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论文没有,不过我把就职的演讲稿给你,你从中可以看到他的意志和决心,再添加点成一篇论文英爱不难My fellow citizens: 各位同胞: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition. 今天我站在这里,为眼前的重责大任感到谦卑,对各位的信任心怀感激,对先贤的牺牲铭记在心。我要谢谢布什总统为这个国家的服务,也感 谢他在政权转移期间的宽厚和配合。 Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath. The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents. 四十四位美国人发表过总统就职誓言,这些誓词或是在繁荣富强及和平宁静之际发表,或是在乌云密布,时局动荡之时。在艰困的时候,美国 能箕裘相继,不仅因为居高位者有能力或愿景,也因为人民持续对先人的抱负有信心,也忠于创建我国的法统。 So it has been. So it must be with this generation of Americans. 因此,美国才能承继下来。因此,这一代美国人必须承继下去。 That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet. 现在大家都知道我们正置身危机核心,我国正处于对抗深远暴力和憎恨的战争。我们的经济元气大伤,是某些人贪婪且不负责任的后果,也是 大众未能做出艰难的选择,为国家进入新时代做淮备所致。许多人失去房子,丢了工作,生意垮了。我们的医疗照护太昂贵,学校教育辜负了 许多人。每天都有更多证据显示,我们利用能源的方式壮大我们的对敌,威胁我们的星球。 These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land - a nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights. 这些都是得自资料和统计数据的危机指标。比较无法测量但同样深沉的,是举国信心尽失—持续担心美国将无可避免地衰退,也害怕下一代一 定会眼界变低。 Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met. 今天我要告诉各位,我们面临的挑战是真的,挑战非常严重,且不在少数。它们不是可以轻易,或在短时间内解决。但是,美国要了解,这些 挑战会被解决。 On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord. 在这一天,我们聚在一起,因为我们选择希望而非恐惧,有意义的团结而非纷争和不合。 On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics. 在这一天,我们来此宣示,那些无用的抱怨和虚伪的承诺已终结,那些扭曲我们政治已久的相互指控和陈旧教条已终结。 We remain a young nation, but in the words of Scripture, the time has come to set aside childish things. The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness. 我们仍是个年轻的国家,但借用圣经的话,摆脱幼稚事物的时刻到来了,重申我们坚忍精神的时刻到来了,选择我们更好的历史,实践那种代 代传承的珍贵权利,那种高贵的理念:就是上帝的应许,我们每个人都是平等的,每个人都是自由的,每个人都应该有机会追求全然的幸福。 In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted - for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things - some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labor, who have carried us up the long, rugged path towards prosperity and freedom. 再次肯定我们国家的伟大,我们了解伟大绝非赐予而来,必须努力达成。我们的旅程从来就不是抄捷径或很容易就满足。这条路一直都不是给 不勇敢的人走的,那些偏好逸乐胜过工作,或者只想追求名利就满足的人。恰恰相反,走这条路的始终是勇于冒险的人,做事的人,成事的人 ,其中有些人很出名,但更常见的是在各自岗位上的男男女女无名英雄,在这条漫长崎区的道路上支撑我们,迈向繁荣与自由。 For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and traveled across oceans in search of a new life. 为了我们,他们携带很少的家当,远渡重洋,追寻新生活。 For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth. 为了我们,他们胼手胝足,在西部安顿下来;忍受风吹雨打,筚路蓝缕。 For us, they fought and died, in places like Concord and Gettysburg; Normandy and Khe Sanh. 为了我们,他们奋斗不懈,在康科特和盖茨堡,诺曼地和溪山等地葬身。 Time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw so that we might live a better life. They saw America as bigger than the sum of our individual ambitions; greater than all the differences of birth or wealth or faction. 前人不断的奋斗与牺牲,直到双手皮开肉绽,我们才能享有比较好的生活。他们将美国视为大于所有个人企图心总和的整体,超越出身、财富 或小圈圈的差异。 This is the journey we continue today. We remain the most prosperous, powerful nation on Earth. Our workers are no less productive than when this crisis began. Our minds are no less inventive, our goods and services no less needed than they were last week or last month or last year. Our capacity remains undiminished. But our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions - that time has surely passed. Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America. 这是我们今天继续前进的旅程。我们仍旧是全球最繁荣强盛的国家。这场危机爆发时,我们的劳工生产力并未减弱。我们的心智一样创新,我 们的产品和劳务和上周或上个月或去年相比,一样是必需品。我们的能力并未减损。但是我们墨守成规、维护狭小利益、推迟引人不悦的决定 ,这段时期肯定已经过去。从今天起,我们必须重新出发、再次展开再造美国的工程。 For everywhere we look, there is work to be done. The state of the economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act - not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth. We will build the roads and bridges, the electric grids and digital lines that feed our commerce and bind us together. We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost. We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories. And we will transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age. All this we can do. And all this we will do. 我们无论朝何处望去,都有工作必须完成。经济情势需要大胆、迅速的行动,我们将有所行动,不光是创造新工作,更要奠定成长的新基础。 我们将造桥铺路,为企业兴建电力网格与数位线路,将我们联系在一起。我们将让科学回归合适的用途,运用科技的奇迹来提高医疗品质并降 低费用。我们将利用太阳能、风力和土壤作为汽车的燃料和工厂的能源。我们将让中小学及大专院校转型,因应新时代的需要。这些我们可以 作到。我们也将会作到。[/

美国总统非直接民选,而是由各州依人口比例委任选举人团代表选出。获得一州相对多数选票候选人,其所属政党可推选该州所有的选举人团代表。此系统的创建是因为美国制宪时,参加制宪会议的代表们无意决定总统选举方式,故他们提供各州若干选举人团代表名额,而由各州自行决定其产生方式。现今各州选举人团代表皆为民选。 这种选法有些特殊之处。例如说,获得全国最多普选票的候选人可能未获最多的选举人票。这在美国历史上曾于1826年、1888年、和2000年发生过三次。反对这种选举法者认为此系统并不民主,因为获最高民意支持者也许无法成为总统。支持此系统者则认为这种总统选举法可预防地域主义。因为在多州获得些微多数普选票的候选人,可以胜过只在一州获得压倒性多数普选票者。所以为了获得选举人票,候选人必须普遍考虑美国各地区的要求,不能只在乎其中一部分。好的民主形式,大家都可以参与。

