
> 论文发表知识库

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一、正反观点式议论文万能句(对比观点型)作文框架模版给出观点——正反观点二选一(有的人认为,有的人认为,你的观点)There is a widespread concern over the issue that________(作文题目)But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. (开头一般题目给出)The majority think that________(观点一). First of all,________(原因一).Furthermore, ________(原因二). So it goes without saying that________(观点一).People,however,differ in their opinions on this people hold the view that________(观点二). On the one hand,________(原因一). On the other hand,________(原因二). Therefore, there is no doubt that ________(观点二)As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that观点一或二.It is not only because ________(原因一), but also because ________.(原因二)It's high time that________. (喊口号) Only in this way eventually can we ________(支持这一观点的结果)模版译文:有一个广泛引起关注的问题________。但众所周知有关这个热点话题的观点因人而异。绝大多数人认为________。首先,________。而且,________。因此不言而喻________。然而在这个话题上人们的观点各不相同。有的人持有的观点是________。一方面,________。另一方面,________。因此,毫无疑问________。就我而言,我强烈支持________的观点。不仅因为________,还因为________。该是________的时候了。只有这样我们最终才能________。二、“A或者B”类议论文万能句:(说明利弊型)作文框架模版:说明某一事物的优缺点及自己的看法Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily speaking, its advantages can be seen as follows. First of all ,________(A的优点之一).Moreover,________(A的优点之二).Besides ,________(A的优点之三)But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ________(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse, ________(A的第二个缺点).Through above analyses, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to________ (我的看法).或者(From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, (对前景的预测).模版译文:现如今很多人更喜欢A,因为它在我们生活中扮演了一个重要的角色。总的来说。他的优点如下。首先________。而且,________。除此之外,________。但凡事都有利有弊,消极的一面也是很明显的。最重要的缺点是________。更糟糕的是________通过以上分析,我认为积极的一面胜过消极的一面。因此,我更喜欢________。三、观点论述类议论文万能句:(现象说明型)作文框架模版现象说明型:说明某一现象及其产生的原因和自己的看法Nowadays, there are more and more ________ (某种现象) in ________ (某种场合). It is estimated that________ (相关数据). Why have there been so many ________ (某种现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. To begin with, ________ (原因一). Besides, (原因二). Last but not least, ________ (原因三).Personally, the main cause of ________ (某种现象) is due to ________ (最主要原因). It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing,________ (解决办法一). For another, ________ (解决办法二). All these measures will certainly reduce the amount of ________ (某种现象).模版译文:现如今在________(某种场合) 有越来越多的________。(某种现象) 据统计,________。为神马有如此多的________?也许原因如下。首先,________。除此之外,________。最后但同样重要的是,________。我认为,引起________的主要原因是________。该是时候采取些措施了。一方面,________。另一方面,________。所有这些措施都将会解决________。阐述主题型:要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述.四、"How to"类议论文万能句:(问题解决型)作文框架模版模版①要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)In recent days, we have to face a problem________A, which , surprisingly , is becoming more and more serious. First of all, ________(说明A的现状).Secondly, ________(举例进一步说明现状)Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing,________(解决方法一). For another, ________(解决方法二). Finally, ________解决方法三).Personally, I believe that ________(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because ________(带来的好处).模版译文:现如今我们不得不面对一个问题________A,这个问题正变得越来越严重。首先,________。其次,________。面对A,我们应该采取一系列的措施来解决这个处境。一方面,________。另一方面,________。最后,________。就我而言,我认为________。因此,我相信一个崭新的未来正在等待着我们,因为________。图表作文写作万能句(图表分析型)(常给出折线图、饼状图、条形、扇形等统计图)描写图表变化趋势的词:(建议使用斜体加横线的词,个人认为比较形象)上升:increase / rise / go up / rocket(迅速增加) 下降:decrease / reduce / come down/ decline快:quickly / rapidly / sharply / dramatically 慢:slowly / gradually作文框架模版As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentagein the table (graph/ picture /pie /chart ), ________(作文的议题)has been on rise (increases /drops /decreases ), significantly /dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from_% in _年_ to _%_ in _年_. From the sharp /marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that________(现象总结)There are at least two good reasons accounting for________(总结的现象). On the one hand, ____. On the other hand, ________ is duetothefactthat ________. In addition, __ is responsible for ________.(Maybe there are some other reasons to show it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. )As far as I am concerned,I hold the view that _______. It's high time that________. (喊口号) Only in this way can ________(支持这一观点的结果)模版译文:正如图表所展示的那样,________一直在增长。从图表中飞速的增长,不言而喻________。至少有两个原因来解释________。一方面,________。另一方面,________是因为________.除此之外,________是________的原由.就我而言,我持有________的观点.该是________的时候了.只有这样我们最终才能________。




除过阅读真题作文集,还注意在平时的阅读和听力训练中收集话题写作相关素材。我个人喜欢的一档电台节目是中国国际广播电台(CRI)的“圆桌会议(Round Table)”,里面有当下非常接地气的话题讨论,比如拼车、快递、青少年犯罪等。













英语议论文的注意事项:要坚持积累和训练,要写就写得整齐。应试中短文写作部分通常叫essay writing,其实只是要求考生表达对某事的立场或观点加之简要的分析和解释而已,因此除非有明确要求,通常不需要写题目。因为在国外所谓有题目的essay要正式的多,通常为上千字到几千字,有些甚至包括文献综述及分析。

如果要求写题目,那也是为了提醒考生在写作过程中时刻保持focus不至于跑题。作文题目一般有名字短语(如My View on Learning with APPs)、问句(如Is Learning with APPs a Good thing?)等形式。

其实质上是对审题阶段所提问题discussion question的陈述或回答,而正文其实就是对问题的分析和解答。 如果正文不能回答题目中蕴含的问题,那就是“文不对题”了。


议论文的格式应由三个部分组成:<1> 立论部分;<2> 论证部分; <3> 结论部分。一般说来,议论文可分三个基本段落来写:










Many students think that they do not need to learn Engish, because they don't plan to go abroad.

