物流 开放分类: 物流、电子商务、定义、流程 目录 • 【物流的概念】 • 【物流的来源】 • 【物流的划分】 • 【现代物流】 • 【电子商务物流】 • 【物流速度】 • 【世界物流企业50强】 物流管理(Logistics Management) 物流管理的定义 物流管理(Logistics Management)是指在社会再生产过程中,根据物质资料实体流动的规律,应用管理的基本原理和科学方法,对物流活动进行计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制和监督,使各项物流活动实现最佳的协调与配合,以降低物流成本,提高物流效率和经济效益。现代物流管理是建立在系统论、信息论和控制论的基础上的。 物流管理主要有4个特点 (1)以实现客户满意为第一目标; (2)以企业整体最优为目的; (3)以信息为中心; (4)重效率更重效果。 实施物流管理的目的 实施物流管理的目的就是要在尽可能最低的总成本条件下实现既定的客户服务水平,即寻求服务优势和成本优势的一种动态平衡,并由此创造企业在竞争中的战略优势。根据这个目标,物流管理要解决的基本问题,简单地说,就是把合适的产品以合适的数量和合适的价格在合适的时间和合适的地点提供给客户。 物流管理强调运用系统方法解决问题。现代物流通常被认为是由运输、存储、包装、装卸、流通加工、配送和信息诸环节构成。各环节原本都有各自的功能、利益和观念。系统方法就是利用现代管理方法和现代技术,使各个环节共享总体信息,把所有环节作为一个一体化的系统来进行组织和管理,以使系统能够在尽可能低的总成本条件下,提供有竞争优势的客户服务。系统方法认为,系统的效益并不是它们各个局部环节效益的简单相加。系统方法意味着,对于出现的某一个方面的问题,要对全部的影响因素进行分析和评价。从这一思想出发,物流系统并不简单地追求在各个环节上各自的最低成本,因为物流各环节的效益之间存在相互影响、相互制约的倾向,存在着交替易损的关系。比如过分强调包装材料的节约,就可能因其易于破损造成运输和装卸费用的上升。因此,系统方法强调要进行总成本分析,以及避免次佳效应和成本权衡应用的分析,以达到总成本最低,同时满足既定的客户服务水平的目的。 物流管理的发展经历 物流管理的发展经历了配送管理、物流管理和供应链管理3个层次。物流管理起源于第二次世界大战中军队输送物资装备所发展出来的储运模式和技术。在战后这些技术被广泛应用于工业界,并极大地提高了企业的运作效率,为企业赢得更多客户。当时的物流管理主要针对企业的配送部分,即在成品生产出来后,如何快速而高效地经过配送中心把产品送达客户,并尽可能维持最低的库存量。美国物流管理协会那时叫做实物配送管理协会,而加拿大供应链与物流管理协会则叫做加拿大实物配送管理协会。在这个初级阶段,物流管理只是在既定数量的成品生产出来后,被动地去迎合客户需求,将产品运到客户指定的地点,并在运输的领域内去实现资源最优化使用,合理设置各配送中心的库存量。准确地说,这个阶段物流管理并未真正出现,有的只是运输管理、仓储管理和库存管理。物流经理的职位当时也不存在,有的只是运输经理或仓库经理。 现代意义上的物流管理出现在20世纪80年代。人们发现利用跨职能的流程管理的方式去观察、分析和解决企业经营中的问题非常有效。通过分析物料从原材料运到工厂,流经生产线上每个工作站,产出成品,再运送到配送中心,最后交付给客户的整个流通过程,企业可以消除很多看似高效率却实际上降低了整体效率的局部优化行为。因为每个职能部门都想尽可能地利用其产能,没有留下任何富余,一旦需求增加,则处处成为瓶颈,导致整个流程的中断。又比如运输部作为一个独立的职能部门,总是想方设法降低其运输成本,但若其因此而将一笔必须加快的订单交付海运而不是空运,这虽然省下了运费,却失去了客户,导致整体的失利。所以传统的垂直职能管理已不适应现代大规模工业化生产,而横向的物流管理却可以综合管理每一个流程上的不同职能,以取得整体最优化的协同作用。 在这个阶段,物流管理的范围扩展到除运输外的需求预测、采购、生产计划、存货管理、配送与客户服务等,以系统化管理企业的运作,达到整体效益的最大化。高德拉特所著的《目标》一书风靡全球制造业界,其精髓就是从生产流程的角度来管理生产。相应地,美国实物配送管理协会在20世纪80年代中期改名为美国物流管理协会,而加拿大实物配送管理协会则在1992年改名为加拿大物流管理协会。 一个典型的制造企业,其需求预测、原材料采购和运输环节通常叫做进向物流,原材料在工厂内部工序间的流通环节叫做生产物流,而配送与客户服务环节叫做出向物流。物流管理的关键则是系统管理从原材料、在制品到成品的整个流程,以保证在最低的存货条件下,物料畅通的买进、运入、加工、运出并交付到客户手中。对于有着高效物流管理的企业的股东而言,这意味着以最少的资本做出最大的生意,产生最大的投资回报。 国网提示:如果认为我们提供的本词条还有不当的地方欢迎批评指正。 Logistics Open Category: logistics, electronic commerce, the definition of process Contents • The concept of logistics [] • [the source of logistics -- • [of] the logistics • Modern Logistics [] • [e-commerce logistics: • Logistics [speed] • logistics enterprises in the world [50] Logistics Management (Logistics Management) The definition of logistics management Logistics Management (Logistics Management) is in the process of social reproduction, according to the material flow of information entities, the application of the basic principles of management and the scientific method, the logistics activities of planning, organization, command, coordination, control and supervision, so that all Logistics activities to achieve the best possible coordination and cooperation in order to reduce logistics costs and enhance logistics efficiency and economic benefits. Modern logistics management system is built on the theory, information theory, cybernetics and on the basis of. Logistics Management has four major characteristics of (1) in order to achieve customer satisfaction as the first target; (2) to enterprises as a whole for the purpose of optimal; (3) with information as the center; (4) more emphasis on efficient results. The purpose of the implementation of logistics management The purpose of the implementation of logistics management is to the lowest possible total cost of conditions to achieve the established level of customer service, or service advantages and seek cost advantages of a dynamic equilibrium, and thus create competitive enterprises in the strategic advantage. According to this goal, logistics management to solve the basic problem, simply put, is to the right products to fit the number and the right price at the right time and suitable sites available to customers. Logistics management systems that use methods to solve the problem. Modern Logistics normally be considered by the transport, storage, packaging, handling, processing in circulation, distribution and information constitute part of all. All have their own part of the original functions, interests and concepts. System approach is the use of modern management methods and modern technology so that all aspects of information