IntroductionThere are very many elections each year in America - over 80,000 - though the most important, the national election for president is held every four years. These elections are far from simple in terms of organisation. In fact, research indicates that many Americans do not fully understand the nation's electoral structure which might be one of the reasons to explain why nearly 50% of those eligible to vote in November 2000 did not do so.The process for a national election lasts nearly a year - nearly 25% of the standing president's time in power. A party must provide nominated people to stand for election. They obviously need to have (or are assumed to have) public charisma and are experienced in going public A shy candidate would be a potential disaster in what is becoming an increasingly media dominated event - especially with regards to the use of television.Of those nominated, only one is selected by the party delegates at the national conventions. This person then goes onto represent that party in the national presidential election. The running mate for the presidential candidate is also announced at the national convention.The voting body at a national convention is made up of delegates and super-delegates. How each delegate gets to a national convention is a complicated business and can differ markedly from state to state. The two parties at state level can decide which system they use to send delegates to a national convention.There are two systems : the caucus system and the primary elections. However, the structure of primary elections can differ from state to state. Some delegates are elected in a straight 'first-past-the-post' system while other states use a form of proportional representation to give a greater spread of representation among the delegates sent to a national convention.The delegates, once at a convention, vote for a candidate for the presidential election. Super-delegates have tended to muddy this system, and therefore the whole voting structure at the national conventions.Super-delegates are senior civil servants, governors, ex-presidents and old-established figures within the party - be it Democrat or Republican. The super-delegates inflate the number of people who can vote at a convention and they can be very influential in the final decision of who runs for presidency for the party that they represent. Super-delegates are not voted for by state parties and they tend to undermine the issue of state party democracy.After the national conventions, the two parties presidential hopefuls can concentrate on campaigning for the ultimate prize in American politics.The start of an election campaign in America can be as much as one year before the actual election. When both Presidents Carter and Reagan decided that they would run for presidency both left their positions as governors and campaigned for a year before the election to work out grass roots support for them and to spread their ‘gospel’. It worked as both were elected. George W Bush and Al Gore started effective campaigning in January 2000 for a November election.George Bush for the 2000 campaign continued to be governor of Texas but spent most of his time on the campaign trial. His one notable ‘event’ during the 2000 campaign as governor was his refusal to commute the death sentence on a rapist/murderer who was duly executed on the authority of the state’s governor. The Democrats responded with the "15 minutes" tag whereby they criticised the governor (to-be-president) on his record of deciding on a commutation of the death sentence or the execution being carried out: it was claimed that Bush Junior took only 15 minutes to decide the fate of a condemned man and that he was pandering to the belief in the South (a vital electoral region) that judicial execution was acceptable.Officially an election campaign starts in February with the presidential primaries in the so-called "primary season". It continues from here. The key month for when party wards, precincts and states vote for their presidential candidate is March which includes "Super Tuesday". By then it is likely that those who had forwarded themselves for the party nomination for presidency will know if there is sufficient support for them within the party for them to proceed. Many will have drained their finances sufficiently to lead to them pulling out of the campaign.This is how the campaign runs using the Democratic Party as an example :Wards X, Y Z etc. vote for their presidential nomination for the town/city of Tahoe, California. Delegates, to represent their views at the party's state convention, are also elected. This is usually done only by active and registered party members.Delegates voted for within the town/city go to the party’s state convention and theoretically put forward the views of their city for presidential nomination. The delegates then vote for their nomination and that state will adopt politician A. For example, for the 1996 election, the Republican politician (and eventually the elected Republican candidate) Bob Dole received in his best showing 82% of the votes of Republican delegates in New Jersey. Clinton, as the Democrats unopposed nomination in 1996, received 100% of the delegates for Georgia, his home state…………..Delegates from the state party go to the party National Convention in August where all the state delegates assemble and vote for their party’s presidential nomination. The person who has a majority support amongst the delegates at the national convention wins the party’s backing for presidential nomination and the nomination for vice president is also voted for.But :It is not as clear cut or as simple as this.Each ward can use its own system of voting for delegates and presidential nomination. This is not standardised throughout America and is symptomatic of the democracy that is meant to seep throughout politics right down to grass roots level. The theory is "why should regional party ‘big-wigs’ dictate to us how we should run our local party structure?".The National Conventions are inflated delegate-wise with "super delegates" who have not been voted for at a local or state level but are people who have been rewarded by the party for loyalty and long service. These would include state governors, ex-presidents, senior civil servants etc. They can have a marked impact on the final voting of a national convention. That they do not necessarily reflect local party beliefs remains a source of contention in America.Regardless of this, the most basic requirement that a presidential candidate must have is support at grass roots level.This requires much travelling throughout the states and therefore a presidential candidate must have sufficient funds to see through a campaign. Winning the hearts and minds of local party activists is vital for a presidential candidate to proceed. They will vote for a candidate who has charisma and political know-how.In the 1996 election the former Chief of Staff, Colin Powell, who had made his name during the Gulf War, was expected by the media to announce his intention to run for the presidency. However, Powell did not do this despite his popularity amongst the public simply because he, by his own admission, did not possess sufficient political know-how; something that can only be gained with years of political service (though to some extent J F Kennedy bucked this trend).'Primary election' is the term used in America for the elections which will select the two parties presidential nomination. The primary elections start in January of election year in what is called the "primary season". A good start to the primaries is considered vital if a candidate is to become his party's presidential nomination - however, George W Bush bucked this trend in the 2000 primary season by making a poor start but ultimately winning the Republican Party's nomination.Since 1952 the first primary election has traditionally been in New Hampshire. It is the first real test of opinion and receives a great deal of publicity from the media. As a result a number of other states have tried to bring forward their primaries but the biggest contender to New Hampshire in terms of importance has been the decision by 21 mostly Southern states to hold their primaries on the same day in what has become known as "Super Tuesday". Originally this was on March 8th 1988, but it is now usually held on the second Tuesday of March in election year.There are a variety of ways in which the elections at a local level are held. These can almost be seen as the heats in an athletics meeting. If you win this you move on to the next one, the semi-finals (state party elections) and if you win this, on to the final itself. One is the caucus system. Others are the so-called primaries : closed primaries, open primaries and blanket primaries.Regardless of their title, the primaries are designed to give as much democracy as is deemed possible to local politics. This is not so true for the caucus system.CaucusesThe word "caucus" itself comes from the Native People of America and means "to gather together and make a great noise."This seems rather appropriate but this system of electing a presidential nominee is becoming less and less popular as it puts a great deal of power in the hands of local party bosses and the fear is that the beliefs of the people themselves at a local level are not necessarily listened to.By 1980 only 25% of the delegates to the national conventions (coming from 18 states) were voted for in this way. In 1988, only 16% of the Democrats delegates were selected in this manner while just under 21% of Republicans were. The figure has continued to shrink with only 12 Republican state parties using the caucus system in 1996 with the Democrats using it in only 14 states.What is a caucus?A caucus is a series of party meetings at every level of party organisation within a state; wards, precincts, districts and counties. At each level, party members vote for delegates who will take their opinions on the choice of presidential candidate forward to the next level. Ultimately the state conventions choose the delegates to the national convention.Caucus meetings tend to be dominated by party activists who are sufficiently committed to the party’s cause to take part in each stage. Supporters of the caucus system believe that it leads to the best candidate being selected. However, meetings are closed (i.e. not opened up to anyone other than a party member) and historically they were linked to a small group of men in Congress and in state legislatures who selected party candidates for national and state office including presidential candidates.As a result of this apparent lack of a democratic approach, fewer and fewer states are using this type of selection. Many feel that the system allows the local ‘big-wigs’ in politics to dominate a ward, precinct etc. and that any final choice of presidential candidate is not really representative of those at the caucus but purely the views of such political figures who dominate at a local level.What are primaries ?This system allows a broader participation of voters to express their views on who should represent the party at the next election. In some primaries you do not have to be a party member to vote.Closed primaries offer a greater degree of participation than caucuses in that voting is not confined to party members. Those voters who have declared an affiliation to a party are allowed to participate in that party’s primary. This declaration can literally be done as the voter enters the polling office with a statement that s/he voted for the Democrats at the last election and that they intend voting in this primary; assuming this was a Democrats primary !!Open primaries allow even greater participation. The voters of a state, regardless of their party affiliation, can participate in either party’s primary but not both. The advantage of this system is that it allows the most popular candidate to be put forward and one who will have appeal across party lines. This, of course, is an advantage. But the purely democratic nature of this system is open to abuse as in the past there have been cases whereby Democrats, for example, have legally voted at a Republican primary, though not at their own, but have voted for what was the worst candidate. The Republicans have done likewise at Democratic primaries. Twenty nine states use this system of voting.Blanket primaries offer the widest possible participation. Voters are allowed to vote in both primary elections of the parties - i.e. at both the Republican and Democrat primaries.States also vary in the way they allocate delegates to the presidential candidates. Some primaries use the 'winner-take-all' system (WTA) whereby the candidate who wins the most votes at a primary gets all of the delegates.The alternative system is the proportional representation primary (PR) which allocates delegates in proportion to the number of votes they received in the primary. The Democrats have used PR since 1969 in an effort to increase the voice of the minority groups and to broaden the appeal of the candidates. However in recent years the party has used WTA in larger primaries and some of the larger states favour such a system as they feel that WTA increases their political clout in the overall nomination process of the presidential candidate.Some primaries are also called "advisory primaries" as the elected delegates to the national convention do not have to follow the views of the voters and they are free to follow their own preference for presidential candidate. However, the voters have expressed their advice - hence the title - on the ballot paper.Other primaries are called "mandatory primaries" or "binding primaries" as the views of the voters with regards to the presidential candidate are binding on the delegates and the delegates at the national convention cast their votes accordingly.However, this was successfully challenged in 1982 when the Supreme Court declared that a state could not force a delegate to a national convention to support the winner of his/her state’s presidential primary (Democratic Party v La Follette).The primary season plays a very important role in American politics. While the caucus system was predominant, party bosses could effectively decide who the delegates voted for. This was hardly democratic but the man who was the favoured candidate had little to worry about with regards to the primary season. This quite obviously is no longer the case and the primaries now take far greater importance: for example, 77% of the votes cast by Republican delegates in 1988 came from those selected by primaries. Party leaders can no longer ignore these primaries.Sine 1952 the primary in the state of New Hampshire has been the first and most important as it gives an indication of public opinion with regards to the voters. A candidate must do well here as a failure to do so could mean a drastic fall in that candidate’s financial status as backers might pull out and potential backers would not wish to back a non-starter. Also a failure in the New Hampshire primary might just seal the fate of that candidate who might get labelled a failure even before the nomination contest has got underway.A failure will also do a lot to affect party support. New Hampshire has jealously guarded its position as the first state to declare who has won the party nominations and it has pushed the date of the primary election earlier and earlier. In fact, the state legislature has stated that the primary must be one week before any other state primary. In the 1996 election it was held in February. The election was in November.The next most important date is in March when "Super Tuesday" takes place. This is when 21 states declare their nominations. A candidate can be made or broken on this day. The first "Super Tuesday" was on 8th March 1988 and it is held on the second Tuesday in March. As most of the 21 states are southern, traditionally this is a good time for southern candidates. In 1992, Bill Clinton (Arkansas) won practically all the nominations available.In 1996, the mid-western states of Illinois, Michigan and Ohio held their primaries on the third Tuesday in March. This was done as an attempt to boost the importance of these three states which had been seen as something of a backwater politically.California is a vital state to win. Traditionally, its primary was held in June but in 1996, it was moved to March. Winning here is very important as the state sends 20% of all the delegates to both party’s national conventions. The move to March was meant to symbolise how important this state is politically regardless of "Super Tuesday". New York state has its primary in April. By then, America will have a reasonably good idea as to who the Democrats and Republicans nominations are.The so-called "primary season" requires candidates to involve themselves in an intensive media campaign. From February to the end of April there is no time to raise finance and this has to be done before the primaries. This need for finance allows the better known candidates more leeway as they will be better financed and therefore have more time to campaign. They are also likely to have built up a better rapport and connections with the media and they will be able to use it to their advantage.At this time the candidates are practically by themselves and they only receive party support when it is obvious that as a candidate they have the potential to attract public support across the nation. A candidate who is not viable is not going to receive this support. A candidate who does not have the necessary financial backing will find the going extremely tough as regional primaries such as in the mid-west are expensive and to keep a campaign in the field will cost a great deal. Candidates have to adhere to the financial regulations laid down by the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974.How well do incumbent presidents do in primaries ? Clinton did well enough to not be opposed at the 1996 Democratic National Convention. Other presidents who wish to stand again have not done as well. Lyndon Johnson in 1968, withdrew from the Democrat’s nomination process after doing badly at the New Hampshire primary. He won just over 50% of the votes cast and he was expected to do a lot better. He suffered on the backlash that was occurring against the Vietnam. Sensing a weakened candidate, Robert Kennedy, who had been Attorney-General under his brother, announced his entry into the race and Johnson withdrew his candidacy. History tends to indicate that recent presidents who seek re-election but experience a significant challenge in the primaries usually lose the election itself - Ford (1976), Carter (1980) and Bush (1992) seem to indicate this.


