘要:审计是电子商务安全管理中的一条重要防线。电子商务安全审计是指模拟社会的监察机构对电子商务系统运营和电子商务企业财务的活动进行监视和记录的一种机制。它包括外部审计和电子商务公司内部审计两个方面。 关键词:电子商务;安全审计;安全管理 电子商务论文的摘要(二) 浅谈移动电子商务 【摘 要】目前国内外的移动电子商务发展的十分迅速,移动因特网业务最重要的方面就是通过移动通信设备来进行可靠的电子交易。移动通信具有较高的安全性,并且可以通过许多方式对安全性进行加强。服务提供商抓住了因特网与移动技术结合的机会,根据客户所在的位置和自身个性来提供服务,从而建立和巩固自身与客户的关系。移动电子商务可以理解为移动通信、无线局域网技术和电子商务技术的结合。论文将主要通过对移动电子商务的概念、发展现状、发展前景、存在的问题等进行了全面、深入的剖析,并且详细的讨论了移动电子商务的业务模式、特点,并对移动电子商务发展前景做了展望。 【关键词】电子商务 移动电子商务 移动通信技术 电子商务论文的摘要(三) 浅谈我国电子商务现状 摘要:随着现代科学技术的飞速发展,电子商务逐渐走进人们的日常生活。在此情况下,电子商务已经不再是什么神秘之物,它们只是在网络环境发展到一定阶段,而出现的必然产物。但由于受到目前我国种种因素影响,电子商务也给进入网络平台的交易双方带来不可避免的风险,如网络安全、经济情况、从业人员专业水平及职业素养等等。 关键词:电子商务;信息;网络 以下是我带来的关于电子商务的论文,希望能帮到您! 浅论移动电子商务的发展趋势 移动互联网技术的飞速发展,为移动电子商务的发展奠定了坚实的基础,并且创造了全新的消费模式,对大众的消费行为产生了巨大的影响。移动通信和互联网成为当今世界发展最快,最具有市场潜力的两大的业务,移动互联网逐渐渗透到人们生活的方方面面,移动电子商务也随之产生。 一、移动电子商务简介 移动电子商务就是利用手机、平板电脑等移动终端进行的B2B、C2C、B2C的电子商务,将因特网、移动通信技术、短距离通信技术和其他信息处理技术进行完美结合,使用者可以在任何时间、地点进行各种商贸活动,实现随时随地、线上线下的购物和交易、在线电子支付的各种交易活动、商务活动和金融活动等。 根据CNNIC发布的第二十八次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》中我们知道,我国手机网民规模达到了三点二亿,比2010年增加了一千五百万,手机网民在全部网民中的比例为百分之六十五,再加上其他移动终端的网民数量,为移动电子商务的发展奠定了牢固的基础。我国电子商务研究中心检测数据显示,今年交易规模已经突破四百亿元人民币,其中包括家电、服装、日用品等实体商品交易总额。 二、移动电子商务的发展趋势 (一)企业应用成为移动电子商务领域的核心 当前,移动电子商务的发展热度持续上涨,并逐步成熟,同时,越来越多的个人及企业都开始应用移动电子商务,这对于更好的便于其自身发展起到了重要作用,相对于个人来说,其大多处于消费者的角度,更多的是为了方便购物与浏览信息,而对于企业来说,其参与移动电子商务,更多的则是为了自身发展,这个平台为企业提供了更多的营销渠道,对于提升其经济效益具有重要意义。企业之间的竞争越发激烈,这也表现在移动电子商务的发展上面,随着新一轮淘汰机制的建立,无疑为企业提供了更具上升性的发展环境。比较这两种商业模式,显然是基于企业的应用更加成熟,具有较强的稳定性和消费力度,这两点是个人用户很难做到的。在移动电子商务的业务范畴中,很多类型的业务可以帮助企业获得更大收入和提高工作效率,所以企业应用的快速发展能够极大地推动移动电子商务的发展。 (二)基于LBS的应用将会大放异彩 国外移动电子商务运营者利用移动电子商务用户独有的移动性,将LBS技术引入其中,能够依据用户所在的位置信息推出具有针对性的电子商务业务,用户在向系统登记其位置信息时,不但可以获得一定奖励分值,还能够根据用户累计的奖励分值和用户当时所在的位置得到业务系统推荐的各种优惠券、代金券以及折扣编码等。 LBS定位技术的引入,给商家和用户提供了商业合作的平台,向在目标范围内的特定用户推荐商家信息和产品,通过手机短信、二维码等多种方式向用户推送优惠信息。这项技术的优点是使用户的搜索成本大为降低,不仅给用户提供了超低的优惠折扣,还让用户真实感受到了移动电子商务带来的游湖,提升了用户体验,并且能够让商家快速锁定人群,进行针对性营销,而移动电子商务运营商获得了广告收入,还有商家收费的客流量分析工具,LBS技术将为移动电子商务到来更多商机。 (三)继续深入产业链整合 市场竞争越来越激烈,移动电子商务也将渗透到社会的各个领域中,打破原有的产业格局和形式,相关产业链的整合还将继续深入,合作形式更加多样化,初期产业链上下游链状形态将会逐渐转化为多产业链主体和所层次协作的网状产业链结构,比如在产品交易方面不仅能够实现手机支付,而且金融服务商、电信运营商和第三方机构之间的合作将会更加密切,寻求合作、共同发展是不可避免的趋势,能够移动电子商务的发展注入了新的活力。 (四)给移动终端提供发展机会 手机终端和网络硬件等技术因素是移动电子商务发展中的重要基础设施,移动电子商务的所有活动都和移动终端密切相关,移动终端不仅要带动移动电子商务的发展,还要在其价值链上实现各方顺利合作,为电子商务业务的开展提供便利。终端技术不断发展,移动终端的功能越来越多,也越来越人性化,并且形成被广大用户熟知的移动电子商务品牌。网上交易商品的图品信息已经接近PC互联网上的界面显示效果,手机将升级为更小的PC,虽然不会被完全替代,但是移动终端产品的融合趋势将会越来越明显,变得更有价值。 (五)快捷安全的移动支付 移动电子商务活动中,支付环节无疑成为最为重要的环节,在移动电子商务中,二维码、RFID以及空中圈存技术的引入,简化了手机支付流程。手机二维码是二维码技术中的一种,将其应用在电子票务方面不但能够降低票据制作成本,还能提升防伪和检验能力。此外用户还可以通过一张手机卡实现通信服务和实现其他支付业务的功能。与移动终端的结合实现随时使用的功能,用户仅通过一张手机UIM卡,可以方便、安全、快捷地完成支付。在移动电子商务的发展趋势中,用户可以凭借移动终端实现安全快捷完成小额支付,也可以像银行卡一样进行大额转账和消费,能够为用户和商家提供安全、快捷、方便的移动支付成为电子商务的新特性之一。 三、结束语 移动电子商务潜力巨大,但由于多方面原因,我国移动电子商务还未发展成熟,在交易安全、商业模式和用户接纳等还存在很多问题,政府和移动运营商应当密切联系和配合,进一步构建适宜移动电子商务发展的环境,还要对移动电子商务的服务模式、物流配送和支付手段严加监管,我国移动电子商务定会得到长远发展。 猜你喜欢: 1. 电子商务论文摘要 2. 电子商务毕业论文范本 3. 浅谈电子商务论文范文 4. 电子商务学术论文例文 5. 电子商务发展对策论文