sharing in general, all the links as an integrated system for organization and management, so that the system can be as low as possible under the conditions of the total cost, provided there Competitive advantage of customer service. Systems approach that the system is not the effectiveness of their various local links-effective simple sum. System means that, there's a certain aspects of the problem and want to all of the factors affecting the analysis and evaluation. From this idea of the logistics system is not simply the pursuit of their own in various areas of the lowest cost, because the logistics of the link between the benefits of mutual influence, the tendency of mutual constraints, there is the turn of the relationship between vulnerability. For example, too much emphasis on packaging materials savings, it could cause damage because of their easy to transport and handling costs increased. Therefore, the systems approach stresses the need to carry out the total cost analysis, and to avoid the second best effect and weigh the cost of the analysis, so as to achieve the lowest cost, while meeting the established level of customer service purposes. The development of logistics management experience The development of logistics management has experienced distribution management, logistics management and supply chain management three levels. Logistics management originated in World War II military transport supplies and equipment developed by the storage and transportation modes and technologies. After the war, these technologies are widely used in industry, and greatly improve the operational efficiency of enterprises, for enterprises to win more customers. At that time, logistics management, aimed at the distribution of the finished product that is produced, how quickly and efficiently through distribution centers to serve customers products, and as far as possible to maintain a minimum inventory. Logistics Management Association of the United States at that time called the Physical Distribution Management Association and the Canadian supply chain and logistics management is called the Canadian Association of Physical Distribution Management Association. In this initial stage, logistics management is the established number of products produced by, passively to meet the needs of customers, products will be transported to the designated locations, and in the areas of transport to achieve the most optimal use of resources, a reasonable set of distribution Center inventory. Rather, this stage of logistics management has not really there, there are only transportation management, warehousing management and inventory management. Logistics manager positions do not exist at that time, there are only the manager or warehouse manager. Modern sense of logistics management in the 1980s. People find that the use of cross-functional process management approach to observe, analyze and solve business problems in the very effective. By analyzing the material from raw materials shipped to factories and production lines running through each workstation, product output, and then transported to distribution centers, the final delivery to customers throughout the circulation process, enterprises can eliminate a lot of high-efficiency appears to have actually reduced Optimize the overall efficiency of the local acts. Because everyone wants to functional departments as far as possible use of its capacity, left no surplus, once the increased demand, everywhere a bottleneck, resulting in the suspension of the entire process. For instance the Ministry of Transport as a separate functional departments, always trying to reduce their transport costs, but its result will be a need to speed up the delivery of orders rather than shipping by air, although this saved the freight, it lost customers, resulting in The overall loss. Therefore, the traditional vertical management functions no longer suited to modern large-scale industrial production, and horizontal logistics management can be integrated management of each process on the different functions, in order to get the overall optimization of synergies. At this stage, to expand the scope of logistics management in addition to transport, the demand forecasts, procurement, production planning, inventory management, distribution