南京总统府是中国近代建筑遗存中规模较大、保存较完整的建筑群,也是南京建筑的主要代表之一,中国近代历史的重要遗址,现已辟为中国近代史遗址博物馆。历史沿革南京总统府既有中国古代传统的江南园林,也有近代西风东渐时期的建筑遗存,至今已有600多年的历史。其历史可追溯到明初的归德侯府和汉王府,清代被辟为江宁织造署、两江总督署等,南巡均以此为行宫。太平天国定都天京(今南京)后,在此基础上扩建。1912年1月1日,在此宣誓就职临时大总统,辟为大总统府,后来又为南京总统府。总统府内部分布这是一座中西结合的院落,既有设计精细的西式办公楼、高耸的圆柱、深邃的回廊,又有清幽雅致的中式园林。目前总统府分为中、西、东3个参观区域,分布着一系列的史料展馆和复原陈列,还有一些再现历史场景的人物蜡像。你可以先沿着中轴线依次游览中区,再从尾端进入西区或东区。门楼及门楼的北边门楼是总统府的标志性建筑,气势雄伟,是很多游客一定会留影的地方,从此进入就是中区。大堂是一座中式建筑,横梁上是“天下为公”匾额。一直往前,有总统府文物史料展馆。 门楼的西边若从门楼进去往西走,先看到的则是煦园(即西花园),亭台楼阁、小桥流水,是典型的江南园林,里面保留着石舫、夕佳楼、忘飞阁、印心石屋、漪澜阁等遗址景点。门楼的东边门楼的东边是东苑(即东花园),有行政院、陶林二公祠、马厩等各时期的建筑。这里还有太平天国展馆,以书房、后宫、机密房等模拟景观,再现了宫殿的昔日辉煌。


南京总统府,位于中国南京市今长江路292号,是明代汉王府、清代两江总督署和太平天国天王府遗址,1912年为中华民国临时大总统府,孙中山在此宣誓就职中华民国临时大总统。1927年至1937年及1946年至1948年间为中华民国国民政府办公地,1948年5月至1949年4月为中华民国总统府,中华人民共和国成立后成为江苏省人民政府等单位机关办公地。1982年以太平天国天王府遗址名义成为全国重点保护文物单位,2003年3月改设南京中国近代史遗址博物馆,2004年被评为国家AAAA级旅游景区。 南京总统府是中国近代建筑遗存中规模最大、保存最完整的建筑群之一,也是南京民国建筑的主要代表之一。









女士们、先生们、朋友们: 上午好,欢迎参加某某公司举办的拍卖会,,我是拍卖师某某(同时亮证),很荣兴为大家主持今天的拍卖,本次拍卖会本着公开、公平、公正、诚实信用的原则,我期望大家踊跃竞买并预祝大家好运下边我宣读一下拍卖规则和注意事项: (读完后)今天要拍卖的第一个标的是: 起拍价多少,竞价幅度多少。