是 The network advertisement is one of network marketing technologies which on the Internet appears most early, holds the pivotal status in the network marketing activity.The same traditional media advertisement compares, the network advertisement has the multitudinous traditional media advertisement to be unable the when merit, regardless of is advertisement delivery business, advertisement contract business, the advertisement maker, all has poured into the enormous enthusiasm to it. At the same time, the network advertisement developed already forms a set to belong to own manifestation and to count the price pattern today.But took a new advertisement pattern, its itself also has many problems, also forces us to ponder solves these question method.This article will enter the personally written letter from network advertisement these basic informations to analyze the network advertisement the development present situation and the tendency. Regardless of the network advertisement is in overseas or domestic, all is one kind prosperous, the vigorous development industry, now the Internet maturely with the development, provided for the network advertisement powerfully, the influence has spread global the carrier.At present the network advertisement already entered the initial prosperity time, in particular on electronic commerce and net shopping gradually mature.


Network ad first appeared on the Internet is a network of technical marketing, network marketing activities play a vital role. With the traditional media advertising, Internet advertising has many traditional media advertising and can not be more than the benefits, both are ads, ads take, or the production of advertisements, are devoted to their great enthusiasm. At the same time, advertising networks have been developed to form their own set of forms and pricing. But as a new advertising model, which itself has many problems, forcing us to think about ways to address these problems. In this paper, these ad networks will start with basic information Analysis of the development of online advertising trends and the status quo. Internet advertising, whether in domestic or foreign, is a prosperous, booming industries and the Internet are now mature and development, advertising network provides a strong impact on the global carrier. At present, advertising network has entered the initial period of prosperity, especially e-commerce and online shopping maturity.