But as to me, I am not in favour of this point of view. I think that English is very important to us, so we should learn English well. First of all, in the opening times, if you want to do business with foreigners, you must use English because most of them speak and write in English.

Secondly, in the world today most books are written in English. If you know much English, you can read newspapers and magazines in English. Most important of all, you can learn something more widely.

All in all, I hold the opinion that we should learn English well. And I hope that all the students can use English freely.


Nowadays,many students like to make friends this different people have different opinions.

On the one hand,some

people think it's interesting totalk with friends you will never feel lonely when youare you are lucky enough to make a friend from Englishspeaking country,you can improve your English , it's pretty cool to have several foreign friends.

But every coinhas two a few people have made really goodfriends people are cheated by the "friends".Besides,it is terrible for students to spen

d much time makingfriends and talking online.

Some people say making friends online is making  there is something in what they say.

架起沟通的桥梁生命有如大海上的一座座孤岛,架起沟通的桥梁,他们便成为一体。生命的桥梁如同彩虹,它可以给人生增加绚丽的色彩。有了一座座连通心灵的桥梁,也就有了人与人之间的尊重、信任与相互理解。 远山连绵,溪水潺潺,夕阳的金辉洒在一片幽静的山林中,似乎万物都在静待着……忽然一首悠扬的琴曲声打破山林的寂静,阻遏了天上的行云,也阻住了一个人的脚步。他高声赞叹:“巍巍乎高山,浩浩乎江河!”从此中国历史上便留下了这一段“知音”的佳话。“知音”,也许换成知心才更合适。因为俞伯牙是用心在弹,而钟子期是用心在听,当心与心交融沟通成为一体时,人与人之间也就消除了隔膜没有了距离。人哪,拨动你的心灵之弦,张开你的心灵之耳吧,你可知,此时你已搭成了一座沟通的桥梁,直通心灵的彼岸。 “朝廷之臣莫不畏王,宫妇左右莫不么王,四境之内莫不有求于王,由此观之,王之蔽甚矣。”早朝上,邹忌娓娓道来,齐王正襟危坐,侧耳聆听,文武百官点头赞许。终于,王曰:“善。”于是鼓励百官进谏,于是奖励上书建言,于是表彰议论朝政。一座座沟通君民的桥染建成了,一个君臣相得的帝国兴起了。历史的传奇告诉我们,诚心与虚心是建成沟通之桥的必备材料。 水缓缓指动一双稚嫩的小手,这颗幼小的心灵正在认真体验着每个人都习以为常的水,迷惑而兴奋,她看不见水,也听不见水声,只能感受到它是如此温和柔软,就象站在一旁的老师。“WATER”,老师在她的手上写上这几个字母,但换来的只是沉默,老师重复着写下“WATER”,一遍又一遍,直到女孩脸上露出惊喜的笑容……海伦凯勒和她的老师就这样为我们谱出了一个文学史上的奇迹,不,说得准确些,是生命的奇迹。而这奇迹又是建立在一座沟通心灵的桥梁之上,这座桥的名字叫做“爱” 点数着这些的优美的名字:真心、诚心、虚心、爱心……朋友,你有什么收获呢?你没有一种冲动-----我要将这些桥与我身边的所有的人连通。


一、引出开头1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …( 就我所知…)2:Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注)3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题)4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题)5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……)6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……)7:A lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……)8:It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道...)二、表达不同观点1:People's views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……)2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解)3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异)4:There are different opinions among people as to……(对于……人们的观点大不相同)三、表示结尾1:In short, it can be said that……(总之,他的意思是……)2:From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that……(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论……)3:Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that……(把所有的这些因素加以考虑,我们自然可以得出结论……)4:Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that……(因此,我们最好的出这样的结论……)5:There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.(毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点)6:All in all, we cannot live without……,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.(总之,我们没有……无法生活,但同时我们必须寻求新的解决办法来面对可能出现的新问题)四、提出建议1:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了)2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……(毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够重视)3:Obviously ,if we want to do something … it is essential that……(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是……)4:Only in this way can we ……(只有这样,我们才能……)5:Sparenoeffortto+V(不遗余力的)五、预示后果1:Obviously,if we don't control the problem, the chances are that……will lead us in danger.(很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险)2:No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that ……(毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,否则我们很可能会……)3:It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation(很紧迫的是应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展)六、表示论证1:From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.(在我看来,支持第一种观点比第二种更有道理)2:I cannot entirely agree with the idea that……(我无法完全同意这一观点)3:As far as I am concerned/In my opinion,……(就我来说……)4:I sincerely believe that……==I am greatly convinced (that)子句.(我真诚地相信……)5:Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why ……(最后,坦率地说,还有另外一个实际的原因……)七、给出原因1:The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的原因是...) 2:This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons .First,…….Second,…….Third,……。这一现象存在有很多原因的,第一……第二……第三……3:For one thing,…… For another thing,…… ==On the one hand,……On the other hand……一方面……另一方面……4:I quite agree with the statement that……The reasons are chiefly as follows.我十分赞同这一论述,即……。其主要原因如下。八、列出解决办法和批判错误观点做法1:The best way to solve the troubles is……解决这些麻烦的最好办法是……2:As far as something is concerned,……就某事而言,……3;It is obvious that……很显然……4:It may be true that……but it doesn't mean that……可能……是对的,但这并不意味着……5;It is natural to believe that……but we shouldn't ignore that……认为……是自然的,但我们不应忽视……6:There is no evidence to suggest that……没有证据表明……九、表示好处和坏处1:It has the following advantages.它有如下优势2:It is beneficial/harmful to us.==It is of great benefit/harm to us.它对我们有益处3:It has more disadvantages than advantage.他有很多不足之处十、表示重要、方便、可能1:It is important(necessary/difficult/convenient/possible)for sb to do sth.对于某人做……是……2:It plays an important role in our life.十一、采取措施1:We should take some effective measures.我们应该采取有效措施2:We should try our best to overcome/conquer the difficulties.我们应该尽最大努力去克服困难3:We should do our utmost in doing sth.我们应该尽力去做……4:We should solve the problems that we are confronted/faced with.我们应该解决我们面临的困难十二、显示变化1:Some changes have taken place in the past five years.过去五年发生了很多变化2:Great changes will certainly be produced in the international communications.在国际交流中理所当然会发生很多大的变化3:It has increased/decreased from…to…他已经从…增加/减少到…4:The output of July in this factory increased by 15%.这个工厂7月份产量以增加了15%十三、表明事实现状1;We cannot ignore the fact that……我们不能忽略这个事实……2:No one can deny the fact that……没人能否认这个事实……3:This is a phenomenon that many people are interested (与...息息相关)十四、进行比较1:Compared with A,B……与A比较,B……2;I prefer to read rather than watch TV.十五、常用英语谚语1:Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩2:All is not gold that glitters.发光的未必都是金子3:All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马4:A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半5:Every advantage has its disadvantage有利必有弊6:A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里7:Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母8:Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母9:It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老10:Knowledge is power.知识就是力量11:Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人