摘要 4-5

Abstract 5-6

1 绪论 9-16

1.1 选题背景和研究目的及意义 9-10

1.1.1 选题背景 9

1.1.2 研究目的 9-10

1.1.3 研究意义 10

1.2 文献综述 10-14

1.2.1 关于舞弊的动因 10-11

1.2.2 针对舞弊的审计方法 11-12

1.2.3 关于审计失败的原因 12-14

1.3 研究思路和研究方法 14-16

2 财务舞弊的相关概念及理论基础 16-21

2.1 舞弊及相关概念界定 16-19

2.2 舞弊动因理论 19-21

3 案例描述 21-30

3.1 案例背景 21-23

3.1.1 证券市场背景 21-22

3.1.2 新大地企业概况 22-23

3.2 新大地财务舞弊过程 23-28

3.2.1 虚增收入 23-25

3.2.2 虚减成本 25

3.2.3 虚增资产 25-26

3.2.4 隐瞒关联方交易 26-28

3.3 新大地的舞弊后果 28-30

4 案例分析 30-42

4.1 舞弊动因分析 30-34

4.1.1 压力 30-32

4.1.2 机会 32-33

4.1.3 借口 33-34

4.2 CPA 审计失败分析 34-42

4.2.1 独立性缺失 34-35

4.2.2 缺少职业怀疑态度与应有的关注 35-36

4.2.3 未充分执行分析性复核 36-40

4.2.4 审计人员缺乏专业胜任能力 40-42

5 案例结论及对策 42-48

5.1 结论 42

5.2 财务舞弊的防范对策 42-44

5.2.1 减轻舞弊的压力 42-43

5.2.2 减少舞弊的机会 43-44

5.2.3 减少舞弊的'借口 44

5.3 审计失败的防范对策 44-48

5.3.1 改进审计独立性 44-45

5.3.2 保持职业怀疑态度与谨慎性 45-46

5.3.3 充分利用分析性复核 46

5.3.4 提高审计专业胜任能力 46

5.3.5 执行风险导向审计 46-48

参考文献 48-51

附录 51-53

后记 53

摘要 4-6

Abstract 6-7

第一章 绪论 11-32

第一节 研究的背景和意义 11-13

第二节 概念界定 13-18

第三节 理论基础 18-23

第四节 文献综述 23-29

第五节 研究设计 29-32

第二章 研究方法与研究过程 32-46

第一节 研究方法的选择 32-35

第二节 研究方法的实施过程 35-43

第三节 研究方法的反思 43-46

第三章 职业能力视角下的高校辅导员职业生涯 46-72

第一节 高校辅导员职业生涯现状 46-59

第二节 职业生涯发展中的影响因素 59-66

第三节 高校辅导员的职业能力观 66-72

第四章 S、A的职业生涯成长故事叙说 72-86

第一节 S辅导员:从单纯到成熟的职业历程 72-78

第二节 A辅导员:从茫然到专业的转变 78-86

第五章 研究体验 86-93

第一节 研究发现 86-91

第二节 研究反思 91-93

附录 93-97

附录1 受访邀请函 93-94

附录2 知情同意书 94-96

附录3 辅导员访谈提纲 96-97

参考文献 97-101

致谢 101-102

摘要 3-4

Abstract 4

目录 5-7

第一章 绪论 7-15

1.1 选题的国内外研究现状述评 7-9

1.1.1 国内研究现状述评 7-8

1.1.2 国外研究现状述评 8-9

1.2 选题的理论意义和现实意义 9-10

1.2.1 选题的理论意义 9

1.2.2 选题的现实意义 9-10

1.3 选题的基本内容 10-12

1.3.1 主要思想 10-11

1.3.2 重点和难点 11

1.3.3 创新或特色 11-12

1.4 选题的研究思路和方法 12-15

1.4.1 研究思路 12

1.4.2 研究方法 12-15

第二章 实证研究的基本情况 15-27

2.1 实证研究的信度和效度分析 15-16

2.1.1 信度和效度的统计分析 15-16

2.1.2 信度和效度的质量控制 16

2.2 实证研究样本的基本情况 16-17

2.2.1 高校类型 16-17

2.2.2 专业类型 17

2.2.3 年级 17

2.2.4 性别 17

2.3 无锡地区部分高校学生的食品安全基本情况 17-27

2.3.1 系统的《食品安全法》相关课程或宣传教育活动参加情况 17-19

2.3.2 对食品安全的关注程度 19-20

2.3.3 对我国当前食品安全状况的评价 20-21

2.3.4 对我国食品安全监管主体的选择 21-25

2.3.5 了解《食品安全法》及相关知识的途径 25-27

第三章 无锡地区部分高校学生食品安全知识态度行为状况及影响因素分析 27-43

3.1 食品安全知识条目分析 27-32

3.1.1 我国《食品安全法》施行时间 27

3.1.2 我国食品安全监管部门 27-28

3.1.3 食品添加剂使用原则 28

3.1.4 废除免检制度 28-29

3.1.5 十倍赔偿制度 29

3.1.6 有机食品的相关说法 29-30

3.1.7 食源性疾病的概念 30

3.1.8 我国新版QS标志的中文标注 30-31

3.1.9 近年来我国食品安全事件 31-32

3.2 食品安全态度行为条目分析 32-37

3.2.1 食品生产日期、保质期等标志的查看情况 32

3.2.2 购买保质期内食品最关注的方面 32-33

3.2.3 对疑似食物中毒症状的处理方式 33-34

3.2.4 最放心的食品 34-35

3.2.5 维权意识以及方式方法的选择 35

3.2.6 开设《食品安全法》相关课程或宣传教育活动的必要性 35-36

3.2.7 参加《食品安全法》相关课程或宣传教育活动 36

3.2.8 宣传《食品安全法》及相关知识 36

3.2.9 护法意识以及方式方法的选择 36-37

3.3 食品安全知识态度行为状况分析 37-38

3.3.1 食品安全知识态度行为总得分 37-38

3.3.2 食品安全知识条目得分 38

3.3.3 食品安全态度行为条目得分 38

3.4 食品安全知识态度行为的影响因素分析 38-43

3.4.1 高校类型 38-39

3.4.2 专业类型 39

3.4.3 年级 39-40

3.4.4 性别 40-43

第四章 实证研究反映的情况与问题及对策建议 43-49

4.1 实证研究反映的情况与问题 43-44

4.1.1 高校学生食品安全知识态度行为状况不容乐观 43

4.1.2 高校类型、专业类型的差异会对高校学生食品安全知识态度行为产生很大影响 43-44

4.1.3 髙校学生具有提髙自身食品安全知识态度行为水平的愿望,其获取知识的途径日趋多样化 44

4.2 提高高校学生食品安全知识态度行为水平的对策建议 44-49

4.2.1 充分利用现有资源和条件,稳步推进高校学生食品安全宣传教育的开展 44-45

4.2.2 充分考虑高校学生之间的差异,实行“因材施教” 45-46

4.2.3 结合高校学生食品安全知识获取途径的实际对高校学生食品安全知识态度行为进行正确引导 46-49

结语 49-50

致谢 50-51

参考文献 51-54

附录一:高校学生食品安全知识态度行为调查问卷 54-57

附录二:问卷评分标准 57-58

附录三:关于高校学生食品安全知识态度行为的访谈提纲 58-59

附录四:作者在攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 59

毕业论文提纲范文 编写提纲的步骤: (一)确定论文提要,再加进材料,形成全文的概要 论文提要是内容提纲的雏型。 一般书、教学参考书都有反映全书内容的提要,以便读者一翻提要就知道书的大概内容。我们写论文也需要先写出论文提要。 在执笔前把论文的题目和大标题、小标题列出来,再把选用的材料 *** 去,就形成了论文内容的提要。 (二)原稿纸页数的分配 写好毕业论文的提要之后,要根据论文的内容考虑篇幅的长短,文章的各个部分,大体上要写多少字。 如计划写20页原稿纸(每页300字)的论文,考虑序论用1页,本论用17页,结论用1—2页。本论部分再进行分配,如本论共有四项,可以第一项3—4页,第二项用4—5页,第三项3—4页,第四项6—7页。有这样的分配,便于资料的配备和安排,写作能更有计划。毕业论文的长短一般规定为5000—6000字,因为过短,问题很难讲透,而作为毕业论文也不宜过长,这是一般大专、本科学生的理论基础、实践经验所决定的。 (三)编写提纲 论文提纲可分为简单提纲和详细提纲两种。简单提纲是高度概括的,只提示论文的要点,如何展开则不涉及。 这种提纲虽然简单,但由于它是经过深思熟虑构成的,写作时能顺利进行。没有这种准备,边想边写很难顺利地写下去。 以《关于培育和完善建筑劳动力市场的思考》为例,简单提纲可以写成下面这样: 一、序论 二、本论 (一)培育建筑劳动力市场的前提条件 (二)目前建筑劳动力市场的基本现状 (三)培育和完善建筑劳动力市场的对策 三、结论 详细提纲,是把论文的主要论点和展开部分较为详细地列出来。如果在写作之前准备了详细提纲,那么,执笔时就能更顺利。 下面仍以《关于培育和完善建筑劳动力市场的思考》为例,介绍详细提纲的写法: 一、序论 1.提出中心论题; 2,说明写作意图。 二、本论 (一)培育建筑劳动力市场的前提条件 1.市场经济体制的确立,为建筑劳动力市场的产生创造了宏观环境; 2.建筑产品市场的形成,对建筑劳动力市场的培育提出了现实的要求; 3.城乡体制改革的深化,为建筑劳动力市场的形成提供了可靠的保证; 4.建筑劳动力市场的建立,是建筑行业用工特殊性的内在要求。 (二)目前建筑劳动力市场的基本现状 1.