是 The network advertisement is one of network marketing technologies which on the Internet appears most early, holds the pivotal status in the network marketing activity.The same traditional media advertisement compares, the network advertisement has the multitudinous traditional media advertisement to be unable the when merit, regardless of is advertisement delivery business, advertisement contract business, the advertisement maker, all has poured into the enormous enthusiasm to it. At the same time, the network advertisement developed already forms a set to belong to own manifestation and to count the price pattern today.But took a new advertisement pattern, its itself also has many problems, also forces us to ponder solves these question method.This article will enter the personally written letter from network advertisement these basic informations to analyze the network advertisement the development present situation and the tendency. Regardless of the network advertisement is in overseas or domestic, all is one kind prosperous, the vigorous development industry, now the Internet maturely with the development, provided for the network advertisement powerfully, the influence has spread global the carrier.At present the network advertisement already entered the initial prosperity time, in particular on electronic commerce and net shopping gradually mature.

楼上这位的英文文献是google华文文献而来的,很不通顺。。。电子商务环境下物流配送Logistics Distribution under E-business Environment 楼上译成了E-business environment under the logistics and distribution 电子商务环境下的物流配送摘要:本文从阐述电子商务与物流配送的相互关系出发,就如何建立与我国国情发展相适应的物流配送模式,降低物流成本,提高配送效率,解决配送问题进行探讨。 关键词:电子商务;物流配送;第三方物流 在互联网技术的不断发展及全球电子商务大环境的引导下,跨国物流和跨区域物流更加频繁,对物流的需求也更加强烈。但电子商务在我国的发展却具有其不成熟性的特点,物流基础设施及技术水平落后,供应商(或制造商)以及客户之间没有形成供应链,配送效率低下,所以电子商务要在中国继续发展必须解决——"物流瓶颈"。 一、电子商务与物流配送 电子商务是在Internet开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器的应用方式,实现消费者的网上购物、企业之间的网上交易和在线电子支付的一种新型的交易方式。电子商务与传统商务本质区别,就是它以数字化网络为基础进行商品、货币和服务交易,目的在于减少信息社会的商业中间环节,缩短周期,降低成本,提高经营效率,提高服务质量,使企业有效地参与竞争。 物流配送定位在为电子商务的客户提供服务,根据电子商务的特点,对整个物流配送体系实行统一的信息管理和调度,按照用户订货要求,在物流基地进行理货工作,并将配好的货物送交收货人的一种物流方式。这一先进的、优化的流通方式对流通企业提高服务质量、降低物流成本、优化社会库存配置,从而提高企业的经济效益及社会效益具有重要意义。 二、电子商务环境下的物流配送模式 发展现代物流配送,是转变经济增长方式,促进经济增长由粗放型向集约型转变的需要。过去我国长期实行计划经济体制,几乎每个工业企业都建立了仓库、车队负责包装、运输等业务,大而全、小而全、粗放管理问题比较突出,造成企业原材料和产成品库存过大,占压大量资金;自备仓储和自备运输利用率低,成本过高;销售配送体系不健全,产品实体分配效率不能满足售后和服务要求。市场经济条件下,企业要在激烈的竞争中站稳脚跟,必须集中精力发展其核心业务,对传统的物流管理模式进行改革,提高物流管理的社会化和组织程度,变粗放管理为集约经营,才能使企业真正适应市场经济的发展。 发展现代物流配送,是适应加入WTO,提高企业市场竞争能力的需要。目前世界上大多数地区,约1/3的物流运作是承包给第三方的,发达国家甚至达5-8成。而我国的物流服务行业竞争力很弱,没有形成一定的规模优势和资本优势,服务质量与国外企业相比也存在着很大差距。加入WTO后,根据协议,我国将进一步开放物流服务行业,国外成熟的物流企业会大举进入我国,因此,面对经济全球化趋势和我国加入WTO的挑战,实施物流改造,发展现代物流配送是企业参与竞争,赢得竞争优势的必然选择。 在电子商务条件下,构建我国物流配送体系,可以有以下三种模式:一是电子商务与传统商务共用一套物流系统;二是由电子商务企业组建自己的物流系统;三是电子商务企业将所有的物流业务以外包的形式委托第三方物流企业运作。所谓第三方物流是指根据供应商或销售商的委托,由供应商和销售商以外的第三方负责对物流的中间环节进行有效管理,提供从货源供应到最终商品销售之间的全方位物流服务。鉴于发达国家的成功经验和目前我国物流业的发展状况,我认为,委托第三方物流企业运作是我国电子商务企业最理想的物流模式。