名牌大学原创论文发送,内容涉及到文学,翻译,语言学,教育学,商务英语等诸方面,绝对原创,题目如下:1, The Old Man and The Sea2, 论学前儿童的语言教育3, 企业文化与企业经营业绩关系探讨4, 浅析英语双关5, 浅析英语委婉语6, 英语称谓词的性别含义7, China’s Strengths and Weaknesses in the World Economy8, Comments on the Tragedy of Hamlet9, Coping With the Culture Problems in Teaching Foreign Languages10, Errors in language learning and use11, Globalization brings healthy economic development to the developing nations12, Multinational Corporations Help China Develop Its Economy13, The Beauty in the Works of John Keats14, The rise and influence of DIY in western youth15, 浅谈中西方非语言交际中身体语言16, 浅谈商务广告翻译及应用