你提的问题确实有点困难,花了我好大功夫,查了好多资料才把你的论文翻译过来,不过你说的翻译是要翻译成英文吧?我只懂英文哦!言归正传,以下是我的翻译*^_^*:Objective: to search for optimum reaction conditions in the synthesis of isatin deriva tives. Method: by sandmeyer synthesis m ethod to replace the aniline as substrates with chloral hydrate, hydroxylamine hydr ochloride instead of oxime of acetyl anilin e was synthesized by sulfuric acid to mak e the closed-loop system to replace the is atin. At to 8 o. Results: the to tal yield of 5 instead of isatin, with of the total yield have seven instead of isa tin, at - of the total yield of f our instead of isatin is obtained. The prep aration technology was optimized and the optimum reaction conditions were determ ined: reaction temperature is 85 ℃, reacti on time is ~ h。【大功告成!希望楼主采纳哦!很辛苦咧!】其实英文还是挺好的(^_^)Y