一、正反观点式议论文万能句(对比观点型)作文框架模版给出观点——正反观点二选一(有的人认为,有的人认为,你的观点)There is a widespread concern over the issue that________(作文题目)But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. (开头一般题目给出)The majority think that________(观点一). First of all,________(原因一).Furthermore, ________(原因二). So it goes without saying that________(观点一).People,however,differ in their opinions on this people hold the view that________(观点二). On the one hand,________(原因一). On the other hand,________(原因二). Therefore, there is no doubt that ________(观点二)As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that观点一或二.It is not only because ________(原因一), but also because ________.(原因二)It's high time that________. (喊口号) Only in this way eventually can we ________(支持这一观点的结果)模版译文:有一个广泛引起关注的问题________。但众所周知有关这个热点话题的观点因人而异。绝大多数人认为________。首先,________。而且,________。因此不言而喻________。然而在这个话题上人们的观点各不相同。有的人持有的观点是________。一方面,________。另一方面,________。因此,毫无疑问________。就我而言,我强烈支持________的观点。不仅因为________,还因为________。该是________的时候了。只有这样我们最终才能________。二、“A或者B”类议论文万能句:(说明利弊型)作文框架模版:说明某一事物的优缺点及自己的看法Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily speaking, its advantages can be seen as follows. First of all ,________(A的优点之一).Moreover,________(A的优点之二).Besides ,________(A的优点之三)But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ________(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse, ________(A的第二个缺点).Through above analyses, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to________ (我的看法).或者(From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, (对前景的预测).模版译文:现如今很多人更喜欢A,因为它在我们生活中扮演了一个重要的角色。总的来说。他的优点如下。首先________。而且,________。除此之外,________。但凡事都有利有弊,消极的一面也是很明显的。最重要的缺点是________。更糟糕的是________通过以上分析,我认为积极的一面胜过消极的一面。因此,我更喜欢________。三、观点论述类议论文万能句:(现象说明型)作文框架模版现象说明型:说明某一现象及其产生的原因和自己的看法Nowadays, there are more and more ________ (某种现象) in ________ (某种场合). It is estimated that________ (相关数据). Why have there been so many ________ (某种现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. To begin with, ________ (原因一). Besides, (原因二). Last but not least, ________ (原因三).Personally, the main cause of ________ (某种现象) is due to ________ (最主要原因). It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing,________ (解决办法一). For another, ________ (解决办法二). All these measures will certainly reduce the amount of ________ (某种现象).模版译文:现如今在________(某种场合) 有越来越多的________。(某种现象) 据统计,________。为神马有如此多的________?也许原因如下。首先,________。除此之外,________。最后但同样重要的是,________。我认为,引起________的主要原因是________。该是时候采取些措施了。一方面,________。另一方面,________。所有这些措施都将会解决________。阐述主题型:要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述.四、"How to"类议论文万能句:(问题解决型)作文框架模版模版①要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)In recent days, we have to face a problem________A, which , surprisingly , is becoming more and more serious. First of all, ________(说明A的现状).Secondly, ________(举例进一步说明现状)Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing,________(解决方法一). For another, ________(解决方法二). Finally, ________解决方法三).Personally, I believe that ________(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because ________(带来的好处).模版译文:现如今我们不得不面对一个问题________A,这个问题正变得越来越严重。首先,________。其次,________。面对A,我们应该采取一系列的措施来解决这个处境。一方面,________。另一方面,________。最后,________。就我而言,我认为________。因此,我相信一个崭新的未来正在等待着我们,因为________。图表作文写作万能句(图表分析型)(常给出折线图、饼状图、条形、扇形等统计图)描写图表变化趋势的词:(建议使用斜体加横线的词,个人认为比较形象)上升:increase / rise / go up / rocket(迅速增加) 下降:decrease / reduce / come down/ decline快:quickly / rapidly / sharply / dramatically 慢:slowly / gradually作文框架模版As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentagein the table (graph/ picture /pie /chart ), ________(作文的议题)has been on rise (increases /drops /decreases ), significantly /dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from_% in _年_ to _%_ in _年_. From the sharp /marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that________(现象总结)There are at least two good reasons accounting for________(总结的现象). On the one hand, ____. On the other hand, ________ is duetothefactthat ________. In addition, __ is responsible for ________.(Maybe there are some other reasons to show it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. )As far as I am concerned,I hold the view that _______. It's high time that________. (喊口号) Only in this way can ________(支持这一观点的结果)模版译文:正如图表所展示的那样,________一直在增长。从图表中飞速的增长,不言而喻________。至少有两个原因来解释________。一方面,________。另一方面,________是因为________.除此之外,________是________的原由.就我而言,我持有________的观点.该是________的时候了.只有这样我们最终才能________。