and customer service, so as to systematic management of the operation of enterprises, to maximize the overall efficiency. Goldratt's The "goal" in a sweep of the global manufacturing industry, its essence is from the perspective of the production process to manage the production. Accordingly, the Physical Distribution Management Association of the United States in the mid-1980s changed its name to the United States Logistics Management Association, Canada and the Physical Distribution Management Association in 1992 changed its name to the Canadian Association of Logistics Management. A typical manufacturing enterprise, its demand forecasts, purchase of raw materials and transport links are usually called into the logistics and raw materials in the factory internal processes called the link between the flow of production logistics, distribution and customer service and called out to the logistics aspect. Logistics management is the key systems management from raw materials, finished products to the entire process to ensure that the lowest inventory conditions, the flow of buying materials, imported, processed, shipped out and delivered to the customer. For a highly efficient logistics management companies shareholders, this means that the capital to at least make the most of the business, produce the greatest return on investment. State Net: If we think of this term improperly also criticized the local welcome correction. 参考
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20世纪 80年代以来,在区域经济一体化趋势下,区域经济合作成为一种普遍的经济现象,区域问物流、商流、信息流、资金流等不断涌现,物流活动日趋频繁。如何减少物流距离、缩短物流时问、降低物流费 用,成为区域经济协调发展亟需解 决的问题。在这个背景下,区域物流 成为现代物流发展中的一个重要领 域,受到全世界的广泛关注 ,各国都 十分重视区域物流的研究。进入21 世纪,我国各级政府、产业界和理论 界高度重视并切实推进区域物流发 展,促进商品及各种要素的高效流 动和配置优化。 为实现区域经济社会的可持续 发展,要对区域物流进行统筹协调、 合理规划、整体控制,实现区域物流 各要素的系统最优 目标。区域物流 涉及物资在区域内的实体流动、区 域间的货物集敞过程 ,重点解决一 个区域内的物流系统优化 问题 ,保 障整个区域的物流活动满足生产活 动、消费生活的需要,提高区域经济 运行质量,促进区域经济协调发展。 区域物流中的“区域”是具有特 定经济意义的地区范围,电可称之 为经济区域。区域物流作为区域经 济活动的重要组成部分,是区域功 能得以发挥的有力支柱,体现区域资源的合理配置和有效利用,满足区域经济社会可持续发展的战略需要此,区域物流的价值取向是区域经济社会的协调及可持续发展。 区域物流作为区域经济社会的 个子系统,涉及区域物资的运输配 送、仓储保管、现代包装、装卸搬运、流通加工、信息处理等领域,其产生 和发展是随着社会分工协作和地区 经济专业化的发展而发展的。第一 次社会大分工后,自给自足的自然经 济仍占统治地位,商品生产和交换的 比重很小,地区间的联系很弱,一般 只在农业部落和游牧部落之问存在 零星的、分散的物资流动。第二次社 会大分工后,手工业、矿业、小规模原 材料工业、简单制造业等应运而生, 商品生产和交换不断发展,但是受交 通条件、运输条件等经济基础的制 约,物资流通范围较小。第三次社会 大分工后,出现了专门从事商品交换 的商人,商品交换向纵深发展,物资 流通日趋频繁,一个或少数几个条件 优越的地区与其他地区开始分化,产 生了一个或几个区域性的、以条件优 越地区为中心、周围地区为外围的二元结构。随着商品经济的发展,中心区经济迅速发展,对资源的需求大幅度扩张,与其他地区之间的物流联系不断加强;外围地区也逐渐得到开发 ,成为区域的次级中心,形成主中心、次中心相互衔接的多核结构区域经济。 在经济社会发展过程中,不删中心区之间的外围地区逐渐被纳入中心区的物资流通循环中,区域经济在空间上实现一体化。区域物流被融入一个统一而又相互依赖的体系之中,区域物流发展呈现网络系统化态势,深刻影响着区域工农业生产、居民生活和经济社会的正常运行。 区域经济理论强调区域经济增 长需要区域 内和区域之间的物流、商 流 、信息流、资金流。没有高效的物 资流动,就不会有增长的极化和扩散 效应,梯度推移也就不会实现;没有 物资的合理流动,就不能促进区域经 济社会的可持续发展。另一方面,区 域经济理论可以应用于物流产业的 定位分析,指导区域物流发展。例如, 将增长极理论应用到区域物流规划, 可集中在以下几个方面:物流基础设 施建设,应注 资源增长极”、“产业 增长极”和“城市增长极”有机结合, 避免重复建设;物流园区的建设,应注重增长极的诱发效应、极化效应、 渗透效应和扩散效应;重点物流园区的建设,应注重“增长极核效应”。Since the 1980s, the trend of regional economic integration, regional economic cooperation has become a common phenomenon in the economy, asked the regional logistics, business flow, information flow, capital flow, and other emerging services, logistics activities have become more frequent. How to reduce the distance between the logistics, logistics shorten the time to reduce logistics costs, as a regional economic coordinated development of the urgent need to resolve. Against this background, to become the regional logistics of modern logistics development in an important field by the world wide attention, both countries attach great importance to regional logistics. In the 21st century, our country at all levels of government, industry and the community attached great importance to theoretical and practical logistics to promote regional development and promotion of commodities and various elements of the high-performance mobile and optimize the configuration. To achieve regional sustainable economic and social development, it is necessary to carry out the logistics of the regional co-ordination, planning and reasonable, overall control, regional logistics elements of the system optimal goal. Regional logistics supplies in the region involving physical movement of goods between the regional-open process, a focus on the region's logistics optimization system to protect the region