其理由如下: (1)物流通常不是大多数的电子商务企业的核心业务,电子商务企业把物流业务运作外包于第三方物流企业,可以把资源集中在自身的核心竞争力业务上,以获取最大的投资回报。 (2)第三方物流企业拥有发达的物流网络和针对不同物流市场的专业能力,包括运输、仓储和其它增值服务,同时第三方物流企业还拥有信息技术,他们与独立的软件供应商结盟或者开发了内部信息系统,这使其能够最大限度地利用运输和分销网络,有效进行跨运输方式的货物追踪。 (3)第三方物流企业具有规模经济优势。由于其可以从运输商那里大批量购买运输能力,然后集中配载许多客户的货物,大幅度降低单位运输成本。 (4)通过“共享租用”模型,多个电子商务企业可以共享分发和售后服务。外包也缓和了内部物流执行并减少建造和装备仓库。内部完成电子物流费用高,耗时多,并且由于不具备第三方的专业技术,许多公司会严重损害花很多时间建立的客户关系。 诚然,第三方物流企业的运作不仅要针对生产厂家能否合理经营并优化库存结构,还要针对客户,保证商品来源于最佳路线,以切实降低物流成本,提高产品附加值,同时真正使客户省钱,省力,省时。 三、我国发展第三方物流应注意的问题 (1)物流业务的范围不断扩大。商业机构和各大公司面对日趋激烈的竞争不得不将主要经理放在核心业务,将运输、仓储等相关业务环节交由更专业的物流企业进行操作,以求节约和高效;同时,物流企业为提高服务质量,也在不断拓宽业务范围,提供配套服务。 (2)提供客户定制的物流服务。很多成功的物流企业根据第一方、第二方的谈判条款,分析比较自理的操作成本和代理费用,灵活运用自理和代理两种方式。 (3)物流产业的发展潜力巨大,具有广阔的发展前景。长期以来,由于受计划经济的影响,我国物流社会化程度低,物流管理混乱,机构多元化,物资、商业、经贸、交通、建设等部门均有各自的物流系统。这种分散的多元化物流格局,导致社会化大生产、专业化流通的集约化经营优势难以发挥,规模经营、规模效益难以实现,设施利用率低,布局不合理,重复建设,资金浪费严重。由于利益冲突及信息不通畅等原因,造成余缺物资不能及时调配,大量物资滞留在流通领域,造成资金沉淀,产生大量库存费用。另外,我国物流企业与物流组织的总体水平低,设备陈旧,损失率大,效率低,运输能力严重不足,形成了瓶颈,制约了物流的发展。 在电子商务飞速发展的21世纪,谁掌握了物流和配送,谁就掌握了市场。建立电子商务模式下的物流配送体系,客观上需要那种放网全国,点指世界超强的物流服务企业。当前,我国的一些传统物流企业(如,中远,中外运等)应积极加大市场调研和开拓力度,加大与跨国公司、大型制造商等行业企业以及与连锁、超市零售行业等的合作,与其建立伙伴关系,为其提供一体化的物流配送服务,并尽快发展电子商务,从而提供高质量的、高水平的电子商务环境下的现代物流配送服务,为我国建立良好的现代配送机制贡献自身的一份力量。 参考文献: 《中国物流与采购》 《我国物流企业如何迎接电子商务》 张铎 《电子商务配送问题浅析》 关洪杰、

nternet作为电子商务的载体,已成为企业必不可少的信息采集、传输和交换的工具,网络(信息)时代的到来为基于Internet的IT服务业注入了新的活力, Internet is electronic vehicle for business on line, it turns to be unsplit tool for company for the purpose of collection, transferring and exchange for information, with the net work ( information) age availability, which input new vigor into IT service industry based on internet. 其中电子商务(Electronic Commerce, EC)更是备受瞩目,已被公认为是影响21世纪世界经济格局的新型经济模式和催化剂。 Whereby, Electronic Commerce is the focus of attention, and regarded as new economic mode and activator for global economics in 21st centrury. 在它经历了三个艰难的发展历程(电子零售、电子贸易和网上交易市场)之后,逐渐成熟起来,它的核心是运用现代计算机通讯技术, after it passed 3 difficult stages (electronic retail sales, electronic trading and sales market on line), it is mature step by step, it lies in his core tech. from modern computer communication system. 尤其是网络技术为企业进行社会生产经营活动服务,使企业提高生产效益、降低经营成本、优化资源配置,从而实现社会财富的最大化。 Especially net work technology serves for social production operation of companies so as to improve the production output and benefit, to decrease the operation costing, to optimize resource , so that maximum social property can be realised. 特别是对于中小企业来说电子商务通过良好地运用,更能出现一些惊喜的结果。 The most surprising target is achieved by small and medium size enterprises who make good use of electronic business. 本文共分为四章,通过研究电子商务对中小企业的影响和重要性来阐述中小企业在面临这个电子化、网络化的时代所可以采取的一些策略和办法来提高企业的核心竞争力。 The article is drafted in 4 chapters, with the study on the influence and importance of electronic business for small and medium sized companies, it set forth some strategies and actions can be taken in order to improve the company core competency of competition in the net work age.