一、引出开头1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …( 就我所知…)2:Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注)3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题)4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题)5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……)6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……)7:A lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……)8:It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道...)二、表达不同观点1:People's views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……)2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解)3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异)4:There are different opinions among people as to……(对于……人们的观点大不相同)三、表示结尾1:In short, it can be said that……(总之,他的意思是……)2:From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that……(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论……)3:Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that……(把所有的这些因素加以考虑,我们自然可以得出结论……)4:Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that……(因此,我们最好的出这样的结论……)5:There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.(毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点)6:All in all, we cannot live without……,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.(总之,我们没有……无法生活,但同时我们必须寻求新的解决办法来面对可能出现的新问题)四、提出建议1:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了)2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……(毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够重视)3:Obviously ,if we want to do something … it is essential that……(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是……)4:Only in this way can we ……(只有这样,我们才能……)5:Sparenoeffortto+V(不遗余力的)五、预示后果1:Obviously,if we don't control the problem, the chances are that……will lead us in danger.(很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险)2:No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that ……(毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,否则我们很可能会……)3:It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation(很紧迫的是应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展)六、表示论证1:From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.(在我看来,支持第一种观点比第二种更有道理)2:I cannot entirely agree with the idea that……(我无法完全同意这一观点)3:As far as I am concerned/In my opinion,……(就我来说……)4:I sincerely believe that……==I am greatly convinced (that)子句.(我真诚地相信……)5:Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why ……(最后,坦率地说,还有另外一个实际的原因……)七、给出原因1:The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的原因是...) 2:This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons .First,…….Second,…….Third,……。这一现象存在有很多原因的,第一……第二……第三……3:For one thing,…… For another thing,…… ==On the one hand,……On the other hand……一方面……另一方面……4:I quite agree with the statement that……The reasons are chiefly as follows.我十分赞同这一论述,即……。其主要原因如下。八、列出解决办法和批判错误观点做法1:The best way to solve the troubles is……解决这些麻烦的最好办法是……2:As far as something is concerned,……就某事而言,……3;It is obvious that……很显然……4:It may be true that……but it doesn't mean that……可能……是对的,但这并不意味着……5;It is natural to believe that……but we shouldn't ignore that……认为……是自然的,但我们不应忽视……6:There is no evidence to suggest that……没有证据表明……九、表示好处和坏处1:It has the following advantages.它有如下优势2:It is beneficial/harmful to us.==It is of great benefit/harm to us.它对我们有益处3:It has more disadvantages than advantage.他有很多不足之处十、表示重要、方便、可能1:It is important(necessary/difficult/convenient/possible)for sb to do sth.对于某人做……是……2:It plays an important role in our life.十一、采取措施1:We should take some effective measures.我们应该采取有效措施2:We should try our best to overcome/conquer the difficulties.我们应该尽最大努力去克服困难3:We should do our utmost in doing sth.我们应该尽力去做……4:We should solve the problems that we are confronted/faced with.我们应该解决我们面临的困难十二、显示变化1:Some changes have taken place in the past five years.过去五年发生了很多变化2:Great changes will certainly be produced in the international communications.在国际交流中理所当然会发生很多大的变化3:It has increased/decreased from…to…他已经从…增加/减少到…4:The output of July in this factory increased by 15%.这个工厂7月份产量以增加了15%十三、表明事实现状1;We cannot ignore the fact that……我们不能忽略这个事实……2:No one can deny the fact that……没人能否认这个事实……3:This is a phenomenon that many people are interested (与...息息相关)十四、进行比较1:Compared with A,B……与A比较,B……2;I prefer to read rather than watch TV.十五、常用英语谚语1:Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩2:All is not gold that glitters.发光的未必都是金子3:All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马4:A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半5:Every advantage has its disadvantage有利必有弊6:A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里7:Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母8:Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母9:It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老10:Knowledge is power.知识就是力量11:Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人


















Many students think that they do not need to learn Engish, because they don't plan to go abroad。

But as to me, I am not in favour of this point of view。I think that English is very important to us, so we should learn English well。First of all, in the opening times, if you want to do business with foreigners, you must use English because most of them speak and write in English。

Secondly, in the world today most books are written in English。If you know much English, you can read newspapers and magazines in English。Most important of all, you can learn something more widely。

All in all, I hold the opinion that we should learn English well。 And I hope that all the students can use English freely。




第1段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages.


第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is that...(赞同A的原因)

第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2个B的优势) 结论:

第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论) オ




第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法)


第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)



As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对) The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)


第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由)


第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总-分-总"结构)


第1段:Recently we've had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)


第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点) The reasons are listed as follows. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个赞成的理由)

第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)

Here are the reasons. In the first place... What's more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由)


第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点) オ

Dear Editor:

[引出话题] I’m a senior three student. I’m writing to tell you my opinion on whethermiddle school students can go to school with mobile phones. [赞成]I think they can do that. Because students can keep in touch with their friends and family wherever they are. Besides, the mobile phone is a way to have fun.

[反对] However, every coin has 2 sides. There are some problems with using mobile phones. The ring of phones can disturb teachers and students in the classroom. Another students is that some students can spend too much time and money on phone calls and sending messages.

[个人观点] In conclusion, I suggest students not use phones in the classroom. Also, as it is expensive, the owner should take good care of it.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