供大于求的买方市场; 2,有市无场的隐形市场; 3.易进难出的畸形市场; 4,交易无序的自发市场。 (三)培育和完善建筑劳动力市场的对策 1.统一思想认识,变自发交易为自觉调控; 2.加快建章立制,变无序交易为规范交易; 3.健全市场网络,变隐形交易为有形交易; 4.调整经营结构,变个别流动为队伍流动; 5,深化用工改革,变单向流动为双向流动。 三、结论 1,概述当前的建筑劳动力市场形势和我们的任务; 2.呼应开头的序言。 上面所说的简单提纲和详细提纲都是论文的骨架和要点,选择哪一种,要根据作者的需要。 如果考虑周到,调查详细,用简单提纲问题不是很大;但如果考虑粗疏,调查不周,则必须用详细提纲,否则,很难写出合格的毕业论文。总之,在动手撰写毕业'论文之前拟好提纲,写起来就会方便得多。 三、毕业论文提纲的拟定 如何落笔拟定毕业论文提纲呢?首先要把握拟定毕业论文提纲的原则,为此要掌握如下四个方面: (一)要有全局观念,从整体出发去检查每一部分在论文中所占的地位和作用。看看各部分的比例分配是否恰当,篇幅的长短是否合适,每一部分能否为中心论点服务。 比如有一篇论文论述企业深化改革与稳定是辩证统一的,作者以浙江**市某企业为例,说只要干部在改革中以身作则,与职工同甘共苦,可以取得多数职工的理解。从全局观念分折,我们就可以发现这里只讲了企业如何改革才能稳定,没有论述通过深化改革,转换企业经营机制,提高了企业经济效益,职工收入增加,最终达到社会稳定。 (二)从中心论点出发,决定材料的取舍,把与主题无关或关系不大的材料毫不可惜地舍弃,尽管这些材料是煞费苦心费了不少劳动搜集来的。有所失,才能有所得。 一块毛料寸寸宝贵,台不得剪裁去,也就缝制不成合身的衣服。为了成衣,必须剪裁去不需要的部分。 所以,我们必须时刻牢记材料只是为形成自己论文的论点服务的,离开了这一点,无论是多少好的材料都必须舍得抛弃。 (三)要考虑各部分之间的逻辑关系。 初学撰写论文的人常犯的毛病,是论点和论据没有必然联系,有的只限于反复阐述论点,而缺乏切实有力的论据;有的材料一大堆,论点不明确;有的各部分之间没有形成有机的逻辑关系,这样的毕业论文都是不合乎要求的,这样的毕业论文是没有说服力的。为了有说服力,必须有虚有实,有论点有例证,理论和实际相结合,论证过程有严密的逻辑性,拟提纲时特别要注意这一点,检查这一点。 下面再简单阐述一下编写毕业论文提纲的方法: 1.先拟标题; 2.写出总论点; 3.考虑全篇总的安排:从几个方面,以什么顺序来论述总论点,这是论文结构的骨架; 4.大的项目安排妥当之后,再逐个考虑每个项目的下位论点,直到段一级,写出段的论点句(即段旨); 5.依次考虑各个段的安排,把准备使用的材料按顺序编码,以便写作时使用; 6.全面检查,作必。 毕业论文大纲格式范本有没有? 1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录) 3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。 4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。 主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。 5、论文正文: (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。 〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容: a.提出-论点; b.分析问题-论据和论证; c.解决问题-论证与步骤; d.结论。 6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。 中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息 所列参考文献的要求是: (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。 (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。 本科毕业论文大纲怎么写?注意,是大纲 封面(写上题目、学校、院系、学号、姓名) 内容摘要(第二页) 关键词 正文(第一部分、第二部分、第三部分) 结语 英文摘要 以上是本科毕业的论文格式。 毕业设计(论文)大纲格式样本: 一般先确定标题咯。 如: (不过标号有错),然后么大标题稍微描写下。 我们学校一般是搞任务书的 目录 引言…………………………………………………………………………………5 1.公务员的涵义与范围……………………………………………………………5 1.1 国外公务员的涵义与范围……………………………………………………5 1.2 我国公务员的涵义与范围……………………………………………………7 1.3 我国公务员和国外公务员的区别……………………………………………7 2. 报考公务员的现状和趋势 ……………………………………………………8 2.1近三年,报考公务员的人数和大学生占的比例 ……………………………9 2.2各专业学生可选择报考公务员岗位的情况 …………………………………10 2.3近三年公务员冷、热门岗位的竞争情况 ……………………………………11 3.“公务员热”产生的原因 ………………………………………………………12 3.1 宏观方面 ………………………………………………………………………13 3.1.1市场经济优胜劣汰机制和高校的不断扩招,导致大学生严峻的就业形势,从而催化了公务员考试过热的现象 ………………………………………………13 3.1.2目前我国社会保障制度尚不完善,相对来说,公务员这一“铁饭碗”具有极大的吸引力 ………………………………………………………………………14 3.1.3 “官本位”思想和父辈们的教育方式,影响了当代大学生的择业观念,导致了“公务员热”的产生 …………………………………………………………15 3.2公务员的录用方面 ……………………………………………………………16 3.2.1公务员录用采取的方式——公开考试,公平性 …………………………16 3.2.2公务员录用坚持的原则,合理性 …………………………………………17 3.3公务员的工资、福利待遇方面 ………………………………………………18 3.3.1公务员的工资,稳定性 ……………………………………………………18 3.3.2公务员的保险,全面性 ……………………………………………………19 3.3.3公务员的福利,优厚性 ……………………………………………………20 4.针对“公务员考试热”的建议 …………………………………………………21 4.1对 *** 而言 ……………………………………………………………………21 4.1.1进一步拓宽就业渠道,鼓励自我创业 ……………………………………21 4.1.2完善公务员制度,从立法上打破“铁饭碗”现象,公务员向职业化发展 ……………………………………………………………………………………22 4.1.3完善其他岗位相关的福利和保障体系,吸引更多人的目光 ……………24 4.2对高校而言 ……………………………………………………………………25 4.2.1加强对大学生的职业规划教育引导 ………………………………………25 4.2.2为学生推荐适合不同专业的职业岗位,防止出现盲目跟风的“羊群效应” …………………………………………………………………………………26 4.3对家庭而言 ……………………………………………………………………27 4.3.1改变传统的教育观念,鼓励子女选择适合的职位 ………………………27 4.3.2父母可适当降低择业期望值,引导孩子先就业后图发展 ………………28 4.4对个人而言 ……………………………………………………………………28 4.4.1做好个人的职业生涯规划,给自己合理定位,可以选择先就业再择业 ……………………………………………………………………………………28 4.4.2根据自身情况,从专业出发,确定职业目标 ……………………………29 4.4.3提高自身的择业心理素质,鼓励从基层工作做起 ………………………30 结论 …………………………………………………………………………………32 谢辞 …………………………………………………………………………………32 参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………3326edu/soft/24967。 论文提纲范文 我国上市公司资本结构优化的对策研究 摘 要:企业资本结构是影响企业治理结构的主要因素。 当前,我国企业改革正在向纵深推进,资本结构是否合理将直接关系到企业能否在市场上取得长远发展。因此,优化资本结构刻不容缓。 以我国国有上市公司为研究对象,从影响企业资本结构的因素入手,考察其资本结构现状,分析其原因及后果,在此基础上对资本结构的优化进行思考并提出一些意见和建议。? 关键词:上市公司;资本结构;优化? 1 现代资本结构优化的标准及影响因素? 作为企业本身,其经营的目标是最大限度的获取利润,投资者投资企业的目的也是获取最大的投资收益。 因此,企业的最优资本结构应是使企业利润、投资者收益最大化的。以市场价值最大作为评价企业资本结构的目标,隐含的假设是企业市场价值最大化与企业利润最大化相统一,与投资者投资收益最大化相统一。 但由于证券市场的盲目性,股票价格和企业利润的变化方向往往并不统一,并且在以两权分离为主要特征的现代企业中,企业投资者与经营者的目标并不一致。因此这样的假设是不成立的。 ? 另外,企业的市场价值是由股票的市场价值和债券的市场价值组成的。但我国的证券市场还不发达,在这种情况下,绝大多数企业的市场价值就难于正确的测定。 因此,以企业的市场价值作为评价企业资本结构的标准,缺乏可操作性。? 