楼上这位的英文文献是google华文文献而来的,很不通顺。。。电子商务环境下物流配送Logistics Distribution under E-business Environment 楼上译成了E-business environment under the logistics and distribution 电子商务环境下的物流配送摘要:本文从阐述电子商务与物流配送的相互关系出发,就如何建立与我国国情发展相适应的物流配送模式,降低物流成本,提高配送效率,解决配送问题进行探讨。 关键词:电子商务;物流配送;第三方物流 在互联网技术的不断发展及全球电子商务大环境的引导下,跨国物流和跨区域物流更加频繁,对物流的需求也更加强烈。但电子商务在我国的发展却具有其不成熟性的特点,物流基础设施及技术水平落后,供应商(或制造商)以及客户之间没有形成供应链,配送效率低下,所以电子商务要在中国继续发展必须解决——"物流瓶颈"。 一、电子商务与物流配送 电子商务是在Internet开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器的应用方式,实现消费者的网上购物、企业之间的网上交易和在线电子支付的一种新型的交易方式。电子商务与传统商务本质区别,就是它以数字化网络为基础进行商品、货币和服务交易,目的在于减少信息社会的商业中间环节,缩短周期,降低成本,提高经营效率,提高服务质量,使企业有效地参与竞争。 物流配送定位在为电子商务的客户提供服务,根据电子商务的特点,对整个物流配送体系实行统一的信息管理和调度,按照用户订货要求,在物流基地进行理货工作,并将配好的货物送交收货人的一种物流方式。这一先进的、优化的流通方式对流通企业提高服务质量、降低物流成本、优化社会库存配置,从而提高企业的经济效益及社会效益具有重要意义。 二、电子商务环境下的物流配送模式 发展现代物流配送,是转变经济增长方式,促进经济增长由粗放型向集约型转变的需要。过去我国长期实行计划经济体制,几乎每个工业企业都建立了仓库、车队负责包装、运输等业务,大而全、小而全、粗放管理问题比较突出,造成企业原材料和产成品库存过大,占压大量资金;自备仓储和自备运输利用率低,成本过高;销售配送体系不健全,产品实体分配效率不能满足售后和服务要求。市场经济条件下,企业要在激烈的竞争中站稳脚跟,必须集中精力发展其核心业务,对传统的物流管理模式进行改革,提高物流管理的社会化和组织程度,变粗放管理为集约经营,才能使企业真正适应市场经济的发展。 发展现代物流配送,是适应加入WTO,提高企业市场竞争能力的需要。目前世界上大多数地区,约1/3的物流运作是承包给第三方的,发达国家甚至达5-8成。而我国的物流服务行业竞争力很弱,没有形成一定的规模优势和资本优势,服务质量与国外企业相比也存在着很大差距。加入WTO后,根据协议,我国将进一步开放物流服务行业,国外成熟的物流企业会大举进入我国,因此,面对经济全球化趋势和我国加入WTO的挑战,实施物流改造,发展现代物流配送是企业参与竞争,赢得竞争优势的必然选择。 在电子商务条件下,构建我国物流配送体系,可以有以下三种模式:一是电子商务与传统商务共用一套物流系统;二是由电子商务企业组建自己的物流系统;三是电子商务企业将所有的物流业务以外包的形式委托第三方物流企业运作。所谓第三方物流是指根据供应商或销售商的委托,由供应商和销售商以外的第三方负责对物流的中间环节进行有效管理,提供从货源供应到最终商品销售之间的全方位物流服务。鉴于发达国家的成功经验和目前我国物流业的发展状况,我认为,委托第三方物流企业运作是我国电子商务企业最理想的物流模式。其理由如下: (1)物流通常不是大多数的电子商务企业的核心业务,电子商务企业把物流业务运作外包于第三方物流企业,可以把资源集中在自身的核心竞争力业务上,以获取最大的投资回报。 (2)第三方物流企业拥有发达的物流网络和针对不同物流市场的专业能力,包括运输、仓储和其它增值服务,同时第三方物流企业还拥有信息技术,他们与独立的软件供应商结盟或者开发了内部信息系统,这使其能够最大限度地利用运输和分销网络,有效进行跨运输方式的货物追踪。 (3)第三方物流企业具有规模经济优势。由于其可以从运输商那里大批量购买运输能力,然后集中配载许多客户的货物,大幅度降低单位运输成本。 (4)通过“共享租用”模型,多个电子商务企业可以共享分发和售后服务。外包也缓和了内部物流执行并减少建造和装备仓库。内部完成电子物流费用高,耗时多,并且由于不具备第三方的专业技术,许多公司会严重损害花很多时间建立的客户关系。 诚然,第三方物流企业的运作不仅要针对生产厂家能否合理经营并优化库存结构,还要针对客户,保证商品来源于最佳路线,以切实降低物流成本,提高产品附加值,同时真正使客户省钱,省力,省时。 三、我国发展第三方物流应注意的问题 (1)物流业务的范围不断扩大。商业机构和各大公司面对日趋激烈的竞争不得不将主要经理放在核心业务,将运输、仓储等相关业务环节交由更专业的物流企业进行操作,以求节约和高效;同时,物流企业为提高服务质量,也在不断拓宽业务范围,提供配套服务。 (2)提供客户定制的物流服务。很多成功的物流企业根据第一方、第二方的谈判条款,分析比较自理的操作成本和代理费用,灵活运用自理和代理两种方式。 (3)物流产业的发展潜力巨大,具有广阔的发展前景。长期以来,由于受计划经济的影响,我国物流社会化程度低,物流管理混乱,机构多元化,物资、商业、经贸、交通、建设等部门均有各自的物流系统。这种分散的多元化物流格局,导致社会化大生产、专业化流通的集约化经营优势难以发挥,规模经营、规模效益难以实现,设施利用率低,布局不合理,重复建设,资金浪费严重。由于利益冲突及信息不通畅等原因,造成余缺物资不能及时调配,大量物资滞留在流通领域,造成资金沉淀,产生大量库存费用。另外,我国物流企业与物流组织的总体水平低,设备陈旧,损失率大,效率低,运输能力严重不足,形成了瓶颈,制约了物流的发展。 在电子商务飞速发展的21世纪,谁掌握了物流和配送,谁就掌握了市场。建立电子商务模式下的物流配送体系,客观上需要那种放网全国,点指世界超强的物流服务企业。当前,我国的一些传统物流企业(如,中远,中外运等)应积极加大市场调研和开拓力度,加大与跨国公司、大型制造商等行业企业以及与连锁、超市零售行业等的合作,与其建立伙伴关系,为其提供一体化的物流配送服务,并尽快发展电子商务,从而提供高质量的、高水平的电子商务环境下的现代物流配送服务,为我国建立良好的现代配送机制贡献自身的一份力量。 参考文献: 《中国物流与采购》 《我国物流企业如何迎接电子商务》 张铎 《电子商务配送问题浅析》 关洪杰、

E-business environment under the logistics and distributionAbstract: e-commerce under the logistics and distribution will help reduce production business inventories and accelerate capital turnover, enhance logistics efficiency and reduce logistics costs, and stimulate the social needs and is conducive to the whole community's macro-control and promote the healthy operation of the market economy and electronic Business to develop in depth. Key words: e-commerce distributionFirst, China's development of logistics distribution E-commerce logistics entity is the core issue of the distribution items. China, as a developing country, the logistics industry to its late start, low level, the introduction of e-commerce, e-commerce did not have to support the activities of the modern