一、正反观点式议论文万能句(对比观点型)作文框架模版给出观点——正反观点二选一(有的人认为,有的人认为,你的观点)There is a widespread concern over the issue that________(作文题目)But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. (开头一般题目给出)The majority think that________(观点一). First of all,________(原因一).Furthermore, ________(原因二). So it goes without saying that________(观点一).People,however,differ in their opinions on this people hold the view that________(观点二). On the one hand,________(原因一). On the other hand,________(原因二). Therefore, there is no doubt that ________(观点二)As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that观点一或二.It is not only because ________(原因一), but also because ________.(原因二)It's high time that________. (喊口号) Only in this way eventually can we ________(支持这一观点的结果)模版译文:有一个广泛引起关注的问题________。但众所周知有关这个热点话题的观点因人而异。绝大多数人认为________。首先,________。而且,________。因此不言而喻________。然而在这个话题上人们的观点各不相同。有的人持有的观点是________。一方面,________。另一方面,________。因此,毫无疑问________。就我而言,我强烈支持________的观点。不仅因为________,还因为________。该是________的时候了。只有这样我们最终才能________。二、“A或者B”类议论文万能句:(说明利弊型)作文框架模版:说明某一事物的优缺点及自己的看法Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily speaking, its advantages can be seen as follows. First of all ,________(A的优点之一).Moreover,________(A的优点之二).Besides ,________(A的优点之三)But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ________(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse, ________(A的第二个缺点).Through above analyses, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to________ (我的看法).或者(From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, (对前景的预测).模版译文:现如今很多人更喜欢A,因为它在我们生活中扮演了一个重要的角色。总的来说。他的优点如下。首先________。而且,________。除此之外,________。但凡事都有利有弊,消极的一面也是很明显的。最重要的缺点是________。更糟糕的是________通过以上分析,我认为积极的一面胜过消极的一面。因此,我更喜欢________。三、观点论述类议论文万能句:(现象说明型)作文框架模版现象说明型:说明某一现象及其产生的原因和自己的看法Nowadays, there are more and more ________ (某种现象) in ________ (某种场合). It is estimated that________ (相关数据). Why have there been so many ________ (某种现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. To begin with, ________ (原因一). Besides, (原因二). Last but not least, ________ (原因三).Personally, the main cause of ________ (某种现象) is due to ________ (最主要原因). It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing,________ (解决办法一). For another, ________ (解决办法二). All these measures will certainly reduce the amount of ________ (某种现象).模版译文:现如今在________(某种场合) 有越来越多的________。(某种现象) 据统计,________。为神马有如此多的________?也许原因如下。首先,________。除此之外,________。最后但同样重要的是,________。我认为,引起________的主要原因是________。该是时候采取些措施了。一方面,________。另一方面,________。所有这些措施都将会解决________。阐述主题型:要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述.四、"How to"类议论文万能句:(问题解决型)作文框架模版模版①要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)In recent days, we have to face a problem________A, which , surprisingly , is becoming more and more serious. First of all, ________(说明A的现状).Secondly, ________(举例进一步说明现状)Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing,________(解决方法一). For another, ________(解决方法二). Finally, ________解决方法三).Personally, I believe that ________(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because ________(带来的好处).模版译文:现如今我们不得不面对一个问题________A,这个问题正变得越来越严重。首先,________。其次,________。面对A,我们应该采取一系列的措施来解决这个处境。一方面,________。另一方面,________。最后,________。就我而言,我认为________。因此,我相信一个崭新的未来正在等待着我们,因为________。图表作文写作万能句(图表分析型)(常给出折线图、饼状图、条形、扇形等统计图)描写图表变化趋势的词:(建议使用斜体加横线的词,个人认为比较形象)上升:increase / rise / go up / rocket(迅速增加) 下降:decrease / reduce / come down/ decline快:quickly / rapidly / sharply / dramatically 慢:slowly / gradually作文框架模版As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentagein the table (graph/ picture /pie /chart ), ________(作文的议题)has been on rise (increases /drops /decreases ), significantly /dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from_% in _年_ to _%_ in _年_. From the sharp /marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that________(现象总结)There are at least two good reasons accounting for________(总结的现象). On the one hand, ____. On the other hand, ________ is duetothefactthat ________. In addition, __ is responsible for ________.(Maybe there are some other reasons to show it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. )As far as I am concerned,I hold the view that _______. It's high time that________. (喊口号) Only in this way can ________(支持这一观点的结果)模版译文:正如图表所展示的那样,________一直在增长。从图表中飞速的增长,不言而喻________。至少有两个原因来解释________。一方面,________。另一方面,________是因为________.除此之外,________是________的原由.就我而言,我持有________的观点.该是________的时候了.只有这样我们最终才能________。


有很多的同学在写英语 作文 的时候,也会写一些经典的议论文,我整理了相关范文,希望会对大家有所帮助!














Everyone dreams about the future. I also have a dream about my life in 20 years. I will live inShanghaiwith my families because we like it very much. It will be more beautiful. I will teach in a middle school. I will be a good English teacher.

I will love my students, and my students will love me, too. We will be good friends. I will do sports with my students every day. Swimming and running will be my favorite sports. I will be healthy and strong. There will be more robots everywhere. They will help us do many things. I believe we will have more time to study and play.

This is my future dream. What do you think of it?


My ideal work has many, for instance doctor, police, boss, entrepreneur, scientist .

But I most like working as boss. When boss has many advantage for example: May make money, buy the house, to buy the car, to be filial piety the parents, to make the contribution, the gang disaster area person for the Project Hope to do decides the life the expense .......

I thought that I certainly will work as boss in the future. What but I most am now main is studies well, can work as boss.


My future will be happy. I already graduated at that time from the university. I will have a stable will have my family, my husband,and a lovely child. What will be my future job?

I have many ideals. I want to work as a singer, stands on the stage sings for the people; I want to work as a nurse, cure illness, brings the health for the people; I want to work as a pilot, drives the airplane in the blue sky; I want to work as a gardener, with a little bit sweat irrigation flowers, lets our life forever fill the green. After growing want to ba a will have many day I will give many classes to them. I will become a teacher who is always preparing my can certainly be a good teacher in the future.

I will also be a volunteer of my city. I will help a great deal of many meaningful things. I will Make contribution to my city and the society.

If I can became an teacher, they are my forever hopes. this will be my future, when a grade teacher's dream.

I will have a bright I will study hard and make preperation for my future.


It's my dream to be a teacher .

Why do I have this dream ? Becasue I like this teachers are sometimes strict with us. They are always friendly to us and often help us with our study .They not only teach us too much knowledge, but also tell a lot of principle .So I'd like to became a teacher in the future . From now on , I should go on working hard and listen to the teacher carefully in the I Should



My opinion on copying others' homework

It is konwn to us all that some students copy others' homework,their reasons are as below:first of all,the homework is too much and always difficult;the second,they are not intrested in the lessons;and the third,the aim of finishing their homework is to please the teacher.