由此可看出,企业市场价值最大化不能成为企业资本结构优化的标准,企业资本结构优化应以企业利润最大化和投资者投资收益最大化双重标准的统一为标准。 ? 从资本结构优化的标准来看,企业都应存在最佳资本结构,但现实中很难准确的找到这一最佳结构。因为资本结构优化受多因素的影响。 一是资本成本。资本结构优化的根本目的之一就是使企业综合资本最低,而不同筹资方式的资本成本又是不同的。 二是财务风险。企业在追求财务杠杆利益时,必然会加大负债资本筹集力度,使企业财务风险增大。 因此必须充分考虑如何把财务风险控制在企业可承受的范围内。三是企业经营的长期稳定性。 企业对财务杠杆的运用,必须限制在不危及其自身长期稳定经营的范围以内。四是企业获利能力。 具有较高获利能力的企业使用的负债资本相对较少,因为它可以通过较多的内部积累来解决筹资问题。五是企业资产结构。 不同资产结构的企业利用财务杠杆的能力不同,房地产公司的抵押贷款较多,而以技术开发为主的公司则较少。? 2 我国国有上市公司资本结构现状及原因? 2.1 银行贷款比例高? 我国企业在20世纪80年代以前资金来源主要是财政无偿拨款,实行拨改贷之后,银行贷款成为企业外部融资的唯一方式,直到80年代末期,才有了股票与企业债券的融资方式。 银行对国有企业贷款要求很低,后来虽然加强了贷款抵押要求,但对没法还贷的企业,很少实施破产程序,银行对贷款企业的软约束造成了企业的高负债率。? 2.2 股票融资比例高? 资本成本是投资者在考虑目前的情况后愿意提供资金的报酬率。 任何投资的必要报酬率是投资者愿意为当前投资提供资金所期望获得的最低报酬率。银行贷款的资金成本最低,企业债券次之,股票酬资最高。 但由于我国股票市场历史不长,二级市场股价大部分时间处于高估的状态,企业往往将股票融资视为免费的午餐,将其成本只视为所需支付的红利。? 2.3 内部留存收益比例小? 我国和大部分发展中国家一样,内部融资比率相对于发达国家较低,我国企业处于扩张期内部积累不多,资产负债比率普遍偏高。 在企业的生长期,企业的迅速扩张需要大量的外部资金,企业会更多的依赖银行等金融机构,因而债务融资比率较高。? 2.4 债券融资比例小? 债券融资成本低于股票,另外税法规定债券利息在睡前列支,因此债券融资还可以给企业带来避税的好处,这样可以使每股税后利润增加。 可是我国由于股票市场和债券市场发育不平衡,债券市场发展严重滞后,企业发行债券受到 *** 额度的控制,使企业通过债券融资的余地很小。 3 优化我国上市公司资本结构的建议? 首先,我们看到负债率和资本利润率之间存在不对称。 一定比例负债可以给企业带来避税效应,以及约束、激励经营者等正面效应。但并不是负债额越高越好,必须保持在一定的比例范围内。 确定这个范围应考虑几个方面的因素。企业选择某一项目的基本前提使保证盈利或至少持平,这就要求借入资本的预期利润率不小于借款利息率。 另外,为了保证企业在借入某笔款项后,总体资本仍保持盈利或至少持平,就要求企业借款的预期利润率大于或等于加权平均资本成本率。? 其次,国有企业对股权融资过度偏好。 企业普遍认为发行股票于银行贷款和发行债券不同,它不需要到期时还本付息因此可以增加利润,提高企业的经营效率。因此我国的国有企业普遍把股票融资作为公司融资的首选途径,极力扩大发行额度,并且股利分配政策多以配股为主。 ? 但我们必须看到世界上没有免费的午餐,资本市场上更是如此。股权比例过高,会严重影响企业的经营效率。 债权对于企业来说是一种硬约束,而股权约束相对偏软,股权比例过高的资本结构。 谁给我个论文三级提纲的例子? 毕业论文提纲是学生在正式开始毕业论文写作之前提交给指导教师的一份报告,用以体现论文基本观点和论文总体结构。为加强这一工作环节的管理,保证论文写作顺利开展,特制定本要求。 一、毕业论文提纲结构及标准格式 本科毕业论文提纲包括(按顺序):封面、内容摘要及关键词、提纲内容等三部分。 (一)封面、内容摘要及关键词 提纲中封面、内容摘要及关键词的结构及格式要求,请参照《理论研究型毕业论文写作规范》中关于该三项内容的具体要求。 (二)提纲内容 1.结构说明:论文提纲要求至少列出论文的章、节、目三级标题,用以反映论文的结构框架和逻辑层次;此外,论文提纲的各级标题后都应有简洁的文字陈述观点,必须准确、清楚、合理地表达其涵盖的内容。 2.格式要求 (1)提纲内容文字:提纲内容文字的要求,请参照《理论研究型毕业论文写作规范》中关于“正文文字”的具体要求。 (2)提纲内容标题:. 提纲一级、二级、三级及以下标题格式要求,请参照《理论研究型毕业论文写作规范》中关于“正文文中标题”的具体要求。 二、毕业论文提纲其他格式要求 关于纸型及页边距、版式与用字、标点符号、计量单位、页码等格式要求,请参照《理论研究型毕业论文写作规范》中相应内容的具体要求,其中提纲内容页码的编排参照正文页码的编排要求。 大学毕业论文大纲怎么写? 如何写毕业论文大纲毕业论文大纲其实就是我们中学时候写作文要求的提纲. 写毕业论文大纲主要是提供我们论文写作的思路, 列出我们论文的框架结构, 这样方便我们后续写论文毕业论文大纲怎么写毕业论文提纲分为简单大纲和具体大纲简单大纲就类似于我们论文的目录,只要把主要部分的主题列出即可具体大纲就要求我们在简单大纲的基础上写出每个板块的主要内容.本科毕业论文大纲怎么写一般来说,我们只要写出简单大纲就可以.下面分享本人的亲笔写的大纲仅供参考.论文大纲论文题目:德中农村人口向城市流动的原因影响之比较引言:通过一幅漫画引入论文主题。 接着概括论文目的,论文大要,研究方向,前人对此研究等等!本论:1 农村人口向城市流动定义,中德农村人口流动现状2 德国农村人口向城市流动2.1德国农村人口向城市流动原因2.2德国农村人口向城市流动影响2.2.1德国农村人口向城市流动对农村的影响2.2.2德国农村人口向城市流动对城市的影响3 中国农村人口向城市流动3.1中国农村人口向城市流动原因3.2中国农村人口向城市流动的影响3.2.1中国农村人口向城市流动对农村的影响3.2.2 中国农村人口向城市流动对城市的影响4 德中农村人口向城市流动相同点不同点4.1相同点4.2不同点5 总结6 参考文献7 感谢。 求毕业论文范文格式模板 1、毕业论文格式的写作顺序是:标题、作者班级、作者姓名、指导教师姓名、中文摘要及关键词、英文摘要及英文关键词、正文、参考文献。 2、毕业论文中附表的表头应写在表的上面,居中;论文附图的图题应写在图的下面,居中。按表、图、公式在论文中出现的先后顺序分别编号。 3、毕业论文中参考文献的书写格式严格按以下顺序:序号、作者姓名、书名(或文章名)、出版社(或期刊名)、出版或发表时间。 4、论文格式的字体:各类标题(包括“参考文献”标题)用粗宋体;作者姓名、指导教师姓名、摘要、关键词、图表名、参考文献内容用楷体;正文、图表、页眉、页脚中的文字用宋体;英文用Times New Roman字体。 5、论文格式的字号:论文题目用三号字体,居中;一级标题用四号字体;二级标题、三级标题用小四号字体;页眉、页脚用小五号字体;其它用五号字体;图、表名居中。 6、格式正文打印页码,下面居中。 7、论文打印纸张规格:A4 210*297毫米。 8、在文件选项下的页面设置选项中,“字符数/行数”选使用默认字符数;页边距设为 上:3厘米;下:2.5厘米;左:2.8厘米;右:2.8厘米;装订线:0.8厘米;装订线位置:左侧;页眉:1.8厘米;页脚1.8厘米。 9、在格式选项下的段落设置选项中,“缩进”选0厘米,“间距”选0磅,“行距”选1.5倍,“特殊格式”选(无),“调整右缩进”选项为空,“根据页面设置确定行高格线”选项为空。 10、页眉用小五号字体打印“xx大学xx学院xxxx级XX专业学年论文”字样,并左对齐。 11、使用软件:Microsoft Word 2000以上版本。模板到处都是的啊,我看你也是什么都不会,这样吧 你去找慧聪论文服务网帮忙写,可以支付宝担保很安全。 毕业论文大纲怎么写?有没有模板? 下面仍以《关于培育和完善建筑劳动力市场的思考》为例,介绍详细提纲的写法: 一、绪论 1.提出中心论题; 2,说明写作意图。 二、本论 (一)培育建筑劳动力市场的前提条件 1.市场经济体制的确立,为建筑劳动力市场的产生创造了宏观环境; 2.建筑产品市场的形成,对建筑劳动力市场的培育提出了现实的要求; 3.城乡体制改革的深化,为建筑劳动力市场的形成提供了可靠的保证; 4.建筑劳动力市场的建立,是建筑行业用工特殊性的内在要求。 (二)目前建筑劳动力市场的基本现状 1.供大于求的买方市场; 2,有市无场的隐形市场; 3.易进难出的畸形市场; 4,交易无序的自发市场。 (三)培育和完善建筑劳动力市场的对策 1.统一思想认识,变自发交易为自觉调控; 2.加快建章立制,变无序交易为规范交易; 3.健全市场网络,变隐形交易为有形交易; 4.调整经营结构,变个别流动为队伍流动; 5,深化用工改革,变单向流动为双向流动。 三、结论 1,概述当前的建筑劳动力市场形势和我们的任务; 2.呼应开头的序言。 论文大纲怎么写啊? 写论文提纲还是比较容易的 从我自己的经验来说,首先你要确定题目,选题很重要,要觉得自己有话好说,有自己的观点可以阐述,我个人比较喜欢热点、焦点的东西,不喜欢那种被写烂了的题目。 题目选好以后,然后去找资料,你可以在网上搜索相关资料,最好你去学校图书馆的期刊网搜索。资料搜索好以后,然后整理一下,感觉还不错的,打印出来,因为在电脑上看很累。 打印好以后,你就看资料,看别人是如何写的,有那些新观点,思路,你可以在每份资料上面标上号码,便以区别。ok,然后准备要写了,论文一般都是分三部分,提出问题,分析问题,解决问题。 你可以一边看资料,一边把提纲列出来你可以这样 引言 一、XX问题的概念、特征 二、XX的利弊分析 (一)XX的价值所在 (二)XX的弊端 三、问题的解决 (一) (二) (三) (四) 结语 我给我同学也写过一些,老师都说写的不错,呵呵 基本格式就是这样,我是学法律的,但一般的论文都差不多,我给你最大的建议是资料要充足,要吃透,不要随便搞搞,这是不行的,祝你写成功。