logistics level. However, since e-commerce in China to settle down, people did not stop distribution of the discussion. At present, China mainly three types of e-commerce distribution model, is a full distribution system, that is, the domestic Internet-based, to various regions of the country's logistics system has been linked by agreement, a comprehensive distribution network for the entire process straight . The second category is a regional system of a single business model. Partial to the original business of a single regional distribution site for the base and be integrated, similar to a single business to business services, computer networking, the entire system of networking, and automated management. The third category is professional distribution system of the model. Such as postal communications, railway transport, air, water, Qiyun and other departments have been the perfect use of the national transport network resources to carry out specialized distribution. From across the country, China has long been subject to the impact of the planned economy, low levels of social logistics, logistics management system confusion, the existing three categories of e-commerce distribution model is not yet ripe, efficiency is not high, but in the red. Therefore, the need for China's economic development, enterprise reform and development of e-commerce logistics and distribution, learn from developed countries through the road and experience from China in 1992 began a logistics distribution center of the experimental work. In 1996 the Internal Trade issued "on strengthening the commercial development of logistics distribution center construction work of the notice," pointed out the development and construction of logistics distribution center the importance of the proposed development and construction of the guiding ideology and principle, put forward the "mechanisms and intensive Management, improve the function of the development of the logistics and enhance strength "of the reform and development principles, to establish modern logistics distribution center to change the social construction of logistics distribution centers, the development of modern network as the main direction. Second, China's logistics and distribution patterns and problems of At present, China's increased the number of e-commerce sites, transactions involving goods of daily necessities and other non-consumables, and on its e-commerce distribution model, can be divided into three types, namely operating BtoB (business to business) business model, BtoC (Business to consumers) model and the virtual logistics company model, in practice, although these three models get the recognition and application of common, but in e-commerce and distribution of convergence and optimal operation, there are still many problems, reflected in concrete : China's current social low level of information networks, network infrastructure is relatively weak, especially as e-commerce platform for the delivery and billing infrastructure lags behind, the computer penetration rate low rate of Internet users only about 8 percent and are mainly concentrated in major cities , The use of Internet users in the real rate of online shopping less than 0.5 percent, electronic shopping credit has not been widely recognized. The understanding of the importance of e-commerce logistics enough. Availability of the overall level of enterprise network low ratio of less than Internet companies, logistics enterprise information construction lagged behind, logistics and distribution of specialization, social, electronic, modern