In my opinion,copying others' homework is not good,because it's against the rules of the should be honest and work hard to get high we have difficulties,we can even ask the teacher or our classmates for their help.


Now it is common that students copy homework from their classmates. I think it is a terrible thing . Because homework is their own task and the check for what they learn in class.

If they copy others' homework , the teachers won't get the fact so they can't help the students to improve. Besides ,if the students can't finish their homework, they can't get the chance to go over their lessons so they can't make progress. So don't copy others' homework.


In the picture we can see that a man is fishing attentively by the him there is a scholar who is stealing the fish in the man’s is obvious that the drawer of the picture tries to reveal a serious problemin the academic circle of our country — plagiarism. In recent years academiccheats have become rampant. Quite a lot of graduate students and scholars“use” others’ ideas, articles and papers without acknowledging the sourceof information.

They copy them without the fear that they might be a long time we paid less attention to the problem of plagiarism, butnow we are increasingly aware of its negative effects. Plagiarists’misconduct simply mean “stealing” others’ intellectual and academicaccomplishments, which not only depreciates their own humanity but contaminatesthe climate of the academic circle. Academic falsification is like an epidemicdisease that spreads fast and will destroy the healthy development of academicstudies. What’s worse, these plagiarists have set a very disreputable exampleto the younger generation.

So what attitude should we hold towards it? From my point of view, weshould resolutely battle against this ill phenomenon. Education of moralityshould be strengthened among the scholars and students. Those who steal others’academic achievements should be given severe punishment whenever they arespotted. If necessary, we can resort to the law to protect the interest of theoriginal writer and inventor. We must recognize that fighting againstplagiarism requires our persistent efforts.


在画中我们可以看到一位男子正在专心地在湖边钓鱼,在他身后有一位学者模样的人正从钓鱼人的鱼桶中偷鱼。显然,作这幅画的人是想揭示我国学术界的一个严重的问题—— 剽窃。近年来学术欺诈盛行,有不少研究生、学者“利用”别人的想法、文章和论文而不注明信息来源。



教育 是雅思写作非常爱考的话题了,话不多说,看看我给大家分享的关于教育的雅思 作文 及分析。


1. 教育应该包括哪些内容

母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfil both these functions?

提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇 文章 ,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility)、维护社会稳定这几个方面来展开,对于个人,可以写改变思维模式、有利于就业和便利生活来写。

子题:大学应当教授理论知识还是实践技能?大学的是应当把学生培养成合格的公民还是让他们自己得益?准备未来职业最好的 方法 是上大学还是尽快离校积累工作 经验 ?大学要不要扩招?中学阶段应当提供通才教育还是专才教育?要不要延长义务教育年限?要不要让农村地区的学生更容易上学?老师要教学生如何判断是非吗?

2. 学校的科目谁来选择

母题:Some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss the two views and give your opinion.


子题1:政府选课or 老师选课?学生选择所有的科目or根据兴趣自行选择?



3. 什么样的教学方式最好

母题:Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

提示:远程教育最大的好处,就在于三个any:anybody, anywhere, any time. 缺点是缺乏师生之间以及学生之间的interaction, 缺乏教师的moral guidance, 因为没有体育课且久坐电脑前,会引发健康问题。

子题:私立学校好不好? 留学 好不好?要不要分快慢班?小组学习还是单独学习好?

4. 谁来为学费买单

母题:Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefit the students themselves not the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


子题:政府要为学生买单吗?(缺点是给政府带来经济负担,这类话题写法和 其它 政府类话题一样)

5. 家庭教育

母题:Some people say that children should obey the rules of their parents and teachers, while other people think children will not be well-prepared for their adult life if they are given too much control. Discuss in both sides and give your opinion.

提示:写一下各自的好处就可以了,最后的结论是早年的时候要教授他们明辨是非,对于做错的事情要惩罚,但是也要适可而止让其 兴趣 爱好 得到自由发展。

子题:穷人家的孩子是否早当家?家长是否应该为五岁小孩的犯罪负责?要不要把小孩趁早送到学校去?老师对 儿童 的智力和社会发展所起的作用大于家长吗?同龄人压力(peer pressure)的利弊?


题目分析:students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources( or TV) do you agree or disagree?




第三段:第二个分论点,认为从老师身上不仅可以学到知识,而且老师可以为学生提供监管。第四段:驳论段,说明在学生也可以从其它方面资源地方学习。第五段: 自然结尾,重申主题。

范文 :

The updated understanding of study and the cutting-edge technology(尖端科技) usher in an era when the students can have a variety of ways to acquire knowledge(学习知识). Although there are other forms to obtain knowledge and information, I am still the proponent(支持者) of the belief that students can learn more from their teachers than other , to some degrees, is not a one-way input of knowledge, while it is the procedure of mutual interaction between teachers and students. In theconventional teaching and learning mode(传统的教学和学习模式), teachers and students co-exist in an environment where they can have timely interaction. This means teachers can have a more comprehensive and directly understanding of their students’ shortcomings and strong points, which guarantees that students can learn more from the courses that are tailored(量体裁衣的,有针对性的)to their is apparent that students can obtain more knowledge from their teachers because teachers do not only function as craftsmen(匠人,工匠) who only impart knowledge(传递知识) but also serve as a supervisor or a guardian.

This is especially true in the case where students are less self-disciplined (自律的)and are inclined to go astray (误入歧途)without the supervision and guidance of teachers. By comparison, others resources of learning such as Internet and TV sometimes are likely to make the students distracted due to a host of irrelevant information,(不相关信息) which will undermine (一点点削弱)their learning efficiency and make students learn is also true that students are likely to learn more from other resources. Internet and TV are two media where there are a wealth of (很多)knowledge and information ranging from science and humanity.