as a whole to meet the logistics activities of the production, consumption needs to increase regional economic operation quality And promoting the coordinated development of regional economy. Regional logistics of "regional" is a particular economic significance of the area, electricity can be regarded as the regional economy. Regional economic activity as a regional logistics an important part of the region is able to function effectively play the pillars of the region reflect the rational distribution of resources and effective use to meet the region's economic and social sustainable development strategy needs this, the value of regional logistics in the region Economic and social co-ordination and sustainable development. As a regional logistics sub-regional economic and social systems, involving regional distribution of goods transportation, warehousing custody, modern packaging, handling transportation, circulation processing, information processing and other fields, the emergence and development of the social division of labor with regional economic collaboration and professional And the development of development. The first division of social, economic self-sufficiency of natural still dominant, commodity production and exchange of the proportion of small, weak linkages between the region, generally in the agricultural tribes of nomadic tribes and asked the existence of sporadic, scattered supplies流动. The second major social division of labor, handicrafts, mining, small-scale industrial raw materials, simply came into being, such as manufacturing, production of goods and the continuous development of the exchange, but subject to traffic conditions, transportation and other economic conditions on the basis of constraints, the smaller the flow of goods and materials . Third social division of labor, there have been dedicated to the exchange of commodities traders, commodities exchange in-depth development, the flow of goods is becoming more frequent, or a small number of excellent conditions for the region and other parts of the division began to produce one or more regional To excellent conditions for the region as the center for the area around the periphery of the dual structure. With the development of commodity economy, the central area of rapid economic development, the demand for resources to expand substantially, and other parts of the link between the continued strengthening of the logistics; outlying areas have gradually been developed as a regional sub-centers, to form the main center Center at the interface between the multi-regional economic structure. In the economic and social development, do not delete the central area between the outlying areas have been gradually integrated into the central area of the flow of goods and materials circulation, the regional economic integration in space. Regional logistics and be integrated into a unified interdependent system, a network of regional logistics development trend of systematic and profound impact on regional industrial and agricultural production, living and the economic and social functioning. Regional economic theory emphasizes the importance of regional economic growth Chang needed in the region and between the regional logistics, business flow, information flow, the flow of funds. No efficient movement of goods, there will be no growth and spread of polarization effect, evolution will not be realized; no rational flow of goods, will not be able to promote regional economic and social sustainable development. On the other hand, the regional economic theory can be applied to the location of the logistics industry analysis, to guide the development of regional logistics. For example, Growth pole theory will be applied to the regional logistics planning, can be concentrated in the following areas: logistics infrastructure construction, resources should note growth "," growth industry "and" urban growth "organic integration in order to avoid duplication; Logistics Park The building, should pay attention to the growth induced by the effect of the polarization effects, effects of infiltration and proliferation effect; focus on the logistics park, should focus on "core growth effect."---------------------别了吃奶的力气给你找了一篇.给点分吧大哥.
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