low level. There have been serious problems of poor business reputation, late delivery, delivery or do not send the wrong frequent phenomenon. E-commerce logistics infrastructure is not yet perfect, logistics systems theory is not enough, the logistics technology is still very backward, China's logistics workers and practice the theory of modern logistics of the new theories, new technologies, such as integrated supply chain management, third party logistics, automation Warehouse, automatic sorting system, global positioning system (GPS), and so has just contacted. Jidong of the lack of e-commerce and e-commerce technology has practical experience in human resources, in particular the lack of Jidong e-commerce and logistics distribution to understand the innovative spirit of the compound talents. Third, logistics and healthy development of the countermeasure 1. Enhance the degree of information. Distribution of information for performance: the logistics of the database of information collection and code, the logistics of the electronic information processing and computer, the transmission of information and the standardization of real-time logistics information such as the digital storage. Therefore, the bar-code technology, database technology, electronic ordering system, electronic data exchange, radio frequency technology, management information systems, enterprise resource planning, and other advanced management strategy should be in China's logistics and distribution enterprises to promote use. Information is all modern technology and management tools of the foundation, only to achieve distribution of information can take up to the era of e-commerce distribution industry and historic task. 2. Improve the logistics management system, improve service quality. Internet shopping for the delivery time is too long and has yet to supply the phenomenon as e-commerce company in order to better serve customers, suppliers and customers should be strengthened between the exchange of information and feedback. This will save users to order processing fees, users can also save time and gradually raise awareness of online shopping sense of trust, making good steady development of e-commerce. 3. Distribution lower prices. China's large-scale development of e-commerce online shopping has been difficult, logistics and distribution costs high, especially in the type of Internet transactions, for each client to achieve door-to-door is the high cost, we must work hard to reduce costs, e-commerce solution Logistics and distribution companies and distribution services among enterprises in the prices of contradictions. 4. Perfect laws and policies. E-commerce for the logistics and distribution problems, the relevant government departments should actively study the characteristics of e-commerce, the rapid development of targeted laws, regulations and policies to regulate e-commerce activities, enterprises and consumers in general to increase the confidence of e-commerce Flu. 5. Actively developing third-party logistics enterprises. "TPL" refers to the logistics business from the supply side and demand-side beyond the completion of a third party, in a sense that it is a form of logistics professionalism, "third-party logistics" in logistics management experience, Talent, technology, philosophy and other areas have certain advantages, the e-commerce transactions in both supply and demand of all the logistics activities of agent credentials, well-funded third-party logistics, the logistics can take full advantage of modern technology, is built on the foundation of modern