They are also the easily accessible platforms for the students who are in the remote places(偏远地区)where the teaching resources are not so abundant (充足的)as that in more developed regions. However, other learning resources can hardly challenge the dominant role (主导地位)played by sum up, teachers are still the primary resource from whom the student can gain knowledge, although the influence of other learning resources cannot be underestimated.


题目:Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every what extent do you agree or disagree?


Although the idea of gender equality in society, is a laudable concept, I believe a more modest adjustment of severely gender-imbalanced courses would be more practical than a draconian imposition of a 50/50 balance in all university courses.

Some people feel that females are underrepresented and do not have equal opportunities in certain professions such as upper management and engineering while others believe society would be better served if more males worked in some professions such as nursing, translating and primary school teaching. Both groups feel that not only competition for university places but also social stereotyping plays a role here; that is, if a more gender-balanced workforce were visible, then more young people would feel that it would be socially acceptable for them to follow suit and enter professions that are traditionally associated with the opposite sex.

I agree with these arguments but the correction of gender inequality and imbalance in the workplace cannot take place in the universities only — changes should also be made in society as a whole, including education at the pre-university level. Furthermore, the sudden imposition of a rigid 50/50 gender balance in university classes, where there is usually, say, an 80/20 male/female ratio, would probably result in many highly qualified and highly motivated males losing out to some females who were not very academically qualified for those courses and possibly not very interested in pursuing those professions.

On the other hand, if the last of class allotments in heavily imbalanced classes were reserved for the 'minority’ sex, and if academic standards were not drastically compromised in the process, then I believe society would benefit.







Good facilities can be found in cities but not in the countryside. Therefore, new doctors and teachers should be sent to the countryside.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



1农村医疗教育基础设施服务都很匮乏,处于劣势,将老师医生引入,有利于缓解这一困境(hospitals, clinics and schools are severely understaffed in rural areas, compared with their overstaffed counterparts in the city);

2对新人医生和教师也有裨益,城市里竞争激烈实践机会有限去农村可以增加工作经验,并且可以少借助医疗设备和教学辅助工具,从而提升职业技能(To the doctors or teachers that graduate freshly with a degree only, working in rural areas enables them to enrich work experience within the shortest possible period of time)。弊端也很明显,比如强制性分配违反人权,阻止他人追求更高生活质量的目标和愿望(compulsory assortment is not justifiable/it is not ethical to stop the desire of individuals for a more satisfying quality of life).


To conclude, working for a period of time in the country benefits new teachers and doctors alike with increasing their work experience and meanwhile, address the service shortage facing those areas. However, the voluntary sing-up should be guaranteed, instead of mandatory assignment.



Some people argue that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history gives many benefits.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


教育类老题---是否应该学历史,如果文章选取支持,可以从以下角度支撑:1. 学习历史可以借鉴前人知识,以史为鉴,避免走弯路,做出更明智的决定(understanding the past contributes to people’s decision making in today’s social context); 2. 也可以提高人们的分析能力,看问题的辩证能力(It is not only to seek self-knowledge, but also to enhance their skills and make themselves all-round individuals);从反面来看,学习历史也会有不可取之处,现在的世界日新月异,社会已经很复杂,过去的事情只有在特定语境下才有借鉴意义(the lesson from the past might be applicable in particular circumstances only)


As indicated above, studying history is of critical importance, particularly in increasing one’s knowledge and enhancing one’s intellectual abilities. However, it should not be attached with unjustified importance because its applications in today’s society are not known with certainty.