教育 这个话题无论在何时厚实受到大家关注的,人类离不开教育,教育才会成长。下面是我为大家整理的关于教育的精选 议论文 ,欢迎大家一起来分享!关于教育的精选议论文篇一 教育,小而言之决定着人的命运;大而言之,决定着的前途。是竞争激烈的时代,高文凭俨然成了高薪水的代名词,,跻身白领,抬高身价,老师家长学生演绎着时代的疯狂。 名校陪读多疯狂 在一座座中学的附近,陪读村发展,意识到教育是人生唯一出路的家长们,抛弃了优越舒适的生活,浩浩荡荡地来到这里安营扎寨,与孩子一起为高考做。夜深啦,陪读村里仍透出点点灯光,灯光下那一张张写满疲惫却稍有懈怠的脸,令人不禁感慨应试教育的疯狂。让我从心底祝福,愿命运能青睐! 起跑线上多疯狂 让你的孩子赢在起跑线,耳熟能详的至理 名言 ,人不希望的孩子成才,便上演了起跑线的疯狂,要选的,老师要挑最棒的,培训班应运而生,证书漫天飞舞,是好孩子就得跟着大人跑,放弃的天性,丢掉的 爱好 ,个天真的孩子成了家长与同龄人竞争的砝码,成了家长炫耀的资本,小小年纪就背上家长给预定的成才计划,沉重的翅膀诉说艰难! 人生是一场漫长的 马拉松 ,最后的赢家起跑就冲在,长路漫漫,何苦一开始便把弄得精疲力竭?厚厚的镜片,病态的思想是对时代无声的控诉。 呜呼!疯狂的时代!时代的疯狂!教育民族复兴的原,懈怠!偏激!我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才! 拯救教育!拯救人才! 关于教育的精选议论文篇二 近来看了一本书,让我感触极深,这本书的名字叫做《中国的希望在哪里》。书名很好听,主要讲述的是中国的基础教育的落后,今后教育改革的方向,以及讲述了当今社会需要人才,中国的希望在于对人才的培养。 自从科举制度发明以来我国教育呈现出日趋完善的境况。科考也受到历代帝王的重视,因此,教育制度的完善也大大提高了人们的素质,更为国家培养了一批批人才。 著名的科学家钱学森也说过:“十年树木,百年树人”教育是兴国安邦的基础,是文明传承的纽带,是塑造灵魂的沃土。古往今来,“教育为民,教学为先”“百年大计,教育为本”教育的问题是关系到国计民生的问题,中国要屹立于世界民族之林,中国要发展强大,必须要有“具备创新思想的新型人才”人才从哪里来?当然是教育出来的,这是教育的第一要务,时代需要更新的人才,时代需要创新的教育。 中国的教育日趋完善,那为什么我们的学校老是培养不出杰出的人才呢? 问题在于,中国还没有一所大学能够按照培养科学技术发明创造人才的模式去教去学,都是一些人云亦云,一般化的,没有自己独特创新的东西,这是难以出现人才的主要问题。 在近代欧洲,规模并不大的社会经济转型,产生了包括马克思的一个又一个大家,当代中国的转型规模还是速度都是世界罕见的,去尚未能看到大师产生的踪影,屹今已有八位华人获得诺贝尔奖,但是十三亿人口的大陆,人才济济却无一人获奖,中国的希望在哪里,没有人才,哪来的希望。 至此我们因该明白,光是“教”或是“育”都是行不通的,只有两者结合,这样才有用。我们来看看现在的教育,许多青少年感叹压力太大,可是,父母的期望,老师的教导,国家的重担,统统被冠以“教育”之名压在原本一群活泼的有朝气的青少年肩上殊不知他们已经喘不过气来了,我不经要想像鲁迅先生那样发出呐喊:“救救孩子!”试想这样的教育能培养出真正的人才吗? 中国需要发展,发展需要人才,人才离不开教育,如果把“教”和“育”割裂开来,我们将永远都不能解开著名的“钱学森之问”了。 教育由“教”和“育”组成,“教”是言传身教,授业,解惑“育”是培养,养成人格之事业也,这两个字必然紧密的联系在一起,若,”教”与“育”分开,那教与育的含义就会混淆不清,因为教育的意义为“教授知识,培养人才”,人才造就中国的未来,教育成就希望。 中国需要发展,发展需要人才,人才离不开教育,教育培养人才,人才是中国的希望,只有教育,成才,希望三者互相协调,互相结合起来,才会有中国教育的美好未来,我们的美好未来! 关于教育的精选议论文篇三 苦者,乃五味之一,引申为劳苦。最早约见于《孟子·告子下》:“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志……”亚圣此言自古以来被作为修身的金玉良言。 如今时兴“苦难教育”(一说“挫折教育”,义同),其施教对象主要是青少年。大力倡导的做法之一是创设挫折情景,让他(她)们经历一番“苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身”的锻炼。还有一个与“苦难教育”殊途同归的活动叫作“忆苦思甜”,大人们用他们的苦难观教育我们,说他们那个时代是如何苦难,缺吃少穿,没钱读书,云云。 其实,每一时代都会有各自的苦难,只不过不同时代对苦难的感受不相同罢了。父辈们认为挖野菜、捡煤渣是苦难,有书念才是幸福。但现在的孩子却觉得只要能不被考试所累,宁愿去捡煤渣、挖野菜。大人们觉得现在的孩子生在好时代,长在蜜糖罐里,因而,总想让他们也体验一下自己儿时的苦难,诸如吃窝窝头,喝黑面粥,咽菜糊糊……然而,在孩子眼里,这些都不算苦难,反而从“忆苦饭”中尝到了刺激和新鲜感。如果可以交换,让大人们去体验现在孩子们学习的重压,对他们来说,重温童年,弥补学识的不足,何尝不是一大快事。 可见,苦难有它的时代性。这个时代是苦难的东西,下个时代或许成了游戏;上个时代的苦难,放在今天不一定是不幸;下个时代的幸福,放在上个时代也不一定就意味着好运。每个时代的人都在体验着各自的苦难,完全没有必要用自己时代的苦难去磨砺别人。因为他们都有各自的苦楚。 对父辈那个时代所经历的苦难,只要知道就够了,不需要重复。苦难对每个人来说,既不是生命的运气,也不是生命的不幸,它只是一个事实。人生在世,他的任务仅仅是在体验自己的那一份并在忍耐中清除它,而不应人为去制造它。倘若把孟老夫子《告子下》的话引向极端,进而视“苦难教育”为万能,其结果便是给下一代人增加了双重苦难。 我们应当走出这一误区。 关于教育的精选议论文篇四 论中国教育 中国的教育总能用死板来形容。 为什么说是死板呢? 这个问题我们应该在中国教育制度的实施中来寻找答案。 从古时科举到近代应试教育再到现在的素质教育,中国的教育制度发生了翻天覆地的改变化,但是从本质上来说却是一成不变的,都是一纸定人生。 古时的八股文,形式固定,内容僵硬,造出来的一批一批的所谓的人才,其实都是书呆子。仿佛这是自古天成的一样,中国的教育无论如何风风火火的改革,都只能造出纸上的皇帝,没有一点实际才干!可悲的中国教育… 再来说中国近代的应试教育,这是古科举发展到现代的辉煌时期。这个时期,中国的所有国民都在灵魂深处烙下了应试教育;这个时期,所有的国民都在应试教育的影响下练就了一身的非凡本领。这一身非凡的本领是什么呢?是用一刻钟背下一本书,是千千万万份试题只有一个答案,是无论什么知识都是死记硬背,从来不会去消化,只是单一的储存在脑中;天下万般事,唯有老师的指令是真理,即使老师是错的,大家都还是惟命是从。从来不会去思考什么对与错,只是一味的接受。 在这种教育制度下,即使你有再出众的才华,也只能被这种教育将才华点点抹平,让你成为一个大众化的人。 应试教育影响了很多代人,直到现在应试教育的概念都还在人门脑中安家,真是根深蒂固在我们的灵魂深处。 接下来谈的是素质教育。何为素质?以培养学生德、志、体、美、劳为重点,全面发展学生潜能,以实践与理论并重的理念来指导教育学生。这概念说得美仑美奂,但实际呢? 在学生中最流行这样一句话,‘减负课本少,教辅资料多。减负不减重,背上大山多。嘴上说素质,笔下是应试。’这句话真是形象啊! 应试教育,学生负担过重,到了素质教育,就马上提出“减负”这个概念。刚开始,学生们还欢喜了一阵,可到后来,大家却发现减负其实是形势上的减,实际是在加大我们的负担。课本上的知识变少了,课本变薄了,但是我们却高兴不起来。因为老师要求买的资料越来越多,课桌里早已被书塞满了,课桌上仍是山一般高的资料。难道这就是所谓的减负吗? 素质教育到底是何种教育啊?有人说这是变了称号的应试教育,对啊,打从一开始那些个教育专家就在那儿挂羊头卖狗肉,说的一套,做的又是另一套。他们简直把我们当猴耍。 我们这一代人,科举早已离我们远去,所以我们无法知道科举到底怎么样,但是我们却是从应试教育走向素质教育的一批先者,我们明白中国的教育制度。 在这个所谓的精英云集的时代,国家提出教育革新,教育多元化,于是便引进了所谓的精英人才教育,在这些这样那样的教育背后,其实还不是那一纸定人生。 我们还是学生,看着中国的教育之路,虽不如那些老师学者看得透彻明了,但我们作为中国教育的一份子,也深为自己的前途担忧。学海路一走就是十七、八年,人生的四分之一都用在了学习上,学习先贤圣明,学习科学计算,为人生后面的四分之三打基础。 但中国的教育现状着实让我们心忧。我们需要的是一条出路,是一种能走向成功的教育模式,不是这个时代下教育的牺牲品。 猜你喜欢: 1. 描写教育的满分议论文满分模板 2. 教育孩子成功的作文 3. 关于立德树人的议论文作文 4. 父母教育孩子议论文800字 5. 教育四个不为心得体会3篇