information network technology On the logistics management software to ensure that customers at any time and any place check of goods and provision of supporting services, e-commerce transactions between the parties involved in the logistics can be entrusted to professional logistics enterprises, concentrate on developing the electronics market and business efficiency of the e-commerce BtoB transactions. The establishment of a national logistics public information platform, the development of 4PL. 4PL is a supply chain integrator, mobilization and management organizations and their complementarity of the service provider's resources, capacity and technology to provide an integrated supply chain solutions. Clearly, 4PL must meet three conditions: not the interests of the logistics side, to achieve information sharing, the ability to integrate all the logistics resources. And really meet these conditions, only a virtual network of platforms, and this is the logistics and public information platform. It provides comprehensive supply chain solutions to social integration of logistics resources, enhance the country's logistics industry integrated collaborative capabilities.电子商务环境下的物流配送摘要:电子商务下的物流配送既有利于减少生产企业库存,加速资金周转,提高物流效率,降低物流成本,又刺激了社会需求,有利于整个社会的宏观调控,促进市场经济的健康运行及电子商务向纵深发展。关键词:电子商务 物流 配送一、我国物流配送发展概况 电子商务物流的核心问题是实体物品的配送。我国作为一个发展中国家,物流业起步较晚,水平低,在引进电子商务时,并不具备能够支持电子商务活动的现代化物流水平。但自从电子商务在中国落户,人们就没有停止对物流配送问题的讨论。目前,我国主要有三类电子商务物流配送模式,一类是全程物流配送系统,即以国内互联网为基础,把全国各地区已有的物流系统通过协议联系起来,形成全方位的全程直投配送网。第二类是区域性单一业务系统改造模式。以原有局部区域性单一业务的配送站点为基础,并加以集成,把单一业务改为同类业务服务,通过计算机联网,实现整个系统的网络化、自动化管理。第三类是专业化配送系统改造模式。如邮政通讯、铁运、空运、水运、汽运等部门利用已有的完善的全国性运输网络资源进行专业化配送。从全国范围来看,我国长期以来受计划经济的影响,物流社会化程度低,物流管理体制混乱,已有的三类电子商务物流配送模式还不成熟,效率不高,而且处于亏损状态。因此,针对我国经济发展需要、企业改革及电子商务物流配送发展现状,借鉴发达国家走过的道路和经验,我国从1992年起开始了物流配送中心的试点工作。1996年原国内贸易部发出了《关于加强商业物流配送中心发展建设工作的通知》,指出了发展建设物流配送中心的重要意义,提出发展建设的指导思想和原则,同时提出了“转换机制、集约经营、完善功能、发展物流、增强实力”的改革与发展方针,确定以向现代化物流配送中心转变,建设社会化的物流配送中心,发展现代化网络为主要方向。 二、我国物流配送模式及存在的问题 目前我国电子商务网站数量大增,交易商品涉及日用品及其他非易耗品等,就其电子商务物流配送模式而言,可分为三种类型,分别是经营BtoB(商家对商家)业务的模式、BtoC(商家对消费者)的模式以及虚拟物流公司模式,在实践中这三种模式虽然得到共同的认同与应用,但在电子商务与物流配送的接轨和优化运行上还存在许多问题,具体体现在: 中国目前的社会信息网络化水平低,网络基础设施相对薄弱,特别是作为电子商务平台的传递和结算基础设施滞后,计算机普及率低,网民比率只有8%左右,并主要集中在各大中城市,网民中真正采用网上购物的比率不到0.5%,电子购物的信用没有得到广泛认同。 对电子商务物流的重要性认识不够。供货企业网络化整体水平低,上网企业比率不足,物流企业信息化建设滞后,物流配送的专业化、社会化、电子化、现代化程度低。 存在严重的商业信誉差的问题,迟送、送错或不送现象时有发生。 电子商务物流基础尚不完善,物流理论还不够系统,物流技术还很落后,我国物流理论工作者和实践者对现代物流的新理论、新技术,如集成化供应链管理、第三方物流、自动化立体仓库、全自动分拣系统、全球定位系统(GPS)等才刚刚接触。 缺乏既懂电子商务理论和技术又有电子商务实践经验人才,尤其缺乏既懂电子商务又懂物流配送的有创新精神的复合型人才。三、物流配送健康发展的对策 1.提高信息化程度。物流配送信息化表现为:物流信息收集的数据库化和代码化、物流信息处理的电子化和计算机化、信息传递的标准化和实时化、物流信息存储的数字化等。因此,条码技术、数据库技术、电子订货系统、电子数据交换、射频技术、管理信息系统、企业资源计划等先进的管理策略,应在我国的物流配送企业大力推广运用。信息化是一切现代技术和管理手段的基础,只有实现物流配送信息化,才能承担起电子商务时代赋予物流配送业的历史任务。 2.完善物流管理系统功能,提高售后服务质量。针对网上购物出现的送货时间过长以及迟迟没有货源的现象,作为电子商务公司为了能更好的服务于顾客,应加强顾客和供货商之间信息的交流与反馈。这样可以给用户节约订单处理费用,又可以节约用户的时间,逐渐提高人们对网上购物的信任感,使得电子商务良性稳步发展。 3.降低配送服务价格。我国发展电子商务实现大规模的网上购物一直困难重重,物流配送费用偏高,特别是零售型的网上交易,为每个客户实现送货上门是高成本的,必须努力降低成本,解决电子商务公司与物流配送企业之间在配送服务价格方面的矛盾。 4.完善法律政策。针对电子商务物流配送出现的种种问题,政府有关部门应该积极研究电子商务的特点,迅速制定有针对性地法律、法规和政策,以规范电子商务活动,增加企业和广大消费者对电子商务的信任感。 5.积极发展第三方物流企业。“第三方物流”是指物流由商务的供方、需方之外的第三方完成,从某种意义上说它是物流专业化的一种形式,“第三方物流”一般在物流管理经验、人才、技术、理念等方面都具有一定的优势,对电子商务交易中供求双方的所有物流活动进行全权代理,同时第三方物流资金雄厚,可以充分利用现代物流技术,具有建立在现代信息网络技术基础上的物流管理软件,保证客户在任何时间、任何地点查看货物及提供配套的服务,参与电子商务交易的双方可以把物流委托给专业物流企业,专心于电子市场的开拓和商务效率的提高电子商务BtoB交易模式。 建立全国物流公共信息平台,发展第四方物流。第四方物流是一个供应链集成商,它调集和管理组织自己的以及具有互补性的服务提供商的资源、能力和技术,以提供一个综合的供应链解决方案。显然,第四方物流必须满足三个条件:不是物流的利益方、能实现信息共享、有能力整合所有的物流资源。而真正满足这些条件的只有一种虚拟的物流网平台,这就是全国物流公共信息平台。它能提供综合的供应链解决方案,以整合社会物流资源,提高我国物流产业的综合协同能力。











































