1.《化学建材生产与应用》(60万字)(第一作者),化学工业出版社(已第二次印刷);2.《化学建材》(40万字)(第二作者), 中国建材工业出版社出版(已多次印刷); Jingang(王金刚),Zhang Shuxiang(张书香)等;Study of Cement mortars modified by emulsifier-free latexes; Cement and Concrete Composites;27(2005),920,(SCI收录);4.耿兵,张书香等. Modification of Cement Mortars by DifferentPolymer Latexes and Curing Process Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering 2006, 94:685(SCI收录);5.张书香,等.SYNTHESIS OF NANO-SIZED FLUORINE-CONTAINING POLYMER LATEX BY TFEMA-VA-SA EMULSIFIER-FREE EMULSION POLYMERIZATION ,Polymer Preprints 2006, 47(1):333(SCI收录); Li, Shuxiang Zhang等, Grafting of Maleic Anhydride onto Styrene-butadiene-styrene Tri-block Copolymer Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as a Swallow Agent. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006,102(5): 4425-4429,(SCI收录);7.张书香、徐安厚、耿兵、夏攀登、刘敏,Copolymers of 3,3,3-Trifluoropropene and Vinyl Acetate: Synthesis, characterization, and Hydrolysis;J. of Applied Polymer Science ,(SCI收录); Zhang(张书香)et al, EMULSION COPOLYMERIZATION OF VINYL ACETATE AND CHLOROTRIFLUOROETHYLENE WITH A FUNCTIONAL MONOMER SURFACTANT;Polymer Preprints: (2)732-733 (SCI收录); Zhang(张书香)et al,Modification of Cement Mortars by Fluorated Polymer Latex ;Polymer materials Science and Engineering, Aug 2004, , 1039-1040; (SCI、Ei收录); Shuxiang(张书香)et al, Water States in SBR Based Water swelling Rubber ,Chinese Journal of POLYMER SCIENCE, 1998,16(4):345(SCI收录、EI收录);11.张书香等,Vac/DMC无皂乳液聚合动力学,高分子学报,2003.(6):875,(SCI收录);12.张书香等,Vac与DMC共聚合制备正离子无皂乳液,合成橡胶工业,2002,(6),(EI收录);13.王金刚、张书香(通讯联系人)等,Vac/DMC无皂乳液改性水泥砂浆研究;硅酸盐学报2002,(4),(EI收录);14.刘敏、张书香(通讯联系人)等,超临界二氧化碳中CTFE和Vac共聚物的合成及性能,高分子材料科学与工程,2008,,,38-41;15. Li, .; Zhang, (张书香).; Zheng, .; et al. Grafting of Maleic Anhydride onto Styrene-butadiene-styrene Tri-block Copolymer Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as a Swallow Agent. Journal of Applied Polymer Science2006, 102, 4425-4429;16. Li, . Zhang, . Zheng(张书香), . et al. Copolymerization of Styrene and Maleic Anhydride in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Applied Polymer Science2007, 104, 3332-3336.;17. Li, .; Zhang, .(张书香); Zheng, .; et al. Grafting of Acrylic Acid onto Styrene-butadiene-styrene Tri-block Copolymer in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. China Synthetic Rubber Industry2006, 29, 148;18. Li, .; Zhang, .; Zheng(张书香), . Preparation of Styrene-butadiene-styrene Graft Copolymer with Micro-nano Surface Structure in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. China Synthetic Rubber Industry2008, 31, 72.;19.李春生, 张书香. 超临界CO2中马来酸酐与苯乙烯的聚合. 高分子材料科学与工程 2006, 22(5), 95-97.;20.李春生, 郑安呐, 张书香等. SBS与MMA在超临界CO2中的接枝反应. 华东理工大学学报2006, 32(6), 724-727.;21.李春生, 张书香等. 超临界CO2中PP与MMA的接枝反应. 中国塑料2006, 20(1), 79-82.;22.周春华,刘威,张书香等,1Fe3O4/P(NaUA-St-BA) 核-壳纳米磁性复合粒子的合成与表征*,《高分子学报》 2005.(4);23.周春华、张书香、刘威,丁苯胶乳接枝醋酸乙烯酯共聚改性的研究,《高分子材料科学与工程》 (1),58;24、Mu zonggang,Liu weimin,Zhang shuxiang,Functional Room-temperature Ionic Liquids as Lubricants for an Aluminum-on-Steel System,Chemistry Letters VOL。33,No。5(2004);25.刘长欣、孔祥正、张书香等,Derivation of copolymer composition equation through Kinetic theory in binary copolymerisation systems with antepenultimate effect, J. Macromol. Sci-chem,,(1991);(共发表学术论文80多篇)