1、一路踏歌随梦,一路孜孜以求。每一个坚实的脚步都有一段美丽的故事,征程跋涉的一路锤炼,使我们的生命更加丰实而有内涵。 2、串一串生活的选择,便是一段心程,一段印迹,一幅色彩斑斓并墨韵淋漓的画卷,一篇飘逸散淡而深含哲理思辨的散文。 3、选择是一个崭新的开端,选择高耸的峭崖便需有“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”的信念;选择涌浪漫漫的大海便需有“直挂云帆济沧海的壮志豪情;选择寒风劲厉的荒漠便需有醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回”的博大胸怀……浪淘沙,千帆竞渡、勇者登峰巅。选择了一种道路,便要作千百次愈挫愈勇的奋争,“金戈铁马去,马革裹尸还,万里征程中有一曲韵律不变的永恒老歌,激励着跋涉者吹响号角擂动战鼓挂帆启航。“生死抉择”固然是一种悲壮的美,而经过一番心灵煎熬的选择,也未尝不值得称颂! 4、选择能养就美好的品性。当我们沿循着选择的道路不停不息不倦地去抗争去探求时,我们的生命也因此丰实而有真蕴,我们把潜藏于生命底端那浓烈信念宣泄出来,扬鞭策马尽情地挥洒才情去追求我们选择的甘美果实。让生命接受岁月风霜的浆洗,从而养就飘然若仙的儒雅风度和虚怀若谷的恬静胸襟。伯牙选择鼓琴江畔,严光选择垂纶富春,孔子选择观水于山上,陶潜选择采菊东蓠,辛弃疾放声“千古江山”,苏轼高歌“大江东去”,他们都在自己选择的道路上踏踩出俊美的人生,发小桥流水之思也罢,生命都因选择而更显丰美,我们从中滋养了美好而高洁的品性。