1、城市是反自然的。高度城市化的结果,就是疏离自然。乡村是自然的,而城市是反自然的。当然,在某种程度上,反自然正是人类社会得以存在并发展的必然代价。从乡村到城市,这是人类文明发展的不同阶段。第一代优秀的人类,他们是农业文明的创造者;第二代优秀的人类,则是擅长建造城市的动物。但是,人类的天性是追求自然的,人本来就是自然的一分子。 所以,居住在城市的人往往有被困在牢笼的感觉。犹如鸟丧失了蓝天和森林被养在金丝笼里。城市里树木很少,更没有森林。城市有的是混凝土建筑丛林,无数的人就栖居在那些笼子一样的方框里。压抑和窒息的感觉油然而生。然而,空间越是狭小,人的欲望越是膨胀。城市是一个发酵欲望、膨胀欲望的地方。在城市,享受和攫取的欲望比乡村强烈百倍。因为城市每时每刻都面对着潮水般新鲜好用而又赏心悦目的物质,同时也给人洞开着各种享受的方便之门。这些物质能刺激起人的所有欲望,这些方便之门能激发起人的深层的窥探欲望和冒险欲望。 城市是一把双刃剑。现代城市的商业文化属性,一方面使它冲淡了门第、家族的制约,人们获得了更多的自由、平等和民主;但是另一方面,城市人、尤其是大城市人,人们的价值观念更趋向于理性化和实际化。商业化原则是利益驱动原则,商业化城市的人际关系基本上是利益关系,人际关系的变化和转移的准绳是利益和金钱。乡村的亲切微笑的面庞,在城市开始变得遥远而模糊。于是,人们也便分明地感到城市的残酷和薄情。城市里的诸多现代化便利条件和全球化联系,既给人提供了发挥人的创造才能的诸多机会,也把人捆绑在了社会大机器飞速转动的齿轮上,无法自拔,而身心疲惫,麻木不仁。现在正是城市化发展,许多人都涌向城市,乡村人都赶着圆他们的城市梦,做个城市人。乡村变得零落起来了,甚至有些十室九空。可,我就是有点对时代的叛逆,即使城市如此繁荣,我也难以说服自己叛逆的心。看着纽约曼哈顿的鸟瞰之照,这让人赞叹的人类的伟大之林,仅仅使我联想起戈壁上的蚁窝。我不喜欢城市,其主要原因是城市的空气——一团富含二氧化碳,带着文明发展的热量、尘埃和汽油分子的混合物。它是我对城市的第一印象,也是最深刻的印象。男人和女人,老人与小孩,刚出生的和将去世的,总总几十几百万个肺在呼吸着本不多氧气的弹丸之地上的空气。而这恩泽的氧气还要经过机床的鼻孔的过滤,汽车的屁股的洗礼。鄙人陋贱,无福消受这文明的仙气。我更喜欢野里的空气,用以净化我的肺。城市的空气是热的,是多尘埃的。热是因为城市多人、热情、沸沸扬扬,里面包含着各种各样的人,各种各样的意识形态,各种各样的态度……多尘埃,所以城市里头,人与人是看不清对方的,这也与城市多人,混繁复杂有关。乡村的空气与城市的刚刚相反,它是冷的、清的、纯的,人们的面目是清晰的。我是个喜欢孤独又害怕孤独的人。所以,我不能总留在城市或总呆在乡村。不过,我在它们逗留的时间还是有差别的。就像我用上大半个小时踱步林阴小道,而只消三分钟来穿越市场一样。可在繁华的城市也不见得不寂寞,凡人群集聚的地方就有寂寞。我总感到一种被放逐的落魄。就像一只被遗弃的狗巴着眼期待那不回头的主人,或像烂醉的潦倒诗人躺在破船叹息远去的两岸。幸有一群知音良友的救赎,人生路上算是有了一个港湾。 到繁华的城市看众生相,在宁静的乡村思考 2、 网络虚拟家庭正在改变人们的生活,并且越来越迅速,越来越全面的介入了普通中国人生活的方方面面。人们在网络上学习、工作、交友、恋爱、甚至成立家庭。网络虚拟家庭,即在网络虚拟空间中成立的“家庭”,近几年来开始在中国内地兴起并盛行。有人是因为寂寞,有人在寻求一种感情的补偿,有人是为了追逐潮流,但共同点在于,发生在网络上的情感关系是他们成立虚拟家庭的一个核心的动机。人们与网络上的家庭伴侣之间的关系既有网络恋爱的元素,又有类似于现实家庭生活中夫妻感情的成分。既在某些方面体现出吉登斯所说的“纯粹关系”(pure relationship)的特质,又反映了现实家庭中情感功能的重要性的提升。这两者融合在当前中国的现实空间,一方面,体现了网络对人们交往方式以及人与人之间关系的改变和影响,另一方面,也是中国传统家庭婚恋观的变迁在网络上的某种表达。无论男人还是女人,要想缓解焦虑,多个家庭(虚拟的)又何妨?当然,建立虚拟家庭是调节心理问题的一个手段,真正的调解应该力争在现实里、在家庭和事业中去实现。生命是有限的,精力也是有限的,每个人都应该合理把握现实与虚拟中的自我状态。这样,才能拥有一个丰满的人生。虚拟家庭,目前比较有代表性的,国内有赛客公司开发的专注于以组建家庭为核心的虚拟家庭网;国外有“Last Day of Work”带来的作品《虚拟家庭》 国内的虚拟家庭代表:赛客虚拟家庭 网站介绍赛客虚拟家庭赛客虚拟家庭,是一个以组建虚拟家庭为核心的交友网,虽然该网站致力于提升家庭幸福指数,但大部分的网友却把它当成了排遣寂寞情感的暧昧平台。 最近,某区的王发现,丈夫黄某(化名)在网上和别人布置新房,喊别人老婆,“对象”有3个。王某因此认为黄某精神出轨,是背叛她的前兆。对此,黄某不以为然:“玩玩而已,不会影响我对老婆的感情。” 王某和黄某是大学同学,也是她的初恋。结婚8年,夫妻感情稳定。王某说,以前,黄某喜欢和朋友一起耍,喜欢看电视、打PSP游戏机,不怎么上网。两个月前,黄某突然爱上了上网,一上就是三四个小时,有时过了凌晨12时都不睡,总说是查资料。王某去看,发现他在网上闲逛。 上周四晚,黄某上厕所,正好网页没关,王某发现,原来黄某在一个叫“乐巢虚拟家庭”的交友网站上,有3个老婆,还和“老婆”共建爱巢“同居”。王某说,黄某在乐巢虚拟家庭注册成为会员后,买了3套虚拟的大房子,分别与3个异性“同居”,一起买虚拟家具,布置虚拟家庭,在虚拟空间里享受温馨的二人世界。 聊天记录中,在黄某注册赛客爱情公寓后,就有少妇找来,于是他心血来潮,花了点钱买了情侣房,网站又推荐了个少妇给他,叫他出去,王某说明天晚上去附近的宾馆,这个少妇说他一定要带上套。以后黄某和网络老婆打得火热,常说:“老婆,我想你了”、“老婆,亲一个”等肉麻的话。当天,王某和黄某大吵了一架。近几天,两人没说话。 “完全是小题大作。”黄某说,没想到妻子反应如此大。他说,只是玩玩,没想过要做对不起王某的事,也没把乐巢虚拟家庭当真:“从没觉得网络老婆会影响我对妻子的感情。” “王某想多了。”黄某的朋友张扬说,黄某没有出轨的想法,根本没把虚拟家庭当真。 “他们的婚姻已进入理性冷淡期。”某咨询中心首席心理咨询师罗先生称,期间,夫妻双方对婚姻失去****,缺乏新鲜感,便上网寻找新的刺激点。虽是虚拟家庭,有可能引导他在现实中尝试,对婚姻有负面影响。 婚姻情感类咨询专家周小燕说,婚姻中精神出轨伴有强烈的离婚意愿和不同程度的热暴力或冷暴力。黄某玩虚拟家庭不影响正常生活,说不上精神出轨。王某如处理不好,有可能家庭破裂。应及时沟通,多关心丈夫,将他的热情转移到生活中,冲突自然会平息。 虚拟家庭和网络偷菜一样,是满足不同需求的虚拟游戏,令玩家得到不同程度的情感满足。游戏本身不影响婚姻,主要是现实生活中的问题没得到及时沟通和解决,由此引发矛盾。


